Can I Write Multiple 'Select' Queries In Access? Please Help!

Jul 22, 2004

I'm trying to code a query in Access that finds rows w/ duplicate "ContactKeys" then finds duplicate "AddressLine1s" out of the list of duplicate "ContactKeys." (I tried subqueries but it was really slow)

I am trying to create a new table with only duplicate ContactKey rows, and then I wanted to use that table to pick out the duplicate AddressLine1 rows.


INTO dupContactKeys
FROM Contacts
WHERE ContactKey IN (
SELECT ContactKey
FROM Contacts
GROUP BY ContactKey

FROM dupContactKeys
WHERE ContactKey IN (
SELECT AddressLine1, Zip
FROM Contacts
GROUP BY AddressLine1, Zip
ORDER BY ContactKey, TypeKey;

drop table dupContactKeys

This of course doesn't work. Please help, as I am going slightly mad!

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How To Write Multiple Queries In Case Statement

Sep 19, 2013

I have to do following scenario,

if 1st query Then 2nd Query
Else 'Msg'

How Can i do this using Case Statement??how can do this by Other way??

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Select Max Values From Queries For Multiple Schedule_Number

Jan 8, 2008

I am trying to select the max for each Schedule_Number when ProcessDescription = 'Exit Cold Rinse'. In the following table, 2:00 and4:00 should be returned for 12345_001 and 12345_002 respectively. Ihave tried to join the two queries and would like to use the currentSchedule_Number as one of the criteria when determining the max.Below is some code that I've used thus far? Does anyone havesuggestions?*Schedule_Number * Process_Description * TMDT*12345_001 * Exit Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 01:00:00 PM*12345_001 * Enter Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 01:30:00 PM*12345_001 * Exit Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 02:00:00 PM*12345_002 * Enter Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 02:30:00 PM*12345_002 * Exit Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 03:00:00 PM*12345_002 * Enter Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 03:30:00 PM*12345_002 * Exit Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 04:00:00 PMSelect *From(Select distinct Schedule_NumberFrom dbo.Process_DataWHERE left(Schedule_Number,5) = '12345') as Query1left join(Select *From dbo.Process_DataWhere TMDT =(SELECT Max(TMDT)FROM dbo.Process_DataWHERE Process_Description = 'Exit Cold Rinse' andQuery1.Schedule_Number = Query2.Schedule_Number)) as Query2on Query1.Schedule_Number=Query2.Schedule_Number

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How To Write Queries In C#

Nov 7, 2006

hi,i am working on development server. i have created a web page on which i have put some option to enter the any user id. as soon as user id is entered on button click i want to search the first name, last name, age  in my database where i have inserted the table with entries. then i wan to display it on the page.Please tell me how can i write the C# code on the clicking event so that i get results. i have connected the database to my virtual server.  

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How To Write This Queries

Feb 12, 2008

I want create a queries that is
1. Item onhand > 0
2. For next 14 day this item does not have any Sales Order.
Because our product has shelf life issue, So I want to know which kind product that I have onhand and doesn't have any sales order for the next 2 weeks.
Item Table is T1 and Sales Order Table is T2.


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Write The Following Queries In SQL (was Very New To RDBMS)

Mar 9, 2005

Trying to work on INNER and OUTER JOIN. Can someone help me to write to SQL statements.



Consider the following schema:
suppliers(sid: integer, sname: string, address: string)
parts(pid: integer, pname: string, color: string)
catalog(sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real)

Write the following queries in SQL:
1. Find the pname of parts for which there is some supplier.
2. Find the snames of suppliers who supply every part.
3. Find the snames of suppliers who supply every red part.
4. Find the pnames of parts supplied by Acme Widget Suppliers and no one else.
5. Find the sids of suppliers who charge more for some part than the average cost of that part.
6. For each part, find the sname of the supplier who charges the most for that part.
7. Find the sids of suppliers who supply only red parts.
8. Find the sids of suppliers who supply a red part and a green part.
9. Find the sids of suppliers who supply a red part or a green part.
10. For every supplier that only supplies green parts print the name of the supplier and the total number of parts that she supplies.
11. For every supplier that supplies a green part and a red part, print the name and price of the most expensive part that she supplies.

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How To Write Hierarchy Queries

Feb 5, 2014

I have one table which consists of data in the following manner

Child Parent
A1 ZN1
A3 Zn1
A2 Zn2
A4 Zn2
IT1 A4
It2 A3
It3 A2
It5 A1

Now i want to display the information in the follwing manner.

Zn1 NS
A1 Zn1
It5 A1
A3 Zn1
It2 A3
Zn2 NS
A2 Zn2
It3 A2
A4 Zn2
IT1 A4

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How To Write Crosstab Queries

Aug 24, 2006

I need to write Crosstab Queries just like this,
Qty + previous qty = TOT

1 1
5 6
3 9
9 18
2 20

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How Do You Write Multiple DELETES In Same SP

May 23, 2007

I want to use one stored procedure to delete rows in three different tables - how do I write this for Sql Server 2000 please?
PROCEDURE dbo.DeleteSubmission  @C_ID intASDELETE *FROM tblCompaniesWHERE C_ID = @C_ID
DELETE *FROM tblDistributorsWHERE CD_ID = @C_ID

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How To Write An Sql Across Multiple Databases

Dec 23, 2005

so, I am trying to write an sql that requires information across two
different database. It's under the same sql server. However, the
location of the tables are from different database.

Any links I can read about that can show me how to write the queries?

Thanks in advance, and merry X'mas.

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Write Conflict In Access 97

Aug 24, 2001

I have a database that has been working in MS Access 97 for a couple of years. I just moved the tables up to our SQL Server (7.0) and now I get "Write Conflict" errors when I try to update certain records. The table has a unique primary key and I have upgraded my MDAC to 2.50. Nothing seems to help.
The records that get the Write Conflict tend to be ones that are the newer ones in the database. Not all records have this problem. I can update the records by going to Enterprise Manager and typing data directly in the tables.
The detail on the error message says "This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it." I am the only one using the database.
Any ideas?

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How To Write A T-SQL Script To Replace Val() In MS Access?

Oct 11, 2006

I am converting an MS-Access DB to SQL-Server, and one of the queries I'm
converting uses the VB Val() function in the ORDER BY clause. Is there any
T-SQL function that can mimic this? CAST and CONVERT return errors because
some of the data is non-numeric. The column I am ordering is a varchar(5) with
ID number 'ZZ0001', 'CC0002', 'AA0003' etc . I would like the dataset to be sorted by number only :


Thank you

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Multiple Queries

Nov 15, 2007

I have two queries, one which takes 1 second to execute and the other which takes less that a second to execute.
I need to join them up similar to the following but when I do it take forever for them to execute.
select *
from table
where column not in (select column from table2)
It is quite complex and I have a couple of views included in the queries but it executes quickly on my dev database and when I run it on the live one it takes forever. Granted there is alot more data on the live database but the individual queries only take a second to run.
 Does anyone know why there would be such a time increase whenever I join the queries and run them on my live database?
 Any help would be appreciated.

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Multiple Queries In The Same Sub...

Aug 11, 2004

<code> tags added by moderator. Please use <code> and
</code> tags to bracket comments to make code readable.


I am a beginner to this whole .net thing so my code is probablly scary, but anyway, I am looking for a way to insert records into a database and then get the last ID. I am sure there is a much better way to do this, but here is the code that I have that ins't quite working:

'SQL Insert data'
Dim Conn As SqlConnection
Dim Rdr As SqlDataReader
Dim strConn As String = AppSettings("doConnect")
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO USERS (username, password, accountNum) VALUES ('" + Email.Text.Trim() + "', '" + password.Text.Trim() + "', '" + Session("accountNum").Trim() + "')"
Conn = New SqlConnection(strConn)
Dim Cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, Conn)

'SQL Get Last ID
Dim ConnGet As SqlConnection
Dim RdrGet As SqlDataReader
Dim strConnGet As String = AppSettings("doConnect")
Dim strSQLGet As String = "select MAX(id) as maxid from USERS"
ConnGet = New SqlConnection(strConn)
Dim CmdGet As New SqlCommand(strSQL, Conn)
If CmdGet.ExecuteScalar() <> 0 Then
RdrGet = CmdGet.ExecuteReader()
While RdrGet.Read()
Session("theID") = RdrGet("name")
End While
Session("theID") = 0
End If

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Multiple Queries

Jul 23, 2001

Does anyone know how to count multiple columns in a SQL Query from One table and return numbers I can use the following but don't know how to join the two statements to one.


The other statement is


If any one has any idea's please reply or email me directly. I would greatly appreciate it.

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Multiple Queries

Jul 23, 2005

I'm writing an ASP page for a project and it requires multiple queries.However, I'm trying to combine multiple SELECT statements, but can'tfigure out a way that actually works.Basically, here are the SELECT statements I want to combine:SELECT * FROM schoolrequest WHERE SLid=10SELECT SLlastName FROM academicofficeWHERE schoolrequest.SLsendToId=academicoffice.AOidSELECT SLlastName FROM academicofficeWHERE schoolrequest.SLbillToId=academicoffice.AOidSELECT SLlastName FROM academicofficeWHERE schoolrequest.SLrequestorId=academicoffice.AOidSELECT * FROM diaryentry WHERE diaryentry.DEkeyValue=10AND diaryentry.DEdeletedDate IS NULLThe academicoffice table just contains basic contact info, but needs tobe used 3 times in the query to get specific contact info for 3different contacts(SLsendToId, SLbillToId, SLrequestorId)The diaryentry table contains info entered in by students. TheDEkeyValue is actually the primary id of the schoolrequest table(SLid).Any ideas?Thanks,M

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Trying To Write A Select Statement.

Jul 26, 2007

I want to write a select statement that will show only distinct Student IDs where every record in the table with that student id has a grade above 80?
Lets say for example the table looks like this:
















82 The select statement should only show students, 56879 & 44327 because student 11276 made a 76 in one class.Anyone know how to word this select statement?Thanks for any help!

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I Want Write Select Without Field Name

Mar 22, 2008

my friends
i want write Select without write filed name
orginal selected is
select id,name1 from mytable
but i want write:
select field[0],field[1] from my table
that field[0] point to id and field[1] point to name1


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Is It Possible To Write If/Then Else Within SQL Select Statement For

Aug 1, 2007

I'm running a select statement from within my code. However, if the software package name that I chose from a drop down list in my form is not available in the search (in the TableColumn called Software.Package_Name), I would like to be able to write the message "Record Not Found" to the Package_Name "ListBox" column.

Here's the select statement:
"SELECT n.Workstation_Name , s.install_status , s.install_date , , s.version , , s.Package_Name , , n.state FROM software s , network n where ( s.mac=n.mac AND n.Workstation_Name='B001617CA709E' ) AND ('Adobe Reader' AND s.Install_status='1') ORDER BY n.Workstation_Name ASC"

My ListBox control is named lstQueryResults and uses a Structure that is one to one with each row of the lstQueryResults control.


Public WksName As String

Public InstallStatus As String

Public InstallDate As String

Public PackageName As String

Public AppName As String

Public Version As String

Public Build As String

Public City As String

Public State As String

Public Percent As UInteger

Finally, here's the While..End routine that plugs the data into the ListBox called lstQueryResults.

While sqlReader.Read()

currec += 1


msg.msgid = 101

Dim message As New LIST_CTRL_DATA

message.WksName = sqlReader("Workstation_Name").ToString

message.InstallStatus = sqlReader("Install_Status").ToString

message.InstallDate = sqlReader("Install_Date").ToString

message.AppName = sqlReader("Name").ToString

message.Version = sqlReader("Version").ToString

message.Build = sqlReader("Build").ToString

message.PackageName = sqlReader("Package_Name").ToString

message.City = sqlReader("City").ToString

message.State = sqlReader("State").ToString

message.Percent = (currec * 100) / maxrecs

msg.msgdata = message

m_ParentWindow.Invoke(m_NotifyMainWindow, msg)

End While

Any ideas on whether or not you can write an If..Then Else statement within the SQL Select Statement and if so how?
I'm still somewhat new to SQL. Any assistance would be great.


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How To Write The Select Statement?

Sep 26, 2007

I create a table that is named T1(C1,C2) and insert some data,as following:

C1 C2
1 1
12 12
I want to write a select statement to obtain the following result:

C1 C2
1 1
4 5
7 9
12 12
14 16
how to write the select statement?


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How To Write Portable Database Access Code?

Jul 20, 2005

I can access Microsoft Access database via ODBC on Windows 2000 usingC++. Now, I would like to use the SAME piece of code to access MS SQLon Windows. Can I achieve this without any modification to my existingcodes?Then, I would like to use the SAME piece of codes to access Oracleon Windows? Is it possible?Thanks in advance!

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TableAdapters With Multiple Queries

Jul 18, 2007

Hello everyone...
I have created a report that pulls data from 5 different tables. I have created a tableadapter for this. I have a sql stored procedure with left joins that I am trying to use but keep getting key violations and not null value violations when I try to use it. I have tried setting the NULLValue to NOT throw exception but that has not helped. I have also tried to writing a query for each table. I can add each query to my tableadapter but I can use them all at the same time for some reason. Can this be done? When I go to my report and try to add fields to it from the tableadapter, I only see the results of one query. I am only trying to SELECT. I am not doing any updates or deletes to the tables on the SQL Server.
 Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Multiple Join Queries?

Mar 3, 2008

I get a wo_ID and want to query company data. I have the following tables, work_orders (has wo_ID, wo_name and install_id), install_ids (has install_id, comp_id) and customers (comp_id, company_name). The query process goes like this: I get a wo_ID and I need to find the install_id that corresponds with that wo_ID in that same work_orders table. Then take that install_id and find out the comp_id that corresponds with that install_id from the install_ids table. Finally take that customer_id and link it to comp_id in the customers table to find out company data.  I need to join it multiple times to get my final data. I have a simple one that works right now with one join and using the install_id, but I don't know how to expand it with multiple joins. Thanks.  

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Help: Need To Combine Multiple IF Queries

Apr 14, 2008

I hit a bit of a road block on a project I have been working on.  If anyone has a suggestion or a solution for how to combine my queries that use IFELSE that would be a huge help.  I noted my query below./* will remove for aspx page use */USE Database/* these params are on the page in drop down boxes*/DECLARE @ProductID int;DECLARE @BuildID int;DECLARE @StatusID int;/* static params for this sample */SET @ProductID = -1;SET @BuildID = -2SET @StatusID = -3/*the query that will build the datagrid.  currently this runs and produces three different result sets.How do I combine these statements so they produce a single set of results? */IF (@ProductID = -1) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID))IF (@BuildID = -2) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (BuildID = @BuildID))IF (@StatusID = -3) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (AnalystStatusID = @StatusID))

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Multiple Queries For One Objective

Dec 25, 2014

If you have a dozen or so queries related to the same thing such as an exception report do you wrangle with the query to make it a one stop shop or do you do something different? Is it possible to drop them into a SP and have them all execute at the same time?

I am running queries for against business rules and wanted to do it the right way. I don't have a solid mentor at work, two guys who are experienced and off a lot but not in the world of reports.

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Help: Need To Combine Multiple IF Queries

Apr 14, 2008

I hit a bit of a road block on a project I have been working on. If anyone has a suggestion or a solution for how to combine my queries that use IFELSE that would be a huge help. I noted my query below.

/* will remove for aspx page use */
USE Database

/* these params are on the page in drop down boxes*/
DECLARE @ProductID int;
DECLARE @BuildID int;
DECLARE @StatusID int;

/* static params for this sample */
SET @ProductID = -1;
SET @BuildID = -2
SET @StatusID = -3

the query that will build the datagrid. currently this runs and produces three different result sets.
How do I combine these statements so they produce a single set of results?

IF (@ProductID = -1) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog
ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID))

IF (@BuildID = -2) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog
ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (BuildID = @BuildID))

IF (@StatusID = -3) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog
ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (AnalystStatusID = @StatusID))

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Help Condensing Multiple Queries To One

Mar 30, 2008


I have the below query that has multiple select statements from the same query. Is it possible to run this more efficiently with a SUM/ CASE statement so that its just one SELECT ?

I just used a SUM(CASE WHEN ....... statement on another query, but I am having trouble figuring out how to integrate it on this one, and if its even possible or worth it.

Thanks very much for any help!!

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[select_mailbox_Count]
@userID int

SELECT count(*) as totalInbox,

(SELECT count(*) FROM tblMessage M JOIN tblUserDetails UD on UD.userID = m.messageFrom WHERE messageTo=@userID AND checked = 0 and deletedbyRecipient =0 ) as totalInbox_UnRead,
(SELECT count(*) FROM tblMessage M JOIN tblUserDetails UD on UD.userID = m.messageFrom WHERE messageTo=@userID AND checked = 2 and deletedbyRecipient =0 ) as totalInbox_UnReplied,
(SELECT count(*) FROM tblMessage M WHERE messageFrom=@userID AND deletedByRecipient = 0 AND deletedBySender = 0 ) as totalOutbox,
(SELECT count(*) FROM tblMessage M WHERE messageFrom=@userID or messageTo =@userID AND deletedByRecipient = 0 and deletedBySender = 0 ) as totalTrash

FROM tblMessage M JOIN tblUserDetails UD on UD.userID = m.messageFrom WHERE messageTo=@userID AND deletedByRecipient = 0

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Planning Multiple Queries

Dec 2, 2005

I'm cleaning data which involves updating ~12 million rows with threedifferent models, progressively. First clean values using the modelwith finest granularity, then the remainder with the next model,finally what's left using the last model. The first model sets ~1/2 ofthe rows, the second ~1/4, the third ~1/5, and the remaining 5% don'tget updated.It's something like this:UPDATE t SET value=value*m.AdjustmentFactor, updateFlag='updated'FROM Table t JOIN Models m ON ....WHERE m.ModelID='first model' AND t.updateFlag IS NULLStart with 'first model' then 'second model' etc.I'm wondering what happens if I submit all three queries together, oras three separate submissions, waiting for the one before to complete.If I do them all as one group, the query planner might plan for thesecond and third updates based on the initial distribution of values.However, the first update removes half of the rows from consideration,so it seems to me a new plan should be prepared for the second query,based on the distribution at that time. If I highlight the queries inQuery Analyzer and execute, are all three plans created at thebeginning? Does putting GO between them (which I do) make anydifference?This is SQL Server 2000.Thanks,Jim

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Multiple Sub Queries Not Working Together

Dec 31, 2007

I've written a SQL script to go in and pull student grades for honor roll. The first subquery in the script eliminates any students that have any D's, and the second sub query is supposed to give me a only students that have no more than 1 C of any type as the Honor Roll criteria is that a student has to have a GPA between 3.0 and 3.49 and no more than 1 C.
If I run each individual sub query by itself they work and pull the students that they are supposed to. If I run the main query along with the first sub query to eliminate students with D's everything works. If I run the 2nd sub query by itself it will pull the students that meet the criteria. If I run the main query along with both sub queries or the main along with the 2nd sub query it doesn't work.
Here is what the query looks like that I'm trying to run.
Thanks in advance for any help.

select distinct i.personid, i.lastname + ',' + ' ' + i.firstname as student, p.studentnumber, e.grade, as Term, gs.score, as course, sec.teacherdisplay

from gradingscore gs

JOIN [identity] i on i.personid = gs.personid

JOIN person p ON p.personid = i.personid

JOIN enrollment e on e.personid = p.personid

JOIN term t on t.termid = gs.termid

JOIN v_TermGPA tg on tg.personid = gs.personid and tg.calendarid = gs.calendarid

JOIN v_GpaTermCalc tc ON tc.personid = gs.personid and tc.calendarid = gs.calendarid

JOIN section sec on sec.sectionid = gs.sectionid

JOIN course c on c.courseid = sec.courseid

where gs.calendarid = 20 and = '2nd 6wk' and tc.gpa between 3.0 and 3.49 and

e.enddate is null

--Sub Query to eleminate students with any D's in scores

and p.personid not in

(select distinct gs1.personid from gradingscore gs1

join Term t1 ON t1.termid = gs1.termid

join v_TermGPA tg1 ON tg1.personid = gs1.personid

where gs1.calendarid = 20 AND ='2nd 6wk'and

tc.gpa >=3.0 AND tc.gpa <= 3.49

and gs1.score IN('D+','D', 'D-')

--Sub Query to eliminate students with more than 1 C of any type in scores.

and gs.personid not in

(select distinct gs2.personid from gradingscore gs2

join Term t2 ON t2.termid = gs2.termid

join v_TermGPA tg2 ON tg2.personid = gs2.personid

where gs2.calendarid = 20 AND ='2nd 6wk'and tc.gpa >=3.0 AND tc.gpa <= 3.49

and gs2.score IN('C+','C', 'C-')

group by gs2.personid

HAVING count(gs2.score)<=1))

order by i.[student]

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Making Multiple Queries

Feb 26, 2008


I have some questions about making muliple T-SQL queries againt an SQL-server. I retrieve all rows from an SQL-server table called ActivityGroup and add the result to a Radio Button List. Suppose, I also wish to add the total sum of every "ActivityGroup" value to the Radio Button List. I guess this ought to be done using a SELECT COUNT statement and then retrieved using the Executescalar method?

The question is do I need to copy the code for the SELECT ('*) statement and make the neccessary changes for the SELECT COUNT statement and Executescalar method or is there a more simple way? Is it possible to use two command statements in the same code block?

The total sum is going to be calculated using the values from both an SQL-server and an Access database. The OleDb sample below is what I refer to as a code block. I appreciate any help!

string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ServetteConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM Aktivitetsgrupper where aktivitetsid = " + Request["AktivitetsId"];

OleDbConnection oOleDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);


OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sQuery, oOleDbConnection);

OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

int test = 12;

while (reader.Read())


rblAktivitetsgrupper.Items.Add(new ListItem(String.Format("{0}, platser", reader["aktivitetsGruppNamn"]), reader["aktivitetsGruppID"].ToString()));


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Insert With Multiple Sub Queries

May 27, 2008

In Sql 2005, I can't get this to work. I am getting an error that says SQL does not support subquery. SQL has a problem with my subquery. It works fine with one subquery, but adding multiple gives me an an error.

(select count(*) counter from DATA_ERROR_DETAIL),
(select count(*) counter from DATA_ERROR_DETAIL),
(select count(*) counter from DATA_ERROR_DETAIL),
(select count(*) counter from DATA_ERROR_DETAIL),

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Transact SQL :: How To Write Script For Employee Multiple Punch In

Aug 20, 2015

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[multiple](
[emp_code] [varchar](20) NULL,
[swip_in] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[swipe_in_date] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[swipe_out] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Swipe_out_date] [nvarchar](255) NULL

[Code] ....

I want result like below:
Empcode swip_in1,   swip_out1,    swip_in2,   swip_out2,   swip_in3,   swip_out3

Condition :
1. 24 hrs who are multiple time punched 

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How Do I Write SQL Query Accessing Multiple Databases (DBFs)?

Aug 8, 2006

I have several database files, all in the same directory. I want to write SQL statements that access two databases at once. For example, if only one database would be involved, I would write:

SELECT     Test_Source_ID_column, Data_column
INTO            Test_Destination_table
FROM         Test_Sources_table
The above query copies two columns (Test_Source_ID_column and Data_column) from Test_Sources_table into a brand new table called Test_Destination_table.
Now the above query is fine for both the old and new tables being in the same database. But what if Test_Sources_table is in file Old.dbf and I want the new table Test_Destination_table to be in New.dbf?
Both Old.dbf and New.dbf are in the same directory. Therefore, there is no security issue about using ......etcpasswords. I should therefore be able to use relative paths. So, I also want to know how I can do that select on two databases in the same directory without typing long, long paths.
Is there a way to do queries that access multiple database files (all database files being in the exact same directory) AND use relative paths or no paths (and certainly not type a full path)?
NOTE 1: I'm using SQLEXPRESS, therefore do not have the SQL Server 2005 tools. I have Visual Studio 2005 Developer Edition with its tools.
 NOTE 2: One table is accessed through ODBC. The other table is accessed through SQLEXPRESS.

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