Adding Columns To Pre-existing Databases?

Oct 6, 2005

I am a new MS Access user. I am having difficulty adding columns to a pre-existing database. Is there a simple way to do this?

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Adding Columns To Existing Access 2003 Table

Jun 3, 2005

I am fairly new to doing DBA, and I am having trouble adding a new column to a table that is existing. Is there any simple way to do this or does it have to be done throught code? And if so how.

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Understanding Existing Databases

Feb 14, 2007

Hi, Big Jim Here:

I was hoping you guys would have a recommendation. Do you know of a book or web site that offers workbook examples to help practice learning how to understand existing databases?

My biggest problem with databases has never been designing them but learning how to follow someone else's work. Some place to practice on this deficiency of mine would be great. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,

Big Jim

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Format Existing Columns Of Data

Sep 18, 2007

I have an old table that has many, many records. One of the columns lists the Date of Birth. Here's my problem:

Users have entered data into this column as "71462" This representing July 14, 1962. Is there a way to automatically format all data in this column so that it is more palatable - e.g. 07/14/1962?

Changing the column Data Type to "Short Date" in Design View would delete all existing data in that column, so this is not an option.

Thanks for your help.

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Insert Column Between Existing Columns?

Dec 6, 2014

adding columns in Access2013,I'd like to add a column to an existing datasheet and place it between 2 existing columns,I see where and how to an a new column but don't see where I can insert it where I want it.

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Adding Multiple Tables From Different Databases..

Dec 8, 2006


I have around 10 mdbs and in each I have 4 tables, I want to add all the tables from 10 mdb to one mdb, finally I will have 4 toal tables, right now I am using a appendquery to add tables. Is there way using VBA I can do it on the form and with one click of a button I will be able to add. Thanks for any info..

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Adding MR. Or MRS. To Existing Field Data

Jan 24, 2007

I have a table with a NAME field and a GENDER field.

How would I code a query so that if the gender is MALE than MR. would be added to the front of the existing data in the NAME field? MRS. if gender is FEMALE?

i.e., the result would be MR. SMITH, MR. JONES, MRS. CARSON...


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Adding New Data To Existing Table

Mar 27, 2007

Please bear with me, first post, trying to get to grips with Access for work!

We (a primary school) had a "bespoke" database set up using MS Access by someone who has long left the area and now we need to make changes and I, as the most computer literate person on site, have been volunteered to make these changes.

My level is beginner (for now) and my first job is to add some new options to a "Titles" table, four columns, six records. Column1 = ID#, Column2 = Male Titles, Column3 = Female Titles, whilst Column4 seems to hold items from Columns 2 & 3.

If I add a futher option, I get the error "Can't perform cascading operation: Entry must be one of the Titles as featured in the drop-down box or in the Titles table.

Now, as far as I can tell, I HAVE added the new option to the Titles table, and they DO show in the drop down box in the main spreadsheet display, BUT the error comes back as soon as I try to confirm the new title.

Any ideas please?

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Help! Adding Propercase To Existing Code

Sep 28, 2005


I found this wonderful code and would like to add Proper Case upon save. Have tried several variations to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.

Private Sub cboDayshiftPatent_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)

On Error GoTo Err_ErrorHandler

' provide text constants to reduce text later and allow for faster execution
' due to added speed from the compilation of constants
Const Message1 = "The data you have entered is not in the current selection."
Const Message2 = "Would you like to add it?"
Const Title = "Unknown entry..."
Const NL = vbCrLf & vbCrLf

'connection and recordset object variables
Dim cn As Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

' show message box and evaluate if the user has selected Yes or No
If MsgBox(Message1 & NL & Message2, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, Title) = vbYes Then
' open a connection to the connection object
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
' initialise the recordset object
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
' using the recordset object
With rs
.Open "lkupDPatent", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic ' open it
.AddNew ' prepare to add a new record
.Fields("Dayshift") = NewData ' add unfound data into field
.Update ' update the table
.Close ' close the recordset connection
End With
Response = acDataErrAdded ' confirm record added
Me.cboDayshiftPatent.Undo ' clear the entry in the combobox
Response = acDataErrContinue ' confirm the record is not allowed
End If

' de-initialise our object variables
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
Exit Sub

' display error message and error number
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error #" & Err.Number
Resume Exit_ErrorHandler

End Sub

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Adding New Element To Existing Database

Dec 8, 2011

I was tasked by my CFO yesterday to add a new element to my existing database. I will try to keep what I am trying to do simple.

Basically we do finance for multiple projects. each project has employers.

My database records these employers names, SSN, dates registered, program they are in, and a few other elements as well.

What I have been tasked to do is create a new table with the project managers in that table. this way in a query or report i can pull "sally sue's" projects or whoever I needed to. There are many PM's who have more than one project.

Here is what I have for relationships:

On the Project Managers table I have a PK for ID and then the PM Name as a second field. the ID field is linked to the Programs table which has a PM ID and Program name

The Program table is also related to the employer table which has all of the employers and their info. the relation between the two tables is the Program Name.

So when I run a query or report my goal is to be able to pick any project manager and get the associated count of employers under all of that projects managers programs. I have gotten errors when running queries. Perhaps I have the relationships set up wrong?

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Tables :: Adding Records To Existing Table

May 19, 2014

What I have is a database that I have done some tweaking on and in the meantime the original db has been in use which has added around 200 or so more records in the table.

What I would like to do is to just update the db that I have been working on with the older db table(the one who has the additional 200 records).

EX. DB A(Old DB, Newer Table) DB B(New DB, Older Table)

I want to put DB A table into DB B

Is this a simple fix? Or do I need to write some sort of query to update the records in the old table? I've tried to export the excel file and then import but it puts it in unrelated objects and then my switchboard or nothing works.

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Tables :: Adding Many To Many Relationships To Existing Table

Sep 13, 2012

I have 3 tables

- ProductID
- ProductItemNumber
- JDEDescription

- FacilityID
- FacilityDescription

- ProductToFacilityID
- ProductIDFK (combined with FacilityIDFK to make a PK)
- FacilityIDFK

As I'm writing this out, I am realizing that tlbProductFacilityMM.producttoFacilityID is probably not necessary, but that I don't expect that to have much significance to the issue. So I've setup a query between the two tables:

SELECT tblProductInfo.ProductID, tblProductInfo.ItemNumber, tblProductInfo.JDEDescription, tblProductFacilityMM.FacilityIDFK, tblFacility.FacilityDescription
FROM tblFacility INNER JOIN (tblProductInfo INNER JOIN tblProductFacilityMM ON tblProductInfo.ProductID = tblProductFacilityMM.ProductIDFK) ON tblFacility.FacilityID = tblProductFacilityMM.FacilityIDFK;

And used it to create my subform which is simply a drop down box for tblProductFacilityMM.FacilityIDFK. My main form is one that has already been in use for 6 months or so, it is based off the tblproductinfo table and needs to have the option to select multiple Facilities for each ProductID. I inserted the subform, but when I try to select a facility I get an error that reads:

Quote: Cannot Join Records; Join key of tblProductFacilityMM not in recordset.

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Reports :: Adding Query To Existing Report?

Mar 15, 2014

Is it possible to add a query to an existing report? I use Access, not VBA.

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Forms :: Adding Subform To Existing Form

Apr 3, 2014

I'm having a bit of a problem with a database I'm trying to create, what I am trying to do is create a database to handle jobs in an IT workshop. The idea is that you generate the job card and then at the bottom you have a section to enter in the parts that are required for the job, and then have a report that prints out a list of all the parts required for all the jobs under a heading of the job card number.

The problem I am having is how to add this sub form / table to the job card sheet. I tried putting in a sub table, but that wont let me make additions to it, and I tried putting on a form but that wont retain more than one entry per job card (I have put it on continuous form).

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Adding AutoNumber As Primary ID To Existing Table

Jan 31, 2012

I have a simple database that I inherited, that contains basic customer contact info. We want to start adding more functionality to the database, so I've done alot of research to learn about how to begin normalizing my data.The existing table does not contain a useful primary key, since we may have multiple individuals from the same company, companies with very similar names, etc.

I would like to add an AutoNumbered field to use as a CustomerID/primary key, but I can't seem to find a way to do so. Here is what I've tried so far:

I have tried to add a field to the table, and make it an AutoNumber data type. When I do so, I can error message saying that I cannot make a field AutoNumber if any other field in the table already has data entered in it.I have tried to create a new table containing only an AutoNumber PrimaryID field, and then import data from the existing table, but that just creates a 3rd table.

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Adding / Removing And Saving Existing Query

Jan 28, 2013

I am in the process of making a database and basically I have everything done but this saving, loading and adding/removing part.

Would it be possible for me to allow end-users to run queries that they could save, load, add to the existing table or remove from the existing table?

When I say Add/Remove what I mean is could a user of the database run a search of every customer in the state and then remove everyone in County X or on the other hand could they run a search of every customer in the state and then add every customer in a neighboring state.

Kinda like layers and again I have all of the criteria set up I just need the Save, Load and Add/Remove buttons on the form. I should add that I do not want users to save over the main table I want them to save it as there own text file they can upload later.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Calculated Field To Existing Query

Nov 12, 2014

I am looking for a way to add a calculated field to the end of an existing query using VBA. Is there an easy way to do this?

The data I receive from an external supplier shows monthly data split by column with a new column added in each month. I then need to reflect this by adding a new column to the end of the query. It is currently a manual tweak, but I want to automate this with code.

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Queries :: Updating / Adding New Records To Existing Tables

Jul 29, 2014

I have a table with more than 60 fields and need to update it with records from another Access file with a table with an identical data structure.

Is it better to run an update query or an append query (i would have to delete the original records in the target table first) or a union query?

If I run an update query I will have to manually add each field to the query.

The update query will not add 'new' records. If I run an append it is quicker because I can use the * to match all fields, but i will have to delete the 'old' records first, as both tables use autonumber for the PK so the PK ID will be the same in each table (will get a key violation error).

If I import the 'new' table and run a union query it will match the fields and add the new records, but then i will have to create new table from that query.

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Adding A Prefix To Existing Description In Project Table

Apr 17, 2012

How to add a prefix to an existing description in a project table, generated from the project number. Here's a sample of my data:

01200000 Completed Projects
01601530 Steele Sub

I would like the Descriptions to read:
01200000 MO-20 Completed Projects
01601530 MO-60 Steele Sub

The state, "MO," comes from the first two digits "01" and the coop, "60," comes from the second two digits. I have a table of a thousand or so projects in an Access database that I need to amend the descriptions of to include these prefixes. Is there a simple way to do this in Access or in Excel without writing code?

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Adding New Field To Existing Table And Form - Getting Error

Jun 8, 2014

I'm trying to add a combo box field to an existing table and form. I added the new field to my existing table and set it up as an combo box added my row sources. Then added the new field to an existing form and now am getting a error stating "The record source "Table name and added field here" specified on this form or report does not exist. When I just make the new field a text box instead of combo box it works just fine.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Secondary Function To Existing Command Button

Nov 12, 2013

I have a command button that basically saves the record that i just finished entering. here's the code:

Private Sub cmdAddAnother_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdAddAnother_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

[Code] ....

What I'd like to do now is add a second function that will make all the controls on the form go to null after the record is saved. so the user can start from scratch and add another record.

I tried adding me.refresh right before "end sub" but that didnt work.

I tried adding "me.controlname.value = null" for every control on the form, and that didnt work either.

I also tried adding this code that i found on

On Error Resume Next

Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
ctl.Value = Null

That didn't work either.

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Forms - Adding Query As Data Source In Existing Form?

Dec 2, 2012

I am trying to add a query in an existing form. When I click on adding a field, I get an option to show "all tables" for not queries.

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Adding Existing Fields To Form Doesn't Allow For Record Selection

May 13, 2015

So, I have two forms that I am trying to make work the same way.

With F1Entry I can use the combo box in the header to select different request numbers.

With F2Finance I cannot do this. It works if I set the Form Record Source to T2FIN, but when I try to Add Existing Field, something about selector combo box breaks and I cannot select different request numbers.

Database attached

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Adding Columns Of Two Tables

Mar 9, 2005

Hi..I have three tables A ,B and C, which have fields A,B and C respectively.
I want to do that following default calulation

meaning adding two columns of different tables and storing it in a third column.
It works for me in the forms but I want to do that in the table.
Is there any way to go about it


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Adding Columns To Tables

Feb 14, 2006

Background info: I have created a database that consists of 22 tables that contains hundereds of electronic components seperated by type. In each table are columns for evey project so that i can determine what projects each component is used in.

Everytime there is a new project i need to add the new column to every table. Is there a way to add the column to every table in one step rather than having to do it seperately for each table? Every table set up the same, same number of columns and column titles and everything.


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Adding Columns With Fixed Value

Nov 27, 2007

I have a query that gives me a table with one column, say column A.
I need to add 2 columns to the table and the coulmns will have fixed value.
So I need to add column B and column C to my table and all rows in column B will have a fixed value and all rows in column C will have a fixed value.

What I have:
Table with one column
Column A

What I need:
Table with 3 columns:
ColumnA Column B Column C
a 12 14
b 12 14
c 12 14

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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