Cast/Conv Expression Remove The Slash : 02/02/2008

Mar 27, 2008

Hi, I need help please.

I have text source & i need to write it to table field being an integer.
I complains about the column, so i added a derived column but I am clueless in the expression:

Source from text: 02/02/2008
Derived column expression to output: 20080202 in a int datatype

I need the expression to do it.

Please Assist!


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SQL Server 2008 :: CAST (INT AS DATETIME) - Random Numbers

May 20, 2015

While trying to solve a SQL challenge I found myself trying to understand what is happening when you CAST a INT to date time.

Trying to understand the results. Here are some random numbers and Castings. My question is why do they produce the datetimes they do?


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Conv Fron Int To Date

Apr 27, 2000

How can I convert a 4-digit date(INT type) to datetime type....
I know we have to use an implicit conversion....but does anyone have an idea how to do the same..

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Parallel Activations With GET CONV GROUP

May 7, 2006

Hey guys. I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

Was testing out some thresholds with a simple service broker application and ran into something interesting that I'm trying to find a workaround to. I setup a simple service on a single instance, and am transmitting messages to/from the same instance. I assigned a procedure to be activated on the queue, with a max of 20 parallel activations.

The procedure originally was reading messages off the queue by following a process with major steps outlined here:

Start loop until no more messages to process
Call get conv. group with 3000 timeout into variable x
If group retrieved, receive top 1 from queue where conv_group = x

If no group, exit
Process message(s) received (simply insert some of the msg data into user table, then waitfor 1 second to simulate doing some work) for the given group
Loop to get next group and messages

So, with this type of configuration, I sent off a few thousand messages to the queue and monitored the queue count, user table count, and activated tasks count. To my surprise, despite the fact that there were thousands of messages in the queue waiting to be processed, only a single task was processing data, pulling about 1 per second.

I tried over and over with different values in the waitfor, and no additional tasks got spun up until I had a waitfor of 6 seconds or more...then only about 3-4 would get spun up at any time in parallel.

Given the way activation occurs, I thought I'd try things without the call to get conv group, and instead simply use a receive without a where, I rewrote the activation procedure to skip the call to GET CONV GROUP, and simply perform a receive without any where clause. I also removed the waitfor delay and simply left it to process messages as fast as it could...

This time, I sent over the same number of messages and checked the same counts, this time noticing that within 20 seconds or so, all 20 parallel instances of the activation procedure were processing messages off the queue, and doing so very quickly. Same occured if I put the waitfor delay back in...

The problem is, that this type of coding doesn't allow for processing related messages, even though it seems to be much better at allowing parallel activations. I tried to rewrite again using 2 types of receive statements (first one without a where clause and next one with a where clause on the conv. group from the first receive after processing the message) to see if that would allow for better parallel activation, however that worked about the same as using the GET CONV GROUP call.

So, if I have an application that mostly does not make use of grouping and want to ensure optimal parallel activation when needed, however also handle the times when related messages arrive and need to be processed together, what can I do? Any ideas?

I have test code scripts that can reproduce this behavior if needed. Thanks up front,

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SQL Server 2008 :: Remove A Value From Union

Jun 23, 2015

I have created a phone list and am using a union to be able to display letter category. However, what I would like to do is only show the letter category if their is an employee with the corresponding last name.

For example, if someone does not have a last name starting with "Z", then "Z" should not show up on my report.

SELECT LastName, FirstName, Dept, Phone

FROM (VALUES('A'),('B'),('C'),('D'),('E'),('F'),('G'),('H'),('I'),('J'),('K'),('L'),('M'),('N'),('O'),('P'),('Q'),('R'),('S'),('T'),('U'),('V'),('W'),('X'),('Y'),('Z')) AS v(letter)
ORDER BY vchLastName, vchFirstName

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2008 Installed; Can I Remove 2005?

Apr 7, 2008

I have 2008 installed and have 'smoke tested' it (tried it on the several projects and don't appear to have any show stopper type issues). Anyways, I'd really like to remove VS 2005 if at all possible. My concern is what effect removing that is going to have one the following other installs:

SQL Server 2005 Express
SQL Management Studio (Enterprise NOT Express)
.NET Framework v2.0

If anyone can weight in on the effect uninstalling 2005 is going to have, or ways to 'safely' uninstall it without affecting any of the other installs, please let me know...


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SQL 2012 :: Remove Clustering On Windows 2008 R2

Oct 16, 2014

How to remove clustering configuration in windows server 2008 r2 after it shows clustering events as critical and status down...

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Remove Group By Clause

Mar 5, 2015


'Banquets - All Day' as revName,
SUM(t.c_items_total) AS Banquet_Total,
SUM(t.cover_count) as Total_Covers,
-- (t.c_items_total) / (t.cover_count) as AvgPer_Cover--

[Code] ....

The output needs to be grouped by the t.c_items_total...I just need the avg per cover (person) / items_total.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Remove Spaces From Output

Jun 23, 2015

When I save my output (from a query I ran) to a text file, there seems to be rows of spaces. Is there a way i can just kill off any spaces at the end of my query? Like rtrim or something?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Remove ENCRYPTED From A FUNCTION

Aug 27, 2015

I have a Table-valued Function already defined in my DB. When I look at it's Properties, it lists Encrypted TRUE.

How can I set Encrypted to FALSE? Is there a t-sql command to ALTER the Function to set Encrypted False?

(fyi, I am syadmin and local admin on this SQL 2008 R2 box)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Remove Duplicates From Query?

Oct 6, 2015

I am working with a bunch of records that have duplicates on the Persid and the intPercentID where there are duplicates I want to remove when I stick them in the temp table, I tried join on tempo table and doing not exists but still inserts, so now I am trying a merge but same thing. how can I keep duplicates from being inserted in the temp table. I made a cursor as well but its slow as heck, but it does work. trying better ways.

Create table #TempStr (STRId int not null Identity(1,1) primary key, Persid int, percentId int, dtCreated datetime, CreatedBy int)

Create table #NewStr (STRId int, Persid int, percentId int, dtCreated datetime, CreatedBy int)

INSERT #TempStr (Persid, percentId, dtCreated, CreatedBy)
select intPersonnelID, intPercentID, dtSubmitted, intSubmittedBy from tblSTR
whereintpercentId in (61,62) group by intPercentID, intPersonnelID, dtSubmitted, intSubmittedBy


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Slash In Expressions

Jan 14, 2008


I have the following expression:

@[User::varLogFolder] +"\"+ "CollectTrnsRxaFecPagLog.txt"

but when I evaluated it I get:


As you can see I´m trying to create a folder but it keeps the double slash, how can I fix it?


well the real expression is:

@[User::varLogFolder] +"\"+ @[System:ackageName] +"\"+replace(replace(@[User::varFilesCollect],"\","" ),".","")+"\"+"CollectTrnsRxaFecPagLog.txt"

and the error is because:

[CollectTrnsRxaFecPagLog [4712]] Information: The processing of file "\testteamserverMigracionLog\PCKG_BH_COLLECT estteamservermigraciondatamcli010001rxaCollectTrnsRxaFecPagLog.txt" has started.

the yellow characters are the conflict!!

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Using LIKE With Underscore And Forward Slash..

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,DDL Statements:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] ([MyDate] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOI have a varchar column which represents dates in YYYYMMDD and MM/DD/YYformats. If I query using:SELECT MyDate FROM Table1WHERE DOB LIKE '________'Why aren't the dates in MM/DD/YY returned ? Is the / a specialcharacter in T-SQL ?Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2008 :: Using Expression In GROUP BY Clause

Feb 23, 2015

I am working to move an application from MySQL to SQL Server. The person who developed the MySQL application has little database experience, and took some shortcuts that the lax nature of MySQL allows. One query with which I am struggling looks something like this:

SELECT StartTime + Offset, min(Sensor), max(Sensor)
FROM SensorData
WHERE SensorID = @SensorID AND
StartTime + Offset > @BeginTime AND
StartTime + Offset < @EndTime
GROUP BY (StartTime + Offset) / 100
ORDER BY StartTime + Offset

What we are trying to accomplish is to return minimum and maximum sensor values over a number of periods between the BeginTime and EndTime. When I run this query in MySQL on a sample dataset, it returns a small number of rows, with each one being the min/max values for a portion of the overall period.

Under MS SQL Server 2008, SP3, I get the two following error messages:
Column 'SensorData.StartTime' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Column 'SensorData.Offset' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Remove Double Quote In String Fields

Feb 23, 2015

I have a SQL select syntax as below

0 AS SalaryMin,
2088 AS SalaryMax,
2088 AS BillableHours,
'Month' AS SalaryPaidCode,
0 AS SalaryBreakdownHourly,
0 AS SalaryBreakdownDaily,

[Code] ...

While outputting to CSV.file

I got :0,2088,2088,"Month",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"N/A","N/A","G","N/A","Exempt","Other",1

How can I remove all double quotes in the string fields? so that O can get the result as below while the output

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SQL Server 2008 :: Single Script To Remove Secondary Log Files

Mar 18, 2015

I am new to SQL and I haven't written any scripts in the past. I thought I would give it a go. Basically, I am trying to write a script that will check if a database has more than one log files, free the VLFs that belong to the secondary log files and then remove them. I created a database named rDb as this link suggests and followed the steps.

[URL] ....

It works. However, I want to have to run just 1 script that will do the entire job. This is what I have gotten so far and it doesn't work:

create table #tempsysdatabase(
File_id int,
file_guid varchar(50),
type_desc varchar (20),
data_space_id int,
name nvarchar (50),
state int,

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Remove / Uninstall Management Data Warehouse

Aug 12, 2010

I have tried to set up the Management Data Warehouse on one of our production servers, but it is not working (not collecting any data) so I want to completely remove it and try the installation again. There does not seem to be any remove/uninstall option.

How to completely remove the Management Data Warehouse?

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0 (X64)
Mar 29 2009 10:11:52
Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7600: )

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Reporting Services :: How To Remove Duplicate Rows In SSRS 2008

Dec 21, 2011

I have a dataset in my report that pulls 10 fields. One of the tablixes on report should display only 8 of the 10 fields and this is causing the duplicate records to show up on the tablix.I tried hide duplicates option for the entire details row and have set the scope to "Details". It did not work. I am getting the data from a stored procedure and cannot do much on that.

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/ Forward Slash Escape Character?

Feb 19, 2008

im having trouble getting this to work:

alter proc [ProGeneral_College_Structure] @Year nvarchar(4)
DECLARE @SQLStatement nvarchar(1000)

Set @SQLStatement = 'SELECT School AS Level1Code, DIVISIONS.Div AS Level2Code,
DIVISIONS.ProgArea AS Level3Code, DIVISIONS.progName AS LevelName
, ' + SUBSTRING(@Year,1,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(@Year,3,2) + ' AS AcademicYearID FROM DIVISIONS
WHERE (((DIVISIONS.[' + @Year + '])=1))


It's something to do with the / concatenation I think, is it an escape character or something tried // obviously and CHAR(47).
before I get comments I know it's dynamic sql and it's not great but I can't edit the divisions table so have to use a dynamic column.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS Expression On Getting The Specific Files?

Feb 26, 2015

I am developing the SSIS and stuck on copying specific files.

1. We receive CSV file to our drive on a daily basis.

2. The csv file name has the last 8 digits formatted with the yyyymmdd. For example, the file name might be abcdef_20150226.csv This means it will be our CSV file for today, Thursday, February 26, 2015.

3. There are a lot of files in this directory.


What we would like to do:

Add the constraints (or expression) that will copy the files from this directory to another directory that have the date equivalent to Monday only. For example, the file abcdef_20150226.csv will not be copied because it is Thursday file. But the abcdec_20150223 will be copied to a new Directory because it is Monday.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Remove Rows Affected From Query In Send Mail

May 6, 2015

I need to remove "rows affected" text from results as shown below from posted Sp. I am using set nocount on but its not working as expected.

Create Procedure DailyCheckList
Declare @EmailSub varchar(500),@dt varchar(100),@Msg varchar(max),@M varchar(max)
set @dt= convert(varchar(20),GETDATE(),107)


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SQL Server 2008 :: Aggregating Data From Common Table Expression

Apr 2, 2015

I am trying to create a small data set for use in a charting program. However, I am not getting the results that I expected.

********QUERY BEGIN*****************
DECLARE @BeginDate datetime
DECLARE @EndDate datetime
SET @BeginDate = '2014-01-01'
SET @EndDate = '2014-12-31';

SELECT bkg_nbr

[Code] ....

The raw data from the CTE is:

Bkg_nbr STATE_NBR Ranking
20140000943200060000 1
20140000131500140000 1
20140000682200140000 2
20140000504100210000 1

The result of the query above was:

Category RecCount
Recidivists 1

The outcome I was looking for was:

Category RecCount
Recidivists 1

What I am trying to do is count persons in buckets "non-recidivists" and "recidevists" based on how many bkg_nbr they have per STATE_NBR. If they have more than 1 bkg_nbr per STATE_NBR then put them in the "recdivists" bucket. If they only have a 1 to 1 then put them in the "non-recidivists" bucket.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Expression Of Non-Boolean Type Specified In Context Where Condition Is Expected

Apr 10, 2015

I am getting an error when running this query in SSRS- "an expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected , near ',' " on the following query in the WHERE clause section.



what I need to change in the WHERE clause to rectify this error ?

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String Variable With Embedded Quotes Getting Changed To Slash/quote

Jul 9, 2007

I have a Foreach loop that dynamically builds a query that gets submitted to a Progress 9.1d database. The "SELECT" portion of the query is static - the WHERE clause is built dynamically each pass through the for each loop. The vast majority of the columns have a dash ("-") in their names, so the query passed to progress has to have double quotes surrounding the column names. Not a big deal you would think. If I am retrieving 3 columns, my string would look like "SELECT ""manager-name"", ''"employee-name"", ""date-of-hire"" FROM PUB.EmployeeTable" - with the columns requiring quoted identifiers escaped with double quotes. My script task adds some additional info to the WHERE clause based on other conditions. Once my script task has built the query string, it assigns that string value to my Dts.Variables("SqlString") variable.

I can put a MsgBox() call in the Script task to display my query once it has been built (displaying Dts.Variables("SqlString").Value) - and it looks fine. Using the above example, it would simply be: SELECT "manager-name", "employee-name", "date-of-hire" FROM PUB.EmployeeTable.

So - My foreach loop is set up so that the query command is pulled from my Dts.Variables("SqlString") variable. It fails anytime my query has a column that requires quotes around it. I was confused, since I could take the exact query string displayed by my test MsgBox() and validate it's syntax against our Progress database (and even run it) and it worked fine.

So - I then inserted a breakpoint to break on PreExecute for the DataReader task (next task after Scrip task) to view the value of the Dts.Variables("SqlString") variable just before it gets assigned to the DataReader's Sql Command property. That's when I noticed that the value of the Dts.Variables("SqlString") in the Watch window actually showed that the "double" double quotes I had entered in the SELECT clause (to escape to one double quote) were being replaced with " (slash quote). SO - in the Watch window, my Dts.Variables("SqlString").Value reads as follows:

SELECT "manager-name", "employee-name","date-of-hire" FROM PUB.EmployeeTable.

Obviously, that query is not going to fly via SQL-92/ODBC connection to our Progress database. I've tried everything I can think of - even trying to replace "" with "" in the Foreach expression editor where the Sql Command of the data reader gets assigned. I'm at a total loss. Why would SSIS plug in what looks like C# character escaping syntax when all the expressions are supposed to be VB.NET? I've already successfully run several packages that query our Progress databases that do NOT use the double quotes in the SELECT clause and they work fine. Does anyone have any ideas??

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SQL Server 2008 :: Normalizing Data Prior To Migration (Update String To Remove Special Characters)

Aug 21, 2015

I'm presented with a problem where I have a database table which must be migrated via a "custom tool", moving the data into a new table which has special character requirements that didn't exist in the source database. My data resides in an SQL Server 2008R2 instance.

I envision a one-time query which will loop through selected records and replace the offending characters with --, however I'm having trouble understanding how this works.

There are roughly 2500 records which meet the criteria of "contains bad characters", frequently containing multiple separate bad chars, and the table contains roughly 100000 rows.

Special Characters are defined as #%&*:<>?/{}|~ and ..

While the field is called "Filename" it isn't always so, it is a parent/child table where foldernames are also stored.

Example data:
Tablename = Items
ItemID Filename ListID
1 Badfile<2015>.docx 15
2 Goodfile.docx 15
3 MoreBad#.docx 15
4 Dog&Cat#17.pdf 15
5 John's "Special" Folder 16

The examples I'm finding are all oriented around SELECT statements, to change the output of what I see returned, however I'd rather just fix the entire column using an UPDATE. Initial testing using REPLACE fails because I don't always have a single character as the bad thing in a string.

In a better solution, I found an example using a User Defined Function to modify the output of a select, but I cannot use that UDF in an UPDATE.

My alternative is to learn enough C# to modify the "migration tool" to do this in-transit, but I know even less about C# than I do of SQL.

I gather I want to use @@ROWCOUNT to loop through the rows but I really can't put it all together in a cohesive way.

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Integration Services :: 2008 - Script Task Break Points Not Removed When Choose To Remove All In Package

Jun 11, 2015

On the main BIDS menubar, there is a menu for Debug.  If I select Debug > Delete All Breakpoints, any breakpoint in a script task is still there afterwards.  Is there a way other than opening the script task and removing it there?

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SQL Server Management Studio: Can Not Remove AdventureWorksDB In Add Or Remove Programs Of Control Panel

Nov 30, 2006

Hi all,

I tried to remove AdventureWorksDB in the "Add or Remove Programs" of Contol Panel and I got the following errors: (1) AdventureWorksDB     Error 1326: Error getting file security: CProgram FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL1MSSQLGetLastError: 5.      |OK|   and (2) Add or Remove Programs   Fatal Error during installation (after I clicked the |OK| button).   Please help and tell me how I can solve this problem.

Thanks in advance,

Scott  Chang 

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How Do I Clean Up The SQL Server (ctp) From ADD/REMOVE Program Without The Change/remove Button

Oct 12, 2006

I have uninstalled the CTP version of the SQL Server express so that I can install the released version but CTP version is still listed in the add/remove program list but without the change/remove button. I have been to different sites to find information on cleaning this up and I have ran all the uninstall tool I can find but the problem still prevails. I cannot install the released version without completely getting rid of the CTP version. Please help anyone.



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URGENT - My Error Or Bug? The Result Of The Expression Cannot Be Written To The Property. The Expression Was Evaluated, But

Feb 8, 2007

Error 3 Error loading MLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx: The result of the expression ""C:\sql_working_directory\MLS\AZ\Phoenix\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. c:documents and settingsviewmastermy documentsvisual studio 2005projectsm l sMLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx 1 1

"C:\sql_working_directory\MLS\AZ\Phoenix\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"

Directly using C:sql_working_directoryMLSAZPhoenixDocsArmls_Schema Updated 020107.xls
as connectionString works

However - I'm trying to deploy the package - and trying to use expression:
@[User::DIR_WORKING] + "\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"
which causes the same error to occur

(Same error with other Excel source also:
Error 5 Error loading MLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx: The result of the expression "@[User::DIR_WORKING] + "\Docs\Armls_SchoolCodesJuly06.xls"" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. c:documents and settingsviewmastermy documentsvisual studio 2005projectsm l sMLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx 1 1

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Reporting Services :: Running Value Expression Within Lookup Expression In SSRS?

Oct 28, 2015

I have created 1 report with 2 datasets. This report is attached to the 1st dataset.For example,1st one is "Smallappliances", 2nd is "Largeappliances".

I created a tablix and, the 1st column extracts Total sales per Sales person between 2 dates from 1st dataset (Small appliances). I used running values expression and it works fine.

Now, I would like to add another column that extracts Total sales per sales person between 2 dates from 2nd dataset (Large appliances). I am aware that I need to use Lookup expression and it is giving me the single sales value rather than the total sales values. So, I wanted to use RunningValue expression within lookup table to get total sales for large appliances.

This is the lookup expression that I added for the 2nd column.

sum, " sales_person"),

I get this error when I preview the report.An error occurred during local report processing.The definition of the report is invalid.An unexpected error occurred in report processing.

(processing): (SortExpression ++ m_context.ExpressionType)

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Unable To Remove SQL Instance In Add/Remove Program

Mar 8, 2007

I need help,

I am having a hard time removing my SQL instance inside the Add/Remove program. After i select the SQL Instance name and then I tried to remove it but it won't allow me to delete it. There isn't any error message or whatsoever. Actually, when i try to log it in my SQL Management studio, that certain sql instance name is not existing according to the message box. Is there any way to remove the Sql Instance in my system?

I appreciate your help, Thanks

IS Support

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Jan 16, 2007

Can anyone tell me how I can CAST these fields AS DECIMAL (19, 2) please?

(SELECT ([Total students] - [withdrawn] - [transferred] - [cancelled]) / [total Students] * 100 AS [Percentage Retained])


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Dec 14, 2007

I have

WHEN (a.type_id in (9))
THEN a.duration
ELSE 0 --CAST ( expression AS data_type )
END 'Time'

I need the duration to be displayed if type is 9 only.
so otherwise id ideally want 'N/A' displayed..
but it won't display it as its not an int ..

is there a way i can just display it temporarily
instaed of 0 ?

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