Create A Seperate Thread For A Winform In Script Task?

Nov 7, 2006

In order to provide runtime, realtime, graphical feedback to ETL operators, I am planning to open a new winform when my packages start, and update the form via polling of events.

It is my understanding that this means I need to create a new thread for the winform from within the script task. Anyone done this via script task yet? Any reason why this couldn't work or shouldn't be done from the script task?

Would I be better off writing the winform app completely seperately and simply call it from an "execute process" task?



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Unable To Create A Local Database To Winform Application

Sep 27, 2007

I saw a video on how its possible to create a local database so that when the application is being deployed, the mdf file will be deployed with it and will contain the enter data. The instructor(Beth Messi) showed that all I need to do is to add the .mdf file using the "Rightclick Project name in solution explorer > select add > add new item > then in the dialog that opens, select SQL database and click ok. I did this but the Visual Studio kept saying: "An error occored while extablishing a connection with the server. When connecting SQL Server 2005, this failure may have been caused by the fact that under the default settings of SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (Provider: Shared memory provider, error: 40 - could not open a connection to SQL Server)"

Honestly, I don't know how to go futher with this. The SQL server am using is the professional edition and I have been able to use it through Visual Studio to create Databases. It connects alright in that senario. Please I really need help here.

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CREATE VIEW, Seperate One Column In Two Views..

Oct 17, 2007

I am creating a view for the table:
bellus=# select * from host_application_definition;
id | type_value | connection_value | group_value | application_value | host

From the table meta_host_types;

id | value | types | name
1 | agm | host-type | Rencid

I would like to seperate value into type_value and connection_value, because it holds both values.

Any tip?

bellus=# d host_application_definition;
Table "public.host_application_definition"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('host_application_definition_id_seq'::regclass)
type_value | integer |
connection_value | integer |
group_value | integer |
application_value | integer |
host | integer |
"host_application_definition_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"host_application_definition_application_value_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (application_value) REFERENCES appsmarteye(id)
"host_application_definition_connection_value_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (connection_value) REFERENCES meta_host_types(id)
"host_application_definition_group_value_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (group_value) REFERENCES meta_host_grouptypes(id)
"host_application_definition_host_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (host) REFERENCES master_hosts(id)
"host_application_definition_type_value_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (type_value) REFERENCES meta_host_types(id)

d meta_host_types;
Table "public.meta_host_types"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('meta_types_application_id_seq'::regclass)
application | integer |
value | text |
comments | text |
types | text |
"meta_types_application_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"meta_host_types_id_key" UNIQUE, btree (id)
"meta_host_types_value_key" UNIQUE, btree (value, application)
"meta_host_types_value_key1" UNIQUE, btree (value)
Foreign-key constraints:
"meta_types_application_application_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (application) REFERENCES appsmarteye(id)

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Create View Using Data In Seperate Severs

Oct 4, 2006


I'd like to create a view on server x which references tables on an
entirely seperate server. Is this possible? Is seems
strange to have to copy the tables over just to create a view. In
the view wizard I can't seem to 'browse' to the tables on the other

The code I'm working with would conceptually be something like this:

select server name.database instance.owner.table.field

from server name.database instance.owner.table

where <field name> like 'xxxx%'

or something along those lines.

Any help would be appreciated!


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Engine Thread Property Of Data Flow Task

Apr 3, 2006

Hi guys,

The default Engine Thread property of a data flow task is set to 5, is this the best setting? what if I would like to run complex data flow tasks on multi-processor machines, should I increase the engine thread? If so, then what is the recommended Engine Thread number for running complex data flow tasks in a multi processor system?

Even if i am running simple data flow tasks on a multi processor machine, should I change the engine thread?


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Package Error: Cannot Create Thread

Nov 17, 2006

I have a child package that has been run successfully multiple times in the last month +. Each time with roughly the same amount of data, give or take a few thousand rows.

Suddenly, this child package is now giving me the following errors from the log file:

Error: 2006-11-17 12:04:19.98
Code: 0xC0047031
Source: DFLT Primary DTS.Pipeline

Description: The Data Flow task failed to create a required thread and cannot begin running. The usually occurs when there is an out-of-memory state.

End Error

Error: 2006-11-17 12:04:20.03
Code: 0xC004700E
Source: DFLT Primary DTS.Pipeline

Description: The Data Flow task engine failed at startup because it cannot create one or more required threads.

End Error

I tried taking the child out of parent and running it by itself. I still get the same error. There are three other child packages that run on the exact same data and they have no problems. The control flow for the package first runs an SQL command. Then it has a data flow. The data flow grabs records from the source, adds two derived columns, looks up data and then stores to the destination. Relatively easy compared to other packages that are running just fine.

I've had our network people check the both the server running SSIS and the database server (two different machines) and there are no memory spike while the package is running.

Any ideas?

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Is It Possible To Create Thread &&amp; Start From CLR Stored Proc

Apr 5, 2006

My simple CLR Stored procedure is as below:

public static int MyParallelStoredProc(string name1, string name2)
Thread t = null;
Worker wth = null;
int parallel = 2;
Object[] obj = new object [parallel];
SqlPipe p;
p = SqlContext.Pipe;

for (int i = 0; i < parallel; i++)
if (i == 0)
wth = new Worker(name1);
wth = new Worker(name2);
t = new Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(wth.WorkerProc));
t.Name = "Thread -" + i.ToString() + ":";
p.Send(t.Name + ":Started");
obj[ i] = t;
for (int i = 0; i < parallel; i++)
t = (System.Threading.Thread)obj[ i];
p.Send(t.Name + ":Finished");
return 0;

The worker class implementing Thread Proc:

public class Worker
private string Name;

public Worker(string name)
SqlPipe p;
p = SqlContext.Pipe;
Name = name;
p.Send("In Constructor:" + Name);

public void WorkerProc()
SqlPipe p;
p = SqlContext.Pipe;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

The assembly is registered with UNSAFE permission set.

permission_set = unsafe;

CREATE PROC ParallelStoredProc
@Name1 NVARCHAR(1024),
@Name2 NVARCHAR(1024)
EXTERNAL NAME ThreadTest.[MyTest.ThreadTest].MyParallelStoredProc

When I invoke the the stored procedure from T-SQL script as below,

EXEC ParallelStoredProc @Name1, @Name2

the thread class constructor gets called; but the 'WorkerProc' does not execute ?

Whether an UNSAFE assembly is allowed to spawn threads

inside SQL Server ?

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Moving Files (split From An Existing Thread-SSIS Equivalent To DTS Transform Data Task Properties)

May 7, 2007

Hi JayH (or anyone). Another week...a new set of problems. I obviously need to learn .net syntax, but because of project deadlines in converting from DTS to SSIS it is hard for me to stop and do that. So, if someone could help me some easy syntax, I would really appreciate it.

In DTS, there was a VBScript that copied a set of flat files from one directory to an archive directory after modifying the file name. In SSIS, the directory and archive directory will be specified in the config file. So, I need a .net script that retrieves a file, renames it and copies it to a different directory.


Here is the old VBScript Code:

Public Sub Main()

Option Explicit

Function Main()

Dim MovementDataDir

Dim MovementArchiveDataDir

Dim MovementDataFile

Dim MovementArchiveDataFile

Dim FileNameRoot

Dim FileNameExtension, DecimalLocation

Dim CurMonth, CurDay

Dim FileApplicationDate

Dim fso ' File System Object

Dim folder

Dim FileCollection

Dim MovementFile


'Create text strings of today's date to be appended to the archived file.

FileApplicationDate = Now

CurMonth = Month(FileApplicationDate)

CurDay = Day(FileApplicationDate)

If Len(CurMonth) = 1 Then

CurMonth = "0" & CurMonth

End If

If Len(CurDay) = 1 Then

CurDay = "0" & CurDay

End If

FileApplicationDate = CurMonth & CurDay & Year(FileApplicationDate)


' Set the movement data directory from the global variable.

MovementDataDir = DTSGlobalVariables("gsMovementDataDir").Value

MovementArchiveDataDir = DTSGlobalVariables("gsMovementDataArchiveDir").Value

fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

folder = fso.GetFolder(MovementDataDir)

FileCollection = folder.Files

' Loop through all files in the data directory.

For Each MovementFile In FileCollection

' Get the full path name of the current data file.

MovementDataFile = MovementDataDir & "" & MovementFile.Name

' Get the full path name of the archive data file.

MovementArchiveDataFile = MovementArchiveDataDir & "" & MovementFile.Name

DecimalLocation = InStr(1, MovementArchiveDataFile, ".")

FileNameExtension = Mid(MovementArchiveDataFile, DecimalLocation, Len(MovementArchiveDataFile) - DecimalLocation + 1)

FileNameRoot = Mid(MovementArchiveDataFile, 1, DecimalLocation - 1)

MovementArchiveDataFile = FileNameRoot & "_" & FileApplicationDate & FileNameExtension

If (fso.FileExists(MovementDataFile)) Then

fso.CopyFile(MovementDataFile, MovementArchiveDataFile)

' If the archive file was coppied, then delete the old copy.

If (fso.FileExists(MovementArchiveDataFile)) Then


End If

End If


fso = Nothing

folder = Nothing

FileCollection = Nothing

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

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Nov 28, 2006

Is there a way to make the data selecatable. For example, a user runs a report and wants to copy the applicationId onto their clipboard so they can use it to search in another application. Currently they have to remember or write down a 9 digit number. Not very user friendly...

I am currently using a data table as the container for the data in my rdl file. Then I use reportviewer for winforms to embed it in our user application.


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Date Problem With ASP.NET But Not In VB.NET Winform App

Sep 22, 2004

Edited by SomeNewKid. Please post code between <code> and </code> tags.

Hello, I have given up after 3 hours of trying to get a DBNull.Value to be inserted into SQL 2000 DB. Below is the code that exists in an object that I use both from a VB.NET Windows application and from an ASP.NET application. (same exact compiled object dll). Has ran fine with windows application for almost a year - still does. Use the same object in my new ASP.NET application and I get a SQL Overflow error that says date must be between 1753 12 am etc etc... when trying to insert null using the code below.

This one has me stumped. The lines below where I set the date are basically this (what the logic equates to):oDR.Item("CT_CustomDate1") = DBNull.Value
oDR.Item("CT_CustomDate2") = DBNull.Value

Error gets thrown when this line is executed:oDA.Update(oDT)

Also, the CT_CustomDate1 & 2 fields in the SQL Server 2000 DB are of type SmallDateTime and the variables in object used in code function below are Date. I've tried every combination of Date, DateTime, SmallDateTime, etc. etc. to no avail.

Thanks for you help!

Public Function AddNew(ByVal sGUID As String) As Boolean
'Saves all new contact information to database
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE 1=2"
Dim oConn As New SqlConnection(sConnectionString)
Dim oDT As New DataTable
Dim oDA As New SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, oConn)
Dim oDR As DataRow
Dim bSuccess As Boolean


Dim dataCommandBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder(oDA)
oDA.InsertCommand = dataCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand
oDA.DeleteCommand = dataCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand
oDA.UpdateCommand = dataCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand

oDR = oDT.NewRow

oDR.Item("CT_GUID") = sGUID
oDR.Item("CT_CompanyGUID") = CTCompanyGUID
oDR.Item("CT_Prefix") = CTPrefix
oDR.Item("CT_FirstName") = CTFirstName
oDR.Item("CT_MiddleName") = CTMiddleName
oDR.Item("CT_LastName") = CTLastName
oDR.Item("CT_Suffix") = CTSuffix
oDR.Item("CT_Title") = CTTitle
oDR.Item("CT_ContactAddress") = CTContactAddress
oDR.Item("CT_Address1") = CTAddress1
oDR.Item("CT_Address2") = CTAddress2
oDR.Item("CT_City") = CTCity
oDR.Item("CT_State") = CTState
oDR.Item("CT_Zip") = CTZip
oDR.Item("CT_Country") = CTCountry
oDR.Item("CT_InternationalPhone") = CTInternationalPhone
oDR.Item("CT_Phone") = CTPhone
oDR.Item("CT_Fax") = CTFax
oDR.Item("CT_Cell") = CTCell
oDR.Item("CT_AltPhone") = CTAltPhone
oDR.Item("CT_Assistant") = CTAssistant
oDR.Item("CT_AssistantPhone") = CTAssistantPhone
oDR.Item("CT_NoEmail") = CTNoEmail
oDR.Item("CT_EmailAddress") = CTEmailAddress
oDR.Item("CT_Confidential") = CTConfidential
oDR.Item("CT_TypeGUID") = CTTypeGUID
oDR.Item("CT_Designation") = ""
oDR.Item("CT_LastUpdate") = CTLastUpdate
oDR.Item("CT_UpdatedByWho") = CTUpdatedByWho
oDR.Item("CT_Location") = CTLocation
oDR.Item("CT_CustomBit1") = CTCustomBit1
oDR.Item("CT_CustomBit2") = CTCustomBit2
oDR.Item("CT_CustomBit3") = CTCustomBit3
oDR.Item("CT_CustomBit4") = CTCustomBit4
oDR.Item("CT_CustomBit5") = CTCustomBit5
oDR.Item("CT_CustomBit6") = CTCustomBit6
oDR.Item("CT_CustomBit7") = CTCustomBit7
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr1") = CTCustomStr1
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr2") = CTCustomStr2
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr3") = CTCustomStr3
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr4") = CTCustomStr4
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr5") = CTCustomStr5
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr6") = CTCustomStr6
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr7") = CTCustomStr7
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr8") = CTCustomStr8
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr9") = CTCustomStr9
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr10") = CTCustomStr10
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr11") = CTCustomStr11
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr12") = CTCustomStr12
oDR.Item("CT_CustomStr13") = CTCustomStr13
oDR.Item("CT_CustomPhone1") = CTCustomPhone1
oDR.Item("CT_CustomPhone2") = CTCustomPhone2
oDR.Item("CT_CustomPhone3") = CTCustomPhone3
oDR.Item("CT_CustomPhone4") = CTCustomPhone4
oDR.Item("CT_CustomDate1") = IIf(CTCustomDate1 = #12:00:00 AM#, DBNull.Value, CTCustomDate1)
oDR.Item("CT_CustomDate2") = IIf(CTCustomDate2 = #12:00:00 AM#, DBNull.Value, CTCustomDate2)
'oDR.Item("CT_CustomDate1") = CDate(#1/1/1753#)
'oDR.Item("CT_CustomDate2") = CDate(#1/1/1753#)
oDR.Item("CT_CustomAmount1") = CTCustomAmount1
oDR.Item("CT_CustomAmount2") = CTCustomAmount2
oDR.Item("CT_CustomType1GUID") = CTCustomType1GUID
oDR.Item("CT_CustomType2GUID") = CTCustomType2GUID
oDR.Item("CT_CustomCompany1GUID") = IIf(CTCustomCompany1GUID = "00", DBNull.Value, CTCustomCompany1GUID)
oDR.Item("CT_CustomCompany2GUID") = IIf(CTCustomCompany2GUID = "00", DBNull.Value, CTCustomCompany2GUID)
oDR.Item("CT_CustomContact1GUID") = IIf(CTCustomContact1GUID = "00", DBNull.Value, CTCustomContact1GUID)

bSuccess = True
Catch err As Exception
MsgBox("Error saving new contact..." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & err.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Database Error")
bSuccess = False
End Try

AddNew = bSuccess

End Function

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SQL Express For WinForm App. Deployment

Nov 14, 2005

Hi All,

I have a winform app built using that utilize SQL 2005. How do i include the database that i have within the application itself and how does that affect the connection string? This lead to the 2nd question, Will the database have multi user capability if i set the connection string to (local)? Does anybody have a step by step way to do this? Please elaborate the way to do it or share with us the link to do it.

Thanks in advance!

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How Do You Deliver A WinForm App With SSEE

May 28, 2008

I have asked this question before (but the question was geared for something else). Let me briefly lay out my question.

I currently have a WinForm app I distribute that interfaces with Access. When I distribute it, I have in the application startup path a folder called "Database" which has the Access .mdf. With me so far?

I have tools that automate and semi-automate the embedding of important information into my database during the course of a project. However, because more people are starting to use my tools, we have a concurrency issue. I was looking at SSEE as a replacement for Access to solve this problem and avoid the concurrency problem. Hence it is not for the customer I am moving to SSEE but for my internal team who use my tools.

I am having a difficult time delivering the finished product because I don't quite know how to deliver SSEE. I am very proficient with setups, and know that as a prequisite they have SSEE as a selectable item, but how to I attach my database to SSEE in the setup? Do I need to detach my database from my server and reattach it during the setup for the customer?

I have found no articles describing this (except ClickOnce which is not what I want). If everyone raves about SSEE over Access, I would think this would be a widely available question.

This is probably a question for a MVP or someone who has dealt with this personally, so I would welcome your expertise in this matter.


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How To Print Without Preview In WinForm?

Mar 24, 2007

I have created Reports using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service.

Now I want to print them in button click on Windows Form without displaying or previewing it.

More over I want to print 2 copys at a time?

I want to print without preview.


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Can You Embed DTSX Package In A C# Winform Executable?

Mar 22, 2008

Im trying to figure out if there is a way to embed an ssis package into a c# winform?

I know that I can pass variables to a package and write the entire package out programatically, but im curious if there is a way to add the dtsx as an assembly or something. OR is there any tool that would take the ssis package and spit out its equivalent in code?


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Cannot Create A Task With The Name .....

Aug 8, 2006

I don't know if anyone is interested, but I was just struggling over an issue with a custom SSIS Control Flow Task and found that all referenced objects also have to be in the GAC to be able to create the custom object in the ssis designer. I guess that makes sense, but I searched all over for any reference to this error, and couldn't find anything. Hopes this sense for someone else!

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How To Create An FTP Task As A Scheduled Job?

Jun 13, 2002

I need to use FTP task in DTS ( or any other way), but the problem is, the source file name is not constant. It changes every day with a date extension appended to the file name, like How do I create a task task to grab this file daily as a scheduled task? Any help is appreciated.

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Create A Condition For A DTS Task

Apr 11, 2007

I simply want an email to go out if any records in a table exist, else no email. I have other steps completed in this DTS job but this is the last step. Any ideas?


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Cannot Create A Custom Task

Apr 23, 2007

I've gone through all the steps, and when I finally drag the custom task I've made into the control flow, I get the error

"Failed to create the task. ... Cannot create a task with the name "SSISExportToExcel.ExcelExport.ExcelExport, SSISExcelExport, ... Verify the name is correct"

Here's the beginning of my class... any help would be appreciated...

Namespace ExcelExport
<DtsTask(DisplayName:="Excel Export Task", _
Description:="Exports a SQL query results to an Excel Document")> _
Public Class ExcelExport
Inherits Task

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Unable To Create A New Task Unless Use Wizard?

Dec 10, 2013

I just started having an issue with maintenance tasks. When I click on one of my jobs to modify it I get the following error. Also I am unable to create a new task unless I use the wizard? Could not load file or assembly 'msddsp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsComponentDiagram.CreateDdsView(Control parentControl)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Controls.DdsDiagramHostControl.set_ComponentDiagram(ComponentDiagram value)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DbMaintSequenceDesigner.get_DbMaintDiagramHost()


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Web Service Task Does Not Create Proper XML

Apr 12, 2007

Hi all,

I have created a Web service and I want to call a single method from it to extract data. For this reason I use the SSIS "Web Service Task" . The problem is that the xml output file from the web service task does not look in the proper way. When I invoke my web service method in the browser the result looks like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <ArrayOfBooking xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
- <Booking>
- <Booking>

but when I use the web service task , the xml file produced, looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfBooking xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" >
<BookingDate xmlns="">2007-04-12T16:14:33.9210023+03:00</BookingDate>
<FlightDate xmlns="">2007-04-12T16:14:33.9210023+03:00</FlightDate>
<BookingDate xmlns="">2007-04-12T16:14:33.9210023+03:00</BookingDate>
<FlightDate xmlns="">2007-04-12T16:14:33.9210023+03:00</FlightDate>

My problem is that I cannot create a xsd schema for the xml file output from the "web service task", and because of this I cannot insert the data in the xml file into the Database, because the xsd schema is reqired by the XML Source which I use in my DataFlow task for inserting the data.
Do you have any ideas how to solve this strange problem?


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Variable To Create A Table In A SQL Task

Nov 6, 2007


I need to create a Table using the SQL Task and a Variable as the Table Name

I am getting an Error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

The SQL Statement that I am using is
Create Table ? (ColumnA char(5) Null)

The ? is the Value of the Variables

Is there a way of doing this


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Task To Create And Drop Tables

Apr 12, 2006

I have a package that i want to move between enviroments. Therefor i need to create a package that creates all my tables on the new server.


-- "if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[table]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [table]

The case is that i have around 30 tables, and my question is therefore

I know that you can create the drop and create script for one table at the time in the SQL Server Management Studio, but is there an easier way to do this

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IDtsPipelineEnvironmentService Failed To Create Task.

Nov 2, 2007

If I try to create open a .dtsx package I get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Failed to create the task.
Could not load type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Design.IDtsPipelineEnvironmentService' from assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)

This also happens if I create a new SSIS project and try to add a data flow.
I have SQL 2005 Service pack 2 loaded and it's running on Windows Server 2003 with the latest service packs.

This was working a few weeks ago and then quit? Any ideas?

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Create Directory With A File System Task

Sep 13, 2006


I'm having a bit of a problem implementing a File System Task to Create a directory and would appreciate some help if possible.

I want to create a date directory so I can move files to once they are imported successfully. The date portion for the directory comes from the import file whose name is variable and in the format of PerfLog_<yyyymmdd>.aud. So, in essence, if I am processing a file named Perflog_20060913.aud, when I am done processing it I want to create a directory c:myprog20060913 and move my processed file there.

Can anyone help me? Please.

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Integration Services :: Script Task - Create Excel Using C#?

Jun 6, 2015

I need to create excel workbook "SalesData.xlsx', which should have worksheet "POS". After creating excel file in specific location, script should be able to format cells as well.For instance, first two column type should be numbers. Here are the columns:

ColumnName : Type
Id : Number
AccountNumber : Number
Name: Text
Address: Text

Also, it checks for existing file . If it exist, then overwrite the file.

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SSIS - Failed To Create The Task. (Microsoft Visual Studio)

Apr 9, 2008

I have created one Custom Task in SSIS. Basically I have one solution and 2 class library project one for Task and one for UserInterface
when i try to drag new task from tool box it says following errror
Failed to create the task. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
The task editor of the type 'CustomErrorControl.CustomControlnew,CustomErrorControl,Version=,Culture=Neutral,PublicKeyToken= 0c2b681d5171851e' is not installed correctly. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)
For help, click:
Program Location:
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtrTaskDesigner.InitializeTaskUI()
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtrTaskDesigner.OnNewTaskAdded()
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsBasePackageDesigner.CreateExecutable(String moniker, IDTSSequence container, String name)

CustomErrorControl is my name space and CustomControlNew is my class name.
does it TypeName should appear like what i have?
I have unstalled it and try to reinstall it. change the stong name key and they try again but somehow same error..
Please help..

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Send Mail Task - Would Like To Create Custom Subject Line

May 23, 2007


I imagine this will be done through the use of expressions.

What I would like to do is this. When my package fails, it's set up to send an email using the Send Mail Task.

I would like to create a custom subject line that contains:

1.) Name of the package

2.) Name of the task that failed (if possible)

I am seriously wondering how I can do this.

Thanks much

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SQL And Forum On Seperate Machines....

Jan 16, 2004

Hi All,

I have got MSSQL 2000 set up on a machine in my rack at my local telehouse, and a web server set up at home on an ADSL line.

Both servers can see (ping) eachother fine , so you can rule out any kind of connectivity issues straight away, but when i try to get my forum to connect to the mssql database using the correct credentials it just fails saying that the credentials are incorrect ot the server does not exist.

I also installed an SQL database tool on my web server (Shusheng SQL Tool) and attempted to connect to my SQL server using that tool, and got the following message: '[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.'

The server is currently using mixed mode authentication (SQL/Windows) and has both TCP/IP and Named pipes enabled.

Is there some kind of 'Enable remote connections' option in SQL? I need to be able to allow connections to my SQL server from any system, anywhere...

Any ideas?

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Why We Allocate .mdf And .ldf On Seperate Drives?

Oct 25, 2004

Why we allocate .mdf and .ldf on seperate drives?
Please tell me a proper logical reason behind it.

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SP Updates From Seperate Server

Dec 17, 2007


I need to update a table on our Test Server which is GCSQLTEST, with another table thats on our live server GCSQL. How would I go about doing that in a stored procedure??

CREATE PROCEDURE [InsertRevised_MainTable]
INSERT INTO dbo.RevisedMainTable
([IR Number], [Date], [I/RDocument], [Violation Type])
SELECT [Incident Report No], [Date], [I/RDocument], TypeOfIncident
FROM dbo.RevisedMainTable
WHERE [IR Number] = [IR Number])

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Are Seperate Databases Betters?

Jan 4, 2004

Hi. I have been talking with some developers who have built a hosted application supporting multiple customers. Their database approach is to create a new, dedicated database (same schema each time) for every customer that signs-up.

This approach is contrary to typical hosted DB designs that I have delt with -- that is, a single database holding multiple customer information rather than a unique database for each customer.

Does the improved security of a dedicated database out-weigh the additional maintenance requirements?

If anyone has some objective thoughts on this topic, I'd love to hear them.


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Should I Seperate Tables Into New Databases??

May 22, 2008

My boss has asked me to look into this and I haven't been able to find any information on the web. I hope someone can answer this for me. We currently have a single database that is storing all the user information and transactions. Within the same database we are also logging different types of user activity. If both these tables are heavily used, would it make sense to separate it into different database, one for data and one for logging? Is there any pro or cons of having more than one database? Any opinion or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. I'm the closest thing they have to DBA and I'm really new to this. Thanks.

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How To Seperate Text Between Comma

Jan 3, 2008

Dear All,

i've a string to pass as a parametre to a procedure.

create preocedure myproc(@EMPID VARCHAR(50),'abc,def,ghi,jkl')

i need the output like this

1 abc
2 def
3 ghi
4 jkl


how can i do that?

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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