Queries :: Date Prompt Criteria In Crosstab Query

Apr 11, 2014

I have a table of data going back to 2007 that needs to be looked at on a monthly/quarterly/annual basis. I am able to filter the data when running a normal query by using

Between [Start Date] and [End Date]

in the Criteria section of the Date field. I now need to apply this same idea to a crosstab query. My current set up is:

[Gender]- Group By / Row Heading
[Plan Type]- Group By / Column Heading
[Pmt Amt]- Sum / Value
[Date]- Where / Criteria = Between [Start Date] and [End Date]

I am getting an error message that says:"The Microsoft Office Access database engine does not recognize '[Start Date]' as a valid field name or expression."Am I setting something up incorrectly or is it impossible to use input prompts in a crosstab query like this?

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Queries :: Parameter Value Prompt In Query Using (Like Or Is Null) Criteria

Mar 29, 2015

I had an issue with writing LIKE statements in query criteria yesterday [URL]....

The answer they gave worked perfectly when I only used a single table in the query. But as soon as I did an INNER JOIN with two other tables, now I get parameter value prompts when I open frmSearch, and instead of seeing ALL my records when the controls are left null, I get only the first record in the table.

Here's the SQL of the query, can you point out what I messed up? NOTE that this SQL was 'written' by Access.. as I used the Query builder to set all the 'Like or Is Null' statements, then clicked SQL and sorta formatted the code so I can see what I'm looking at (instead of superthick wall-o-code):

SELECT tblPeople.name, tblPeople.num
FROM (tblPeople INNER JOIN tblAddresses ON tblPeople.name = tblAddresses.name)
INNER JOIN tblPets ON tblPeople.name = tblPets.name


Basically, this is a searchable database of participants in a pet-adoption program, along with the participants' pets history and address history (hence the linked tables as opposed to additional columns in one single table for pets and addresses... there are more than one in some cases). The frmSearch allows a person to run quick searches based upon ANY item in the database, such as name, pets, addresses, pet age, pet type, county of residence, etc. I need to be able to pick ANY field on frmSearch and type a value, and have the qrySearch return records for ANY record's related column wherein any part of it matches what I typed.

The statements as written worked PERFECTLY right up until I added the INNER JOIN. Now I get a set of parameter value prompts for every field on frmSearch that's referenced in the SQL for EACH table I linked to tblPeople, and if I leave everything null and click Search, I want to see EVERY person, but I'm only seeing the very FIRST person in tblPeople.

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Queries :: How To Use Criteria Or Parameter In Crosstab Query

Oct 5, 2013

I have a table that has three columns: Nationality, Gender, and Date. First I had the problem of grouping the Nationality column by Gender. That i resolved by creating a crosstab query. Now, I want to put a criteria on Date field so that when the query is run it will ask for the date input and will only show the Nationality and Gender result for specific dates. But when I write something in Criteria field it shows an error saying: "The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize "[Registration Date]" as a valid field name or expression"..

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User Prompt Date Criteria Not Including End Date

Sep 6, 2007

I have set up a report which prompts the user for a start and end date. However, if they want to run it for a full month they enter eg. 01/07/07 and 1/07/07 - this will not include entries ending on 31/07/07.

Is there a way I can change the criteria prompt so that it read both dates entered as inclusive in the query. I am currently using
Between [enter earliest date:] and [enter latest date:]

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Queries :: Crosstab Query Error 3070 Because Of Date Field(s)

Feb 4, 2015

I have simple crosstab query that I use to pull data about how many products is selled in one day/week/month and so on. On entry form I have two critical date fields, Starting/Ending date. It all works perfect except when I put indetical values in both those fields.

For example I have sold over 100 items on 4th of february 2015. year. So, in Starting/Ending date field of entry form, I put value from 04/02/2015 to 04/02/2015 in order to see how much items was selled that day.

This is the error I receive:


An error was encountered

Description: The Microsoft Office Access database engine does not recognize '' as a valid field name or expression.

Error Number: 3070

What am I doing wrong?

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Queries :: Method For Combining Crosstab Queries With Same Criteria From Multiple Fields?

Dec 2, 2014

I have 3 cross tab queries that are completely identical with the exception of the field that they pivot. Each field is searching for the same values just in different columns, with the end goal being to get the sum of the values for each pivoted column. I'm wondering rather than having 3 almost identical queries is there a way to use a crosstab to sum the values from each of the three fields rather that having 3 queries which then have to be aggregated in a fourth?




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Crosstab Queries With Criteria

Feb 8, 2008

New to this site. very impressing

I am trying to create a crosstab query, but can get it right.

Table1 = input Table
__________________________________________________ ___________
name StartDate date Present
A 1201 1201 P
B 1202 1205 P
C 1203 1206 P
D 1204 1207 P
E 1206 1209 P

Can get this result with Crosstab Query;

TRANSFORM NZ(First([Table1].[Present]),"a") AS FirstOfPresent
SELECT Table1.name, Table1.StartDate
FROM Table1
GROUP BY Table1.name, Table1.StartDate
PIVOT Table1.date;

__________________________________________________ ____________
name StartDate 1201 1205 1206 1207 1209
A1201 P a a a a
B 1202 a P a a a
C 1203 a a P a a
D 1204 a a a P a
E 1206 a a a a P

But am looking to add NA for StartDate > Header Date(1201,1205,1206,1207,1209). See below. Does anyone have a solution or an alternate method

Looking to get this type of results
__________________________________________________ ____________
A1201 Paaaa
B1202 NAPaaa
C1203 NAaPaa
D1204 NAaaPa
E1206 NANAaaP

NA=Non Applicable

Thanks Tony

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Queries :: Put Date Criteria In Query

Dec 10, 2014

I have a table with a field TDate (dd/mm/yyyy format). A query with calculated fields is lying on this table. I want to put a date criteria in this query, by a combobox in an unbound form, where the date format has to be mmmm/yyyy and has to be updated as new TDates come in.

Trying to pick up values for the combobox from the TDates field (and formatting them), I get a list with several same values. This is of course expected as there are many records on the same month, even on the same day of the month.Is there a way to have this list with unique values for each TDates month/year?

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CrossTab Query Criteria

Aug 3, 2006

Is there are way to add print time criteria to a CrossTab query? Everytime I try I get a message "The Microsoft Data engine does not recogonize [Forms]![FrmSalesCategoryByMonth]![Period] as a valid field name or expression". Any ideas?


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Queries :: Add Date Selection Criteria To Query?

Sep 11, 2014

Below is the SQL for a query I have, which returns events that are scheduled for today, I need to change this so that The user can specify events to be displayed in a date range and If possible only show those events for the users windows ID


SELECT tblEvent.EventStart, tblEvent.EventOwner, qryCompany.Company, ltDescriptionType.Description
FROM (tblEvent INNER JOIN qryCompany ON tblEvent.Company = qryCompany.ContactID) INNER JOIN ltDescriptionType ON tblEvent.EventDescrip = ltDescriptionType.[DescriptionType ID]
WHERE (((tblEvent.EventStart)=Date()))
ORDER BY tblEvent.EventStart, tblEvent.EventOwner;

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Queries :: Crosstab Queries - Export Command Ask To Enter Date Parameter Twice

Feb 24, 2015

I have a crosstab queries which uses the date query parameters. However, when I go to my Export command (code is below), it ask me to enter the date parameters (start date and end date) twice. What do I have to do so that the system will ask me to enter once only?

On Error GoTo Err_cmdTest_Click
'Must 1st set a Reference to the Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim strExportPath As String
Const conOBJECT_TO_EXPORT As String = "qryEXPORT"

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Using Part Of Date As Query Criteria From Combo Box?

Apr 4, 2013

I have a query with a date field that is formatted mm/dd/yyyy. I have a combo box that is formatted as mm/yyyy. I need the choice from the combo box to be the criteria for the date field in the query. the combo box has to contain the month and year only (which it does now) and the query must return mm/dd/yyyy. I have tried a few statements and the closest I got was a between statement that added 30 days to the combo box selection but that's not really accurate.

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Queries :: IIF Statements Within Query Criteria (Actual Date)

Jul 9, 2013

I am working with Access 2007. I have a little problem building the iif statement within a query criteria in [Actual Date] which is the following:

iif([Actual Date] Is Not Null And [Document]=0;>#01.01.2012# Or Is Null;999)

When I enter this I get no records out of about 8000. The table fields behind the query are in the right format (date/time and number).

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Queries :: How To Export Crosstab Queries By Date Parameters

Feb 23, 2015

How can you export cross tab queries by using date parameters (for example: Jan 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014)...

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Queries :: Query To Select The Date From Two Tables On The Criteria Basis?

May 21, 2013

get the data from two tables on the basis of criteria...

I want to select the whole table1 which has 6 fields including Emp_id...

I want to select the single field from table2. field name is "Username" from second table2. will select the username on the basis of Emp_ID becaue both tables has same emp_ID.

It should be in order like. Emp id, Username, Startdate, Enddate, Hours, trainingNames.....

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Queries :: Date Formatting Criteria - Query Returns No Data

May 7, 2015

I have a query in my database called "Open Date" which is a date formatted field when imported as DD/MM/YYYY. The criteria is set to:

>=#06/04/2014# And <=#05/04/2015#

The query works just fine. My customer has come back and asked for the way the date is displayed to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format (i know it's not ideal but thats what they want). When i've done that using the following

Format([Table].[Open Date],"yyyy-mm-dd")

The query then returns no data.

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Queries :: How To Prompt For Top X Values In Query

Mar 11, 2014

I want to add a parameter to a query that lets the user enter a number to filter on the 'Top Values' section of the query.

I.E the query shows sales by product, the user enters 50 and it shows the top 50 records.

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Queries :: Format A Query Prompt?

Jul 17, 2013

I have this query that finds people based on a given id number that they own. The ID number is in the format of (0000-0000) The tables have input masks so that when entering the ID number all the user has to worry about is entering the numbers. I have a report for that shows every customer in the database and i want to be able to copy and paste the (0000-0000) portion of the ID number but the query is only able to find customers by (00000000) format is there a way that i can get the query prompt to ignore the dash in between the numbers or would it be easier to remove the input mask and enter everything manually?

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Queries :: Mailing List For Specific Month - Date Criteria Query

Jun 11, 2013

I am trying to create a mailing list of patients. Let's say I am creating a mailing list for February. I need the mailing list to consist of people who have had surgery in February from the beginning of the database, and people who have had surgery three months ago, so anyone who had surgery in November. I have created a form that has a button which is connected to a query, the form has a unbound textbox where I can enter the month in (2 for February). Then the query uses the datepart function to search for this month in their date of surgery. But this only gives me people for surgeries with february, how would I get people who have had surgery three months ago in the same query.

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Queries :: Access Database - Query Based On Multiple Day / Date Criteria

Jul 26, 2015

I am currently working on a project to develop an access database to manage a roster of calls to clients on a daily basis based on two general criteria:

1. Pre-determined days selected by the client. (e.g. Call Mon, Wed, Fri only. This can change as client requirements change.)

2. Ad-hoc changes based on the client’s circumstances. (e.g. No call from 27/7/2015 to 29/7/ 2015)

I have managed to successfully deal with the second of these with the following expression in a query:

CallToday?: IIf((Date()>=[NoCallFrom] And Date()<=[NoCallTo]),"No","Yes")

However dealing with the first is a little more difficult to work out. I have tried a multivalue lookup field with multiple days selectable, but constructing an IIF query to deal with these multiple values is proving quite a challenge.

I am thinking of using a table with days of the week and a junction table to allow the multi-selection, but I may need constructing the relationships and the query here.

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Queries :: Date / Time Field - Query Criteria To X Quarter Of Y Year

Jul 24, 2014

I have a form (frmMetrics) with 2 Combo Boxes: "Year" and "Quarter" These are just number fields (which might be my problem?)

I have a date/time field in a query, and I want the criteria to be based off the year and quarter selected in frmMetrics.

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Queries :: Update Query Percentage Prompt

Mar 28, 2015

I need to do a update query with prompt to input a percentage.

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Queries :: Parameter Query Prompt Twice In Forms

Aug 27, 2014

it also prompts twice when i try printing or try to save the current page as a pdf and also when i switch record? i think its a problem with the subform as it always is trying to fetch data. would there be a way to make it so that the subform and the form are linked so that the parameter query prompts once and the information stays there rather then having to prompt again when printing or saving as pdf?Two more things - on my total value box i wish to be able to always show 2 decimal places

The code already in place is :

Net : =Sum([TotalValue])
VAT: =Sum([TotalValue])*0.2
Gross: =[Text8]+[Text10]

(Net is Text8 and VAT is Text10)

i have already specified that the decimal place value is 2 instead of auto but it still doesnt work - if the number is a whole number i still wish to see .00 at the end of the field.One last thing - Would their be a way to carry over the information from my delivery note to my invoice note? which would save a lot of time retyping the parameter query.

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Queries :: How To Insert A Prompt For Number In A Query To Calculate Against Another Field In Query

Jul 15, 2014

I have a field that is giving me the number of business days between a period of time and then I want to subtract that number - the person's PTO time to see the actual days they were available...when I simply type the number in (see below) it works great but I want to set up a prompt that will ask me how many PTO Days to calculate as it will be different for each person I am quering...is this possible?

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Multiple Selections For Criteria Prompt

Feb 7, 2006

I keep thinking this should be pretty simple, but more than 2 hours searching through posts has revealed no answers, probably because the answer is too simple.

OK, I have an append query. I've created a prompt to enter the number of the record the user wishes to append, as it is usually one single record. However, I've recently run into a problem that now there is the possibility of needing to specify more than one record at the same time to be appended.

How do I change the criteria syntax to allow the user to enter two, three, or a dozen (if need be) different record numbers? They are not listed sequentially, so I can't use a "between" statement. I've tried separating the numbers by commas, quotes, and so forth, but can't get it to recognise the records.

Can anyone help please? Thanks in advance. :o

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Getting Date Range In Crosstab Query

Oct 31, 2005

My question involves the table below

AutoNumber(primary key)
Defect Type

Basically now I need to be able to get the result i've gotten by a date range, but the crosstab query won't let me do it the way you can in a regular select query...help..

------------------Station 1 ----------Station 2------------Station 3---------------Station4
RxFailure ------------52-----------------52
Bit Error Rate 10 -----0------------------15

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