Aug 22, 2006

With this discussion here
I started to thinkn about Microsoft really calculated checksum value.

This code is 100% compatible with MS original. That is, the result is identical.
You can use it "as is", or you can use it to see that MS function does not produce that unique values one could expect.

With text/varchar/image data, call with SELECT BINARY_CHECKSUM('abcdefghijklmnop'), dbo.fnPesoBinaryChecksum('abcdefghijklmnop')
With integer data, call with SELECT BINARY_CHECKSUM(123), dbo.fnPesoBinaryChecksum(CAST(123 AS VARBINARY))
I haven't figured out how to calculate checksum for integers greater than 255 yet.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnPesoBinaryChecksum

@MaxIndex INT,
@Overflow TINYINT

SELECT@Index = 1,
@MaxIndex = DATALENGTH(@Data),
@SUM = 0

WHILE @Index <= @MaxIndex
SELECT@SUM = (16 * @SUM) ^ SUBSTRING(@Data, @Index, 1),
@Overflow = @SUM / 4294967296,
@SUM = @SUM - @Overflow * 4294967296,
@SUM = @SUM ^ @Overflow,
@Index = @Index + 1

IF @SUM > 2147483647
SELECT @SUM = @SUM - 4294967296

ENDActually this is an improvement of MS function, since it accepts TEXT and IMAGE data.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnPesoTextChecksum
@Data TEXT

@MaxIndex INT,
@Overflow TINYINT

SELECT@Index = 1,
@MaxIndex = DATALENGTH(@Data),
@SUM = 0

WHILE @Index <= @MaxIndex
SELECT@SUM = (16 * @SUM) ^ ASCII(SUBSTRING(@Data, @Index, 1)),
@Overflow = @SUM / 4294967296,
@SUM = @SUM - @Overflow * 4294967296,
@SUM = @SUM ^ @Overflow,
@Index = @Index + 1

IF @SUM > 2147483647
SELECT @SUM = @SUM - 4294967296

Peter Larsson
Helsingborg, Sweden

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Text Replacement

Feb 28, 2008

Hello all,
I get some dates entered manually in french format in a varchar(255) field and want to convert that field in datetime. Since, Enterprise manager is warning me about a risk to loose information, I'm thinking about a way to update the french text in the corresponding english text before doing the conversion.
25-fév-08 (varchar(255)) has to become 25-feb-08 (datetime)

Could anybody help me, please?

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Power Pivot :: Power Query Conditional Text Replacement

Jul 16, 2015

I'm looking to replace text in a given column given a set of conditions in the other columns. Please see below the M query in the advance editor and in particular the bold text. Here I've created a new entry that would appear in the query applied steps window in the power query editor that I have called "Replace Values". The logic is if Data.Column4 column equals "London" then replace null values in Data.Column5 with London. However when I save the query below I get the error 

Expression.Error: There is an unknown identifier. Did you use the [field] shorthand for a _[field] outside of an 'each' expression?

I plan to change the expression to test for multiple conditions however I need to get the basic expression working first. The other frustration i had with the "if" statement is it had to have an else even though I didn't require it, am i doing something wrong here?

FullFilePath = "C:PermanentDwellings.xlsx",
Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents(FullFilePath)),
    #"Expanded Data" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Source, "Data", {"Column1", "Column10", "Column11", "Column12", "Column13", "Column14", "Column15", "Column16",

[Code] ....

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Checksum Task Vs T-sql Checksum

Feb 29, 2008

do you have to store the checksum from the task in order to verify change? Here is what I did and it seems it's not going to work

Lookup transformation that
selects matching fields and returns a t-sql with the binary_checksum(fields)

Checksum transformation returns the checksum of same inbound fields

conditional split passes on changed records to the update

getting all the records everytime and should not be happening.

is there a way to make this work or do I have to store the checksum

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How To Put Both Text And Image Into SQL 2000?

Aug 26, 2005

how to put both  text and image into SQL 2000?

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Text And Image Functions

Feb 10, 2007

Hi ,

I am trying to write some code that Fetch,Add & updates a text field of a table in my SQL Server 2000 database.

Does anybody have any sample statements that will help me update that field
with larger amounts of data?

Columns with TEXT data type do not support commonly used string functions such as
LEN, LEFT, RIGHT, and so on.

Can u tell me function for :
To get length of data of text type
To Add/Update string to it
To search string in it
To ltrim / rtrim the value..


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Scripting Text, Image Columns

Jul 20, 2005

We have remote users running MSDE entering information into adatabase. To send the data back to the home office, we've written someroutines that export the data into SQL Scripts in text files:DELETE <table> where KeyID=<x>INSERT INOT <table> (fields) VALUES (fields).We then zip up these scripts, and either email or ftp the ZIPs back tothe home office, where a program opens them up and simply "runs" theSQL statements.The new version of my database application contains both TEXT fields(containing rich text) and IMAGE fields (containing file attachmentslike JPGs or excel spreadsheets). I'm worried that our SQL Scripterengine (which we really like) is going to choke on the text and imagefields. Can anyone suggest a similar method to send the SQL dataaround?thanksmatt tag

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Update Of A Text/image And A Clustering Key

Aug 29, 2006

Hello Everyone,

We receive this error with ADO.NET (on a SQL Server 2000):

The query processor could not produce a query plan from the optimizer because a query cannot update a text, ntext, or image column and a clustering key at the same time.

at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)

at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

at ?OnExecuteNonQuery@dtbmsq_Statement_c@@$$FUAE?AW4dtb_Result_t@@PAUdtbsql_Connection_ip@@PAH@Z(dtbmsq_Statement_c* , dtbsql_Connection_ip* Connection, Int32* NbRowsAffected) in s:ogl20061srcodbmsqdtbmsqdtbmsq_statement_c.cpp:line 598

N.B. The update concerned only update one row.

Is it a known restriction? Is it a restriction from ADO.NET or from the database server?

Is it documented somewhere?



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Help With Streaming Text File Saved As Image

Feb 8, 2008

Hello everyone.
I have an interesting problem. We have a SQL database with a field that is an image type. In it are records where the image field are text files. What I would like to do is look at these files and stream them line by line and do some processes for each line read.
 So let's say a client machine uploaded a file called myfile.txt into this database.
I would like the (vb) application tkae this file and read each line and do some processing.
I looked at memorystream and streamreader but just can not figure this out. Can you please help? Thank you Kameron

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How Can I Do Text Serach In Field With Datatype Image

Jan 18, 2005

i write a small web application to save word files in sql server and i store it as an image datatype
i need to do operation such as search within these files for any word

is there any One Can help me with that ???????????????????????????? Important

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Clustered Index And Image/text Data

Nov 20, 1998

If I have a table that I want to create a clustered index on. For example sake, say that I have 2 columns in the table. Col1 is char(2), col2 is text (or image). If I create a clustered index on col1, the database needs 1.2% times the size of the table to create the clustered index. Does this include the size of col2, being that text and image data is stored in a separate page chain....?

thanks for your time!


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Converting Binary Image To Readable Text

Sep 18, 2005

I have a table that contains the following two columns:BITS (image(16))BIT_LENGTH (int(4))When I look at the table, I see "OLE Object" in the BITS column. Whatsyntax should I use in a SELECT statement to convert the binary imageinfo contained in "BITS" into simple text that I can read? What roledoes the BIT_LENGTH field play?

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How To Set Up Search On Text Stored In An Image Type Of Data?

May 31, 2007

I am saving large text document in an image type of column in a SQL Server 2000 table.
How will I set up searching of words/ phrases for data stored in this column?

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Full-text Indexing Of An Image Column With A .PDF File

Mar 16, 2005


I am having difficulty in indexing a Table when it contains a PDF file in an Image column. Basically I have a table with a unique id, some other fields, and an Image column. The Image column contains uploaded files from a web application. Full-text indexing works fine for all types of files that I have uploaded into this table which includes (.doc, .xls, .ppt) but I get the following message in my Event Viewer if one of thee files is a PDF file.

One or more documents stored in the Image columns with extension '.pdf' did not get full-text indexed because loading the filter failed with error '1x01'.

I have searched Microsoft's site and implemented their prescribed fixes but none has worked including installation of SP3 of Sql Server and/or modifying the registry key to run the Sql server indexing procedure as a single threaded process.

Has anyone experienced this problem? Please help.


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The Insert/update Of A Text Or Image Did Not Succeed (was SQL Error)

Jan 17, 2005

First I recieve this error when I upload a photo and click on the save button.
'ODBC - update on a linked table 'PersonMisc' failed.'

Then this error appears after I click ok.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The READTEXT and WRITETEXT statements cannot be used with views[#285][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Warning: Partial insert/update The insert/update of a text or image did not succeed.[#0].

Is there a size limit on the pictures I am uploading?

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Trim Text Data Stored In Image Column

Mar 13, 2012

I need to trim (removing white spaces) the data or text in a column which is of type IMAGE.

I would like to achieve this through a PL/SQL procedure or function.

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Text, Ntext, Or Image Node Does Not Exist Error

Apr 17, 2006

Hai Friends...

I am using sql server 2000. i have one table with columns

empid notnull
empfname not null
empmname null
emplname not null

while i am writing a simple procedure to get the employee middel name(empmname) it is giving the error message like this

Server: Msg 7105, Level 22, State 6, Procedure emp_statistics, Line 11
Page (1:70), slot 18 for text, ntext, or image node does not exist.

Connection Broken

plase help me Urgent

Thanks and Regards

Krishna Mangamuri

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Aug 13, 2007

I'm trying to write SSIS packages to import DB2 6000 tables to SQL Server 2005 tables. The package vendor has defined CLOB and BLOB datatypes for columns in the DB2 tables, and going through the Data Flow tasks from OLE DB for DB2 to OLE DB for SQL Server, it tries to map CLOBs to TEXT columns, and BLOBs to IMAGE columns. The vendor has no conversion utility available, so I have to write the SSIS packages. However, the task generates a goodly number of errors just trying to open the OLE DB DB2 dataset. Errors like the following:

Error: 0xC0202009 at Set 5 1 2, DB2 vendor_master [7127]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft DB2 OLE DB Provider" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".

Error: 0xC0208265 at Set 5 1 2, DB2 vendor_master [7127]: Failed to retrieve long data for column "COMPETITOR_COMMENT".

Error: 0xC020901C at Set 5 1 2, DB2 vendor_master [7127]: There was an error with output column "COMPETITOR_COMMENT" (8866) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (7138). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".

Error: 0xC0209029 at Set 5 1 2, DB2 vendor_master [7127]: The "output column "COMPETITOR_COMMENT" (8866)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "COMPETITOR_COMMENT" (8866)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

Error: 0xC0047038 at Set 5 1 2, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "DB2 vendor_master" (7127) returned error code 0xC0209029. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Set 5 1 2, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.

Error: 0xC0047039 at Set 5 1 2, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Set 5 1 2, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Information: 0x40043008 at Set 5 1 2, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.

In this case, 'COMPTETITOR_COMMENT' is defined as a CLOB(2 M) column format in the DB2 database table, and the output format in the SQL Server 2005 table is defined as a TEXT column.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Replicate Ntext Text Image In Transaction Replication

May 16, 2007


i have a problem with my replication.

I have two SQL 2005 SP2 Server and want to use the transaction replication with updateable subscriber. Now the problem is that i can do any changes on the master server. But if i want to change a record on the subscriber which contains a ntext, text, oder image column - then i geht the error that the field will be NULL on the master.

Is there any solution to fix this problem? I dont wan`t to change the datatype vom ntext to varchar(max) !!



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SQL ERROR - I Need DISTINCT But Can Use It With Image,ntext, Text - How To Work Aroud???

Oct 10, 2006

SQL ERROR - I need DISTINCT but can use it with image,ntext, text - How To work around???  ! more - How to Work around - MIN() I cant use it when having text in SELECT statement  The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT.

Description: An
unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the
error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the
current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of
the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. 

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Reporting Services :: Show Image Once User Clicks Text Box?

Nov 19, 2015

I tried creating Toggle Option over a Text box to Show the Image on Click but Since the Toggle refreshes the entire report user faces performance issue. Is there any other option to avoid the Toggle Refreshing the report or to show an image on Click of an Text Box?

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Using Inserted / Deleted Tables With Text / NText / Image Data Type

Oct 6, 2004

Hi folks,


a int,
b int,
c int,
d text

I need to change my AFTER - Trigger from this (example!):

select * into #ins from inserted

to something like

select *(without Text / nText / image -columns) into #ins from inserted.

So I tried to build a string like this: (using INFORMATIONSCHEMES)

select @sql = 'select a,b,c into #ins from inserted'

a,b,c are not of Text, nText or Image datatype.

After executing the trigger, I get an error, that inserted is unknown.

Does anyone know how to solve this ?


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XML DataSource, Text Dataset And Image From Database Using Visual Studio 2K5 And SSRS 2K5

Feb 19, 2008

"Short" Story Version:

I have a VS 2005 Web Appplication solution that uses SQL Server Reporting Services 2005. One of the projects is a Report Server Project. In this project I have an RDL file that has:
1.)a non-shared XML DataSource (no credentials),
2.)a DataSet with a Command Type of Text and a Query String that is as follows:

3.)a field that comes from the Database that is of VarBinary(Max) that is a JPEG Image

What happens is, is that by doing #2 above, at design time I can create tables and hook into my datasets and get the report all designed out the way I want. Then at runtime, I have a Stored Procedure that uses the "FOR XML AUTO" option so that I can represent my results from the database in an XML fashion which will allow me to replace the XML Schema in between the Root tags above (in #2) with my actual data (which still has the same schema). I then save the modified RDL to a database table field and move on to happily ever this case, not. In this case, since an VarBinary is involved, unless I want to get a pointer back for the Diagram Column, I have to use the "FOR XML AUTO, BINARY BASE64" option. This returns an Encoded string to represent the Binary value that was in the Database....and this is the partial source of my on.

My approach that I described above worked flawlessly in all cases where an image wasn't involved. This report is the only report in the whole system I am working on that will have an image and it is the last one being done, so that's why I didn't run into this earlier.

I have tried all kinds of things at different levels, but the thing that I have tried that seemed to me to have the most potential was to use Embedded Code to take the Encoded ASCII Value and convert into something binary that the SSRS Reporting Engine likes (so my image will show), but I have been unsuccessful thus far. The error message I keep getting now from my Embedded Function is: "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array", which I have not been able to resolve thus far....and I do know that the Binary value in the database is good becuase I can see it in pages in my application otherwise.

This aside, is there anyone out there that knows how to take the value of a VarBinary(Max) field and insert it into the Text (XML) DataSet in the markup of an RDL file....and have it appear correctly when the report is rendered in something like the standard Report Viewer Control (or even when being previewed at design time inside of Visual Studio for that matter)?

Just to be clear, the root of my problem, as I see and understand it, is that I have a VarBinary value in a database that is being converted to a string (ASCII...I am presuming) due to how I am writing my stored procedure and then needs to go back to something else binary that the SSRS Engine will accept so that I can see my Image in the report when I render it.

I am wishful that someone out there understands my problem and has run into this and has a solution......but I am wishful of winning the lottery, too, and that hasn't happened yet...............


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Page (1:404399), Slot 5 For Text, Ntext, Or Image Node Does Not Exist.

Apr 7, 2008

I wonder if anyone can help.

I do not understand the error message but I do know it is associated with a specific table and one of its indexes. If I try to drop the index that is the error message I get.

I have copied the data from the table to a new table and rebuilt the indexes on the new table and everything is working fine.

The bad table is now renamed to myTable_BAD. I now want to delete it but can't as everytime I enter
drop table myTable_BAD

I get Page (1:404399), slot 5 for text, ntext, or image node does not exist.

So here is my question

How can I delete this Bad table?

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Reporting Services :: Show Text And Embedded Image In SSRS TextBox

Oct 7, 2015

I'm developing an SSRS report using VS2013 Premium with SSDT - BI v12.0.2430.0. SSRS is hosted on a SQL 2014 instance.The underlying database table has a varchar(max) field which stores text and embedded image data from a third-party application.  I can extract this text, save it as an html file and open that in a browser.  It renders complete with any embedded image.Meanwhile, the report textbox has its Placeholder Properties, Markup type set to HTML.  Yet when I run the report, the text is displayed but any embedded image is not.Is there any approach I can take, perhaps transforming the varchar(max) data to another format in the query for my dataset, that can show the text and any embedded image in my report?  Or is it that the TextBox control is limited, not unreasonably, to text only?  If so, is there another control I could use, perhaps custom or third-party?

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SSRS Report Designer Background Image Does NOT Align With Text In Preview

Sep 12, 2007


I'm using the SSRS report designer within VS2005 and I have a .rdl report that I have placed a background form as an image background. I then have text placed on top of the form, the problem is that everything is aligned within the report designer layout view but when I go to view the report in report preview the text no longer remains vertically aligned within the background form.

This is very frustrating, and almost makes it impossible to marry up a form with report data. Any help would be appreciated.

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Jun 11, 2008

What is the purpose of checksum function???


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Binary Checksum

Feb 6, 2004


Can anyone provide me with the syntax for comparing rows of two tables using binary checksum? The tables A and B have 8 & 9 columns respectively. The PK in both cases is Col1 & Col2. I want checksum on Columns 1 to 8.


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Checksum Computation Help

Feb 6, 2004

Please execute the script below to understand the problem -

create table test(id int, col1 int,col2 varchar(5),col3 datetime)
create table test2(id int, col1 int,col2 varchar(5),col3 datetime)

--id & col1 make up the PK.

insert test values(4,4,'d','02/06/2004')
insert test values(4,4,'e','02/06/2004')

insert test2 values(4,4,'d','02/06/2004')
insert test2 values(4,4,'e','02/06/2004')

select *
from test

select *
from test2

--The rows are identical.
--Script A

select t.*
from test t
join test2 t2 on
where CHECKSUM(t.col2,t.col3)<>CHECKSUM(t2.col2,t2.col3)

--The purpose of the above script is to check for any updates in the two tables. It returns two rows. But as you can see both these rows were present in the table before. So I modify the script to -
select t.*
from test t
join test2 t2 on t2.col2=t.col2
where CHECKSUM(t.col3)<>CHECKSUM(t2.col3)

-- In this case no row is returned.This is exactly what I need. The problem - Now execute the script below.


insert test values(4,4,'d','02/06/2004')
insert test values(4,4,'d','02/01/2004')

insert test2 values(4,4,'d','02/06/2004')
insert test2 values(4,4,'d','02/01/2004')

--Now when I execute script B two rows are returned which is not what I want. Since the rows are identical no row should be returned. So depending on what column changes (col2 or col3), I have to alter the script. I seek advise on the method to calculate checksum. Again the PK is ID and Col1 only.


drop table test
drop table test2

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Jun 7, 2006

Hello All,
How to use CHECKSUM function and how it is useful?

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Checksum Not Working

Jul 23, 2005

I'm developing a stored procedure to run an update based on valuesentered into a .Net web form. I want to capture the chceksum of therow when it is displayed on the form then validate that when the updateis exec'd. Simple enough logic, eh? The problem is when I try to usethe checksum(*) function, SQL server yells at me and says that it isn'trecognized. I'm using SQL Server 7, so wtf? I am not the admin of theserver and I'm skirting around SQL Server Enterprise Manager and usingany free utils, MS Access, and Visual Studio to maintain this db.ThanksAlex Jamrozek

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What Do You Think About The Checksum Function ?

May 29, 2007

Hi,I'd like advices about an idea I add to resolve a problem. thanks toyou in advance for yours answers.I have a database with tables that I load with flat file. The size ofeach table is 600 Mb. The flat file are the image of an applicationand there is no updated date or created date on any table. So mytables are just a copy of the data from the flat file.Now I'd like to create an History Table. So I have to determine whichlines changed and which one did'nt.As I don't have any date on my row the only answer I had unil know wasto check each column on each row to see if any data changed. If thedata changed I add a new line in my history date.My idea is to add a checksum column in both table on all columns. Toknow if any data change I just have to check my PK + my checksumcolumn.Do you think that is a good idea ? Is checksum a quick function ornot ?.Thanks.--K

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Page Checksum

Jan 24, 2008


I heard that page checksum enabled will reports errors occured in the log. That's good.

Currently we have DBCC PHYSICAL_ONLY run alone and CHECKTABLE on group of tables on different days. A suggestion came from a person is to turn off 'DBCC CHECK TABLE' and run only when checksum reports an error and continue running CHECKDB WITH PHYSICAL_ONLY as before.

Is this suggestion a best practice? Please also write few lines to say why it is wrong or wright.

Thanks and best regards


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