Query To Merge Two Databases Into One

Nov 21, 2007

Dear all
I need to merge a number of databases of the same type into one database in access. can you please help me with code itself.


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How To Merge Two Databases To One

Nov 12, 2006

I have a database with two tables, Buyer and Products, with one-to-many relationship. The key of Buyer is an autonumber ID, which is the foreign key to table Products.

The problem is that i have two copies of this database with different records (with ID starting from 1 to each one) and i want to merge the databases into one.

Any ideas how to do this without lose the connection of the records?

Thank you in advance.

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Help How Do I Merge Two Databases????

Mar 30, 2007


How do I merge these two datbases? I have downloaded them from Microsoft online templates, here
and here
and I want to have the two databases as one so that there will be a fourth tab on the cintact management database with the order form on? I want to be able to link the two so I can have all the customers details and orders together and print off reports. I really have not dealt with Access before so I really dont have a clue. Any help would be truly appreciated. I am sure it is easy but I just cant work out how to do it.

Thanks very much

Danny :)

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Need To Merge Changing Databases Into One On Access

Sep 27, 2012

I have to coordinate a dbase in the US, one in the UK, and one in the KSA. I have multiple documents that may, or may not, be in each of the three dbases. I need to merge all three, and maintain them so that the document additions, as well as any changes associated with that document, (i.e. "revisions"), are updated. Having looked at access and having read through some of the Access forum questions, I understand that it can do that, but after having identified the information from the dbases that will go into access, I'm trying to establish a consistant process for maintaining and updating it. Can I export my information from each of the dbases, into an excel spreasheet, (1 for US, 1 for UK, and 1 for SA), and have the access dbase search for the document number, compare the data following the document number, and if it's the same ignore it, and if it's different, update it?

I'm trying to muddle through this and get access and excel to do as much of this as possible, as it's a very tedious and time consuming process to manually check each one, one or two times a week.

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General :: Merge Two Fields From Two Databases That Have Matching Two Data Ranges

Mar 25, 2014

I have two databases (files). Each file has a format like the one below.

File 1:
chr start end
chr1 1000 2000
chr2 3000 4000

File 2:
chr start end
chr1 1500 3000
chr2 3750 4000

I want to be able to merge the two records together if the field chr matches between the two files plus if there is an overlap between the start number and end number from each file. For instance the first record from each file would match because the range from 1000 to 2000 of file 1 has numbers consisting of 500 numbers (1500-2000) that are also present and overlap in file 2 (1500-3000). I possibly cannot use < or > since the ranges from each file will vary to different degrees. Perhaps there is a between function that might work...

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Modules & VBA :: Merge Identical Tables From Different Databases Into One Master Database

Mar 4, 2014

I have database for each location. Every location will update some information in the databases and send it back to me. In those location based databases, information will be stored in one table called "consolidate_input". I will store these databases in one specific directory and then I want to accommodate the data of "consolidate_input" into one master database having the same identical table in the database.

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Query From 2 Different Databases

May 20, 2005

I have 2 different databases. One for Archives and one for active claims. Both databases have identical tables. I'd like to create a query that will pull information from both databases. I'm pretty sure that I can do this with a union query, but I'm a complete noob with sql.

Can someone give me an example of the sql code to use to pull information from tables on both databases?

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Update Query Between 2 Databases

Aug 20, 2007

I have a problem with Update Query, I have 2 DB's and need to update a table held in DB#1 into a table in DB#2. I have read quite alot of post's about this but nothing is giving me the correct answer. I tried using Append Query but this was no good because when i ran the query it just adds the extra entries, I want the query to Update the entries already in DB#1. I also tried Update Query but didn't get the option to choose another DB.

Could anyone please tell me the best way to extract the data from tblInstruments(DB#2) and update tblInstruments(DB#1) i.e. overwrite the original field entries.

Many thanks.:confused::confused::confused:

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Query Won't Run Off Of Identical Databases

Sep 23, 2004

I have a query that is based on two other queries (they feed a larger query that a report uses). They are all select queries, no make-table, etc.

The query runs fine against the production oracle database. However when the query is run off of either of the two identical test databases (production was dumped into test within the last week), the query stops with an error of Invalid Operation.

The Help Screen (see below) doesn't seem to apply to anything this query is doing. Any thoughts?

Invalid operation. (Error 3219)
Possible causes:

You tried to write to a read-only property. See the Help topic for the property to determine whether it is read/write.
You tried to use a method or property on a type of Recordset object that the method or property does not apply to. See the Recordset object summary topic to determine which methods and properties apply to a given type of Recordset object.
You tried to append a property to a Properties collection of an object that does not support user-defined properties.
You tried to use the Update method on a read-only Recordset object.


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Create Query Over 2 Databases

Feb 15, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to create a query that looks over two different databases for information. i.e I have two departments at work that have seperate databases and I need to be able to search for data in both of them on the same query.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Processing A Single Query In Two Databases

Nov 7, 2006

I have two identical databases in MS Access. I have created a query in the first mdb file, which retrieves the matching records in two tables.

My problem is that i want to execute the same query created in the database1, on database2, without creating the query in the database2.

I think it is possible, but the query i was trying was not working file.

select * from db1.[Query1] in 'C:DBDB2.mdb'

where db1 is the name of the first database,
db2 is the name of the second database and
Query1 is the name of the query in the db1.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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In A Query - A Way To Merge 2 Tables Into One?

Nov 21, 2007

Hi all. Is there some way to merge 2 tables into one in a query? Is it possible? Thank u.

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Query To Merge Fields?

Feb 5, 2007

Hey guys,

I'm in need of some help again. I have two tables, Table1 and Table2. I have one field in each table that I want to have the same data. I don't want blanks to be merged, but I want all the data to be the same

for example







I would like both tables to be merged to show



But I want to just update both tables and not create anything new.

Sorry if this is unclear

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Merge Colums In A Query

Jan 30, 2008

I am making this harder than it has to be i'm sure. I had a previous post of auto-texting a field, well why can't I just take two fields I have, such as the ID field which is an autonumber field and combine that with a type field that I have which is D.

If I could merge this in a query, wouldn't it give me the results as D01, D02, etc?

I couldn't find anything helpful online, one side said do the following.

SELECT receivables2.type+receivables2.ID
FROM receivables2;

Only I get errors.

I also tried this.

SELECT merge(receivables2.type; receivables2.ID);
FROM receivables2;

But it says merge is an invalid expression.

Could someone please help?

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Merge Query Rows In A New One

Apr 15, 2008

Dear Friends,:)

I have 2 tables .. (GroupNo.) & (employee)

The conjunction between them as :

tbl1 tbl2
No. Name
1 John
1 Alian
1 Sali
2 Robert
2 ......

How Can I make a new Query that produce the result as :

1 John,Alian,Sali
2 Robert,.......
3 ......

Kind Regards,

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Parameter Query With Mail Merge

Aug 19, 2005

I have a database on a machine with office xp. I store the database in C:Database.
I can run a query then link the results of that query to a template document I have setup via mail merge. The document then opens and fills out the fields based on the query results.
I transferred the database onto another machine with office 2003 and put it in exactly the same directory c:database. and when i try to link the query to word, word just comes up saying it cant find the source.
I have gone around various machines at work and the merge runs fine on all machines with office xp and not with 2003.

Any Ideas?

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Mail Merge Of Query Results

Sep 13, 2006

I have four tables, each containing name of one family member. Dad, Mom, son, and other. One of the four called us, and in many instances, they ask that we send a letter to them. Sometimes, they say, send the letter to Mom, or send it to dad, or sis. We are creating an automated output query to print one of two letters, to go to the appropriate person. Depending on which person is selected as the one to receive mail, we need to merge out into Word that person's data, which may be in any of the four tables, but is the only one bearing an indicator (checkmark, etc).

Don't know how to word the query to look thru the data on that family (from four tables) and select the indicated one, output the address info.

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Mail Merge Query Results

Sep 15, 2006

I have a form on which users select fields to include in a query and can select their parameters. The query itself is then created using an SQL statement in the VBA behind the form.

I want to be able to use the records which this query selects through mail merge. With a standard query, this is easy because from within Word I can choose the query through the mail merge settings. However, since the query doesn't exist in this case (it is created every time it's run using VBA) I can't figure out how to do it.

Ideally, I want the form to come up during the mail merge process so that the user can specify which records to use, but I can't select a form as a mail merge source.

Can anyone help?


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Mail Merge Query Problem

Apr 16, 2008


I wonder if anyone can help I have been using Access Queries in order to create merge letters in Word for years and now we have upgraded to Office 2003 everything seems to be going wrong. This is what I do:

1. Open a query in design view enter the relevant text in the appropriate field in order to select the records I want from the table, then I run it and the correct entries are there.

2. Open a standard letter in Word which was created and has been linked to the above mentioned query years ago.

This is where the problem starts in the past the letter opens up and the correct info is displayed so I go ahead and print. Now what is happening rather then linking to the query it is either displaying the last record that was used or nothing at all and in the record number box it says 0 when I know that there are several selected in the query.

I have tried re doing the merge setup and nothing happens the only way round it I have found is to merge it with the table rather then the query then using the Mail Merge Recipients Box you have to go through and reselect the records you want which is a pain as there are 945 records in the table.

Any ideas/help would be appreciated.


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Mail Merge Using Access Query

Jan 3, 2005

Happy New Year everyone-- I am trying to use an Access query to create mailing labels- Is there anyway to keep them alphabetized or sorted?


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Mail Merge With A Parameter Query

Jul 5, 2012

I am trying to put a button on a form that will run a mail merge to populate a Word (2007) document with information from the single record in the form. I would think this would be easy to do, but after working on it, and searching the internet, I'm finding it is not. Normally I would simply use an Access Report to do this, but the document is about 7 pages long (a contract), and people want to have the ability to modify the result.

What I have done so far:

-I've created a form that displays a single record from my Customers table
-I've created a query that pulls the Customer fields I need, and is filtered on the Customer ID that is active in the form. When I open this query by itself, it pulls back the one record I want.
-I then opened both the form and query, and then run through the External Data - Mail Merge wizard.

Problems I've run into:

1) Initially when I tried to select my query in the Mail Merge Wizard, it wouldn't show. I then found tips to prompt for the data connection type when the file is opened, and to set it to MS Access with DDE. This allowed me to see the query, and seemed to work OK when I added the fields I needed to the Word document. But then when I tried to rerun the Word doc, I would get a connection error. If I run through the connection setup process again, it seems to work, but again when I rerun it later, I get the connection error. For simplicity I have put the Access DB and Word document on my desktop. Eventually these will go on the network.

At this point I have a button on my form, and it successfully opens the Word document, but the "merged" fields just show the record that I had saved the document with, so there is no true merging going on. If I open the Access DB Form & query and then open the Word document directly, I get the error "Word could not re-establish a DDE connection to Microsoft Access to complete the current task".

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Queries :: Union Query For Mail Merge?

Jun 3, 2015

it's possible to use a union query as a mail merge? I haven't found anything that says I can't do it, but I'm not getting my merge to complete, and when I switch to a plain query (and not changing anything else) my merge is successful, so I'm thinking there might be a limitation.

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Queries :: Merge All Days In One Row - Export Query To PDF

Dec 10, 2014

I have a query that as a result like the attachment below and I want to merge in this case all the days in one row, like also says in the pdf file!

Also there is anyway that the query exports it self to a pdf?

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Queries :: Creating A Query That Will Merge Various Fields Into One Field

Jun 9, 2015

way to merge various fields from a table into just one using a query.The purpose will be for easier copying and pasting in to an email.So we have a table to stores information such as Site Contact, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Postcode etc.

I want to be able to run a query that will put the address in to just one box, either in the query or on a report then it's much easier to just highlight the full address and copy and paste it into an email. Rather than copying each field individually.

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Can Merge / Combine 2 Or More Crosstab Queries Into ONE Single Query?

Aug 27, 2011

Because I have more than 3 queries, it is really hard for me to manage. Therefore, I was thinking of having 3 crosstab queries to show in one single query. This way it will save my time from moving back and forth.

How to do that? Is it possible? If so, how?

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Creating Conditional Mail Merge From Parameter Query

Apr 2, 2012

I use an access db that stores our customer info on a mssql backend. I need to be able to create a mail merge based on a customers renewal date. Now I do know how to set parameters in a query but is there a way I can use a access report to enter a month and day they are set to renew then have it create the mail merge based on their info?

The Layout is fairly simple just a renewal notice with what they have on their plan.

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