Check How Much Two Datetime Values Overlap

Jan 30, 2008

How can i return how much of the timespan in table2 is in the timespan in table1?

table 1 - email


Login time: 2007-12-12 13:14:26.363

Logout time: 2007-12-12 14:15:58.803

table2 - phone


Login time: 2007-12-12 12:11:08.343

Logout time: 2007-12-12 14:13:10.847

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Millisecond Values Missing When Inserting Datetime Into Datetime Column Of Sql Server

Jul 9, 2007

I'm inserting a datetime values into sql server 2000 from c#

SQL server table details
Table nameate_test
columnname datatype
No int
date_t DateTime

C# coding
SqlConnection connectionToDatabase = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=testdb;Integrated Security=SSPI");
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
dt1.Columns.Add("date_t", typeof(System.DateTime));
DataRow dr = dt1.NewRow();
dr["no"] = 1;
dr["date_t"] = DateTime.Now;
for(int i=0;i<dt1.Rows.Count;i++)
string str=dt1.Rows["no"].ToString();
DateTime dt=(DateTime)dt1.Rows["date_t"];
string insertQuery = "insert into date_test values(" + str + ",'" + dt + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, connectionToDatabase);
When I run the above code, data is inserted into the table
The value in the date_t column is 2007-07-09 22:10:11 000.The milliseconds value is always 000 only.I need the millisecond values also in date_t column.
Is there any conversion needed for millisecond values?


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Lookup To Check Values In 13 Columns With Same Values

Mar 22, 2006


it is my first post on this forum, please be patient if i miss any important bit of information.

i am transporting data from a legacy system into mssql 2k5 using SSIS.
among those column of a dataset there are 13 columns, all necessary for operational reasons, that i need to ensure data consistance.

i believe i could do this check using the lookup data flow item, but surely there must be a way to do it in a more streamlined fashion.

since column names contain numbers to distinguish the version, eg; col01, col02, col03 .. col13.

i thought i could include the lookup within a loop and use a couple of variables to do this trick, but since i have not done it before i am asking for some sort of guidance from a guru among you folks.

please let me know if further clarification is necessary.



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Null Values For Datetime Values Converted To '0001-01-01'

Mar 29, 2006


can somebody explain me how I can assign a NULL value to a datetime type field in the script transformation editor in a data flow task.
In the script hereunder, Row.Datum1_IsNull is true, but still Row.OutputDatum1 will be assigned a value '0001-01-01' which generates an error (not a valid datetime). All alternatives known to me (CDate("") or Convert.ToDateTime("") or Convert.ToDateTime(System.DBNull.Value)) were not successful.
Leaving out the ELSE clause generates following error: Error: Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.

If Not Row.Datum1_IsNull Then

Row.OutputDatum1 = Row.Datum1


Row.OutputDatum1 = CDate(System.Convert.DBNull)

End If

Any help welcome.

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Check File Status With Datetime?

Mar 25, 2008

We have a really annoying job here that relies on a particular file to be created before several imports run. An old file may already exist, but if it isn't recent, we don't want the import to run. This job can't delete it, since other jobs use that file. What we'd like to do is to be able to check the creation date of the file, and if it is after a certain time of day, run the import, else, delete the file. I know of xp_fileexists. Is there anything similar in SQL that can return file information or am I stuck parsing the output from xp_cmdshell 'dir F:ftpcoreinputready.txt'? Any help or hints are appreciated. Let me know if you need more info. Thanks. -D.

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Date Overlap

Apr 17, 2008


Say I've got two time intervals represented two rows of Start Date and End Date.

Can anyone think of a way to express a query in which I can work out how many days the time intervals overlap each otheR?

Like for example if the first interval is pretty 1/5/08 and 13/5/08
and the second one is 5/5/08 and 15/5/08, then i guess the answer should be 8 days.

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Transact SQL :: Calculate DateTime Column By Merging Values From Date Column And Only Time Part Of DateTime Column?

Aug 3, 2015

How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?

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Check Constraint - Compare Sum Of Two Values In One Table Against Values Located In Another Table

Jul 26, 2014

I am relatively new to SQL and as a project I have been asked to create the SQL for a simple database to record train details. I want to implement a check constraint which will prevent data from being inserted into a table if the weight of the train is more than the maximum towing weight of the locomotive. FOr instance, I need to add the unladen weight and maximum capacity of each wagon (located in the wagon type table) and compare it against the locomotive maximum pulling weight (the locomotive class table). I have the following SQL but it will not work:

check((select SUM(fwt.unladen_weight+fwt.maximum_payload) from
hauls as h,freight_wagon as fw,freight_wagon_type as fwt,train as t where
h.freight_wagon_serial_number = fw.freight_wagon_serial_number and
fw.freight_wagon_type = fwt.freight_wagon_type and
h.train_number = t.train_number) <
(select lc.maximum_towing_weight from locomotive_class as lc,locomotive as l,train as t where
lc.locomotive_class = l.locomotive_class and l.locomotive_serial_number = t.locomotive_serial_number))

The hauls table is where the constraint has been placed and is the intermediary table between train and freight wagon.

I may not have explained this very well; but in short, i need to compare the sum of two values in one table against a values located in another table...At present I keep getting a message telling me the sub query cannot return more than one row.

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Time Overlap Calculations

Jan 6, 2007

There has been a number of topics recently regarding calculations of overlapping times. Here is one approach to reach this with a UDF.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnTimeOverlap

@Seconds INT

IF @FromTime > @ToTime
SELECT@Temp = @FromTime,
@FromTime = @ToTime,
@ToTime = @Temp

IF @Login > @Logout
SELECT@Temp = @Login,
@Login = @Logout,
@Logout = @Temp

WHEN @FromTime <= @Login AND @Login <= @ToTime AND @ToTime <= @Logout THEN DATEDIFF(second, @Login, @ToTime)
WHEN @FromTime <= @Login AND @Logout <= @ToTime THEN DATEDIFF(second, @Login, @Logout)
WHEN @Login <= @FromTime AND @ToTime <= @Logout THEN DATEDIFF(second, @FromTime, @ToTime)
WHEN @Login <= @FromTime AND @FromTime <= @Logout AND @Logout <= @ToTime THEN DATEDIFF(second, @FromTime, @Logout)


Peter Larsson
Helsingborg, Sweden

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Datepart Week Month Overlap

Apr 15, 2015

I am writing report to display some IIS site activity, part of the requirement is to produce a trend for user activity for each week of the year.

I have written a stored procedure that uses datepart to split year, month and year week number into separate columns. However the problem I am having is that when a week is split over 2 months I end up with the two entries for the same week but across two months which also splits the count of activity into two rows. So when I produce a line chart in SSRS I end up with a dip due to the week total being split.

An example would be week number 14 of this year is split over two months, I think I need to add same week number activity counts together but not sure how to handle this in the stored procedure.

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Checking If Date Ranges Overlap

Nov 6, 2013

Just want to check if my query is the standard way to check if date ranges overlap in a price table as I need to check any that overlap as I can't have two prices on one day.

For example if in a table there was:

Product TROUSER Colour BLUE
Start Date 01-NOV-13 End Date 20-NOV-13 Price £20.00
Start Date 10-NOV-13 End Date 12-NOV-13 Price £18.00
Start Date 21-NOV-13 End Date 25-NOV-13 Price £15.00

The top two overlap.I'm doing this which is giving me nothing returned which I'm hoping means I have no overlapping date ranges:

SELECT a.[PriceList]
,a.[Start Date]
,a.[End Date]
,a.[Product Price]


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How To Check For NULL Values In T-SQL

Jan 19, 2007

How can I check on NULL values in a Select statement?
SELECT ID FROM TabelWHERE somecolumn <> NULL??

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Reporting Services :: How To Avoid Value Overlap On Column Bar Charts

Sep 8, 2015

I have a column bar chart which displays values for each month. As per the requirement, I am displaying the column values by selecting "Show labels" options. I see few values overlap on the column bars.

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Check For Null Values In Transact Sql

Aug 20, 2006

I am using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005.
I have set up a trigger that fires when an update has been performed on a specific table.  The trigger checks to see if specific columns have been updated.  If they have, then the trigger code is executed.  This part works fine.
I am now trying to find a way to check if null values exist in either one of two field from the same table.  If either field contains a null value, then I don't want the trigger code to be executed.
How can I check for null values and skip a block of code within my Transact Sql trigger.

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How To Check DataSource Control For Values

Jan 18, 2008

Hey all,
 I was wondering what the best method of checking on page_load if a datasource control is pulling back nothing from a database.  I want to display a message explaining that there is no data to be displayed.  How would I go about doing that?  I have tried searching google and whatnot but didn't find anything really helpful.
Here is the current code for the data source control.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|EventInsider.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT Events_Groups.GroupName, Events_Groups.GroupID FROM Events_GroupMembership INNER JOIN Events_Groups ON Events_GroupMembership.GroupID = Events_Groups.GroupID WHERE (Events_GroupMembership.UserID = @UserID)">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="UserID" SessionField="UserID" />
 But I have no idea what the code behind would be to check it on page_load.  If there is no way to particularly do this, do you have to do it per control?  Like dropdownbox's or gridviews?  I am just confused on how to check to make sure there is data to be displayed.

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Any Way To Check If All The Values In A Column Returned Are The Same Value?

Jan 4, 2005

say i have a table, and in it are two columns, column1 and column2 and i do the following query:

SELECT column1, column2 FROM table WHERE column2 = '12345'

i want to check if column1 has all the same values, so in the first case, no

column1 column2
------- --------
4 12345
9 12345
5 12345

column1 column2
------- --------
9 12345
9 12345
9 12345

in the 2nd case, column1 contains all the same values, so yes

is there anyway i can check this? i would be doing this in a trigger.. say when a new row is inserted, the value of column1 is inserted, but col 2 is null.. so when they try to fill in the value for col2 of that row, the trigger checks to see if the value they put for col 2 is already in the table.. if it isn't, then everything is ok. but if it is already in teh table, then it checks col1 to see if all the values of col1 are the same

i hope this makes sense


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Compare Values Of Row With Same ID - Check If Changed

Jun 4, 2014

I'm pretty new to sql server and now I need to create a script that:

Compares the values of the row with the same id as the row with the update table(which has updated values in it) in which the price, description or replacement part have been changed.

If they did change they should be updated and if they haven't been changed nothing should happen...

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Check If Varchar Has Non 0 Values In The Decimal?

Apr 25, 2008

Hi All,

I have a table Saleshistory with 89481412 records. I have a field Sales of nvarchar type, all the records in this field are numeric, and the records are with 2 decimal places. I expect all the records to be ending at .00 (for example 5.00,345.00,25.00), but I want to verify if something is for example 5.6 etc.

So in short I want to check if any Salesrecords have more than zero values in the decimal. How can I check this.

Please help.



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How To Check Previous And Next Record Values

May 22, 2008

Hi all,

I wanted to check the previous and next record values.

For example:

sKey NextKey PreviousKey

1 2 Null
2 8 1
8 5 2
5 null 8

I wanted to check the value of NextKey of Prev record and Skey of Next record.

Any idea?


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How To Check Previous And Next Record Values

May 22, 2008

Hi all,

I wanted to check the previous and next record values.

For example:

sKey NextKey PreviousKey

1 2 Null
2 8 1
8 5 2
5 null 8

Ex : In the first record of the table, the NextKey is pointing to 2.
So the next record of Skey will be 2. The Next Key for this record is 8. Like wise the next record of this should have the Skey as 8.

Now I need to check whether the NextKey and SKey are correct for all rows.

For that I need to check the previous record of "Next key" and next record of "Skey".

Any idea?


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Check Table Values In The Store Procedure...

Oct 22, 2007

I have a problem related Store Procedure, that i  am trying to extact a  value from Database (Like FirstName,LastName,Email Address) through Store Procedure and Display it in the DropDownList(Like: FirstName LastName ,( , and this is working correctly.
Now i try to check the value at the same time if it is NULL value in the Database then pass EmptyString to the DropDownList Like ("" "" ,(
how i can do that in the store procedure.
Comments will be appreciated.

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Skip Alphanumeric Values (or Check If Value Is Numeric)

Dec 18, 2007

Is it possible to write a sql statement to skip aplpha numeric values? I got a field containing these values; 20, 70, 150, 140, 100, KORT, 90, 180, 160. And I'm trying to check if any value is bigger than 175 (@Limit), but I want to skip the value 'KORT'. So is it possible to check if a value is numeric or not? ISNULL( CONVERT(int, ProductVariant.Size), 0) > @Limit  Regards, Sigurd 

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How To Check Numeric Values In A Varchar Field

Feb 11, 2003

Hi all,

I have a field defined as varchar(8) but this field should not contain any letters, needs to be only numbers. How can I validate the data if it contains only numbers? Any ideas?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Check Variable Values Dynamically

Nov 9, 2014

I have created dynamic sql to declare variables based on columns from the table and i set values to those variable now here is the issue . i want to check the variable values how do i do that dynamically

drop table test
create table test
id varchar(10) not null,
col1 varchar(10) ,
col2 varchar(10)

[Code] .....

Now my next step is verify if the variable is blank or not how do i do that ?

How do i verify all of the columns one after the other .

I am after the statement like this dynamically

-- IF NOT (@col1 = '') THEN set @SQL = @SQL + '[col1] = ' + @col1 + ' '
--IF NOT (@col2 = '') THEN set @SQL = @SQL + '[col2] = ' + @col2 + ' '

I need to check if the columns are blank or not dynamically as i do not want to hard code the column names there.

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Check For Null Or Empty Values And Return 0

Mar 13, 2014

I am using the below query to calculate column values. But I need to return zero when a column values is empty or null.

select [Funding] [Fundings],
[Original] AS [Originals],
[Variance] = SUM([Previous_Year]-[Current_Year]),
[SumValue] = SUM([CurrentYear]/4),
[ActualValue] = SUM([Variance] * 0.75),
[New Value] = SUM([Previous_Year]+[Current_Year])
from Finance
GROUP BY [Original], [FinanceYear]

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Sum Column Values And Also Check Null Condition

Mar 28, 2014

select '$ '+ CONVERT(varchar,CONVERT(decimal(10,0),CONVERT(money, Amt_Value)),1) as [Amount]

from Products

How can I sum this column values and need to set a validation like the column has null values it has to return zero.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Admission Dates Overlap And Summing Of Inpatient Costs

Jun 28, 2015

I've been struggling with this for some time. we have to group data based on Patients admission date and discharge date. If any Patients discharge date + 1 = admission date then we have group both rows into one row and sum costs from both the rows. Please check out the sample input and expected output for details.

Sample Input
PatientID AdmissionDate DischargeDate Cost
1009 27-07-2014 31-07-2014 1050
1009 01-08-2014 23-08-2014 1070
1009 31-08-2014 31-08-2014 1900
1009 01-09-2014 14-09-2014 1260
1009 01-12-2014 31-12-2014 2090
1024 07-06-2014 28-06-2014 1900
1024 29-06-2014 31-07-2014 2900
1024 01-08-2014 02-08-2014 1800

Expected Output
PatientId AdminssionDate DischargeDate Cost
1009 27-07-2014 23-08-2014 2120
1009 31-08-2014 14-09-2014 3160
1009 01-12-2014 31-12-2014 2090
1024 07-06-2014 02-08-2014 6600

Please Use the below script to generate the source table and fill them up with the sample data.

--Create Table
CREATE TABLE PatientProblem
PatientID INT,
AdmissionDate DATETIME,
DischargeDate DATETIME,

[Code] ......

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Create Trigger To Check Values At Insert/update

Feb 10, 2004

I have never used triggers before and I have tried to solve one problem. If I have the column "currency" in a table and want to make sure that the entered value i valid in relation to another table that contains valid currency formats, I did it like this:

CREATE TRIGGER [trigger_checkCurrency] ON [dbo].[Client]
declare @currency as char(50)
declare @country as char(50)

declare cur cursor for SELECT currency, country

OPEN cur
fetch cur into @currency, @country
if not exists(select * from listinfoid where listname = 'currency' and listid = @currency)
set @currency = (cast(@currency as varchar (3)) + ' is not a valid currency')
RAISERROR (@currency,16,-1) with log
if not exists(select * from listinfoid where listname = 'country' and listid = @country)
set @country = (cast(@country as varchar (3)) + ' is not a valid contry')
RAISERROR (@country,16,-1) with log
fetch cur into @currency, @country

update Client set currency = UPPER(currency), country = UPPER(country)

I use a cursor to handle multiple rows in an update query.

Is there an easier och better way to do this?
I´m a bit unsure of this code.



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Compare DateTime Values

Feb 2, 2006

guys this is kind of a biggie for me.
i've only used sql server to compare the Date Portion of date(s), not the whole string (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi).
i have a table called Time_Check which has two fields with timestamps,
"TimeLastRun & TimeNextRun". i was trying to compare the Current TimeStamp that i pass from a form to a stored procedure and compare that DateTime to the TimeNextRun. I'd like to then Update the two Time Columns if rows are found. Should i maybe be using the DateDif Func if i know ahead of time how much time should be elapsed(say five minutes)?
Any Code help is appreciated

Create Procedure dbo.My_Time_Check
@myDate smalldatetime
select alertnumber,alertname,TimeLastRun,TimeNextRun
from time_check
where timeNextRun >= @myDate
--would like to update these two columns if rows are found

thanks again
this forum is the best

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Get Maximum From Each Datetime Values

Mar 5, 2008

hello all,

i have table - compmail in that i have compmailid, compmaildetail and compmaildate - columns

compmailid compmaildetail compmaildate
94341 comp mailing list 2008-1-23 16:41:17.037
94445 comp mailing vital 2008-1-23 23:05:18.152
94592 comp mailing items 2008-1-24 10:48:08.077
108229 comp mailing sales 2008-1-27 15:13:37.207
108740 comp mailing usages 2008-1-27 16:44:17.517
108261 comp mailing stats 2008-1-27 14:42:55.780

so i want maxcompmailid for each date
so output will be like:

compmailid compmaildetail compmaildate
94445 comp mailing vital 2008-1-23 23:05:18.152
94592 comp mailing items 2008-1-24 10:48:08.077
108740 comp mailing usages 2008-1-27 16:44:17.517

if i m doing:

select max(compmailid),compmaildetail,max(compmaildate) from compmail
group by compmaildetail

not giving me correct results which i want

can anyone have idea?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Check To See If Multiple VALUES Exist In A Table

Dec 6, 2013

I know how to check for a sinle vlaue but how do I chekc to see if multiple values exist. I need to check for certain email addresses from a list that I have.

Let us say I ahve 3 email addresses, I want to check for all of them in a table and for eevery email address that is present I want to print something like "You email address is XXX" and if one of those 3 is not found my results should look like

"You email address is XXX"
YYYYY not found
"You email address is ZZZZ"

I'm attaching some TSQL that I tried on [AdventureWorks2012].[Person].[EmailAddress]

/****** Select ALL if where an email address is present in the list ******/
SELECT EmailAddressID,EmailAddress
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Person].[EmailAddress]
WHERE EmailAddress IN
'', --1
'', --2

[Code] ....

-- Test to see if a single email address is present

SELECT EmailAddress FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Person].[EmailAddress]
WHERE EmailAddress IN ('')
SELECT 'Email address is presnt'

[Code] ....

When I check multiples using EXISTS it works as per its design and says YES even if a single item is present.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Check Existing Values In A Column For Duplicates Before Inserting

Aug 12, 2014

I have the following objective:

1. I want to check a column to see if there are values (to Eliminate dups)
2. Once checked the values in a column, if not found insert the new value

Here is my code for this:

-- When inserting or updating

-- Declare the variables
DECLARE @AN varchar(200)

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: Check Command That Ensures Only Certain Values Inserted In Table?

Jan 14, 2015

I am trying to create a check command that ensures only A'B','c','D','E','F','G and s1, s2 can be inserted in the table, is this even applicable? Heres my code:

Create Table GRADE (
CONSTRAINT check_grade
CHECK (substr(Grade = 'A','B','c','D','E','F','G')),

Salary_Scale VARCHAR2(2) CONSTRAINT check_SScale
CHECK (substr(Salary_Scale = 'S1', 'S2')),

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