Tables :: Locking Specific Records In A Table

Mar 18, 2014

Is there any way other than through coding/controls I can lock specific records in a table.

I have a reference table with less than 200 records on it. 5 and only 5 records need to be locked so that they primarily can not be deleted but also so they can't be edited.

I've read about locking it at form level but that, to me, means some sort of coding.

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Is It Possible To Access Specific Records Without Locking The Whole Table?

Nov 19, 2007

Is it possible to access specific records from a Microsoft Access table without locking the whole table?. I have different processess accessing at the same time different records from the same table and I getting an execption, indicating the table is locked. Can any one provide me some help regarding how to access specifi records without locking the whole table in MS Access?

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Tables :: Table For Specific Records Containing Hyperlink ID

May 2, 2015

I am creating a task tracker where the user will enter a task which is working. If he is complete the task at that moment he will submit the task and everything is done for that task. However, if there is some issue or if the user need any information, then the user will enter a comment and will hit hold. My queryis once the user hits hold button, the table "Main" will capture the hold date and time. I need a second table, may be by name "Inbox" which will only show records kept on hold.

Secondly there should be hyperlink for "ID" of Hold records in table "Inbox" and when the user click on the the "ID" to resume the task, it should take the user to "Main" form and display that particular record (record which the user had clicked). Also, the date and time should be recorded when the user click on the hyperlink in Resume_Date and Resume_Time fields for that record.

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Tables :: Updating Specific Records In A Table Using Sql Doesn't Work

Sep 15, 2014

I Have a table that contains the fields: CAT, CHAPTER, ID, someSrting and Completed

CAT, CHAPTER, ID are numbers and Completed is true/false. If I mark a certain entry as Complted (true), I want all the records with the same (CAT, CHAPTER, ID) as the one I marked to be updated to Completed.

For example, If I marked the entry cat:1 chapter:1 id:1 as completed (true), I want all the entrys that have cat:1 chapter:1 id:1 to be marked as completed (true)

the code I wrote is:

Private Pub Completed_check_AfterUpdate()
Dim myCC
Dim myCat
Dim myChap
Dim myID
myCC = Me.Completed_check
myCat = Me.CAT
myChap = Me.CHAPTER
myID = Me.ID
CurrentDb.Execute "Update [my Table] " _
& "SET Completed = (" & myCC & ") " _
& "WHERE CAT = (" & myCat & ") And CHAPTER = (" & myChap & ") And ID = (" & myID & ") ;"
End Sub

I'm running the code (my clicking the "check box") and nothing happens, I was thinking that maybe I defined the after "WHERE" statement wrong, and there are 0 entrys changed..

UPDATE: after removing the


"& "WHERE..."

row, the code does update the entire table, so I have a problem with the syntax of the sql..

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Locking A Specific Field Of A Specific Record

Oct 3, 2005

Hello, I have just spent ages doing searches and reading everything I can on locking. But, I have yet to find an answer as to how I can lock a specific field in a specific record.

e.g. Staff enter customer details, then at the end of the day the admin (me) checks it over and presses a big old button that stops them from locking certain fields in the current record only - they must still have access to the unlocked fields of the current record, and it must not lock any other records.

I'm guessing there's some VB code in the form of fieldname.lock = true, but then it locks the field throughout the whole table!

Can anyone tell me how to do this please?

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Locking Records Based On A Value In Another Table

Aug 30, 2005


I am working on a test equipment database project. Please could you help with a problem I am having.

I want to be able to lock out records on 1 form based on whether 1 field of its data is found in another table

Any ideas and suggestions would be welcome

Thanks :)

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Locking Specific Fields

Jan 30, 2007

Hey guys,

Is there a setting that will allow me to make specific fields in my table read-only unless I enter a password, or I am the DB administrator?

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Locking Specific Rows Within A Query

Oct 12, 2007

Hey guys,

I have a query on a form in which I want to lock the first two rows to prevent the user from manipulating the data. The user will input information in the third column.

How would I go about this


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Tables :: How To Add Data To Specific Records

May 6, 2014

i have a table

ID - File Type - Source - Delivery - Return
1 - X - LB - ROY - LB via Roy
2 - Y - USA - Smith - USA via Smith
3 - Z - LB - -

my question is how can i make the last column (Return) to fill like the data above..what i mean if (Delivery) not null So the return will be filled like the above if the (Delivery) is null the return will be null too

-the user will fill only the columns (File Type - Source - Delivery)
-the column (Return) will be filled automatically if (Delivery) not null

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Help Required Selecting Specific Records From Related Tables

Apr 15, 2008


Hope someone can help me out on this one. Searched the forum but can’t find anything to help me out.

I have two tables:
tblCustomers that contains unique customer records (names addresses etc.)
tblComments that contains comment data for the customers

Tables are joined one to many tblCustomers -> tblComments on account_ref

tblComments can contain several records per customer, all are datestamped.

I want just the latest datestamped comment record per customer, just can’t seem to work the logic on this one. Must be so simple but can’t fathom it.:confused:

Ideally, I’m producing a report of Customer data (Name, address, contacts etc) + the last comment record for each customer. Have started with a simple query, but have hit an impasse. Have tried sorting, group by, top 1, distinct etc, but don’t seem to be getting anywhere.:mad:

If someone can point me in the right direction, and give me a starter for 10 I’d be much appreciated.

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Tables :: Updating Dates In Specific Records Within A Field

Nov 6, 2013

So I currently have a table that tracks medication activity for patients called tblMedRanges. The Fields are the ID, StartMedication, EndMedication, Med ID/Medication Name.

In the End of Medication, some patients are not currently active so they have a set date/time field property. What I have for right now is the default value is set to


So that when staff adds a new medication it is set to the current date. These patients are supposed to be active, but it doesn't update the default value. I want it to continue to update to the current date every time the database is open.

I have three options that I know of(or think I know of) to update but can't commit to one in particular :

1)I want these individual records in the field to update the current time for today and was considering using some kind of data macro code using before update.

2)The other idea I had was splitting up the field into an EndOfMedication field that would display a value only if their inactive, and an Active field (text, value list active/inactive choices) that would be used in a query to generate the current date as med field. This would take some crafty query work with comparisons later on to generate list of drugs that they were on for each visit.

3) set to text field and convert the field to date field for comparison in queries.

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Calculating Field Specific Averages From Records In Separate Tables

Apr 28, 2014

Let's say I have a table sort of like this one: [URL] .... (Table 1)

What I want to do is make another table that references the first table: [URL] ... (Table 2)

I want the cells in the Average field in Table 2 to calculate an average of all the values for records in Table 1 with Color fields that correspond to the Color field in Table 2 (this makes a little more sense if you look at the pictures). I could do this in Excel, but then problems would arise whenever I would add a new entry to the database, or re-alphabetized the data, since Excel math is depends entirely on the positions of cells, and I want these averages to be continually calculated correctly and to change whenever I add related records to the database.

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Lock Specific Records In Table

Jul 18, 2007

Is there anyway to lock specific records in a table so users cannot edit them after a manager has approved them?

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Queries :: Use A Query To Select Specific Records From Table

Dec 14, 2013

While I am not new to Access, I am not well versed in its abilities as far as combo boxes go. What I have is a Form where a combo box allows you to pick from a table records 'record ID #' in order to fill in the data of that record to the rest of the form.What I want to do is use a query to select specific records from this table and allow the combo box to show only these 'selected Record IDs' for user selection.

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Remove Specific Type Of Attachment From All Records In Table

Jul 20, 2012

I have table call "empTable" and it has an Attachment field called "Attachment". Some of the records has empty Attachment field and some record has one attachment and some has two and the attachment types are jpeg and pdf.

I want to remove all the pdf from all the records in this table automatically with VBA or something, is it possible? How to do it?

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Tables :: Finding Specific Record In A Linked Table

Jun 19, 2013

From what I have read, I understand you can't use the seek command on a recordset from a linked table from another database. Is that true? If so, what is the alternative to find a specific record in the table using an indexed field?

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Archiving MS Access 2007 Table Records With Specific Date?

Jul 23, 2012

How do i archive Ms Access 2007 table records with specific date?

Any easy way to do it without writing any macros?

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Modules & VBA :: Using Temp Variable To Append Specific Number Of Records To Table

May 29, 2014

I need to extract a specific number of records into a table using a MakeTable or Append command using a temp variable, e.g. TempK&SA. Previously on the forum I was shown how code could be added to the OnOpen function to use a temp variable to select a specific number of records to report. ACCESS does not have the OnOpen function in the design view of a query like in the report. It does allow a SELECT TOP but only with fixed variables or percents (e.g. 25 in the code below).

The beginning code for the make table query (where 25 is the number of records added) is:

INSERT INTO [Output] ( RndNo, PointBiserial, BloomsTax, DateRevised, Exam1, Status, Exam2, Exam3, Exam4, [NCCPAKnowledge&Skills] )
SELECT TOP 25 TestBank.RndNo, TestBank.PointBiserial, TestBank.BloomsTax, TestBank.DateRevised, TestBank.Exam1, TestBank.Status, TestBank.Exam2, TestBank.Exam3, TestBank.Exam4, TestBank.[NCCPAKnowledge&Skills], *
FROM TestBank
WHERE (((TestBank.PointBiserial) Is Null Or (TestBank.PointBiserial) Between [TempVars]![TempPointBiserialLow] And .....

how to modify the code to allow a temp variable to determine the number of records to append to another table would be gratefully received. (This process then is repeated for a total of 7 append tables with different temp variables.)

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Locking Down Records?

Feb 13, 2008

Is there any way to "lock down" newly created records somehow, so that only the person who created them can edit them after the fact?

Obviously, this would require some kind of system where everyone logged in with some kind of userID and password...and even then, I don't know how such a security system could be set up.

Is this possible? If SO, are there any examples of it anywhere that I could check out?

Thanks in advance!

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Records Locking

Aug 11, 2005

I update the table through a form.
Each page in the form updates one complete row of the table.

I am trying to find a method to block each row of the table (or equivalenty each record in the form) after completing the entry in order to prevent unwanted deletion or alteration of the entries of this record in the future.
Is this possible?

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Locking Records?

Sep 30, 2006

I’m new to access but I have created a table with a form linked to it. It shows one record per page. I just want to be able to lock and unlock individual records in the form by using a checkbox. This will prevent me from accidently making a change to an old record.

For example, when the checkbox is unchecked. the current record on the form can still be edited. When the checkbox is checked, the record can only be viewed, not edited. I still need to be able to navigate through the locked record and create a duplicate from the locked record though. Does anyone know a simple way to do this? My guess that it has to do with the AfterUpdate event? Thanks for any help.


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Locking Records

Jan 13, 2005

anyone know about this? i've messed with it, but i think i screwed it up. when one user is using a record and another tries to access it, my program shuts down completely.

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Locking Some Records In A Form

May 12, 2005

I can't seem to find any answers to this maybe i am asking the wrong question, or its so easy nobody asked.

I am viewing / editing some records in a form, I want to view all of the records but only allow edits to records with forms with tblData.Locked = false.

How do I achieve this.



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Locking Records In A Form

Feb 9, 2006

I have 4 users entering data via aform. The database is located on a shared drive. They are getting errorsthat the record is locked. I believe this happens when 2 or more people open the form and are trying to enter data at the same time. Is there a way to have each person lock a new record on open at the form? or is there a better way to handle this? I'm new at this and am working my way through.



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Locking Users From Records

Jan 18, 2005

About six months ago I created a database for tracking customer calls and comments. I replicated this database because I wanted to be able to make design changes without effecting the users ability to add records. I have no security set up for the database except for startup options. I am having an issue with users being locked from adding records once in awhile. The dialog box says "Could not update; currently locked by user 'Admin' on machine '***'". The more I read this the more I am thinking that they are getting assigned the same record ID when they go to make an entry. Although, if the users are patient and wait a few minutes they are able to finish adding the record without deleting it and starting over. There are now 22 people utilizing the database and about 17 of them are using it consistently. Any insight on this would be appreciated.

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Tables :: Locking On New Record

Jun 14, 2013

I've created a database and split it so that the data tables are held separately. Everything works fine apart from when 2 users simultaneosly try to create a new record on the same table. I'm guessing this is a record locking issue but can't work out what I should be amending.

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