Copy A Column And It's Properties

Mar 10, 2005

I wanted to know how to copy a column and it's properties by programming (VBA-SQL).
I have a column that has a list of values, and want to duplicate it (with another name).The new column should have the same list of values.

thanks for reading.

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Copy A Column And It's Properties

Mar 9, 2005

I wanted to know how to copy a column and it's properties by programming (VBA-SQL).
I have a column that has a list of values, and want to duplicate it (with another name).The new column should have the same list of values.

thanks for reading.

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Table Column Name Properties/Combo Box Head Properties

Dec 8, 2006

Hi, I would like to change the properties of either the column heads in a combo-box or the column names for tables. I don't think there's any way to adjust the column head properties, and I'm doubtful there's a way to change the column caption properties.

Some of my column titles are long, and I'd like to be able to word wrap them essentially. Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks.

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Queries :: Run A Simple Update Query To Copy Data From One Column To Another Column

Sep 24, 2013

I am trying to run a simple update query to copy data from one column (Addrl1)to another column (Working_Addrl1) within the same file and I can't for the life of me figure it out. Then I need to repeat for addrl2 and addrl3 to working_addrl2 and working_addrl3.

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ADOX Help - Column Properties

Feb 3, 2005

I am creating a temp table using the following code:

Code:Dim cat as ADOX.Catalog Dim tbl as ADOX.Table Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection Set tbl = New ADOX.TableWith tbl.Name = "tblContactsTemp".ParentCatalog = cat.Columns.Append "CustomerID", adInteger.Columns.Append "LastName", adWChar, 50End With cat.Tables.Append tbl

This creates the table almost exactly as I want it. The problem is that this creates all columns as required. I have read through all the Microsoft Knowledge Base items about ADOX that I can find, and I have not discovered how to set a columns properties to NOT Required. Does anyone have experience with how to change the properties for this?

I have been able to change one property, the AutoIncrement, on integer types, using:Code:.Columns("CustomerID").Properties("AutoIncrement") = Trueincluded after that column's append in the example above, but attempting something similar with
Code:.Columns("LastName").Properties("Required") = Falsedoes not work.

Any help much appreciated!!!


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Copy Data From A Column In One Table To A Column Another.

Jul 18, 2007

Please would you be able to advise me how I would copy data from a column in one table to a column another table.

But I need to only use table not a query.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Table Field Properties - Bound Column Only Accept Numeric Value?

Oct 22, 2014

I try to put an expression for the property "bound column" so that my lookup values will be directly dependent on one of attribute's choice

I have got four options for my attribute. Each option will use a slightly different set of lookup values. I save all four sets in another table.

Then in my properties definition I refer directly to this table as lookup base. When I put bound column number equal to an expression so as to choose the right column of lookup values it refuses. It seems that it does notl ike anything other than a numeric value.

If that's a no-go, I am not sure how to achieve what I try to do then?

Essentially I have a table that 4 attributes: QID,itemID,CatType,Catchoice

CatType can have only 4 values. Each value will make Catchoice take on a different set of combo values

The problem I am having is that I am stuck at the Catchoice lookup definition because it is dependent on what kind of CatType the user picks.

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Copy Table But Exclude A Column

Apr 11, 2008


Here's a brain-teaser for you all.

I want to create a copy of a table which I do using the code below.

SELECT * INTO My_Temp_Table FROM My_Table WHERE ColumnA = 100

Great, all works well.... but I want to exclude a column when the temp table is being built. I know I could specify all the columns I want leaving out the undesired column (rather than using SELECT *) but there are lots of them and, whilst in development, the table columns are liable to change. So I'd like to copy all coumns that are in force at any given time except one in particular?

I thought it would be something like :-

SELECT * INTO My_Temp_Table FROM My_Table WHERE ColumnA = '100' AND Columnname NOT LIKE 'ColumnB';

But this doesn't work.

Any ideas please?

Many Thanks

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Copy Items In A Column To Clipboard

Aug 7, 2013

I am looking to create a button in access that will allow a field to be copied the the clipboard based on information in a query and then separated by a ";" and then can be pasted in another program.

I have created a database to keep track of membership. In the Member Personal Info Table I have collected their email address's and then created a query "Active Member Personal Info" for Active Members to have their name and Email displayed in the query. Now I am trying to take the 140 members email address and paste it in a gmail BCC line by clicking paste rather than doing each individual record and then copying and pasting.

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How To Copy Data From One Column To Other Using Query

May 10, 2014

I am having excel file where it contains multiple sheets (Sheet 1 , Sheet 2, Sheet 3 etc).

When i import the excel to Access, File contains one Value in Cell A1 in Sheet 1 and i need to copy the same date to all the Values under Column A and need to copy the same data to all other sheets for Column A.

How to write the query for this one.

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Copy Column Problem Wont Update

Oct 18, 2007


I have a column in a table which I need to display in another table I can just copy and paste it but I need to it to update with the original. I don’t want to have to use a list or combo box as the data has to be selected from them and isn’t just displayed like the original column.


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Queries :: Copy Data From One Column Into Another Of Different Table?

Jun 9, 2013

I have two tables pertaining to the same database.

Table [Purchase_Order_Details] amongst many fields have Columns - (Purchase Order #) which is the Primary Key and (Work Order #)

My second table [Order Details] also has a column (Work Order #) . Now I have added another column to this table i.e. (PurchaseOrderNo) - this column is blank as of now.

However I would like to run a query to fill the (PurchaseOrderNo) column depending upon the (Work Order #) which is present both the tables.

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How To Copy A Column From One Table And Insert It Into Another Table In The Same Db

Feb 3, 2006

How to copy a column from one table and insert it into another table in the same database

Hi, All,

I have two tables (old and new) sitting in the same database. The new table is the result of 'data cleansing' done by an external company. In the process (export and import via excel) two memo type colums in the table were truncated in excel.

To make the new table usable, I must therefore now copy/insert the two memo columns from the old table into the new table.

Both tables are already Access tables and sit in the same database. Both tables, of course, have the same number of rows.

I tried to high-light one column in the old table, clicked copy, then high-lighted a blank column in the target table, then clicked Paste, but got error msg: "This text is too long for this field. Try copying a shorter text", as if I had wanted to copy the whole column into one cell rather than one column into another column of equal length.

What is the best way to proceed?

Thanks for your help.


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Copy Button In A Form To Copy Fields To Other Fields In The Same Record

Sep 23, 2005

Hi there,

Can someone help me on this issue?

I want to copy Postal Address Information to Visit Address Information wthin the same record, in my Contact Database that I am building at the moment.

I want to copy 4 fields to 4 other fields within the same Record.

This the current code I use for the Copy-button:


Private Sub cmdCopyFields_Click()

Dim v1 As Variant
Dim v2 As Variant
Dim v3 As Variant
Dim v4 As Variant

v1 = Me!Field_a.Value
v2 = Me!Field_b.Value
v3 = Me!Field_c.Value
v4 = Me!Field_d.Value

RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew

Me!Field_e = v1
Me!Field_f = v2
Me!Field_g = v3
Me!Field_h = v4

End Sub


The underlined part (acCmdRecordsGoToNew) is false part of this code, because it copies the Adress Info to a new record, instead of copying it in the same.

-Is there someone that can help me with this problem, to make the copy-button in the Form run properly?

-Are there other options to achieve te same?

I have put in a attachment, to give you guys a visual example of what I mean.

Thanks in advance,


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General :: Make A Copy Of BE File Rather Than To Make A Copy Via Code

Nov 26, 2012

Would it be ok just to make a copy of the BE file (every so often) rather than to make a copy via code?The user can then just paste over the original if it becomes corrupt.

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Forms :: List Boxes - Single Column Versus Multi Column

Apr 3, 2013

How do I select the first column of a multi-column list box (called "List1") for a query.

A single column list box works fine.


SELECT Tble_Employee.Emp_No, [forms]![attendee_form]![list1] AS SelectedCourse
FROM Tble_Employee;

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Populating A Column In A Table Based On Values In An Existing Column

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all,

In the organisation that I work for employees get paid every 2 weeks on a Saturday. So for this financial year the pay period end dates have been 08/07/2006, 22/07/2006, 05/08/2006 etc

I have a column in an Access table listing various dates. I want the next column to be
populated with the next pay period end date after that date.

So if DATE is 05/07/2006 I want PAY PERIOD END to be 08/07/2006
and if DATE is 09/07/2006 I want PAY PERIOD END to be 22/07/2006 etc

How do I do this?

Kind Regards,


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Queries :: Change In Column Based On Base Query Column

Mar 24, 2014

I have created a cross tab to extract pipeline and sales for Q1 2014, Q2 2014, Q3 2014 & Q4 2014... the user can select the quater from a multivalued text box...

Now for the final output, have created another query which pull the above four quarter in each column from the cross the problem arises when i change the quarter to Q2 2014, Q3 2014, Q4 2014 & Q1 gives an error "Microsoft office Access database does not recognizes "Query name" as a valid field name or expression".

The error is because the second layer of query does not identifies Q1 2014.

How do i make access change the column automatically when the Q1 changes to Q2...

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Modules & VBA :: Input String In Column Based On Data In Another Column?

Nov 30, 2014

I need to input a string into a column named "EventType". The code should first check if the column "Agent Name" contains any strings. If there is none, it will input "IBM Director" into the EventType column.

Once it has looped through the agent names, the code will then loop through the Details column and input into EventTypes based on what is displayed within the string.

These are the codes that I am using to achieve this, however nothing is being input into the EventType column.

Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Final")

[Code] ....

I think the problem lies with the code that checks the agent name. When I removed it, it managed to populate the EventType column based on the details. But I still need to find out how to check the agent name too.

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Queries :: Find Unmatched Contents From The Column By Matching With Another Column?

Nov 16, 2013

i have a columns as 1. contactname, 2. firstname 3. lastname 4. email and in this columns some emails are not matching with the contactname or some time firstname or some time lastname so i need the to find out the un matched contacts from the database.

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Sub Form Properties

Sep 13, 2006


I have created a sub form and wanted to make it's background transparent and also be able to enter new data and change it on the form. I sat Data entry = Yes, but I still can't enter any data. And I can't find the Back Style property at all.

Any help how to do that will be very much appreciated.

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Check The Properties

Mar 27, 2006

I was doing my assignment with the table in access, and my sister came up to me and ask me “why it is important to check the properties of each field in a table before developing a form based on that table.” Can anyone help me and answer this, because I don’t know how to answer her question.:confused: :confused::confused:

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Subform Properties

Feb 9, 2005

Am sure this is an easy question but I'm missing something:

How in the heck are you supposed to get to the subform properties box. The only way I know is to click on the very thin border area surrounding the form and then try and right click your way to properties. There has to be an easier way. Usually I have to fight my way to the properties box as the area loses focus by the time I right click and I have to reselect and try and right click again...ARGH!

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Control Properties

Mar 14, 2005

hi all,

i m referencing a control like me!<controlname> in my code.

but in 1 screen its not giving me option after me!<ctrlname>.(only value property).

but in other screen i m able to access the properties.

So what could be the reason for this.I particularly want to access the enabled property to set it dynamically.


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Date Properties

May 2, 2006

How could I implement a feature which determines if something is at least 7 days before a booking at a theatre, but no more than 2 months. For example, something like... If =Now() - 7 Then... Elseif =Now() Then...
I don't really know how to go about it.
Hirer Date is when the booking is to be held (e.g., 12/01/2006) and Booking ID is when it was booked over the phone. (121205/M = 12/12/05 in the Morning) If someone could help me I'd appreciate it greatly. :D

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Access Properties

Sep 15, 2004

Hi everybody!
Is it possible to set the properties for an access database not to confirm the changes when running an update query. I have done it under tools/properties etc. but then I make it in access in general. I want it to apply on one singel access database.



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