String Length.

Aug 19, 2005

I have a fax number field iwhich has a mask. +(000)-00-000-000 in a table of many records.
The problem is that every record has a number in the first part of country code +(001)which must have come there by mistakes, few records have complete and true fax numbers.

I need a query that can Update this Fax_Number field where the length of the string is less than 7 digits.
Some thing like UPDATE Contacts SET Contacts.Fax_Number = ""
WHERE ((Len("Fax_Number")>"6"));

How can i do this. Thanks.

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Length Of A String??

Oct 18, 2006

How can I extract a string and from a textbox and make out that it is x (here x can be any value, e.g. 15) characters long??

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Do I Need Zero Length String Query

Jan 22, 2007

In a database that holds membership records, I have three years worth of info relating to membership dues paid. I want to extract who has not paid a membership fee for the last three years, so we can strike them off our records, i.e. I have members' personal details, but there are no records in the payments table, nothing has been entered because they just have not paid. Do I run a query looking for a zero length string? Just how do I achieve this? Have I done right in not entering anything?

Help appreciated!

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Export Zero Length String As .csv

Jan 26, 2007

I am using VBA code to export a small table as a .csv file, which is no problem, except that the customer insists that where a field is blank, the .csv file must contain a pair of double quotes.

In other words, I can produce this:
but they insist on this:

In the table design, I have made the default for each field = "", but I still can't seem to force the double quotes into a blank field.

Any suggestions will be welcomed.

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Unicode/Zero Length String Corruption

Aug 16, 2005

Heyo, thought I'd toss my line to see if anyone has had a corruption like this:

Today I went digging through some of my tables on a db I've been building and noted that most (but not all) of my text fields had Unicode Compression/Off and Zero-Length-Strings/Allowed. Now, I know for certain that I never touch Unicode Compression and zero-length strings are not my bag in this db so I went to toggle these and I recieved 'Access encountered an error when attempting to save' type error when I, you guessed it, attempted to save.

So I built fresh tables, and imported my data, and all seemed well but digging further through my database I have noted that ALL of my tables seem to be suffering from this in some way.

First off, does anyone know what has happened?
Secondly, does anyone have a guess as to why this happened?
Lastly does anyone have a suggestion on how to rectify this?

I'm not a huge fan of building this entire gigantic db from the ground up and I'll do it if I need to, but I'd prefer to figure out what went wrong before we get there and it happens again.

Many thanks,

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Queries :: Separating A Mixed Length String

Mar 14, 2015

I have strings of names in a calculated field named [CurrentDelReverse] that are separated by spaces, but some strings have 2 names and some strings have 7 names.

They look like this:

tjcrane becca002
shiel001 donohue ekaler
jpohl jhalling jsleifer laerwin chan ekaler

I need to separate the names, but I only need the first two names in two separate fields.

I am able to capture the first name with no problem using:

Delegatee: Left([CurrentDelReverse],InStr([CurrentDelReverse]," "))

My problem is trying to grab the second name in the list to show in a new column.

I have tried so many different things and the closest I got to solving it was:
Delegator: Trim(Mid([CurrentDelReverse],InStr(1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")+1,IIf(InStr(InStr(1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")+1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")=0,0,InStr(InStr(1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")+1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")-InStr(1,[CurrentDelReverse]," "))))

This returned the second name in the list but ONLY if it had more than two names in the string.

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Forms :: Changing Format Of Field Based On String Length

Jun 11, 2014

I have a continuous form that displays data from a table. What I am trying to accomplish is to change the format of the field if the string length is equal to 11, to "@@@-@@@-@@@@-@". Otherwise if it is greater or less than 11 then no format.

I have tried it using code:

If Len(Me.FormFieldName)=11 Then
Me.FormFieldName.Format = "@@@-@@@-@@@@-@"
End If

Is it even possible and if so is my syntax correct or am I way off base?

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Splitting Long String To Multiple Fixed-length Strings?

Sep 16, 2013

I have a table where I want to break longer strings into three-character strings.

So... for example the data item "Forest," I'd like to generate "FOR" "ORE" "RES" "EST" and write all four to another table, allowing for duplication. Alternately, we could make a list and just count the unique 3-character strings. The end goal here is to measure the frequency of 3-character strings across a set of data.

how to do this with an Access query?

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Modules & VBA :: Separate Numbers And String From Alpha-numeric String

Jun 7, 2013

MS-Access VBA code to separate numbers and string from an alphanumeric string.


Source: 598790abcdef2T
Output Required: 598790

Source: 5789065432abcdefghijklT
Output Required: 5789065432

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String Validation (string Must Start With Http://)

Mar 12, 2007

Hi all,

I was looking for some help. I am trying to setup a table with a field for web address. People are entering etc however I need them to make sure it starts with http:// Is their any way I can put validation on the field to make sure that this is entered? Or maybe I could use an input mask?

Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved.


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Field Max Length

Jul 17, 2005

Um, well hi

I am a VB programmer, and need a database for a diary program i am making. Only i need more then 255 characters in one of my fields.

Is this possible, if not, what are my options.

Thank you

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Integer Length

Aug 30, 2006

I have a field, integer, that needs to be exactly 6 characters long, no more, no less. How would I set this?:p

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Field Length

Mar 12, 2007


I'm looking for some advice on what the maximum field length is in Access. Which option will provide the maximum length. I am wanting the field to capture both numbers and text.

Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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Max Length Of Query?

Jul 4, 2005

What is the maximum number of characters which can make up a query?
Is it 255?


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255 Max Text Length?

Aug 25, 2005

is there a way to allows more that 255 chars in to a text field in a mdb? or do i have to do something like save it to a test file then link to the text file (cos i really dont know how to do that :P)

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Length & Width

Dec 2, 2005

I've notice a situation in a few databases. One is where we track sidewalk construction. There are two called fields LENGTH and WIDTH. In my report I have text box with the control source =[Length]*[Width]. However it returns some bogus number. If I change the field names to something else like Width1, it works fine.

Any ideas?

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Changing Allow Zero Length Default

Aug 18, 2005


Is it possible to change the default table setting in Access 2000 for the 'Allow Zero Length' property from No to Yes? Or does anyone know any code that can be run to change any existing fields with Allow Zero Length = No to = Yes?

Any assistance would be much appreciated.


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Variable Length Records

Mar 10, 2006


Would it be possible for someone to explain to me how to program a variable length text fields in a table, as opposed to a fixed length field?

Also - what would be the disadvantage of using this type of field ?


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Memo Field Length

Mar 26, 2007


If I read the documentation then memo field in a Access table can be 65.000 chars long.
I have three memo fields in a linked ODBC table which is filled by a append query from SQL-server database. The text in these field is cut off by 255 chars.
Does somebody know what the cause of this can be?

1. Is there a limitation/property where I can configure the length of Access memo field? DAO? I have read something about this but I don't understand this.

2. How can I trace that everything is send from the source? Maybe it's cut off at the source site. On this moment I don't know something about a Linked tabel.
Is there a sniffer or trace tool so that I can see what kind of data is realy send?

Thanks in advance


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Storage Length Of Field

Apr 2, 2008

Hi everyone,

I am using a table that stores data and one of the fields is just a text field with a maximum length of 10.

However, when I store the data in the field, if I only enter 5 letters in it, it stores the 5 letter word correctly but followed by some spaces (I assume 5 spaces but I may be wrong.

I cannot figure out why does anyone know why?

If not, then can I trim the field if I use it in a query/report?


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Adding New Fields - Allow Zero Length

Dec 15, 2005


I am using an Make-Table query to add many new fields to a Table using Fieldname: "".

However, when I use this, it sets the Allow Zero Length to No.

Is there code that I can use to stop this happening?

I am using this method for multiple fields and across multiple tables.

Your help appreciated,


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Query Specific Length

Feb 9, 2006

I have a query in which I need to pull all values from a field that is exactly 10 characters in length (Alpha or Numeric). Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you!

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Zero Length Strings In A2007

Apr 23, 2008

I posted this before, but didnt get any answers

In A2007, has anyone had a problem with checking whether a text field is equal to "" in a query

ie - select * from whatever where targetfield = ""

this generated a type mismatch (I actually had <is null or ""> in the query definition, but it was the "" it didnt like.

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Code Length Too Long On One Row Help!

Apr 14, 2008

I have written a bit of code in a Microsoft Access 97. The code basically creates a Microsoft outlook message. I am trying to add in the message that I want to display in Outlook by using the MyMessage ="" command. But the message I want to add is too long to fit on one line of code - I get to the end of the line and can no longer type any more! I have tried to add the second part of the message to the next line but all I get is an "Expected line number or label or statement or end of statement" error message. I think this might be because access keeps putting a " at the end of the first line - every time I remove it and add the " to the end of the second line it keeps adding it back to the end of the first line!

any ideas would be gratefully received!!!!!

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Changing Zero Length To Null

Nov 7, 2005

in my db, all fields that aren't required default to a zero-length string.

In some reports (like mailing labels) I want the rows that contain no information (like the second Address line) to "shrink". I set all my properties to "can shrink" etc., but of course it's not working, because the value of the "empty" fields is "" instead of Null.

Is there a way I can write an IIF statement that will set the value of the field to Null if it contains a zero-length string?

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Length Of Detail In A Report

Oct 22, 2007

Hello and Good Morning,

I am trying to create a 5 page report filled with colorful tables, charts, and graphs. This report will need to be reproduced 115 times. I am almost finished with page 2 of 5. When I try to start page 3, it appears that the height of the report is capped.

I have reset my computer to clear my RAM, but I still have the same problem. I try extending the length of the report, but the window will not scroll down beyond 22". Is there a way to extend the height of the report?

Thank you in advance, and I will try to answer your question in return.

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