Function Return Wrong Value

May 24, 2005

Dear all
i have a problem that i don't know what to do with it?
Here it is:
i have a cost table in which FO cost is saved.This FO cost is used in different calculation, in different forms. so i create a function called get_FO_cost() as below.

Function get_FO_cost()
Dim s As String
Dim c, r As Object
Dim v As Single
Set c = Application.CurrentProject.Connection
Set r = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
s = "select FO_Cost from Cost_table where month = '" & Me![month] & "'"
r.Open s, c, 1
If r.RecordCount <> 0 Then
v = r![FO_cost]
End If
Set c = Nothing
get_FO_Cost = v
End Function

when I use this function for calculation then it returns wrong value.
for Example: the value in the table for FO_cost = 0.005 ( it has a datatype single in table)
then the value in form for this
25 * get_FO_Cost() = 0.124999997206032
but actually 25 * 0.005 = 0.125

when i debug the function code it shows FO_cost value 0.005, but when the debug is over the calculated value i.e. 25 * get_FO_Cost() is 0.124999997206032

Please help

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Wrong Query Return

Feb 14, 2006

I placed ="G*" in a text field to get all names that begin with G and a blank return was issued. Maybe the manual I have has the wrong info. I have Access 2003 and a Access 2000 manual. Please help.

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DSum Return Wrong Answer

Mar 1, 2014

i try to create a bank operations system, i have a table with this columns: nameBank, credit, duty, balance.i want to sum all credit and reduce from duty to get the balance like in bottom/i try with Dsum function like that:

Me.balance = Dsum([credit],"bankigOperations",Me.bankName = [bankName])-Dsum(....)

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Modules & VBA :: 2nd Run Of A Function Calculates Wrong Results?

Jul 21, 2014

i am using the following function in a query:

Public Function Progress(ByVal varCompany As Variant _
, ByVal varPercent As Variant) As Variant
Static varCompanyOld As Variant
Static varValueOld As Variant
Dim Value As Variant
If varCompany & vbNullChar = varCompanyOld Then
Value = (1 + varPercent) * varValueOld
varValueOld = Value


This function is working if I use it with two or more companies.If I have only one company, it works at the first (query) run, too.But with the same company, a second (query) run calculates different results.

I think it is because of this condition:

If varCompany & vbNullChar = varCompanyOld Then ...

If the company name is e.g. Microsoft

At the first run of the query:

Microsoft & vbNullChar = "" -> wrong

The Else calculation will be carried out.

-> That is right for the first datapoint of a company

At a second run of the query:

varCompanyOld is saved as Microsoft & vbNullChar, so:

Microsoft & vbNullChar = Microsoft & vbNullChar -> True

The main calculation will be carried out.

-> That is wrong for the first datapoint of a company

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General :: Filter A Function Return Value?

Jun 27, 2012

I have a function which I want to return the value of a field.

Public Function fieldValue(tblName As String, fldName As String)
Dim drs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set drs = db.OpenRecordset(tblName)
fieldValue = drs.Fields(fldName).Value
Set drs = Nothing
End Function

I need to return the value obtained, for a specified User identified with a numeric variable.What is the best way forward? - Some sort of filter or DLookup and how to code this?

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How To Return An Array From A Function ? And Handle The Result After ?

Jan 29, 2008

Hi there !

I display some buttons on my Form. I should do an SQL request to know how many and what the button should display. It works fine with a RecordSet.
Now I want to move the code that do the stuff to a function. I read that I can't return a pointer to a RecordSet and I should used a variant with a getrows.

So I try this :

*here is my function

Function get_nom_operation(ByVal cnn As ADODB.connection) As Variant
Dim requetteSQL As String
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

requetteSQL = "SELECT libelle " _
& "FROM operation;" _

rst.Open requetteSQL, cnn

get_nom_operation = rst.GetRows

End Function

* and here is the code that call the function

Dim res As Variant

Set res = get_nom_operation(conn)
Dim i As Integer
'i = 1

For i = LBound(res) To UBound(res)

Set Obj = Me.Controls.Add("forms.CommandButton.1")
With Obj
.Name = "monButton" & i
.Object.Caption = res(0,i)
.Left = 14
.Top = 25 * i
.Width = 60
.Height = 20
End With

'ajout de l'objet dans la classe
Set Ge = New gere_event
Set Ge.CButton = Obj
Collect.Add Ge
i = i + 1


But it doesn' work, and I don't know why...

The error doesn't show where the code is stoped, but only show the call to display this form.

someone could show me some way to find the solution please ?

Thanks a lot.

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Count Function To Return Unique Records

Sep 20, 2005

Not sure if I worded my subject correctly. Here's my problem.. I've used query to combine 2 tables of data..

Here are my fields..

I've assignment_num field, project_num field, project_name field, emplyee_name field.

here are my data..

assignment_num field: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005
project_num field: 20,20,15,16,15
employee_name field: tom peter, tom peter, tom peter, julie, sally

What I want is to display the employee name with 2 projects or more...

What i have done?
I've done a group by and then count project_num field.. I also added a condition whereby the countofproject_num > 1.. everything went well except that the countofproject_num display 3 instead 2..

pls help.

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Queries :: Function To Return Required Value In SQL String

Jan 11, 2015

I have the following function declared however cant get it to work in the sql string..

Public Function GetSystemID() As String
GetSystemID = fOSUserName
End Function

However cant get it to return the required value in the SQL string..

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblLogs (LoginUser, LoginTime, SystemUser) " _
& "VALUES(forms.frmlogin.txtUserID.Value, Now(),GetSystemID)

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General :: Which Function In Access Return Last Value In A String

Aug 14, 2013

Which function in access return the the last value in a string.

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3
10 20 30

I need the function to return 30.The reason behind this I have different periods for categories and my formula I'm using needs the ending value.

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Modules & VBA :: Case Differentiation Through Return Value Of A Function

Jan 3, 2014

I would like to select a case depending on the output of a function.

This function tests the syntax of the reporting month.

If the syntax is fine nothing should be done further in the main sub else it should return to the Input window for the reporting month.

Somehow it doesn't work out.

Public Function RepMonthCheck(rep_date As String) as Boolean
If Len(rep_date) <> 6 Or Left(rep_date, 2) > 12 Or Left(rep_date, 2) < 1 Then
MsgBox ("Reporting rep_date is not in the correct format = mmyyyy")
Return False
ElseIf Right(rep_date, 4) > 9998 Then
MsgBox ("No forecast available for year 9998")

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Public Type (variable) For Function To Return More Than One Value

Sep 23, 2014

Question for Documentation purpose: Should the Public Type be declared in its own module?

Or should it be declared in a standard module where non-public functions use it? It is not for a Form module use.

For a Rule Engine, a function is calling one record on 4 different SQL Views (as linked tables) that have the same field format.

For speed, the recordset should only be opened once. However, there are multiple values that must be returned to the result table multiple fields.

One way to return multiple values is an Array. That has over head too.

Another way is to create multiple public variables. Not my choice for documentation. Another is to create a string.

This is a pure code module with several non public functions / subs. What is the documentation preference? List a Public Type close to the function, or place it in the Global module?

Background: A function can only have one return value.

By creating a public Type, multiple values can be returned.

Public Type Income
Wages As Currency
Dividends As Currency
Other As Currency
Total As Currency
End Type

Use this structure as the return type for a function. In a real situation, the function would look up your database tables to get the values, but the return values would be assigned like this:

Function GetIncome() As Income
GetIncome.Wages = 950
GetIncome.Dividends = 570
GetIncome.Other = 52
GetIncome.Total = GetIncome.Wages + GetIncome.Dividends + GetIncome.Other
End Function

To use the function, you could type into the Immediate Window:


(Note: the use of "Public" in the Type declaration gives it sufficient scope.)

Important Notice The way this function is called will work, but is wrong from the aspect it re-calls the recordset over and over.

See the proper way to use it submitted below.

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Modules & VBA :: SQL CAST Function - Return Integer Value Of String

Aug 28, 2013

Need to use CAST to return integer value of string (digits as data type string).

Where clause looks like this:

... Where Cast([Price File] as int) > 0

works fine in SQL Server but not sure what syntax is in VBA . Using Paul Baldy's suggestion to set Select statement as string and do the debug.print to verify that SQL has no goofs ... looks good but not to Access. What is proper syntax?

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Modules & VBA :: How Can Function Return Multiple Values And Not Re-run In Query

Jan 11, 2014

Trying to run a query where each 4 fields calling a custom function will not just re-run the same custom function over and over again for each field in a single record.

A Function has a huge amount of multiple queries and logic to perform.The Function returns a Integer, Integer, Integer, and optional Integer. Each integer requires a DLookup to lookup a String description value for each individual integer (in each of 4 fields).

The problem is, the DLookup in each column that runs against each of the integers re-run the same function.The result is that a single record, each of the 4 columns returning a single of the 4 values, the complex function is re-run 4 times.

The function is huge, part of a Business Rules Engine. Depending on the Rule-Meta data - it might launch up to a dozen queries and perform logic steps for each record. This is not the ordinary SQL Query.

Imagine if one record (for 1 field) takes 0.1 second to run. By referencing the function in 4 columns, this same function is re-run 4 times (0.4 Seconds) Against 50,000 records - this duplication of re-running the function for each column can really add up.

Possible Solutions: Researched Class Modules - There is a comment that the property Get, Let actually reduce performance. There are huge advantage of code documentation, documentation and centralization.It doesn't claim class modules reduce execution as each propery is returned. It also describes that Class Modules can't be called directly in a Query - unless each property is wrapped in a function.

Function Returns one String with delimiters: e.g 34;54;55;1 This single column goes into a Make Table (runs function one time per record) Then the D-Lookup is run against static local data. This pevented the function from being run over and over across the network linked data.

Final Solution: Eventually, the many hundred lines of VBA code for the Rules Engine will be converted into SQL Server T-SQL Functions on the server.For a Rule Engine development, Access has been great for a rapid protoype development and testing. The TSQL will be a final big step requiring re-coding. It is not currenty my option for the delivery time frame.

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Modules & VBA :: Fixed Path Information - Function To Return String

Jun 20, 2014

The code has fixed path information on a lot of places in different SQLs (DoCmd.RunSqL command). I want to replace fixed path info with variable path info. Variable path info is stored in the table.

I managed to achieve that in the following manner:

Dim db As Database
Dim dbName as String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset ("TableName", dbOpendynaset)
rs.FindFirst ("ID = " & 2)

[Code] ....

where I would use as variable Function name instead of dbName.

How to make module that will enable to use Function name as variable path information for SQL queries?

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Queries :: Failing To Filter By Criteria After Return Values From A Function?

May 15, 2013

I have two date fields in a table. I need to find the days between these dates and, if its greater than 7 days, I want to display the record in a report, so far, I have found a hand function that allows me to enter two dates and it returns a long data value representing the number of days in between the two dates. (google "I've developed the following code to count the business days between 2 dates." and its the second one that starts as SOLVED I made no mods to it as it does what i need it to do.

So, i added this to its own module within the data base for use within a query. My test query basically displays the unique ID, the start date and the end date and then displays the values returned from the function. here is the SQL:

SELECT [Main Table].[Unique ID], [Main Table].[Start date], [Main Table].[End Date], (Business_Days_Between([End Date],[Start date])) AS [Days between]
FROM [Main Table]
WHERE ((([Main Table].[Start date]) Is Not Null) AND (([Main Table].[End Date]) Is Not Null));

When ran, this Query works... However, when I enter a criteria like =2 or > 7, it says data type mismatch. I have even attempted the CInt() function to make sure its formated as int but i continue to get the same error.

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Modules & VBA :: Return Rows In Query From Variant Array Return From UDF

Sep 16, 2014

I have a simple UDF that takes a string and returns a variant, which is an array of strings Example Input "Brick Wall" Return value would be a variant array with first element "Brick" and and second element "Wall" Now I have a table with a field of strings, and I want to make a query that returns all the results from the function, one per line.

So if my input table looks like this

"kick the ball"
"return the pass"

my query result should looks like this

[Orig] [new]
"kick the ball" "kick"
"kick the ball" "the"
"kick the ball" "ball"
"return the pass" "return"
"return the pass" "the"
"return the pass" "pass"

Last time I had to do something like this I used VBA exclusively, with ADO objects, but I thought a query based solution would be easier.

With my current data the largest return array size my function returns is 27 elements but I wouldn't want to rely on that number being fixed.

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Return Criteria Or Return All

May 10, 2007


Using MS Access 2000.

Maybe I've been looking at the monitor for too long but... I need to have a query return data based on a date field or return all dates greater than 1/1/2001 if left blank.

criteria: [Enter date - mm/dd] Or >#1/1/2001#

When I leave it blank it gives me all dates as it's supposed to but when I type a date it does not filter by that date, I still get everything.

I also tried [Enter date - mm/dd] Or Like "*" but it behaves the same way. I know it has got to be easy but my skull may be too thick to let me see it.

Any help is appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Function That Counts Records And Use That Function In A Query

Dec 11, 2013

So basically I need making a function that will count the number of records from another table/query based on a field from the current query.

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Forms :: SUM Function Produces Error From Calculated Function

Jan 30, 2014

I have a project at hand and it's been a predecessor of mine and client has asked me to do some work on it and extend functionality - but I have not really delved into Access before and I have had to worked my way through to this final snag :/

The Main Form has one sub form. This sub form allows the user to add multiple order items i.e. qty, stock, description from records within the system - fairly straight forward.At the last column of each row is the sub total of those particular items i.e.

Qty Unit | Item ID | Total
2 | 1234 | 80.00
1 | 43526 | 20.00
> | |

So the total is a function of =[Qty Unit] * [Unit Price].Then in the Footer of this SubForm is the Sub Total

=SUM([Qty Unit] * [Unit Price])

All fine and well..... However, the additional functionality kicks in.

Lets add the additional customer_id from the Main Form. Each Item bought is dependent on the customer_id i.e. they get special prices depending on who they are.So a New table is made which has the Item ID and SpecialPriceID (of a table to define as a specialPrice) and the Price linked to this Item and Special Price category. So say that there are two groups of users "wholesale" and "nonwholesale" these would be SP_1 and SP_2 and each client is defined either one of these, and each stock item has a Price for each SP_1 and SP_2. Hopefully I've explained myself there.

Back to the SubForm. So now the Total needs to calculated differently with needed the external customer_id from the Main Form.


Function CalculateSpecialPrice(ItemID As String, CustomerID As String, Unit As Integer)
Dim SPSelect As String
SPSelect = "SELECT Price FROM [Items_SpecialPrices] WHERE"
SPSelect = SPSelect & " ItemID = '" & ItemID
SPSelect = SPSelect & "' AND SpecialPriceID = (SELECT SpecialPriceID FROM Customers WHERE customer_id = " & CustomerID & ") "


its the sub total I just keep on getting #Error on. I have even watched (using alerts) that the correct return variable is the same as the individual rows. This is the equation I used for the SubTotal within the footer.

=SUM(CalculateSpecialPrice([Item ID], [Form]![FormName]![CustomerID], [Qty Unit]))

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Now Its All Gone Wrong!!!

Sep 21, 2005

Ok Guys,

Here goes...

all of a sudden now, when i open my form, its not displaying any of the previous data that i stored in it!! All the data is still in the table, and when i add data it goes into the table!! I checked properties and the record source and everything is ok there, what have i done wrong guys...HELP!!!!

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What's Wrong?

Jun 9, 2006

I purchased a copy of Office 2003, on Ebay, for less than half the price it normally sells for. I created databases, which work well on my computer. However, when I copy them over to the office computer from my computer, via Flash memory stick, the program does not run. The message seems to indicate a problem with registration. When I installed Access, it asked me for a registration key, which I did provide. After that it worked-not activation process. Does this mean that you can only use the computer you created the database on to run it, or that I do not have a proper version of Access 2003? I cannot transfer, from my home computer, to the office computer. Is this Microsoft paranoia again?
Subsequent uninstalls and reinstalls of the program did not ask for the installation key.
What should happen? I would like to resolve this major problem and your help will be greatly appreciated. The program is flaky. Also, Switchboard does not work-must use Option Box.

These questions most user must know about initial installation and copying mdb files to other computers -please reply.

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What's Wrong

Oct 16, 2006

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this:
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblPersoaneJuridice (Denumire,Localitate,CodUnicInregistrare,NumarInre gistrareRegComertului,Telefon,Fax) VALUES ('" & Forms!frmPrincipal!subfrmTipVersus!txtDenumire & "','" & Forms!frmPrincipal!subfrmTipVersus!txtLocalitate & "','" & Forms!frmPrincipal!subfrmTipVersus!txtCUI & "','" & Forms!frmPrincipal!subfrmTipVersus!txtNumarInregis trare & "','" & Forms!frmPrincipal!subfrmTipVersus!txtTelefon & "','" & Forms!frmPrincipal!subfrmTipVersus!txtFax & "')"
cui = DLookup("[CodUnicInregistrare]", "[tblPersoaneJuridice]", "[NumarInregistrareRegComertului]='" & Me!subfrmTipVersus!txtNumarInregistrare & "'")

i have a string variable denoted by cui and i need it to take value from table tblPersoaneJuridice from field CodUnicInregistrare. CodUnicInregistrare and NumarInregistrareRegComertului is text.

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Would Someone Tell Me What's Wrong With This

Jun 14, 2007

Have not coded for about 5 years and need a little refresher. Can't remember what I need to do. Thanks

Dim SelectedCompany As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim sSql As String

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection

SelectedCompany = Me!cboCompanyName.Text

sSql = "select Customername, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3, AddressLine4, AddressLine5, AddressLine6 from customers where "
sSql = sSql & "CompanyName = '" & SelectedCompany & "'"

rs.Open sSql, Cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

this last line fails with error "No value given for one or more required parameters."

The code is executed when someone selects something in a combo box on a form in an access database.



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Am I Doing This Wrong

Oct 4, 2007

I think I'm just tired, and not seeing what to do here.

I have my main table.

bunch of other fields...

I also have a 'created by table'.

Createdby_ID PK
User ID
Main ID

I also have a user table, with a list of all the users.
User_ID PK

Is this the right way to setup these tables?
Only 1 person can create any paticular record.

I want it to be required tha whoever creates the record selects their name and dates it.

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What Is Wrong Please Help

Dec 13, 2005

strSQL = ("SELECT onespace2(MeetingMinutes!MinutesID, '.' ) & " - " & [MinutesTitle] AS Item, MeetingMinutes.MeetingCode, Minutes.*, MeetingMinutes.MinutesCode, MeetingMinutes.MinutesID ")
strSQL = strSQL & ("FROM Minutes INNER JOIN MeetingMinutes ON Minutes.MinutesCode = MeetingMinutes.MinutesCode ")
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE MeetingMinutes.MinutesCode= " & MinutesCode & " AND MeetingMinutes.MeetingCode= " & [Forms]![MinutesMFnew]![ComboMeetingNav] & ";"

cant get it running.
i got the same query running made in the querybuilder, but somethings change, so i need to adjus it in vba. But it doenswork, and get a type error

please advice

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What Is Wrong With This SQL?

Jul 13, 2007

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblAccessLog " _
& "(DateLoggedOut, TimeLoggedOut) VALUES " _
& "(#" & Date & "#,#" & Time & "#) WHERE " _
& "(LogID = '" & LogsID & "');"

Could anyone possibly tell me why this isn't working? Probably something stupid i've done bus still.

When i run it, I am getting the error message "Query input must contain at least one table or query" yet i've told it to use tblAccessLog so i'm just confused.


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