Analysis :: Dimensions Attributes - Drag All Or Some Specific Attributes

May 24, 2015

I'm using a DW from Northwind database to build a cube to do some analitical taks. I already create the cube and now I am "cleaning" the dimensions. I'm having some difficults to understand the logical off this part. The reason is that When I create the Data Source View, I only import the Foreign Keys that connect the Dimensions to Fact_Table. I have to drag the attributes of Dimension from Data Source View to the tab attributes? 

Imagine this:

I have the following dimension:


When I create the cube only Customer_ID appears in attributes tab, it's normal? 

One more question:

I don't want to create a hierarchy like:

Customer ID -> Name_Customer
Customer ID -> Date_of_Birth
Customer ID -> Address
Customer ID -> City
Customer ID -> Country

My idea is to create the following hierarchy: 

Name_Customer -> Date_of_Birth ->  Address ->  City -> Country

But the first hierarchy that I show is always appears to me. Do you know what is happens?

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Analysis :: Add Descriptions To Attributes In Role Playing Dimensions

Jul 28, 2015

I have a requirement to set Description values for our cube dimensions and attributes. 

I've done this for regular dimensions but I cant seem to find a way for role playing dimensions. I can set the base dimension descriptions but not the 'clones'. Is this possible? 

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Master Data Services :: Change Order Of Attributes Using Arrows Jumps Over 24 Attributes

Jun 30, 2015

I am working in SQL Server Master Data Services  Version 11.0.5058.0 (SP 2).

I have been asked to group all the financial attributes together.  When I move one of the attributes up using the arrows, it works good jumping over one attribute at a time.  Then I reach a section of attributes where it leap frogs over 24 attributes.

It appears these 24 attributes are in a subgroup but there are no attribute groups and I removed the subscription view from the entity.  If I move one of the 24 attributes in the group, it moves it outside of the 24 attributes.

This is under leaf member attributes.  There are no collection or consolidated groups.

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Car's Attributes Should Be &>= Spec's Attributes (was Help With Query)

Nov 11, 2004

Hello all-

I have a specification table that has some attributes defined.
SpecId - Id of the specification
Attribute - Attribute of the spec. (Like Color, HP etc)
Value - Is the value of the attribute
Then I have a car table that actually has information about the cars. Intention is to take each specification and match the cars that match the specification. If the car has more attributes than the spec, we ignore the extra attributes for the match. But if the car has less attributes, we don't even consider the car as a match (even if the attributes present, match). To summarize, the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes.

The code I have below is bad because I am joining the same tables twice. In addition, it fails in the condition "the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes"

Any help is greatly appreciated.

DECLARE @Specification TABLE
(SpecId VARCHAR(10),

(CarName VARCHAR(10),

INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'HP', '220')

INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'HP', '300')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'HP', '220')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Color', 'Black')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'HP', '300')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Transmission', 'Manual')

SELECT DISTINCT Spec.SpecId, Car.CarName
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value
WHERE Spec.SpecId NOT IN (SELECT Spec.SpecId
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value

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Analysis :: Cube Attributes Translations

Nov 3, 2015

How can we select translated text of cube translations, like measures, dimensions, dimension attributes. I have below query which return translations of dimension attribute's memebers

MEMBER Measures.CategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION
MEMBER Measures.SpanishCategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.Properties("LCID3082")
MEMBER Measures.FrenchCategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.Properties("LCID1036")
{ Measures.CategoryCaption, Measures.SpanishCategoryCaption, Measures.FrenchCategoryCaption } ON 0
,[Product].[Category].MEMBERS ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]

I am getting translations of product category members but I want to get translated text of "Category"?

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Analysis :: Display Calculation For Structure And Attributes Only

Jun 29, 2015

I have a calculation that granularity is on a specific level and therefore would like the calculation to be only visible/calculate when with a specific dimension structure & attributes

SCOPE([Measures].[Complaint Rate]);
SCOPE([Item Dimension].[Item Structure].Members);
this=(IIF([Measures].[Sales Units]=0,NULL,(([Measures].[Count]/[Measures].[Sales Units])*1000000)));

This displays the calculation all the time even if no item attributes are selected, I only want the calculation applicable to the structure & attributes belonging to structure - I tried children, currentmember etc. but no luck - its probably something small I am missing. Tried this too

this=(IIF([Measures].[Sales Units]=0,NULL,(([Item Dimension].[Item Structure].CURRENTMEMBER,[Measures].[Count]/[Item Dimension].[Item Structure].CURRENTMEMBER,[Measures].[Sales Units])*1000000)));

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Analysis :: How To Get List Of Attributes Involved In Particular MDX Query

Aug 3, 2015

I have a list of mdx queries extracted by sql server trace file. I want to get list of attributes and measures involved in each query.

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SQL 2012 :: SSAS Cube - Show Dimension Attributes For Only One Specific Fact Measure?

Aug 3, 2015

I have built a fact table and few dimension views in Datamart with the aim of creating a Cube.

On the Fact table I have added a CASE Statement with the following threshold for Premium due amounts:


I then created a Dimension to link this to:

Select 'Due_0-1_Month' as Ageing_Threshold
union all
Select 'Due_1-2_Month'
union all
Select 'Due_2-3_Month'

[Code] ....

I was successful in processing the cube, however the problem is everytime I drag the dimension on the columns field in Pivot tables the Thresholds start to break up the other amounts that I have on display like Acquisition Costs, Tax amounts. I am only interested in showing the breakdown of Premium amount measure by the Threshold dimension.

somehow 'Hide' or 'prevent' the Threshold dimension from breaking down the other measures on the Pivot and only breakdown the amounts for Premium?

how I should structure my tables in SQL or any MDX queries to resolve this.

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Analysis :: Set Attributes In Sort Order For A Dimension In SSAS Cube

Jul 22, 2015

For Example: I have one dimension named as "Name", Under this I have "FirstName" and "LastName" Attributes are there.But when i drag "Name" dimension, By default "First Name" dragged. But i Want "Last Name" should drag.

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Analysis :: How To Set Attributes In Sort Order For A Dimension In SSAS Cube

Jul 22, 2015

I have a dimension like Districts, Under that 2 Attributes are there i.e,District ID and Districts. When i drag Dimension "Districts", in OLAP grid it come District ID first. But i want Districts to drag first. How can we sort Attributes(District ID and Districts) for a dimension.

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Analysis :: How To Pass Apply SSRS Parameters On Multiple Dimension Attributes

Oct 13, 2015

How @StartDate and @EndDate parameters must added to the MDX query for usage in SSRS data set. strtomember can be used like

strtomember(@StartDate) : strtomember(@EndDate)

How can i specify that sub-select must work on the [Fact A] and [Fact B] rundate? strtomember(@StartDate) does not specify on which attribute this sub select is going to work. Any pointers ?

[Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-02T00:00:00] : [Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-15T00:00:00]
( [Fact A].[Rundate].&[2015-01-02T00:00:00] : [Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-15T00:00:00] ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Cube]

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How To Access All Attributes?

Jan 22, 2003

I want to access all attributes of a record in a table without knowing the name of those attributes,how can I do by using transact-sql?

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Using Keywords As Attributes

Aug 24, 2004

I am using db keyowrds as attributes in my table such as from, to and date. These are enclosed in [] in SQL Server Enterprise Manager. I'm just asking if doing this is a bad idea? Reason being these are the most applicable names for these attributes but don't want to run into problems further down the line.



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Keep Records That Contain Certain Attributes

Aug 27, 2007

Have a report that I want to keep certain attributes and as long as the report contains this certain attribute, bring all other attributes with it. Better with an example. In this report I am specifically looking for attribute "Alcohol", if I find this attribute I want to include all others that fit with this record's Primary Key which could include, "Drugs","Arson","Vandalism", etc. Problem is when I try to use a paramater or filter I get the "Alcohol" Attribute but not the "Drugs","Arson","Vandalism", etc. Conversely since I dont have any filter/paramater set I get everything even if it does not include "Alcohol"


thansk in advance

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Unlimited Attributes On A Table

Nov 23, 2006

Bit of a design question as I'm interested to know if anyone's done anythign like this...This is my main table (ish) Thing(ThingId, Ref)I then need to be able to give this "Thing" any number of attributes.   Thing1 - Type:Red, Location:LondonThing2 - Type:Blue, Height:400, Width: 300Thing3 - Height:500, Location:Norwich But I have no idea how to model this in the database - it needs to be in such a way that I can add a Thing and all its attributes in one database hit basically (is there a stored procedure you could pass an array into?) My initial thoughts were to have   Thing(ThingId, Ref) Attribute(AttributeId, ThingId*, AttributeTypeId*, Value) AttributeType(AttributeTypeId, Description) Is that completely mad?  It seems like quite a lot of data accesses to enter a ThingIt could be Thing(ThingId, Ref, Type, Location, Height, Width) but then when "Thing - Color:White" comes along the model is stuffed Any ideas? (hope that makes sense) 

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What Is The Command To See The Attributes Of A Table.

Apr 7, 2008

In query analyzer, what is the command to tell me the attributes of the entities in a table? In oracle I can use the describe command. I know their is a way to do it in Query analyzer but I can't remember how. Also I can look visually by expanding the node of the table. But if I can do this through the command line in query analayzer, it is sometimes quicker.
Example. I want to find out about a table named "Employee"
What command would I type that would tell me all of the columns/attributes in that table, and the data types which they are?

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Losing Table Attributes..

Aug 1, 2000

. When I copy tables from one database to another (Using DTS Wizard) I lose my settings .. primary keys + default values !!
Any help would be appreciated..

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Filtering Based On BIT Attributes

May 24, 2006

I have a few tables that have an disabled attribute using a BIT datatype. A lot of my queries on the front end look like:

WHERE disabled <> 1

There's usually some other constraints on the query (get TOP 10 and greater than a certain date for example). Right now my tables are very small (only a couple thousand rows). I don't anticipate these tables having more than 100,000 rows.

Right now let's say there's only a CLUSTERED INDEX on the date field, and regular INDEXES on the identity field and perhaps some other UNIQUE name in the table.

Unless I am doing ranged queries on the CLUSTERED INDEXED field, I'm going to be performing table scans almost every time, right?

This sort of goes along with another question:

Say you run the following (SQL Server):

disabled BIT DEFAULT 0
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('1')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('1')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('1')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('1')
INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')

Since [id] is a PK there will be a CLUSTERED INDEX placed on it. My question is; what does the optimizer do when you perform the following query?

WHERE disabled <> '1'

My assumption is that since there's a CLUSTERED INDEX it will simply iterate through every tuple and check to see if disabled is not '1'. If my assumption is correct then these kind of boolean fields aren't a big deal if TOP queries are performed on a CLUSTERED INDEX.

So I guess what I am getting at is: Are bit attributes a sign of bad design? As tables get larger will performance degrade significantly? Would a better design be to have a seperate table of disabled items (which may result in large NOT IN subqueries)?

Any information on his would be greatly appreciated.

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History Of Changing Attributes

May 14, 2008

I have a question about storing the history of particular objects in a database. For example, if I had a table of "People" which had fields "PersonId", "Name", "PhoneNumber", "Height", "Weight", "Proffession" the data in every field stored for each person can change over time, except for the "PersonId", of course, which is why it is included.

I would like to be able to view a persons attributes at any point in time and therefore need to maintain a history. The currenct approach in place is to archive images of the whole table at certain points in time, which is unacceptable as it misses some changes, is not very accessible and also stores data which does not change.

My solution would be to created seperate tables for each changing attribute and have corresponding date for each change. For example, for phone numbers have a table "PeoplePhoneNumbers" with fields "PersonId","PhoneNumber" and "ChangeDate". A few shortcomings I can see in this approach is that firstly there will be many tables, one for each changing attribute, which can be in far greater number than those mentioned. Secondly, joins will have to created between every attribute table to get the orignal single table form, although I don't see this as a very important issue.

I am wondering; is there a more elegent way to structure for objects of this changing nature, or is having seperate tables for each changing attribute the best solution? I'm sure this is a very common issue. Thanks very much for the help,


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Attributes Other Than Types In Columns

Apr 7, 2014

What are attributes in columns that are not types?

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Variable Primary Key Attributes

Mar 3, 2008

We have an entity such as a documentSearchKey that contains attribtes about a particular document. This document can have 1-N number of search keys or attributes. The classic Employee Table is a good example for a horizontal listing of attributes (fname, lname, SS#, address, etc.) because the employee entity has a "fixed" number of attributes so we can add columns across.

For the documentSearchKey entity attributes can be considered search keys or where clause values.
The documentSearchKey entity has variable number of attributes (docType A has 5 keys, docType B has 15 keys, etc) For this example each docType lives inside its on table so there is not a problem with mixing a variable number attributes inside the same table i.e. we will assume this table has 20 keys vertical or 20 columns horizontal as defined below.

The problem is whether or not to add 20 columns across or to add 3 columns and create a non-normalized DB so additional keys can be added at will.

The proposed table now contains 3 columns (docID, KeyID, KeyValue). Of course, 10 keys for 1 million records create 10 million rows Versus the traditional table with 1 million records always has 1 million records(keys are cols) where some columns contain blanks or nulls.

Which design is better in terms of searching and performance?
Also, books and links are welcome as well. This is a specific question to a production issue.

Thank You Very Much !

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DB Design / Custom Attributes

Aug 24, 2005

I apologize ahead of time for the long post...Background:Working on a CRM type custom application. The application is for anevent management company. The company will provide the application forother organizations to manage their own events. The events includeconferences, corp meetings, sales meetings, etc...An event planner will define what information is needed for an attendeeto register for an event. We will be providing a standard list ofattributes for the event planner to select from. This list includespersonal information (name, address, phone numbers), air travelinformation (preferred carriers, departure airports, etc...), hotelinformation, etc...we've included all of the information available tous from the business's previous experience. As far as the databasegoes, all of the standard information given to use will be normalized.The problem is each event may have unique information that needs to becollected that is not part of the standard list of attributes. Forexample, if McBurgers is planning an event, the event planner may wantto collect an attendee's McBurger employee code.Depending on the uniqueness of the event, there may be up to 200 uniqueattributes defined for it. This number comes from researching eventsplanned in the last 5 years. The number of attendees for an event rangefrom 100 to 10,000. The company expects about 3000 events per year.Database DesignI've done a fair amount of research and found a couple of options tomeet our requirements, more specifically the need for event planners todefine custom attributes for an event.1-)DynamicColumns:Add an Event specific custom attributes table. The table would looksomething like this:Event_McBurger05AttendeeID | McBurgerEmployeeCode | HiredDate | SomeOtherAttribute-Join Bytes! | AxEt356 | 01/01/2004 | Other val 22-)EAV:Add an EAV (entity, attribute, value) table. The table would looksomething like this:Event_AttributesEventCode | AttendeeID | Attribute | Value-McBurger05 | Join Bytes! | McBurgerEmployeeCode | AxEt356McBurger05 | Join Bytes! | HiredDate | 01/01/2004McBurger05 | Join Bytes! | SomeOtherAttribute | Other val 2The Value attribute would be a character (probably varchar) datatype.3-)Stronger Typed EAVHave an EAV table for each data type. The tables would look somethinglike this:Event_CharAttributesEventCode | AttendeeID | Attribute | CharValue-McBurger05 | Join Bytes! | McBurgerEmployeeCode | AxEt356McBurger05 | Join Bytes! | SomeOtherAttribute | Other val 2Event_DateAttributesEventCode | AttendeeID | Attribute | CharValue-McBurger05 | Join Bytes! | HiredDate | 01/01/2004There would be one Event_[DataType]Attribute table for each of thedatatypes allowed.Pros/Cons1-)DynamicColumnsPros:-Data integrity can be enforced-Simpler queries for reporting-Clearer data model for understanding data storedCons:-Row size limitation of 8k must be managed (probably need to addanother table if run out of room.-Stored procedures for CRUD operations would need to dynamicallycreated ORNeed to use dynamic SQL on the database or application.-Adding/Removing columns on the fly can be very error prone2-)EAVPros-Static CRUD stored procsCons-No data integrity-Complex queries for reporting-Worse performance than option 1.-Table can get Typed EAVPros-Static CRUD stored procs-Better data type integrity than EAVCons-Complex queries for reporting-Worse performance than option 1-Table can get you are still reading this...thank you!The Questions:-Are there other options other than the 3 described above? Or are thesepretty much it with slight variants.-Does anyone see any missing Pros/Cons for any of the options thatshould be considered?-Is there a "preferred" method for what I am trying to do?I suspect this will come down to the lesser of three devils. Justtrying to figure out which of the three it is.We have prototyped the three options and are leaning towards option 1and 3.Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.Thx

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What Are The Relationships Among The Attributes Within Each Cluster?

Dec 6, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am having a question about Microsoft Clustering algorithm here. When we train the clustering model, we gain the clusters based on the model training. So what are the relationship among all attributes within each cluster? When we sumarize the characteristics for each cluster, for example, based on criteria attribute A=X, we got the darker cluster for this criteria, along with this characteristics (A=X), we also got other characteristics, so what is the exact relationship among all these chracteristics? It seemed they dont have any relationship to each other at all? (A=X dose not mean most likely B=Y if A=X?, what it means only is within this cluster, most likely A=X and B=Y etc. and A=X has the largest population within this cluster). I therefore cant see these chracteristics really interested.

Looking forward to any guidance and advices for that.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Aggregated Members And Attributes

May 29, 2008


the query below (from Adventure Works) displays the sales amount for three products and a custom member "aggregation" which is the aggregate of these three products, and it cross joins with the attribute "colour".

Code Snippet

with member [Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory].&[31].[aggregation] as 'AGGREGATE({ [Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[214], [Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[215], [Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[220] })'

SELECT { [Date].[Calendar].[All Periods] } ON COLUMNS ,

NON EMPTY { { { [Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[214], [Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[215], [Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[220],[Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory].&[31].[aggregation] } * { [Product].[Color].[All Products].CHILDREN } } } ON ROWS

FROM [Adventure Works]

WHERE ( [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] )

Can someone please explain me why I'm getting this result:

All Periods

Sport-100 Helmet, Red

Sport-100 Helmet, Black

Sport-100 Helmet, Blue



64757.819 (note that 64757.819 is the total of the three products)

instead of something like this:

All Periods

Sport-100 Helmet, Red

Sport-100 Helmet, Black

Sport-100 Helmet, Blue




and also if anyone knows of a possible way of getting the second type of result?

please note that if I create a custom member that aggregates members of any other level of the Product Category hierarchy, the problem doesn't exist (see code and results below)

Code Snippet
WITH MEMBER [Product].[Product Categories].[Category].&[4].[Aggregation] as
'AGGREGATE({ [Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory].&[31],
[Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory].&[32] })'
NON EMPTY { { { [Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory].&[31],
[Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory].&[32],
[Product].[Product Categories].[Category].&[4].[Aggregation]} * { [Product].[Color].[All Products].CHILDREN } } } ON ROWS
FROM [Adventure Works]
WHERE ( [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] )

All Periods




Hydration Packs





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Change Database Attributes With SQL?

Aug 23, 2006

Is there a way to change the password or encryption settings with SQL or do I need to use Compact from code to do so?

I'm trying to work around the issue that USE does not accept a password.

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How To Get Dynamic Attributes In Dataset

Nov 28, 2007

i have a problem
i am writing a stored procedure which contains "EXECUTE" statment which excutes the query and retrieves the attributes what i want.
by using that procedure it is working fine and i am able to get the result

but i am not able to build the report why because this dataset not listing the attributes.

my procedure is like this :


ALTER PROC [dbo].[PB_Report_GetProjectAttributes]
@intProjectId INT




DP.IDX PROJECT_ID, dbo.FindAndReplace(DP.CODE) [Project Code], dbo.FindAndReplace(DP.NAME) [Project Name], dbo.FindAndReplace(DP.LABEL) [Project] ' + @SRC_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS + ',
PROJECT_ID = ' + @intProjectId + '
DP.IDX = ' + @intProjectId + ' AND
actually this procedure should result the following attributes

[Project Code],
[Project Name],
[Nature of Change],
[Department Priority #],
[Project Start Date],
[Project End Date],
[Project Status],
[Project Justification],
[Project Request Sub-Type],
[Project Request Type],
[Project Request 2nd Sub-Type],
[Requesting Department],
[Capital Fund Number],

but i am not getting the attribute list in the dataset

anyone help me out

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Derived Attributes -how Much Should I Help The Algorithm

Feb 28, 2008

I am a novice data miner, working primarly in the BI field. I want to learn more about Data Mining so I am doing some experimenting.

I have a question regarding input attributes. I am particurlary wondering about the Neural Network algorithm, but also for Data Mining in general. What I am thinking about is if, and if so to what extend, I should create derived attributes for the algoritms. I´ll try to clarify with an example:

Lets say I am analysing sales performance for departments in a large company. Some of those departments has a high staff turnover, which might affect sales negatively (although I don't know that...). The high staff turnover could be detected, by the algorithm and humans, by looking at each sales, and which salesperson that handled it. If there are a lot more different salespersons in different departments by the same size and during the same time period, this is a sign of a high staff turnover.

Now is this info enough for the algorithm? Or should I add a column in the case dataset, where I discretesize the staff turnover as "High,Medium,Low"? Does this help the algorithm or can it affect the performance?

I hope you'll get the idea of my question, otherwise ask me!


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How Can I Create View That Consolidates Attributes

Jun 6, 2008

This is kind of tricky. I have a table that is structured like this (where the StaffID is the primary key):

StaffID, Date1, Amount1, Date2, Amount2, Date3, Amount3
123, 1/1/08, 100, 2/1/08, 200, 3/1/08, 300

You can already see that whoever made this table wasn't thinking prudently. Anyway, I would like to make the table look like this:

StaffID, Date, Amount
123, 1/1/08, 100
123 2/1/08, 200
123 3/1/08, 300

Where the StaffID and Date are concatenated keys.

Is there a way to either create a View or create a Query Table that converts the data like that for me? I need the new view/query to update when the original table updates, so a new table isn't an option.

Thanks ahead of time!


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SQL 2005 Reading File Attributes

Dec 12, 2007

In SQL 2005, is it possible to read the date modified of a file which is located on the hard drive of the server? Is there a procedure/function that would allow you to do so?

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Fact Fields -&> Dimension Attributes

Feb 13, 2008

I have a fact table that has terminations. Fields include EmployeeName, TermDate, TermReason, and HireDate, et al.

I need to make EmployeeName available to drillthrough, and since it's a varchar field I can't make it a measure, so it has to be a dimension attribute. My question is, should I leave the fact table as it is and use SSAS to create a dimension that contains only EmployeeName and the link to TerminationID? Or should I redesign the OLAP tables so that EmployeeName is in a separate table?

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SCHEMA -- 1000 Products With Different Attributes

Jul 20, 2005

[crossposted]Hi, I wonder if anyone might lend me a brain.I have a stock database to build that covers over 1000 products, whichmight be said to exist in around 50 product families.Obviously, just to be awkward all the types of stock will havedifferent attributes. So one product might be a tube withinside/outside diameter and length and another a T shaped cable joint.All I can come up with is a separate table for each stock type familyand store the table name and product code in the main stock table, so:Tables:ProdAProdBProdCStockStock attributes:ProdIdProdTableAmountDateetc..ProdA attribute:ProdIdAttributeXAttributeYAttributeZetc..Then use code to parse the table and product ID to select the correctquery to get the product details. BUT This seems awefuly inelegant andpotentially wrong so I'm loathe to continue down this route.Can anyone tell me the "right" way to do this, I feel sure it must bea classic db design exercise, but unfortunatly one they didn't teachus at University -- or maybe I was asleep...Thanks!

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Print Attributes In Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

I've upgraded MS-Access 2002 to a MS-Access Project (adp), so now I have todeal with more sophisticated queries (may I call them so?) like storedprocedures. I have a form with a combobox for selections and a textbox toenter a certain value. Let us say I call the combobox @select and thetextbox @find. The combobox always shows the first of the items to select.Now I want to return a message if nothing is found, or if nothing has beenentered at all. The stored procedure reads for instance:ALTER PROCEDURE OPC@select nvarchar(20), @find nvarchar (100)ASSET NOCOUNT ONIF@find IS NULLBEGINPRINT 'You didn't enter any value'RETURNENDIF@select = 'Author'BEGINSELECT *FROM BooksWHERE Author LIKE '%' + @find + '%'ORDER BY Author, Title, Publisher, YearEND[And so on]RETURNThis works correct when I enter something, but when I don't enter any value,a message box pops up saying that the stored procedure has been executed,but no records were found. I want to see an error message like above. It'sas simple asALTER PROCEDURE HelloASBEGINPRINT 'Hello'ENDand nothing is seen. Does anybody know? Thank you.Wim

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Limit Number Of Attributes In A Model

Nov 14, 2006

Processing Association Rules model on SQL 2005 Standard edition produced following error:

"Error (Data mining): The 'WO_3' mining model has 6690 attributes. This number of attributes exceeds the attribute limit of 5000 allowed by the current version of the algorithm associated with the mining model."

How can I limit number of attributes in a model?

Thank you

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