Saving Previous Value Of Combo Box

May 31, 2005

Hi all,

I had a small problem with combo box . Is there any way to store the previous value of the combo box. Last time Pat showed me a way to collect the value by .oldvalue property of the combo box and it worked fine. But it working only for saved record and one time only. If I choose different value one more time without saving the record, the .oldvalue is not changing..Is there any way to make this happen. I am attaching a sample db with this. If someone can clear this please update the db or show me the code to do that.....

Thanks in advance


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Saving Previous Unbound Field Values

Oct 5, 2005


i have a form (A) with some unbound combo boxes which generate a subform (continuous) recordsource and the records output

after i filter the subform, i click on a subform record and open another form (B), and close form (A)

i do a bit of editing on form (B), then i click a button to go back to form (A).

is it possible to open the form (A), with the unbound combo boxes values at the same value as when form (A) was last closed, and as such the subform records output as per when the parent form (a) closed

if this is possible i can then have a button on form (B), to go to the next or previous record on the form (A) subform

apologies if this sounds confusing, many thanks in advance

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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Change Combo Contents Based On Previous Combo Selection

Oct 20, 2005

Hi everyone,

I have two combo boxes on the same form bound to a table. I want the contents of the next combo box to change based on the previous combo selection e.g

cboContinent cboCountry
Africa Zambia
Africa Congo
Africa South africa
Europe England
Europe Holland

If I choose Africa in cboContinent, I want to see only Zambia, South Africa and Congo under cboCountry and if I choose Europe I want to see only England and Holland


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Forms :: Hide Value From Previous Combo In Next Combo?

Jan 8, 2014

I have a continuous form which has 1 field in which is a combo box which has a list of names. Once you select a name, the next record down is available for selection. This is because my tables PK is a autonumber. How do i filter the records to only show the names which have not been previously entered in my above records.

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Combo Box Selection Not Saving Record

Sep 5, 2005

Good morning all! I've got three bound combos set to visible = false on their property sheetsThese will remain hidden or will be revealed depending on the selection made in another bound combo cmbType.

The select case below works fine on the form but the selection affects all records not just the current record. Open record 1 and select "compliment" from the first combo - the three others correctly stay hidden. Move to record 2 and select complaint and the combos appear - Great! Move back to record 1 and they're showing there as well. Groan. Helllllppp!

Private Sub cmbType_AfterUpdate()
On Error Resume Next

Select Case cmbType.Value
Case "Complaint"
cmb2Day.Visible = True
cmb15Day.Visible = True
cmbOver15.Visible = True

Case "Compliment"
cmb2Day.Visible = False
cmb15Day.Visible = False
cmbOver15.Visible = False

Case "Suggestion"
cmb2Day.Visible = False
cmb15Day.Visible = False
cmbOver15.Visible = False

End Select
End Sub

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Saving Combo Box Selection To A Table

Oct 4, 2011

I have made a form to enter daily timesheet info for personnel. I have on this form a combo box with different job descriptions, with this info located in a "job description" table. Once all info is entered on this form, I want all info to be entered into my "main time table".

It seemed to be working ok, until I printed out my report based on my main time table. In the area where my job description should be, I don't get the actual wording I had selected from the job description table (using the combo box), only the ID number.steps to have the selected text (from a combo box) saved in the recordset of another table?

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Cascade Combo Box Previous CD Group List Box

Apr 29, 2005

I need directions on Cascade Combo Box, So when I select:

CD Group

Displays only the CD's in that Group that are related to that Name
So what fields would I have to set up for CD Group and CD NAme with that Table.
Someone emailed me an article on Cascade combo boxes what fields so I need for the coding.......

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Text Box Data Contingent Upon Previous Combo Box

Mar 28, 2006

I have a combo box where I select a Hardware store. I want the address for the store to come up if a hardware store is selected. If one is not selected I want to be able to enter an address.

I have a vendor (hardware store) table, which contains the Hardware store and it's address. I can get the combo box to show the store selections but I can't get the address to come up after I select the store.

Is there a way to link text boxs to a combo box??

Thanks, Joe

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Enabeling Seccond Combo Based On Previous

Oct 13, 2006

I have honestly spent the better part of the past two days searching this forum and trying (but failing) to find a solution to my problem.

I know that my question has been asked many times, and several possible solutions have been given... however, none of them work for me:-( Oh, by the way, I just started using Access (2003) this Monday, so please IF there are anyone that can offer assistance, please do so in silly detail...

I have a form with several combos. One combo I would like to enable only if one specific choice is selcted in the previous combo. The solution given to many before me is to enter the following in the After_Update field of the first Combo:

Private Sub Source_AfterUpdate()
If Source = "Contracted Operator/Agent" Then
AgentOperator.enabled = True
AgentOperator.enabled = False
End If
End Sub

After I have done this, the AgentOperator combo does become disabled, but it is also disabled when "Contracted Operator/Agent" is chosen in the Source Combo. I thought the code was supposed to leave the "Contracted Operator/Agent" enabled??? Why is it not doing this? Why is it disabling with all choices?

I would be really grateful if someone can be kind enough to help me. I feel so stupid not being able to handle this one on my own. It really is hard to over the years have become somewhat of an Excel professional, but now I am a complete novice....

Thank you so much in advance!!!

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Forms :: How To Make Combo Box Remember Previous Value

Jun 30, 2014

Only thing left is a combobox (dropdown) with predefined values. What i want is, as soon you have picked a value from the combobox, save the record and go to the new blank record, the last picked value of that combobox auto appears in the combobox for the new record.

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Forms :: Saving / Editing A Record Using A Form With Combo Box

Jun 24, 2014

I have a form that I need to use to add new clients to a table in my database, lets call it tblClients. On this form I have a combo box which, when selected, will drop down with the first and last names of all clients in tblClients, as well as their Client ID. Once you select a client from the drop down menu, it populates all of the fields in the form with that clients info (Client ID, fname, lname, address, phone number, etc. etc.).

I need two other things on this form: one button that will save or modify whatever current record is currently pulled up, and one button that will start the process for entering a new client, so basically it would blank out all of the fields and fill the Client ID field with the current number +1.

As of right now I have the form made and the combo box works, in that I have 3 dummy clients in the tblClients and when I select each client from the combo box it will populate the fields on the form with the info. I'm using some simple VBA on the combo box such as

Me.FirstName = Me.cboBox.Column(1)

and that seems to all work, but the problem is trying to save/modify data to tblClients. The only record in the actual table that gets modified seems to be the first record. For example, if I pull up client with ID #3 and change his address or phone number, what happens when I click to save the changes it takes client ID #3 record, overrides it with client ID #1, and then client ID #3 is the same as client ID #1 except with the old information. I'm not quite sure why this is happening.

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Forms :: Combo Box Not To Show Previous Records Already Selected?

Apr 27, 2014

I have a form that has four combo boxes on it that enable the user to select entrants in a golf tournament for tee off times and tee. (I have attached part of this database to this post) It all works fine but after selecting the first player in the first combo box and then selecting the second combo player I would like the player selected previously not to show up. Is this possible or do I have to rethink the way players are selected.

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Setting Default Values In Combo Box To Match The Value Of Previous Record

Dec 21, 2005

G'day. I've been browsing the forum trying to find a solution to a problem, without much luck, and am hoping that someone might be kind enough to help me more directly.

I'm a biologist and a newbie to access: with the distinction of being completely clueless about VBA. Nonetheless, I have been tasked with creating a database for storing data obtained from biological surveys of juvenile salmon and harvest/spawner surveys of adult salmon.

The bones of the db are in place and functional. The problem I have is streamlining the data entry process to minimise keystrokes/mouse clicks.

I have a subform for entering fish records with attributes such as 'species_name', 'fork_length', 'count', 'presence of tags, etc. The idea is that fish can be entered as individuals (count=1) or groups (count>1) with attribute data at the appropriate level (eg, fork lengths only entered for individuals. We typically measure the fork lengths of the first 20 individuals of each species and then tally the remainder).

One problem I face is that fish often occur in schools, and it becomes quite tiresome to click and select the same species_name combo box value for each record when entering multiple individuals of fish of the same species.

What I would like to do is set the default value for that combo box (on the fish subform) to match the value entered for the previous record.

I suspect that you could use the after update trigger to execute some code to change the default value each time something is entered manually into the combo box. Unfortunately, I know nothing about how to write the appropriate code.

Can anyone offer me some guidance?

Thanks in anticipation.
Craig Dolphin

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Cascading Combo Boxes Not Showing Previous Saved Records

Oct 7, 2014

I made a form for users to go back and see saved records as and when required. However my cascading combo box are not showing the saved information. Information is saved in back end.

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Saving A Db

Jan 6, 2006


thought I was ok at access, obvously not. Think 'briefcase' has messed with my db a bit so started using a backup with ext .BAK. Want to save whole db as another name with ordinary extension. Will only let me SAVEAS on bits of db?

Sorry, I know this is a bit simple but that's about right for me.

Many thanks in advance


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Mar 27, 2006

Hi all,
when the users are saving the form, i want to make sure they have filled in certain fields. On previous forms my code has worked, but for some reason on this form it won't, i usually put:

If tankID = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please Enter the Tank ID")
End If

Can anyone explain why it may not be working, thank you

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Name Saving When I Need ID!

Feb 15, 2007

Hi there,

I have a table which brings together a number of bits of info from other tables.

Part of the form is acting weird; The user selects an 'applicant', and a 'class'. On the form these are both combo boxes, with info coming from two tables.

Some properties of the two fields:
SELECT Classes.ClassCode, Classes.ClassName FROM Classes;
Bound Column = 1

SELECT Applicants.ApplicantCode, Applicants.ApplicantName FROM Applicants;
Bound Column = 1

Now, I want it to store the ID's of both (rather than the name). Both of these combos have the same properties; however when I look at the table, the applicants ID is being stored, but the class NAME is being stored in its field instead of ID>

Ant idea why this is happening for the class?

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Previous Value Plus 1

Jul 27, 2005

I want to add a default value to field in a record, and it needs to be the value of the previous record plus one.

Ive searched the site and tried access help but to no avail.

Any help would be gratefully received


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Saving Value Of List Box

Apr 20, 2006

Hope someone out there can help.
I have a form (frmNewExceptionRepot) where the record source is a table (tblExceptionReport) there are a fair few controls on the form from this table and some controls that are based on queries etc

I have a cmd button - that takes the value of text boxes from a subform on this form and saves them to tblExceptionReport It also saves the record in general

This all works fine, however I am having a problem saving the value of a list box on the form (not subform) List156 to the table tblExceptionReport. The record source of the list box is a query that only ever produces one result, and its always the first row that needs to be updated to the table.

The data is displayed correctly when the form is loaded, but the value will only be saved if you click on the list box before the record is saved. I understand the theory behind this, as its a listbox an item need to be selected.
However is there a way to tell it to select the first row of this list box as the value?
I have tried various ways around this, but just can't figure it out. Should I be using a text box instread?
I had thought about basing the form on a query that contains all the information, so this list box can actually be a text box, but then it makes the recordset not updateable...which means lots more code on the save - if this is the only way round then fair enough!
Any ideas or help much appreciated!

I have highlighted in red the code currently in use to try and do this. (which works if you click on the list box before running the code.:confused:

Private Sub Command242_Click()
'save record
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'Save the current dates and informaiton to the new record
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update tblExceptionReports set
CurrentVRF = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastVRF],
CurrentLandingSlot = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastLandingSlot],
CurrentPlanComplete = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastPlanComplete],
CurrentReqtsSolWShop = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastReqSolWS]," & _
"CurrentAlignmentReview = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastAlignment],
CurrentDSBBidPictureEvent = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastDSBBigPic],
CurrentCostBenefitEvent = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastCostBenefitWShop], CurrentDSBDetailedEvent = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastDSBDetail]," & _
"CurrentITExecutiveReview = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastExecRev],
CurrentITSupplierPropIssued = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastITSuppPropIss],
CurrentSellByDate = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastSellByDate],
CurrentViabilityReport = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastViabilityReport]," & _
"CurrentProgramBoard = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastProgramBoard], CurrentProposedImplementation = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![Proposed_Implementatation_Date],
OverallRAG = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![List156],
CurrentSpendBudget = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![List240]" & _
"WHERE tblExceptionReports.ExceptionReportID = [forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![ExceptionReportID]"

End Sub

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Saving Options?

Aug 10, 2005

I'm trying to create a database for a taxi-type service that runs on thursday, friday and saturday nights. My question is: Is there a way to save the database at the end of the night separate from the previous nights, and so that the database is empty for the next night, but reports can be viewed for all of the nights combined?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Saving Problem

May 19, 2006

Hi All,

I have a annoying problem. Since yesterday whenever i make changes to anything in my database, it doesn't ask me if i want to save the changes, it just does it automatically. It is annoying, as sometimes i am testing things, say on a query and if it doesn't work, i just go out of it and don't save the changes and have my original version.

I have another Access database and this works fine, with the pop up message asking if i want to save the changes or not.

Can anyone help, or point me in the right direction, thanks.

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Saving An MDB File As MDE

Nov 28, 2006

I seem to be having problems saving my database files (.MDB) as .MDE files.

I have a database that only contains data (tables).

A second database is used as the interface to this data (it contains forms, reports, and uses linked tables to the data database).

This secong database file is then copied and used my a few users, so that everyone is accessing the same set of data.

I am trying to save the second database as an .MDE file, but under the Tools, Database Utilities option... 'save Database as an MDE' is never highlighted as a viable option. Is there some trick (or conditions) to enable this option?

I am basically doing this so that I can distribute the MDE version of the interface so that users will have limited / no access to be able to modify the code (or get into the table?).

Thank you for any advice or directions you may be able to pass on.


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Columns Not Saving Where I Placed Them.

Jan 24, 2007


I'm new at access but getting the swing of it. It is a pretty cool toy.

I have a table that I am adding various columns of data. Once added I move the columns to where I want them to be. I am hitting the little save disk on the top toolbar but when I reopen the file the columns are not where I placed them. I'm not sure why this is happening. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Updates To DB Not Saving

Jul 2, 2007


Have a bit of an odd problem with the DB im using at work. I have 1 DB on a shared drive that is accessed by 4 of us from our desktop PC's (password protected via 1 password that we all use - no separate logins).

The problem comes that we make changes to the data, exit via an exit button that uses a save all macro (that all works fine), however when we go back into to DB there are some times that the changes made have been lost and the data has reverted back to the previous version. There doesn't seem to be any specific pattern to this, it happens at random times and to random people.

Does anyone know what may be causing this, or anyway that i can prevent it happening?

much appreciated.

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Saving Time

Jul 4, 2005

I have been tasked to create a database that will be accessed through a dial-up connection to our server.
What I want to know is which is faster
1 Using a seperate table for dropdowns or
2 Using the lookup facility of a table.

Gordon :confused:

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