Analysis :: Tabular Dynamic Security With Multiple Values

Aug 6, 2015

It seems simple but I'm not able to make it works. I've got a fact table with sites (DimImplantation) with allowed users (DimDroit) :

1 user can have access to many sites. I've tried these codes but only one worked and only in case where the user had only one site :

a) =DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]= LOOKUPVALUE (DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID]; DimDroit[Utilisateur];USERNAME() ) ==> worked for 1user with 1 site

b) =DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]= LOOKUPVALUE (DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID]; DimDroit[Utilisateur];USERNAME(); DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID];DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID] ) ==> doesn't work and says 'not able to to identifie the value of DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]
in the current context.

c) CALCULATE(VALUES(DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID], SUMMARIZE('DimDroit',DimDroit[Utilisateur]), DimDroit[Utilisateur]=USERNAME()) ==> version for  SQL2012. I've had 'End of input reached'.

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular - Dynamic Security Roles - Mixing Together DAX Filters

Oct 10, 2015

I have two different roles, each one with a dax filter. One is for filtering users that access by Excel, and other for filtering users that access by Reporting Services, respectively:


To create only one role that serves Excel and Reporting Services users, is it viable to use only the || (OR) operator?, is there any other regard i should take?

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular And SSRS - Implementing Security

Oct 1, 2015

i would like to pose a question, when a user do a login in SSRS server,is  it possible to pass the username to SSAS tabular, to implement security? I've tested using USERNAME() creating a role that relates USERNAME() with a dim user username, but now i need to implement it with the username used in SSRS server. 

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Analysis :: Show Grand Total When Using SSAS Tabular Role Security Permission

Oct 30, 2015

If user want to see the grand total for a measure with include all members, even though the user has limited access for that member, so how we can do using DAX?For example, let’s say the total revenue for all the divisions in a cube is $15,000. You create a role called “Division A”, and set it up so members of that role can only see the revenue for Division A, which totals $3,000. If you use a front-end tool like Excel to access the cube and use the division hierarchy to see the total revenue, you will see the revenue of $3000 for Division A, but also want to see the Grand Total for the revenue as $15,000How we can achieve above scenerio in tabular model (DAX).

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Analysis :: DAX - Dynamic Masking Of Information Based On Role Security

Oct 2, 2015

I have a business requirement to build a tabular data model, where I need to mask information of other Agents from a given Agent but I still need to show the overall sales of the given product. 

For eg: IF an Agent is in APAC region he should see APAC region sales and also should be able see the sales of the same product in other region without knowing region specific break down.

For Agent  "Tom" in APAC region, the numbers will look like this
APAC_Sales = 100,000
Other_Sales = 500,000

And if "John" is in NA region, then the number will look like this for him

NA_Sales     = 200,000
Other_Sales = 400,000

I wanted to create "Roles" based on the Region, so all the agents belong to "APAC" region will have same view as Tom and "NA" region agents will have John's view.

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Analysis :: Dynamic Default Values For Parameter

Nov 11, 2015

I am trying to write a query for the default values for month, and I am stuck in bringing out only the parameter values, the query I have , brings back the month on row and value on column, and I am trying to get the value out. and will ssrs accept it as a valid expression for a default value


[Code] .....

I tried using the exp


so as to return the first parameter in the parameter dataset , but i have the error the expression that ref the parameter MONTH does not exists in the parameter collection.

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Analysis :: Dynamic Values In XMLA To Incrementally Update Cube Processing

Nov 10, 2015

I am trying to incrementally update a Cube to get near real time data for the end users. Currently we have a Sql server agent Job that does a FullProcess on the Cube. The Cube consists of a single Measure group which is simply one named query containing inner joins of all the dimensions and fact tables in the underlying relational database. The end users have a lot to upload during the day and they would like us to refresh the cube (near real time) to ensure the adjustments are loaded so that they could reconcile their daily PnLs. We have a MeasureId added which is an auto increment column in the Measures table.

I am trying to schedule the below XMLA query in Sql server agent Job and schedule it to run every 15mins or even less (if possible). However it seems to be not working and keep throwing all sorts of errors.

DECLARE @LastMeasureId AS INT, @myXMLA nvarchar(max)
SELECT @LastMeasureId = "[Measures].[Maximum Measures Id]" FROM
'DATA SOURCE=L68F728326574; Initial Catalog=GMDR;',
'SELECT NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Maximum Measures Id]} ON COLUMNS FROM [GMDR]');

[Code] ....

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Analysis :: Default Multiple Values For A Parameter

Nov 5, 2015

I am trying to select some values as default for a parameter, I add my data set,add my parameter then I  select the values in the default pane, when I run the report I get :

'the default value expression for the query parameter contains an error[BC30451] name is not declared.

When I look at the expression of the default parameter (in the report data pane under the specify values) it appears like

=new Object() {[Sty].[ST].&[1], [Sty].[ST]..&[15]}
with a red scrible under the () 

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Analysis :: Doing Intersect When Filtering Multiple Values On Single Dimension

May 29, 2015

Link : [URL] .....

This provides a good example for my situation. In this example, you will see a Movie dimension with four attributes; Genre, Language, Movie, and Theme. I have a similar setup except mine is Top Level Hierarchy>Categories>Values which are all under the one hierarchy.

My Question: I have the dimension setup as a multi-value parameter in one of my reports. When I filter on a value in Genre and in Language, it provides all values from that genre and all values from that language. I really only want the values that include both.

Genre - Western: Movie1, Movie2, Movie3
Language - English: Movie2, Movie4, Movie5

If I filter on Western and English, I get Movie1-5 when all I really want is Movie2 only. Is there any way to have this do an Intersect within the same dimension or do I have to build each one out into its own dimension?

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Analysis :: How To Filter Tabular Perspectives

Oct 5, 2015

I have been living in the T-SQL world for years, and am working on my first Tabular model.

I have a fact table that I would like to use for many reports. My idea is that I would use Perspectives in the tabular model to pull in the columns that I need for each purpose. In some cases, I also need to filter out some rows. Is there a way to filter perspectives? The only solution I am coming up with is to create views in SQL Server and import the fact table multiple times for each purpose. That doesn't seem very efficient.

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Analysis :: Tabular Refreshed Automatically?

Jun 18, 2015

My boss and I attended the SQL conference in Vegas a few years ago. He remembers a session on tabular where the presenter said when the underlying table that tabular is built on changes, it automatically refreshes the tabular db.  Now that we're working on a tabular project I'm looking around for this information and don't find anything like that happens.  From what I can see, the refresh either has to be scheduled from a task, or manually refreshed by right-clicking the db and selecting "process db".  He said the session presenter was a Microsoft Program Manager too.  Is there any truth to what he remembers? 

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Analysis :: Tabular Model - Optimization

Jul 2, 2013

I have a Tabular model, it has 8 tables , 7 of the tables process in 3 mins, but the main table is 22.3gb in size//I am processing the table on a 64 bit pc with 8 gb ram to the local instance from a Production server//At this rate it will take days to process the Main table 22.3gb, the main table was running off a view but I have inserted the data into TableA and updated the model///Only other optimization process I can think of is copying TableA to my local machine but the performance to the Server on the network is not an issue.I am just process the main table for the last 4 hrs and it is only at 11.7 mill records out of 124 mill total @ this rate it will take 44 hours

Size: 22342752 KB
TABLE [dbo].[StagingTablevwKeyEventsfact](
[PKID] [bigint]

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Analysis :: Tabular - DAX - SUMMARIZE And RANKX

Sep 2, 2015

According to the book "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services - The BISM Tabular Model" (pages 276 and 277) the following DAX query should work. However, I'll get a rank of 1 returned for every product name. My impression is that ALL doesn't block the context transition for product name. Because there is nothing in the errata, I might do something wrong!? The second query is just a workaround giving the correct result.

        'Internet Sales',
        Product[Product Name],

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Analysis :: Tabular Refresh Times Out

Aug 3, 2015

SQL 2014...In SSDT, as I'm developing my tabular model I often add new columns to the underlying table/view that feeds my model.  When I go into Table/Table Properties, select the new column I've added then hit OK it spins and spins then times out.  My model has just over 1 million records.  The only way I can get it to work is to delete the table and then add it in again.

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Analysis :: Convert Tabular Model To Multidimensional

Sep 25, 2015

We have a requirement to convert Tabular model to Multidimensional as few functionalists like actions does not support in tabular. Looking for list of things needs to take care to convert tabular solution to Multidimensional.

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Analysis :: Tabular DAX / Calculate SUM Against Unrelated Table?

Nov 4, 2015

I tried using the page below but wasn't able to quite properly adapt it to my scenario


I have two UNRELATED (can't be related for reasons outside the scope of this, other relationships already exist) tables.

Each table does, however, contain a WorkerID:


WorkerID, HoursLogged, Date

Then the unrelated table "ConstructionSites"

SiteID, SiteManagerID, SiteOpen,SiteClosed
A5, 3,2015-01-01,BLANK

What I want to do is be able to show a measure that SUMS the number of hours logged by anyone who is a SiteManager from the ConstructionSites table.

I wanted to do a SUMX of WorkerTimesheets against HoursLogged, but FILTER against WorkerTimesheets[WorkerID] = ConstructionSites[SiteManagerID] so only workers who are also SiteManager would be counted.However, I can't seem to get that to resolve it always throws an error along the lines that it can't determine context.

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Analysis :: Adding KPI To SSAS Tabular Perspective

Aug 1, 2012

SQL Server Data Tools within VS 2010 Shell.2012 SASS in Tabular Mode.I've created a Measure and KPI in my fact table.  I've created a perspective named "Summary"  When selecting the fields and measures for display in the perspective, the measure is available, but not the KPI (target, status, etc.). When Analyzing in Excel with the Summary perspective, the KPI is not available in the field list. When analyzing in Excel with the (default) perspective, the KPI is available.As far as I can tell, there is no way to select a KPI within the perspective window. 

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Analysis :: Creating Tabular Model On OLTP

Nov 4, 2015

I have been looking at implementing a tabular model based on an OLTP database that's not dimensional. I know that this is possible but during my proof of concept I have encountered numerous problems ...

The things that I have run into are: After setting up the relationships I have found that measures filter context don't propagate along the relationships as I would expect. if the measure is coming from a target table and not a source then an ALL member is returned ( as in multi dimensional when a dimension isn't related to a measure group). Given the lay out of an OLTP database this will be hard to avoid.

One thing I have done to try an mitigate the above problem is to combine the tables used for measures in a view and using that in the source to connect to the rest of the tables. however due to the tables being of different grains this has then created duplication in some of the keys and measures. so the keys cant be used in relationships and the measures aren't accurate.

Are these things other people have come across? or should I give up the ghost and just recommend using dimensional models for the source? is tabular just geared towards a DW the same as multidimensional?

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Analysis :: Server Tabular And Power BI In Azure?

May 12, 2015

getting a complete Microsoft DW/BI (Tabular), Power BI and Office enviroment up running. I am a (Microsoft) DW/BI manager and want to learn about the latest Microsoft DW/BI (SQL Server Tabular) and Power BI (Power Pivot, Power View, ...). To save time & access from anywhere, I thought I could use Windows Azure but quickly got lost in the Azure preview and market place! I even contacted the Windows Azure team and that didn't clarify things.

So, how to get a SQL Server (2014) environment with all DW/BI (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, Data Mining) technologies together with Power BI and Excel working? If so, how to get started.If this is not possible on Azure and it has to be done on Window, what do I need to install for the Power BI stuff (to work with Tabular)? I already have SQL Server 2014 and Office Pro Plus installed natively on my Windows machine.

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Analysis :: Deploying Tabular Model Drops Records

Oct 22, 2015

I'm using SQL Server 2012 Bi edition.

I created a model in Visual Studio 2012 and when I process the model, most tables (the ones that should) process 77,546 records and that is reflected in VS.

However, when I deploy the model to the server it is only deploying 76,500 records for those tables.

Where those 1,046 records went to? Is there a setting that limits the records to be deployed? My base tables in the Data Mart have 77,546 records, just as in my Visual Studio model.

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Analysis :: SSAS 2014 - How To Change Mode To Tabular

Nov 13, 2015

I have a new 2014 SSAS installation.  During VS2013 Tabular Project create I get an error Cannot connect, Reason The workspace database on server ***** is not running in tabular mode.I've changed    msmdsrv.ini  - DeploymentMode>2...The server wont start.

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular Stand Alone Table In Excel

Jul 16, 2015

I am working with SSAS Tabular. I have a stand alone table with 60 columns and contains 120K records. Table size is 250MB. And trying to build a tabular report out of it and it is taking longer and throwing exception, screenshot attached.

It might be cross-join issues, as workaround created a dummy measure and using in report. But it working for 10-20 k records and beyond throwing same exception. I have 8 GB RAM and 100 GB free disk space.

Customer wanted it in SSAS Tabular...

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular - Preview Of Calculation Not Working

Oct 30, 2015

Does any1 know why preview of a DAX calculation does not work? I mean once you enter the calculation in the bottom of the table it doesnt´t show up.

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Analysis :: Processing SSAS Tabular Model Automatically

Oct 18, 2012

how can i automatically update my tabular model in the future when there's an update in my database.

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular - Grouping In Excel Grayed Out?

Nov 10, 2015

I have a Tabular data model and I'm returning a measure that counts employees (each row is an employee) and then a calculated column in the model that gets SeniorityInMonths.

So if an employee was hired exactly 1 year ago, they would have 12 in this column.

I want to group these into bins, but the Group option is grayed out.

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Analysis :: Tabular Not Possible To Use Order As Per Database In Pivot Table

Aug 25, 2015

We couldn't find a way to show row/column members in the order as in the database. The Pivot table always applies alphabetical sorting: 

Is there really no way to show items as per database order?

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Analysis :: Tabular - Filter / Search For A Specific Measure Value?

May 14, 2015

One of my models has order data, cost per order/invoice ID and then dimensions on Fiscal Year, category, etc...the usual.

A user wanted to search it for an exact order amount.  (They knew for example that one of our accounts was not balancing by single order worth $746.13 and assumed it must be an order that was placed but never marked shipped that slipped through the cracks).

Now, in the model I have "order amount" as a field and then a measure that sums that.

I could expose that "order amount" field as a label and let them filter on it in Excel (and that works).

However, I haven't had any luck filtering on the actual measure "Total Order Amount".  Such as OrderID-> View Filter -> "Total Order Amount" equals 746.13.

I assume this is due to a few things:

Measure calculates at different levels so filtering on a measure is difficult as you would have to place all the "slicers" and set them first before the measure would "exist" at a level where it could be $746.13.  Orders by year would have $746.13 as part of it's year sum, but wouldn't exist as a stand alone line item orders by year 2015 might be 2 million. 

Orders by category might exist at 500,000, 8,000, 15,146.36, etc... but not $746.13.

So I would need OrderID on there as a column so the measure could return at the value of $746.13 for one row for it to match the filter?

1. Why it can't really filter on a measure?
2. Is there a better way to accomplish this other than exposing the actual column in the fact table "order amount" as it feels like that could cause all kinds of confusion if other users try to slice/filter on that not realizing exactly what it is meant to be?

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Analysis :: Ignore Unrelated Dimensions In Tabular Model

Jul 11, 2013

how to set 'Ignore Unrelated Dimensions' property in Tabular Model.

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular Model Processing Error

Nov 4, 2015

I get the following error while processing a SSAS tabular model (2014) on a new server.The SSAS service on this server is running under a login which has access to the SQL server data sources. I tried changing the provider to OLEDB from SQLCLNI11 in the connection string but that doesn't work too. The error message isn't useful to debug further.

The cube processing succeeds on a different server. I scripted out the cube DB and ran it on the new server and am trying to process full but it fails with the following error.

Error Message:
The operation failed because the source database does not exist, the source table does not exist, or because you do not have access to the data source.

More Details:
OLE DB or ODBC error: A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.

For more information see SQL Server Books Online.; 08001; SSL Provider: No credentials are available in the security package

; 08001; Client unable to establish connection; 08001; Encryption not supported on the client.; 08001.
A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'd7a37dae-be87-44e0-a8b2-498069af82c9', Name of 'connection name'.
An error occurred while processing the partition 'XXXX_460f3467-1a99-4dc9-aaf2-bcf3d54a5c4c' in table 'XXXX_460f3467-1a99-4dc9-aaf2-bcf3d54a5c4c'.

The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed. The operation failed because the source database does not exist, the source table does not exist, or because you do not have access to the data source.

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Analysis :: SSAS DAX - Tabular Model Deployment / Given Key Was Not Present In Dictionary

Jun 2, 2015

We are working on implementing DAX formula(s) on our tabular model (SSAS 2012). When we tried to deploy the solution, deployment wizard giving us then below error:The given key was not present in the dictionary...I checked all the formula(s) that we recently implemented and all looks fine.

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Analysis :: Processing / Deploying Adventure Works Tabular Cube

Sep 14, 2015

I am trying to create a Adventure Works Tabular cube in my developing machine and im having problems deploying the tabular cube (the DW database was firstly attached without problems)

So I'm having problems processing Adventure Works Tabular Cube, the problems are somewhere between SSAS project configuration and running privileges, i think. I'll describe exactly where i am:

- in SSMS 2012, connections, tables and roles and roles are empty, i only have the full name of the database when I try to process i get an error "the table with id of "product category 92583829......", Name of Product Category refereced by the model Cube, does not exist. An error ocurred when loading the model cube, '?c:program filesmicrosoft
sql serverMSAS11.MSSQLSERVEROLAPDataAdventureWorks Tabular model SQL 2012.0.dbModel.21.cub.xml'. (Microsoft AnalysisServices.)"

- in SQL Server configuration Manager, I have
Sql Server (MSSQLSERVER) running with account NT ServiceMSSQLSERVER
Sql Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) running with account .L.ABCDE , which is my account, i've changed because i've read somewhere that i could have problems with privileges.

(Note: it's strange because SSAS is tabular, i can see a blue rectangle (sort of) in SSMS but in configurator manager seems to be a cube.)

- in SSAS Project i unzip a clean copy of the project and the first error is that BIM file can't be found, it try's to find server TOSHIBA_S50_BTAB, but as i have only tabular SSAS running, i replace for TOSHIBA_S50... And some time ago it worked, now it doesn't even found TOSHIBA_S50_B?!!!!

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Analysis :: Where Are Tools To Allow To Connect To Server And Work With Tabular Models

Jun 10, 2015

I see we can install SQL Server 2016 CTP2 and Tabular SSAS.However, where are the tools to allow us to connect to the server and work with the tabular models?Supporting features such as bi directional filtering, etc..The existing SSDT BI tools for 2014 don't contain those additional features (editing relationship filtering direction for example).

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular Model In DirectQuery Mode Clients

Jun 27, 2015

I'm working on a Tabular model at my job since the users have a requirement to query against a live data source. I've been looking online for clients that issue DAX as opposed to MDX to the model, but besides SSRS and Power View, I could not find anything else. Any other client side interfaces to a DirectQuery Tabular model?

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