Queries :: DISTINCT COUNT Of Name If Total Number Of Items Greater Than 0

Jan 29, 2014

I have 2 tables linked with a 1 to many relationship by NAME. Tables look like this....


Walmart 12 Nowhere
Target 14 Somewhere
Lowes 10 Anywhere
Sears 16 Nowhere


Walmart 4 1/4/14
Walmart 2 1/5/14
Target 0 1/5/14
Lowes 3 1/5/14
Sears 1 1/5/14
Sears -1 (returned to store) 1/6/14

I want a DISTINCT COUNT of [NAME] if Total[NUMBER OF ITEMS]>0, so the correct number will be 2 in the example.

This is one way I've tried to write the SQL, but I keep getting an error...


I also tried an Count(IiF( and can't get that to work either..

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Count The Distinct Items

Jun 3, 2007

Hello all,
I am new to this forum. I have this problem where I need to sort the 4 books in the tables below according to the highest quantity of book sold.In this scenario,
Book C would be 1st in the table with a total quantity of 8.
How do I write a query in access to perform such operation. I have to use DISTINCT to get each book and also count the quantity(e.g. Book C:5+8).
But it seems that I can't use Count and distinct together in Access.

Title SalesNo Quantity
BookB 31
BookC 45
BookC 53
BookD 6 1

Hope u all can help!

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Queries :: Count Total Number Of Records

Dec 18, 2013

I am wanting to display in a text box or on my report the total number or records in my database. Also I have some buttons that filter the results a little, I'm wanting to display the number after I hit the button(s). Would I just add the query to the end of each button I have?

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Queries :: Count Same And Differences / Calculate Percentage Of Number Of Same Over Total Amount

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying to count how many of the "same" and "differences", as well as calculate the percentages of the number of "same" over the total amount. To clarify, I work at a nursing home, and I need to calculate the number of people who were admitted to our facility and then to the hospital for the same diagnosis, and a different diagnosis. Then, out of the total number of people who were admitted to the hospital from our facility, I need to calculate how many of those people had the same diagnosis or a different diagnosis.

Also, I need to categorize these diagnosis by each type of diagnosis.

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Queries :: Distinct Count In Subquery

Jun 3, 2015

Extended Cost] and salestran.[Extended Price] for each salestran.[SKU Code/Number], Count the number of unique customers, salestran.[Customer Code/Number], per SKU for any transactions equal to or after salestran.[Transaction Date] 11/1/2014.

Problem is, doing a regular count on the Customer field returns an incorrect value. It counts the number of times the sku appears within the given date range, ie 6 transactions with 2 customers, my count says 6. I need a distinct count on the customer, for the above example I want to see 2. Here is the code I have so far which yields an error of "At most one record can be returned.." distinct count in my Select statement along with the other fields I want to see, ie Summary data and SKU.

SELECT Salestran.[SKU Code/Number], (SELECT COUNT(cd.[Customer Code/Number]) AS Count FROM (SELECT Distinct [SKU Code/Number], [Customer Code/Number] FROM Salestran) as cd GROUP BY cd.[SKU Code/Number]) AS [Number of Customers]
FROM Salestran
WHERE (((Salestran.[Transaction Date])>=#11/1/2014#))
GROUP BY Salestran.[SKU Code/Number];

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General :: Count Number Of Line Items For Material

Apr 27, 2014

I have a form that could have duplicate material descriptions , is it possible to have on that form a field that counts the number of line items for that material and when the material changes the new number will appear .

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Forms :: Count The Number Of Items Selected In Listbox?

Nov 1, 2013

I'm creating an employee audit database, and, in the audit form, the user (ie. supervisor) can select a number of items from a listbox. Each item selected corresponds to an error that the employee has made, and, as such, the employee's Audit Score has two points deducted for each item that is selected.

Incidentally, there are other, solitary elements to the form, but this particular listbox houses a collection of items that are related under a single category.

The score is displayed at the bottom of the form, and it needs to update in real-time.

The problems that I am encountering are that I am unable to count the number of items selected and then I am unable to multiply that count by 2 (the point-value of each item on the list.)

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Queries :: How To Pull All Records If Distinct Count Is Less Than 1

Mar 18, 2014

I have a table with the following values.


Most employees have 10 to 15 rows. I only want to pull ALL rows for employees ONLY if there is a distinct count from DATE_PAID greater than 1. There are cases where an employee might have two pay checks generarted for the same PAY_DATE.

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Queries :: COUNT With Select Distinct On Expression

Dec 9, 2014

I have the following SQL which returns rows of distinct numbers that are calculated from a field.

SELECT Distinct (Left([ProjectID],4)) AS NumberOfCalls
FROM tblProject;

ProjectID looks something like this : 1307-IND-001 and NumberOfCalls looks like : 1307

I need to count the number of unique "NumberOfCalls" entries that there are in a list of about 50 rows. Currently the SQL returns a list of numbers like this:


I just want NumberOfCalls to show "3". Is there an easy way to do this?

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Queries :: Distinct Count In Access 2010?

Jul 15, 2015

I'm trying to write a query to get a count of Volunteers under a certain Job Code for a given year - problem comes in that a single Volunteer may record hours multiple times under a Job Code in a given Fiscal Year. I can't seem to get "Unique Values" to work. From my research it looks like I need a two-part query but (as a newbie) I'm not quite sure how to write that. I have two queries, one that works and one that doesn't.

This one counts total amount of hours volunteered under a given Job Code, it works:

SELECT tblHoursWorked.FiscalYear, tblHoursWorked.JobCodeLookup, Sum(tblHoursWorked.HoursWorked) AS [Sum Of HoursWorked]
FROM tblHoursWorked
GROUP BY tblHoursWorked.FiscalYear, tblHoursWorked.JobCodeLookup;
HAVING (((tblHoursWorked.FiscalYear)=[Enter Year:]));

This one attempts to count number of Volunteers that worked under each Job Code in a given year - it instead counts number of entries under that job code. What I think I need to do is count unique instances of the NamesIDFK, but I can't seem to get that to work.

SELECT DISTINCT tblHoursWorked.[JobCodeLookup]
FROM tblHoursWorked
GROUP BY tblHoursWorked.[JobCodeLookup];

1) correcting my second query and 2) putting them into one query so I can use them in a report.

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Modules & VBA :: Count Total Number Of Integer In A List

Oct 7, 2013

In one table, I have a few fields. One of the field is "ItemSequence" and another one is "TotalPcs"."ItemSequence" is where user key in the sequence number for one or more item. 5 example for possible content of "ItemSequence" is as following :

1) 7
2) 4,6,9
3) 5-9
4) 3,5,9, 23-25
5) 3-5, 8-10

"TotalPcs" is the total number of items key in to "ItemSequence". For the 5 example above, the related "TotalPcs" should be as following:

1) 1 (1 item, which is item 7 alone)
2) 3 (3 item which is item 4, 6 and 9)
3) 5 (5 item which is item 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
4) 6 (6 item which is item 3, 5, 9, 23, 24 and 25 )
5) 6 (6 item, which is item 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10)

For time being, the user have to count manually to get the "TotalPcs". I wonder is there a way to calculate the "TotalPcs" by programming?

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Queries :: Count Distinct Error - Missing Operator In Query Expression

Jan 23, 2015

I am trying to get a count of the unique customers in an access 2010 database

After some research it seems i should be using

SELECT Count(Distinct [Customer]) FROM [tblMain];

But when i use this i get

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Count(Distinct Customer)'.

I have tried leaving out the square brackets but this does not work....

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Queries :: Pie Chart - How To Get Count Of Items

Mar 18, 2013

My Data gets one of 4 labels: A, R, N, X. I want a pie chart that shows how many of each I have.

I created a query (StatusCounts) using Group By and Count. It lists "OrderStatus" and CountofOrderStatus.

Whenever I use this query to create a chart I get the default Access data not the data that's actually in that query.

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Queries :: Totals In Queries - Count Similar Items

Jan 14, 2014

Using Access 2010. Have been using a simple query to count similar items. All of a sudden I cannot get the sum of the count. I don't know if I have done something wrong or my program won't work correctly.

The DB is attached. The only query shown is an example of what I want to total, but I cannot get any total.

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Queries :: Sum Overall Total Of Count

Aug 27, 2014

I have a query that is counting perfectly like I want, but I need to sum the overall total of that count. How do I sum a count in SQL?

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Reports :: Display Total Count For Multiple Queries

Sep 16, 2013

I am trying to build a report that shows the total count for multiple queries.

For instance I have a field in my table that can be either A, B, or C.

I have 3 queries built, 1 to show me the information for A's, 1 for B's, and 1 for C's.

I would like a report that shows me ONLY the total number of each category. such as:

A= 38
B= 72

Thus far I have only been able to create one that shows me all of the information from the queries.

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Queries :: Count A Field Multiple Times (sub Totals And A Total)

Jul 18, 2013

I have 2 tables (person / merit) currently the merti table has 4 fields (MeritID, PersonID, Issuer, Type) I'm trying to count the the Type field 7 times, once of each type (MC/MI/MN/MP/MS/MV) and once to count a grand total.

I want to produce a query to use in a mail merge that will list the total for each merit type and one grand total.

I've been trying a few different things including sub queries but I've not managed to get the query to produce a single record that counts each individual type.

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Queries :: Adding Spaces Based On Total Character Count

May 31, 2014

I have 4 fields I'm trying to combine, but I need to add spaces between field 1 and the rest of them. The total character count needs to be 22 including the spaces.


Field 1: THE

Field 2: 1234

Field 3: BOAT

Field 4: 0001

End Result: THE 1234BOAT0001

Need to add 7 spaces to equal 22 characters.

Fields 1, 2, and 3 can vary in number of characters.

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Show Button In Form If Count Of Query Greater Than 0

Mar 5, 2013

I have a list of companies that need to return paperwork, we are then scanning that paperwork and placing in a directory and listing that it was received in a table in Access. I want the button to view this scanned in item if the qry for that paper work has arrived and the count is >0.

I run a command on a single form that if a qry is >0 it shows the button and I added that to the GotFocus event in the form.

Me.CheckSuitability.Visible = (DCount("[ID]", "qry_Suitability_Papers_Needed") > 0)

But this is a Continuous Form and I would like the buttton to show next to the company if the count is >0.

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Queries :: Calculate Total Number Of Days Between Two Dates In A Query

Feb 18, 2015

Basically I have a report that shows any 'Issues' that wasnt closed within the KPI Target.

I have the report working, but I simply want to do a count of how many days the observations overran the 'Target Date of Closure'.

The report also shows observations that are not closed but passed their Target Date of Closure. These observations will not have a 'Actual Closure Date', but I would like to still have a count of how many days its overrun closure.

This is a formula I tried to piece together but obviously not correct as it's not returning anything;

IIf(IsNull([Issues]![Actual Closure Date]),DateDiff("d",[Issues]![Target Date of Closure],
Date()),DateDiff("d",[Issues]![Target Date of Closure],[Issues]![Actual Closure Date]))

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Queries :: Calculating Total Number Of Records From Union Query

Jun 16, 2014

I am using the following UNION QUERY to total up equipment tested for a report.

SELECT "Laptops Tested" AS PCEQUIP, Count(*) AS RECORDS
WHERE (((Date)Between [Enter Start Date] AND [Enter End Date]));
SELECT "Workstations Tested" AS PCEQUIP, Count(*) AS RECORDS


I have created a report using ACCESS 2000 for this union query and it satisfies the requirement. I am trying to add the proper code and syntax in this query to total the number of all of this equipment tested.In this case the total would be 86. Is this possible?

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Queries :: Counting Total Number Of Returned Results From Query?

Aug 11, 2015

I'm trying to run a line of code after doing a Query Search that reports back the total number of results pulled from the search. I've dug around and found some useful code, but nothing that gives the results I'm needing. Most everything gives me the total number from the query. I'm also using a Split Form.

The process goes: Enter numeric search in Text10 and hit the search button to run the following macro: [studentID]=[Forms]![Query1]![Text10]

It then gives me the requested information.I have a second text box (Text19) that needs to display the number of pulled results. I've written VBA that only gives me the total number searched for studentID or for the entire Query.

Can I simply add an additional line to the Macro?

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Queries :: Counting Number Of Machines In Department And Total Migrated

Nov 7, 2013

I have an access dbase with a single table

I am interested in reporting so need totals, I can write a query that will count the number of machines in a dept like so

SELECT [Computer Inventory].Department, Count([Computer Inventory].ID) AS CountOfID
FROM [Computer Inventory]
GROUP BY [Computer Inventory].Department;

This works fine, however I now want to add more so are two fields


These are just checkboxes so I assume criteria is true or false

I need a query which will give me

The total number of machines by dept
The total marked for migration
The total migrated

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Count Distinct

Jul 29, 2005

Hi Everyone!,

I have a table with the follwing;
ShopID, CustomerID, Month, Item_ref, Product Category

There are about one thousand shops.
The CustomerID field is only unique per shop.
I.e. all transactions for customer ID '002' in shop 1 will be for the same customer, but customer ID '002' could appear in another shop and will be a different customer,
I want to be able to bring back a list of distinct customers, the number of items they have had and the product categories.

Has anyone got any ideas how I do this? I presume I would need to do a count distinct or something??



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Distinct Count And Sum

Jan 28, 2007

I have a table like this in MS Access database:


I want to get disctinct count of InvoiceNo while summing up Amount by Date and CustomerID in one query. Firstly, I tried to use correlated query to count unique records but it failed.
SELECT A.Date, A.CustomerID, (SELECT COUNT(B.InvoiceNo) FROM Table1 B WHERE B.Date = A.Date AND B.CustomerID = A.CustomerID ) AS CountOfDistInvNo, Sum(A.Amount) AS SumOfAmount
FROM Table1 A
GROUP BY A.Date, A.CustomerID;

The result of Count is not a unique count. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this correlated query? :confused:

After hours of googling on internet, the solution I got is equivalent to querying on top of the resulting table from another query.

My final query is

SELECT B.Date, B.CustomerID, Count(B.InvoiceNo) AS CountOfInvoiceNo, Sum(B.SumOfAmount) AS SumOfAmount
FROM (SELECT A.Date, A.CustomerID, A.InvoiceNo, SUM(A.Amount) AS SumOfAmount FROM Table1 A GROUP BY A.Date, A.CustomerID, A.InvoiceNo) AS B
GROUP BY B.Date, B.CustomerID;

Is there a better solution than this in Access? :)



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Distinct Count

Jun 18, 2007

Tried several suggestions in the forum but haven't found one to match my needs.

I have one table, Jupiter and need to use this query

SELECT Jupiter.codename AS Build, Count(Jupiter.tooling_ind) AS [# Needing Tool], Count(IIf([tool_req_type]='OR',([requisition_no]))) AS [# Tooled], [# Tooled]/[# Needing Tool] AS [% Tooled], Jupiter.tooling_ind
FROM Jupiter
GROUP BY Jupiter.codename, Jupiter.tooling_ind
HAVING (((Jupiter.tooling_ind)="Y"));

For each "codename", there is an attached "part_no" which can appear under a codename several times. The problem is that I need to count only one instance of the "part_no" for each "codename".
So, my query looks like this:
Build # Needing Tool #Tooled
LP1 769 192

The # Needing Tool is counting every record that, say pn 10592 shows up in and I need it to be counted only once in each "Build"

I did try this suggestion I found with no results.

SELECT Jupiter.codename AS Build, Count(Jupiter.tooling_ind) AS [# Needing Tool], Count(IIf([tool_req_type]='OR',([requisition_no]))) AS [# Tooled], [# Tooled]/[# Needing Tool] AS [% Tooled], Jupiter.tooling_ind
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Jupiter.part_no FROM Jupiter)Jupiter
GROUP BY Jupiter.codename, Jupiter.tooling_ind
HAVING (((Jupiter.tooling_ind)="Y"));

Is there a way to do this somehow?



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