Queries :: Using Query As DAO Recordset Showing Incorrect Results

Apr 26, 2013

I have a query (that gets it's data from several other queries) with a column called "max." The data in the column is correct, but when I call on the query in VBA, it shows me incorrect data.Here is where I call the query:


Dim db As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strReport As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("7-ErrorsReport")
qdf.Parameters(0) = Forms!frmmain!dt1.Value
qdf.Parameters(1) = Forms!frmmain!dt2.Value
qdf.Parameters(2) = Forms!frmmain!d2.Value


The query looks at a table of employees and finds out if they have been issues a warning letter before, then prints out a corresponding report based on the "max" warning level they are at.The problem arises when an employee graduates from a 6 month probation period - all letters in that period should be ignored. As i said, they are ignored correctly when i run and view my query ("7-ErrorsReport") because they are filtered out at that point, but for some reason when this code runs, it somehow sees the previously issued letters which are stored in a table and likely in some of the other queries.

I am not sure if there is some issue with the query tree I have set up which is necessary to get the results I need, or if something is wacked with the was I am using it as a recordsource.

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Queries :: Parameter Query Returning Incorrect Results Based On Checkbox

Jul 31, 2013

I have a parameter query that contains information on a list of people and contains 3 checkboxes: alumni, parent, business

In this query, I am trying to use parameters to filter the results based on these three fields i.e.

true, false, true would return all records where either alumni, business or both are true, and parent can be either true or false.

false, true, false would return all records where only parent is true, and the other fields do not matter.

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Queries :: Query Showing Two Results?

Mar 19, 2013

I have a query that is showing two results for one product and I have no clue why. I have my tables in a one to many relationship and if I click on the + it shows the correct data for the product in question. Im guessing I have my table set up wrong its the only thing I can think of.

The table tbl_Carton has two entrys for a product (Flex Tape 2-1/16") (Product_PKEY #21) mabe I have it set up wrong? If I run my (qry_Switchboard ) and enter (21) its giving me an extra result for each of the two results thats suposed to be there.why?

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Queries :: Recordset Is Showing As Empty But Query Wizard Returns Records

May 12, 2014

I'm trying to write record set contents to excel. My query runs perfect in access query wizard, but recordset showing as null. My VBA code


Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim recordst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim appXL As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Combining Query Not Showing All Results?

Jan 29, 2015

Sales will make calls and record data using a form (frmEnquirySpeak) which will save to tblSpeak. If the call results in a meeting being booked then it also updates tblMeeting with a date of the meeting (simple stuff so far!).

A sales person might record up to 14 types of action per day, qrySpeakPerAction counts the different types of call made on a day by day basis for reporting. qrySpeakGroupedAction summarises this down to 8 categories and applies a date filter selected on a reporting form (and this works well).

I now want to include the qryMeetingsBookedPerDay (counts m_date_raised and groups by m_date_raised...eg 2 on 24/12/14, 4 on 28/12/14 etc etc) with the qrySpeakGroupedAction...

My effort so far has resulted in only dates which appear on BOTH queries showing. This may not always be the case.
Every day calls will be made, this may or may not result in a meeting. So I see there being 2 options:

1 - Query to show the count of calls on a date or date range and number of meetings booked each day that calls are made (prefer this method, it sounds simpler)
2 - qryMeetingsBookedPerDay should auto populate days which dont appear as 0 (this sounds messy and not sure what capabilities/speed are like when managers want to spot patterns/trends over multiple years?)

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Incorrect Results From Query

Feb 25, 2008

Thought this thing was working great.Seems this is happening:If the sum of credits exceed the sum of charges, the query doubles the sum of charges. The query-SELECT TblCustInfo.CID, TblCustInfo.Name, TblCustInfo.SrvAddr, TblCustInfo.SrvAmt, TblCustInfo.BLCAT, Sum([TblCharges.Chargeamt]) AS SumOfCharges, Sum([TblPayments.Creditamt]) AS SumofCredits, nz([SumOfCharges],0)-nz([SumofCredits],0) AS RunBalance, TblCustInfo.HerbieFROM (TblCustInfo LEFT JOIN TblCharges ON TblCustInfo.CID=TblCharges.CID) LEFT JOIN TblPayments ON TblCustInfo.CID=TblPayments.CIDGROUP BY TblCustInfo.CID, TblCustInfo.Name, TblCustInfo.SrvAddr, TblCustInfo.SrvAmt, TblCustInfo.BLCAT, TblCustInfo.Cancel, TblCustInfo.HerbieHAVING (((TblCustInfo.Cancel)="n"));When I run the query, the SumofCharges calc is the culprit since it shows in that column. I can't dup it in the SumOfCredits, but I would suspect it will also do it somewhere down the line since they are virtually the same.HELP !!!!

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Queries :: Access 2010 / Query Not Showing Results From Combo Box?

Aug 13, 2014

Access 2010. This has worked before but I don't understand why this is not working for me now. When i select an item in a combo box in a form and click on a button to run a query with the results, the query is blank. If I run the query alone, it prompts for an item, I can type it in and it works. I have even tried the DoCmd on the combo box but still same results. Attached is a dummy down DB. If you run the query, it will prompt, select Paper or Rock, see results. But run the form, the drop down will not show the results. What am I missing?

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Queries :: Showing 0 If No Results?

Mar 5, 2015

I have a query that i can type in an item number and it Sums all the locations and tells me how many i have in the building. If i do not have any in the building then there is no record of it in the table and comes back blank. How do i make it show a show 0 instead of blank if there is no records to sum?

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Queries :: Search Form Not Showing All Results

Jun 18, 2015

I am running Access 2013. I have created a search form with about 10 different categories from a single table. I will only show 5 fields for this example The form is called FrmSearch with


In the query, I have the criteria, Like "*" & [Forms]![FrmSearch]![description] & "*" and have this same criteria for all fields with the proper text field entry. (CarNum, serialnum, category, etc)

The problem I have is that I have over 200 items listed in the Description column but only 2 entries in the CarNum column. When I run the search with nothing in the FrmSearch, it should show all data but it only shows the 2 CarNum. If I put something in the Description, only the two items that show CarNum. I tried to use Is Null and Is Not Null but still doesn't work. I take out the "Like" criteria from the CarNum and it works. So, it seems that it does not pull up all the records because the CarNum has empty fields.

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Union Queries - Results Showing As Text & Not Numbers

Dec 13, 2007

To cut a long story short, i've got a union query that is a full outer join of 2 tables.

Anyway, the results i have got back needed formatting to no decimal places.

How do i do that?

I've tried leaving it as it is and formatting it in the report, but it still doesn't format and i can't total it up.

It's like it is showing as a text and not number.

Is there a way of converting the result to a number, particularly in a sql query.

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Showing Results From A Query

Aug 2, 2005

Does anyone know how to do a query so that the user can find all the things that will expiry at the end of the current month?
The user will click on a command button and it will show the results of a product that will expiry at the end of a current month.
Have tried with parameters to which the user manually types the end date in and then it will show the results but having problems.

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Query Not Showing Results?!

Dec 17, 2007

SELECT Training.ID, Training.StaffPIN, Training.Module, Training.DatePassed, Training.DateExp, Training.Comments
FROM TrainingModules INNER JOIN Training ON TrainingModules.[TrngModule] = Training.[Module]
WHERE (((Training.StaffPIN)=[Forms]![TrainingFrm]![StaffPIN]));

Does anyone know why this query isn't working? It doesn't throw an error, it's just not showing any records.

The only thing I can think of is:
Training.StaffPIN is a long int
When it prompts me for [Forms]![TrainingFrm]![StaffPIN] I enter '12177' in the message box, is that taken to be an int or is it actually a text string?

It might not be this as when I use the form [TrainingFrm] to pass the perameter, it's taken from a combobox ([StaffPIN]) where it IS an int, and the query is still blank. :confused:

TrainingModules is a table that stores all the possible modules or subjects that a member of staff can be trained in
Training is a table that stores which staff member has passed which module or subject.
I want the query to pull all the info on a staff member from Training to be later used as a subform.

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Queries :: Incorrect Year In Query?

May 19, 2014

i have a query that pulls a read-only SQL table, i have check in that table and the date field is set up as a Date/Time type, however the db was set up with the date and time in the same field. (1/1/2014 9:00:00 AM)

I have set up the SQL code below to pull out just the Date and not the time. however when i enter my criteria on the form, only the correct month and days load, it pulls in all other years with that month/day.

my Access level - on the lower end of medium experienced.

SELECT IIf(InStr([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime]," "),Left([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime],InStr([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime]," "))) AS [Date], IIf(InStr([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime]," "),Mid([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime],InStr([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime]," ")+1)) AS [Time]
FROM dbo_Rides
WHERE (((IIf(InStr([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime]," "),Left([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime],InStr([dbo_Rides]![ApptDatetime]," ")))) Between [Forms]![frmMain]![subTCTools].[Form]![snavHistory].[Form]![subnDriver]![txtFromDate] And [Forms]![frmMain]![subTCTools].[Form]![snavHistory].[Form]![subnDriver]![txtToDate]));

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Noob - Question About Showing Query Results On Forms

Dec 13, 2007

I am fairly new to access, but do have some experience with SQL & PHP.

I am trying to do something which I would have thought was quite straight forward. But I keep hitting a brick wall and all I get is #name? error on my form.

I have a table "tbl_Job_Spec" and a table "tbl_Tool_List".

I would like to have on the form for tbl_Job_Spec a drop down for selecting the tool number from the "tbl_Tool_List", which then automatically puts into a text box on the form the tools location, which is stored alongside the Tool Number Field on tbl_Tool_List.

I've tried loads of things, I have a query setup ("qry_tool1loc") which seems to correctley identify the relevant information, but when I try to reference that query on the form if just comes up with #Name? in the box on the form.

Anybody got any ideas? I'm only at an early stage in what is quite a big project, but to be honest this is about as complicated as it's going to get, so once I can get past this hurdle it should be plain sailing!!!!!

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Query Showing Different Results When Moved To Chart In Report

Dec 23, 2014

I am trying to use this query. It gives me correct results as query. However when I make chart with query on a report it doesn't show correct data and eventually stops making chart

SELECT qry.txtRC, Count(tbl.txtRC) AS CountOftxtRC
FROM tblMain AS tbl, qryRC AS qry
WHERE (((tbl.txtDepartment)=[Forms]![frmRC]![cboDepartment] Or [Forms]![frmRC]![cboDepartment] Is Null) AND ((tbl.txtZone)=[Forms]![frmRC]![cboZone] Or [Forms]![frmRC]![cboZone] Is Null) AND ((tbl.txtRC )=[qry].[atnRC ID]) AND ((tbl.date) Between [Forms]![frmRC]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmRC]![endDate]))
GROUP BY qry.txtRC , tbl.txtRC
HAVING (((Count(tbl.txtRC )) Is Not Null)) OR (((Count(tbl.txtRC )) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY Count(tbl.txtRC ) DESC;

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Queries :: Calculate Moving Average - Make Table Query Type Incorrect

Aug 16, 2015

I found the attached example a while back (can't find the site again though ) and it calculates a moving average. I've hacked out the parts I need for my own work and I can create my moving average query without an issue.

However, I need to extract the MA data into a table so planned on using append. I kept getting type errors so I tried make table to see what type it was creating and it appears to be Short Text rather than a number.

I've added an extra button and Make Table query to the example.

As far as I can tell from the code, the moving average value when calculated is a Single. However, when I write it to the table, its a Short Text.

How do I make the created Table use Number Type for my calculated moving average?

Using Access 2013

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Not All Results Showing

Mar 27, 2007

I have two database tables, one of information of members and one of staff. I want to do a query to show all members and staff that have the title of 'Mr' in the database.

There are only 5 staff details in my staff database at the moment, all with the title 'Mr'. There are 20 members details, 13 with the title 'Mr'. When i run the query i get only 8 names, 4 from the staff and 4 from the members.

The 4 staff ones i get are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 4th records.
The first record of the members field does not have the title 'Mr' and so it appears that this is blocking the first staff one to appear. And the members stop appearing after the 5th record too, so it appears they are stopped as there are no more staff records.

I hope this makes some sense to you, and if anyone could tell me how to get all the records to appear that would be great. Thanks.

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Showing 0 If No Results

Jul 29, 2007


I have a query which is made up of several other queries that total different fields (these are a base for a report) sometimes one of the queries will be empty and then the whole query is blank, how can I return 0 when there are no records to count in 1 query so that the results from the others still show?


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Queries :: IIF Condition With Incorrect Result

Dec 11, 2014

I have a POLEFFDATE field with dates in date/time format. A single record has POLEFFDATE equal to 12/15/2013. I calculated a simple field called EVALUATE as follows: IIF([POLEFFDATE]< 1/1/2014,1,0). EVALUATE should equal 1 for this record, but it equals 0. Why ?

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Queries :: GrantID - MAX Function Returns Incorrect Value

Dec 16, 2014

I'm working on a database to track our program's performance under different grants. Services performed for each grant would be entered on a quarterly basis. I am tracking the number completed for each service during the quarterly period.

I want to create a report that shows progress against benchmarks depending on the most recent quarter completed. Rather than fooling with dates, I put a field in the table where the data is entered for the number of the quarter in which the service was performed. The field, 'Quarter', holds numerical values 1-4 corresponding with the quarter. The table holds entries from different projects, distinguished by the field 'GrantID'.

There will be more than one service entered for each GrantID.

I would like to be able to identify the most recent quarter in which services were performed for each GrantID.

I have tried using the MAX function in a query but it seems to be adding "1" to the highest quarter number in the field for each GrantID. The code is:

SELECT DevEntryQ.GrantID, Max(DevEntryQ.Quarter) AS MaxOfQuarter
FROM DevEntryQ
GROUP BY DevEntryQ.GrantID;

With this query, if the highest quarter number entered in the table for GrantID1 is 3, the query returns "4".

In Excel, I would use an array formula: = {MAX(IF(Table1[GrantID]=GrantID, Table1[Quarter])}.

I want to use the most recent quarter to retrieve that quarter's benchmarks and show the progress toward the benchmark rather than the overall progress toward the goal for that grant and service.

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Offline DB Showing Online Results Through Frontpage

Oct 5, 2006

I have googled and search for this subject and am more confused now...

I am running an offline A03 db with XP and have a hosted website. Right now I have a separate db online that is used for the results on the website, and it works correctly. I used frontpage to create the form.

Now with our offline db I would like to enter the information on a form, and have the results show up on our website, to avoid keying the same info multiple times.

The data that shows up on the website will not be edited, but the table offline will have some fields for edit, that will not show up online.

Is there a way to connect an offline table/query to show up as results online? And if so how or examples? Thanks in advance.

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Queries :: Query Not Showing Data From Table

Dec 12, 2013

I am trying to run a query and for some reason its not showing the data from the table (its blank), this is a monthly reporting I do - last months query works perfectly.

Table: log and list

Here is the SQL

SELECT log.*, UL.langue, UL.version
FROM log, (SELECT list.id, list.[langue], list.version, list.no_joueur FROM list GROUP BY list.id, list.[langue], list.version, list.no_joueur) AS UL
WHERE (((log.id)=[UL].[id]) AND ((UL.no_joueur)<90000000));

Table has all the columns.

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Queries :: Data Not Showing Up In Query But In Table

Jun 19, 2013

I am working with a database and existing query from my predecessor. The field in the query appears in both the database table and the query.when I run the query it doesn't appear. Is there a limit to the number of columns in a query I easily added a new column and moved a column,

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Forms :: Tabular Form Showing Only Specific Results?

Jul 5, 2013

I have a tabular form which i use to input new payments for tenants.

What i'd like to be able to do, is have another form, with a combo box that i can chose my tenant from, then for a tabular form to show only the payments made for that tenant, sorted in date order.

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Queries :: Returning Set Of Numbers From Custom Formatted String - Incorrect Use Of Join?

Mar 20, 2015

I suspect my design is flawed

SELECT tblData2.Prefix, tblData2.LineNum, tblData2.Year, tblComments.comment, tblComments.Address
FROM tblData2 LEFT JOIN tblComments ON tblData2.LineNum = (NumbersOnly([tblComments].[Address])
WHERE (((tblData2.MyYear)<1990))
ORDER BY tblData2.LineNum;

The NumbersOnly function returns a set of numbers from a custom formatted string. The above fails on the join (I think) but maybe there's another way of doing it?

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Why Is This Query Incorrect?

Nov 1, 2005

SELECT [FA Ctr], [SAP Co], [SAP Ctr], [GL Co],
Format (([SAP Co],"0000") AS NewField), (([cst ctr], "0000000000") as costcenterappended) INTO [Interim Table]
FROM Asset_Map;

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