Unable To Import Series Of Records From Excel Into Table

Oct 16, 2012

I am trying to import a series of records from Excel into a table in Access 2010. The field names in the Excel table match the field names in the Access table. The field formats are the same as well (both set to numbers).

I am receiving an "unparsable record" error for all fields in the Excel file that are being entered into fields in Access that are 'lookup' fields that allow multiple entries.

The Exel fields have been filed in with the 'numbers' that correspond to the correct 'lookup' selections. There is only one item in the excel field -> while access will allow multiple entries for the field, I for the records I'm importing I only need one.

For the fields that are 'lookup' but allow only one value the excel data is being imported and displayed correctly in Access.

Do I need to format the fields that are matching to multiple entry fields differently or in a special way?

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Unable To Import Excel Spreadsheet To Table

Dec 4, 2007


I have a procedure that imports excel spreadseet to access table ever today.
today it failed. Forrmat was the same as yesterday.

I did 'copy/paste special/format' from yesterday's file; still today's file wouldn't import.

Tried to copy manually to the table, got the error message about 'field not being in the same format'

Went to table's design view, and changed everything to 'memo', the was able to do copy/paste.
There wer no values with more then 20 characters
I was able to change 'memo' back to text and date/time without loosing any date.

Has anyone ecountered this ? Going changing table, and then chaging it back doesn't sound like the best practice
what can be done ?
can abything be done to excel file ?

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General :: Unable To Import To Excel From Front End And Back End Using Database Connections

Aug 5, 2012

I have split my database in Front End och Back End, and both are password protected. The Front End has been converted to ACCDE.

When I try to import to Excel from Front End and/or Back End using database connections I receive a message telling me that I am using an invalid password (even though I use the same password when I encrypt/decrypt FE and BE). I've tried using Access import, ODBC and Microsoft Query. (In some cases I 'm also prompted to set a username, which I do not know which it should be since I haven't set one in my database (except the automatic "admin"))

How do I go about to make this work?

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Import Excel File Into Exisiting Table... Ignoring Duplicate Records

Jun 14, 2005

I am creating a small Access application that will allow me to update my Call handling system's site table.
It uses an mdb file, and I wish to add new sites (from new contracts) to the SCSite table.

I recieve regular updates of new sites from existing customers, so want to create a simple macro that will

1: import (from an excel file) the new sites and add these to the existing SCSite table
2: Check for duplicate records using the Site_Num primary key
3: Merge non duplicate records into existing SCSite table.

Is this possible, and if so - how? VBA? Macro builder? Query?

A Swift response would be great, I have had a look through previous posts - but to no avail!

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Tables :: Unable To Create A Database By Compiling Records From Multiple Excel Sheets

May 22, 2013

I am trying to create a database by compiling records from multiple excel sheets. however, since most of the clients still uses the excel sheets to enter records, I am thinking if it's possible to create a linked table in access from these excel sheets that are hosted on an online server.

also is it possible to merge multiple linked tables together? if they have the same field range, so they will append when the linked tables gets updated.

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Import From Excel And Update And Append To Many Records

Mar 2, 2008

Hi there

I have a spreadsheet that I have successfuly imported into Access but now I would like to maintain it, update/append/delete records etc.

The spreadsheet is produced weekly and Intend to import it into my Access database on a weekly basis there are around 20,500 records and 15 Fields. I have kept the Field names in Access the same as the spreadsheet, except that the Access table has an ID field with PK and autonum. There are no other tables involved, it should just be a straight import update append ...but how?

I am looking for the best way to approach carryingout a regular update, is it best to bring the new import into a Temp table? and then carry out the analysis of what has been changed, deleted or added?

Also the queries to do this, how exactly do you get a query to scan through all of these rows and columns.

one last thing is it possible to create a table during the update/append process that will log all of the changes or flag the records using A=Append, D=Deleted U=Updated...

I've tried looking at various forums but mostly all I find is people with similar problems and no definitinve answer.



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Regularly Import / Export Different Records To Multiple Excel Worksheets

Mar 16, 2014

I'm building a data base for my company, which is composed of items we sell. I then need these records to populate our pricebooks, which are excel worksheets, under multiple workbooks.

So essentially, I would like to have all the fields separated by vendor, series and series items, then populate the proper Excel worksheet (within a supplier's workbook). I have the know how to build a query to narrow down a particular vendor/series/groupofitems, but I don't want to be creating an enormous list of queries which have to be run each time.

I also have the know how to create a joined table which pulls the item list into the proper group, creating one large table with every vendor, series, and items. But what I'm looking for is some type of hybrid, which will allow me to export all of the items to their corresponding worksheets in one fell swoop. This will be done regularly as prices from suppliers change, certain colors are discontinued, sizes added, etc.

I'm guessing when I use the query which creates the large table with all the product that it's indexed, and that I would be able to use this to then import the data into excel/export the data to excel. But I'm not sure about this.

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Import Excel Into Table

Dec 29, 2005

I have a form that I am trying to setup to click on the button and it opens dialog box to select file, then it transfers/appends the data into an existing table. I got the button to open the dialog box and select the file, but nothing is being added to the table. Can someone please help?

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Can't Import Table From Excel

Oct 4, 2004

I have created an xls and its the same format as the table in my db. Same column name and same data type. However, when I try to import the xls to an existing table in my db, there was an error message that says, "An error occurred while trying to import file 'C:MyDocumentsPOSystem_Book.xls'. The file was not imported'". This error does not occur when I import it to a new table. Can anyone help in this? A million thanks in advance.


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Import/Update Table From Excel ?

Jan 16, 2005

Hi all,
I use an Excel import to update tabel 'deelnemer'. This works oke BUT when user 'x' has a linked field in tabel 'B' the import fails due to RI (I think..)
How can I make it so in this code that the user record is updated and can I restore the RI (otherwise my forms won't work..)
This is the code I use for importing the Excel file:
DoCmd.CopyObject , "Deelnemer_copy", acTable, "Deelnemer"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from deelnemer"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

ImportFile = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "Deelnemer.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel3, "Deelnemer", ImportFile, True
Please help me on this, breaking my head over it and I'm newbie on all this..
Thanks in advance !

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Excel Spreadsheet Will Not Import Into Table

Oct 11, 2006


I am failry new to Access, and am trying to import an Excel spreadsheet into a Table. I go all the way through the import wizard, and it gives me an error that it cannont create, and then it goes back to the last screen, and I have no Idea what is wrong.

I have looked under many help's and online tips, and searched this site to no avail. As far as I can tell everything should be acceptable to import. I have unique column header titles, no blank rows, nothing over 255 characters, and it still does not work. Can anyone give me some advice on what is wrong in this spreadsheet causing it not to be imported?



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Append Table From Excel Import

Jul 18, 2005

Curious to know if anyone had some suggestions on how to create a form that would import an excel spreadsheet (that was in the same format of columns as the main table in the database) and append/attach it to the existing main table.

i have attached an abbreviated version of my database for reference. many thanks-

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Tables :: How To Import Excel As A Table

Mar 12, 2013

I am trying to build a DB for work at the gas company. Currently this is tracked on 10 excel flat files and I want to make this process more efficient. The company DB is oracle based and the system is not set up for me to limit views just to my information. Therefore I am trying to build an access DB to handle this.What I am doing is downloading a copy of the DB info (which includes everyones area) to an excel spreadsheet and linking this to access as a linked table so I can use this information. Unfortunately, this means it makes a linked table without a key field.

However, according to information that I have read, I am unable to use this linked table in a form because it makes the form not updateable??? Is this due to the linked table and if so, is there a work around?

The reason I link this information is due to multiple fields that are updated hourly/daily. If I turn this into a table, then I will have to either manually update these fields constantly or create additional steps in order to recreate the wheel so to speak. I don't need to be able to update the linked information in the form, I just want to see it when doing the data entry for the purpose of specific dates, previous surveys, previous survey results, and for flagging due dates. Is this possible?

So far, the only information that I have been able to research on this is how to link information or how to import excel as a table but nothing that speaks of how to use a linked table in a form or what limitations a linked table has.

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Queries :: Unable To Copy Records Into Another Table

Sep 7, 2013

I'm using Access 2007.

I have a button on a form that when clicked, does the following:

I have a table called [Workorder Parts] that has 128 records in it with Fields named WorkOrderPartID (Autonumber), WorkorderID(Number), PartID(Number), Quantity(Number), UnitPrice(Currency), Notes(Memo), KitID(Number).

I want to copy records into another table called [tKitsWorkorderParts] that has the identical structure based upon a value in the field WorkorderID. For testing purposes let's assume that the field contains the value "12". There are 28 records in the table that have the value set to "12"

If I hardcode the value "12" into the following SQL statement, it finds and copies the 28 records correctly.

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [tKitsWorkOrderParts] SELECT * FROM [WorkOrder Parts] WHERE [WorkOrder Parts.WorkOrderID] = 12"

so far so good.....

Now, on the form there is a Text Box called WorkorderID that contains the value "12".

If I change the code to the following, I get all 128 records instead of just the 28 I am expecting:

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [tKitsWorkOrderParts] SELECT * FROM [WorkOrder Parts] WHERE [WorkOrder Parts.WorkOrderID] = WorkorderID"

I have inserted a few MsgBox displays to display the value contained in WorkorderID and it shows "12"...

What am I doing wrong???

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Add Records To Form And Table

Jul 23, 2015

I was updating my records by filling a form and entering the data's into a table but all of a sudden i couldn't add data to form and table..

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Help With Table Setup - Based On Excel Import

Nov 7, 2007



These are fields that are imported from Excel. I have to import 500-1500 rows each week which contain the data I need. Then I must, by using a form, go through these "Service Calls" and mark some that give the employee credit for the call and some that are unique calls. Meaning if they have serviced the same person 5x in the quarter I can only count that once.

There can be muliple people on a service call so I have these:


(Entered_By field contains the employee who recorded the call and they would have gone on the service call)

Then I have to record who they contacted regarding the account. The SHORT_ACCOUNT_TITLE will often differ from who they have contact regarding this account. So I have this field:


Then since muliple employees go on service calls together some may have already contacted this customer aleady. I have to keep track of employees unique customer contacts. So I have these fields:

CREDIT1 (checkbox for employee listed in the ENTERED_BY field)
CREDIT2 (checkbox for EMPLOYEE1)
CREDIT3 (checkbox for EMPLOYEE2)
CREDIT4 (checkbox for EMPLOYEE3)

Then I have to keep track of service calls regardless if they where unique ones or not. So I have this field:


Then I put a notes section in so when I am filtering the data and finding what calls where good calls and need to make changes or whatever I can have a place to put that:


Finally since some of these customer calls involve large amounts of customers (group meetings, etc) I have this field to type in a number of additional credit:



So since I have to import Excel rows that contain the data I start with I am unsure of how to set this up and normalize it. I have attached my form I have used to find what fields I would need to show you more of what I am trying to do.

This form allow me to filter data that shows up in the subform. Then I can just double click it and bring up the record. Then mark the ones that count.

I am looking for any suggestions. Thanks.

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Auto Import Table From Old Excel Format?

Jan 31, 2008

i have 1 table that link to excel file. the excel file is generate by other software and it's on excel 2.1 format. I've tried to directly link to the file but not working. so i manually open the file and save the file on excel 2002 format, then i use that file to be linked on my mdb. Unfortunately every time i replace the file with the newest data, my mdb not displaying the updated data.

- how can i link old version of excel on mdb?
- what should i do so my mdb will display the updated data after the excel file is replaced?


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Import Excel Data Into Access Table

Apr 27, 2008

Hello guyz,
With the help of 'Import External Data' wizard, my import did not happen. My datatypes and Col. Headers in excel are matching for what I have in access table. Alternatively, I selected to import the data into new table and all of the data got imported. My question, since I already have some data in table I want data to be imported, how can I do about bringing all the data from new table I created during import to the existing table. Please suggest. Thanks in advance.

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Tables :: Import Excel File To Table?

Oct 22, 2014

How do you import an excel to table..appended?? Using code. I am new to access. I have code to export and open an query into a excel file.

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Tables :: Import Data From Excel Into A Table

Jun 1, 2015

User imports data from Excel to a table but i am not sure that the user will import right data into the table.

So in case a error comes due to a record, i want to cancel all the changes/updates done because of that excel file.

i.e if there are 10 records to be imported and error comes while uploading 5th record, then all the 4 records updated earlier should be recalled / reversed / cancelled...

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General :: Table Import From Excel - Only 52 Columns?

Sep 5, 2012

I'm having problems importing a spreadsheet from Excel for a client.

They are using Access 2003 and Excel 2007, 3.5GB RAM

It works perfectly on my machine - Excel 2010 and Access 2007-2010, 4 GB RAM.

The file is imported in Excel 97-2003 format via a macro using the transferspreadsheet function.

It returns error 3274: "external table is not in the expected format."

There are 1488 rows and 71 columns in the spreadsheet and resulting table - in future additional columns may need to be added representing new critical data.

The interesting thing was that it worked fine on my machine. Then as a trial and error process I cut the file down to 26 columns and it worked fine. 52 columns also imported. But it gave up when there were 71 columns.

if 52 columns * 1488 rows =77,376 record worked, that's more than the magic number of 65,536. but it doesn't like 71*1488 = 105648 records. Is there a limit at 100,000, or some other number in between? I would have thought Access could hold/import much more than this.

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Import MS Excel Files Into One Table In MS Access

Jun 27, 2012

Im familiar with Ms Access, but have never used VBA or Scripts. I have 37 Excel files with the same data and would like to import into one file. Data will be received on a monthly basis into the same directory and I would like to automatically upload the data into the same file in Access.

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Import Excel Worksheet In Access Table [with Lookups]

May 31, 2007

Hi there,

I'm pretty new to Access so I hope this question is not to simple/stupid ;)

Ok, I have an Excel Worksheet that I want to import into an Access Table. The column headers are identical! The only problem is:

- the Access table looks up a couple of the columns from other Access tables. When I try to import the Excel data, Access does (properly) report an error.

- Error: the records from the Excel file were added to the Access table but not all values were imported (no values were imported into the lookup columns...)

Any idea how I should procede so that I can import my data into Access?


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Import Data Into Table From Excel Using Command Button

May 18, 2006

I'm looking for someone to help me with a solution to my problem of importing data into a data table.
What I'd like to do is have a command button on a form. When this button is clicked the records in a table are cleared out. Then I'd like for a browse window to come up to locate an Excel file. The user would select this file and the data would be imported into the data table that was just cleared.
Can this be done without too much trouble?

Thanks, Paul

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Modules & VBA :: Import Multiple Excel Sheets To One New Table

Nov 19, 2014

I have an Excel workbook with multiple sheets, all the sheets have the same headers and are formatted the same.

Problem 1 is I need some sort of loop so that all sheets will be imported, the names will vary so I can't use specific names to import.

Problem 2 is that I need to create a new TempTable based on the format of these sheets and have them all import to that one table.

I need to do some cleaning up and updating of the data before I run append queries to have it moved to a couple of permanent tables.

I know I've written the VBA to have a new table created on import and later deleted after all my queries run.

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Tables :: Import From Excel And Append To Existing Table

Apr 7, 2015

I am trying to import from Excel and append to an existing table. My excel sheet is named tblStatus and I am trying to append it to my Access table "tblStatus".

I get an error message that says "The first row contains some data that can't be used for valid Access Field Names. In these cases, the wizard will automatically assign valid field names." (I used the excel sheet to set up my table.) After I click OK, I get to the point where I can click finish, and I get a "Subscript out of range" error.

MY row headers are:

I am not sure what is going on.

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