Printing Parts Of Records In A Specific Format

Oct 27, 2005

i've created a database for city permits to be issued (which works perfectly thanx to alll your help), but now i need to be able to print out 1 permit at a time when it is issued (immediately after the data has been entered into the forms). i have 3 tables & 3 forms: contractors/owners, permtOrders (which has tabs for the different types of permits), and permitOrderDetails. the problem is the forms are set up for data entry (and only open in add mode for obvious reasons)...i need to be able to print an actual permit (like the carbon copy, landscape kind that usually tears out of a book). once the user enters the information into the forms, i need a little bit of that info from each form to be carried onto the actual printable permit. i'm not really sure how to accomplish this. :confused: i don't really know if i explained this right, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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General :: Printing Specific Records Displayed In A Form?

Jul 18, 2015

How do I go about printing specific records displayed in a form? I basically just want to add a print button on my form to do this

I have a main form with a button that displays/opens a form

I then want to print the records displayed in the opened form

(See attached pictures)

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Queries :: Converting CSV File Into Text Format - Export Records With Specific Series And Date

Jun 7, 2015

I have a CSV file and want to convert it in a text format with some filtered data and with some formatting. This is an everyday task for me. So I made a table and imported the data in to it by the command :

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "fo Import Specification", "fo", FileName:="C:UserswelcomeDesktopfo.csv", HasFieldNames:=True

Actually I have a column "SERIES", contains various series like "EQ", "BE", "DR", "BZ", "D1" and so on. And one more column with the dates having 4 / 5 current months dates and one next months date and one next to next month's date. And every date has got several thousand records.

now the issue is that : After importing these several thousand records, I want to export it but with a specific date and with a specific series.

The other thing is that, these dates change every month so if hard coded, the problem will occur the next month.

I use this code for export :

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "NewFnoSpec", "fnoquery", "C:UserswelcomeDesktopFO Output.txt", True

this code is working fine but when the month will change, the code won't work.

Can we have a date & series picker attached to this query, so it can export the records with the specified SERIES & DATE.

I tried putting a textbox on the form named TxtDate and in a Query ( Design mode ) under the date column, in criteria I have put [Forms]![Futures]![TxtDate] and after putting this line, the query becomes empty and no data is there.

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Printing To Specific Printer

Apr 20, 2004

Does anyone know if there is a way to setup a button on a form that when pressed, will print to a specific printer (that's not the default)? For example, I have one button on my form that prints 2 copies to the default printer, then I want the other button on the form to print on another department's printer.


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Queries :: Query To Show Only Records With All Parts Received

Apr 10, 2015

I would like to create a query to show only the Work Orders that all parts ordered have been received.For the Work Order, each part ordered has a "complete" yes/no checkbox.If I use that field in the criteria of the query, it does return only parts that are "complete." However, it still shows me a Work Order where there are parts ordered but not received "not complete." how to set the query to exclude those cases and only return Work Orders that all parts ordered on the Work Order are received "complete."

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General :: Printing A Form Into PDF Format

Jan 14, 2013

New to Access. We have a existing database in use that has a minor glitch. The main form we use to add records to has a subform. All of the data in the main form shows up when printed to a pdf file. The header section & detail section of the subform prints to the pdf file but the footer section remains blank in the pdf file.

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Printing Letters To Specific People Through Access

Feb 23, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a from containing names and address. On This form I have a checkbox called "MailLetter" and a command button called "Sendletter".

I place a check in the box corresponding to specific people, then using a command button a letter is printed to ONLY THOSE WHO ARE CHECKED.

The letter is a Word document that resides on the desktop.

Here is the code behind a command button to print. Not sure if it is correct:

Private Sub Command2600_Click()
Dim WordObj
Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WordObj.Visible = True
WordObj.documents.Open "C:Documents and SettingsUserDesktopLetter.doc"
End Sub

I assume this can be done through some sort of mail merge?

Thanking in advance.



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Reports :: Printing Multiples Of Specific Pages

Mar 28, 2013

How would I go about printing multiple pages of a certain page in a report. My goal is to get them to collate together. Please see example below:

I have 7 operation codes (A-G), but I need multiple copies of each within a set:

Below is how I would like to print it out:

A, A, B, C, D, D, A, E F, G

Also, not sure if it matters, but the report has a subreport to print the appropriate rework code on the back of every sheet (2 sided printing)

This will be the same every time, and I have made a tbl in the db with the order I require.

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Creating An Autonumber To A Specific Format

Oct 19, 2006

I need to create an incrementing number to be used as a primary key in a table, based on a few variables. The format will be YYMM0000. It represents the number of units received each month.

I can come up with the formula to create that string no problem, but I need to create some code to check the table MAIN for the field TRACKER_ID to find the last number and increment it by 1.

Can anyone help? :confused:

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Query Phone Is Specific Format

Jan 11, 2006

I need to query a table for phone numbers that do not meet the following format: ###-###-####

Any idea on how I can do that??

Hope someone can help!

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Modules & VBA :: Return Next Primary Key Value Which Is In Specific Format?

Jul 26, 2013

what is the best/cleanest way to return the next primary key value which is in the format yyyy-###.These are case files for the current year, ### being 3 digit number incremented by one for each new case.

I could use a function that finds the last one, checks the date, increments by one and returns it, but maybe I could use a public property or a class? I'm keen to use classes more for code maintenance.With a class then: would i create a PrimaryKey variable of the class type/object, so when I need a new key I would just type PrimaryKey.NewKey, for example?

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Forms :: Show Date In Specific Format In Message Box

Jan 6, 2015

I have a messagebox and want to know if it is possible that the messagebox give me a date as 15/01/2015 and not 15/01/2015. Using dailog box as messagebox

Private Sub Save_Click()
Dialog.Box "Tape # : " & Me.Tape & vbCrLf & "Sticker # : " & Me.Container1 &
vbCrLf & "Book # : " & Me.Book & vbCrLf & "Date send Out : " & Me.DateSendOut &
vbCrLf & "Date to be back : " & Me.DateToBeBack & vbCrLf & "OS : " & Me.System, ,
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Convert Table To Specific Text Format

Feb 17, 2014

I have a problem in converting the content of a simple table to a text format I need for an other program. The table is containing 3 columns


How do I convert the table to a text format with below format.?

ITEMTYPE is all ways >P<

How is this text shown. Do I make a kind of report.?

I have attached the two document (Text format and DB)


[Code] .....

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Printing Records

May 7, 2005

If you have a Print button on your form where you add records, can you set a specific font and background colour when you print or does it have to be the same as what's on your form? I have a red background on my form but I want to print just the text and in black and white.

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Export Select Records And Fields In Those Records To A Specific Location?

Jun 15, 2013

In an Access 2010 form is it possible to export select records and fields in those records to a specific location?

Set objDialog = Application.FileDialog(4)
With objDialog
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Please select a File"
.InitialFilename = "C:"
If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Action Cancelled")


The user can select the directory using the code above, but can specific fields in records be exported to a excel workbook in that selected directory?For example, if the are 5 records in the database can the fields LastName,FirstName,BirthDate in records 1,2,3 be exported to Setup.xlsx in that selected directory?

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Printing Current Records

Aug 29, 2007

Hi Guys (again),

Hope you can help and I'll explain this as well as I can but I've put it in general as it's a culmination of things.

I have written a call monitoring database for a call centre (all good so far), but they want historical searches (again all good). I've written the relevant queries for these so that the searches can be done for Adviser, Manager and also by a date range. However, they now want to be able to print out the current search from the screen.

The way I have done it is this. I have written the report be adding in a subreport and putting in the relevant historical search form, and then written a macro that is assigned to a button on the historical search form to print the current record.

The problem that I am having is that when they click on the button to give them the history they fill in the relevant advisor or manager name and the date range which gives them the info in form format but, when they click on the button to print the current 'screen' if you like, it asks for the information again. I know this is because the actual report is written from the same query but is there anyway that it will just print what's displayed on the screen? I don't do VBA so if it has to be done that way could you please display it as it should be inserted.

I do hope that that has made sense and that someone can at least help me, cos you're all wonderful and I've had some really excellent help in the past from this site.

Thanks in advance.

Donna x :confused: (as always)

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Reports :: Printing Only Filled Records

Sep 11, 2014

I have record in wich I would print the records whose fields A is filled but not field B or Field C is filled and not field D.

See appendices.

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Reports :: Printing Current Linked Records Only

Jan 7, 2014

I have a main form with a subform. The subform has linked tables from the main form. People are on the main form with the index PersonId and they are linked to incidents by IncidentId.

I want to put in two buttons.

First put a print report button for each subform whereby it will only produce a report for the records I can see on screen . i.e. if a person is linked to two incidents I just want the report for those two incidents.

Secondly I would also like a print all button on the subform where it prints reports containing the current IncidentId number.

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General :: Disable Printing Of All Records In Forms

Feb 5, 2013

Is it possible to disable the printing function in a form ?

We are getting people clicking the print icon when viewing a single form record. This results in the printer printing all records !!

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Printing A Single Records Report From A Continuous Form

Mar 7, 2006

I've been trying to get my head round this one , but i'm just to thick to get it.

I have a continuous form that lists all items at a certain location.
The user selects a record by clicking on the record selector and then clicks on a command button with this code:

stDocName = "DivingInspectionCert"
stLinkCriteria = ("EquipmentID = " & Me!EquipmentID)
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

The user then enters inspection details in to the "DivingInspectionCert" form which i want to store in a table (DivingCert) which will relate to the item. On completion of this form the user then clicks on a command button with this code:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no items to Print", vbInformation, "EquiTrac"
DoCmd.OpenReport "DivingInspectionRpt", , , ("EquipmentID = " & Me!EquipmentID)

When i click on this button, the report doesn't print and i get a message "No current record".
The inspection details are not stored in the table.
I did have the forms RecordSource based on the table "DivingCert" but that didn't work and i have just tried a query but it is still not working.

Would be much appreciated if you can help me.
Thank you

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Modules & VBA :: Printing Code Slowing Down Printing Reports?

Feb 25, 2014

I was having trouble just setting each report with a particular print method - for some reason they just kept forgetting their individual settings and resorting to default on the machine.

This meant reports were printing on the wrong paper, or the wrong size paper, the wrong orientation and some times refusing to print if it couldn't find the paper (which is useful in runtime as it doesn't display error messages)

So I used Reports(rpt).printer properties (I forgot where I found this) to hard code the printer properties into each print command... this meant I had to use another function to insert the variables.

So all I had to do was say:


and a report would print to exactly how I wanted... but it's just too slow!

See attached for full code, I have a niggling feeling it may be the function: PrinterOK, to make sure the printer exists or not.

Function PrinterOK(sPrinterName As String) As Boolean
Dim MyPrinter As Printer
PrinterOK = False
For Each MyPrinter In Printers
If MyPrinter.DeviceName = sPrinterName Then
PrinterOK = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function

I know it's the printing code, because if I stop the printing and just preview then it shows up almost instantly.

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Getting Query Criteria To Select All Records Or Specific Records In Query Design Section?

Jun 16, 2014

How can I get a Query Criteria To Select All Records or specific records in query design section.

I have a table that shows many departments with credit card transactions. I like to run a query to see specific department, or have an option to see all the departments when the query is run.

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Only Opening Specific Records

Sep 28, 2004

I have the following code in the click event of my button,
Code:Dim strCriteria As StringstrCriteria = "[1stApproval]='-1'"DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmLookupRecords", acNormal, , strCriteria

However when I click the button, there was an error that says,
Quote: The OpenForm action was cancelled. You used a method of the DoCmd object to carry out an action in Visual Basic, but then clicked Cancel in a dialog box. For example, you used the Close method to close a changed form, then clicked Cancel in the dialog box that asks if you want to save the changes you made to the form
What does this error mean? I want to open a form that only shows approved records and the column "1stApproval" is a Yes/No field. Thanks for any help!

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SSN Format How To Match Records

Mar 29, 2007


My database has two tables:
Master and History

Both tables have a SSN field with the following format:

000-00-0000XX (xx stand for two additional characters)

I have a search form with a textbox that I use to type criteria to open a form. The text box has the following SSN input mask: 000-00-0000CC;0;_
This allows me to return data even if I have a part of the SSN

I have now placed a button which verifies if the SSN I will type in the textbox already exists in table History. I am having problems with the SSN format as I have to type the whole SSN while I would like to type part of it (like the textbox input mask).

If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "History", "[SSN] = '" & Me![txtbox] & "'")) Then

DoCmd.OpenForm ("popupssnsearch")

Is there a way I can do this?

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Lock Specific Records In Table

Jul 18, 2007

Is there anyway to lock specific records in a table so users cannot edit them after a manager has approved them?

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Select Only Records For Specific ID Query

Jul 31, 2007

This is killing me,

I have a form with a unique ID, I have a query that pulls all data regardless of the ID on the form.

How can I get the Query to pull only the data for the ID that is currently in view on the form?

Please help..


Fen How

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