Query Criteria Not Working Correctly

Nov 17, 2004

I have a field in my DB called "Category". Users are allowed to imput any text in that field. I have a particular problem in which the LIKE command isn't working as I think it should with the limited help files of Access explanation of use. The category field has multiple entries, for example - HEQ, PBH5, PBH4, SWA, SWA2, ALL - etc. I'm trying to pull the records from that field with specifics.... in other words I may need to get All the records that have "PBH5" in them. However, if if PBH5 isn't the FIRST entry in that field the LIKE criteria doesn't work. I have tried Like "PBH5*" LIke "PBH4* etc to no avail. Any ideas? It can't be that difficult, but I cannot find anything in any book I've purchased on it, or any of the knowledge base information at Microsoft.com.

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Getting Forms Working Correctly

Jul 2, 2005

Hi guys,

I'm trying to create a simlpe database that is use to store time worked for clients (see attached).

If you run the form frmClientEntry i have two issues.

1 - you will see that the title is automatically selected from the combo box. However is i try and enter the form I'm told 'You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'tblTitle'. If I select one of the entries I get rid of this. I would like the default to be selected...

2 - There is no entry in the hourly rate column field even though there is an entry in the table. How do I get my hourly rate to show? Ideally this will only be a single text box and not a comboBox as the hourly rate will be the same for every client.

If this is a table design issue please let me know and I'll post there.


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Message Box Not Working Correctly

Sep 1, 2006

I have a query based continuous form that looks up a serial number entered by the user and allows them to view the matching data.
When a user enters a serial number that is not in the database I want a message box to pop up to warn them there is no match.

The code I am using makes the msgbox pop up on every entry. I have tried to put this code in a variety of form and control events with no luck. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Dim intRespone As Integer

If DCount("[packing station scan].[serial_number]", "match with last test results", _
"[drive test results].[serial_number] = ' & Forms![match with last test results].[Serial_Number] & '") < 1 _
intresponse = MsgBox("Stop! Serial Number has no test data!", vbYesNo, "No data found")
Select Case intresponse

Case vbYes

Case vbNo
End Select
End If

End Sub

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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Open Report --&gt;working Not Correctly

Dec 7, 2005

firstly, i created some report based on query. then in my form i create list and combox to list down all primary key that had in query..
what i want to do is open report, based on criteria that i selected from combobox or list box...
i create both cbo and list box to compare which 1 is better... but both not working. i mean it works but not show the data as i want to. it open / list all data at report..

i use this code but nothing happen :

for listbox;
StCriteria = "[ID]=" & "'" & ListCustomer.Column(0) & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Invoice Print", acPreview, , StrCriteria

and Cbo;
StrCriteria = "[ID]=" & Me.[cboCustomer]
DoCmd.OpenReport "Invoice Print", acPreview, , StrCriteria

plz help me..i dunno what to do.. :confused:
it works but not correct

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Access Database Quits Working Correctly

Mar 26, 2008

I am working on developing a database that develops requests to send to another department. There are a lot of forms, macros, reports and queries. A user inputs information into a form, and then selects a command button that is attached to a macro that builds the request. Midway through the build, another form comes up to complete missing information. I was going along just fine - at the testing stage for this part of the process - when the database stopped working like it should. Some of the issues I am seeing:

1) If you open a new query and try to close it without saving it, it just keeps asking you if you want to save over and over even though you select No.

2) If you open an existing query and make a change, it closes it and saves the changes without any prompting at all.

3) Macros and forms do not work right. I have a macro that deletes the records from one table. The form for that table now shows #Deleted in all the fields instead of blanks.

If you compact/repair the database is good for one run through but then it doesn't work correctly again. I have had this issue in the past but have no clue how I break my databases! I have a general knowledge of Access, I am not really a VBA coder if I can avoid it at all costs. There must be something in the relationship between all my tables, queries, forms, etc but I have no clue even where to start to troubleshoot. HELP!!

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Query Criteria Not Working

Feb 3, 2006

I have a query with several criteria

SELECT tblProjectDetails.projectid, SubType.SubType, tblProjectDetails.status, tblProjectDetails.product, tblProjectDetails.description, tblProjectDetails.type, tblProjectDetails.producttype, tblProjectDetails.confidence, tblProjectDetails.flatamount, IIf(IsNull([reduction]),(([currentprice]-[newprice])*[volume])/(13-[cutinmonthnmbr]),(([reduction]*[volume])/(13-[cutinmonthnmbr]))) AS Calc, ([flatamount]/(13-[cutinmonthnmbr])) AS Calc2, IIf(1>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS Jan, IIf(2>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS Feb, IIf(3>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS Mar, IIf(4>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS April, IIf(5>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS May, IIf(6>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS June, IIf(7>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS July, IIf(8>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS Aug, IIf(9>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS Sept, IIf(10>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS Oct, IIf(11>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS Nov, IIf(12>=[cutinmonthnmbr],IIf(IsNull([flatamount]),[Calc],[Calc2])) AS [Dec], tblProjectDetails.cutinmonth, tblProjectDetails.DMO, tblProjectDetails.fcstloc, tblProjectDetails.projecttype, tblManagers.last, tblManagers.managerid, tblProjectDetails.currentsupplier
FROM tblManagers RIGHT JOIN (SubType RIGHT JOIN tblProjectDetails ON SubType.SubTypeID = tblProjectDetails.subtypeid) ON tblManagers.managerid = tblProjectDetails.managernew
WHERE (((tblProjectDetails.status)<>"Concept" And (tblProjectDetails.status)<>"Tabled") AND ((tblProjectDetails.producttype)<>"3") AND ((tblProjectDetails.confidence)="1") AND ((tblProjectDetails.cutinmonth)<>13) AND ((tblProjectDetails.DMO)<>Yes) AND ((tblProjectDetails.fcstloc) Is Null) AND ((tblProjectDetails.projecttype)<>"Other") AND ((tblProjectDetails.cutinyear)=2006) AND ((tblProjectDetails.currentsupplier)<>"Venture"));

Everything works great except for the very last criteria <> "Venture". I have one project that this query should leave out but it eliminates any project with a Null in the supplier field instead of just supplier "Venture". Why would it do that and what would be the solution?



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Query Criteria Not Working

Aug 31, 2006

Does anyone know why this is not working for me?

I am trying to change a query to add additional criteria and the records that I am trying to exclude keep showing up.

Original query

Field - "otherloc"
Criteria - <>"Supplies forecast" Or Is Null
New Criteria - <>"Supplies forecast" Or Is Null Or <> "PO*"

I am trying to tell it to exclude any record in which "PO" is the first term in the field. The data in the fields in my main table are like PO 702968.

I have tried changing it to PO702968 but nothing seems to matter, the records won't go away. I also tried to duplicate all of the criteria in my query on a second line and add the new criteria and I get the same results.

I've never seen this before and I can't figure out why it would be doing this.


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Field Update Using DSUM: Field Joins Are Not Working Correctly

Sep 11, 2007

I know there are numerous threads regarding dsum() on the forum, but I wasn't able to find the exact answer to my problem.

The root of my problem is that I'm trying to update a field on a table using dsum, which references another query to update the table. Although I have all of the correct keys from the physical table joined to the query in the dsum function, the code/ms access seems to ignore the joins. As a result, all payees are having their "vol" field set instead of a select subset.

Query (GetTxnVolAmtTR"):

SELECT p.payee_id, sum(txn_volume) AS vol, t.market, t.period_id
FROM ft_payees AS p, ft_txn_summary AS t
WHERE p.payee_id=t.payee_id And p.market=t.market
GROUP BY t.payee_id, t.period_id, t.market, p.payee_id;

Update statement (references the query above):

UPDATE tmp_ft_component AS rc
SET rc.volume = Dsum("vol","GetTxnVolAmtTR","GetTxnVolAmtTR.payee_id= " & [rc.payee_id] And "GetTxnVolAmtTR.market= " & [rc.market] And "GetTxnVolAmtTR.period_id= " & [rc.period_id] & "")
WHERE rc.component_name='Total Revenue';

as you can see, I have all of the fields I want joined, but the code seems to ignore this. I've tried looking at this site: http://www.mvps.org/access/general/gen0018.htm , but haven't found my answer. Any help would be much appreciated!

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Modules & VBA :: Criteria On MS Access Query Not Working With Multi-Select Listbox

Aug 22, 2014

I am attempting to filter records using a multi-select listbox, but all records are being returned. Here is my code.

Private Sub btnKeyboxCount_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] ....

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Expression In Query Not Formating Correctly

Sep 26, 2006

Hi all,

I have a query that I have an expression in that is returning a text value instead of a number value. The field in my table is a number value but when I use the expression it returns it as text. I have done several searched but can't seem to find anything that matches formatting an expression as a number. Here is the expression I am using, the reason I am using it is because I need to return a zero if no records matched the criteria.

total: Nz(Sum([act_hours]),0)


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Reports :: Get Last Record To Query Correctly

Sep 17, 2013

I have a table that gets updated by a query(For Invoices).When I query that Invoice table for the last record, I do not get the last one written. It stops at number 12. I am using the Totals option with Invoice number field and setting to "Last".is there another way I can get the last record to query correctly. I am trying to populate an invoice report.

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How Do I Correctly Reference A VBA Public Function In A Query?

Jan 14, 2008

Hi all,

I'm trying to get a public function to work within the design view of a query. The function is defined as:

Public Function Percentile_(fldName As String, _
tblName As String, p As Double, _
Optional strWHERE As String = "") _
As Double... ( I can put the whole code if u need it)

Any thoughts about how I can make the Percentile function calculate values according to a GroupBy statement and not for whole data set?

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Negative Numbers In Query Are Not Sortin Correctly.

Sep 26, 2007

I have a table with data that is similar to this:
HCP1 DATE (Fields)
-.1 7/19/2007
-.2 6/14/2007
0 9/9/2007
1.2 4/23/2006
-.3 4/4/2007
2.4 3/7/2007
0 2/5/2006
1.1 2/6/2007

Etc. There are 0's, negative numbers and postive numbers. Some with at least one decimal point. I am trying to sort the data by the highest number in HCP1 field. When I run the query in Access it looks great. But when run through ASP on the server it is only giving me the negative numbers, no 0's no positve numbers. It would return -.1 in this sample data as the first record.

Anyone know what might be going wrong on the server side of things. The query statement looks the same on both sides. (server and access)

Thanks for any help.

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Customer ID Doesn't Show Up Correctly In A Query Or Table

Oct 11, 2004

When I open one of my tables or queries and look at the customer Id, the displayed info is a single digit. On my customers table my primary key is the customer Id with auto number with the format like this: "ID"000. This is great however, when you look up the customer id in other tables it only displayes the single digit. I want it to show up like ID001 or ID002. In the customers tables it looks just like that, but if you click in that cell/field it takes away the ID and just shows the 001 or 002. I changed the format in my other tables under customer id to "ID000" but that didn't seem to make a difference. I would like to be able to do a search lets say by customer ID in one of my products table and when I type ID005 or ID012 it takes me to those records. But right now I would have to enter 5 or 12. Datatype in my other tables on field customer ID is set to text. Do I have to do a validation rule? How can I get it to show up the way I want it?

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Queries :: Passing From Form Criteria Is Not Working

Feb 2, 2014

This is my passing criteria to query field:

IIf([Forms]![FrmUserSelection]![PricingType]=3,1 Or 2,[Forms]![FrmUserSelection]![PricingType])

My field is Pricing Type and holds records 1 or 2..I would like to pass value from my group option from a form.It works fine if group option has a value 1 or 2 but it displays no records if option value is 3 What is wrong with my code.

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Queries :: Using Working Days In Search Criteria

Apr 22, 2013

I have a query where I use the search criteria of =Date()+1.

However I really need this to add on a working day (i.e. excluding weekends).

Is there an easy way to do this?

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Queries :: Criteria Referencing Control On Form Not Working

Oct 10, 2013

I have a form (named frmAddSession) with a combo box (named Band_Name) and lets say i have it displaying the band "Band A"

I have a query where the criteria is [Forms]![frmAddSession]![Band_Name]. when i run the query the results are blank. but if i type ="Band A" it works just fine.

why won't my reference to the combo box on the form work?

In a series of deductions to try and figure this out, my form only has the one combo box, and my query is based on only one table and only has the one field.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Multiple Criteria Not Working - Column Is A Numeric Field

Feb 25, 2015

I have a small problem with dlookup multiple criteria. Vba code looks like this:


Label34.Caption = DLookup("[Spent_Hours]", "249_1_CHours", "[Date_Added]= " & Me.Text27 & " And [Shift] = '" & Me.Text29 & "'")

This gives following error:

Syntax error in number in query expression '[Date_Added]=4.02.2015 And [Shift] = '2'.

[Shift] column is a numeric field.

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Setting Query Criteria To Be 'blank' Depending On The Criteria Of A Combo Box

Oct 21, 2006

I have set up a database that stores actions (i.e jobs). In the table; two of the fields are...'required completion date' and 'actual completion date'. I wish to lookup, by using a query, all of the open actions (those which havent yet been complete (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null)) and then later on all those which are overdue (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null And the 'required completion date' <today....this being the criteria for an overdue action).

However, I have used a form which has a combo box which contains the values open and overdue. When a selection has been made I want a form to display with the results depending on the selection that has been made. I am capable of creating a form based on a query, but am unsure of how to construct the query with the correct criteria based on the option that is selected from the form.

Any help would gratefully be appreciated. Thanks

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How To Query Data For Specific Criteria - Criteria Help

Aug 20, 2007

I have data for hundreds of stores. The data was pulled for the top 15 items by store, so I cannot obtain only the top 5 items that I need. How can I query this data to extract only the top (or bottom) 5 Subjects, by store, based on the percentage column?

StoreSubjectSalesSales %
1516Audio Unabridged1650.8-231.04%
1516History / Military History10081.1-29.99%
1516Role Playing / Graphic Novels14773.9-20.27%
1516Audio Abridged1785.9-141.84%
1516SciFi / Fantasy27535.3-7.93%
1516Juv Audio/Video1580.6-100.13%
1516Current Affairs / Law8141.9-14.34%
1516Juv Non-Bk4585.9-25.02%
1516Science / Tech2961.4-33.98%
1516Movies / TV / Music / Dance3395.3-29.46%
1872Psych / Self Improvement100650.4-10.05%
1872Audio Unabridged29165.9-27.32%
1872Health & Fitness64713.8-10.29%
1872Current Affairs / Law47927.1-11.08%
1872Travel Foreign42583.7-12.27%
1872Religion / Bibles80255.6-6.07%
1872SciFi / Fantasy67641.4-6.49%
1872Study Aids / Notes38299-11.24%

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Relationships Done Correctly

Nov 26, 2006

Hey guys, i have an access project for my computer class, and considering i dont know much about access, i think i did ok, but i want to make sure everything is the way it is suppose to and do it myself than paying someone else to do it for me.(its some pretty interesting stuff actually) so can you gurus, let me know if what the email from my teacher said is what i have done? i think its just the relationships that might not be done right if anything. i attached the pdf file that says what i must do, and the access file that i made. thanks for all your help in advance guys,
Quote: Originally Posted by Kush's Prof there is nothing to make the relationships work.
you are simply confusing the operational aspect of the database adn the design aspect of it.

When you program an interface to use it then you worry about usade of the relationships.
Setting them up at the design level where you are now, will simply ensure that the relationship is not violated when it is programmed. That is it.

Access Project (rared)

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Ribbon Bar Not Loading Correctly

Nov 13, 2007


I am trying to get a blank ribbon to be in place when a user opens my application. I have an Adp linked to SQL Server. If I create a table in SQL Server named ribbons and have the app read the data in that table in the AutoExec macro (this runs the code that reads the data) then assign the new ribbon to Application.LoadCustomUI RS("RibbonName").Value, RS("RibbonXml").Value it works and the blank ribbon is displayed. The problem is that this is no use because if the adp is not connected to the database on startup it causes an error as no connection has been established.

Instead I have put exactly the same xml file into a module but this does not have the same affect even though I call the same Application.LoadCustomUI method. I havent really done anything different except change how the xml is found. The problem with this method is it just pops the new ribbon into the list of available ribbons so then the user would have to choose the ribbon, shut down and restart, that is no use.

Has anybody got any idea what can be done about this? I will post the code below.

Thank you for any advice on what can be done.


First method (which works but is no good for distributing the app)

Autoexec calls the following
Public Function LoadRibbons()
Dim RS As Recordset
Set RS = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("SELECT Ribbons.RibbonName, Ribbons.RibbonXML FROM RIBBONS")
If Not RS.BOF Then
Application.LoadCustomUI RS("RibbonName").Value, RS("RibbonXml").Value
End If
Set RS = Nothing
End Function

but using the following and calling it in autoexec just puts the ribbon in the list and doesnt use it

Function CreateRibbon()
Dim xml As String
xml = _
"<customUI xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui"">" & vbCrLf & _
" <ribbon startFromScratch=""true"">" & vbCrLf & _
" <officeMenu>" & vbCrLf & _
" <button idMso=""FileCompactAndRepairDatabase"" visible=""false""/>" & vbCrLf & _
" <button idMso=""FileOpenDatabase"" visible=""false""/>" & vbCrLf & _
" <button idMso=""FileNewDatabase"" visible=""false""/>" & vbCrLf & _
" <splitButton idMso=""FileSaveAsMenuAccess"" visible=""false""/>" & vbCrLf & _
" </officeMenu>" & vbCrLf & _
" </ribbon>" & vbCrLf & _
Application.LoadCustomUI "BlankRibbon", xml
End Function

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Is My Table Setup Correctly...how Would You Do It?

Dec 1, 2006


I am rather new to Access and looking for some help with my table. I have a report that I do, that I used to do in Excel and was wondering if it was setup right or if there was a better way of doing it.

From looking around I noticed that people usually have mulitple tables and such, while mine is all in one. I see there is a table analyzer but am not sure if I should use that, or what the importance of having it split up.

I have attached my table in XML if anyone wants to share opinions on how they would set it up or what they would do.

Is there a bad thing to having it all in one table?

Thanks for any insight or help.

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Librares Not Function Correctly

Oct 1, 2004

I hope someone else has had this problem and can help with this.

I recently gave a user an update to the DB I developed for them. It is a split DB. He has been testing the New Interface DB against a copy of the Orginal Data DB (like our standard process entails). In the process of his testing when he tried running a process that had an Update SQl statement the following error was generated

"Function is not available in expression in table - level validations expression"

The error message only affect this ONE linked table (all other tables are fine) and I have no problem running the statement against the Actual table in the Data DB. It only booms out when ran in the Interface. I checked the rights and nothing is out a place. I can't change any data in this linked table, but can change anything I want in the actual table.

In the process of trying to troubleshoot this problem I stumbled across a equally baffling problem. None of the queries that use the built in functions work. They all error out, as if a library was missing. I checked the libraries and the are all present (none are missing).

The Orginal program, which uses the same libaries is stilling working fine, so I don't believe the actual dlls got corrupted. The program works fines for at my location, and appears to work fine everywhere else they have tested. They are going to test it on a few more workstations, but I anticipate the same results, it will work.



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Forms Updating Tables Correctly

Feb 8, 2006

Hello all. Hope I describe my problem correctly. :D

I have a near complete database with forms linking to tables. Tables have relationships with keys set to ref. integrity/cascade records.

Here is the problem -

My forms are meant for people to input data into these tables. However, I do not want them to change those keys.

Problem 1) If I set primary/foreign keys to "autonumber" I cannot get the relationships to recognize ref. integrity and the records will not cascade, and will not update.

Problem 2) If I set primary/foreign keys to "double integer" then if someone enters a new record into the forms, it is recorded as "zero" when it should be updating in numerical order (I have 479 records in the database, so the next new record should be 480).

Problem 3) If I change it any other way - from double integer or auto number, the tables do not update at all, or do not update correctly.

What is going on here? I thought creating forms was a fairly simple task - create the form, it is related to the table, update the form, it updates the table. I mean, duh. :confused:

Thanks anyone for your help, because Microsoft's site sux.

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Forms :: How To Correctly Filter Records

Sep 10, 2014

currently using 2010 version.

Made some tables with data, then wanted to filter it by form with comboboxes approx 10 of them, so started to write a simple query but it doesn't really work. Then I found this forum and when started to review some threads, noticed that some (most) of you write a query in vba under a button with on_click function.

The question is, what is the correct way of writing a query? Is is a vba code under a button, or is it a code in the actual query?

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