Queries :: Query Criteria - All Results If Blank

Aug 7, 2013

I use this on most queries where I need to return all results if the form field is left blank. Works like a charm every time...

Like [Forms]![frm_main_menu]![Week] & "*" Or Is Null

except for this time..I need to filter by week number (52 weeks in a year)...problem is if I enter week "1" I also get weeks "10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19".

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Queries :: Blank Query After Setting Criteria

Feb 4, 2014

I've set up a form with a button to open a report based on the current name on the form. The idea is that as you look through the different pages on the form you can open a report for whatever one you're on and print it.

In my query I have a name field where I put the criteria: Forms!Formname.Textboxname

By clicking the button on my form I'm able to generate a report based on the name that appears in that textbox. It works great when I initially put it in but if I close the form (or query, or report) and open it back up it is blank.

Is this even possible with a text box? It seems like it when I open it, it has nothing to go off and that's why it's blank. I just don't know how to fix that.

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Queries :: Pulling Records Based On Blank / Non-blank Criteria

Jul 18, 2013

I have a couple different reference files that get updated each week. Sometimes there are missing data elements, so I'd like to structure a select query to show me those records that have blank elements but I'd like the similar records to be pulled in as well, so I can make a determination as to how to populate the blank records..

See attached example: I have a client ID reference table that gets populated with forecast owner names (individuals responsible for the customer) from a couple of different sources. Sometimes there are names attached and sometimes the field is blank.

How can I structure a query to show me just those Client ID's that have multiple entries with blank AND non-blank forecast owners? I'd also like to exclude single/multiple records where there are only blank records...

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Queries :: No Results In Query Criteria

Mar 13, 2015

In Access 2007, I put into the table, in a certain field, a certain word field, so I put into design view for that query, in that field, Like "Field" and even though the word field is in that table in that field, it doesn't show it in that particular query?

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Queries :: Criteria Code In Query Results

Oct 21, 2013

I have a very simple cascading combo box form with three combo boxes.

First - Customer - pulled from tbl1
Second - Item Description - pulled from tbl1, based on Customer
Third - Quarter - not pulled from any table, just 1-4 numbers I manually inputted

The cascading part works perfectly fine, but the problem comes with the query button to get the full report I need. If someone selects quarter 1, I want the query to pull up only the quarter 1 column in the table for that customer and description, not quarter 2, 3, 4 columns too (those should just be invisible).

(This part works fine) In the query under Criteria, I have placed:
Customer -- [Forms]![frmSummary]![CBCustomer]
Item Description -- [Forms]![frmSummary]![CBDescription]

then I have columns Quarter 1 -4 and don't know what code makes the query show only the correct column based on the quarter combo box.

I'm assuming it might look something like..vvv...but I know this is wrong.
Quarter 1 -- [Forms]![frmSummary]![CBQuarter]=1

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Query Criteria With Blank And Non-blank Text Records

Mar 13, 2007

OK, I have been searching around on the fourm for over an hour now...I give up. If this is some where else, I am sorry.

I have a database of maintenance data. There are several columns that are usually filled in, some records have some columns blank. They are formated text because they hold letters and numbers (see pic).

I am using a form to query the table...no problem. The form has text boxes the user filter down the data

The problem comes are with the results of the query. Any record that has a blank column is not retuned. I am using "Like" so that the user can enter in partial codes. I know "like" won't return "null" records.... Help!

Things I have tried:
1)IIF(form field is blank, return table field, else use like command to filter) - returns nothing!
2)Like "*" & [Forms]![Fleetwide_data_Request]![MAL_CD] & "*" returns all records without blanks (i.e. missing data)

what else can I do?


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Queries :: Search Not Returning Results With A Blank Entry

Oct 25, 2013

I have a switchboard which runs a google style search query to find people based on their first name, surname, date of birth or NI number on clicking the search button. It uses the following criteria in the query Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchF]![Firstname] & "*" for each of the above fields.

This works perfectly until someone inputs a record that doesn't have anything in one of the fields. ie, full name and DoB, but no NI number. When a record is entered in this way, the table stores the record but the search query cannot find it.

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Setting Query Criteria To Be 'blank' Depending On The Criteria Of A Combo Box

Oct 21, 2006

I have set up a database that stores actions (i.e jobs). In the table; two of the fields are...'required completion date' and 'actual completion date'. I wish to lookup, by using a query, all of the open actions (those which havent yet been complete (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null)) and then later on all those which are overdue (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null And the 'required completion date' <today....this being the criteria for an overdue action).

However, I have used a form which has a combo box which contains the values open and overdue. When a selection has been made I want a form to display with the results depending on the selection that has been made. I am capable of creating a form based on a query, but am unsure of how to construct the query with the correct criteria based on the option that is selected from the form.

Any help would gratefully be appreciated. Thanks

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Queries Codes For Giving Results As All If Criteri Is Left Blank

Sep 12, 2007


I have set up a form to run a query with the criteria linked to the options/drop down menus on the form. I am able to search for criteria set out in the combo boxes. However, what i would like to ensure is that if the drop down boxes are left blank the results will be to show 'all' results for that field.

help is greatly appreciated!

thanks in Advance!


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Queries :: Ignore Wildcard If Criteria Is Blank

Dec 16, 2014

In a database am building, I want to run a query with the criteria dependant on which field the user populates in a form.

The form has a number of fields that the user can select from including our reference number, the client's reference number and the site address.

I would like the user to be able to select the site address using a wildcard so that they can enter a part of the address such as "This Street" instead of "45 This Street" and the user be presented with all of the records matching "This Street".

I tried using the criteria:

Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1] & "*"

Which works perfectly as long as this field is populated. If this field is not populated, entering details in any other field bring up every record in the database.

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1]),Null,[Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1] & "*")

The full sql of my query is:

SELECT Jobs.JobsSalesEnquiryRecordNumber, Jobs.JobsJobStatus, Jobs.JobsEnquiryDate, Jobs.JobsTakenBy, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsURN, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsName, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine1, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine2, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine3, ClientDetails.ClientClientPostCode, Jobs.JobsClientJobNumber, Jobs.JobsAlternativeClientJobNumber, Jobs.JobsClientContact,

[Code] ....

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Access Results From Query Has Blank Cells - Advise

Aug 17, 2006


I've written a querry - and the results that come back dont look right. Some rows have data in and others dont.

Has anyone seen something similar?
Does this mean that the data are probably incorrect?
Any advise?


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Queries :: Field Criteria - Cannot Get Blank (Not Null) Records

May 15, 2013

All. Using access 2010. I have a query that returns 92 records. When I put in the criteria for one field to leave out records with “approved” which totals to 9 records, the query only returns 10 records. It is not returning the records that are blank(not null) for that field. I want those records. Why is this happening and how can I get the blanks for this query?

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Queries :: Count And Sort Criteria - Returning On Blank Values

Nov 18, 2013

I have a list of employees and sort criteria. for example


The output I am looking for is a count of the number of times T appears by an employee, BUT is there is no record it would return 0


I can get it to return:

using Count and the criteria Where Criteria="T" but not returning zeros.

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Queries :: Omit Records With Blank Field - Criteria With IFF Statement And Checkbox

Apr 18, 2013

I'm having an issue getting my query to omit records with a blank field - in fact, it omits all records.

What I'm trying to do is:

I have a list of customers, with phone and email addresses. I want to filter via query for only customers with their email address's entered.

Here is what I have:


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Queries :: Return Results That Exactly Match Criteria

May 9, 2013

I have 3 main tables: tblEmployees, tblJobs, and tblProcedures. (See attachment for relationship diagram and additional supplemental tables).A job can have multiple procedures and an employee can have multiple procedures too.

I need to write a query such that when searching by a specific job I can see all of the employees who are qualified for that job. This is done by seeing which employees have the procedures that belong to a job. But here's the catch: since a job can have multiple procedures, if an employee only has some of the procedures I don't want that particular employee to return as a search result. The employee must have ALL the procedures that belong to the selected job.

So for instance if I have:



If I search by Job1, I want only Employee2 to return as a result, NOT Employee1.I am at a lost for how to construct the SQL for something like that.

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Queries :: Group Results By Criteria Date Range

Sep 23, 2014

Below is a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve with a parameter query.

The source table for the query contains two fields:

Reading_Date (short date) and Use_value (integer)

The parameter query sums Use_value between two dates for various date ranges specified as 'or' criteria. SQL as follows:

SELECT Sum(Table1.Use_Value) AS SumOfUse_Value
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.Reading_Date) Between #1/1/2013# And #1/5/2013#)) OR (((Table1.Reading_Date) Between #1/1/2014# And #1/5/2014#));

This produces a single sum total, but I'd like the query to give a total per criteria date range. In other words to group results by criteria. As date ranges may span year change, grouping by year is not possible.

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Criteria In Query Leaving Blank Table

Apr 30, 2007

I am trying set up some criteria for a create table query. I am using multiple fields from different tables, I am trying to delete certain feilds if they meet the criteria. I am using iif([letter c_last]=[letter a_last],null,[letter c_last]) in the criteria for letter c last, but when I run it a box appears to enter criteria for the last name field? I want it to look at the field not for data to be entered manually. I hope this makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Blank Date Field Default On Query Criteria

Oct 8, 2007


I have a query that is pulling data based on a date in a table. For some records, that date field is empty. For those records, the data should be pulled based on the date of 1/1/06. I tried doing this
=IIf([Signed SLA Received] Is Null,1/1/06,>=[Signed SLA Received])

It doesn't like this at all, it brings back no data. I also tried putting 1/1/06 in quotes, but it didn't make any difference.

This is probably a totally incorrect way to get this done, but I don't know how else to try it.


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Queries :: General Date Field Criteria - Limit Results To Only Specific Month

Apr 16, 2015

I basically have General Date field (e.g. 10/1/2014 6:34:11 PM) and I want to limit the results to only a specific month and only to show reuslts after 6PM. I tried everything and still stuck.

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To Display Parameter Query Criteria On Report Even For Nil Results?

Nov 10, 2005


Need advise on how to display on my report the criteria that i had specified in the parameter query even if the result is nil.

How can this be done??


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Queries :: First Row In Query Blank?

Mar 26, 2013

I am running a query that is used to show a count of certain values. For example: The number of different Allegations.

The values would be grouped and counted:

Damage Claim 3

and so on. This works as it should in the query, but I noticed that the query has a blank in the first row.

Is this due to some records not having any values in the Allegation field?

This is what is looks like:

(Blank) 0
Damage Claim 3

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Queries :: When One Sub Query Has No Records Entire Main Query Is Blank

Oct 1, 2014

I have a query with three sub queries, all returning a number from different tables. But when any one of the sub queries returns a blank, the entire main query is blank.

How do I stop this from happening? I have tried NZ() on the sub queries and on the main query, but the blank still happens.

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Openform Wizard Results In Blank Record

Oct 19, 2005

Hi All

I'm currently working on a product catalogue, i have a product data screen (frmProductLookup) one of the field s i have is "Replacement" for when a product is superseeded. What i want to achieve is to be able to click on a button and open a second product data screen that automatically goes to the record for the replacement product.

I've currently tried creating a duplicate data form (frmProductLookup2) and used the openform wizard, but for some reason this pulls up a blank record...any ideas


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Queries :: Query To Pull ALL Records Whether Blank / Zero Or Value

Jun 24, 2013

I have two tables: Table #1) [Request Table] Customers request our company to stock a certain Part Number with a minimum value. Ajax - P/N "NP4i" - Min "30".

Table #2) [Sales History] All sales purchased and the "Qty-Total" purchased. For simplicity Fields are limited.I created a CrossTab Query that displays from [Request Table] P/N's requested/ min values (Row Headings) then showing P/N's purchased [Sales History] Value="Qty-Total" Sum and

Column=Format([Invoice Date],"mmm/yyyy") group by, showing last twelve months.
Ex: Customer name, Part Number, Minimum, May/2013, Apr/2013, Mar/2013 and so on.
AJAX, NP4i, 30 4 21 5 and so on.

The Crosstab query list only requested Part Numbers that have at least One sale wihin the last twelve months.If there are NO sales, the crosstab query will NOT show this Part Number.My boss wants to see the requested Part Numbers that were never purchased along with the ones purchased.He wants to address the NO sales, yet they requested we stock that particular Part Number for them.

Is there any criteria I can use to force the Part Number field on the [Request Table] side to populate even though there were NO sales within the last twelve months?

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Queries :: Query Returning Blank Columns

Jun 24, 2013

I've set up a simple query that returns 6 columns of data.This query then shows on a sub-form elsewhere in my DB.The problem is that the query always appears with a horizontal slider. Allowing the user to scroll across to see the other columns in the query...The problem here is that there ARE no other columns of data. They are just empty. I want to restrict the output of this query to ONLY show the 6 columns that i have specified.

I have tried deleting the columns in Query Designer, then save the Query. But every time i re-open it half a dozen or so blank columns are stuck on the end.

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Queries :: Join Results Of Unmatched Query With Matched Query To Include Null

Mar 24, 2013

I am trying to do the good 'ol sales report (query) to include customers with no sales.

I have a customers table, account number table, sales table & sales (line) detail table. (all linked in that order)

If I run a query to show customers (in the customer table) with account numbers, that works

An unmatched query to show customer without an account number works (but of course the unmatched account number field isn't shown).

How can I get the two two be shown together with the "unmatched" having a null or 0 for their account number?

I am guessing in principle, the resulting solution can be modified to show customers without sales alongside those with sales?

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