Username & Password Woes!

Jan 10, 2007

I have a problem regarding using usernames and passwords to restrict access to certain tables/forms/reports etc....
I have read around the forum and various other websites but cant seem to get much relating to exactly what i am wanting to do.

I think i understand the way the access workgroup security works. But does this not just restrict users being able to view the database as read-only or with other certain rights like that? So, firstly would i be able to use this to restrict the database the way i want?

Or is there a way to create a table with names and passwords and create a form at the beginning where the user inputs their details and then according to the details gives/restricts access to parts of the database? Ideally i'd like the startup form to direct them to a different menu according to the user which gives them only the options they are allowed?

Seems a bit of a mouthfull and i sound like a complete newb but i been trying to figure this out all day!!

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Password/Username Help

Sep 26, 2004

I created a password for my database and now I cannot access it. The dialog box says that either the username or password may be incorrect. I do not know what the requested username is. I do not recall creating a username during the process of creating the password. I do not know what username ACCESS is asking for. I think I know what the password is. I think the problem is the username. However, if I somehow do not know the password, what can I do?

After you finish laughing at me, please help. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

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Username And Password

Aug 10, 2006

I want to secure my Access database with a username and password. I want to be able to pull the nt login of the user and have them access only the things i need them to access. How can I do this?

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Username & Password

Sep 25, 2007


i have an access db which i want to protect with various usernames & passwords how do i go about this?

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Access Doesn't Ask For Username And Password

Jun 23, 2006

I created security using the security wizards, separating admins vs. data entry users. I gave everyone a username and a password but when I reenter the database it doesn't ask me for my username or password. Does anyone know why or how can I fix it?

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Create Username And Password Promt?

Sep 17, 2004


I was wondering if it were possible to make a msg box pop up when opening a database asking for a user name and password. And that will be the only way to enter the database.


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Forms :: Log-in Database Username And Password

Nov 2, 2014

I have an error message or debug message in my code in username & password log in.. it has an error in if else statement

empname is a cobobox
empass is a txtbox
logempID is a autonum I.D
usrnmpass is a table name

there's an specific record in a table of usrnmpass showing in the attachment

this is my code....

Private Sub Command1_Click()
If IsNull(empname) Or empname = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If


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Sign In To Access Using Username And Password

Oct 19, 2014

I want to create a user name and password in to access my data base

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Modules & VBA :: Validate Username And Password In A Button?

Jan 20, 2014

I would like to ask how can i validate the username and password in a textbox? I have a frmLogin and frmMain.

I have also a table called 'tblUsers' with column fields 'username and password'.

If username is not found in database then a msgbox will prompt 'Username is not yet created'.

If username is okay and password is incorrect then msgbox will prompt 'Incorrect password'

If username and password is okay, then a msgbox will prompt 'Successfully login' and will continue to frmMain.

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Login Username Password Open Form Based On Id

Sep 13, 2006

Hi Freinds,

After viewing all the threads i got some useful information but just wanted some help as i am not a programmer but can understand logics. There are 2 issues i want to resolve

1. First query is i have a login form and in a table there is username password. Now issue is based on the username person should be able to view things. There would be 6 differrent departments. So i would have six users and 1 id only for viewing. These six users should be able to see there own records either assigned to them or create new query and assign to any other 5 users. Now option is either I create six replicated forms and based on the user login i open user form or switch board. Can there be any option where in a table i store the activities they can do and whereever these guys go the code check in table and enable or disable the view of items for other guys. Users would be accessing forms, reports and they would have option of entering cusotmer information and querying and changing information. The user which has option of viewing reports will only have option of seeing some customized reports.

2. Second query is that these six users would be addressing issues to each other regarding cusotmer issue. In this every response of the case should be stored in a table. i.e. like for customer x user1 said abc on 10th then user2 said cbf on 11th. so this would have history of case what was happeining in the matter.

I dont know how to go about this and if there is a easy solution. I dont want to use access security cause then all the six users would have security file.

Would apreciate your help and till now whatever responses i have seen in other forms they were quite helpful and did help me lot in understanding access.

Thanks to all who would be visiting this thread and taking pain in answering the query.

Take care

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Prompt For Password And Username Each Time While Pressing Cmd Button

Jan 23, 2007

Being dealing with my database and having quite some trouble with it. Is it possible to track down what the users did, during the time they login into, database, is it possible to prompt users for password and username when they buttons for like, delete cmd, or update command.

Just a breif idea on what im trying to do.(hopefully it won't confused you all)
Im trying to created a 2 main username. One is for admin group and another is for users group. Then users can login in to database, however whenever the users update or delete entries in the database, the user will prompt for their username and password (not the users group login ). Is it possible to build a table to store in the username and password for the prompting purposes one.

Sorry for confusing question. Actually im trying to think of another way, but for now this complicated event all i have think of. Feel free to voice your suggestion here. Thanks alot. TQ

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Forms :: Username And Password For Database - Login Form?

Apr 8, 2014

I would like to implement a login form to my DB.

I have a table db-users with three fields: empID; empName; empPassword

I have a form with an unbound combo box: cmbdbUserName
And I have a text box: txtPassword where the user will type in their password.

cmdDBLogin is the button I want to add the VBA code to on click.

Code that will compare the inputs of the two objects listed above to the data in the table fields listed above that?

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Identifying Form - Check Username And Password Of A User

Jan 15, 2015

How to make a form that must Check the username and password of a user, in case if they are true then let the user to visit other forms and Tables...

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Relationship Woes

Apr 20, 2005

The database for workers works ok from a solitary table, tblEmployees.

I want to make it a relational db.

I’ve incorporated lookup tables. But I’m lost about what to do next – and if it should be divided further.

I’ve studied many tutorials in relationships, but I don’t find one that resembles this one.

Could a relationship expert give advice please? I've included a sample, hoping this will be simplest way for you to understand the challenge.

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Alias Woes

Sep 25, 2007

so, I have created a working SQL statement that summarises data from a bunch of different tables (it's a stock monitoring application so it all has to do with levels of stock, numbers of parts processed etc...):

tblPartDescriptions.DrawingNumber AS [Drawing Number],
tblOrder.IssueNumber AS [Issue Number],
tblPartDescriptions.Description AS [Description],
tblPPIn.Qty AS [Total Booked In],
IIf(IsNull((SELECT Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyProcessed) AS SumOfQtyProcessed FROM tblPPProcessed WHERE tblPPProcessed.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID;)),'0',(SELECT Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyProcessed) AS SumOfQtyProcessed FROM tblPPProcessed WHERE tblPPProcessed.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID;)) AS [Total Qty Processed],
IIf(IsNull((SELECT Sum(tblPPOut.Qty) As sumofQtyOutPass FROM tblPPOut WHERE tblPPOut.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID AND tblPPOut.IQCPass = 'PASS';)),'0',(SELECT Sum(tblPPOut.Qty) As sumofQtyOutPass FROM tblPPOut WHERE tblPPOut.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID AND tblPPOut.IQCPass = 'PASS';)) AS [Total Good Parts Taken],
IIf(IsNull((SELECT Sum(tblPPOut.Qty) As sumofQtyOutUninspected FROM tblPPOut WHERE tblPPOut.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID AND tblPPOut.IQCPass = 'UNINSPECTED';)),'0',(SELECT Sum(tblPPOut.Qty) As sumofQtyOutUninspected FROM tblPPOut WHERE tblPPOut.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID AND tblPPOut.IQCPass = 'UNINSPECTED';)) AS [Total Uninspected Parts Taken],
IIf(IsNull((SELECT Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyPass) AS SumOfQtyPass FROM tblPPProcessed WHERE tblPPProcessed.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID;)),'0',(SELECT Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyPass) AS SumOfQtyPass FROM tblPPProcessed WHERE tblPPProcessed.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID;)) AS [Total Passes],
IIf(IsNull((SELECT Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailEtching) + Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailCutOut) + Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailFlatness) + Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailHandling) + Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailOther) AS SumofFails FROM tblPPProcessed WHERE tblPPProcessed.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID;)),'0',((SELECT Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailEtching) + Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailCutOut) + Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailFlatness) + Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailHandling) + Sum(tblPPProcessed.QtyFailOther) AS SumofFails FROM tblPPProcessed WHERE tblPPProcessed.BatchID = tblPPIn.BatchID;))) AS [Total Fails],
[Total Booked In]-[Total Qty Processed]-[Total Uninspected Parts Taken] AS [Total Unprocessed Parts Remaining],
[Total Passes]-[Total Good Parts Taken] AS [Total Good Parts Remaining],
[Total Passes]/[Total Qty Processed] AS [Overall Yield]
FROM tblPPIn INNER JOIN (tblPartDescriptions INNER JOIN tblOrder ON tblPartDescriptions.DrawingNumber = tblOrder.DrawingNumber) ON tblPPIn.BatchID = tblOrder.BatchID

don't worry about the details, it works as it is above...

now I only want to display data for batches where there are some parts left, so I've tried adding the following WHERE clause:

WHERE ([Total Good Parts Remaining] + [Total Unprocessed Parts Remaining]) <> 0

should work fine, right?
nope, we get the (all too familiar) 'Enter parameter value: Total Good Parts Remaining' (and the same for 'Total Unprocessed Parts Remaining'), despite the fact I have used these aliases in the previous SQL with no problem...

Is there any way around this or do I have to create a big-ass WHERE statement complete with the subqueries I've already used previously?

This is seriously annoying me today... any help would be massively appreciated!


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Round Up Woes

Jan 22, 2008


I am running a query that has this function

MyRoundedValue: Round([Bonus Total],2)

I am trying to round up the value in Bonus Total.

Currently the result shows 5140.602 and I want it to round up and show 5140.61

Is this possible? For the life of me I cannot figure it out..


Fen How

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Sub Form Woes!

Mar 9, 2005

I have a subform on my main form which I can access properties etc without error, but when I try to set the sourceobject property I get an error saying it can find the object '~sq_cfrmAction~sq_csubPlanetItems'

My form is called frmAction

The subform is called subPlanetItems

The code that errors is this;

Me.subPlanetItems.SourceObject = "qryInPlanetNotInWIMS"

The query runs fine so it is not that?

Help please

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Importing From Excel Woes !!

Jan 11, 2007

Hi all,
I have been using Excel data in Access either by importing the sheet as a table or directly linking to the sheet with no problems in the past but today I cannot seem to get the data to import in the right way.

The column on the Excel sheet is mainly populated by numbers but some of the values have letters in them. When I discovered this I formatted the column as text and tried to directly link to the sheet but the datatype kept insisting it is number. I then decided to import the sheet as a table and although it comes in as Text instead of seeing the value A1030573 in comes in as 7.1e+009 and this goes for the values that are purely numbers.

Is this a known bug, does anyone have a solution to to this ?

Thanks in advance,

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Access Printing Woes.

Mar 19, 2007

Here's a weird problem I've had develop in the past couple months, before I upgraded to 2007, and now since I upgraded to 2007.

I've had the same Access database since 1997, and just recently upgraded it to Access2007, but as I said the problem occurred before and after the changeover.

I have two servers at the office. Server #1 (where the database is located) has attached to it is a dot matrix printer, used for printing our 4 part invoices/packing lists. I have another server (#2) which has a laser printer attached to it. The laser printer on server #2 is the default printer for all computers in the office. I have a lot of reports in Access where the printer to be used is the default printer. I have a single report in Access where I specified in the page design and layout to use a specific printer - the dot matrix on server #1.

Both servers are always on. Both printers are always on. I can go for weeks and weeks with no issues in printing the invoices. Then suddenly I'll get a

"This document was previously formatted for the printer (printer name) on (server #1), but that printer isn't available. Do you want use the default printer (\server#2laser printer) ?

It worked fine for 9+ years, and now I am getting this error. No new computers in the last 2 years. No new printer installs in the last 2 years.

I've gone through, uninstalled the printer, reinstalled the printer, both on the server and remote machines, and now I can't even get the report to "remember" that I want it to always print to the dot printer.

Any ideas?

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Duplicate Entry Woes

May 30, 2005

I have a table that has (to simplify things) two fields.

[Patient_No] [ID]
BA4206 1067404
BA4206 1067405
BG1013 1067545
BG1013 1067546
BG1013 1067547
BG1111 1078432

I want to be able to count the number entries where the Patient_No is the same and output the query like this:

[Patient_No] [ID] [COUNT]
BA4206 1067404 1
BA4206 1067405 2
BG1013 1067545 1
BG1013 1067546 2
BG1013 1067547 3
BG1111 1078432 1

Hopefully this is just a simple query but for some reason i cannot get it to work.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Record Saving Woes

Mar 16, 2006

Ok, here is my scenario.

I have several FE's each saving in their own BE. They are all the same but for different areas of our business. Each has around 20-30 users. I recently introduced another form into the FE that has linked tables to another different BE in another folder. Each FE out there with its own BE now has this form and all of the new forms save to the same (one) BE. Ok, got it?

Now, sure its possible to have them all together and I would anticipate someone suggesting this. Its split up to keep sizes down and performance up among other reasons.

In any event, here I am. All of the new form introductions went smoothly without a hitch. The last one however is causing trouble. On submit an e-mail is sent, the user is asked if they want to submit another form, and if yes a new record is created. If no the form is closed.

E-mails are always sent, no problem. The trouble is saving the record. All except one of the different FE's I have out there in different folders save the record into the table just fine. There is one though that does not do this. The mail is sent and the program behaves normally with no errors but the record is not saved. This does not happen to all users of this FE either. There are some users that work fine and the record is saved in the BE yet other users do not save the record. You can see the .ldb appear and disappear. Our IT dept has been through the permissions time and time again and tell me they are ok. The FE and main BE are in one folder while the BE that the new form talks to is in its own folder. Remember, this works fine for several other instances, its just the one that doesn’t save the record.

I did have a chance to see the permissions the other day and it seems a mess to me. They have users in individually, as they were set up initially and the same users are also in there in a group and maybe 2 groups. The permissions look a mess to me… they really do…. but that doesn’t necessarily mean they would not work and can be blamed. I have no control over this part and it drives me nuts!

What I have done...... copied a working FE from another area into the troubled folder. No good. I have removed the new form along with its linked tables and the record is saved. Put the form and linked tables back in and it stops saving again. The code compiles just fine. I have done compact and repairs.

Any thoughts or ideas out there??? If you need more info ask. I understand what I wrote but you might not LOL

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ODBC Driver Woes!

Apr 29, 2005

I'm sure you've all seen this before - but, it's killing me. It's for a university project which is being demonstrated soon, and I can't get it working consistently!

When pages are loaded, I get the error -

Provider Error - 80004005, Unspecified Error /db/update_select.asp line 33 (line 33 is the connection to the database)


Internal Server Error 500 - Page cannot be displayed

And sometimes I get one about "Jet" "Threads", and ODBC stuff.

I'm guessing it's a driver problem, but I have no idea where to go from here! I'm running Windows 2000 Adv. Server, IIS 4 (I think) and my db is access 97 :O (I would have put a newer version on, but the CD-Rom is so old on the PC it won't take 700MB CDs! Argh.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Relationship Woes With Specific Query

Mar 9, 2006

I have a pretty standard relationship set up, with the following tables:

Customers: A row/Cust ID for each customer
WorkOrders: each customer can have multiple work orders (linked to Customers by CustID, individual ID is WOID)
Jobs: each work order can have multiple job records attached (linked to WorkOrders by WOID, individual ID is JobID).

As far as I can tell, they're fine and all other forms etc work, updating no problem, referrential identity is enforced etc...

Problems: When I go to make a "job allocation" query for subsequent form, I select: Customers, Work Orders and Jobs table (I then filter by location, but
this problem remains unfiltered also). They link up fine. The query isn't nonsensical either - it lets me add new data. BUT instead of showing all the customers and work orders for the location due for the location, it will ONLY display the records that have details in the Jobs table (the lowest in the relationship chain). Basically, If the jobs sections are empty or "unattempted", then NO details AT ALL will show up in the query. Which is a problem, because I want to see ALL the "unattempted" jobs in the area to allocate them, including customer data and work order numbers. I also need to have the jobs table present, so I can allocate a job date, a contractor etc.

I'm not sure what to do. As far as I can see, the set up I have IS very standard tables/relationships-wise. I have to work it out, otherwise I'm going to have to revert to some kind of 'super-table' (like in our old system) - which I am at loathe to do - I don't want to merge Work Orders and Jobs because that means a lot more typing for me.

Would cascade update in the relationships do anything? (it is checked).

I've been away from Access for awhile and I'm just drawing a blank on this one. Any help greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Lookup Field / Autonumber Woes

Jun 21, 2006

So, basically my database has quite a number of lookup fields in tables as there is much repeated data, each one references to a seperate table with an autonumber field (ID) and a text field (Value)

Currently I have column one (ID) as the bound column in such cases, as this is what the guy who started me on access said to do, and it's fine until I try and export any query with such a field to Excel.

I have found, through experimentation, that setting the 2nd column (Value) as the bound column allows me to export the values rather than numbers, but I don't know if this is a sensible thing to do? (ie, I don't know what other unexpected effects this might have)

Any guidance here would be very welcome, thanks,

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Update/amend Querie Woes!

Mar 23, 2007


I have a table exported from excel. I intially imported this in to access to form a list of due dates for services.

Every week I get and e mail with the updated version.

I am trying to figure out how to update the dates in the 1st table with the new weekly ones.

I can't get it to update. Also there may be the addition of new services as well.

Any tips would be grealty recieved.

Many thanks in advance.

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Null / Non Existent Values And Query Woes.

Aug 12, 2006

Hi there.

I've attached my db in the hope someone can help my head scratching.

I have got a Sales summary table with several other related table. Most notably, a table with the items in the sale and one with the costs. Because each sale might contain many different items and many different costs, I thought seperate tables were the way to go.

All I'm trying to do is make another query that gets the total sales (That's adding each line item * quantity) - (Each cost line item*it's quantity) and then finally the margin made on the deal.

However, if there are no costs or sales involved in the sale the query ignores it. (Sounds odd, but some transactions might be cost free, and some may not involve any revenue - so I have to bear it in mind).

I tried the Nz function, but It's either not what I need or I'm doing it wrong.

How do I get this to work?

Many, many thanks!

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