Queries :: Categorize A Field In Employee Database

Apr 16, 2014

I have a requirement to categorize a field in the employee database.

The requirement is: for any given user designation, if the total number is 10 or more, I need the actual designation itself as the output. However, if a particular designation in the organization is less than 10 in total, the output should be 'Misc - and the grade'.

Also, this will need to be done for each grade as well. For example, though the staff designation 'Software Engineer' count is 15, the designation is present across two grades A and B. So, in the output, for the staff with Grade A will show the actual designation as the count is 11, and for Grade B staff with the desgination 'Software Engineer', since the count is 4, it should display the output as 'Misc - Grade B'.

I would like to achieve this in MS Access 2010.

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Queries :: Creating Employee Database To Record Related Information?

May 9, 2013

i have been trying to create an employee database to record:

1. Name , Address
2. Telephone
3. Date of birth
4. employee ID#
5. Emergency contact -name, address, telephone
6. Photograph
7. Other pertinent information related to employees

So far I have incorporated the contacts database forms into my new database but I am unable to link the forms into one form that will incorporate all the information needed. Is there an existing employee database that I may edit to suit my purposes?

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Queries :: Categorize Time Between Shipping And Repair Date

Apr 2, 2013

I have a repairs db that records [serial number] and [date in for repair], and other info.

I've been asked to make a report to summarize the number of units [serial number] that come back for repair by time interval between [ship date] and the first [date in for repair].

the [serial number] and [ship date] are in a linked excel file table which contains unique [serial number] entries.

The [serial number] and [date in for repair] are in the access table, there may be multiple [serial number]s entered with different [date in for repair] as in repaired multiple times.

1st query: I want to list all the [serial numbers] in the access table with only the earliest [date in for repair] returned.

2nd query: then I need to compare the 1st query results list of [serial numbers] and [date in for repair]to the excel table list of [serial numbers] and [ship dates],

I've found the =DateDiff('d'[ship date],[date in for repair])

I haven't done a query with two data sources before and not sure how to go about getting the DateDiff for each serial number

Once I get results from the DateDiff, for each serial number, I am comfortable handling the Sum(IIf statements to summarize the results and do the serial number range select criteria in the form.

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Employee Database

Sep 22, 2006

I'm trying to create a database in Access to track various employee data for the company I work for. We have about 44 employees. There are about 7 different groups of data our poor secretary now has to keep up with. These include: a list of the employees, with name, address, phone, etc. A handmade form with salary information like current wage, raises and when they were given, etc. A bonus section, how much and when. A list with attendance information including tracking missed days and tardies. A list of temporary employees and when their incremental reviews are due. There are other lists we use and others we are thinking of starting having to do with training, etc. It’s too much to keep up with manually now.
One of my questions is: can there be one table with the basic employee information that other tables can access without having to enter the same names again into other tables? (Why enter all those names more than once)? My other question has to do with linking tables together, I just can’t seem to grasp the concept even after reading two Access training books on the subject. I made a simpler database for another project and gave up on linking tables and the database seems to work just fine.
Any help is appreciated and sorry for the long post.

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Employee Scheduling Database

Feb 24, 2008

Dear Access Expert.

I would like to create a Scheduling database for employees. The database would include:

- list all of the employees
-tabs to look at schedule for this week, 1 week from now, 2weeks from now, 3 weeks from now, long term (1-2 months), etc
-small comment section within each day for the guys to enter some comments...e.g. dentist at 10, holidays, etc

There has to be something like this already out there that I can modify and work with. Is there anything like this already in the NorthWind Database that comes with Access? What about some free examples Access developers made?

What about Outlook? Can I modify Outlook and use VBA somehow to accomplish this? Outlook is basically on an account basis so I don't know if I could tailor it to my 30+ employee database.

Thank you very much for your input.

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Employee Tracking Database

Aug 3, 2005

Would like to hear from anyone that has designed a database that can be used to track employee compensation on a year to year basis. I am current designing a database to do just that but I'm having a hard time deciding on how to setup the tables. What they use this for is yearly reviews so I need it to be able to pull data from prior years and the current year. I've designed one but don't think its going to work for me. Just interested to see if and how someone has done the same thing.


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Employee Absense/Holidays Database

Aug 11, 2005

Hi all,

I am stuck where to start and wanted some advise. I want to create a database that captures whether employees are late, sick, holidays etc.

So i would have a list of employees, then create a new records in another table to store what type of reason it is, (late, sick, holidays etc.), and then the directors can monitor employee sickness. But what i would to do is to be a bit clever about it though in 2 ways.

Against the employee they would have a number of allocated holidays against them, but i just wanted the user to enter the start and end date, and then get access to work out how many holidays days need to be taken off, i.e. it does not included weekends or bank holidays....

Also in the sickness report, work out how many single days where taken on either a Monday or Friday....

Has anyone done or seen an access database that can do this already.

I know there is a calendar addin, but i've not used it...

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Creating Employee Database For A Client?

Oct 16, 2012

I am creating an employee database for a client. The employee table has a performance column for each employee, and my client wants to be able to choose from four performance codes - Excellent, Good, Average, and Poor. They want to choose these descriptions instead of typing them in each time. How can I make this happen?

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Calendar Database To Track Employee Leave

Sep 14, 2013

Trying to modify this calendar database to track employee leave. I need the calendar form (frmCalendar) to show all employee leave on the calendar using the "Show All" command button on click event. This works if I specify a uID (UserID from employee table) in the code, but only for that specific employee. I need all employees at the same time up on the calendar so I can see if there is more than one employee off on any given day.

Events or leave is populated on the form through "Private Sub DisplayEvents" and the mdlCalendar module.

Using Access 2010

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General :: Custom Security Permissions For Employee Database

Nov 28, 2012

I was wondering if it is possible to create custom security permissions in access. For example I have created an employee database, with security. I would like to have it when a manager logs on, it will only display his employee's information and no other departments. Is this possible?? In one of the tables is a field for the department the employee works on, can it based off of a table field?

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General :: Logging Activity Of Each Employee In Company Database

Dec 11, 2013

Just a question, I am developing a database for the company I work for and being new to Access, I have successfully made a login menu when the database starts up. The employee selects there name and begins data entry. Is there any way to log the activity of each employee, which records they inputted, date and time and so on?

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Forms :: Employee Training Database - Generate A Class Roster?

Jul 3, 2013

I am building a database for employee training. In the FrmNewTrainingGroup I am trying to create a form that will allow selection of a single class, a completion date, one or more instructors (or none at all) and a list of students by LName, FName, MI, EMP#. in my latest attempt, I have tried using a query of the TblEmployee to act as a go between, and dropped a subform into the FrmNewTrainingGroup, and that is not working.

Trying to get the student roster to work has been frustrating. I have been attempting to make it a check box select list that is also searchable by LName and FName [which would perhaps display a reduced list of names, as the name was typed?. This list would update a class roster text box to reflect all the selected employees for training so far, prior to the class being committed (I am planning on a button on the form).

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Autofill Field With Employee

Dec 23, 2005

Hello all!

Ok, lets get down straight to the point.

What i want to achieve is that when i login that automaticly the name has been filled in on every form.

I have a login form. I put my name in there like "Michiel" and ofcourse the password. After that its going automaticly to the mainpage. In that mainpage i want to create a field that automaticly filles in my name (so if somebody else log in that their name will be filled in). After that i want when i go the incident form that automaticly the employee form has been filled in. (The person that at the moment is logged in that his name automaticly been filled in) Ive tried various ways to achieve this goal but nothing worked.

Im not that very expert in Access but im trying to understand and learning pieces by pieces the Access world. So if somebody could help me because im getting desperate! Thanks in advance all! :D



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Queries :: Lookup Previous Value For Employee

Aug 9, 2015

I currently have a table where we are logging a task number against a date and time for each employees to track activity.What I am looking to do is in a query have access lookup the previous reference number for the employee before the date/time of the individual record but on the same day

Staff 1 08/08/2015 12:00 Task Ref: 1234
Staff 1 09/08/2015 14:00 Task Ref: 3456
Staff 1 09/08/2015 15:00 Task Ref: 7891

to show something like
Staff 1 08/08/2015 12:00 Ref:1234 Previous Ref: Null
Staff 1 09/08/2015 14:00 Ref: 3456 Previous Ref: Null
Staff 1 09/08/2015 15:00 Ref: 7891 Previous Ref: 3456

Fields are
DTActStart - this is when task started
DTActEnd - this is when activity ended
Task ID - Reference for task (unique field)

I've tried seaching forums (Used DMax and Lookup) but doesnt find the most recent record before the in view record/I'm thinking a query is the best way so that when Print a report of tasks run of tasks will then show

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Queries :: Query For All Employee Movements?

Feb 22, 2015

i have

Movements_during_qry ------ movments to all employee during day

Movements_qry------- which including arrival in morning and departure in end day

How I combine two queries in one query to show data


In day 05/02/2015 show employee 1 show all movements and arrival (from 2 queries)

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Categorize Same Type In Report

Aug 6, 2013

See my program: test.mdb

How to categorize same type in report? I mean I have two "prt1" in form, now in report show it like this:



4 | 2
2 | 1





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Queries :: Calculating Working Hours Of Employee

Apr 3, 2013

We are trying to find a way to have a query figure out when the hours of an employee reach 40 hours (Overtime) and figure the hours correctly. The Data Entry table contains the basic fields:

[Workdate].....The date the work was done
[WEDate].......The Week Ending Date. Always on Sunday, and calculated like this "[WorkDate]-Weekday([WorkDate]-1)+7"
[Employee].....Employee Name
[Qty].............# of hours worked that day
[RegHours].....Blank, to be updated by query
[OTHours]......Blank, to be updated by query

The problem we are running into is getting it to update the daily running totals (using the [WEDate] & [employee] as the "Group Bys"). We'd like use an update query to fill in the to blank fields with the correct calculations.

Example - Working 6 day week, at 9 Hours per day in the [Qty] field


We have tried several things to get it to compute this field and haven't had much luck.

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Queries :: DSUM - Calculating Monthly Tasks Given To Employee

Dec 6, 2013

I have a query, i need to get dsum of total task given to an employee.

I have grouped task_description and select count and it is now showing each employee as 1 which is correct.. i ma looking to get dsum based on this task count but with a criteria that i want to see these tasks sum month a have a month field which i get from assigned date the month field is showing like this december-2013.

Based on this i want to calculate dsum as first to see task count which i mentioned earlier, then employee id which is in query as ID and then month.. this sum will calculate monthly tasks given to each employee.

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Queries :: Creating Query With Single Line Per Employee

Mar 28, 2013

I currently have a database that has the following tables:


The [t_Changes] tracks what cost centers the employee is in with a start date and end date:


I want to run a query that will show a single line per employee, and different columns for each of the cost centers the employee was in. If the employee was in 3 different cost centers, the query would have 4 columns (1 for the employee, 1 for the first cost center, 1 for the second cost center, 3 for third cost center).

I saw another thread to linked to a concatenate example by Allen Browne, but that places multiple values in a single cell. I want different columns per cost center.

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Queries :: Summing A Field In A Sub-database?

Mar 27, 2013

I have a table called Products which has a field called "Product ID" and a few others. I have another table called "Sales", which has a field called "Sales Date".

There will be different dates where the products are sold. Here's my problem: I'm trying to make a query to find out which products make the most sales. However, doing so will also display the products separately by their sales dates. So for example, it'll show...

Product #10 / Jan 1, 2013 / 100 Sales
Product #10 / Jan 14, 2013 / 21 Sales
Product #10 / Feb 11, 2013 / 44 Sales
Product #11 / Jan 5, 2013 / 201 Sales
Product #11 / Mar 13, 2013 / 444 Sales

I'd like the products to be together so product #10 would give 165 sales for example. In the Query, Product ID from both tables are connected.

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Queries :: Populating New Field In Existing Database

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to add a new email field to my existing database of 900 employees. I have imported an excel worksheet of email addresses into a new table that has lastname, firstname, employee#, email. The primary key on the new table is email. The primary key on the employee table is employee#, and there is a new field titled email.

The email field in both tables are text fields. In running an append query, it either adds 900 to 27000 additional fields of email only or it says cannot complete because of key code violations. On the join properties I have clicked on #3 all records from source to only equal fields of destination.

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Queries :: TV Episode Database - Numbering Field

Jun 13, 2014

I have a TV Episode database. In the database I want to number each episode of a show. How do I autonumber a show's episodes when sorted by season then episode and have the autonumber restart at 1 when it hits a new show title?

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Queries :: Database Of References - Querying Two Values From Same Field

Aug 23, 2013

I'm quite new to Access and have inherited a database from a colleague. It is a database of references from which we have extracted pesticide active ingredient, pest species and crop species using forms. I am trying to create a query that will allow us to search and return unique active ingredient x pest x crop species combinations (but which will return all instances of this combination).

The complication is that the pest and crop species names are within the same field ('taxa'). They are distinguished by a label ('pest' or 'crop') in an associated field ('PestorPredator'), but a query using 'OR' will only return a crop OR pest, whilst a query using 'AND' will return no records (because something can't be a pest AND and crop).

I want to be able to create a table that shows the active ingredient, associated pest species AND the associated crop species each in separate columns. We have tried a couple of methods, including UNION and UNION ALL....

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Queries :: Filling Blank Field Into All Records Of Database

Nov 22, 2013

I am working with an inherited database. When this database was created, a large amount of data was imported. Over the course of time, I have added additional fields for tracking information. One such field is "Date Started."

Unfortunately, there are almost 500 records without this information and that is skewing some report results.

I would like to do is insert the date of 9/9/1999 into all records that have no data in this field. (This date is well before the creation of the database and would serve to indicate old records, whether or not they are still active.) Copy and pasting isn't working, and I can't do a find and replace, since there's nothing to find.

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Forms :: How To Categorize Quarters Based On Start Date And End Date

Jun 23, 2015

I have a DB with Start Date (dd.mm.yyyy), End Date (dd.mm.yyyy) and Quarters. We have 4 Quarters (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sep, Oct-Dec) and extra columns of month (xxx) and year (yyyy) too.

The problem is the front end users have access permissions to modify the dates. if they change the start date and end date then they are manually gonna change other fields like quarter, month and year too (Which they don't want). The users don't need to manually update the column values for Quarter, Month and Year

For Example,

If the user modifies Start Date to: 22.05.2014 and End Date to: 24.06.2014 (then the quarter column should be fixed to 2nd quarter and month should be June and year should be 2014).

2nd Example: We need to consider the End Date for classifying the quarters, Month and Year

If the Start Date is: 22.05.2014 and End Date is: 24.12.2014 (then the quarter column should be fixed to 4th quarter and month should be December and year should be 2014).

The solution is when ever the front end user modifies the dates then automatically the quarter, month and year columns need to be changed.

Sample piece of Access data sheet with just 3 examples. Column names Start date, End date, Quarter, Month, Year.

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How To Categorize Quarters Based On Start Date And End Date

Jun 23, 2015

I have a DB with Start Date (dd.mm.yyyy), End Date (dd.mm.yyyy) and Quarters. We have 4 Quarters (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sep, Oct-Dec) and extra columns of month (xxx) and year (yyyy) too.

The problem is the front end users have access permissions to modify the dates. if they change the start date and end date then they are manually gonna change other fields like quarter, month and year too (Which they don't want). The users don't need to manually update the column values for Quarter, Month and Year

For Example,

If the user modifies Start Date to: 22.05.2014 and End Date to: 24.06.2014 (then the quarter column should be fixed to 2nd quarter and month should be June and year should be 2014).

2nd Example: We need to consider the End Date for classifying the quarters, Month and Year

If the Start Date is: 22.05.2014 and End Date is: 24.12.2014 (then the quarter column should be fixed to 4th quarter and month should be December and year should be 2014).

The solution is when ever the front end user modifies the dates then automatically the quarter, month and year columns need to be changed.

Need sample piece of Access data sheet with just 3 examples. Column names Start date, End date, Quarter, Month, Year.

I will see the logic and will sort it out.

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