Possible To Color Certain Entries? Exclude Filter? Print Options?

Jul 12, 2005

OK, Im new to access, and have a database of 210,000 people.

I have to fit a lot of data printing sideways. Also in a certain format...

First thing...

There is a field that may contain RKS with other info or RKS alone. These must all be red along with the addresses, but thats it. But when I change the font color it changes the whole database. Thats it.

Other thing... I want to do a sort of exclude filter? We need to do some printing... again with the rsk, but we want to exclude anything that has rks in a specific field.

The last thing is print options/page setup...

I want to condense it as much as possible from left to right so al the needed information can be printed.

Here is how we want it printed...

__________________________________________________ ______________
Street here, house # | then other information in approated columns here
customer #, name here |

the problem is, street address, house number, customer number, first and last name are all in different columns.

is there anyway i can print it this way?

also the column names need to be extended downwards? some of the names are too long

like |This is column a| but we want

|this is |
|column a|

so it isnt as wide. and I can fit more columns on the page.

Thanks a lot for your help, I only have 2 hours to get this.

Martin Seidl

Oh yeah, if it helps, Im stuck with access in german :(

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How To Hide Or Disable Print Or Quick Print Options

Dec 4, 2014

I have a form which my company wanted that each single record should be printed from form. I made a print record button and put code to print single page or record. However as a natural habit people go to file > print to print which leads printing all records so 1000's records start printing. Is there any way i can hide print button. File >Print button.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Filter And Exclude With Check Box?

Aug 14, 2014

I have the following code which builds a filter on my form which i can then generate a report from.

However id like to add a check box to exclude rather than include a certain [Error_Type] which is "Wrong Batch" and im not sure how id do it..

the vba i have so far is as follows

Private Sub cmdFilterConvErrors_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yy#"
If Not IsNull(Me.txtqccheckby) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Error_QC_By] = """ & Me.txtqccheckby & """) AND "


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Print Options

Feb 17, 2005

I ned to create a form that asks the user which reports they want to preview/print. I see it as a set of tick boxes with one saying all, then a print button. Im not really sure though, can someone offer some advise or maybe an example?

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Word Merge Print Options

Feb 9, 2006

I have the below code behind a button to merge and print into MSWord and it's working wonderfully. However, how can I modify it to print 1 copy of page one, TWO copies of page 2 and one copy of page 3?

Private Sub Print_Reconsideration_Click()
Dim objWord As Word.Application
'Start Microsoft Word 2000.
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

With objWord
'Make the application visible.
.Visible = False

'Open the document.
.Documents.Open ("G:PharmacyPrior Auth Docs and DataRevised Pharmacy Denial Processes

'Move to each bookmark and insert text from the form.
.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRFirst))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRLast))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MemberNumber))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRAddress1))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRCity))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRState))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!ZipCode))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!DrugName2))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!Strength))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!DateReceivedbyPlan))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!DateReceivedbyPlan))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MDNameFirst))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MDLastName2))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!Credential))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRFirst))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRLast))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MDNameFirst))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MDLastName2))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!Credential))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRFirst))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRLast))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRAddress1))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRCity))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MBRState))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!ZipCode))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MDAddress1))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MDCity))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MDState))

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmDenial!MDZip))
End With

'If a field on the form is empty, remove the bookmark text, and
If Err.Number = 94 Then
objWord.Selection.Text = ""
Resume Next

End If
objWord.Application.Options.PrintBackground = False
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End Sub

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Filter Query Combobox Options

May 11, 2015

I created a form that has about 8 different filter options that can be used to filter a query. I used the filter by form table to set it all up and I can get each of them to work individually as well as 2 work together... but as soon as I added the information for the 3rd, I stopped getting results... in fact nothing happens. Even with the code for all 3 and selecting just 1 option, nothing happens any more. I have

cbopersonnel that is supposed to look up values in 4 different personnel columns
cboshift that looks up all shift work
cboworkdef that looks up what the job was (just a title)

Having just 2 in the filter by form works great, but adding 3 screws everything up. And I'm not talking about selecting all three (I know that would limit the output more) but I mean, with all 3 setup and selecting shift as "nights"... nothing gets filtered anymore. I have cbopersonnel on "look for" tab and everything else is on the next "or" tab. I tried to set it up on individual tabs but access combined it. I also tried adding cboshift to the "or" tab with everything else and access sent it back to "look for". All of the cbo references are under their respective search area... so in the table, the shift column has the cboshift lookup value. Is it just because I'm not using quotes around the cbo output? That doesn't make sense to me though. Anyway below is the lookup value for the cboshift.

[Forms]![Log Book Lookup]![cboshift]

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Modules & VBA :: Filter By Form With Multiple Options

Jul 23, 2014

I am using Select Case to filter a form on open and it works fine when I have this:


Case Is = 2
Forms![Open Opportunities List].Form.Filter = "[Employee] = 4"
Forms![Open Opportunities List].Form.FilterOn = True

But if I want the form to open filtering multiple employee records, like this:

Case Is = 6
Forms![Open Opportunities List].Form.Filter = "[Employee] = 2 & " And 9 & " And 10 & " And 11
Forms![Open Opportunities List].Form.FilterOn = True

I get a type mismatch error and I am stumped as to why and how to overcome.

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Forms :: Cascading Combobox To Filter Options That Can Be Entered Into Second Combo Box

Jul 31, 2014

I'm trying to use a cascading combo box to filter the options that can be entered into a second combo box.

In frmBabies, a Mode of Delivery is selected from 8 options. 4 of these are "normal" deliveries and 4 are caesarean sections.

A second combo box selects the Indication for Operative Delivery. The table tblIndOpDel contains options for normal as well as caesareans. I would like to filter the indications so that the user cannot enter an indication for normal delivery for a caesarean section.

Both tblIndOpDel and tblDelMode have a foreign key to tblDelModeCat, which categories deliveries as normal or caesarean.

I'm stuck on how to proceed from here. Sample database attached.

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Local Table And ODBC Linked Table Don't Have Same Filter Options

Dec 31, 2014

In a local DB table or a data grid view, the columns have an arrow at the top next to the name. When the arrow is clicked, all the entries in that column are displayed with check boxes. They are listed underneath the "sort" and "text filter" options. I am working on a DB project with ODBC linked tables instead of a local access table.

My linked table does not have this same functionality. It is missing the names with check boxes where I can select individual entries. I don't know the correct terminology for this functionality I am describing. That makes searching tough. What this is called and why the tables would be different.

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Forms :: Filter Combobox Continuous Form And Print

Mar 3, 2014

I have almost completed creating a continuous form which I want users to be able to filter though the records based on to/from date, badgenum and a response string.

I then want to have a button, btnSelect, that will select the remaining records and open a report based off only the remaining records.

1.) Everything on the continuous form works except when trying to filter a combo box, cboBadge, field name "BadgeNum". BadgeNum is data type "short text". I have modified the code below from the following Allen Browne link. It keeps throwing a debug on me.Filter = strWhere at the bottom of the btnFilter sub.

2.) As far as the btnSelect and printing remaining records, I guess I'm not sure where to start.. I currently have another print button that will print individual records only which works fine.

[URL] ....

Private Sub btnFilter_Click()
Dim strWhere As String 'The criteria string.
Dim lngLen As Long 'Length of the criteria string to append to.
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#" 'The format expected for dates in a JET query string.

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Print Report Based On Filter From Navigation Form

Aug 7, 2013

I am using the Navigation form and I have a tab that has all the sales quotes for a particular salesperson. Because my salespeople like to work with paper I have created sub tabs which contain a report with the same information but filtered based as follows: this Month, this year, and Last year. This report needs to be printable based on the filtered information so I created a print button within the report however when clicked it prints the entire report not the filtered report.

The filter criteria is located in the navigation button, navigation where under the data properties. I have the on click event of the button set to open the report in print preview but I need to know how I filter the where in the macro to read the criteria from the active navigation button property?

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Creating Two Tables - Old Entries And Weekly New Entries?

Mar 13, 2014

I have a table in access which is updated weekly; I need to create two tables from this updated table.

1st table will consist of all the new entries for the current week

2nd table will consist of all the entries from the previous week - an amalgamation of all the entries which are not from the "current week" (table) For example; the table below shows the two entries from last week.




This week I have three new entries New entries




So when I run the same query next week I will get something like this.

Old Entries






How do I get a query /queries which divides up the weeks new entries and also all the old entries.

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Query To Exclude A Value

Sep 10, 2007

I am trying to run a query to show who has not paid for an item. I have a column in my table labeled "check amount". It is set as currency under data type. The default value that is put in if I have not entered a value, is $0.00. How do I run a query that excludes the $0.00 value?



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Query To Exclude Weekends....

Jun 30, 2005

Hello I am new to this site as well as MS Access and SQL. So any help would be appreciated. Sorry if this is too drawn out. I have this query that returns the previous business day's(Monday through Friday) number of docs sent from my department to another department. I would manually go into the SQL view in Access and change the date to yesterday. The easy part was having the code do the previous day. The problem comes Monday morning when the code does the previous day. It will do Sunday which will return nothing since I really want Friday's numbers. I am trying to figure out how to take into consideration if the query is run on Monday morning and to automatically choose Friday. I checked out DayOfWeek() and Case When condition statements but really unsure about syntax and whatnot. Here is the SQL view of the query...


Thanks in advance.

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Exclude Subform From Printing

Sep 19, 2005

Need to know if there is a way to exclude a subform from printing when I print forms?

Here's what I'm trying to do - Have a form that contains multiple subforms that are linked back to the master form. One of these subforms is a memo which they would like to see on the "preliminary or draft" copy of this form but would like to exclude it from the "final" copy.

I would think there is some why to do it but I'm stumped at the moment.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Exclude Dates From Query Result

Sep 21, 2006

Hi all, I have a query with a field with dates, what is the code I have to put to have as result all the records where the date is empty?

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Copy Table But Exclude A Column

Apr 11, 2008


Here's a brain-teaser for you all.

I want to create a copy of a table which I do using the code below.

SELECT * INTO My_Temp_Table FROM My_Table WHERE ColumnA = 100

Great, all works well.... but I want to exclude a column when the temp table is being built. I know I could specify all the columns I want leaving out the undesired column (rather than using SELECT *) but there are lots of them and, whilst in development, the table columns are liable to change. So I'd like to copy all coumns that are in force at any given time except one in particular?

I thought it would be something like :-

SELECT * INTO My_Temp_Table FROM My_Table WHERE ColumnA = '100' AND Columnname NOT LIKE 'ColumnB';

But this doesn't work.

Any ideas please?

Many Thanks

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Exclude Null Values In Query

Dec 21, 2004

I have made a query from a table to count something.
Now, I dont know how to exclude the null value to the new query.

Query Name: School
Field: Sch_No, Sch_Name, Subject1, Sum1, Subject2, Sum2, Subject3, Sum3, Subject4, Sum4, Subject5, Sum5

After run this query, there is a field(Subject4) has a null value.
Before I make a nice report, I have to exclude Subject4 & Sum4. And this will make Subject5 the fourth subject without displaying Subject4 & Sum4.

I hope anybody can help me..i dont know how

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Queries :: Exclude Data Using A Table?

Jul 11, 2010

if you have a table of data (for example, where I have a long list of investors who should not show up in my queries and I don't want to try typing a very long list in a query's IN statement).

So, I created a "Quick Tutorial" to show how easy it is to use a table to exclude data from a query.

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Queries :: Exclude Records Before Date?

Jun 21, 2013

I have an access 2010 contacts database with 736 entries and I need a simple query to filter out entries after 1/03/2013. The date is entered by the Date Picker and there is no Input Mask set. I am using d/mm/yyyy in the table. The query I am trying design displays FirstName, LastName and DateAdmitted, I need to filter out all entries admitted after 1/03/2013. I have used <#1/03/2013# as the criteria and that returns over 49,000 entries in instead of about 700 entries.And I thought this was going tobe easy!!

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Queries :: How To Exclude Non-integers In Query

Jul 29, 2013

I need to exclude non-integers in my query and have forgotten how to do this.

What i need to put into the criteria field within my query to to this?

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Queries :: Exclude Where Columns Match

Jan 23, 2014

I have a table that lists Cost Center, Partner, and Cost. I need a query to sum the cost when Cost Center and Partner do not match. How can I write that expression?

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Queries :: Exclude Zero From Average Query

May 21, 2013

I made a query to calculate the average of a column, suppose that I have 5 records in that column (46,35,0,19.3,12), when the query calculate the average it sums the total of the column and divide by 5 (that's 112/5 = 22.4), what I need the query to do is to divide by 4 because one record is zero (that's 112/4=28). I put in the criteria the following (Not Is Null And <>0), yes this will not show the column that has zero but it still divide by 5.

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Forms :: How To Exclude Items From A ComboBox

Nov 29, 2013

How do I exclude something from a ComboBox?

My form is a profile of a dog and contains a Dog_ID. The ComboBox is a list of dogs names and shows all the females I want it to show all the females less the female that it is being linked with.

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Forms :: Exclude Object From Read Only?

Dec 16, 2013

possible to exclude certain boxes when a form is set to read only?My database essentially has 4 user levels (Developer, Admin, User and Guest), and whenever a Guest opens up a form, the form opens as Read Only and a message box displays telling you this. However on most of these forms, there are search boxes which allows you go straight to a specific record, but they don't modify any data, but because the form is read only, I can't type in these comboboxes. So is there anyway to exclude these boxes from being read only?

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Modules & VBA :: Exclude String From Wildcard

Oct 17, 2013

I have:

Code: Kill "Z:Client_Reports" & [websiteID] & "" & LEFT([Forms]![frm x main]![month name], 3) & "*"

This has been working fine - all the files that meet that criteria are deleted, but now I need the option to exclude a particular file from those to be deleted: the particular file would be identified by having some specific text in its filename. So for example I need to be able to delete all files meeting the criteria EXCEPT any files that have the string "summary" as part of the filename.

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