Column, Parameter, Or Variable #1: Cannot Find Data Type SqlDatareader

Sep 28, 2006

Hello Everyone,
A have a Managed Stored Procedure ([Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlProcedure]). In it I would like to call a UserDefinedFunction:
public static SqlInt32 IsGetSqlInt32Null(SqlDataReader dr, Int32 index)
    if(dr.GetSqlValue(index) == null)
      return SqlInt32.Null;
      return dr.GetSqlInt32(index)
I than allways get the following ErrorMessage:
Column, parameter, or variable #1: Cannot find data type SqlDatareader.

Is it not possibel to pass the SqlDatareader to a SqlFunction, do the reading there and return the result.
My original Problem is, that datareader.GetSqlInt32(3) throws an error in case there is Null in the DB. I thought SqlInt32 would allow Null.
Would appreciate any kind of help! Thanks

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@local Variable Column Data Type

May 23, 2001

In a stored proc, can you declare a local variable that is an existing column in a table & then based on other criteria, do an order by using the local variable?

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How? : Using A Varchar, Text Data Type Variable As Valid Column Name.

Jun 2, 2008

Cannot use dynamic sql in current context. So need some help regarding this.I am developing a stored procedure to update a table. Sending Column names as parameters, but not able to use them as given below.INSERT INTO Books (@Column1, @Column2) values.. Any way to execute without using dynamic sql?..Thanx.   

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Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' Has No Constructors

Apr 16, 2006

I am getting the error below

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The Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' Has No Constructors Defined

Sep 23, 2006

Dear all, I'm using sqldatareader to return data that i need and then bind it to the gridview. Anyway, I'm facing the above error message. Please help, thanks.  Levine

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The Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' Has No Constructors Defined

May 21, 2008

I am trying to bind the data to a list box....i am using a stored procedure instead of a select query. Unfortunately the error is throwing up. Correct me where iam going wrong. Is my syntax correct 
 SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("User id=******;password=******;database=sampleecsphase2test;Data source=primasqltst\qa");
cn.Open();SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;SqlDataReader dr = new SqlDataReader();
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
listBox1.DataSource = dr;

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Cannot Implicitly Convert Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' To 'int'

Feb 25, 2008


I sometimes get these error messages. Does this sound familiar? Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' to 'int' (SQL-server)

Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader' (Access DB)


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BC30311: Value Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' Cannot Be Converted To 'String'.

Jan 4, 2005

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim txtName As New TextBox()
Dim txtPart As New TextBox()
Dim txtEach As New TextBox()
Dim txtTotal1 As New TextBox()
Dim txtSubtotal As New TextBox()
Dim txtTax As New TextBox()
Dim txtShipping As New TextBox()
Dim txtTotal2 As New TextBox()

Dim prod_id As Integer
Dim id As Integer
id = Request.Querystring("prod_id")
txtName.Text = GetName(id).................this is the problem line


End Sub

I'm trying to populate dynamically rendered textbox's, how should I do that too?

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Find Type Of A Column

Jan 30, 2007


is it possible to find a column's type inside stored procedure?? I am going to get the name of the table and then work with the columns and I just need the type of the column if I have had the name of it


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Bulk Insert Task Failing On Data Type Conversion For A Destination Column Of Type Bit

Jul 6, 2006

I am trying to use the Bulk Insert Task to load from a csv file. My final column is a bit that is nullable. My file is an ID column that is int, a date column that is mm/dd/yyy, then 20 columns that are real, and a final column that is bit. I've tried various combinations of codepage and datafiletype on my task component. When I have RAW with Char, I get the error included below. If I change to RAW/Native or codepage 1252, I don't have an issue with the bit; however, errors start generating on the ID and date columns.

I have tried various data type settings on my flat file connection, too. I have tried DT_BOOL and the integer datatypes. Nothing seems to work.

I hope someone can help me work through this.

Thanks in advance,


SSIS package "Package3.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 24. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 23 (cancelled).".

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task 1, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 24. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 23 (cancelled).".

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task 1

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task

Warning: 0x80019002 at Package3: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "Package3.dtsx" finished: Failure.

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I Want To Clone An Instance Of SqlDataReader Type

May 2, 2008

I need to copy an instance of SqlDataReader type. I perform a query and stores its details to an instance of SqlDataReader type. Now before i read it, i want to make a clone as i got to use it again just after sometime. I found something like ICloneable.Clone. But i couldnot find much on the internet as to how to use it. Can anybody give me a sample as to how to go about this

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The Type Or Namespace Name 'SqlDataReader' Could Not Be Found

Mar 6, 2006

    public static DataReader GetPhotoById(int pPhotoId)    {        return MyFile.Providers.SqlFileProvider.Instance.PhotoGetById(pPhotoId);    }That code is throwing me up the following error : Error    1    The type or namespace name 'DataReader' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    D:wwwWebSite1App_CodePhotoManager.cs    18    19    D:wwwWebSite1I'm pretty stuck to whats wrong? Any suggestions?Sorry, i'm really new to all this framework (and even this website);Dougal

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Variable Data Type Help

Apr 10, 2006

Hi all,

I am trying to extract certain data from MySQL
(example sql statement is SELECT COLUMN1, COUNT(COLUMN2) FROM TABLE
GROUP BY COLUMN1) and stored COLUMN1 and COUNT(COLUMN2) values into
variables and then copy the values from the variables and insert them
into a new table in sql server 2005 and has two columns in it (COLUMN1
of type nvarchar and COLUMN2 of type int). I can map the first output
(COLUMN1) correctly to variable type String and store them in the new
table in sql server 2005 (store the value in a variable type String and
then use insert and store it into sql server using parameter in Execute
Sql Task set the data type to NVARCHAR, but I cannot map the second
output (COUNT(COLUMN2)) using the same method, I could not even get it
to store into a variable of any type. Anyone have any idea how to go
about it? Thanks in advance.

The output of the sql statement for MySQL should look like:



aaa 101

bbb 232

ccc 542


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Variable Data Type In SSIS

Aug 31, 2007

how to pass the numeric(12,0) data type to a variable in SSIS? what kind of variable data type should I choose?
I am trying to assign object_key column ( numeric(12,0)) to a variable in SSIS

If i select int32 , it keep giving me an error:
Error: 0xC001F009 at Row by Row process: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::Object_Key" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.

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Change Data Type Of Variable

Oct 3, 2007

Is there anyway to change the data type of a variable while in an expression?
My problem is I am trying to compare a variable w/ a string data type to a variable w/ an object data type. I would change the data type of the variable from object to string but if I do that my sql task fails when it tries to write a value to that variable. The variable w/ the object data type is the result of an openquery sql stmnt. So I guess there are two ways around my problem.

1. Change data type of variable while in an flow constriant
2. Change data type of vraiable from object to string and still get the openquery result to work.

Any help???
Thanks !!

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How To Use Value Of A Variable In Defining Data Type

Dec 14, 2007

HI Experts,

I have same table structures in two database and one master table which contains Table id, Table name,primary key, data type of primary key. i have to comapare
Tables in both tha database and as per result i have to do insert,update or delete.

for that i have written query :

DECLARE @rowcount_mastertable FLOAT
SET @rowcount_mastertable = (select count(*) from master_table)

@TABLE_NAME varchar (100),
@primary_key varchar (100),
@Primarykey_DATATYPE varchar (50),


WHILE (@Counter <= @rowcount_mastertable)



--In below line i want to declare a variable and datatype should be same as what we got from master table so that i can use this @MAX_primary_key to fetch --max of primary key from table name where table id is 1
DECLARE @MAX_primary_key @Primarykey_DATATYPE
SELECT @MAX_primary_key = MAX(@primary_key) FROM @TABLE_NAME

---But by running it i am getting error that "Incorrect syntax near '@Primarykey_DATATYPE'. and "Must declare the variable '@MAX_primary_key'.

Please suggest

Thanks in Advance

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Variable Data Type In An Expression

Jun 7, 2006

Greetings my SSIS friends

I am attempting to create an expression as follows:

"Select * from someTable where someColumn >= " + (dt_str, 25, 1252) @[User::DateTimeVariable]

The problem is that my variable is a Datetime field and when I convert it to string, the string will not execute correctly.

How to solve this problem?

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Retrieve Data From Table Type Variable

Dec 5, 2014

Can we retrieve data from table type variable as an array in oracle key values..


ALTER PROCEDURE prn1( @p_prn as KeyValuePair readonly)
-- proc which having parameter table type as parameter
declare @v_formatted_str varchar(50)
set @v_formatted_str = v_formatted_str + @p_prn(1)(1)

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Analysis :: Which Data Type To Use For Variable Values

Aug 19, 2015

I am trying to find what datatype I can use for variable values like below in a column

E.g. column which we get


From the above example, you can see some of the values contains no decimal and with decimal

Also we cant say whether the decimal comes after the 5th number or 10th number. Any other datatype to capture this values. If not last option is to give varchar2.

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Table Data Type As Parameter

Aug 24, 2007

How can I use Table Data Type as parameter for Stored Procedures and Functions.

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Assign Numeric Data Type To User Variable

Sep 4, 2007

how to pass the column that has a numeric(12,0) data type to user variable in SSIS? what kind of variable data type should I choose?
if i select int64, it keep giving me an error:
Error: 0xC001F009 at Row by Row process: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User:bject_Key" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.

there is no numeric data type in variable..

if you click the drop down box in variable data type, you can only see the below data type:


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Argument Data Type For Dateadd Parameter

Mar 24, 2008

I am using the following code in my SQL stmt in my OLE BD Source stmt:


My parameters are as follows:
0 - User:LastSalesLoadDate DateTime variable
1 - User:Load Interval Int16 (or Int32)
2 - User:LastSalesLoadDate

When I try to close the program I get the following error:

"Argument data type datetime is invalid for argument 2 of dateadd function. If I can't use a datetime data type for the date time part of the dateadd, what can I use?

The exact same code runs without error in an EXECUTE SQL task.


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Data Type Of Parameter Passing To A Stored Procedure

Feb 25, 2004

I pass a paramter of text data type in sql server (which crosspnds Memo data type n Access) to a stored procedure but the problem is that I do not know the crossponding DataTypeEnum to Text data type in SQL Server.

The exact error message that occurs is:

ADODB.Parameters (0x800A0E7C)
Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided.

The error occurs in the following code line:
.parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter ("@EMedical", advarwchar, adParamInput)

I need to know what to write instead of advarwchar?
Thanks in advance

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Data Type In Parameter Mapping For An Execute SQL Task

Jul 12, 2006

Hi, I am trying to use an integer as input parameter for my task I get suck on the parameter data type.

The input parameter is define as @Control_ID variable as Int32 in SSIS. When I got into the parameter mapping of Execute SQL Task, I don't find the Int32 data type. I used to try Short, Numeric, Decimal and so on, but all of those data type didn't work. and it returns the following error message:

SSIS package "DCLoading.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Update Control_ID, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "use DCAStaging

update DCA_HFStaging set
[dbo].[Control_ID] = P0 where [Control_ID] is null
" failed with the following error: "The multi-part identifier "dbo.Control_ID" could not be bound.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Update Control_ID
Warning: 0x80019002 at DCLoading: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "DCLoading.dtsx" finished: Failure.

Any help?

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SSIS Custom Data Flow Component - Variable Type Converter

Jun 27, 2007

Hi all,

I am creating a customer data flow component for SSIS for use in a package. I've got some custom properties that I am exposing using the supplied advanced editor (no custom property editor here).

Some of my properties are enumerated types, and I have deciphered how to get those properties to show as dropdown lists of their respective enumerations. (For those of you who may be looking as hard as I did as to how to accomplish this, see the end of this post.)

I also have a few properties which request SSIS package variable names - such as an file name variable. However, I can't figure out how to tell the advanced editor that the property is looking for an SSIS variable, so that it can show a dropdown list of package variables, much like virtually any other Microsoft supplied Data Flow component can.

Is there a Type Converter I could specify for those custom properties? Is there another way to instruct SSIS that my custom property is expecting a variable? Or do I need to code a custom UI for editing my Data Flow Task?

To create a dropdown list of values for a custom property that represents an enum, do the following:

1. Create your enum definition, such as "public enum ThisIsMyEnum { one, two }"

2. Create a new class that inherits from TypeConverter, such as "public class MyEnumConverter : TypeConverter"

3. Override "CanConvertFrom", and return true if "sourceType == typeof(string)"

4. Override "CanConvertTo", and return true if "destinationType == typeof(string)"

5. Override "ConvertFrom", and return the enum value (such as "one" or "two" in my example) that corresponds to the string passed in the parameter "value"

6. Override "ConvertTo", and return a string that corresponds to the enum value passed in the parameter "value"

7. Override "GetStandardValuesSupported" and return true

8. Override "GetStandarValuesExclusive" and return true to indicate that ONLY the enum values should be accepted

9. Override "GetStandardValues", and return a new StandardValuesCollection constructed with Enum.GetValues() of your enum, such as "return new StandardValuesCollection(Enum.GetValues(typeof(ThisIsMyEnum)));"

10. Just above your "public enum" declaration, add a "TypeConverter" attribute to link your type converter to your enum, such as "[TypeConverter(typeof(MyEnumConverter))]"

11. In "ProvideComponentProperties", after you've created your custom property like this: "IDTSCustomProperty90 propEnum = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New()", add another line to specify the TypeConverter property of the property to the full assembly name of your type converter, like so: "propEnum.TypeConverter = typeof(MyEnumConverter).AssemblyQualifiedName;"

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Output Parameter With Text Data Type In Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

How can I make a stored procedure which has a output parameter withtext data type? My procedure is:CREATE PROCEDURE try@outPrm text OutputASselect @outPrm =(select field1 from databaseName Wherefield2='12345')GOHere field1 is text data type.Thanks

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.NET Framework :: CLR Stored Procedure With Table Data Type Parameter

May 27, 2015

I want to create a CLR Stored Procedure with a Table User Defined Type like this short example in SQL:

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[TypeTable] AS TABLE
[Id] [integer] NOT NULL,
[Value] [sysname] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

I found some example in this link : CLR UDT

But I can't figure how to do the same with a User Defined Type Table.

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How Can I Change The Data Type Of The Parameter For The Deployed Stored Procedure ??

Jan 11, 2006

I have Try to Create Stored Procedure in C# with the following structure
public static void sp_AddImage(Guid ImageID, string ImageFileName, byte[] Image)
But  when I try to deploy that SP to SQL Server Express  , The SP Parameters become in the following Stature
@ImageID uniqueidentifier
@ImageFileName nvarchar(4000)
@Image varbinary(8000)
But I don€™t want that Data types .. I want it to be in the following format
@ImageID uniqueidentifier
@ImageFileName nText
@Image Image
How Can I Control the data type for each parameter ??
How Can I Change the data type of the parameter for the Deployed Stored Procedure ??
How Can I defined the new Data type ??
What's the solution to this problem ??
Note : I get Error when I try to use Alert Statement to change the parameter Data type for the SP
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddImage]
      @ImageID [uniqueidentifier],
      @ImageFileName nText,
      @Image Image
EXTERNAL NAME [DatabaseAndImages].[StoredProcedures].[sp_AddImage]
And thanks with my best regarding

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Compare Data-type Xml In A Temp/variable/physical Table In MSSQL 2000

May 22, 2008

Does abyone know how to compare data-type xml in a temp/variable/physical table in MSSQL 2000?

I tried this works in MSSQL 2005,

Code Snippet
create Table #t1 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text)
create Table #t2 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text)
Insert into #t1
Values('This is a test')
Insert into #t2
Values('This is a test')
Select * from #t1
Select * from #t2
Select * from #t1 where [c2] LIKE (Select [c2] from #t2)
drop table #t1
drop table #t2

but not MSSQL 2000.

Server: Msg 279, Level 16, State 3, Line 12
The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.

Is this true (from BOL)?

Code SnippetIn comparing these column values, if any of the columns to be compared are of type text, ntext, or image, FOR XML assumes that values are different (although they may be the same because Microsoft® SQL Server„¢ 2000 does not support comparing large objects); and elements are added to the result for each row selected.

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Odd Error Upon SqlDataReader.Read() Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The Substring Function.

Nov 12, 2003

An application I developed normally works great, but it seems that when processing a certian record (and none of the others so far), SQL Server throws this error:
"Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function."

Here's the code in question:

orderReader = orderCommand.ExecuteReader()


Private Sub setControls(ByVal dr As SqlDataReader)
If (dr.Read()) Then '<--*******problem line*******

The SqlDataReader (orderReader) doesn't blow up or anything until I call .Read() (and, as mentioned, this problem only occurs for one order). What could be happening here?

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value 'V' To A Column Of Data Type Int

Aug 31, 2006

 I am using  a stored procedure which returns a value of charecter datatype 'V' to the calling program.I am getting an sql exception System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting the varchar value 'V' to a column of data type inti didnot define any int datatype in my tablethis is my codeSqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("StoredProcedure4", connection);com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  SqlParameter p1 = com.Parameters.Add("@uname", SqlDbType.NVarChar);SqlParameter p2 = com.Parameters.Add("@opwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar);SqlParameter p3 = com.Parameters.Add("@role", SqlDbType.NVarChar);p3.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;p1.Value = username.Text.Trim();p2.Value = password.Text.Trim();com.ExecuteReader();lblerror2.Text = (string)(com.Parameters["@role"].Value); can your figure out what is the error ? Is it a coding error or error of the databse

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Input Parameter Exceeds The Limit Of The Data Type's Length In Stored Procedure

Sep 4, 2007

Hi guys, is there any way to solve my problem as title ? Assuming my stored proc is written as below :

@A VARCHAR(8000) = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,...,5000'


DECLARE @B nvarchar(MAX);
SET @B = 'SELECT * FROM C WHERE ID IN ( ' + @A + ')'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @B

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Column Data Type

Jun 17, 2005

Hello,  I would like to get the columns in a table, this works fine:SELECT syscolumns.* FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN syscolumns ON = WHERE = 'Customers'ORDER BY syscolumns.colidHowever, is there a way to get Column_Data_Type as for example "nchar" or "varchar" instead of having it as numbers.Can anybody help ?thanks

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