Any Ideas On Implementing Camel Casing For Table Data

Nov 13, 2007


Can any one give me some ideas of implementing camel casing for table data

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Camel Case

May 31, 2007

I need to display text in camel case e.g. How Are You....Because of some deign limitation i can't make chnages in my SP. So i need to do it ar SSRS end....Pl let me know if y know the ans...Thanks

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Implementing Inheritance For Hierarchical Data

Oct 12, 2007

in my application, the data is in hierarchical format. there is a tree with set of nodes having parent child relationships. this data can be stored either through adjacency or nested set model approach. this is fine. but the issue here is that each child node inherits the properties of its parent node, parent's parent node and so on until the root node. lets say root node has two attributes A1 and A2 and they are stored in two columns in a table. but its child nodes inherits this data from its parent and it has its own extra attributes. so should I copy parent's data for the child node as two additional columns? the problem is that there are around 15 levels in the tree and the attribute list grows from top to bottom in the tree. lets say I need to find all the attributes for a leaf node in the tree (both direct and inherited), if I am not storing the inherited attributes for each node, then I need to walk-up the tree and find all the inherited attributes. there are around 30K nodes and each node has around ten attributes. xml is not option because of large volumes of data and auditing and reporting on individual nodes. what is the best way to store this type of data? my current approach is to have an attribute table having nodeid as a foreign key and only store the direct and NOT the inherited attributes of the node in the table, but this means to find all the attributes for the node, I need to gather the attributes of all the parents until the root node. I can't see any easy way out for this.

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Ideas Needed For This Problem (table Structure)

Feb 28, 2008

  In my database i have some tables and some are Client, ClientUser, Plan and Platform. We have different products that we offer..
The Client table consits of the following
ClientId  ClientName Contact Platform, Address
 1       abc       johnDoe, 1 anywhere street
2   bca doe john NULL street address and so on..
Client User.
UserId ClientId Lastname Firstname Login Password Active
 1        1       doe            John        abc    XXXX   True
 2        1       abc           kjd          ldkf     XXXX   True
3          2       dfdkjf           jdkfjdl   kdll     XXXX true
Plan table
PlanId  ClientId userId Planname ....
1           1         1        abc plan name
2           1          2        abc planname
So on and so forth
PlatformId   Name
 1              ACC
So my question is in the Plan we have different plans from different user and some of them will be of same client but different Platform or products...
So Platform ACC is some kinda extract where the user get some DBF files and imports it.. where as in the other product they are typed in manually. so how do i differentiate between the two products in the Plan table.. I was thinking of considering this approach.
In the User table add a column called PlatformId too so that in my sproc i can differentiate with it.. so does it make sense to add to the Plan table...
any ideas are appreciated..

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Importing Excel Data Into MS SQL Problems-Any Ideas?

Apr 29, 2004

My issue involves importing data from excel into MS SQL properly.

Currently I am using MSSQL Standard Edition, ASP Pages and VBScript together to allow users of my site to upload excel sheets with a specific column header arrangement and the subsequent data below.

The issue I am having is that even with the data formatted (General, text, or any other ways I have tried), MS SQL still does not recognize most of the data in the cells. Mainly data in the first column, the rest of the columns seem not to have as much of an issue.

Problem being is that the data consists of numbers and letters, more specifically part numbers. These part numbers can be a wide range of combinations of say 12HJ78UY-001 or NT78E64AA. If it is pure numbers such as 0983465, then it imports perfect, but if there are numbers and letters mixed then MS SQL places a <NULL> in the field instead.

I thought it was the VBScript, so I took one of the excel files and manually imported it into its own table into MS SQL. The exact same problem occurred.

I exported the data in the excel sheet to a text file (tab delimited), then imported it into a new table into MS SQL, it worked perfect. No data problems whatsoever.

I have even converted the data to a text file, copied it all, then performed a “Paste Special” (which I know my users will never do) on a new fresh Excel sheet, and MS SQL still cannot read the information properly, I get the <NULL>.

Currently everything I have is automated and I need to keep it that way, but I cannot seem to find an automated solution to convert xls to txt or make MS SQL read these excel sheets properly.

Any ideas? Thank you very much in advance if you have the answer.

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Implementing Multiple Databases Due To Huge Data Size?

Aug 30, 2005

Has anyone implemented split data for an application between two databases because the data size is extremely large? If so could you please point me to relevant information.In this split data scenario, a table will automatically carry over to another database whenever the size limit for the current database is reached. The challenge is here for the DAL (data access layer) to automatically look into the appropriate database when the next row of data is in another database. OR Perhaps there is another solution to this terasize data problem..Any help on  this would be greatly appreciated.

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Implementing A Simple Data Dictionary Via Extented Properties

Jun 25, 2007


I'm thinking of implementing a rudimentary Data Dictionary for a database using extended properties to store table and column descriptions.

Does having this information for every table and column in a database (200 tables; 2000 columns) cause any (negative) impact on database performance? I'm guessing it shouldn't but want to make sure before implementing this in the production environment.



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SQL 2012 :: Check Size Of Database After Implementing Data Compression Across All Tables

Dec 4, 2014

I found it pretty interesting. I checked the size of a database, before implementing database compression across all the user tables in a database. And Post implementation of compression too I checked the size of the database.

I did not find any difference. But if I expand the table and check propetires->storage and I can see that PAGE compression is implemented across all the tables, but no compaction in the size of the db. It still remains the same.

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Data Mining :: Implementing Excel Data Mining In A Classroom Setting?

Jun 15, 2015

Implementing data mining Add-in in an academic setting?  We need to handle over 150 new students a semester and have their connection to Analysis Services survive for their four years at the college.  We are introducing data mining to every freshman business student as a unit within their Intro to Excel class (close to a month of work to give them a sense of what is possible).  Other courses later in their curriculum will expand on that introduction. 

Once implemented, we would have as many as 900 connections to manage (four years from now).  It is possible that multiple sections will be running at the same time, so 40 students may be accessing the data mining tools concurrently.   

Is there a way to "bulk establish" the access credentials and establish those databases?

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Any Ideas

Oct 29, 2004

I need for a database to give my users and indication that a renewal has been complete. Basically what happens is every year once a month a report is generated from sql of how many employees need their gaming license renewed the filter is based off of a field called final suit. I need to find a way to let them know through the database that an employee has been renewed. anyone got any ideas??

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Ideas Anyone

Apr 9, 2007

Hi all
I am fishing for ideas on the following scenario and hope someone can point me in the best direction.

I create a new table and insert data from relevant other tables but i want to set the data in the new table colums to set widths that have leading zeros where applicable.
I.E the new table column is varchar (10) the data going in to the column is coming from another table where the size was varchar (8) but the data was only 2 characters in size so i want to pad it out to the full new varchar (10) with leading zeros if that makes sence.

I am really just trying to get some ideas on the best possible way to do this thanks.

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Need Ideas

Nov 9, 2007

I have a table with 18,000 records with beg_eff_date since the year 2005. I need to separate the entries based on their daily activity. For example if Beg_eff_date 01/0/2005 then day is "1" if Beg_eff_date is 01/27/2005 then the day is "27".
Repeating the same process until I reach "NOW" present time. Any ideas of how can I do this?

Thank You for all your previous help and the current one!!

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Any Ideas

Nov 12, 2007


I created a Temp Table that hold a collection of records by date.

I need to do create calculation that give me the Total fuel used per day:

c.rcpt_nom_vol -c.rcpt_fuel- c.rcpt_act_vol = Total Fuel used per day.
Then pull the result of this calculation and assign the result to the specific day of the month. For example is the Calculation Result is 4.25 on Feb 12, 2007. Then the record is insert into a Temp Table as 4.25 day #12.

Does anyone has an idea of how to do this? Thanks and Let me know!!!!

Create Table #TP_Daily_Imb(
contract_nbr char (8),
contract_sub_type char (3),
contract_type_code char (3),
current_expirtn_date datetime,
nom_id char(12),
nom_rev_nbr char(2),
beg_eff_date datetime,
rcpt_dlvry_ind float,
rcpt_nom_vol float,
rcpt_fuel float,
rcpt_act_vol float,
end_eff_date_DGC datetime)

SELECT Distinct a.contract_nbr, a.contract_sub_type, a.contract_type_code,a.current_expirtn_date,
b.nom_id, b.nom_rev_nbr,
c.beg_eff_date, c.rcpt_dlvry_ind, c.rcpt_nom_vol, c.rcpt_fuel,c.rcpt_act_vol
from TIES_Gathering.dbo.contract a
Inner Join TIES_Gathering.dbo.NOm b on a.contract_nbr = b.contract_nbr
Inner Join TIES_Gathering.dbo.Nom_vol_detail c on c.Nom_id = b.Nom_id
where (a.contract_sub_type = 'INT') and (a.Contract_type_code ='GTH')
and (DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0) < a.current_expirtn_date)
and (c.rcpt_dlvry_ind ='R')

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Looking For Ideas

Feb 5, 2007

Hi everyone
We've got currenlty around 500 dts 2000 in production.
In order to know in what ETL processes we have Oracle connections, or FTP tasks or whatever, we did a VB6 app using dtspkg.dll which load all the properties for each DTS into Sql server tables. So that, then you could see from a specific DTS how many connections, Sql Tasks it had and so on..
How to accomplish the same with SSIS? I know, doing the same but using .Net, of course, but is there any else approximation? I am little bit concerned when we will have hundreds of them up.
Maybe 2005 is offering this feature automatically, I don't know.
Thanks in advance for your time/advices/ideas,

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Mar 1, 2008

Am working on an SSIS project and I am not sure how to handle this situation. I have four tables in two completely separate networks {AB} {CD} and I want to populate one of the tables D based on the information from tables A and C with the following scenario I get data from from table A make a lookup transformation to check what did has changed if the data has changed or if there is a new entry in table A get the identity key from table C {they both share a common field} and add the identity key as part of my data inserted in table D

A ----lookup <

data that has changed --- get the identity key from C ---- insert data from table A + identity key into D

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Looking For Ideas...

Mar 19, 2007

I have a text file that I am importing in a data flow task. Not all of the rows are the same, there are "header" rows that contain a company code.

What I want to do is keep that company code and append that to the row of text that I am writing to a CSV file.

Since you cannot change variables until the post execute, what are my options?

Hope that's clear



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Out Of Ideas

May 16, 2008

I have some performance issues which I can not explain; The database it is running on on a dedicated SQL server box with 8 cpu€™s 4 GB memory. Users are connecting with a fat client.

There is hardly on users using it but they are getting long delays. So I kicked of a profiler trace and sp_blocker. I noticed some queries taking over 30 sec to complete in profiler but when I run them in query analyzer they run in under a second.

I check the output from the blocker and there was no blocking over that time period and it was the only processes actually running.

How can it be so slow I have run out of ideas please any ideas would be welcome

Many thanks

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Need Help--implementing Functions In C#???

May 5, 2008

Hi y'all I think i have some problem in here perhaps you guys can help.I have this code: 1 public void AddQstrWhere(ref string TmpStr,string Parameter)
2 {
3 if(TmpStr=="")
4 {
5 TmpStr +="WHERE"+Parameter;
6 }
7 else
8 {
9 TmpStr +="AND"+Parameter;
10 }
11 }
14 public string querySlsPerson;
15 //public string queryLastSls;
16 public ArrayList CLSGetSalesman(string szSalesmanID)
17 {
20 // TODO: Add CLSReportManager.CLSGetSalesman implementation
21 BOSTx Tex = GetTx(CLSReportConstants.TrnMasterID.FQN2,"QueryRptSales");
22 try
23 {
24 string querySalesPerson = "SELECT dbo.BOS_GL_Workplace.WpszState, BOS_PI_Employee_1.szName, dbo.BOS_PI_Employee.szName AS Expr1, dbo.BOS_PI_Employee.szEmployeeId, "+
25 " dbo.BOS_PI_Division.szName AS Divisi, dbo.BOS_PI_Team.szDescription "+
26 " FROM dbo.BOS_PI_Employee LEFT OUTER JOIN "+
27 " dbo.BOS_GL_Workplace ON dbo.BOS_PI_Employee.szWorkplaceId = dbo.BOS_GL_Workplace.szWorkplaceId LEFT OUTER JOIN "+
28 " dbo.BOS_PI_Division ON dbo.BOS_PI_Employee.szDivisionId = dbo.BOS_PI_Division.szDivisionId LEFT OUTER JOIN "+
29 " dbo.BOS_PI_Team ON dbo.BOS_PI_Employee.szTeamId = dbo.BOS_PI_Team.szTeamId LEFT OUTER JOIN "+
30 " dbo.BOS_PI_Employee BOS_PI_Employee_1 ON dbo.BOS_PI_Employee.szSupervisorId = BOS_PI_Employee_1.szEmployeeId ";
31 //"WHERE dbo.BOS_PI_Employee.szEmployeeId = '"+szSalesmanID+"'";
32 //" WHERE BOS_GL_Workplace.WpszState = '" + szProvince + "' AND BOS_PI_Employee.szName = '" + szsalesPrsn + "' AND BOS_PI_Employee_1.szName = '" + szSupervisor + "'";
34 string wheretext = " dbo.BOS_PI_Employee.szEmployeeId = '"+szSalesmanID+"'";
35 string queryLastSls;
36 //AddQstrWhere(szSalesmanID,wheretext);
37 if(szSalesmanID==string.Empty)
38 {
39 queryLastSls = querySalesPerson;
40 }
41 else
42 {
43 //string querySlsPerson;
44 AddQstrWhere(ref queryLastSls,wheretext);
46 queryLastSls = querySalesPerson + querySlsPerson;
47 }
49 OleDbCommand comd = Tex.GetTextCommand();
50 comd.CommandText = queryLastSls;
52 DataTable slTable = new DataTable();
53 OleDbDataAdapter adapt = new OleDbDataAdapter(comd);
54 adapt.Fill(slTable);
57 ArrayList DataSalesArr = new ArrayList();
58 foreach(DataRow row in slTable.Rows)
59 {
60 CSDatasales sls = new CSDatasales();
61 sls.sz_province = row["WpszState"].ToString();
62 sls.sz_supervisorname = row["szName"].ToString();
63 sls.sz_salemanname = row["Expr1"].ToString();
64 sls.sz_salesmancode = row["szEmployeeId"].ToString();
65 sls.sz_Divisi = row["Divisi"].ToString();
66 sls.sz_typeOp = row["szDescription"].ToString();
68 DataSalesArr.Add(sls);
69 }
70 Tex.CloseConnection();
71 //AddQstrWhere("",wheretext);
73 return (DataSalesArr);
75 }
76 catch(Exception ex)
77 {
78 throw ex;
79 }
81 }
82 You see I want to make the query more dynamic. So instead of making the SQL parameter permanent I wanna make it dynamic, so the usercan choose whether they want to use the parameter or not. I already declare the parameter which is szSalesmanID. There's a function called AddQStrWhere which can make the query more dynamic. But the thing is when I wanna use the parameter it seems the code doesn't take it, it just use the regular query I dont know why.I already use the function but it just wont work, can you guys tell me what's wrong, Please I really do need some help from you guys, feelin; a lil' bit desperate in here.I appreciate any kinds of help, thanks. FYI: I use Visual Studio.NET 2003, SQL Server 2000.Best Regards.   

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Implementing SCD Type 1 && 2 Using DTS

Jul 22, 2003


How to Implement scd type 1 and 2 functionality using DTS.
Implemented the functionality using T-SQLS, but want to make use of DTS. Can we do this using DTS without using T-SQLs.


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Implementing A Search

Mar 28, 2008

Here's my table:

ID | Headline | Article

I want the user to be able to search for keywords in articles. Here's my stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE sproc_GetNewsSearch
@keyword varchar(50)
SELECT Headline, Article
WHERE Article LIKE '%' + @keyword + '%'

This will work fine if I search with one word. If I enter "zebra", it will find the articles containing "zebra".

The problem is when I search for more than one word. If I enter "monkey zebra", it won't search for articles containing "monkey" and "zebra", it will look for "monkey zebra".

How can I fix that?

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Implementing Preconditions

Oct 23, 2006

I have about a half-dozen insertion tasks that depend on a condition: SQLServerProcessDate == OLEDBprocessDate. If the task executes early, old data gets inserted and needs to be backed out later on. (This happens about two-three times a month.)

The jobs start at 8:00 PM, but on occasion processing runs late. In order to make the task intelligent enough to not insert old data, I've thought of a couple options:

1.) Separate scheduled job runs continuously, comparing process dates. When the dates match, it sends a message to the other jobs. Pro: less repetitive. Con: another scheduled job?!? I'll have to learn the message queue task; a little bit complex; flood of database activity on message reception may slow system down

2.) Compare the dates in each individual task; if they're not the same, sleep for a while (15 min.) Pro: simpler. Con: I haven't found any way to pause/sleep/wait a task based on a condition; repetitive functionality in multiple tasks

Any opinions on which is the better choice?

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Implementing IDTSLogging

Oct 12, 2006

I am writing my own SSIS package host and I want to create custom logging and event trapping in the host. My goal is to reroute logging calls to the patterns and practices logging block and control the logging destinations using the config file.

Here is an excerpt of code from my main method of the host:

// recurse through all DtsContainers in package
//and enable logging, set filter kind to Exclusive, and clear filter list

// LoggingEventHandler inherits from Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DefaultEvents
LoggingEventHandler eventHandler = new LoggingEventHandler();

// LoggingBlockLogger implements IDTSLogging
LoggingBlockLogger logger = new LoggingBlockLogger();
DTSResult result = package.Execute(null, null, eventHandler, logger, null);

The behavior I am looking for is that regardless of what logging providers are configured in the package, all the providers will be bypassed and all logging will be passed through my custom LoggingBlockLogger class.  However, I find that if there were any providers configured in the package, they are being passed logging events.  I tried returning 'false' from LoggingBlockLogger.Enabled, and I'm returning an empty array from LoggingBlockLogger.GetFilterStatus().

I followed the stack trace from the point of entry into the package log providers and found that they were being called directly from ManagedWrapper.Log.  Why are the package providers still being called?  What is the purpose of the IDTSLogging interface if every container simply passes log entries to the providers in its LoggingOptions.SelectedProviders collection?


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Looking For Process Ideas

Mar 9, 2007

I'm looking for Ideas on how to handle a Pldege Reminder process. For example; a pledge is made to pay $2400 over the next two years. They will pay $100 per month and each month a reminder will be sent. No real mistery if there is a balance you send a reminder. My problem is how to handle things like what if they want to pay quarterly or annually and how to determine if a payment is really due based on when they paid last, etc... You most likely see what I mean.
If anyone has done this in the past and/or has any ideas and is willing to share I would greatly appreciate any help.
Some stuff that may help you help me better:
tblClient (ClientID)
tblPledge (PledgeID, ClientID, PledegedAmt, PledgeDate,Frequency,NumberYears)
tblPledgePayments (PmtID, PledgeID,PmtAmt,PmtDate)

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Design Ideas

Jun 2, 2006

I'm new to Please help me with some ideas about the design of databases and interface of the web site.
We are a public school district, I want to create a website for families to go on line to update their family and student's demographic information. Basically I put the students' infomation pulled from our student information system software on the web, the parents can log in on line to update it at the beginning of school year. After that, I will create some report and let secretary manually do the update to our student information system.
The demographic infor includes 3 parts,
1. family street address, city, state, zip2 guardian1 primary phones,second phone,  emails. primary phones,second phone3, student date birth, gender. may have multiple students in one family
But how can I track which field parents changed, shall I do it in programming in the web form, or later when I create some kind of reports. For I only want to pull students with the fields that updated and give them to secretary to update manully, and I don't want to generate a full report and let them compare which field is changed and then update, it will take them too much time.
Thanks much in advance

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DTS To Excel Out Of Ideas!

Apr 11, 2002

I've read thru all the threads here which say basically the same thing, use a drop table & then a create table to clear the spreadsheet. My problem is the process works the first time to create the table in a new Excel file but fails to clear excel after that. The processes drop, create, & pump data all work without fail but the spreadsheet data is appended to. I've used the wizard as well, saved the package and ran it again without success. Anyone ran into this one?

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Audit Log Ideas

Nov 28, 2000

I have tried to make my basic audit log do more, but i haven't gotten very far;

In my basic audit log, i record this information:

type of change
field modified
old value
new value
db user

This audit records everything, which is great, but it cannot relate information when i go back to analyze the changes; for example, when a "directory" record is added, a user's information may be entered into several different tables, such as:

name (different table)
addresses (different table)
phone numbers (different table)

If one wanted to look up the changes to addresses of a person in the directory based on the person's name, i could not do it with my existing audit log because the addresses would be in a different table than the name table and there is no relating data in the audit log to relate the address changes to a persons name;

What might be a solution? I have tried a few approaches and am at a loss;

Thank you!


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Any Ideas On How To Speed Up This Sp?

Jan 18, 2006

it is working but takes about 3-4 seconds per exec.

CREATE PROCEDURE isp_ap_calc_apt_totals
@p_comp char(2),
@p_vend char(6),

if (@p_asofdate <= '00000000')
set @p_asofdate = '99999999'

delete from XAPAPTTOT
where xapt_comp = @p_comp and xapt_vend = @p_vend and xapt_asof_date = @p_asofdate

insert into XAPAPTTOT
select apph_comp, apph_vend, apph_type, apph_id, @p_asofdate,
sum(apph_paymnts)+ sum(apph_discts) + sum(apph_adjts) +
max(str(yy,4) + replace(str(mm,2),' ','0') + replace(str(dd,2),' ','0'))
from APPHISTF.a join APTRANF.b on b.apt_comp = a.apph_comp and b.apt_vend = a.apph_vend and b.apt_type = a.apph_type and b.apt_id = a.apph_id
where ((a.apph_comp = @p_comp) and (a.apph_vend = @p_vend) and (a.apph_unpost_dt = 0)
and (str(a.yy,4) + replace(str(,2),' ','0') + replace(str(a.dd,2),' ','0') <= @p_asofdate))
or ((a.apph_unpost_dt > 0 and a.apph_unpost_dt <= @p_asofdate and b.apt_unposted_fg = 1 and b.apt_comp = @p_comp and b.apt_vend = @p_vend and b.apt_type = a.apph_type and b.apt_id = a.apph_id))
or (((str(a.yy,4) + replace(str(,2),' ','0') + replace(str(a.dd,2),' ','0') <= @p_asofdate) and a.apph_unpost_dt > @p_asofdate and b.apt_comp = @p_comp and b.apt_vend = @p_vend and b.apt_type = a.apph_type and b.apt_id = a.apph_id))
group by apph_comp, apph_vend, apph_type, apph_id

set xapt_last_payck =
(select max(apph_payck) from APPHISTF
where apph_comp = xapt_comp and apph_vend = xapt_vend and apph_type = xapt_type
and apph_id = xapt_id
and str(yy,4) + replace(str(mm,2),' ','0') + replace(str(dd,2),' ','0') = xapt_last_paydt )
where xapt_comp = @p_comp and xapt_vend = @p_vend and xapt_asof_date = @p_asofdate

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Ideas For Next Version ...

Jan 12, 2007

To Whom It Concerns - MS Product Design - SQL Server Reporting Services:

I've been working with an ASP.NET web based project utilizing SQL Server Reporting Services for a while and have some things that I think need to be addressed in the next version:

1) I finally got security working utilizing the form based authentication of my Web based app and passing that to SSRS through the ReportViewer control. Not that it was easy. From what I see, a lot of people are having problems with this and so I didn't feel like I was alone. That said, instructions on how to do it need to be easier. Ultimately, it would be better if on the ReportViewer control, you could add properties as follows:

* Impersonate SSRS User

* Impersonization Password
2) Maybe I'm missing something, but in the web app the system logs in to different production databases based on the user id. The only way that I can figure out how to make the same reports available to each database (all on the same SQL Server DB) is to copy the reports and change the data source in the copied directory to copy to the new DB in SQL Server. Could ReportViewer contain a property that allows you to override the connection sring?
3) You have the ability to create PDF's. This is a very nice feature. However, I would like to extend the capabilities that you have. I want to be able to embed a PDF inside the report and have it generated in-line with the report. As an example, I have meta data concerning the PDF kept in the database. When the report prints, I want the meta data printed and the full PDF referenced by the meta data to print. I actually posted a message concerning this to find that there is no solution - I've seen that many people have looked at the message indicating that they are interested in the same feature.
4) It would be nice to have additional controls available - panel, calendar , checkbox, checkboxlist, radiobutton, radiobuttonlist and hyperlink in particular.
5) Dashboard widgets that we can use. Your promoting SSRS as a way to build data decision front ends. It would be nice if out of the box SSRS included several widgets that we could use as indicators to metrics being tracked by the system. As it stands, I can do simple bar, line and pie charts and that is about it. No progress bar, no guages. It would be nice to have some sexier graphing components.
All in all, I do like the product. It was a pain to get setup due to the authentication issues, but I do like it.
David L. Collison
Any day above ground is a good day!

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Implementing An Audit Mechanism

Jun 19, 2006

We're trying to implement an audit mechanism to track all changes made to our database and would appreciate any suggestions or alternate ways to do this, we're using the regular trigger based approach.
We also need to capture the user name of the  current logged in user - this is NOT the sql server database user, it is at the application level, the user who logs into our site. We were planning to pass this username using context_info in SQL SERVER through triggers as described here -
Alternatively I could add a userId field to every BC and store the logged in user's name there but I'd rather avoid that. 

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Implementing A Simple Search

Mar 26, 2008

I'm not trying to do anything too fancy; given a string, I just wanna see if anything in the column of my database matches the string.  I'm using an SQL query that takes a string, then selects the data using LIKE %searchword%.This works fine when the user enters only one word.  But I guess you can see that a problem arises when they enter more than one word.So how can I implement a very simple search that will take more than one word? 

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Implementing A Customer System

Mar 4, 2006

Hi there, I am a little confused with some data ideas in .NET 2.0.
First, I now understand there are profiles for storing per-user information (such as address, etc). Now, each of my users will have say an inventory of equipment, that they can edit, add, etc. However I am not sure if using just regular tables would be better. Any suggestions?
Also, I understand using the profiles does not let you use things such as the DetailsView control, which would allow for automatic editing, adding, deletion, etc. This would be very nice to have, rather than implementing it myself.
If this is the case, how do I associate the new database with the ASPNETDB database? For example I will have a table in my new database that has columns [UserId, EquipmentName, Quantity, Description]. Now how do I get the logged in user's user ID to display only their equipment in a GridView say?
Thank you very much!

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Implementing Standby SQL Server

Feb 15, 2000

Can I implement the Standby SQL Server using the SQL Server Standard Edition? What's actually the difference between Standard and Enterprise Edition? As I know the Enterprise edition can be installed for up to 32 CPU while Standard edition can only be installed for up to 4 CPU.

Many Thanks in advance!

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Help Implementing Service Broker

Feb 26, 2008

I am working on a project where I want to implement service broker. A lot of the examples that I have seen are all based on T-SQL. Here are my questions.

1. I have a web page that allows a user to type in an order. How do I put a message on the queue using a .NET assembly? Is there some sort of API set? Do I just pass the message to a stored procedure that puts the message on a queue?

2. Are there any samples that illustrate how to read messages off a queue using a console application or windows service? Is it possible to read the messages off of the queue with a console application or do you have to subscribe to the queue activation event and write a service program that runs under the control of service broker? All of the data that I need to fill the order has to come from a DB2 database on the mainframe. Therefore, I am stuck with creating an external application that processes the messages.

3. In order to use Service Broker, do I have to install Notification Services as well?

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