Queries :: Expression DCOUNT With Last Month Date Criteria

Feb 8, 2015

I am trying to count the amount of records that were created and closed for last month but I am having problems inserting the correct criteria along with the DCOUNT syntax. DCount("*","obsvnofilterqry","(Date_Closed)=MONTH( Date())").Works fine but figuring out how to get the amount of Date_Closed for last month is proving tricky.

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Queries :: Month To Date When Tied To A Criteria

Feb 5, 2014

How do you calculate or find Month To Date in a query as it relates to a hand keyed criteria.

For example I have a field called Operating Day and right now my criteria in my query is Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1) And Date(). Works perfectly. I'm using this data in a sub report.

But now my requirements have changed and its possible that I may need to report on something from January (or December and so forth). Well this criteria will show data from February. But the Month To Date data should show totals for the Month I'm reporting on.

Is this even possible?

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Queries :: Expression Asking For Parameter - Date Selection Criteria

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to create an query that has two separate expression in it and a date selection criteria. The first expression is,

Expr1: DateDiff("s", [Arrival Time 1],[Departure Time 1])/3600

and the second is,

Expr2: IIf([Expr1]>[Hours Per Day],[Expr1]-[Hours Per Day]

When I run this query it asks me for the date (which is fine) but then it also pops up a box asking for "Expr1". How can I get "Expr2" to use the value returned from "Expr1"?

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Queries :: Mailing List For Specific Month - Date Criteria Query

Jun 11, 2013

I am trying to create a mailing list of patients. Let's say I am creating a mailing list for February. I need the mailing list to consist of people who have had surgery in February from the beginning of the database, and people who have had surgery three months ago, so anyone who had surgery in November. I have created a form that has a button which is connected to a query, the form has a unbound textbox where I can enter the month in (2 for February). Then the query uses the datepart function to search for this month in their date of surgery. But this only gives me people for surgeries with february, how would I get people who have had surgery three months ago in the same query.

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Queries :: General Date Field Criteria - Limit Results To Only Specific Month

Apr 16, 2015

I basically have General Date field (e.g. 10/1/2014 6:34:11 PM) and I want to limit the results to only a specific month and only to show reuslts after 6PM. I tried everything and still stuck.

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Modules & VBA :: Date Expression For DCount And Where Open Arguments

Oct 9, 2014

I am getting something wrong but I don't know what - date related.

Take this code for example:

Dim varDate
varDate = Date
If DCount("RunningNumber", "AllocatedVehicles", "ServiceDate=" & varDate) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Go Away", vbOKOnly
Go on and do the real work
End If
End Sub

The DCount line is being completely ignored, no error message, it just cracks on as though there were no records found (but they are definitely there!) I have tried:

Dim varDate
varDate = Date
If DCount("RunningNumber", "AllocatedVehicles", "ServiceDate='" & varDate & "'") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Go Away", vbOKOnly

But that throws up a Type Mismatch (which is what I would expect). Then I tried

Dim varDate
varDate = Date
If DCount("RunningNumber", "AllocatedVehicles", "ServiceDate=#" & varDate & "#") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Go Away", vbOKOnly

And it gets ignored again.

I am having similar trouble trying to open another form using the same field as the open argument, and getting similar results, so it is clearly me that is wrong.

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Queries :: Include Date Criteria In User Defined Function That Calculate End Of Current Month

Jul 22, 2014

I have written a user defined function that calculates the end of the current month. This I named EndOfThisMonth. It works well as a function. Now I would like to use it as date criteria to include in a query. The function is included as such EndOfThisMonth().

The field on which this function is to enter as a criteria is another calculated date function called Due.

When I run this query I get an error message saying Undefined Function 'EndOfThisMonth' in expression.

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Modules & VBA :: DCOUNT With Date Criteria

Feb 3, 2014

I can't get the following DCOUNT working for the life of me: DCount("EmployeeName", "tblAttendance", "EmployeeName = '" & cboEmployee Name. Value & "'" And "AttendanceDate = #" & txtAttendanceDate.Value & "#")I have checked this forum along with Google and there seems to be no easy way to do this? I have tried editing the syntax over and over again. I have been able to run a query and get the desired result in that query; however I am unable to call that result in VBA.

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Dcount For 2 Criteria Date Fields?

Apr 19, 2014

With a form with two fields one is a date field formatted as short date and the other is a lookup combo box that I use to lookup predefined times and is formatted as short time. The date and time are stored in the same table as date/time in separate fields. I attempted to use Dcount, and get syntax error missing operator. Below is one of a hundred that i have tried after scouring this forum and the net. I ended up converting the Appt_Time field to a text field in the table to eliminate one date field but still got no where.

Private Sub Appt_Time_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
'Check table for duplicate
If DCount("[Appt_Time]", "tblexams", "Appt_Time= & Appt_Time & And [Sch_Date] = #" & Sch_Date & "#") > 0 Then
'Message box warning of duplication

[Code] ....

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Queries :: DCount Against Two Criteria

Nov 5, 2013

I am looking to create a summery on a dataset. I have

Employee ID Duration

I want to summerise the data to calculate the number of times an employee has an entry under 20 and the calculation. e.g.

Employee ID....Count.....Sum

I used a DCount however this does not separate the employees. Currently using
Count Of Visits: DCount("[Duration]","Test Query","[Duration]<20 AND [Employee ID] = [Employee ID]")

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Queries :: Expression To Show Years And Month Difference Between 2 Dates?

May 6, 2014

I am wanting to get an expression that will return the difference in years and months between 2 dates. Specifically, I want to know peoples ages in years and months based on a person's D.O.B and todays date. I have managed to do it in years:

Expr1: DateDiff("yyyy",[TBL_EmployeeDetails]![D_O_B],Date())

and in months but I would like to know how to return the difference in years and months.

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Date Selection Criteria - Show Last Day Of The Every Month

Apr 16, 2015

I have a big list of data, with a row of data for every day for each client.

I need a selection criteria that will provide show the last day of the every month (historic data) for each client.

I've had a go but I'm not making much progress.

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Adding X Months To A Date In Criteria Expression

Sep 4, 2006

Hi all,

I need to be able to add x months to a given date which I'm using in a criteria expression. I've figured out that I can just add y number of days, but the answers aren't quite accurate across different ranges of months.

I'm after something like
<[BeginDate] And >([BeginDate]+[3months])

but I haven't turned up anything useful in an hour of googling - finding it difficult to define what I want in search engine terms.


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Reports :: Date Criteria DSUM Expression

May 11, 2015

I've been struggling with the following expression:

=DSum("[FieldName]","TableName","[FieldName]>=" & [Forms]![FormName]![textbox01]& " and " &[FieldName]<= " & [Forms]![FormName]![textbox02] & "")

I keep getting invalid syntax (Access 2007). I tried adding the # symbols but no success.

I also need to put an additional criteria for a Integer field in the same expression where the value is True.

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Queries :: IIF Expression With Three Criteria

May 14, 2015

I'm a little new to Access but I'm trying to create an IIf Expression:

iif ( condition, value_if_true, value_if_false )

Mine is: Au_ppb: IIf([Element]="Au" And [Units]="ppb",[Result],Null)

I need to have three criteria's (each looking into a different column). I can get two criterias but not three:

[Element]="Au" And [Units]="ppb"

When I add in the third (And [Priority]="12") it doesn't work .

Also, I need to have about 6 columns with similar IIF statements in the one query in my query and if a row has Null for all then I don't want it visible however if I make the Criteria "Is not Null" on one column or on all it comes up with no results.

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Queries :: Criteria Between Current And Next Month

Apr 2, 2015

I need to Criteria between currently Month and Next Month. (we are in April because of this im giving this example : 01.04.2015-31.05.2015) .I tried this code but its not working :

Dateadd("M") between DateAdd("M"+1)

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Queries :: Adding Expression As A Criteria?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a query I'm working with that finds data that changes, calculates the numbers, then prints a result in another column. The problem is that if I don't have any changes, then I have a blank result. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I'm making reports available to other users and would like this populated.

What seems simplest is to add an expression in the criteria field for the column that displays data after crunching numbers. Since this only has a display if something has changed, then I need an expression added if there is no data. Can I add something like an IsNull expression to display the results from another column in the same table? The data will end up being redundant, but I'm ok with that for now. the report should probably have the expression, but the column is already here in this table.

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Queries :: Expression / Criteria To Return Alphanumeric Values Only

Jun 30, 2015

How to write an expression/criteria in a query that will return only ID numbers with alpha numeric values. Example: My Id field contains both numeric 479621, 680530 and alpha numeric 132NAV100, 174NAV26a values. I want to run the query to return only the alpha numeric values.

I do not know SQL nor VBA.

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Queries :: Using (days) Droplist As Criteria Against Daysdiff Expression?

May 27, 2013

I have a query that uses two criteria from a user input form. On the form, the user would input a customers last name and use a dropdown list (based on a table 30,60,90,120,365 days) to select how many days previous they want to search. Unfortunately there is something that I'm over looking and can't figure out.

Let's say I have multiple records that match the following criteria: Last name "James", days since contracted all less than 30 days. For some reason when I put in "James" as the last name in my form and select "30" from the droplist, it only lists the most current one which is zero days. Even if I select "60" from the droplist, it still only shows the zero day contract.

If I go back and select "90" from the droplist is brings up 3 - 3 day old contracts and my 1 zero day old contract. If I select 120, it picks up another contract that is 4 days old. If I select 365 it picks up a couple more, but still not everything. Here is my SQL code.

SELECT tblAllData.[F&I Manager], tblAllData.[Reviewing BOA], tblAllData.Date,
tblAllData.[Stock#], tblAllData.[Deal Date], tblAllData.[Cust First Name], tblAllData.[Cust Last Name],
Round(DateDiff("d",[deal date],Now()))/1 AS Days, tblAllData.[Bank Name],

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Apr 29, 2014

I have a query which runs fine until I set a criteria (of True) in the field

chase_it: prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date()

So without the criteria, I have

SELECT prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date() AS chase_it, practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date
FROM practice_bacs
WHERE (((practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date)>#1/31/2013#));

and in the query results I see 0 and -1 as expected for the 'chase_it' expression BUT When I add True (or -1, or 0) as a criteria for 'chase_it', I get the "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error.So the sql that fails is

SELECT prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date() AS chase_it, practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date
FROM practice_bacs
WHERE (((prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date())=True) AND ((practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date)>#1/31/2013#));

In case it's relevant, my function prevwd is:

Function prevwd(dt As Date) As Date
10 On Error GoTo prevwd_Error
20 dt = dt - 1
30 While Weekday([dt]) = 1 Or Weekday([dt]) = 7 Or IsBankHoliday(dt)


and this function is used extensively and always works perfectly. I have tried using DateAdd instead of dt = dt - 1, but that made no difference.

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Queries :: Return Result When Enter Month As Search Criteria

Jun 15, 2015

I cannot get my query to return result when I enter the month of "June" as search criteria. June is listed in the table and query, every other month is returned except June.

I have attached two example for your reference.

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Delete Certain Records Based On Selected Date - Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Aug 24, 2015

I want to delete certain records based on the selected date. However, I come across with this is error - Run time error '3464' (Data type mismatch in criteria expression).This part is highlighted in yellow. I even used the debug.print to test out if the sql statement is executed properly.

DoCmd.RunSQL DelSummarySQL

Here is my full code

Private Sub cmd_Delete_Click()
Dim DelSummarySQL As String
Dim StartRange As Date


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Queries :: Date Filter - If Date Is In A Future Month

Apr 20, 2015

I've two fields to work with:

[Date of Device]

If i was explaining it, it would be as follows:

If [DischDate] Is in the next month after [Date of Device] then Y else N.

to add for example if the [Date of Device] is April 2015, and the [DischDate] is also April then i'd expect a N answer

to add for example if the [Date of Device] is April 2015, and the [DischDate] is May then i'd expect a Y answer

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Dcount Query With Current Month

Oct 3, 2005

Below is the Field data I have in a query. This allowed me to get a count of forms for the current month. I think it is giving me a count of forms for both October 2004 & October 2005. Up until this month I did not have any data covering the same month of both years. Could this be what is happening and if it is how do I change my field data to ensure it is current month and current year only?

FORMS: DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[FORM #]=true AND Month([Date_of_Change]) =month(now)")

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Queries :: Datatype Mismatch In Criteria Expression Regarding A CDate Function Field

Jun 25, 2014

I have this linked table query from a OBDC and I need to be able to filter out specific dates in that query. The dates in the table were in text format and I converted the dates using the CDate function. I wanted to filter the query to a single date and always I get the Datatype mismatch in criteria expression error.

However, filtering dates does work only when there are other specifications in the criteria fields (e.g. if I specify a date and and name). My SQL code in error looks like this:

purch_hist.PUITM AS ITEM,
purch_hist.PUPO AS PO,
CDate([purch_hist.PURDT]) AS RECEIPT_DATE,
purch_hist.PUCST AS UNIT_COST,


This query works fine with a non converted date field, however the dates I need are in text format and need to be converted since I do not have permissions to edit the tables.

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Queries :: Combination Of Letters And Numbers = Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

May 16, 2013

I am working on a fairly ancient manufacturing database that identifies items using a combination of letters and numbers. The usual format is to have a letter (which suggests something about the item type) followed by a sequence of numbers.

I am trying to write a query that looks up all the records beginning with a prefix or arbitrary length, strips away the text, and finds the highest number.


SELECT Right(LocalID,Len(LocalID) - 1) As IDSuffix
FROM tblItemIDCrossReference
WHERE Left(LocalID,1) = 'T' AND IsNumeric(Right(LocalID,Len(LocalID) - 1)=True)

This query produces the error given in the title of this thread, whilst the following works:


SELECT Right(LocalID,Len(LocalID) - 1) As IDSuffix
FROM tblItemIDCrossReference
WHERE Left(LocalID,1) = 'T' AND IsNumeric(Right(LocalID,5)=True)

This related query also works and shows a load of -1s and 0s correctly


SELECT Right(LocalID,Len(LocalID) - 1) As IDSuffix,
IsNumeric(Right(LocalID,Len(LocalID) - 1)=True) As Alias
FROM tblItemIDCrossReference
WHERE Left(LocalID,1) = 'T' AND

But once again shows the error message when I try to filter the field Alias to -1 or 0 only through the right-click menu.I have tried piping Len(LocalID)-1 through CLng, CInt, Int, CDbl and CSng; this changes the error to 'Invalid Use Of Null' I have also tried removing the '=True' from the IsNumeric() term.

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