Select Closest Match Query

May 18, 2005

Greetings all!
I am working on something and it has me stumped. Basically I have a list of Eastings and Northings and I am trying to find the closest postcode centroid based on the PAF file (for those that do not know of the PAF file, it contains a list of postcodes and the easting and northing of the centroid).
The best way that I can see of doing this is:
For each record I am trying to match, calculate the distance from the Easting,Northing to every easting,northing in the PAF.
Select Min(Straight Line Distance) from the results.

However I do not know how to do this without matching each record that I am looking at individually! Can anyone give me an idea of how I can put this query together?
I am using MS Access :(


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Closest Match Criteria

Dec 3, 2007

I need help writing an SQL statement in Access 2007 to select the closest date/time. I have Spot Time (the date/time commercials ran) and Call Time (the date/time we received calls).

I need to match these two fields so that I can tell which calls came in within 5 minutes before the Spot Time and which came in 15 minutes after.

Between DateAdd("n",-5,[SpotTime]) AND DateAdd("n",15,[SpotTime])

This gives me results within that 20 minute time range, but does not match each call up to the closest time.

For example,

SpotTime--------------- CallTime
6/30/2007 10:45 AM 6/30/2007 10:55 AM
6/30/2007 10:50 AM 6/30/2007 10:55 AM
6/30/2007 10:55 AM 6/30/2007 10:55 AM

In this example I would need the three Call Times to correspond with the 10:55 AM spot because the Call Time occurs very close to the Spot Time. I am unclear how to proceed.

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Making A Query That Can Extract 2 Closest Column Values

Dec 20, 2006

Hello I have a query in MSACCESS that looks like this

N| Q | A | B | C | D | E | F |

now my problem is that I want to have a query select the 2 closes values to Q from columns either A B C or D and put them into columns E and F

I am just so stuck here, if anyone can help or give me a steer in a right direction i would greatly appreicate it!

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Select First Match

Jan 24, 2007


how can i make query that selects the first match of a criteria, or multiple criteria. lets say list of members first record in CA only then first record in OR only .... basically select first record from list of criteria.

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Tables :: Finding Closest Value In A Table?

Oct 13, 2012

I am working on a DB for maintenance of medical records for use by medical mission groups in Central America. As a child's information is entered into the DB, I want to be able to display his growth progress percentile numerically instead of graphically as found on a standard weight vs height growth chart. The graph are nonlinear so I just can't use an expression.

I have the data for percentiles based on weight and height but I need to be able to find the CLOSEST value on this table to the child's observed values of height and weight.

How do I find the value on a table which is closest to a specified number?

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No-Match Query

Apr 17, 2006

Probably an easy one...I have two tables, each with a number field say "Cat-ID" and "Ref-ID". The query I am looking to write will show the outstanding values. For example

Cat-ID: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
Ref-ID: 100, 200, 500

Query Result: 300, 400

Any ideas on how to do this? I'm stumped.

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Query To Match

Apr 17, 2008

I have a table with two fields:
Field1 Field2
S11.1 111001
S13 130001
S11 110001
S13.1 120001
I need to query to find where Field2's first three digits does not match the numbers in field1. Giving the sample: 120001 would be listed in the results because it does not match the numbers in S13.1 130001(2nd record) does because if there is no "."; it defaults to zero.
I don't know to set up the criteria or what to ask so it would give me the results needed.
Can anyone help please.

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Query For Inexact Match

Sep 19, 2005

I have converted an Old FileMaker Pro DB to Access.
There is a record for each of the 22,000 sheets of engineering project documents issued over a period of years.
One of the main fields we query by is the "Description" field.
If I have the following Criteria:
[Enter Document Description]
Then save and exucute the query Access seems to look for an exact match to the value I provide.
I need a query to return ANY record with the criteria value in it.
For example If I entered "Fire" I would like to return anything with "Fire" in the description:
B Building FIRE alarm Install
Building C FIRE sprinkler Demolition
A Building FIRE Exit Signage
Site FIRE Protection Main
How do I phrase a query to return records that contain the value I provide within the text string in the "Description" field?

I realize this is a dumb, rookie qiestion. I tried Access Help and
I tried a "search" in this Forum, I probably didn't do a good job describing my problem.

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Query - Access - Match Names

Mar 16, 2006

Quick question… I am trying to accomplish something that I believe it is fairly simple. At least in Excel, it is. I have two tables with names. I am trying to create a formula that will compare name in table 1 with a name in table 2. If the names match (exact matches only) it will let me know. Something like =IF (NAME1=NAME2,”TRUE”,”FALSE”) in Excel. I have trying using Iif, but it returns that I cannot divide by zero. I have linked the tables, so if I query NAME 1 and NAME 2, it will only display names on table 1 that are found on table 2.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Query To Display Data That Does Not Match

Jun 12, 2006

I have two tables of data, one is a customer information (membersdata) table and the other is information recived from a bank (bankdata). Each customer has a 'bank description' field in its membersdata table and the bankdata table also has field 'bank description'.
The query I have at the moment gives me back the data that both tables have a matching 'bank description'. The query I want is one that will give me the data from the bankdata table that does not exist in the membersdata table.
So simply put the query I want is the opposite of the one I made with the wizard.

I hope that makes sense?

Any help would be fantastic!


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Performing A Match Query Between Two Tables

Oct 25, 2006


I recently got a new job and am trying to learn access for it. I have two tables. Both of them have client id numbers. They are both supposed to have the same client id numbers. However, Table 1 has more client id numbers than Table 2. I want to do a match query that selects the client id numbers in Table 1 that do not have a corresponding match in Table 2. How would I go about doing this?

Also, I want to do a simple select query where I select the client id numbers in Table 1 whose first two numbers are "88." How would I do this in the query or SQL form.

Do you have any recommendations about the best way to learn Access for practical applications like this? I'll also need to get good at making Forms which seem fairly complicated.

Thank you for your time.


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Queries :: Two Fields Don't Match Query

Jan 24, 2015

Is there a way to have a query return only records where the text in two fields doesn't match?

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Queries :: Columns In Query Don't Match

Jan 1, 2014

I have several tables that I need to join together to create a single form for multiple entries. Job Table, OPR Table, Organization, Program List Table, Program Notes, Rank, Reference Table, and Status Table.

Ultimately, I need to be able to display all of these in one form and allow for adding/editing notes from the Program Notes section. I also need to be able to let the user look up all info by selecting the Program Name and have the other field populate correctly. The issue I am running into is that I cannot get the Program Notes table to join to the Program List table correctly.

This is what I attempted to use in SQL:
SELECT [Program Name], [Status], [Reference], [Self-Inspection], [IG Checklist], [Continuity Book], [Bragging Paper], [Program Strengths], [ORI Reports], [Best Practices]
FROM [Program List Table]
SELECT [Log Date], [Log Entry]
FROM [Program Notes]

However, I keep getting an error. I have read that it is because I don't have the same amount of columns, but the tables don't have the same information.I have also tried to do it through a normal query and through a third table, however I get errors about ambiguous outer joins and I can't seem to make that work either.

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Query Needs To Return Match And Unmatched Results

Jul 27, 2006

I have a query pulling data from several tables. In the middle I've got join between a part number in a BOM table and a part number in an inventory table.

What I want is the query to return the inventory location when we have stock. When we have nothing in, then there would be no entry in the inventory table and it should return a blank or null in this and all the proceeding tables.

Can this be done?

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Query To Only Show Exact Match Combos?

Oct 8, 2007

i'm not sure how to write a query, maybe it'll take VBA function to accomplish this, but I need to display the results for all invoices for an item.

Little background:
1. This set of invoices are of only one particular product line as it's this product line that needs this special handling. These are Guitar orders.
2. Each guitar item can have option items on the same invoice. So basically these are all considered item numbers.
3. The guitar starts as the bare / basic guitar. The customer can choose to select one or many options for a custom guitar.
4. These orders will need to have special guitar programming codes that need to be entered into their guitar programming machines. Call these "Codes".
5. Depending on the option items for the various guitar items, the Codes could vary.
6. Need to be able to display ONLY the Codes specific to the guitar or guitar and option combinations.

I have several tables:
1. Guitar for all the guitar items
2. Options for all the option items
3. ProgrammingCodes for all the programming Codes
4. ProgramCodes for creating the above combinations with a field named ComboID.
5. GuitarHeader - the invoice number and guitar item
6. GuitarDetails - the invoice number and option item (invoice number to invoicenumber link to the GuitarHeader)

Then there's a main form and a sub-form for the end-user (guitar programmer).
1. The main form is the Guitar items
2. The sub-form is the ProgramCodes fields
this form is used for this end-user select the Guitar and options (where necessary) and select the Codes and enter the ComboID for all.

for instance:
These are all the possible codes for AE185.
AND depending on the Options selected for AE185 on invoices, the Codes will differ.
The ComboID is the differentiator.
Code:GuitarOptionCodeComboIDAE185 185RR 1AE185 186RHT1AE185 187RT 1AE18538185RR2AE18538186RHT2AE18538187RT382AE185BB185RR3AE185BB186RHT3AE185BB188RT-B3AE18538185RR4AE185BB185RR4AE18538186RHT4AE185BB186RHT4AE18538188RT38B 4AE185BB188RT38B 4

so for the Codes that repeats in the ComboID is only because the Option(s) also requires that Code as well as the other Codes.

for instance, if the invoice ONLY has Option 38 from the Options defined for Codes, then the result would be:


Code:Invoice Guitar Codes123456 AE185 185RR 186RHT 187RT38 <-- say this invoice had Option 38 that was the only match234567 AE185 185RR 186RHT 188RT-B <-- because BB was the only one that matches345678 AE185 185RR 186RHT 188RT38B <-- because both 38 & BB matches

So guess the question is how do I write a query or function (VBA) to be used in a query to get the results for ONLY the matching options so the correct codes for just these options are displaying?

It's difficult to me in figuring that out. how to make sure that the result does not show the ALL the codes that match but ONLY the codes in the combinations. Again, hence the reason why I got to the point of having Combination IDs to differentiate that.

hope I made sense here. Not sure how else to ask the question other then to try and provide examples
let me know how else to explain if this is not helping.

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Queries :: Query Records Match Less Than 20 Display

Oct 28, 2013

I have a db which has a query. This query is rather simple where it filters fields based on criteria. Here is the SQL VIEW:

WHERE (((DSResult.STATUS)="TESTED") AND ((DSResult.TESTCODE)="41015" Or (DSResult.TESTCODE)="41016") AND ((DSResult.BATCHNO)<>"1") AND ((DSResult.TESTDATE)>=#1/18/2010#))

I need to alter this query so that where records that have the same "DSResult.CODE" and counted are greater than 20 occurrences and then display only these records sorted in DSRESULT.Code order.

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Query For Finding A Match From Multiple Value Criteria?

May 2, 2013

I am designing a database which keeps track of door access levels at a college, using Access 2010. A door access level is programmed to a key card, which grants access to a number of different doors throughout the college.

So, what I have is an "LevelID" and a "DoorID", where each LevelID has zero to many DoorIDs associated with it, as well as each DoorID has zero to many LevelIDs associated with it.

example table:

LevelID DoorID
1 1
1 2
1 5
1 6

All the data has been inputted into Access 2010 successfully, however I am having difficulty in developing one of the main functions of the database..

What I want to do is have a checklist of each DoorID displayed on a form, and when any combination of DoorIDs are checked, Access will search to see if a LevelID is associated with that combination. This information can tell me whether a new LevelID is needed to be created.

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General :: Subform Query Filter Do Nothing If Not Exact Match

May 28, 2014

there are certain txt boxes that once filled out, will filter a subform of a table of 1000's of records to give them a number to use on the form around 200 of the records have a depot in the "depot" field on the table, when they input a depot, it filters to them 200 fine if a depot is there,

what i want is, when they input the depot, if its there, filter it, if its not, to do nothing, as they could still get a unique number if the depot isnt in the list what happens now is, if the depot isnt in the list, it displays no records

Field : Fld_Depot
Table : Tbl_Agreement_Summary
Show : False
Criteria : Like "*" & SearchForText([Forms]![Frm_New_Accounts]![Fld_Depot]) & "*"
Or : Is Null

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Queries :: Table Of End Of Week Sales - Query Where There Is No Match

May 4, 2014

I have a table of end of week sales with ProductID, Volume_Sold, Year and WeekNo. I am about to create a historical table of RRP.

What is the best way to set this out so that I can query the two tables to that when I run a query over the two tables I get the correct price depending on the year and week number I am working with.

Year int,
Week int,
CountryCode nvarchar (2),
StoreNo, nvarchar (35),
ProductId nvarchar (15),
Volume_Sold int;

My new table
Could contain
Year int,
Week int,
CountryCode nvarchar (2),
ProductId nvarchar (15),
RRP float;

The table is only appended to when the price changes. So some products may have a price increase 2 or 3 times a year others once every 18 months. And if the price changes any calculations need to allow for the 2 or 3 different RRPs the Product may have had during the queried period.

So that when I do year on year revenue calculations it works properly.

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Queries :: Number Of Columns In Two Selected Tables Of Union Query Do Not Match

Dec 9, 2013

I'm new to Access. We have a database that was created years ago and has been working fine. Now suddendly we get the following error message on a query.

"The number of columns in the two selected tables or queries of a union query do not match"

This is the code

SELECT [TimeSheets All].[Job Number], [TimeSheets All].Date, [TimeSheets All].Details, [TimeSheets All].[Start Time], [TimeSheets All].[End Time], [TimeSheets All].[Unbillable hours], [TimeSheets All].Who, *
FROM [TimeSheets All]
WHERE ((([TimeSheets All].[Job Number]) Like [Forms]![Search]![Job Number]))
ORDER BY [TimeSheets All].[Job Number], [TimeSheets All].Date;

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Queries :: Select Query To Gather Results Of Other Select Queries

May 11, 2014

I'm fairly new to Access. 's various select queries containing useful and useless results. I want to create a select query that will pick out all the useful figures into a 1 row table that can then be pasted into Excel.

e.g Existing Select Query 1 returns 1 row showing Average Age, Average Price, Total rainfall
Existing Select Query 2 returns 1 row showing Average Weight, Average Salary, Total snowfall
Existing Select Query 3 returns *2* rows: It returns Distance from London, Hours daylight and population for Town A and Town B

I want a select query that returns 1 row showing (6 items):

Total rainfall, Total snowfall, Town A Distance from London, Town A Population, Town B Distance from London, Town B Population.

I've been able to handle getting Total rainfall and Total snowfall. But I cant figure out how to get Town A Distance from London, Town A Population, Town B Distance from London, Town B Population to appear in the same row of the same query results as Total rainfall, Total snowfall.

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Queries :: Date Query To Match Other Date Query?

Nov 3, 2014

running 3 queries together.

1 qry has a date parameter of start/end date(running before the 3 are together)

Have a field in 1 of the 3 queries with a date field that I need to show being <= the date parameter...

How/where do I use this criteria?

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Queries :: Find Date In Table 1 Closest To Another Date In Table 2?

Mar 17, 2015

I have a table, tblVisits, holding patient's pre and post surgery visits:


PatientID VisitDate
1 1/5/12
1 3/10/12
1 9/1/13
2 ...

And another table holding patient's surgeries (each patient will have only one surgery)

PatientID SurgeryDate
1 4/1/12
2 ...

I need to compare these two tables and create a variable that indicates which pre-surgery visit date (i.e., VisitDate < SurgeryDate) is closest to the surgery date. In the above example, it would return:

PatientID VisitDate ClosestToSurgery
1 1/5/12
1 3/10/12 Yes
1 9/1/13
2 ...

I've tried various MIN and MAX approaches and can't seem to get it right.

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Union Query - Generating From A Select Query ?

Jun 23, 2006

(This is a modified repost - which hopefully makes sense) I am using Access2003. I am trying to set up a fast method of creating a union query. I have a jobs table that stores info about jobs with a separate table for each job that pulls together info from elsewhere when a review is conducted. The tables are as follows (and are linked from a paradox DB) :-

Table Name: jobs
JobID (J000001, J000002, etc)
Status (Live, Filled, etc)

Review Tables

Table Name: J000001 / J000002 etc
Consultant: (Joe, Terry etc)
ObjectID: (RoberI, SmithJ etc)
Status: (H, P, D, R etc)

The jobs table contains information about jobs, including a unique code (JobID) that identifies the job. There is also a status filed that tells us whether the job is Live or closed etc.

The first time a job is reviewed a new table, a review table is generated, and the name of the table is the same as the JobID for that job. So Job J000001 has a review table with table name J000001 etc. The review tables may contain information with the same ObjectID (as they are unique fields from a third table – the candidates table)

I would like to generate a union query for all jobs in table jobs with a status of live. I can do this manually, if I review a list of live jobs, with the following sql expression;

SELECT ObjectID, Consultant, Status, "J000001"
as [JobNo] FROM J000001
UNION SELECT ObjectID, Consultant, Status, "J000002"
as [JobNo] FROM J000002
UNION SELECT ObjectID, Consultant, Status, "J000003"
as [JobNo] FROM J000003;

I can then append the info into a new table. However this query is run at least twice a day and things change.

I would like to know is there a means of automatically generating sql for the union query based on results of a query of the jobs table ?

Any help greatly appreciated.

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Bug With Wrapper Select Query On A Union Query

Sep 14, 2007

I have the following query:

SELECT UnionTable.groupby, UnionTable.SeqID, UnionTable.Actual

SELECT VAP1.groupby, VAP1.SeqID, VAP1.SomVanbedrag as Actual
FROM qryVoorplaatActualPillar_Forecast AS VAP1


SELECT VAP2.groupby, VAP2.SeqID, VAP2.SomVanbedrag as Actual
FROM qryVoorplaatActualPillarIST_Forecast AS VAP2) AS UnionTablewhich is two select queries called UnionTable and a wrapper.
Access handles this very well. Until you look at the SQL statement. If you don't pay attention Access stores the next query
SELECT UnionTable.groupby, UnionTable.SeqID, UnionTable.Actual

SELECT VAP1.groupby, VAP1.SeqID, VAP1.SomVanbedrag as Actual
FROM qryVoorplaatActualPillar_Forecast AS VAP1


SELECT VAP2.groupby, VAP2.SeqID, VAP2.SomVanbedrag as Actual
FROM qryVoorplaatActualPillarIST_Forecast AS VAP2]. AS UnionTable
Now when you want to execute the query you get an errormessage.
Has anyone seen this before? Is this a known bug or is it a feature? Is there a workaround?

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Combining Select Query And Count Query

Jul 26, 2006

Ok, hope you can help me with this one.

I have a select query that pulls data from one table that includes the following data

MOS Grade Required Authorized

I have a separate count query that pulls data from another table and counts the following data

MOS Grade Assigned

How do I combine these 2 queries so the results I get will be

MOS Grade Required Authorized Assigned

For instance:

Select Query Says

MOS Grade Required Assigned
25C E4 1 1
42A O3 1 1
38A E7 3 3

Count Query Says

MOS Grade Assigned
25C E4 1
42A O3 1
38A E7 2

I want the results to read

MOS Grade Required Authorized Assigned
25C E4 1 1 1
42A O3 1 1 1
38A E7 3 3 2

Hope you can help.

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