Queries :: Run To Extract Some Values For Calculations

May 12, 2015

I have a query that I run to extract some values for calculations. Its run on an event based on a dropdown selection. At the moment, I run via:

DoCmd.OpenQuery "CallMidprice"

and then close it. this seems to take more time than is necessary when I only want to refresh the results.Open query without close, switches to the table but doesn't update until I press F5.When I try requery I get an error. "Runtime error '2109': There is no field named 'CallMidprice' in the current record.

Requery without 'Callprice' seems to requery my form.

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Queries :: Extract PostCode Values From The Field

Feb 4, 2014

I have a table with a string field included for an address.

Some rows have postcodes and some dont

How can I extract the PostCode values from the field?

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Queries :: Calculations With Values In Previous Record(s)

Jan 12, 2015

I have a database where I need to record student data, specifically marks and absenteeism. The marks are recorded each term as a running total. I have a final mark which needs to be equal to the 4th term mark.

I also need to record the number of days absent each term with a total at the end of the year.

My problem is that the term 4 mark is a in the previous record and the total days absent needs to be the total of the previous 4 records (term 1 - 4).

I using a create table query and an update query but that was a no go.

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Extract Unique Values

Feb 17, 2005

I have the following SQL definition:

SELECT DISTINCT tblFile_Management_Received.Claim_Number, tblFile_Management_Received.Date_Checked_In, tblFile_Management_Received.Checked_In_By, tblFile_Management_Received.Copy_or_Original
FROM tblFile_Management_Received;

The results would show as:

ClaimNumber Date Checked In Checked In By Original or Copy
111111111 2/16/2005 8:34:24 AM XXXX Yes
111111111 2/16/2005 1:23:19 PM XXXX Yes
222222222 2/16/2005 8:34:52 AM XXXX Yes
222222222 2/16/2005 1:24:49 PM XXXX Yes

I am trying to use "Distinct" to show the following records when the query is ran (the desired results would be each unique claim number based on the earliest check in date):

ClaimNumber Date Checked In Checked In By Original or Copy
111111111 2/16/2005 8:34:24 AM XXXX Yes
222222222 2/16/2005 8:34:52 AM XXXX Yes

Can anyone help me with this??

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Zero And Nul Values In Calculations

Nov 6, 2006


I have a database that records all procurements and requisitions of our medical supplies.

I have set up queries that sum all requisitions in a set time frame for each item that should be in the store (i.e. this month, this year etc) and similar query for the procurements.

A further query then subtracts the requisitions from the procurements and (should) give me an inventory of all medical supplies.


If no items have been procured or requisitioned, they are excluded from the sums. We have a standard list of items (which is a table in the DBase) and I need to know if we have no stock (there are certain things we can't get all the time in Tanzania, so procurements and requisitions are zero/nul for a while and I need the Dbase to highlight the lack of items).

Please help!

Note, if there is away of doing this with out VB I would be very happy as I have never used VB and it terrifies me.


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Calculations On Selected Values From One Field

Oct 24, 2007

I have a table with the following logical structure:

Name...Number eaten of apples......Number of eaten oranges.....All fruits

Mike...............3.............................. ..........4...........................7
John...............5.............................. ..........3...........................8
Peter..............2.............................. ..........2...........................4
Phil.................1............................ ............4...........................5

Question 1:
Can I calculate in a query sum totals for apples (or oranges or all fruits)
eaten by Mike and Peter together and ignore John and Phil?

Question 2:
How can I get sum totals for everybody excluding just Peter? Or Peter and Phil?

Your help will be very much appreciated!


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Calculations With Values In Forms & Subforms

Jan 21, 2005

Hi Everyone! Bear with me, I'm new to Access and I may not understand or use all the terminology correctly.

Background: I'm creating a database to track the inspections of many businesses. Each business will have many inspections throughout the year and each inspection has many items. I have a form set up which includes Business info and Inspection info (#items inspected, subtotal for inspection) on the main form, and Items in error listed on a subform (no error=no items listed).

Problem 1: I need to make a count of all items that are listed. I can do this in the subform, with no problem (in one of the footers #Discrep:count([item])) but now I need to report and use that value on the main form to calculate the percent error for the entire inspection. I don't know how to pull in onto the main form to set up my calculation. :confused:

Problem 2: This one is related and is probably the same fix. I have PriceCharged and PostedPrice for each item. I need to calculate the net error and then, using the subtotal on the main form, calculate the % dollar error.

Any suggestions, oh great and powerful gurus of the Access world? I hope I explained that clearly enough for you.
Thank you very much in advance!

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Making A Query That Can Extract 2 Closest Column Values

Dec 20, 2006

Hello I have a query in MSACCESS that looks like this

N| Q | A | B | C | D | E | F |

now my problem is that I want to have a query select the 2 closes values to Q from columns either A B C or D and put them into columns E and F

I am just so stuck here, if anyone can help or give me a steer in a right direction i would greatly appreicate it!

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General :: Extract Multiple Values From A Cell To A Separate Table?

Aug 18, 2015

I have imported an Excel table with a column which has several values in one cell separated by "". In my case names of institutions afiliated with a patent. Example of the format of a single cell: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (US) RIVE TECHNOLOGY INC (US)

In order to normalize the Access database I would like to extract the institutions to a separate table (institutions) and that the patent is related to both institutions.

I am using Access 2007.

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Grabbing Time Values From Table In Visual Basic And Performing Calculations With Them

Nov 8, 2004


My boss wants me to program in visual basic, instead of using queries, a calculation between times, which values are gotten from a table. How do I perform a calculation between two fields from a table in code and what functions are there to calculate the amount of difference in minutes between times in visual basic? THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!


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Queries :: Adding Calculations To Queries Based On Columns In Query

Feb 18, 2014

I am trying to add calculations to queries based on columns in the query... it seems to randomly expect 'Expression' or 'Group by' as column types, and Im having to create 3 sets of queries following on from each other to de-dupe data and allow filters on calculated values.

Also I've got a function which turns a date into a quarterly cohort, e.g. Oct 2013 -> 20134. I use ot on a lot of dates. I created a VBA function, CohortQ used as follows in queries:

Cohort: IIf Year([InputDate]) < 1990 or Year([InputDate]) > 2020, 0 CohortQ([InputDate]))

In the VBA, InputDate is defined as a date

Function CohortQ(InputDate As Date) As Integer
If InputDate = 0 Then
CohortQ = 0
Exit Function
End If

[Code] .....

But when I run it on a date field, it gives me a data mismatch error. I can't step through as it's working on 600K rows.
If I put the function into the query,

Cohort: IIf Year([InputDate]) < 1990 or Year([InputDate]) > 2020, 0 Year([InputDate])*10+DatePart("q",[InputDate]))

it works.

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Calculations On Main Form Do Not Reflect Calculations On Subform

Sep 28, 2015

I have solved the problems getting values on the subform. I have not in getting values on the subform.For instance, on the one titled phone use the formula in the tutorial is:


#Error results when the doc is put into a form mode.

Now when I input each value in the equation above separately.I still get no entry.

For " = sbfCustomerRoomUse" , I get #Error;
and for "= txtTotalPhoneUse", I get #Name.

CustomerRoomUse and txtTotalPhoneuse are from the subform that was dropped into the customer form in a previous step. It shows that explicitly when designed sbfCustomerRoomUse on the main that CustomerRoomUse come from a subform. This does not seem to need to be done with txtTotalPhoneuse, and I am not sure why. Neither one gives me a desired calculation result.

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Queries That Extract Repeated Item

Nov 14, 2007

I'm trying to set up a query where it returns me only the items that are repeated.

ie...I have a table that has clients that are one time clients and other that are repeated. Each client has a client number. I would like to get only the clients whose client number appears more than once. Is that possible?

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Queries :: Extract Max Date And Time - How To Get Corresponding ID

Jan 2, 2014

I have a (simplified) table with

ID | Date | Time | machine | value
304 1-1-2014 06:00 115 0.54%
305 1-1-2014 06:00 111 0.56%
306 1-1-2014 07:00 111 0.52%
307 1-1-2014 07:00 115 0.53%
308 2-1-2014 07:00 111 0.56%
309 2-1-2014 07:00 115 0.58%
310 2-1-2014 06:00 111 0.54%
311 2-1-2014 08:00 115 0.53%

I try to find the ID corresponding to the maximum date+time grouped by Machine.
In this case I would like to find 311 (maximum date/time for machine 115) and 308 (maximum date/time for machine 111)

The way to extract the maximum date + time is not difficult

SELECT Max([Date]+[time]) AS datevalue, tbl_TexControl.Machine
FROM tbl_TexControl
GROUP BY tbl_TexControl.Machine;

But how do I get the corresponding ID? Not with Max([ID]) because then ID 310 is selected which is not the maximum of the time.

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Queries :: Extract Names From Full Name?

Dec 17, 2013

Model Full Name: "Jones, John P." (this was the one not in MS' examples)
Last Name Extract = Jones
lastN = IIf(InStr(1,[Model Full Name],",")=0,"",right([Model Full Name],len([Model Full Name] - (InStr(1,[Model Full Name],",")+2)))First Name Extract = John
firstN = IIf((InStr(1,[Model Full Name],",")+1)=InStrRev([Model Full Name]," "),Right([Model Full Name],Len([Model Full Name])-(InStr(1,[Model Full Name],",")+1)),Mid([Model Full Name],(InStr(1,[Model Full Name],",")+2),(InStrRev([Model Full Name]," ")-1)-(InStr(1,[Model Full Name],","))))

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Queries :: Extract Data From One Field To Another?

Jun 17, 2013

Full Name, Forename, Surname, Salutation. This data has been extracted from another database where the Surname field was not required but it is now. So i need to find a way to pull data from the salutation field into the surname field where salutation has data but surname is null. The next one when surname and salutation are null but full name has data i need to pull that across.

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Queries :: Extract Text Between First And Second Character

Aug 30, 2013

i would like to make a query in ma access can extract text between first and second character "/" and when there are not "/" in field it returns null.now data in my table are like below


No option1 1 100 2 145/Mechanical/0800 3 120/electrical/1620 4 131/mechanical/0200/dw-001

Now I like to make a query can extract text between first and second character "/" like below: No option1 discipline


1 100 null 2 145/Mechanical/0800 Mechanical 3 120/electrical/1620 electrical 4 131/mechanical/0200/dw-001 mechanical

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Queries :: Extract 3 Numbers From A String

Jul 11, 2014

I am trying to extract the first instance of 3 numbers from a string using an update query to update another field in the same table(Master Equipment) titled "Code". the field is called "Equipment". the strings vary in length as well as the location of the 3 numbers needed, but I have examples of all possible locations the 3 number series could be located below. As you will notice, some fields do not contain 3 numbers together, for these I don't want to return a value.


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Queries :: Extract Day From The Date And Return A Value

Feb 20, 2014

I have a list of dates on which tasks were performed.

I want to be able to see if there is a pattern, i.e. lots done on a Monday

Can I extract the Day from the date, and return a value Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc??

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Queries :: Extract Text Between Certain Characters

May 14, 2014

I have a field that contains the following data:

FirstName:Pedro LastName:Campos Restaurant:BI Strand Location:North Month:March

I need to extract the data into different fields like this:

Field1: Pedro
Field2: Campos
Field3: BI Strand
Field4: North

How to extract the information I want into different fields

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Queries :: Extract One Record Per Unique ID

Feb 19, 2015

I have a table like so:

PatientID VisitDate Complaint TestPos
1 4/5/2003 Coughing 1
1 1/2/2007 Sneezing
1 5/1/2008 Unknown 1
2 2/1/1988 Unknown
2 4/2/1988 Unknown 1

I'd like to extract just one TestPos record (TestPos = 1) per Patient ID. And I always want to select the record with the earliest date. So the result would be:

PatientID VisitDate Complaint TestPos
1 4/5/2003 Coughing 1
2 4/2/1988 Unknown 1

I can do this but it requires 3 queries: a SELECT query where TestPos = 1, a GROUP BY PatientID query and MIN(VisitDate) to get the desired record per patient, and then another query that links the two so I can get the additional variables (e.g., Complaint).

Is there a way to do this without using 3 queries? Seems inefficient.

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Queries :: Extract Data From Query

Sep 15, 2013

I am trying to extract data from a query. Part of code when form loads, my questions is bold:

'query criteria
vOrgCode = Me.tOrgCode
'sql statement
strSQL = "Select tblMembers.tOrgCode, tblMembers.tGender, tblMembers.nMonthlyIncome, "
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMembers.nFarmSize, tblMembers.tPrimeCrop, tblMembers.nNoHills "
strSQL = strSQL & "From tblMembers Where tOrgCode = '" & vOrgCode & "'"


i cannot build a simple query and save it as reference since the number of organizations may be 25 at the minimum. this is why i want to build it on the fly, so to speak.

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Queries :: Return / Extract Just Text From Field

Aug 5, 2013

I have a field which contains "01501 PRIKLJ. VRHNIKA - LJ / Stevno mesto" .

1.) I would like to extract just text part from that field, how? *number is always on beginning but different 1-10000

2.) Optional, how could I delete in this new only text field part of text after / ...*some rows have some dont /

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Queries :: Extract Data Between Two Consecutive Comma Set

Jun 16, 2013

102,34112,021502503130010010000,QAR,1,24,1,{NULL:0 },{5:Y},6,14.5,31-MAR-2011

Above data is in one field , i want and expression to extract the data between two consecutive comma set by specifying the comma range.

For example if i specify range 2 to 3 then formula should return "021502503130010010000"

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Queries :: Truncate And Extract Value In String - Delimiter?

Apr 14, 2014

In Access 2007, in a table “Source” -> "UserName" column, I'm trying to truncate and extract value in the string:

a. Value within the parenthesis preceded by "".
b. Value outside the parenthesis preceded by “”

“Source” table contains the column ‘UserName’
“Final” table contains the columns ‘UserName’, “Expected_Output_1” and “Expected_Output_2”.

I tried using the following expressions to extract the output results, but unfortunately there’re not displaying the results in correct format.

For extracting results of “Expected_Output_1” I used: Mid([UserName],InStrRev([UserName],"")+1)

For extracting results of “Expected_Output_2” I used:


Attaching the database for your reference.

Expected results should match the snapshot attached or table “Final” in the attached DB

UserName = C103E000001 then the “Expected_Output_1” = E000001, “Expected_Output_2” = nothing

UserName = NAHoM\_INTRA_MTS (NAHoMDNAGAIntranetAdmin) then the “Expected_Output_1” = _INTRA_MTS, “Expected_Output_2” = DNAGAIntranetAdmin

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Extract / Count And Report From Multiple Queries?

May 20, 2013

I have set up a table for statistical information of students from our 8 campuses (campus, student first name last name, dob, parent info, grade, etc.). I have a query set-up for each campus.

I also have an excel spreadsheet when a student enrolls I change the number of students from each campus that are in grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12.

Since I have already entered this information into my Access DB, I am wondering why do double-duty (thereby risking my forgetfulness) when I should be able to extract that information from these queries? Not sure how to do this in this grouping, per campus, giving a total count for each campus.

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