Cannot Create New Or Change Existing Subscriptions

Jun 2, 2006

We are having problems when creating new subscriptions or when trying to edit existing subscriptions. When editing an existing subscription, the report manager displays "An Internal error occured" message and when I look in the log the error says
Only members of sysadmin role are allowed to update or delete jobs owned by a different login

When trying to create a new subscription the report manager displays "An internal error occured" and the log says
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The schedule was not attached to the specified job. The schedule owner and the job owner must be the same or the operation must be performed by a sysadmin.

We are running sql reporting services 2005 sp1. The report server database server is on a different machine to the reporting server. The existing subscriptions were set up previously on another report server which was originally our dev server. These subscriptions are working just can't change them, or create new ones.
Any help is much appreciated.

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One Or More Subscriptions Have Been Marked Inactive. Drop And Re-create All Subscriptions For This Node...

May 16, 2007


We periodically get the following message in our three server peer-to-peer transactional replication environment:

"One or more subscriptions have been marked inactive. Drop and re-create all subscriptions for this node that are failing with this error."

What causes a subscription to be marked inactive? What properties or settings can be adjusted to minimize or eliminate this occurrence?

Everthing seems to be running OK and then we get the message. It afflicts the higest change volume publication on our slowest overseas server.



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Replication: Any Way To Change Table Schema W/o Reinitializing Subscriptions

Mar 23, 2004

Hi all,

I'm admitedly a bit new to the world of replication, so please bear with me. I've got two SQL Server 2000 servers running in different locations. Server A does transactional replication over a push subscription to server B. If I need to make a minor change to one of the replicated tables (for example, dropping a no longer used column or changing a varchar field's length) do I need to drop the subscription, make the changes and then re-initialize the schemas and data?

For minor changes, I really hate having to knock out the site runnign off server B while the subscription is re-initialized and data is bulk copied back over. If I want to just make the changes manually on both servers will that cause problems down the line?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Is It Possible To Create Report Subscriptions From A Windows Application

Nov 29, 2007

from with in an application using the report view can you puase a report that is taking a long time to complete and then at a latter date resume where you paused the report.

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How To Change An Existing UID To Autonumbering?

Jul 13, 2006

Hullo!Doubt it matters too much, but I'll just start off by saying that I'm using C# ASP.NET 2.0 in Visual Studio 2005.I currently have a UID field entitled "ID", and I'd like to make it autonumbering so that users can input stuff into it through a simple web interface and not have to worry about the user's ID.Anyone know how I could go about doing this?  I can't seem to find a way through VS2005's GUI, and I can't seem to find anything on the internet about doing it through an SQL statement.Thanks!

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Change One Of The Values Of An Existing Line

Jun 17, 2008

Hi everyone!

How can i change one of the values in an existing line (id = 10)

thanks a lot to this forum


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Transactional Replication & DDL Change To Existing

Sep 24, 2007

I am trying to make a DDL change to an existing column for a transactionally replicated table. I am attempting to effect the ALTER on the Publisher. Below is the statement I am using:

[Begin Code Snippet]

ALTER TABLE Products ALTER COLUMN LegacyProductID varchar(20)NULL

[Begin Code Snippet]

This is the error message:

Msg 4928, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Cannot alter column 'LegacyProductID' because it is 'REPLICATED'.

Column properties currently are:

Not For Replication - False
Primary Key - False

I read this article but still cannot either get the statement to work or identify a reason it isn't working.

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Change Edition Of Existing Isntance?

Sep 28, 2006

I have a named instance of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. I want to install VS Team System Foundation Server on the same box, but this needs a default instance of Standard or Enterprise edition. I installed the Standard version alongside the existing Developer instance but now I can't start SSIS and without it VSTS Foundation Server won't install.

I have tried to uninstall SSIS and reisntall it from both the Standard Edition and Developer edition media, but it makes no difference, the service still won't start.

Could the SSIS failure be due to having different editions on the same box? If so, is it possible to change the edition of the Developer instance to Standard (or to change them both to Enterprise edition) without having to uninstall and start all over again. The developer instance is used by several team members, so I don't want to have to uninstall it if I can help.

Any ideas anyone?

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Change Increment Value For Existing Identity Column

Jul 20, 2004

How to Change Increment Value for existing Identity Column (MS SQL2000) ?

I know how to change the seed :
DBCC CHECKIDENT (activity, RESEED,4233596)

but I need the future id generated with step 2
I would like to do it using T-sql because I will need to do it every day after syncronising with another SQL server .


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How To Change An Existing Table From A Filegroup To A Partition

May 21, 2008

I've create a partition function and a partion scheme for my database.
Now I would like to change an existing table to use these partition.
The table is replicated.
How can I do this?


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Find Existing Data Within A Date Range Change

Jul 30, 2014

We have records in one table that are marked as accepted/rejected based on eligibility start and end dates in another table. We're loading new eligibility data into an ETL table and if the start or end date is going to change, I want to report any records that need to be reviewed to see if their status should change. The new dates could be before or after the existing dates, and the new or existing end date could also be NULL. Currently I'm using 4 > < statements and it seems to catch any scenario, but I'm wondering if there's a better way:

DECLARE @RECORDS TABLE(RecordDate date,ID varchar(8))
INSERT INTO @RECORDS(RecordDate, ID)VALUES('20100101','99'),('20110101','99'),('20120101','99'),('20130101','99'),('20140101','99')
DECLARE @ORIGINALDATES TABLE(StartDate date,EndDate date,ID varchar(8))


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Email Subscriptions: Changing From Address For Different Subscriptions On Same Server

Jan 18, 2007

I doubt this is possible, but can someone think of a way to change the email address used for sending report subscriptions based on the report or subscription?

It's a need that I've heard from a number of different clients. Scenario: a company has one reporting services server with reports running from numerous departments. Report subscriptions are sent to internal and external email addresses and there's a business need to use different "from" addresses based on the report (or audience).

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Transact SQL :: Existing Table Change To Support Multiple Rows?

Nov 4, 2015

Existing table structure is below:

Table name: Student

Columns in Student are below:


Combination of Student_Id, Subject_Id and Quarter columns is the primary key. One student can take one subject in a quarter. Now the new requirement is a student can take multiple subjects in a quarter. So need to add another table like below:

NEW table name: Student_Subject and
column are below:

All the above three columns combination is primary key.

After the new table Student_Subject created,
remove Subject_Id column
from Student table.

When the user clicks on a button after selecting multiple subjects and provide col1 and col2 data then one row gets inserted into Student table and multiple rows gets inserted into Student_Subject table.

Is there any other table design that satisfies one student can take multiple subjects in a quarter?

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SQL 2012 :: Change Existing SSRS Mail Service From Internal To Office 365

Oct 22, 2015

We were recently acquired and need to move our existing SSRS 2012 mail server from our internal SMTP service. The internal service doesn't need to have a 'real' account to send email out. Everything seems to be setup and running under the internal service.I think I need to change the Email Settings information in "Reporting Services Configuration Manager". Namely the Sender address and SMTP Server fields. But without actually making these changes, I don't see where it is going to ask for the password. Really hate to make changes on a production server.

Do I need to change the "Log On As" account in the "SQL Server Configuration Manager" as well? If so, does this need to be the same account as used in the Sender Address (above)?. there is a lot of ink about making additions to the "rsreportserver.config" file. Our existing file does not have any of these entries.

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Transact SQL :: Unable To Change Column Order Of Existing Table In Server

Jul 23, 2015

In y sql server table has millions of records available. I don't want to drop the tables.

My requirement is I want to change the column order of an existing table. some tables I am able to saving on design window Like Below image.

Even I had generate a script and using that script trying to execute on Management Studio but unable to saving the new column orders. I am getting the Timeout expired error after couple of minutes. How can we save the orders without dropping the table !

View 13 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: Convert Or Change All Existing Traces To Extended Events In Server 2012

May 27, 2015

We are planning to convert or change all existing Traces to Extended Events in SQL server 2012. What is the procedure to convert custom traces. We have already created some below custom traces: like this we are planning to convert for all servers.

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 20, 23, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 20, 8, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 20, 12, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 20, 64, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 20, 1, @on
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 20, 21, @on


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Using Existing Database Or Should Create New One

May 7, 2008

I've plan to writing Stored Procedure ("SP"). This SP contains program that produce a result and this result will insert into already define summary table. This SP will running every 30 minutes.

What is the best solution? I should put this already define summary table in existing Database or i should create a new database and create the summary table into this new database. Can i using ReportServer Database to create this summary table?

I'm using SQL Server 2005.

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Create A Empty DB From A Existing DB

Dec 26, 2005

how to: create a empty DB from a existing DB keeping all fields and keys intact

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Create A Testing Database Out Of Existing DB

May 24, 2007

Hello All,
 I was wondering if anybody can help me with the following question:
I'm working on the application where the Database, it's table (2) and several stored procedures are involved. The database is SQL Server 2000. It's also very old and involves a lot of operations, stored proc and so on. I just need to re-write a piece of the app which is using existing stored proc. Most of them are DELETE, INSERT and so on. I don't want to work with real stage DB and need to make a copy of the Database to my Dev box. So I tried:
* Right click, All Tasks, Export Data into the newly created database on my dev box.
That doesn't work, every time I try doing it, it fails somewhere in the middle of the process. I'm thinking it happens because of complexity of the database. I tried several options there already. Still nothing. I need the whole databse to be copied because I'm not sure which stored proc the app is using so I need them all, and tables too. Is there another way of doing this?
Thank you,

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Create Index With Drop Existing

Nov 7, 2000

If I rebuild the clustered index using this option (Drop Existing) without specifying the Fill Factor, would it it retain the original Fill Factor?

Thank you

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Can&#39;t Create Or Edit Existing Objects From SQL SRV 7.0

May 4, 1999


I just upgraded our existing 6.5 installation with the new SQL server 7.0. I can't get any of the existing stored procedures which I imported from 6.5 into 7.0 to allow me to edit them. I do all of my design from Visual InterDev and the SQL Server 6.5 version would allow me to create and edit stored procedures. It would also allow me to create/design new tables.

With SQL Server 7.0 I do not have an option to edit or create any of these items. I have created a new login, assigned it a password, given it admin rights/roles and I am still unable to remotely create these items. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any assistance

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Create New Table From Several Existing Tables?

Apr 8, 2012

I have three tables :


The tables have the following columns :

Player, Position, [From], [To], Fee, Type, ID, League, Window

I want to create a new table, EnglandFinal with all the data from the three tables although I'm guessing it would not be a good idea to copy the primary keys (ID column) as they would clash.

I have played around with CREATE and INSERT into and UNION but I get various errors. I'm sure I've done this before!

This creates a table from a single table :

select * into Final
from England_Summer_2001

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Create A Copt Of Existing Table

Feb 25, 2006

How can I create a new table with a new name which is an exact copy of an existing table with:

1) All rows

2) no rows, only the structure of the table.

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Create .sdf From Existing SQL Server 2005 DB

Aug 22, 2007

Hello ,

1.Is there a way to generate an .sdf (SQL CE DB) from an existing SQL Server 2005 DB?
So that the sdf file has the same tables and data as SQL server 2005 DB.

2.Is there a way to copy data in Excel file to an .sdf file (SQL CE DB)?


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How Do I Create A Copy Of An Existing Database? Please Help

Aug 10, 2007


How do I create a copy of an existing database using I have not been able to find solutions to the problem using Can someone please help me. Thanks


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Create Full Sql Script From Existing Mdf

Dec 6, 2006


In most books on ADO.NET programming, a sample database is given as a series of sql instructions (create database, create table, insert into table values (..), etc ), thereby creating the complete mdf/database file. The question arises: how does one create such a SQL script file from an existing .mdf using SSMSEE/SQL Server 2005 Express?



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How Can I Create An Install Script Using An Existing Database?

May 19, 2005

I have a database full of tables but no install script. Is there a way
I can use EM or QA to create a create database with all the tables

What I am trying to avoid is going through by hand to all these tables and writing out the sql to create the tables...

I know you can do it one table at a time in QA by clicking on the table
and choosing 'Script object as new', but I was wondering if there was a
way to do this for an entire database at once, instead of one table at
a time...


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DTS To Create New Excel Sheet In Existing Workbook

Jan 12, 2004

Has anyone been able to create a DTS that will create a new sheet within an existing Excel file. I want one Excel file with multiple tabs referencing the beginning of each week and growing. The name needs to be dynamic so as to not overwrite previous sheets (tabs) in the file.

I have a current ActiveX script that will move the data to a dynamic name (date), I just can't create the table (sheet/tab) to move the data to.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Create Insert Scripts For Existing Table?

Jan 6, 2007

What is the easiset way to create TSQL Insert scripts for each record in a table. Can this be accomplished with one of the tools in SQL Server 2005?

Thanks in advance

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Does SSRS Have To Create Its Own Database? Or Can It Use An Existing Empty One?

Sep 10, 2007

Hello everyone,

Greetings! I just found this group after wasting hours trying to make
SSRS work with databases that are already created (that is, the DBA
created two empty databases for me, X and XTempDB).

I keep getting "this connection string is invalid can't use this to
connect to SQL Server" in the Database Setup tab.

The problem is that to create its own database, SSRS needs dbcreator
and securityadmin roles (please correct me if I'm wrong here). And I'm
having a helluva problem trying to convince the DBA to give me
temporary dbcreator and securityadmin roles!

Is there any document or
something that I can use to convince him that SSRS will not do
anything like recreating the login (because he said that the login has
already existed and has its role set up in many other databases)?

Any help, pointers, suggestions, etc. is very much appreciated.


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How To 'create New/overwrite Existing' Worksheets In Xls Output?

Jul 12, 2007

anyone know how you can do this?

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DB Design :: Create Diagram From Existing Database

Oct 22, 2015

Is it possible to create diagram from existing database? Need to understand the schema of database which has no documentation. So would like to create diagram for that database.

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Not Able To Create An Identity Column For An Existing Database Table

Feb 1, 2008

I am working with a table in SQL server. I have a column that I want to designateas an identity column. I am not able to do this, because the field for "Identity Specification" is not editiable.
What I did was I went to sql server, right clicked and selected "Modify".The column properties dialog box/edit grid is then displayed with attributesthat I can modify.
There are two major nodes in this dialog box. One is named "General" and the otheris named "Table Designer". I expand the "Table Designer" node and then go to the node labeled "Identity Specification" It is here where I would like to edit thevalues.
The values that are listed for edit are listed below. BUT, the problem is thatI can place my cursor in those fields, but I am not able to change/edit them.Can anyone tell me what the problem is here? and how I can fix it?
 +Identity Specification   (Is Identity)   Identity Increment   Identity Seed

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