Docmd.openquery With Parameters

Mar 5, 2007

I need to execute an append query from my vba code but I have to pass in a parameter. I can't set the parameter equal to a form control. I have to actually pass in a value. I don't want to use a querydef because I don't have any result sets.

Any help would be great.


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Sep 7, 2006

have searched on above but could not find anything

I want to start another database from within a database from a command button

Use the wizard option for RunApp and it appeared to work okay. definately pointing at the database.

Event procedure is

Private Sub Command39_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command39_Click

Dim stAppName As String

stAppName = "msaccess.exe C:LenWorking DatabaseSingle Non Conformance SystemDatabaseSecure Defect Docket Database.mdb"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command39_Click

End Sub

Getting error saying that I was trying to use an option in command line that was not recognised.

Few clicks on the OK and the error message cannot find file

Any clues please


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Feb 1, 2005

I have aproblem with the range of this thing. I think I have a wrong synthax or something.

I need to have the first 120 records of columns A and D
The first two lines aren't records but titles

So I had:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, "ExcelTEMP", mijnFile, False, "A3:A122;D3:D122"

Access tels me there is somthing wrong with the range, though it works in Excel :confused:

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Jul 27, 2006

I've the following SQL query in my database:

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblPlanner ( RACF, [Date], [Day Capacity], [Role Title], TimeWork ) SELECT tblStaff.RACF, [txtday1] AS Expr1, tblStaff.[Daily Capability], tblStaff.[Role Title], tblStaff.[Contract mins] FROM tblStaff WHERE (((tblStaff.TeamName) Like [txtTeamName])) WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;"

The problem is everytime it runs it informe that the query will change data in the table. What can I do to stop it?


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DoCmd Problem In ASP

Oct 29, 2004

I am trying to develop a page where users can click on alphabets to look for a company name that starts with the selected letter.
Searching through the forums i came across the method of using DoCmd.

alpha = Request.QueryString("alp")
if alpha <> "" then
DoCmd.ApplyFilter "", "[com_name] Like ""[" & alpha & "]*"""
end if

The 'alpha' variable here holds the alphabet selected by user from another page. However, I'm getting an error message saying

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01F4)
Variable is undefined: 'DoCmd'

Initially i tried the usual filtering

if alpha <> "" then
rs.Filter = "com_name LIKE " & alpha
end if

The pages are suppose to display records in 10s. But instead of showing only the records of company starting "A" (example) it shows everything.

Please kindly point me to the correct direction to solve this problem.

Thank you so much.


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DoCmd.Maximize... Not Working

Apr 27, 2006

I have tried using the following code to maximize my form on open but it is not working, any ideas?

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Open


Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Form_Open

End Sub

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Difference Between 'Call' And 'DoCmd'

Apr 8, 2008

Can someone tell me the difference between 'Call' and 'DoCmd' and how each are executed. For my level of programming, an newbie at that, I've used it interchangably so far without a problem. But I'm beginning to think that there is a difference. I don't want to later have to go back to redo my code down the line. I'm beginning to think that I've been very lucky so far in being able to use it interchangebly and my luck will run out soon.:eek:

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Error: DoCmd.RunSQL

Jul 12, 2007

Hi guys,
what's the problem in this code:

DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * FROM SecounderyInfo WHERE [LangEs]=Yes;"

every time i excute it an error appear:
Run-time error '2342'


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Help For Newbie , DoCmd.RunSql

Mar 2, 2008


im creating a small database and am extremely new to vba, ive got stuck on running a select query from within the vba code itself, the book im currently reading while learning about this stuff suggests my code whould work but after looking into it i believe its wrong as ive read various threads saying you cannot use docmd.runsql with a select query, just wondering if anyone could help and throw some light on how to get this little bit of code working. below is the part of my code that falls over,

basicaly it should lookup the weight based on what the parcel type is and find the price, the parcel type is worked out earlier in my code and is held in strParcelType, theirs probably an easier way to do this as well but have'nt got that far in my book :)

intWeight = Me.txtWeight

Select Case intWeight
Case 0 To 100
intCost = DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT pricetable1.[Postage Name], pricetable1.[0-100g] FROM pricetable1 WHERE (((pricetable1.[Postage Name]) = strParcelType))"
Case 101 To 250
intCost = DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT pricetable1.[Postage Name], pricetable1.[101-250g] FROM pricetable1 WHERE (((pricetable1.[Postage Name]) = strParcelType))"
Case 251 To 500
intCost = DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT pricetable1.[Postage Name], pricetable1.[251-500g] FROM pricetable1 WHERE (((pricetable1.[Postage Name]) = strParcelType))"
Case 501 To 750
intCost = DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT pricetable1.[Postage Name], pricetable1.[501-750g] FROM pricetable1 WHERE (((pricetable1.[Postage Name]) = strParcelType))"
Case 751 To 1000
intCost = DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT pricetable1.[Postage Name], pricetable1.[751-1000g] FROM pricetable1 WHERE (((pricetable1.[Postage Name]) = strParcelType))"
Case 1001 To 1250
intCost = DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT pricetable1.[Postage Name], pricetable1.[1001-1250g] FROM pricetable1 WHERE (((pricetable1.[Postage Name]) = strParcelType))"
End Select

Me.txtEstimate = strParcelType & intCost

many thanks to any gurus who can point me in the right direction or show me a easier way to do this

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DoCmd.OpenForm Arguments

Jan 24, 2005


I have got an unbound access form, and in this form I gather 2 dates (i.e. through txt fields). Once I have these fields, I want to open a form that has one list box on it. This list box should populate based on the dates that I gather on the previous form. How do I specify this through the DoCmd.OpenForm arguments? Currently I have the following code, but it is not working:

Form 1:
Dim whereClause As String
whereClause = "SELECT * FROM qryInvoice WHERE tblInv.InvDate Between #" & txtStartDate & "# And #" & txtEndDate & "#" & ";"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmInvoiceFax", acNormal, , , , , whereClause

Form 2:
public Sub Form_Load(args As String)
MsgBox args
lstInvoice.Rowsource = whereClause
End Sub

I know I am not doing it the right way (because it is not working), but I can't actually find how to do it. Help!

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DoCmd.OpenForm Troubles

Mar 18, 2005

I have a form(frmGetRecord) with a subform(frmSubGetRecord). frmGetRecord has a combobox cmbCNO to choose the patient. The subform displays the admit date and discharge date(if there is one). There can be multiple admit/Discharge dates for a patient. Based on the values from fields on the form and subform, I would like to open a data entry form(frmEvents) for the particular record. I have a command button to run the code to open frmEvents. I am having trouble with the criteria in the where condition.

stLinkCriteria = "[CNo]=" & "'" & Me![cmbCNO] & "'" _
And "[AdmitDate]=" & "#" & Forms![frmGetRecord]![frmSubGetRecord].Form![AdmitDate] & "#" _
And "[DischDate]=" & "#" & Forms![frmGetRecord]![frmSubGetRecord].Form![DischDate] & "#"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , stQryName, stLinkCriteria, acFormEdit

When I click on the command button I get a type mismatch error. If I test the StLinkCriteria separately, the DoCmd.OpenForm will work for just the CNO field or just the AdmitDate field. If I test those two strings together, I get the type mismatch. Also, DischDate could be blank and I'm not sure how to add an IIf statement to the string to test for that in the where statement. I'm also not sure how to make sure it picks the correct record if there is more than one admit date. I would like to select the desired date record, then have the command button open the appropriate record.

Hope this makes sense. Thanks for any help.

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Error 2486 On All Docmd

Jul 6, 2005

Here is a strange problem I had never encountered before.

I have a form with a few command buttons. One button runs a Docmd.RunSQL code which append some records to a table. Another button runs a Docmd.RunSQL code that delete some records from the same table. The table is a simple table with only 5 fields.

The problem is after I opened the form I can only use one of the above buttons ONCE, after that I got this error message on all codes that began with Docmd.:

Run-time error '2486':
You can't carry out this action at the present time.


I could not close the form. I could only close the databse file but could not exit MsAccess. I had to use Task Manager to end MsAccess process.

I had searched several forums but could not find any clue. Hope that I don't have to do the form from scratch again. Thanks for any help.

Peter :confused:

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Problem With DoCmd.Close

Jul 28, 2005

I have a group form with extra buttons to print, review a report or close the form.

If I use a Macro then I can close the form.
I converted the macro to code and I get the error message:
A problem occured while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control
*The expression may not result in the name of macro, ...........
*There may have been an error evaluating........

What am I doing wrong :confused:



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DoCmd.GoToRecord Help Needed

Oct 27, 2005

Hi there

I am making a form that has been set up to have a number of tabs so I can have more then 1 page on the form.

One of the tab pages is used as a search form.There is a couple of textboxes and a listbox where the results end up
What I am trying to do is have a double click set up on the listbox so I can double click the result I want and have the forms ID goto that record.

Its a bound form. The primary key is called PersonalID and its bound to a txtbox called txtPersonalID.

this is my code but its not working

Private Sub lstSearchResults_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

Dim strPersonalID As String
strPersonalID = Me.lstSearchResults.Column(0)
DoCmd.GoToRecord acActiveDataObject, "PersonalID", acGoTo, strPersonalID
DoCmd.GoToControl "pgePersonalInformation"

End Sub

When I try run the code I get an error 2489. saying The object 'PersonalID' isn't open.

What am I doing wrong?

Can anyone help out


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AcFormatXLS In DoCmd.OutputTo

Mar 23, 2006

Hi all,

To export a file to MS excel from my form, i used the command

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, langName & partName, acFormatXLS, exportPath, False

however, i realised that the format of the excel spreadsheet (excel version 5.0/95) that i have exported is slightly different from the format of the spreadsheet if i had exported by clikcing on FILE, EXPORT...

how can i specify the excel version for the exported file? i wan it to be in the latest excel version else i am unable to perform some of the marcos i have written in the latest excel format?

Thks FT

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DoCmd.GoToRecord , , AcNewRec

Aug 15, 2006

i have a listbox that manipulates records on another form but in case i click on one of the records in the listbox that doesnt have any corresponding record in the other form then instead of it saying that it cant locate the record i would like the form to go to a new record....

i've been trying at it but cant get it right...

plz assist... anyone.

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DoCmd.SendObject AcReport

Jan 26, 2005

I am trying to find a way to use the "DoCmd.SendObject acReport" feature WITHOUT using Outlook. Does anybody know of any code or a setting that will enable me to specify another e-mail program, such a Thunderbird?

I should add that I am using Access 2002, SP3, running in Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2.



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Attachment In DoCmd Function

Sep 1, 2006

I have this code for email function from form of DB

Private Sub Email_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_mail_Click

Dim stDocName As String

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName, acFormatSNP, Me.ClientEmailID, Me.UMLEmailID, , Me.Subject, Me.Message

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_mail_Click
End Sub

As can be seen there is one report which gets attached to email message. But here I want to have one condition, means if
[Forms]![frmLogon]![Project]="P-159" then this attachment is ok else [Forms]![frmLogon]![Project]="P-172" then it should change stDocName to another report.

Any help plz.

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Docmd. And No Dorpdown Objects Box

Oct 27, 2007

Hi to all you database wizards I have a problem, it is as follows

I have just put a command control onto a form and this is what happens. I type
to this point all is ok. now when I put the .(dot) after Docmd

it changes to

the drop down box opens for about 1 sec then closes and I now have Docmd. in a red color and with no drop down box with the listed objects

Anything that I type just comes out red until the code line is finished, then it reverts back to black print and blue on the objects words

your help will be appreciated


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DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet Does Not Export All Fields

Jan 9, 2008

I used the DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet method to export from an Access 2003 table to Excel. The table had around 440 fields but only 230 (column iv) got exported.

Does anybody know whether there is a limitation on the number of fields that can be exported.


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Docmd.transfertext Scrambles Data

Mar 6, 2008

I have a delimited file that has 51 fields. I am importing the text into a table but when I do this through VBA docmd.transfertext the data gets scrambled. If I manually import then all works well. Also, if I step through the code then the data seems to come in correctly.

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DoCmd.TransferDatabase Doesn't Work

Dec 5, 2007

I have an Access 2003 database which is soon going to run out of space when we hit the 2Gb limit for the linked MDB that holds our biggest table of 2.5 million records.

So, management decided that we had to migrate the table to linked-Oracle - however, the performance of the large queries that depend on this Oracle linked table is abominable - they take up to 15 times as long to return as when using an internal Access table - hours instead of minutes.

So management have decided to migrate the whole application to Oracle - but in the meantime until this new system goes live, I have to make a cut-down version of the original Access table with only the fields necessary for the queries that are slow under Oracle, and populate it from the Oracle table as a kind of cache. This also saves relinking all the other databases and spreadsheets that refer to the original Access table.

However, there seems to be no way that Access can get these records without taking a ridiculously long time, or raising errors that are so STUPID that it implies Microsoft didn't bother testing the Access Import methods (probably programmed by an intern) before releasing the product.

PLEASE can anybody help?


Here are the methods I have tried:-


DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "ODBC Database", "ODBC;DSN={DSN as shown in ODBC Administrator};UID={uid};PWD={password};" & "DATABASE={Oracle Service name}", acTable, "{Oracle Table Name}", "tbl_ORACLE"

First, it returned the following error, as I hadn't created a target table (I thought it would auto-create one with the correct schema):-

"The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'tbl_ORACLE'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly."

So, I used Copy/Paste (structure only) to make a blank target table 'tbl_ORACLE' with exactly the same schema as my linked Oracle source table. It then gave this error:-

"The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'tbl_ORACLE1'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly."

So, it's added a "1" on the end of the name of the table I explicitly supplied ... and then said it couldn't find it!!! So, I created a copy table named 'tbl_ORACLE1' - it then said it couldn't find 'tbl_ORACLE2' !!!


I tried writing a simple SELECT...INTO statement, where I insert the linked-Oracle fields that I want to keep into the blank target Access table. 14 hours later overnight, and it still hadn't finished!!!


The Oracle programmers also have the data in a text flat-file format, so I tried importing using the

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "ORACLE_Import_Spec", ...

method, which works if the flat-file is empty apart from field definitions.

However, if there is any data in the Oracle flat-file, Access returns inexplicable "Numeric Overflow" errors (with no helpful debug text like row number, field name, etc) if there are any non-skipped numeric or date fields in the Import Spec - despite my spending about 2 working days trying all possible variations of datatypes in the Access Import Specification dialog.


In desperation, I decided to try loading the data the hard way, using LINE INPUT to get each line in turn from the flat-file and rs.AddNew, etc, to add the records one-by-one to the Access table.

However, since Microsoft didn't bother putting an optional "input date format" parameter on the CDate() function, I have to use the Format() function to convert the entirely normal "YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS" date format in the flat-file to something that Access can understand with no possibility of confusing US (MM/DD) and non-US (DD/MM) date parameter orders.

So, I hit the bug in the Format() function where it always returns "Jan" regardless of what month you supply. Try this:-

Debug.Print format("09", "MMM")

or with any month you like instead of the "09".

Likewise, the other bug in the Format() function where it returns random dates. Try this:-

Debug.Print format("0109", "DDMMM")

You won't get 9th Jan or 1st Sept...

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Docmd.RunSQL Upadate Problem ??

May 10, 2007

Hey guys.

I have a VBA application i am writing.
I am trying to use an sql statement with docmd.runsql to insert a value into my table that matches a particular record. (which will be the one open). For testing purposed i have stripped down my code.

When running the code it works, however it puts chinese symbols in all the other fields of the record and dose not insert the record into the CapExFileName Field. Then when you try and delete the record it comes up with no search index found.

Any idea on why it would be doing this ?

here is the code.


Dim SQLstring As String

SQLstring = "UPDATE Assets SET Assets.CapExFileName = 'Test' WHERE Assets.Barcode = 'Testies1234'"

Docmd.RunSql SQLString



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Can Docmd.DatabaseTransfer Used For Startup Properties..

Jun 1, 2005

Hello Friends,
I just want to know I created dynamic form using docmd.tansferdatabase acexport,"Microsoft Access ,database,acform,"formname",formname" ,can I develop or transfer STARTUP FORM property,in another form.

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Apply A DoCmd Command To A Different Form

Dec 20, 2005

OK my main form is unbound and I have a subform in it which is shown as a datasheet. What I'm trying to do is have a list box control at the top that allows the user to filter the records shown in the subform.

Q1. Do I need to have this set-up like this? Is it possible to just use one form? I have tried doing this but when I add my list box, lables etc to the top of the form or the header they just do not appear in datasheet view.

Q2. If I do need to use a subform how do I reference it when using DoCmd.ApplyFilter from my main form:

DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "DrawingNum = '32-35612'"

At the moment this gives an error saying that the action or method is invalid because the form is unbound.

Thanks for your time,

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Docmd.close - Doesn't Work

Jun 18, 2006

Hi there Access-Experts

I've got a strange problem in that when I use docmd.close acForm, "formname" it doesn't actually close the form...

I have a form which is exporting data to excell. As the process takes ages, I have another form which is a progress bar. The progress bar works well, but when I'm done and I close my export form, the progress bar form is sitting there still, unclosed. Despite being told to go away.

Any ideas?


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