Total Hours By Week!?!

Mar 11, 2008

Hi All,

me again, now that I've got over the working hours hurdle I'd like to sum by week.

I'm quite new to access so please excuse my simple questions.

My fields are:

LogID {EmployeeID&Now()}
StartTime {date&time}
FinishTime {date&time}

I have created a query to give me the total hours worked per day. Is there anyway I can total this by week?:confused:

Once again your help is greatly appreciated

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Total Working Hours

Mar 10, 2008

Hi ther,

I wonder if someone could help me with what I am sure is simply code, I just can't seem to get the response I want. :confused:

I am working out each member of staffs working hours for the day.

[Start Time]
[Finish Time]
minus a 30 min lunch.

I would like to display the total hours worked for the day in an hour:minute format.

I've tried a few diferent things and still not got the answer I was after.

Your help with this is greatly appreciated.

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Total Time On Hours And Minutes

Jan 29, 2007

I am trying to show the time difference between 2 times but the calculation is not working correctly.

First I work out the totaltime on mins between 2 dates using datediff, then I am trying to convert to hours and minutes like :
Total_Time: Format([Sumoftotaltime_mins]/60,"00") & ":" & Format([SumofTotaltime_mins] Mod 60,"00")

This is working until I have something like :


this should work out as 44 hours and 5 mins but for some reason it is showing as 43 hours and 5 mins.

why would this be ?

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Total Amount Of Hours Left / Used

Feb 27, 2007

Hello All,

I need to create a derived attributes (total hours left, total hours used).

In order for the calculation I have days_allocated in the employee table (this is converted into hours by multiplying this by 24).

How can I create a field in a query that works out the amount of hours used and left?

Here is a typical holiday record (screenshot of my query that I am trying to do) (
Can someone please help me create a formula.


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Total Hours (or Minutes) In A Query

Oct 9, 2007

I have a table wherein the time worked by 25 employees are recorded. This table has the start time, endtime, break time and late times. The Late Time is the number of minutes that the employee is late to work. I am required to do a query of the team's (all 25 staff) late times per month. I have done a query which shows the late times of the individual on the dates that they were late to work and created a crosstab query for that.

I am going around in circles. How can I have a total of the team's late times in a query? Please, could someone please point me in the right direction?

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Queries :: Show Sum Of Total Hours

Nov 4, 2014

I am trying to build a query to show the total sum of hours a staff member has done in a certain department and the amount of sleep ins they have done. Each staff member has a unique ID. In the query I can get all the information but it shows on two lines dependent on department. I want this to show on a single line. Each employee will never have more than two departments. The query is called "QryForForum".

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Calculate Total Hours (for All Employees) On Each Department?

Sep 28, 2005

Hello, i have a table with the fields: "employee_number", "shiftdate" "department" "basic_hours", and "over_time"

And a query named "employee_hrs" looks at the fields in this table, i would like a new field in the query to be able to calculate the total hours for all employees together but for each department.

eg the total of: basic hours + overtime for department A)
the total of: basic hours + overtime for department B)
and so on for each department

would only like to show one instance of a department (distinct) with the total hours done by all employees for that department?, if any one could please help me out that would be great!?

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How I Can Calculate Correct Total Hours In MS Access 2003

Jul 26, 2006

I have a problem with Microsoft access 2003. I want to design a Check in/Check out Time Data base for my university final term project. In this data base I need to show the total of the working hours of each personnel in a month.( for instance: 124 hours and 55 minutes in one month). But adding up the hours, when the time variable reaches 24 then time automatically goes back to 01:00. As a result, the correct total hours cannot be calculated....

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General :: How To Get Total Spent Hours In Office For The Employee

Jan 28, 2014

I am facing one problem while calculating the number of hours an employee spent in the office. Each employee will have a swipe card and the swipe data is stored in an .mdb file. Some employees will have different shifts and may come after 6pm and will go next day 5 am , while calculating their spent hours getting the problem. The swipe data is stored in IOData table , I wrote a simple query below to get the data., it is calculating correctly for the employees who come in between 11AM to 8PM but who are coming after 6PM and going next day , facing problem. Time is storing in 24 hour format in table with Status as Entry,Exit . There may be any no.of exits and entries , so i took min and max of the time in the below query.

I am attaching the mdb file data in an excel sheet(Master_Data.xls) and also the data of the below query(Swipe_Data.xls) and highlighting the employee for which we got problem.

SELECT HD.JobTitle, HD.HolderName, IO.IODate,IO.IOStatus, min(IO.IOTime), max(IO.IOTime), DateDiff("n", min(IO.IOTime), max(IO.IOTime)) AS Minutes, [Minutes] 60 & Format([Minutes] Mod 60, ":00")
FROM HolderData AS HD, IOData AS IO
WHERE HD.HolderNo = IO.HolderNo and
HD.DepartmentNo IN ('0008', '0009') and
IO.IODate between #01/20/2014# and #01/24/2014#
GROUP BY HD.JobTitle, HD.HolderName, IO.IODate,IO.IOStatus;

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Queries :: Adding Up Times To Get Total Amount Of Hours

Dec 5, 2014

I have a table of hours that have been worked by employees for each day of the week

[moh] (Monday's hours),[tuh],[weh],[thh],[frh],[sah],[suh]
data eg (this is how I would like it to be inputted into the table)
7:24:00,7:24:00,7:24:00,7:24:00,7:22:00,0:00:00,0: 00:00

This equates to 36:58:00

I have tried

Total Hours: [moh]+[tuh]+[weh]+[thh]+[frh]+[sah]+[suh]

but I am struggling to get what I want in the right format.

How to record the initial data or a formula to format the end result.

Excel just does it !!!!!

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Using DSUM With Textboxes - Display Total Of Hours Based On Date

Jan 19, 2015

I am having difficulty getting a second textbox to display the correct total of hours based on a date entered into a first textbox.


Table Name: TestTable1
Fields: 'RequestDate' & 'Hours'
Form: 'Form1'
2 Textboxes Unbound: Named 'Date' & 'Total'

What I am trying to accomplish:

Based upon a date entered into the "Date" textbox I want the "Total" textbox to display the total hours associated with that date.

What I have tried:

I have tried using, in the control source property of the "Total" textbox, many iterations of both Sum(IIF & DSum(

I am currently using the following:

=DSum("[Hours]","TestTable1","[RequestDate]='Forms! Form1!'Me.Date'")

I have tried this without the Forms designation; without the "Me" designation; Etc.

Some attempts return the Error or Name error while other efforts return a blank textbox...

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Queries :: Time Sheet / Payroll Database - Calculating Total Daily Hours

Feb 18, 2014

Access Query. I am creating a time sheet / pay roll database and I want to be able to get a total of the daily hours in a query.

For example I have 'Mon Start' and 'Mon Finish' for Mondays in/out times and I have a 'Mon Total' which gives me the total hours worked for Monday.

The problem I have is that Mon Total only works if the hours are say between 07:00 and 17:00, anything after midnight (00:00) like 21:00 to 07:00 and 'Mon Total' goes crazy !!

At the moment 'Mon Total' is the result of CDate 'Mon Finish' - 'Mon Start' (bit rough I know).

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Queries :: Show Total Ordered For Week By Fish For Single Customer?

Aug 19, 2014

I need a report that show Total ordered for week by Fish for a single customer. I have customer table and OrderDetals table with order date. Shipping date Monday to Friday. When preview the report the it shows the current week Total order quantity for each fish for single customer. How do I get this.

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Queries :: Subtract 8 Hours Of Work From Result Hours

Nov 29, 2014

I want to subtract 8 hours of work of the Result of employee work hours/

There is attachment...

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Reports :: Inserting Page Break To Show Week By Week Pages

Feb 11, 2015

I've created a report based on a query that shows me the jobs that have been added to tblJobs between two selected dates.

The report works fine and displays all the information I need, however other than being sorted by day of the week i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. The records just run on one after another.

I want to create a page break, so that a full week is shown on a single page before then forcing a new page when it moves in to the next week.

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Week Commencing Day From Week Number

Nov 6, 2006

I have a query that groups records by date into week numbers using the following expression.

WeekNumber: DatePart("ww",[Date],2)

I would prefer to display the result as the week commencing Monday date.


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When The Last Week Of The Year And The First Week Of The Next, Are The Same!

Mar 18, 2006

I have the following expression which works nicely to group all of my dates into their respective weeks of the year, by week dates beginning Mondays:

WeekStart: ([MyDateField]+1)-DatePart("w",[MyDateField],2)

However, since the week beginning 12/26/05 crosses over both '05 and '06 (as week 53 and week 1), I get two groups of dates recorded for the week of 12/26/05 when I run my query.

Since my chart is based on weekly totals, I can't have two separate totals with the same 'week beginning' date.

How can I adjust my code to get one total group of dates for the week of 12/26/05?

Help greatly-needed!....

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Queries :: Self-Referencing Running Total Used To Calculate Next Total In A Query

Jul 23, 2015

I am trying to create a query that has a self referencing running total based on the values (point totals) of itself (running total of values in the running total column that have already been calculated for all previous records) plus the total of new points being added in the current record, less the total of points being removed in the current record. This running total can never go below 0, if it does, the running total should restart at zero and add in only new points and begin the process again with the next records

I am able to do this in Excel in less than two seconds so I know there has to be a way to port this into a query. I've attached an excel example of what I am exactly trying to do

If it takes multiple queries to complete the required output I am ok with it. In my previous outtakes I have had up to 8 queries but just couldn't seem to do it..

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Total Daily Sales Queries By Model/Total

Mar 8, 2008


1) I am pretty newbie to this access programming, do forgive me if my questions sounds stupid.

2) Basically I create an application in access capturing or production information for my company. now the top management suddenly wanted whats their main concern:- Total Daily/Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Sales (By Model If possible)

3) I start with daily (Lets don't be too overly ambitious).

4) I try to let user select dates from my calender control and reflect daily sales (in Total & By Model break down) insert into my form.

5) Understand someone told me from my previous post in Calender control I can achieve it either through forms or queries, which is a better way. (in terms of flexibility to change for program maintenance/ scalibility) wise ?

PS: Please forgive my ignorance :o:(

Thanks (In advance) & God Bless.

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Tables :: Get Total Of Clip Size And Also Total Of Clip Duration

Dec 31, 2012

I have a table with 4 field which describe clips.

ClipName (txt)
ClipSize ( Long Integer)
ClipDuration (HH:MM:SS)
Date created (dd/mm/yy).

I would like to get the total of ClipSize and also total of Clip Duration either in table down or in query.

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Can I Add Some Hours To Now() ?

Jun 26, 2005

I am using the now() function in my date_added field.
My site is GMT based but my server is in the US and is returning the date added as 6 hours before which does not look good on the site ...

Is there a way to add 6 hours when the timestamp is being added ?( now() +6hrs ) for example...

Or can I add 6 hours to a time stamp on read back? If so how can I add this in clasic asp?

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How To Keep Track Of Hours?

Feb 5, 2005

Hi, I am trying to figure out a way to keep record of store hours, and days open for lots of different restaurants. The only thing I could up with is the following. I'm not sure how to keep track of store hours, or even the best way to make a table for hours. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

RestaurantID (pk)




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Multiplying Hours Help

Sep 13, 2005

I've searched and searched to no avail to find the answer, hopefully you can help.

The story is:

At work, our holidays are now taken as hours off. For example...if I take a Monday off, its 8hrs and 5 min and a Monday morning would be 4hrs and 5 min...What I want to do is calculate how many hours I have taken off throughout the year.

The way I was going to do it was:

Create Table called Times,

Fields = Week, Day, Morning, Afternoon, Friday and 1hour all Data Type "Date/Time"

Week = 37hrs, Day = 8hrs 5min, Morning = 4hrs 5min, Afternoon = 4hrs, Friday = 4hrs 40min, and 1hour = 1hr.

Then create another table called Hol Booking

Similar field names Wk, Days, Morn etc. They would be Data Type "Number"

Now in my simple head, I thought I could simply record how many weeks or days off i had off. Then create a query (for example) Week*Wk to calculate the amount of hours I had off.
In simple terms if I had 2 weeks and 2 days off, the query would multiply Week (37) by Wk (2) and Day (8:05) by Days (2), giving a total of 90 hrs and 10 min.

I know there is a datatype mismatch, but is there a way round this.

Thanks for listening

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Figure Hours

Oct 21, 2005

I have a query in which I need to display just the data that was entered from 9:00 p.m. the previous day until now. There is a date/time field called "QtyTime".


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Check To See If 72 Hours

Nov 21, 2007

I have an access table, and there is a field called user_time. Once a user record has been inserted, it puts a timestamp on this field, to record the date/time the record was saved to the database.

Now I need to write a query to check if it has been 72 hours since the insertion of the user into the database. This will exclude weekends.
If a record was inserted on a Friday, on Monday it will not be 72 hours, as weekends are not taken into account only weekdays. So Monday will only be 24 hours since the user was added.

Please can you help me with this.

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Totalling The Hours

Aug 11, 2006

Hi, I have been looking for some answear, but haven't find the proper one!!
I have a form containing a number of records showing the hours worked in format HH.MM at the end of the form I have the sum of the hours, but the result is not correct.
To make it simple to understand, actualy the total of hous for 11.55 and 11.14 gives me the result of 22.69 but the correct result should be 23.09 (23h and 09m and not 22h and 59m)
How can I get the right total???

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