Queries :: Negative Time Values When Export Access Query To Excel

Jul 10, 2013

The time difference in access query works very fine in 18:00 (Short Time) format , but when i export to excel it came out with "########" and the value is -0.14679132479

How to solve this problem , i keep trying but it doesn't work ....

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Queries :: Export Access Query To Excel Specific Worksheet

Nov 12, 2014

I want to export a query into a specific worksheet in Excel. Have tried DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, but it appears you can't specify an existing worksheet or cell range with a query. Some have said tables only. I want to assign this export task to a command button.

The variables are:

Query name = TrainingDataQ
Excel workbook path & name = C:UsersmeDesktop2015AccessExportTest.xlsm
Desired Excel worksheet = RawData

I think thats all you will need to know. The data in the query varies but would be no more than about 500 rows.

Also for the next time i want to run the export, some code to open that same excel file and delete the data in the RawData worksheet so that i can export new data from Access?

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Values In ComboBox / Set Query Criteria / Export To Excel

Jul 24, 2014

I am a relative newbie to VBA, and not very familiar with loops, but I need to add a loop to my function that exports a query with criteria contained in a bound ComboBox on a form. I've gotten my code to work fine without the loop, but I would like to export one file for each item "Team_ID" contained in the ComboBox without the user having to manually select and re-run the function each time. Here is what my code currently looks like:


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function CreateQCChartsforReports() As Boolean
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQLStatic As String
Dim BookName As String
Dim BookName2 As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim cboCode As ComboBox


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Access Query With Links To Excel / Export To XML And Back Into Excel

Apr 25, 2013

I am using Excel and Access 2010.

I have an excel spreadsheet with 8 tabs. They are all in the same format and column order. They are employees grouped by region. My ultimate goal is to merge all of these onto one excel tab, relatively instantly. I created a master tab and tried doing array formulas and Vlookups, it worked but my spreadsheet was way too slow.

My solution? Import and link them to an Access database, step complete. Create an XML export then import into Excel.

My problem? The only way to update the excel tab with the combined tabs is to save the excel file after changes, go back into Access, re-export to XML, then go back into excel and refresh the data.

My questions, is there any way to automate this process to the point that I can change excel, save, then hit refresh on my excel tab with the XML import to auto-update?

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Queries :: Sum Positive And Negative Values In Same Field

Jun 18, 2015

I am trying to get sum "+" and "-" Values in same Field. I created new Expression Builder in Query and i wrote there :

A: Sum([tablename]<0)

of course it did not work.

How shall i update my expression to work this thing?

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Export Access Query To Excel

Dec 31, 2005


I have a form with combo box (cboProjForRptSeltn ) and two command buttons. The combo box is filled with name of the reports. The combo box has two columns, column 1 is the name of the report and column 2 is the bound column which also is the link field (primary key) to limit the records.

When the user selects an item from cbo box and click the "Preview Risk Table" command button it will open a report in preview mode. The report's "Record Source" property is set to a UNION query (qryRprtRskTbl) which pull the records from several tables. The report's "Filter" property is set to the following criteria:
“qryRprtRskTbl.P.intProjectId=Forms!frmReportSelec tionBlrR1!cboProjForRptSeltn”

The above criteria is nothing but filter based on the value of the cbo box.

The click event procedure is as follows:
Private Sub cmdPreviewRprt_Click()
Dim strDocName As String
strDocName = "rptRskTblProjectWise"
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acPreview, "qryRprtRskTblFilter_r1"
End Sub
"qryRprtRskTblFilter_r1" is another query out of the UNION query I mentioned above (qryRprtRskTbl). qryRprtRskTblFilter_r1 is pulling all the records from qryRprtRskTbl which meets the projectID field selected in cbo box, which is also the same as the "Filter" property value of the report as indicated above.

Everything works fine with cbo box and "Preview Risk Table" command button. It just pull all the records for the project selected under cbo box and display it as report in preview mode. Looks great!!

Here's my problem. I wanted to export the same report that was previewed by the user to Excel. For this I am using, another command button called “Export to Excel”. The click event of this procedure is as shown below:

Private Sub cmdExportToExcel_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlWorkbook As Excel.Workbook

Dim acQuery As QueryDef
Dim objRST As Recordset
Dim strQueryName As String
Dim strSearch As String
'Dim strSQL As String

'strSearch = Me![cboProjForRptSeltn]

strQueryName = "qryRprtRskTblFilter_r1"
'strQueryName = "qryEffcyAllProjtsForRprt"

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set objRST = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQueryName)

'Loop through the fileds collection and make each field name a column heading in Excel
Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets(1)
For lvlColumn = 0 To objRST.Fields.Count - 1
xlSheet.Cells(1, lvlColumn + 1).Value = objRST.Fields(lvlColumn).Name
'Change the font to bold for header row
xlSheet.Range(xlSheet.Cells(1, 1), xlSheet.Cells(1, objRST.Fields.Count)).Font.Bold = True

' I have some codes here for formatting Excel cells …

'Send data from Recordset out to Excel
With xlSheet
.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset objRST
.Name = Left(strQueryName, 31)
End With

Set xlSheet = Nothing
Set xlWorkbook = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing

End Sub

When I click the command button, it loads an instance of Excel and adds a workbook under the query name "qryRprtRskTblFilter_r1", but no data.

If I use another query say, "qryEffcyAllProjtsForRprt", which has no connection to cbo box value then it is cool, exports all the data to Excel without any problem.

I guess, you folks understand what I am trying to achieve here. Basically, I wanted to give the user some flexibility, either they can view the data as Access report or Export to Excel with same formatting feature and add more later if they want after exporting, as they see on Access report preview.

I have attached some of the query files I have described here. May be I can clarify more down the road, if necessary.

My bottom line question is: why the “qryRprtRskTblFilter_r1” query runs perfectly on Access reports but not when I want to run to export to Excel?

I don’t want to use the TransferSpreadsheet or outputTo method of docmd object, because I wanted to do some formatting before I export to excel.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Queries :: Export Result Of Query To Excel File

Jun 22, 2013

FileSent Is Table / Database Name

SELECT FileSent.[Patient#], FileSent.PatientName, FileSent.EpisodeKey, FileSent.DoctorName, FileSent.Mark, FileSent.FinancialType
FROM FileSent
WHERE (((FileSent.Mark)="1"));

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 5, tablename:="FileSent", FileName:="FileSent_Excel.xls"
Kill ("FileSent_Excel.xls")
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 5, tablename:="FileSent", FileName:="FileSent_Excel.xls"

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Queries :: How To Export A Query Result To Excel Spreadsheet

Jul 3, 2013

how to export a query result to an Excel spreadsheet, using the DoComd as this

DoCmd.OuputTo acOutputQuery, "#query_name#", acFormatXLS, "#excel_sheet_title.xls#", True.

My problem (if you can call it that) is how to append the current date to the name of the spreadsheet. E.g.,

DoCmd.OuputTo acOutputQuery, "qry_query_all", acFormatXLS, "Query_all.xls", True....

So the spreadsheet would be Query_all_03072013.xls.

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How To Make Negative And Positive Values Affect Queries Differently

Jul 10, 2014

I have created an Access 2010 Database for tracking inventory. As parts move to each location, quantities automatically subtract from the previous location. I now realized that some parts are destroyed.

The problem is the if I simply enter a negative value to indicated that a part was destroyed at one location, it appears as a positive value in the previous location. Is there a way to make negative values not affect a specific query?

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Queries :: Export Query To Excel Then Delete Query Data From Table

Nov 20, 2013

I am wondering if there is a quicker way to export a query to excel then have the data in that query removed from the original table. (effectively cutting the data from the table and exporting to excel)

I understand that this can be done by exporting the query to excel then running the same query as a delete query to remove the data but I just wondered if this is the most efficient way.

I have experience of VB in excel but currently only use the basic macro builder in Access though if Access VB is more efficient I can easily learn.

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How To Export MS Access Table Or Query To Excel File

Jun 21, 2012

How to export a MS Access table or Query to and Excel file and it works great. How to make this code Export multiple table into one Excel file/

here is the Function:
HTML Code:
Sub ExportData_Sheet_Basic()
On Error GoTo ExportData_Error
'DAO objects to get the data
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


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Access Query - Export To Multiple Excel Files

May 21, 2015

I have a basic access query (MACs Report Template) that I need to export into multiple excel files based on the 1st field (Plan ID).







I need this to create a spreadsheet for each unique PLAN ID. Ideally i want it to export the following:

MACs Report AM141 20150521.xls (both records above should be in this report)
MACs Report AM142 20150521.xls
MACs Report AM155 20150521.xls

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Modules & VBA :: How To Export A Query To Excel If Access File Is Read Only

Feb 26, 2014

I have an access program that is stored on a SharePoint site. I want to be able to export report to the computer even if I just open the access program as read only. Here's my code:


Private Sub btnExport_Click()
On Error GoTo btnExport_Click_Err
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim qdfTemp As DAO.QueryDef
Dim qryFilter As DAO.QueryDef


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General :: Export Pivot Table To Excel But Retain Values

Jan 25, 2015

I am trying to export my Access pivot table to excel because every time I do, the values (which are text and numbers; i.e. some numbers and some <0.05 format) are changed into a sum, product..... I need to rearrange this data not calculate anything.

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Queries :: Access Export Union Query Error

Jul 7, 2014

I have a database that is used to create a data file for a customer. The database has two linked tables that are linked to tables that are both in another database (but within the same database as each other). Their structure is identical.I have a union query set up to combine both linked tables.

I am using a Macro to export that query but after running for a short while I get the error "The query cannot be completed. Either the size of the query set....."Does Access have a limitation on union query size? Combined, the tables are a lot of data but I'm confused as both the tables I'm combining are in the same database.

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Queries :: Calculated Field - Return Zero If Negative Result (Access 2007)

Oct 10, 2014

I have a query that returns several calculated fields. One of them is simply derived by simple summation of the others. If this calculated field returns a negative number, I need it to show as a zero.

The only way I know how to do this is by an IIF statement :

SELECT [fld1], [fld2], [fl3], .....
IIF(([fld1]-[fld2]-fld[3])<0,0,([fld1]-[fld2]-fld[3])) AS fld4

(The above doesn't suggest that [fld1], [fld2] etc are calculated fields - I just wrote it like that for succintness - they calculate fine, there's no issue with them...)

Is there a more efficient way of doing this? I find IIF's a bit tardy, possibly because they evaluate for both True & False eventualities, regardless of the condition, and this query is going to run against a fairly large dataset so any performance lag is going to be exacerbated.

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Queries :: Filter Out Negative Results In Query

Feb 17, 2014

I have a query that I am using in VBA to select the number of days equipment is past due for service. I have an equipment table with a last maintenance field (tbleqDP with field DPLstMnt) and another table (tblmaintdue) that defines the maintenance interval. I have a query (qrynumdays) that finds the number of days from tblmaintdue for the equipment type based on a value in cboMaintEquipType combobox. The VBA then generates a report based on which type of equipment is selected using a select case statement. An excerpt of the VBA is below:

Select Case cboMaintEquipType.Value
Case "DP"
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("qryoverdue", _
"Select DPTag, DPLstMnt, DateDiff(""d"",DPLstMnt,Now())-NumDays AS Overdue from tbleqDP, qrynumdays where Overdue > 0")
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryoverdue"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDPmntovrdue", acViewPreview

I am having problems with the "where overdue > 0" statement. It is asking me for parameter value for overdue. How can I get this to automatically filter out any values that are negative - in other words, don't report on equipment that is not past its maintenance interval due date.

Also, I think there is a way around how I am naming my query in the createquerydef function because later I just delete the query after the report is run. Is there a better way to do that.

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Not Being Able To Export Excel To Access

Nov 23, 2007

What can be the reason ?
i'm doing it through a regular "Import Spreadsheet Wizard", and get a message "an error occured trying to import file"
File is not open. Made a copy under a different name; still can't import..

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Export From Access To Excel

May 18, 2005

I would like to export a access report to excel. All rows and columns exported correctly except from text fields (missing or change to a strange number). I've also think about to write a vb script to export the result recordset of the report to the excel. But the report is a report of Sales which containing a grand total amount of the group of records. Is there a way to write a script to achieve this (the grand total amount is not include in the recordset)?


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Export Access To Excel Help Please!

Dec 16, 2005

Good morning all,
First, I know there have been a lot of posts on this topic already, and I've printed out several of them to try to help me solve my problem. However, I'm having a problem getting mine to work.

Here's what I want to do, I am trying to export four different queries into one workbook, separate worksheets in Excel. For example, I have qryControl, qryLocal, qryPar and qryNasco. I want to export qryControl into the CONTROL worksheet in General Ledger.xls, qryLocal into the LOCAL worksheet in General Ledger.xls, and so on and so forth. Can this be done?

I started a practice form and added a command button based on some of the information I read before, just to see if I can get a query to transfer period and I ran into some problems. Here is the code I used:

Private Sub Command0_Click()

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, "qryWorldWideClaims", "C: emp.xls", True

'Create Excel Instance
Dim xlObj As Object
Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Open the template file
xlObj.workbooks.Open "C:mytemplatefile.xls"
'Save the template file with another name
xlObj.activeworkbook.savesas "C:mynewfile.xls"
'Open the temp file we exported from Access
xlObj.workbooks.Open "C: emp.xls"
'Select and copy all the data
'Re-activate the destination file
'Select cell A1 on the first sheet
'Paste the data
'Save and close the file
'Close the other file - assumes no other Excel files are open
Set xlObj = Nothing

End Sub

I get an error message at the following line:
xlobj.activeworkbook.saveas "C:mynewfile.xls"

The error is:
'Runtime Error 438' Object doesn't support this property or method.

Can somebody please tell me if I can export to four different worksheets in the same workbook and also what I need to do to resolve my error.

Thanks every body!

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Modules & VBA :: Export Some Table Queries To Excel

May 14, 2015

I'm attempting to export some table queries to excel using the code I have posted below as a module.I am getting an error saying it cannot find my query.I have used this code to do the above on 2 queries within the same table and it works fine. I don't understand why it would not work for a different query.

Option Compare Database
Private Sub exportQueryToExcel()
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "CUSTOMER FOCUS", "C:Usersgareth.davies1DesktopTrainingSHAREPOI NT FEED MASTER.XLSM", True
End Sub

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Export To Excel From Access With Headers

Jul 19, 2005

Dear Access Experts:

I am using Access 2000. I have created a command button on a form that when pressed, it exports a file to Excel using the TransferSpreadsheet command. It exports names, degree type, graduation date starting in cell A1. It works well.

What I wish to do is this: Can I have this data exported starting in cell A5 instead of A1? AND in the export cell A1 will have "College", A2 will have "School" and A3 will have "Dean".

Any help is appreciated.



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Access Reports Export To Excel

Oct 26, 2007

Hello all...I'm having a problem when exporting some text from Access 2000/XP to Excel using the EXPORT function. The reason why report is used to export is b'cos I need certain layout & to be ported over to Excel.

Text like '00133484-001' or '00130898-001' will be changed to another number after EXPORT, can anyone help me in this ? How can I set these numbers so that they remain the same ?

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General :: Export From Access To Excel At Once

Apr 24, 2014

I have 260 access files (12 data tables in each file). I want to extract table with name of "Borrower" and "Ledger Recovery" from DB to excel. The end result i need is to consolidate all 260 tables of "Borrower" in one excel sheet and all 260 tables of "Ledger Recovery" in one excel sheet.

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Formatting Access Export To Excel?

Jul 9, 2013

I am looking to export a table to excel from access. I would like to order the transaction category column in a specific order(round trip air far, parking, lodging etc),. I have a button that runs a make query table and exports it to excel. I would like the rows to be in the order of transactions category. What code would I need in the button to make this order correct?

I have attached some code below.

Private Sub ExportDebitsButton_Click()
Dim oApp As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset


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Queries :: Export Filtered Datasheet Recordset To Excel

Oct 9, 2013

how to grab the recordset after a user has filtered a datasheet and export it to EXCEL with VBA from a Button on a form.

I've figured out how to export a pre-defined query to excel with all the fields I need. I was hoping to be able to grab the filters from the datasheet form and pass them to the query.

I have a main form with a bound Datasheet subform. The export button is on the main form and I need to grab the filtered data from the datahsheet subform.

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