Analysis :: Subset Function In MDX Query

May 18, 2015

I need other function act like subset function using mdxquery.

In my mdxqueries,contain subset,order functions are available.

subset and order is getting poor query performance.

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Analysis :: Subset Dimension Linked Two Times?

Aug 6, 2015

I have a cube with some dimensions (dim1,dim2,dim3).I want to add another dimension (dim4) based on dim1 but more restricted.Eg. Dim1 is a product dimension, and I will create Dim4 from a subset of Dim1 (only few and predetermined products).

I will create a view (or a named query) with the appropriate where clause, create a dimension on this view/namedQ, then add on the existant cube and link it on dimension usage. Great. But in this way in the cube I haven't all fact data but only data for the product of Dim4! (Dim1 is still present).

eg: in fact data I have a total of 100$ of sales for all the products, if I link the Dim4 then the sales amount is 40$, that is the value for the product in Dim4 not for all product (I can't set the filter for Dim1/Dim4 in excel). I haven't found any way for get the 100$.

I try with two Date dimension: the first from 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2015 and the second from 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2015. If I link both I see only data for the second period (only 2015).

it seems that the more restrictive dimension trumps.What's wrong? There are other ways to get what I want? I've tried the property "DependOnDimension" but without results.

I won't publish the attribute used in the WHERE clause on the dimension.

BIDS 2008 and SQL Server 2008R2

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Returning A Subset Of Rows From A Query

Apr 19, 2001

This question has been posted on the site before but I could not find any resolution....I want to return rows 11 - 20 from a query that returns 100 records without using a cursor or temp table.

The closest query I have found is a query that numbers the rows, but I can't seem to use rownumber in a between clause...

Use Pubs
SELECT emp_id, lname, fname, job_id,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee e2 WHERE e2.emp_id <= e.emp_id AND e2.job_id = 10) AS rownumber
FROM employee e
WHERE job_id = 10
ORDER BY emp_id



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Select A Subset Of Data From The Dataset Returned By A Union Query

Mar 30, 2004

hi all

Any day, another question. I love you guys.

I want to select a subset of data from a dataset returned by either another subquery or a union.

e.g. this is how i would do it in oracle, but i have no idea how this can be done in mssql or whether it's possible at all.

select * from
select col1, col2, col3 from table1
select col1, col2, col3 from table 2
where col1 = 'blah'

in essence oracle treats the data returned by the subquery as a table that it would select from.

how would i do the same in mssql?

thank you

James :)

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Analysis :: MDX Tail Function And Calculations

Aug 3, 2010

I am looking a way to use a tail funcion to achieve  something like this
If you see the picture i want obtain  in one row the total amount of the month over a selected range. If I select months between 1 and 12,  i want the values only for the month 12, if a select months  between 1 and 10 I want only de value for October and so  on.
I tried this simple mdx query: 

Tail([Id Fecha Orden Pago].[Mes].allmembers,1) on
{[Measures].[Total Gastos Orden Pago]} on
[DIM Programa Fomento].[Nombre Programa Fomento].&[RECONOCIMIENTO DE RESERVAS]

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Analysis :: Binomial Distribution Function In MDX

Jul 22, 2015

I am here with a doubt in MDX. I want to calculate the Binomial Distribution for one of the Measure in my cube. The requirement is to create a new calculated measure in the cube which calculates the binomial distribution for an inbuilt measure.I am using SSAS 2012 Standard Edition.

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Analysis :: ISNULL Function Is MDX Script

Oct 12, 2015

I have an MDX query

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Parm1] AS
[Member].[Member Deceased Year].currentmember.member_caption MEMBER [Measures].[ResultValue]
AS ([Month].[Calendar].[Month].&[20150531], [Measures].[Member Count])
SELECT ({[Measures].[Parm1],[Measures].[ResultValue]}) ON COLUMNS,
ORDER([Member].[Member Deceased Year].[Member Deceased Year], [Measures].[Parm1], DESC) ON ROWS

Now from the Above query I am resulting with NULL as Parm1 values, I need to replace with a value of 12-31-9999 in the Parm1 if there are NULLS.

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Analysis :: Distinct Count Using Filter Function

May 27, 2015

My requirement is to count the customer order number for premium order type orders which has some order quantity.I am using below MDX


(([Customer Order].[Dim Customer Orderkey].[Dim Customer Orderkey].members,
[Outbound Order Attributes].[Order Type].&[P]),[Measures].[Ordered, pcs]>0 ) ,

The result is accurate but the query execution time is 3-4 minutes for 10 fact records, when i use multiple dimension. it is showing me 0 valus for this measure for all the members for the dimesion attribute which doen't have any customer order. example it shows all the member of date dimension. is there any way to reduce the rows. i think this is the reason to take more execution time.when i use EXCCLUDEEMPTY the result is NULL


(([Customer Order].[Dim Customer Orderkey].[Dim Customer Orderkey].members,
[Outbound Order Attributes].[Order Type].&[C]),[Measures].[Shipped, pcs]>0 ) ,

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Analysis :: Building A Calculated Member Using Except Function

Aug 23, 2015

I’m trying to build a calculated member (see below script) using “Except” function but I get an error result:

#Error The  function expects a string or numeric expression for the  argument. A tuple set expression was used.

My idea is to take a measure and exclude 2 members from the dimension.

I tried using “Aggregate” but got the error:

#Error Query (3, 1) Aggregate functions cannot be used on calculated members in the Measures dimension.

Please note that my measure is ACD that is already calculated average in olap and I can’t use AVG function instead of Aggregate. What can I do? 


member [Measures].[AppOrig All Roaming]
[Source IP Location].[Country Name].[All].children,{
[Source IP Location].[Country Name].&[Colombia]

[Code] ....

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Analysis :: Two Sets Specified In UNION Function Have Different Dimensional

May 14, 2015

I am using following Query to get data from Cube for some dates and Quarters at single time, but I am getting an error "Two sets Specified in the UNION function have different dimensional".

MEMBER [Measures].[Data Value1] 
AS [Measures].[Average Value]
([DimPeriodType].[Period Type Key].&[1],[DimDate].[Date Key].&[20150428],[DimEnergyCalculated Ratio].[Calc Ratio Key].&[1],[Measures].[Data


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SP2 Change To Aggregate Function With Analysis Services Datasource

Mar 29, 2007

There's a change in SP2 that I'm very happy about, but it took me by surprise since I haven't seen it documented or discussed:

Can somebody on the SSRS product team double check me that I've written that up right? That seems like a pretty important change and I can't see it mentioned in BOL anywhere.

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Analysis :: Statistical Function Results In Calculated Members

Jul 8, 2015

I'm working with the statistical functions Stdev and Median with calculated members.  The only way I can get the "correct" answer is if I have a dimension at the same granularity as the Fact table (Actually it's a degenerate dimension of the FACT table itself).  Otherwise it seems that the measure I'm using with Stdev returns results that are so wildly high, I think it must be acting on the SUM of the measure; because the measure itself is a Summed one. When I try to use the coordinates in the Stdev function, it seems like it is using the wrong set of data points :

stdev( ( [Date].[Date].[Date].members, [Parameter].[Parameter].[Parameter].members ), [Measures].[Value])  returns answers in the thousands when it should be more like 2.5

When used with a query, there would only be a single date member and a specific parameter member.  The total number of fact records is between 200 and 500 with values that range between 0 and 150.  This is the version that gives me answers that resemble the total sum of the [Measures].[Value].

If I add the dimension that is essentially a row number from the fact table, it gives the right answer (slowly, but that will be a different post ....

stdev( ( [Date].[Date].[Date].members, [Parameter].[Parameter].[Parameter].members, [FACTTable].[FACTTable].[KeyField].members ), [Measures].[Value])

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Analysis :: Limiting Sum Function To Only Evaluate The Data In Slicer

May 22, 2015

I am having trouble limiting a sum function to only evaluate the data in the slicer. I need a sum of data calculated per employee and when there is a slicer of one employee my measure still evaluates all employee. For example:

MEMBER [Measures].[TotalEmpHours] AS
SUM([Employee].[Employee].members, [Measures].[Actual Ovt Hours])

[Code] ....

The above reports the overtime for one employee in [Measures].[Actual Ovt Hours], I expected [Measures].

[TotalEmpHours] to be the same as there is only one employee in the slicer select. The real measure is the minimum of two values for each employee.

This is a simplified example but I think it should work.Is there another construct to iterate the employee set? I have no control over the query as it is from a pivot grid. If the filter (employee) is leftmost in the row area, then it works because the employee ends up in the row part of the query.

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Analysis :: Range Function - How To Get Last 60 Days Before A Month Starts

Apr 20, 2015

I am trying to get the last 60 days before a month starts. I have a set that is returned from the query below :

   non empty
   [Measures].[TRANSACTIONS Count] on 0,
   non empty ([TRANSACTIONS].[Days].[Days],                                                          
                                     [TRANSACTIONS].[Transaction Month].[Transaction Month])  on 1 from [cube]   

I can get the cummulative count of last 60 days before month 2 by hardcoding the day of transaction of start of month like below :

 [Measures].[Cumm Account Count]
    AGGREGATE( [TRANSACTIONS].[Days].CurrentMember:NULL ,[Measures].[TRANSACTIONS Count])

   non empty [Measures].[Cumm Account Count] on 0,
   non empty [TRANSACTIONS].[Days].&[3]:[TRANSACTIONS].[Days].&[3].lead(60) on 1 from  [cube];
and for subsequent months by using the dates that the following month starts. How can I achieve the above result without having to use the day numbers, I tried to use the tail function (to get the months and star date) but it wont work because the range function  accepts members only...

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Analysis :: PeriodsToDate Function Return Nothing In Calculated Measures

Aug 28, 2015

I am new one in MDX. Our PeriodsToDate function does not return any value. We have set type property of our Date Dimension as time.Actually CURRENT MEMBER does not return a valid value. So our PeriodsToDate function fail.

With MEMBER [Measures].[YTD  Actual]
                [DimDate].[CalendarHierarchyDateLevel].[Calendar Year]


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How Would I Get A Subset Of This?

Apr 30, 2008

I have an employee table (empl), and a labor table (lab). The labor table is populated whenever an employee clocks in/out. If an employee does not clock in, they do not appear in the labor table.

I need to capture employees whose time is less than 8 hours, or whoever did not log in at all that date. If I run the following query without a WHERE clause, I get all of my employees, with NULL data in the labor table if they did not log in that day. This is good.

However, if I add

WHERE (DATEDIFF(s, tt.StartTime, tt.EndTime) < 28800) OR (tt.StartTime = NULL)

I get all employees whose time is less than 8 hours, but do not get any of the employees who did not work at all that date, and that's expected... there should NEVER be a NULL in the labor table - it is populated whenever somebody clocks in/out.

So, how would I query the resulting table to get those that worked less than 8 hours, and those that did not?

DATEDIFF(s, tt.StartTime, tt.EndTime) as Seconds

FROM (select
empl.EmpNum as EmpNo,
empl.FFName as FirstName,
empl.FLName as LastName
empl where empl.ftermdate IN ('1900-01-01 00:00:00.000') AS et

LEFT JOIN (select
MIN(lab.StartDt) as StartTime,
MAX(lab.EndDt) as EndTime,
lab.WorkDt as WorkDate,
lab.EmpNum as EmpNo
lab where lab.WorkDt in ('2008-03-03 00:00:00.000')
group by lab.WorkDT, lab.EmpNum) AS TT

ON et.EmpNo = tt.EmpNo

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Analysis :: Count Function Taking More Time To Get Count From Parent Child Dimension?

May 25, 2015

below data,










in my count function,my code look like,

 set buyerset as exists(dimcustomer.leval02.allmembers,custoertypeisRetailers,"Sales")
set saleset(buyerset)
set custdimensionfilter as {custdimensionmemb1,custdimensionmemb2,custdimensionmemb3,custdimensionmemb4}
set finalset as exists(salest,custdimensionfilter,"Sales")
Set ProdIP as dimproduct.dimproduct.prod1
set Othersset as (cyears,ProdIP)
(exists(([FINALSET],Othersset,dimension2.dimension2.item3),[DimCustomerBuyer].[ParentPostalCode].currentmember, "factsales")).count

it will take 12 to 15 min to execute.

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Dont Think Discretization Function Is Necessary On The Analysis Service Server In SQL Server 2005

Apr 28, 2006

Hi, all here,

I am just wondering about the Discretization function available on analysis service server (which can not actually discretize data into user-defined expressions) . Isnt it redundant ? I mean since users can discretize their data more meaningfully based on their own expressions in database engine of SQL Server 2005.

Thanks a lot.

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&"Pivot&" Function Or Analysis Service For SS2K??

Jun 7, 2007

I am relatively new to SQL-Server. I was working in a company that used SS2005. Now I am with a company and client where SS2K is my only option. I know SS2005 had Analysis Services which allowed building hypercubes but I never got the chance to learn about it or use it. I am not that familiar with what SS2K has.

I have no access to any OLAP tools. I have MS-Access and MS-Excel. My SQL-Server database has to crunch a table with thousands of rows.

Having worked with MS-Access and MS-Excel for a long time, I know how powerful creating a pivot table is. I heard that SQL2005 had a T-SQL PIVOT function but never had the opportunity to use it.

Know I have the need to do this in SQL2000.

I have a lot of data so the method shown in BOL for cross-tab won't help me. The client changes the "column" and "header" categories on a regular basis, so I need something that will allow me to NOT hard code them but choose them dynamically like one would do in a hypercube.

I have more than 5 categories for "row headers". I have currency for the data to aggregate. I have "pay periods" (26 of them) for my "column" headers, but not all 26 will be present until Dec 31, so that part has to be dynamic.

Is there any feature in the standard S2K that allows one to create anything like a pivot table without massive coding (T-SQL function or technique or something like a hypercube ability)?

Can you point me to something on the web that would explain how to get started?

Many thanks ahead of time from a newbie!

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Max Col In A Table Subset

May 1, 2007

hi i have a table as follows:

col1 col2 col3
2 BB 2
1 AB 3
3 CA 3
1 AC 1
2 BA 4
3 CB 2
2 BC 6
1 AA 2
3 CC 5

i want to output the whole row of each unique col1 where its col3 is max, so that i will get the ff result set
1 AB 3
2 BC 6
3 CC 5

i have an idea which is to use a cursor but i don't know the best/fastest way of doing it.
thanks heaps in advance!

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Subset A Dataset

Jul 11, 2007

I am trying to exclude patients from a dataset. There are multiple records per patid in this dataset. I have the following code:

FROM meds INNER JOIN patient ON meds.PATID = patient.PATID
WHERE (((meds.MEDTYPE) Not In ("FI (Fusion Inhibitor)","NNUC (","Non-nucleoside","NRTI & NNUC","NRTI (Nucleoside/tide Rev","PI (Protease Inhibitor)")));

I want to exclude all patient records if the patient had any of the above exclusions ever. If they have the exclusion if one record get rid of the rest of the records for that patient. Right now the code only excludes the particular record.

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Use DISTINCT On Subset Of All Fields

Jul 5, 2001

My table contains customer records with multiple records per customer. As a result of a query, Im only interested in one record per customer with the highest value of a certain field in the record.

I thought of using DISTINCT, but can I use DISTINCT on a subset of all fields? Or sort the table in a certain way that the query result only shows the first unique records for a customer.

Other ideas are welcome to.

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Updates All Records Instead Of A Subset?

Dec 28, 2012

I am trying to update a small subset of records of a given table (TRValue) using the records contained in ParcelTemp. The difficult part is getting the summation from a child file, TRGreen, for those same parcels contained in ParcelTemp. Instead of updating just a few records, all the records in TRValue are being updated, with the wrong values of course!

Basically, Update records in TRValue that are equal to:

Year = P.Year
Code = 'LG01'
Parcel = P.Parcel

with the summation of child records where the child records needed are:

Year = P.Year
Parcel = P.Parcel

Acres = SumAcres,
CurrentMarket = SumMarket,
CurrentTaxable = SumTaxable,
CurrentTaxAmt = ((SumTaxable * D.CertifiedRate) + 0.50)
FROM ParcelTemp P


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Picking A Representative Subset?

Feb 5, 2013

The problem is to find a subset of rows such that each value in each of two columns (animals and food brands in this example) appears in at least one row. The purpose is to produce a set of samples from a large table. The table has a animal_name column and an food_brand column; I want a set of samples that contains at least one of each animal_name and at least one of each food_brand, but no more than necessary.

CREATE TABLE Feeding_Options
animal_name VARCHAR (10) NOT NULL,
food_brand VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO Feeding_Options
(6401715, 'rat', 'IAMS'),


To frame the problem better, her are the values in each column:

animals = {'rat', 'dog', 'cat', 'fish', 'fox'}
food = {'IAMS', 'Sci Diet', 'Purina', 'Alpo'}

In this data, (6401715, 'rat', 'IAMS') and (1058337, 'rat', 'IAMS') are interchangeable, as are some of the other rows. There can be more than one minimal solution whcihmight be the whole set.

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Select A Subset Of Data

Feb 13, 2007

How would I write a select statement that would return multiple fields in a records based on a a distinct of one of those fiels.


Table Name : Sales Table
Field Name : Name Address Phone Zip Sale
Rec1: Peter Smith 12 Market St 999-999-9999 12345 99.99
Rec2: John Jones 73 Broadway 999-999-8888 12345 12.34
Rec3: Charle Brown 42 Peanuts Ave 999-999-7777 12345 34.56
Rec4: Peter Smith 12 Market St 999-999-6666 12345 67.89
Rec5: John Jone 73 Broadway 999-999-5555 12345 36.52

How would I be able to return the columns Name Address and Phone based on the distinct of Name.

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Same Table - Subset Of Info

Oct 25, 2007

I'm beating my head up against a wall here. I have one very LARGE table called op_hist.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[op_hist] (
[op_trnbr] [int] NOT NULL ,
[op_type] [varchar] (80) ,
[op_date] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[op_act_setup] [decimal](38, 10) NULL ,
[op_act_run] [decimal](38, 10) NULL ,
[op_qty_comp] [decimal](38, 10) NULL ,
[op_wkctr] [varchar] (80) ,
[op_part] [varchar] (30)


I need to be able to sum items grouped by op_wkctr and op_part and op_date. Here's my latest version which of course does not work.

SELECT op_wkctr, pcs, hrs.b
SELECT op_part, SUM(op_qty_comp) as pcs
FROM dbo.op_hist
where op_type='BACKFLSH'
group by op_hist.op_part


SELECT op_part, SUM(op_act_setup + op_act_run) as b
FROM dbo.op_hist
where op_type='LABOR'
group by op_hist.op_part
) AS hrs
ON op_hist.op_part = hrs.op_part
where (op_wkctr = 'P-P36' or op_wkctr = 'P-P38' or op_wkctr='P39') and op_date ='10/22/07'

Help me oby one - you're my only hope.


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Incrementing Within A Group/Subset

Oct 6, 2006

I could do this even with my limited knowledge of SQL but I'm surethere's a slick way that might be dead easy. My way hardly seems worththe effort . If not thanks anywayCol1Col2Col3QWQWQWQAQBQBQXWQXWQXWQXAQXBQXBEvery time there is a change of group (Col1 and Col2), I want to startand increment Col3 so I end up with;Col1Col2Col3QW001QW002QW003QA001QB001QB002QXW001QXW002QXW003QXA001QXB001QXB002

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SQL Server On A Subset Of Processors

Jul 10, 2006

Can I install SQL Server on a machine and use less than the # of processor on the machine. In a UNIX world, I'd call it LPARing with Oracle and AIX, and they only let me do this with Enterprise Edition. With Windows, I think the only way is using virtual machines and attaching processors to them? Do any vendors offering LPARing? Can I take any edition of SQL Server and subcapacity price so that I only pay for the processors I'm using?

What about SS Express? It only scheds to a single core - so could I put that on a larger machine?


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Calculate Check Digit On Subset Of Ids

Jul 17, 2006

how do i calculate all the checkdigits for a subset of ids and return all the ids and checkdigits? basic calculation isn't the problem, just how to select the ids and utilize the ids in the calc. I am new to trying to do calculations on data.

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Selecting The First Instance Of Each Record From A Subset

May 21, 2001


I'm sure this is an easy problem but my brain is fried today...however how do I do the following:

I have a two column table. One is a key field where duplicates can arise and the other is a datetime field. So you might have some records looking like this:

1231999-06-14 12:17:11.000
1231999-06-14 12:17:31.310
1231999-06-14 12:17:31.000
1231999-06-14 12:22:56.000
1231999-06-14 12:22:58.000
8901999-06-15 10:00:18.000
8901999-06-15 10:03:30.340
8901999-06-15 10:03:30.000
8901999-06-15 10:03:40.000

OK, how do I get the top 1 of each key so that I get a subset of records looking like the following:
1231999-06-14 12:17:11.000
8901999-06-15 10:00:18.000

Thanks in advance


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Transfer Of Subset Of Data To/from Notebook

Mar 25, 2004

I have a need to dump a subset of a database from the server (SQL Server) to a notebook via the network, for data entry to be done on the notebook when it is in the field & not connected to the network & then the changes made to this data on the notebook to be applied to the database on the server.

The application for the front end to this is in Access. Would MSDE be the way to go for the database on the notebook ?

It's a small application with not many users, likelihood of conflicting edits is small.

Would the data transfer best be done with replication or with DTS ?
Presumably replication would allow options for control over conflicts, such as the same bit of data being changed on the server & on the notebooks copy of the data ?

I need guidance re direction to head in with this.


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Count Of Contacts - Data Subset?

Jan 29, 2014

I am trying to get counts of contacts.

So how do I subset, to gain a the accounts with the products then query to gain the contact counts from those accounts?

But for some reason it's giving me counts of products.

select distinct
a.region__c as [Region],
count(c.Contact_ID) as [Contact Count]
from vwContact c

[Code] .....

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Nth Subset Of Data From Current Table

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I was wondering if you guys have any nth script to reads from tableand outputs into a temp table subset of records. There was a nth toolI used to use it was GROUP1 which was written in C and it used to bevery fast on nth -in a flat file. In this program we used to pass fewparamaeters. For example if I want 30,000 records from the file of500,000. The function seams to work something like this. you dividethe 30,000 records of 500,000 which will result with .090909090909.Now we would pass only the first 7 digit (0909090) as parameter thatwould nth the file down to 30,000 records. This function allwaysworked whichever number you use as long as the read file is largerthan output fileI like to use the similar concept in Sql Server and I was wondering ifanyone has any script to do this or how to go about this?Thank you. I appreciate your feedbackagron

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