Queries :: Calculate Fee For Each Student On Monthly Basis

Jul 23, 2013

Me having a db which is having a student table which is keeping all student info, second i have a Van table which is keeping van info. I wanted to know how it is possible to calculate monthly van fee for each student on monthly basis which db do it itself based on system date/time and calculate monthly required fee for each student. I also would like to know that if a student do not pay in a month then checking the next month or checking unpaid student through date criteria it displays all due amount may be in sum.

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Modules & VBA :: Calculation - Subtract Monthly Installment From Loan Amount On Monthly Basis

Apr 22, 2015

I have a query for loan calculation, fields are;


what i want is that query to start subtracting lmonthlyinstalment from loanamount on monthly basis

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Queries :: Making Bird Count Database - Data Recorded On Monthly Basis Week Wise

Feb 21, 2014

I've been requested to make a bird count database.

The bird count data has been recorded on monthly papers like this:

[bird name] [week 1][week 2][week 3][week4]

The number of birds sighted for a given week is written in the [week x] columns.

What I need to do is make another column that shows whichever number is highest from columns [week 1], [week 2], [week 3], [week 4].

So for example:

Blackbird: Week1: 4, Week2: 2, Week3: 6, Week4: 2

highest: =6

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Modules & VBA :: Turnover Calculation On Monthly Basis

Mar 10, 2015

I am looking automation through VBA for the calculation of HR employees turnover on monthly basis, i have a query showing fields ..

employee name
joining date
employee left (Yes/No)
Left date

Now I am looking for;

i) Opening strength: Total employees strength through joining date with criteria of department and section wise at month start

ii) Closing Strength: Total employees strength through joining date with criteria of department and section wise at month end (subtracting the employees left through employee left field y/n)

iii)Left Employees: number of employees left at the end of each month with the criteria of department and section wise

iv) Turnover: The number of left employees will be divided by the dividend of (sum of opening & closing employees divided by 2)

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Queries :: Running Total To Calculate Uptime Monthly

Jul 1, 2013

I am having trouble with this running total. Let's say I have a well. I am trying to create a running total that calculates the total Uptime (or hours operational) for each well every month.

I attached a PDF with an example of what I am working with.

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Tables :: Update Table With Certain Parameters On Monthly Basis

Feb 25, 2014

I have a table with certain parameters in, and I need to update it in a monthly basis with new costs. Basically, its a list of component costs which change on a monthly basis, and the query/report needs to pull the latest version. But, the old costs need to be kept for legacy/comparison purposes.

TblMbM Layout (titles)
-Feb Cost
-March Cost

At the moment, there are no costs in the march column, but i know next week i will need to update tblMbM with the latest costs.

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Modules & VBA :: Profit And Loss Graph On Monthly Basis

Sep 12, 2013

I'm trying to make a graph of Monthly profit and loss

I've got 2 tables: Invoices and Purchases.

Invoices contains the fields:

InvoiceTotal and InvoiceDate

Purchases contains the fields:

PurchaseTotal and PurchaseDate

I know I need to take one from the other to create my profit figure but what I can't figure out is how to incorporate the dates.

InvoiceDate and PurchaseDate might be different but both occurred in the same month, so I would like to sum my PurchaseTotal and InvoiceTotal during this month.

so the query I'm looking for would look like:

| Month | SumofPurchaseTotal | SumofInvoiceTotal | Profit |

I would then graph month and profit so my company could compare it's monthly performance ...

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General :: How To Set Monthly Depreciation - Calculate Current Value

Jan 19, 2015

Is it possible to set an access database to take a depreciation value of lets say 10.00, and subtract this from the current value every month?

So far my database has a form where you can input the depreciable life, purchase price, current value and total depreciation. However the date and amount of depreciation has to be added manually into a data table for the text boxs to calculate how much it has depreciated and the current value.

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Modules & VBA :: Monthly Payment - Create A Worksheet Which Calculate Balance

Mar 3, 2014

I'm currently stuck on trying to create a worksheet which calculate the balance remaining at the end of each Monthly Payment Period.

Monthly Payment Period: 1 to 300

Initial Balance: balance outstanding at the beginning of the Monthly Payment Period.

Interest: calculated by multiplying the Initial Balance by the APR (5%) divided by 12

Balance Remaining: calculated by adding the Interest and subtracting Total Monthly Payment.

The final Balance Remaining should be exactly £0.00.

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Forms :: Worksheet That Calculate Balance Remaining At The End Of Each Monthly Payment Period

Mar 3, 2014

I'm currently stuck on trying to create a worksheet which calculate the balance remaining at the end of each Monthly Payment Period.

Monthly Payment Period: 1 to 300

Initial Balance: balance outstanding at the beginning of the Monthly Payment Period.

Interest: calculated by multiplying the Initial Balance by the APR (5%) divided by 12

Balance Remaining: calculated by adding the Interest and subtracting Total Monthly Payment.

The final Balance Remaining should be exactly £0.00.

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Queries :: Return Week Number On The Basis Of Date

Jan 23, 2014

I've been trying to create a query that will take a date and return the week number of the date.

My original date is formatted m/d/yyyy

I need my weeks to start on Monday and I would like the week containing Jan 1st to be the first week of the year

I have tried using the following function:


but the I get a result of 53 in this query, when I expected/need it to be 1.

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Queries :: Query To Select The Date From Two Tables On The Criteria Basis?

May 21, 2013

get the data from two tables on the basis of criteria...

I want to select the whole table1 which has 6 fields including Emp_id...

I want to select the single field from table2. field name is "Username" from second table2. will select the username on the basis of Emp_ID becaue both tables has same emp_ID.

It should be in order like. Emp id, Username, Startdate, Enddate, Hours, trainingNames.....

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Queries :: Group And Display Data On Weekly Basis Starting On Sunday

Apr 2, 2013

I'm trying to group and display data on a weekly basis starting on Sunday. I'm using the following in a totals query with "Group By" Week Number: DatePart("ww",[Date])

My problem is that the results are returning some unexpected things.. March seems to have 6 weeks and the query is returning two months containing week number 14.. (as shown below).

2013 March 9
2013 March 10
2013 March 11
2013 March 12
2013 March 13
2013 March 14
2013 April 14

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Queries :: School Database - Student Rank In Individual Subject

Sep 25, 2013

I am developing database for my school. I am done with everything except the examination aspect where i need to indicate students position in every subject beside their overall position according to the sum of all the subject scores. How to indicate student position in subjects.

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Queries :: Importing Spreadsheet On Daily Basis - Detect / Remove Blank Columns

Sep 18, 2013

I am importing a spreadsheet on a daily basis that has the same columns in every time but depending on the company I am importing it for different columns will be blank and not needed each time.

What is the best way of detecting and removing blank columns.

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Queries :: Create A Query That Can Run On Weekly Basis And Save Results To Excel Spreadsheet

Feb 18, 2014

I have a database of around 15,000 users and I'd like to create a query that I can run on a weekly basis and save the results to an Excel spreadsheet. The results need to be logical and understandable by my coworkers.

Unfortunately, the actual results of the query are not (in their raw form) logical or easy to interpret.

Let's say I have a table called "users" and within that I have:


FieldA has a value of either NULL or a 12-digit number
FieldB has the values are "ENABLED", "DISABLED" and "N/A"
FieldC contains a value of either "1" or NULL

This means nothing to my coworkers who want each user to be sorted into a "category". As I'm running this on a weekly basis, I'd like this query to do the work for me, so I don't have to manually assign everyone to a category in Excel. Plus, of course, there is no chance of human error if the query does this for me.

Sooo... I'd like my query to categorise for me as follows:

Category1 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldB="ENABLED"
Category2 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldB="N/A"
Category3 = FieldA IS NULL and FieldB="ENABLED"
Category4 = FieldA IS NULL and FieldB="N/A"
Category5 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldC = 1
... etc.

I'd like the final column in the query results to simply list the category name, so I can simply copy and paste the data into an Excel spreadsheet and be done with it, safe in the knowledge that it makes sense to all.

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Queries :: Crosstab Query By Month - Report On Claims On Paid And Incurred Basis

Apr 7, 2013

I am creating a crosstab query in VBA to report on claims on a paid and incurred basis. I would like the query to have 13 columns - one for each month of the current year and one for all claims paid prior to January of the current year.

Is there a way to lump all data with a date less than Jan 1 into a single field while retaining the monthly detail for the current year?

All of the data is coming from a single table. Sample code below functions, but provides a column for every month a claim was incurred.

Sub Triangle()
'Triangle Reports
'Check Registers

On Error GoTo Error_Handler:

Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Dim QRY As DAO.QueryDef

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Monthly Transaction Of Fee - Arrears To Be Shown

Jul 31, 2013

I have a query which is compiling monthly transaction of fee, the students paying through voucher. To every month the query is building records for students (Grouped), my problem is i have to show the arrears in the same query which would be on minus/plus of paid amount from actual fee both are in this query i can populate the arrears by simply subtracting both fields but the thing is that i am looking for a arrears which would be the adding total of previous arrears as to date transaction.

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Queries :: Counting Records Which Exceeds Monthly Average Value

Nov 14, 2013

I am currently working on a small database to track my own investment records.

I would like to create the function which enable to count the number of records that has exceeds the average value during that period.

Following is the SQL that I have managed to produce:

SELECT [ED 2013].Code, Count([ED 2013].Start) AS CountOfOpen1
FROM [ED 2013]
WHERE [ED 2013]![Date] Between #1/1/2013# And #2/1/2013# AND [ED 2013]![Start]>[ED 2013]![End]
GROUP BY [ED 2013].Symbol;

This SQL does work. However, when I try to add the Avg function. The Query stop working.

Meanwhile, I am wondering if there is any existing Ms Access template (free or commercial - but must be customisable ) available?

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Queries :: Monthly Unpaid Students Finder Query?

Jun 23, 2013

i have 3 tables one for student information second for Van information and third is payment.

I want to know how to get the list of students not paid based on specific month which need to mentioned may b through a form.

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Queries :: DSUM - Calculating Monthly Tasks Given To Employee

Dec 6, 2013

I have a query, i need to get dsum of total task given to an employee.

I have grouped task_description and select count and it is now showing each employee as 1 which is correct.. i ma looking to get dsum based on this task count but with a criteria that i want to see these tasks sum month a have a month field which i get from assigned date the month field is showing like this december-2013.

Based on this i want to calculate dsum as first to see task count which i mentioned earlier, then employee id which is in query as ID and then month.. this sum will calculate monthly tasks given to each employee.

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Queries :: Track Monthly Data For Several Thousand Products

Apr 17, 2014

I have a table that track monthly data for several thousand products.

The idea is to grab the first month and the first three months of sales for each product.

So I simply need to have a statement that scans through a predefined set of fields and seeks the first none zero value. This become the first month of sales (even if it is the 5th month of the year). It then needs to be able to grab the proceeding 2 months to create a sum of sales in the first 3 months. (however that would be for a second field, so presumably that is just a slightly more complex version of the same formula used to find the first month of sales).

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Queries :: Query Time Difference AND Monthly Totals

Mar 21, 2013

I am VERY, and I mean VERY new to Access. I've been racking my brain all afternoon and googling like crazy. I just completed two levels of training on Access 2010 and have never worked with the program before. I already set up my tables and now I am on to querying. I have a table with several columns, two of which are "Start Time" and "End Time". I already created a query using the DateDiff function to calculate the time difference for each record. It output a new field with the time difference in hours. Now, I want to sum the totals of the time differences by month and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. My new query has Date (m/dd/yyy) and Hours.

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Queries :: Create Query To Filter Customers When It Is Time Of Their Monthly Payments

May 21, 2014

I'm trying to make a query to filter or show only those customers when it is the time for their monthly payment.The query I have consists of four fields which are

1- Order ID
2- Payment
3- Date (Default value set to Date ())
4- Date for next time Payment (Default value set to date () + 30)

I made another field called "states". In this field I putted the following expression

IIf(([Date for next time Payment]-Date())= 0 "Should Pay";" ")

Then, I set the criteria for such field to "should pay" so that only customer "should pay" will appear in the query datasheet. However, this method has the following shortcomings:

1- It works only for one day (alert day) ,i.e., customers will filtered only when the expression is true.
2- Customers who have paid will still appear as a "should pay" until the day (the day that make the expression true) finish.
3- Customers whose pay late (maybe after 1 week) will disappear form the query datasheet after alert day finish.

To overcome the above shortcomings, i modified the expression to

IIf(([Date for next time Payment]-Date())<-1 And ([Date for next time Payment]-Date())>-15;"Should Pay";" ")

This method will extend the alert duration to 15 days, so the customers who haven't pay yet will appear in the query datasheet for 15 days. However, the customers who have payed will appear also, and that is the problem. The problem here is I can't compare the current payment date with previous one for one customer. method to create suitable expression, or even another query scheme ??

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Calculate Age Using Queries

May 12, 2007

i have a table with fields "[DATE OF BIRTH]", "age", "temp-age"

i have a query that calculate the age:
example; the query will get user to input the "temp-age" and upon "temp-age" is input and "ok" on the query, it will calculate a person's age and store the value inside table "age".

however, the calculated value for the age have some data problem. for example, when a person whose age is yy:mm 24:05 the age inside the table will be 1924:05. there will be a additional "19" at the age.

what cause the additional "19" problem?
my query in design view is like this; (see attachment)
it uses " [temp-AGE]-[DATE OF BIRTH] " to calculate the age and store into table "age".

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How To Calculate The Fields From Two Queries?

May 23, 2005

I need to pull 2 fields from 2 different queries, then calculate them. Those 2 queries has the same structure, just one is last year's data, the other is this year's. :rolleyes:

I tried using the 3rd queries to combine them, then calculate from there, but then I had no clue where to go from there. I don't sql...I was wondering is there anything to do with sql? :confused:

I'm stucked so far, how can I solved it? :mad:

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