Tables :: Autofill Additional Fields From AutoNumber

Jul 8, 2014

I'm creating a database for a travel agency. There are 2 tables, one for customers and one for their bookings. I have established a relationship between the tables so the AutoNumber for customer ID links to a field on the add booking table.

In practice though, it would be easier to enter the customer NAME into the booking table and have it retrieve their ID that way to link them. This seems like I am missing something simple but can't fathom a way to do it.

The other factor is obviously more than one customer will have the same name so I may need to link first name as well to differentiate?

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Tables :: Calculate Some Additional Data And Generate Quotations - Too Many Fields

Jun 2, 2015

I have a database that will take lots of data entered by an employee and calculate some additional data and generate quotations. Within each quote there is a possibility for 15 different metals (5 Precious Metals, and 10 Base Metals). There is also 5 fields that need to be filled out about each Metal (What the metal is, the market being used, weight, whether it is included in a different price, and the price). I currently have 75 fields to address each Metal and their 5 fields respectively. Is there a better way to Normalize this data, and accomplish what I need accomplished? I want at the form level the employee to tell the database whether they want to add a Precious Metal, or Base Metal, or Move on to other data entry.

Here is a Screenshot of the design view of one of my tables with too many fields : table screenshot1.PNG

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Tables :: Merging 2 Fields Together To Create Additional Field - Unique References

Jul 23, 2015

Is there a way of merging 2 fields together to create an additional field

my database consists of 4 main tables (in order of relationships)

*ContainersOnSite *Contracts2015-2016

For example;

Account Reference: TEST
Site Number: 001

and the field i would like to have;

Site Reference: TEST/001

I would also like that when i add a new site to that account i will have TEST/002....

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Tables :: Autofill Fields - Multiple Options

Nov 6, 2012

I am creating an access database for my employer which handles blood donating at different venues. I have come unstuck with a particular request.

They would like to create 3 autofill fields for "dates", which are dependent on the previous field "Venues"

There are different venues, which are visited 3/4 times per year. This data is stored in a separate "Venues" table.

On the main user form, they would like to see the dates available to donate, when the Venue field is selected (this is an autofill box, from the Venue table). So if the London venue is visited on 1/1/13, 2/2/13 and 4/4/13. When the user types London into the "Venue" field then the next 3 cells auto fill with 1/1/13, 2/2/13 and 4/4/13.

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Autofill Text Field Using Combo Box Selection To Generate Autonumber

Dec 10, 2013

Autofill text field using combo box selectionHello,

I'm trying to autofill a field on a form using MS-Access 2010 Web version sharepoint using macros without coding.

The form has an existing Combo Box field called Segment, using the row sources "REW", "WTT", "DBM".

A user begins filling out the form and eventually selects the Combo Box for Segment and selects any one of the segment no Multiple selection

There is another text field, which is actually alpha-numeric, called Job_No. I want this to autofill based on their Segment selection, using this format:

REW-YYMMDD-TTTT, or REW-131210-20001 for example, for today with the time displayed as military time and last Job No.(20001) for REW and Also for WTT (30001) as starting number.

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Queries :: MIN Function With Additional Fields Displayed

Feb 5, 2015

I am trying to return the MIN in a numeric field (single result) from my database and I have no issues doing this BUT the problem is that I also need to display additional fields in order to make the result useful. The additional field can't be grouped by b/c that changes the result of the MIN function.

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Modules & VBA :: Transfer Spreadsheet And Append Additional Fields

Jun 1, 2015

I am trying to use transferspreadsheet to import access worksheet and then I want to append additional fields. I am able to import the excel sheet into access, but need appending the other fields.


Dim fd2 As FileDialog
Dim xlapp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlsht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlWrkBk As Excel.Workbook
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tb2 As TableDef
Dim fdx, fld As DAO.Field


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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Record And Then Updating With Additional Info In Various Fields

Apr 24, 2014

In the code below I am creating a record with the INSET INTO statement and then Updating with additional info in various fields. it is not working the way I thought it would, so I am trying to create the record in it's entirety.

SQL_Grade_GUSD_ID = "INSERT INTO Grades (GUSD_Student_ID) VALUES (" & Me.GUSD_Student_ID & ")"
SQLM1_1_ELA = "UPDATE Grades SET Grades.Subject = ""BM1(ELA)"""
SQLM1_2_ELA = "UPDATE Grades SET Grades.Type = ""Exam"""
SQLM1_3_ELA = "UPDATE Grades SET Grades.Score = ""0"""
SQLM1_4_ELA = "UPDATE Grades SET Grades.Nam = ""GUSD BM-1"""

[Code] ...

I am running to syntax problems when I try to USE the INSERT INTO to create the record with all the info in one statement.

SQLM1_1_ELA = "INSERT INTO Grades ( GUSD_Student_ID, Subject, Type, Score, Nam ) " & _
"SELECT (" & Me.GUSD_Student_ID & ")"" AS GUSD_Student_ID, ""BM2(ELA)"" AS Subject, " & _
"""Exam"" AS Type, ""0"" AS Score, ""GUSD BM-1"" AS Nam " & _
"FROM Grades"

I am Getting this error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(12345)" AS GUSD_STUDENT_ID,
"BM2(ELA)" As Subject, "Exam" AS Type, "0" As Score, "GUSD BM-1" AS Nam From Grades'

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Autofill Fields

Oct 22, 2007

Hello everybody!
Im new in Access as well as in this Forum! Glad to be here :)
Im currently developping a small application in Access 2003 and here is my problem:
I am trying to autofill the value of the field OrderID in this form : "FRM/SupplierID/CurrentYear/OrderNumber"
Where the SupplierID is charged once the SupplierName is selected from a combobox and the OrderNumber entered from another textbox.
Note: SupplierName values are from other table: Suppliers

Any help is highly appreciated,

Thanks in Advance

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Autofill Fields

Mar 11, 2005


Need some help with a table, or possible more to do with a form design..

I'm looking to autofill in a field depending on data that's in the previous field.

E.G. I have too fields.. One for employee and one for department.. I want the department field to automatically select the department whenever the employee is selected from the drop down list.

It's probably a simple query or something I need to do..

can anyone help..


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Autofill Fields In Form

Feb 18, 2007


I have a form that has a field called scope of work which is a combo box that you have 3 options to select from.

I have set up a table called scope of work which has other fields
ie: Scope of work, Est Man Hours, Normal Rate, Overtime Rate and Est Due Date.

The combo box works fine selecting the scope of work but I want the fields on the form to automatically fill in the other information. Say they select option 1 in the scope of work based on this option it will fill in 40hrs at $150 per hour normal rate and $180 per hour overtime rate and this will take 4 weeks to complete. Based on the start date field it will also calculate 4 weeks from now for the completion date.

I have tried everything from queries using SQL statements, joining tables one to many etc.. and for some reason I cannot seem to get it to work for me and I've spent hours searching around for a solution..

If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly greatly greatly appreciated!!

Thanks a Bunch

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Using Table Selection To Autofill Some Fields

Jun 10, 2013

I created a table to allow me to enter automobile information.. year, make model, etc.

Now how can i make certain "drop downs" dependent on next to autofill info?

Such as

make= ford
model= crown victoria

make= chevy

such that they could not choose a

because "impala" would not be on that dropdown selection/choice?

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Autofill Fields Based On Results From Another Field In The Table?

Apr 18, 2007

I have an Access database with several tables and a multitude of subforms which are displayed on a single master form. The subforms are used to facilitate data entry. In several of the tables there are fields which are related and I would like to have some of these fields updated based on the results entered in the related field (i.e. the answer for one field depends on the other).
Field 1Field 2

Field 1 is a simply a description of the basic dataset. This field is already set-up on form as a combo box that allows the user to choose one of three options. Field 2 is a code number used by another piece of software to identify a particular symbol. It is a new field being added to the database. There are 200 codes that identify a wide range of symbols for different types of data and I don’t want to have to look them up when I, or my assistants, are doing data entry.

My question is this; is there anyway to have the DISC_CODE value, Field 2, automatically entered in the table when the value for Field 1 is selected in the combo box on the form?

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Forms :: Autofill - Possible For Fields To Have Auto-complete Option?

May 20, 2014

I have combo boxes set up with the different choices for major, minor, year, etc. Is it possible for these fields to have an autocomplete option? For example, there are about 30 different subjects that students can choose for a major, so rather than having to look for it in the drop down menu, could the person entering the data just start typing "ant" and have it automatically fill with "anthropology" for example?

I should also mention that the reason I made these fields into combo boxes is because I built SQL in the row source so that it is bound to the primary key but displays the description instead (with the column widths set to 0; 1).

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Forms :: Autofill Form Saving To Tables?

Oct 17, 2013

What I'm trying to do is create a database system for my company, it's not overally complex in the sense it's just managing the estimates and invoices we do.



Now I've tried to break the data down as sensibly as possible.

What i'm having trouble with is I have created a autofill combo box to fill out text boxes with information from the Clients table, the idea is that the client can be added via the Estimate form or pulled up from the record depending on the situation. Now the problem I have is one;

I cannot enter data via the form

and two

When you flick through the forms only the combobox information is staying put, either the text field is empty or incorrect.

I'm pretty it's to do with [Data Source] but I can't seem to get it to work. How to make it possible to pull up clients when typing an estimate OR be able to add a new client via the same fields. Secondly, when the Form is review the autofill text field display the clients details.

The link : [URL] ....

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Tables :: Autofill Information In Invoice Table

Feb 11, 2015

I essentially created an account since I can't seem to find a straightforward answer much anywhere else (plenty of hints on auto-filling forms- but that isn't particularly conducive to my specific need on this).

I've attached a blank copy of my database.

The immediate concern I'm having is that I want to be able to autofill data in the invoice table based on the customer table and the products/service table.

*I want to be able to select a first name [or other primary key if necessary] to fill in the last name, company, address, city/state/zip, phone, fax, cell/alt phone, and email automatically... that is without multiple dropdown selections or input to those sections at all.

*I want prices to fill in to the 'cost of product/service X' so that I may use it for other calculations in the invoice table- as well as to make forms from it directly.

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Tables :: Autofill Future Date Based On Another Field

Dec 1, 2014

I am very new to access and I am trying to figure out how to build an expression for one of my fields. I have a field called Order Date, which holds the date of when an order is filled. I then have another field called Fill By Date. This new field I want to be 2 weeks after the Order Date. Is there a way to auto fill this information so that when I enter a date into the Order Date, it will enter the date that is 2 weeks after into the Fill by Date?

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Tables :: Autofill Entry In Record Based On Form

Aug 15, 2015

I want to be able to pre-fill records with information based on a form every day for each client. This needs to display in a datasheet view showing all clients for each location.

Each day the subform needs to show the expected results of that day's activity with clients if all default conditions are met. (i.e. client receives a call that day based on expected conditions calculated in a form for that day).

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Tables :: Column To Autofill Based On First Digit Of The File Number

Dec 26, 2012

I have a datasheet with 7 columns. Two of the columns I'm working with are listed below.

File # Region #
2DE2-12345 2
3DE2-@@@ 3

In data sheet view I would like the Region # column to autofill based on the first digit of the file #. So, if file # entered = 3DE3-@@@@ then 3 would auto fill in Region Column. (data is entered in data sheet view)

I have used Left ([File #],1) to get value but cant make it auto populate the Region # column......

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Turning Current Fields Into Autonumber

Jun 26, 2007

Hi all.

I have been tasked with replacing an external database in house and obviously the external database has multilpe tables joined by various id fields. I'm assuming when they created the db they were assigned autonumber qualities etc to create unique numbers.

However, I can't replicate that in mine. I have the external references for existing data fine. But ho do I now create a new record with a unique number in the existing field.

I tried setting it to primary key and/or no duplicates etc but it's expecting me to enter a number.

I imagine I've got to set some kind of loop to count from one and matech it and then when it finds a number not currently in use it'll stop and use that but how to do that........

Cheers for any help.

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Are Primay Key Autonumber Fields Chronologicaly Ordered?

Jan 24, 2007

Rephrasing: I have a table that has a PK that is autonumber. As I add records, the PK number always increases, with the last entry always larger than the previous (but the PKs may not always contain the next number in the sequence, e.g. 2,4,6, instead of 2,3,4). I need to do a query on this table to get fields from the most recent record that was added.

So, If I do a sort on the PK field and get the record with the largest primary key, am I assured that this is always the most recently added field????

If not, how can I construct a query that will provide me with the most recently entered record?

Why I need to do this: I do a query on table 'A' and then append one record from A to table 'B'. Then, using the record I just copied, I do an append query on another table and then place those results in yet another table.

Or, is there another way to accomplish this?

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Autonumber Linked Tables

Oct 12, 2007

I have a MAIN table with autonumbering for the project number. In a table related to the MAIN table I have a project number that I want to be updated when the MAIN table has a new project entered. Can I keep these in sinc automatically?

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Autonumber-primary Key Across 2 Tables

Feb 1, 2008


I need to create a table with 2 sets of different information both referring to job types. the problem is that i need the autonumber which created the job number to scale together. so both tables have a primary key of "job number" and i want the autonumber to only ever use 1 number in both tables.


job type 1 - autonumbers - 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10
job type 2 - autonumbers - 5,8,11,12

is there anyway of achieving this?

Any help greatly appreciated

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My Main Tables AutoNumber Playing Up.

Jan 5, 2007

OK, My main table has an autonumber field in it to make records unique.

At the moment, the number 5-34 are all in use on active records. But when I create a new record either in the front end form, or the back end directly in the table, it attempts to start the record off with an already existing number.

No idea why this is doing this at all.

Is it possible to reset the autonumber to say 50 so all new records start at 50, then 51 etc.

I really dont want to lose the numbers already assigned, as there are other tables that rely on that autonumber as the clients ID to record all the other data.

Its probably something very simple, but I cant carry on with my data entry at the moment.

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Linking Tables Using AutoNumber Primary Key

Mar 13, 2006

I have three tables.

EAch has a field called ID that is an Autonumber that is the primary key.

When I enter data via a form each record has a different ID across the three tables.

Does this mean they are not linking up correctly?

I have attached my databaset if that helps.


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Tables :: Autonumber Counter That Starts From 1 Each Day

Nov 11, 2014

I made a simple access project and I want to make a count for my visits, this counter MUST starts from one each morning "every new day", I use autonumber field to give each visit its unique code, I'm ok with that, but i need additional counter that resets each new day,, i watched some videos for making the autonumber starts from different number like 1000 for example using Append query but i didn't figure out how to use this method for resetting counter everyday.

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