Review - Table Design - Meter Reading / Adjustments

Aug 3, 2005

I am working on a database to keep track of meter readings from several meters. Am at the table design stage and have come up with two seperate table designs but am wondering what would be best.

Each individual 'Meter' tracks more than one 'Fuel'. All of the regular meter readings should occur on the last day of the the month. The difference between the current month's reading and the reading from the previous month is the usage for the current month.

Though rare, there are occasions when there could be adjustments to the meter. A meter may be reset to 0 or to any other number due to a number of issues (replacement, maintenance).

The usage for a Meter-Fuel combination calculated by the current meter reading & previuos meter reading is assigned to current readings' date, As readings should onlt be taken at the end of the month, all other readings should be adjustments ONLY!

Here is my one version;

MeterID (PK)


MeterReadingID (PK)
MeterID (FK)
FuelID (FK)

MeterReadingID (PK)
MeterID (FK)
FuelID (FK)

MeterAdjustmentID (PK)
MeterID (FK)
FuelID (FK)

My other idea was to incorporate meter adjustments into tblMeterReadings and not have a sepereate table for meter adjustments

MeterReadingID (PK)
MeterID (FK)
FuelID (FK)

The I would create a multi-field index of dbMeterReading, MeterID, FuelID, blnAdjustment.

So data with an adjustment may look like this

dtMeterReading, MeterID, FuelID, dblMeterReading, blnAdjustment
01/31/2005, 1, 1, 900, False
02/15/2005, 1, 1, 1000, False
02/15/2005, 1, 1, 0, True
02/31/2005, 1, 1, 100 , False

I think that the second version is the way to go, since I would still have to create a query to join data from both the reading and adjustment tables in the first design that would look like the data above.

Here what I consider to be the drawbacks to either table structure

Version 1

The first version requires more complicated queries to calculate the difference between meter readings.

Version 2

The second version will require some coding/querying to make sure that there are always two adjustment records for one date and determining which is the pre-adjustment and post-adjustment meter reading since it may not be true that the meter is reset to zero; it may even be set at number higher than the pre-adjectment reading.

Any thoughts on which design is better? Or any problems I could run into later with designing forms/queries/reports that perhaps I have not thought through?


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General :: Meter Reading Table - Calculation Based On Previous Record

Aug 2, 2013

I have a table full of meter readings. I want to have a field called consumption which looks at the reading just entered for that month and then subtracts the previous months reading for that meter which leaves the consumption.

Can I get a formula that can work this out automatically?

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Please Review And Critique My Table Design

Sep 23, 2005

I'm trying to create my own events (issues, action items et al) log database for project management.

I have attempted to have the events interrelate to each other. I am inviting comments, suggestions and the like.

Thank you in advance.

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Priority Ranking Adjustments

Feb 28, 2008

I found this from different fourm by searching google. This is exactly what I need to do and the answer was given; however, I can't figure it out. Can someone please post a step by step instruction on how to complete the following.

Thank you!


I have a datbase full of projects that must be ranked in priority order. This was simple enough but when I add a project I will likely need to change the priority rank of all the "lesser" projects. With over 500 projects adding a new project with a rank of 50 means changing all the ranks 50 and above. I want to be able to add a project and when I determine its rank I insert the rank number and every rank equal to the project just added is the indexed by 1 digit. No two project can be ranks the same, one is always more important than another.


Create an update query that sets the priority field to:

[Priority] + 1

then set the criteria to

>= new number

Where new number is the rank of the new number.

This will increment by one each priority.

Hope this helps,

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Reading A Table From Within Another Database

May 19, 2005

I'm fairly new to access (now using for work purposes) and i've become a bit stumped...

I have a database set up and running fine, however I want to be able to generate a form in one database from a table within another. Is this possible?

Thanks for your input, It will all be apreaciated.


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Reading Appending To A Table, From A Manipulated Input

Apr 1, 2007

I need to grab a record from an input table/record set and de-concatenate it based on the underscore and append each instance to an output table. I know this must be possilbe, we do simular things in GIS programming all the time. Below is my "logic"/psuedo code :)

'loop until end of file
strColumnA = tblNewRelationships.PLACE
strColumnBin = tblNewRelationships.NAMES
'loop until strColumnBout is ""
strColumnBout = Left(strColumnBin, Find("_", strColumnBin, 1) - 1)
strColumnBchop = Right(strColumnBin, Len(strColumnBin) - Len(strColumnBout) - 1)
strSQL = "" 'put strColumnA into tblRelationships_2.PLACE and strColumnBout into tblNewRelationships.NAME
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strColumnBin = strColumnBchop
'end field loop
'end row loop

Any help is seriously appreciated.

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General :: Error Reading Switchboard Items Table

Jun 26, 2013

I have two options on the main switchboard page and when I click on the second option it goes to a secondary page that gives me 3 options with the third option being to return to the main screen. When I select that option it does go back to the main screen but then on the main screen it shows the return to main screen option as well and when I select it.... it says " There was an error reading the switchboard items table." But I want the main screen to only show the original two options only.

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Modules & VBA :: Reading Table Of Information Recordset From XLSX File

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to use a Connection to an xlsx spredsheet to read in a table of information (the data is not a table, just laid out in a table, see attached, the one I am trying to load is xlsx not xls but I cannot for some reson upload the xlsx one on here)

I have the following declared:

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

my connection string is:

strConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & cstrFolder &
Chr(92) & tempSymbol & ".xlsx;Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES';"

I open the connection which works fine:

Code : cn.Open strConnectionString

Now here I hit the problem, I have the following SQL string:

Code : strSelect = "SELECT * from [table$]"

The spreadsheet contains just 1 tab, named table so I think I am referring to the data correctly in my SQL string?

When I open the recordet for variable rs using:

Code : rs.Open strSelect, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

I get the error dialogue box:

The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object 'table$'. make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.....

I did a Debug.print to check the strConnectionString was correct and the Source is exactly correct and refers to the name of the file I am trying to access exactly.

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Progress Meter

Nov 4, 2005

I am new to Access Forum and I have a very easy question:
I need to show a Progress Meter in a Form whilst my Dbase is running a Macro containing several Queries - these Queries are Delete, Append etc and finally a MsgBox.

Any ideas on How to do a Progess meter whilst the Macro is running??


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Progress Meter

Mar 30, 2005

I have a form that, when I press a button it loads another form. The second form takes about 20-25 seconds to load due to the fact that the (split)DB is running over a network, and the form itself has many fields on it. I'm thinking that my users will think that their computer is locked up and keep closing out of the DB. I would like to add a progress meter or percent meter so the user will at least see that something is happening. Has anyone ever programmed one of these things, and if so, could you please give me some insight? Thanks.


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Meter Reader In Access

Mar 7, 2008


I m new, and i want to make a meter reader in Access for daily use. i want to be enter only last reading every day at data entry form and that last reading must appear as first reading of the next day automaticaly in same table, because i have only one table in my database. fields are "date", "1streading", "2ndreading" & one data entry form and one report. is it possible in access, if so please help me. thanks

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Using Syscmd(... Update Meter)

Oct 12, 2005

I use syscmd(acsyscmdInitMeter) and syscmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter) frequently. I noticed that the acSysCmdUpdateMeter has two arguments. I know the first one updates the counter, but I have not found any documentation for the second. Does anyone know how it can be used?

I would like to modify the Status Bar description that is set in the InitMeter action with the UpdateMeter action. Is there any way to do this? For example:

syscmd(acSysCmdUpateMeter, "Part 1", n)

syscmd(acSysCmdUpateMeter, "Part 2", n)

Thanks for your help

View 11 Replies View Related

Access 2000 Progress Meter

Oct 29, 2006

I have a form that takes sever seconds to load, due in part to the number of records I suppose, however I would like to create a progress meter (form?) that will run while the form is loading. I have tried several different suggestions but none work. Can anyone help me?


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Review Of My Database So Far

Nov 19, 2007

Could someone offer suggestions on how to improve the database or the general structure of it?

All suggestions are welcome!

(Its an online retail project selling DVD's, CD's & Games)

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Small Code In Need Of Review

Jun 24, 2005

hi. I am trying to write a code to sum the total cost of all jobs that are selected as 'yes' in a combo box.

Once the user selects 'yes' in a combo box, they enter in a cost for that specific job. Each client may have 10s of jobs. I need to write a code that will sum up all the 'yes' selected jobs for a client. I know it should be an 'if' statement but I can't seem to get it to work. I need this value for a report. How would I do this and where would i put the code.

Help is appreciated.

Here is the code that I was thinking of, I don't think its right but it might be a start.

Dim Count As Variant
Dim CountImplementedTotal As Variant

CountCost = 0
CountImplementedTotal = 0

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordSet("ECM Details")
Do While Not rst.EOF
If rst![AUDIT ID] = Forms![audit info]![AUDIT ID] Then
If rst![Has Measure been Selected] = "YES" Then
Count = Count + rst![Total Measure Cost]
End If
End If

Text47.Text = Count

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Review Of Database - Suggestions Welcome

Nov 20, 2007


I'm doing a database for a CD, DVD, Game website could you take a second to review it and give me suggestions to improve things.

I've included my old and revised database to see what if done

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Review Date Calculation

Aug 28, 2007

I have a database for maintaining procurement contracts which includes a start date for each contract and a frequency of reviews required (monthly, qrtly, bi-annual, yearly). I need to be able to generate a report that will tell me when the next review is due for each contract, taking today's date into consideration.

This is the setup so far:

tblRegistry - contains field 'Commence' for the start date of the contract and 'Review Req' to indicate how often a review is required (monthly, yearly etc).

tblReviewReq - contains field 'Review Frequency' (monthly, yearly etc) and 'Days' to assign the number of days eg monthly = 30, yearly = 365 etc.

Next I have a query that includes the above tables using the fields 'Commence' and 'Days' and have created a calculated field to give me the next review date ie contract start is 1/08/07, review freq is monthly (=30 days), therefore the next review is 1/09/07. "NextReview:[Commence]+[Days]"

But how do I get it to tell me the next review date after the 1/09/07? Ultimately I'd like to be able to pull a report at any stage which will tell me all the reviews that are coming up.


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Review Recent Changes Made

Nov 6, 2005


This is my first post.

I have built an access database (Access 2002) which contains around 370 records.

It would be useful to be able to click a button on a form to review which records (forms) have been amended or what records are new.

This could be presented by either (1) sorting the records so the newest/or latest changed records came first, followed by the next most recent etc etc, or by (2) presenting a list of record names which could be followed manually.

I have tried several text books but have been unable to find a solution so any help from the experts would be very welcome.

Thank you ~ David.

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Review Dates Query Results

Apr 18, 2008

Hello everyone,

Using Acess 2007

This is what I have:

I have one Query with the following:
Main.ID, Main.First Name, Main.Last Name, Main.Assigned Date

I created a Daily Report using this Query to tell me when I need to meet again with these people.

I have a Report that has the following:
Main.ID, Main.First Name, Main. Last Name, Main.Assigned Date, [Assigned Date]+30,[Assigned Date]+60,[Assigned Date]+90,[Assigned Date]+120,[Assigned Date]+150,[Assigned Date]+180

What I would like to do:

The current report shows ALL records with the requested information. How can I have the Query or Report filter out the records that do not have any of the review dates falling on today's date?

I hope I explained myself. If further explanation is necessary let me know.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Car Event Db 95% Finnished - Please Review A Few Small Errors

Feb 5, 2006

This database is for a car event that's held once a year. It has been a work in progress for about 15 weeks now and is basically finished. There is only a couple of errors and not sure where to start. The database is so big it is getting a little out of reach for me to organize everything.

Idea of the database is that I can enter entrant's information, there car details and any merchandise they want.

Main errors I’ve noticed are;

In email form if you select one user it still emails everyone.
In the car details form the induction box does not show the value list I created in the car table.
when entering a t-shirt in the products form you select the shirt size. Is this the best way to lay this out.
In the Order Form what is the best way to add a freight box between Sub-Total & Total where you can type the freight in and it's automatically added to the Total Box

Have a look over the db and let me know what ya's think.


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Forms :: Calculate Review Dates For Employees

Jul 18, 2013

I have a form with date fields I need to calculate review dates for employees. Example 45 day 60 day 90 day what would be the best option to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Review Workflows Converted From Data Macros

Nov 11, 2013

Is there a way to review / edit the actual SharePoint workflows in SharePoint created by Access Services after a web database has been published?

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Modules & VBA :: Tracking Form - Code Does Not Review All Subform Records

Jun 5, 2013

I'm having some problems with VBA code I'm writing that references a subform. I'm pretty new to VBA and am not sure what the problem could be. The parent form (TrackingForm) tracks dates different tasks were completed. The subform (Child2) tracks exceptions that also need to be marked completed. I need ALL dates to be marked as completed before the entire tracking record can be marked as completed.

I have the following code entered into the OnFocus event of the tracking records Me.Completed_Date field:

Private Sub Completed_Date_GotFocus()
If IsNull(Closing_Date) Or IsNull(Package_Received) _
Or IsNull(Upload_By) Or IsNull(Initial_Review_Date) _
Or IsNull(Me.Child2.Form![Date Exception Completed]) Then
Me.Completed_Date.Locked = True
MsgBox "Completed Date cannot be entered - outstanding items.", vbOKOnly, "Warning!"
Else: Me.Completed_Date.Locked = False
End If
End Sub

What ends up happening is that, if there is more than one exception record on Child2, the code only seems to care if one of the records (usually the first record) has something entered in the [Date Exception Completed] field. I can't seem to make it look at any successive records in Child2 to ensure they are also completed prior to unlocking the Me.Date_Completed field. I have googled this extensively over the last day and the only response that seems to recur involves using a Recordset function that I have never used and am unsure how to.

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General :: User To Review Address Register - Auto Alert When Changes / Additions Made

Sep 27, 2012

I've got a database that allows all users to review an address register. If they find errors or mostly get updated information they have another form they can fill out to make the recommended changes. Only I have access to the main DB to make the change permanent.

The question I have is there a way for Access to send me a notification that someone has requested the change?

I know that sending an email is doable - in Access. However, that's not an option for our network here. I was thinking something along the command prompt "Net Send" command. However I've not been able to get that to work by itself - let alone within Access...

I have used VB code in the past to store what PC is using the database, I could modify that to alert me whenever I open the DB up from my PC. But I was trying to get away from having to open this particular DB up every day and check for changes.

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Design Table So That When A Box Is Checked Data Is Transferred To Another Table

Mar 23, 2012

I am designing a database for my organisation. I have done most of it but am stuck on this. Ideally I would like to have a check box (in a table) that when checked a load of data is carried across from that record to a record in another table.

Given that I can't and don;t want to use VB is there anyway that this can be done easily?

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Help With Table Design

Nov 28, 2005

I am having problems coming up with a Table design and need help.

I am trying to design a table that will have 8 categories, 47 subcategories, and then choices within those categories.

Much like the following (this is only one category example, there will be many):

(Main category) Floors -> (Sub categories) Joist, Carpet, Vinyl Flooring, Wood Laminate -> (Choices for Joist Sub Category) Structure Wood 2X8 Joist, Plywood 2X8 Joist, Structure Wood 2X10 Joist, Plywood 2X10 Joist

This only shows the flow if the main category is "Floors", sub category "Joist", and then the choices under subcategory "Joist". There will be others for the other categories, subcategories, and choices.

Can someone help me or steer me in the right direction in setting up the database table/tables to accomplish this. Oh and BTW, there will be prices attached to each "Choice" under the subcategories.

I hope that this makes sense... any help would be much appreciated.

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