DELETE And UPDATE Trigger Question

Sep 28, 2006

I have a Trigger on a table. Here is the code
 ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[OnOrderDelete]
ON [dbo].[orders]
DECLARE @ids int;
SELECT @ids =( SELECT id from DELETED);
DELETE FROM files WHERE OrderId = @ids;
Actually the UPDATE event handler is not wanted here, but why when I leave him I have a following behaviour:
When orders table is updated, the "SELECT @ids =( SELECT id from DELETED);
DELETE FROM files WHERE OrderId = @ids;" 
part is executed, and the program recognizes DELETED as UPDATED! (Like " SELECT @ids =( SELECT id from UPDATED) ")
Is this right? And how can I part UPDATED and DELETED ?


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Trigger For Delete Or Specific Update

May 2, 2007

I have a table where I want to prevent user from deleting or setting a flag on a field to "y" with a database trigger (sql 2000). I understand the trigger for just one (stopping the delete, or stopping the field being changed to "y"). Should I have 2 seperate triggers or would there be a way to handle both.

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Aug 15, 2001





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Insert Update Delete Trigger?

Dec 2, 2014

I have to create a trigger that will log who changed information on a table and when (NOT what they have changed).

My idea is to get the users name and see if it is in a table if not create it and get the associated ID, also get the ID of table that was accessed along with the ID of the type of task that was performed. Take this data and insert it into a table.

Here is the SQL I have so far.

-- Primary Database Tables --
CREATE TABLE Physician (
Physician_ID int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
First_Name varchar(100),
Last_Name varchar(100),
Mobile_Number varchar(15),
Pager_Number varchar(15)


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Create One Trigger For Both Update And Delete

Apr 30, 2007

hi,CAn i have one trigger for both Update and DeleteDelete Trigger---------------------create Trigger [tr_delete_user_log]on [dbo].[user_log] for deleteasbegininsert into z_user_log select * from deletedendTrigger Update---------------------CREATE Trigger [tr_update_user_log]on [dbo].[user_log] for updateasbegininsert into z_user_log select * from deletedendCan i have one trigger instead of these Triggers ..

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My On Update Trigger Reacts Also On Delete

Aug 9, 2006

In SQL Server 2005 Express I created a trigger which should edit a value in another table when a special tupel column has been updated. The funny thing is, that it also fires on delete...of course not what I wanted. what did I do wrong?

Thanks in advance!

ALTER TRIGGER dbo.update_history_users

ON dbo.[user]



IF UPDATE([name])


DECLARE @old_value nvarchar(MAX),

@new_value nvarchar(MAX);

SELECT @old_value = name FROM DELETED ;

SELECT @new_value = name FROM INSERTED ;

UPDATE dbo.history SET user_name = @new_value WHERE user_name = @old_value;


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How Create Trigger Stop Update Delete And Insert

Apr 11, 2008

How to create trigger to stop the delete , updation and insert in the table of database ....

How can i stopped .......................I want to apply on whole table of database

Pls help me out.


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Create Delete Trigger On Table1 To Update A Filed On Table2

Jan 11, 2008

Hi everyoneI am trying to create a DELETE Trigger. I have 2 tables. Table1 andTable2. Table 2 has all the same fields and records as Table1 + 1extra column "date_removed"I would like that when a record is deleted from Table 1, the triggerfinds that record in Table2 and updates the date_removed filed withcurrent time stamp.The primary key on both is combination of domain,admin_group and cn.CREATE TRIGGER [tr_updateTable2] ON [dbo].tbl_Table1FOR DELETEASUpdate Table2SET date_removed = getDate()I'm stuck here, how do I manipulate on Table2 only the records thatwere deleted on Table1, so to only update date_removed filed for themin Table2?I guess i need to compare domain, cn and admin_group, but I don't knowhow.Any help would be greatly appreciatedThanks! :-)

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CLR Trigger -&&> Send Insert/Update/Delete Message To Windows Service

Feb 1, 2007


I have an c# windows service, which is running on the same machine where my mssql server is installed. This service must be informed for each insert/update/delete event on one specific table.

My idea was to create an CLR Trigger for this table which can communicate with this service via .NET remoting. But the problem is, that the system.runtime.remoting assembly is not integrated within the mssql clr enviroment => i can't use remoting.

Are there any other idea's how can i solve this?

Best regards,

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SQL - Cascading Delete, Or Delete Trigger, Maintaining Referential Integrity - PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Nov 13, 2006

I am having great difficulty with cascading deletes, delete triggers and referential integrity.

The database is in First Normal Form.

I have some tables that are child tables with two foreign keyes to two different parent tables, for example:

Table A
Table B Table C
Table D

So if I try to turn on cascading deletes for A/B, A/C, B/D and C/D relationships, I get an error that I cannot have cascading delete because it would create multiple cascade paths. I do understand why this is happening. If I delete a row in Table A, I want it to delete child rows in Table B and table C, and then child rows in table D as well. But if I delete a row in Table C, I want it to delete child rows in Table D, and if I delete a row in Table B, I want it to also delete child rows in Table D.

SQL sees this as cyclical, because if I delete a row in table A, both table B and table C would try to delete their child rows in table D.

Ok, so I thought, no biggie, I'll just use delete triggers. So I created delete triggers that will delete child rows in table B and table C when deleting a row in table A. Then I created triggers in both Table B and Table C that would delete child rows in Table D.

When I try to delete a row in table A, B or C, I get the error "Delete Statement Conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE". This does not make sense to me, can anyone explain? I have a trigger in place that should be deleting the child rows before it attempts to delete the parent row...isn't that the whole point of delete triggers?????

This is an example of my delete trigger:

Delete from B where MeetingID = ID;
Delete from C where MeetingID = ID;

And then Table B and C both have delete triggers to delete child rows in table D. But it never gets to that point, none of the triggers execute because the above error happens first.

So if I then go into the relationships, and deselect the option for "Enforce relationship for INSERTs and UPDATEs" these triggers all work just fine. Only problem is that now I have no referential integrity and I can simply create unrestrained child rows that do not reference actual foreign keys in the parent table.

So the question is, how do I maintain referential integrity and also have the database delete child rows, keeping in mind that the cascading deletes will not work because of the multiple cascade paths (which are certainly required).

Hope this makes sense...

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Trouble With Update Trigger Modifying Table Which Fired Trigger

Jul 20, 2005

Are there any limitations or gotchas to updating the same table whichfired a trigger from within the trigger?Some example code below. Hmmm.... This example seems to be workingfine so it must be something with my specific schema/code. We'reworking on running a SQL trace but if anybody has any input, fireaway.Thanks!create table x(Id int,Account varchar(25),Info int)GOinsert into x values ( 1, 'Smith', 15);insert into x values ( 2, 'SmithX', 25);/* Update trigger tu_x for table x */create trigger tu_xon xfor updateasbegindeclare @TriggerRowCount intset @TriggerRowCount = @@ROWCOUNTif ( @TriggerRowCount = 0 )returnif ( @TriggerRowCount > 1 )beginraiserror( 'tu_x: @@ROWCOUNT[%d] Trigger does not handle @@ROWCOUNT[color=blue]> 1 !', 17, 127, @TriggerRowCount) with seterror, nowait[/color]returnendupdate xsetAccount = left( i.Account, 24) + 'X',Info = i.Infofrom deleted, inserted iwhere x.Account = left( deleted.Account, 24) + 'X'endupdate x set Account = 'Blair', Info = 999 where Account = 'Smith'

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Trigger To Update One Record On Update Of All The Tables Of Database

Jan 3, 2005


I have a big problem. If anyone can help.

I want to retrieve the last update time of database. Whenever any update or delete or insert happend to my database i want to store and retrieve that time.

I know one way is that i have to make a table that will store the datetime field and system trigger / trigger that can update this field record whenever any update insert or deletion occur in database.

But i don't know exactly how to do the coding for this?

Is there any other way to do this?

can DBCC help to retrieve this info?

Please advise me how to do this.

Thanks in advance.


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Transact SQL :: Firing After Update Trigger - On Table Row Update

Jul 8, 2015

I have a table where table row gets updated multiple times(each column will be filled) based on telephone call in data.
Initially, I have implemented after insert trigger on ROW level thinking that the whole row is inserted into table will all column values at a time. But the issue is all columns are values are not filled at once, but observed that while telephone call in data, there are multiple updates to the row (i.e multiple updates in the sense - column data in row is updated step by step),

I thought to implement after update trigger , but when it comes to the performance will be decreased for each and every hit while row update.

I need to implement after update trigger that should be fired on column level instead of Row level to improve the performance?

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DELETE Trigger

Jun 14, 2002


In Oracle, we have FOR EACH ROW Concept in triggers which can be used to manipulate to fire the trigger for each row.

How can we implement the same in SQL Server 7.0 ?

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Delete Trigger

Apr 23, 2001

For SQL Server 6.5.
I need help if there is a way to fire a delete trigger when accidentenlty somebody deletes a record from say table AAA then this record should be
inserted in another dump table say Table BBBDump with table schema as table AAA plus some other columns like DB_NAME,Time when recorded
deleted from table AAA, user ID .


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Delete Trigger

Nov 5, 2001

hi, I have a table as follow:

id amount
1 100
1 100
1 200
1 300

I put a deleted trigger on this table when a record is deleted, I update a balance in another table based on the deleted amount. This works fine when I am deleting one record at a time, but when I delete more than one record, the first value from the first record is captured to update the balance due and the rest of the of the records has not effect.
To elaborat more,
delete * from table1 where id =1 and amount =200 -- this works fine
delete * from table1 where id =1 and amount =100 -- the first 100 only update the balance in another table the second 100 does nothing,
any ideas, I appreciate your help.



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Help On Trigger For Delete

Dec 13, 2004

I have a SQL statement that deletes a lot of records in a table (PACCESOS_DET) and a Trigger that fires for delete on the table.
The Trigger works fine when only one record is deleted but no when more than record is deleted; it only works for 1 and there is no error message.
For each row deleted I need to update a column in another table (PACCESOS_CAB).
This the trigger...

declare @mdias as int
declare @mFKFeria as int
declare @mtipo as char(1)
declare @mfkcontacto as varchar(7)

if exists( select * from PACCESOS_CAB m join deleted i on m.FKFeria= i.FKFeria and m.FKContacto=i.FKContacto and m.Tipo=i.Tipo)
select @mfkferia=m.fkferia, @mfkcontacto = m.fkcontacto, @mtipo = m.tipo, @mdias = diasvisita from PACCESOS_CAB m join deleted i on m.FKFeria= i.FKFeria and m.FKContacto=i.FKContacto and m.Tipo=i.Tipo
update PACCESOS_CAB set diasvisita = @mdias -1 where FKFeria= @mFKFeria and FKContacto=@mFKContacto and Tipo=@mTipo

Thanks in advanced.

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Instead Of Delete Trigger

Apr 28, 2008

i have created a view from two tables in my database (ProjectedOutputs, and Output)

since I am using the view in vb to fill a grid, i am trying to set up a INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger to delete any records in ProjectedOutputs that may be deleted from my grid. Although the records are deleting OK, so are the records in Output, which i dont want. i am not sure how to stop this, or to see if my trigger is actually firing, I would appreiciate any suggestions

ON V_ProjectOutputs

FROM PROJECTEDOUTPUTS JOIN deleted ON PROJECTEDOUTPUTS.ProjectedOutputID = deleted.ProjectedOutputID

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Delete Trigger && COM+

Feb 27, 2004

Hi, I'm building a website that interacts with MS SQLserver(v7) via a Buisiness Rule-layer developed in COM+ with VB(v6 sp5). The website is an add-on on a existing client/server app. Now I have delete triggers on almost every table and they work perfectly in the c/s app and when runned in the query analyzer. But when I try to do the same with COM+ I get the the next error message on line 10:
"Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction."

Here follows the code. Hopefully anybody can help me with this problem.


Function getDeleteRequestSQL(ByRef strRequestId As String) As String
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "DELETE FROM thmld2 WHERE right(hdmcode,8)='" & strRequestId & "'"
getDeleteRequestSQL = strSQL
End Function

And then the place where the error occurs.

GetConnection cnConn
strSQL = getDeleteRequestSQL(reqId)
10 cnConn.Execute strSQL, , adExecuteNoRecords

And finaly the trigger:

create trigger td_thmld2 on thmld2 for delete as
@numrows int,
@errno int,
@errmsg varchar(255)

select @numrows = @@rowcount
if @numrows = 0

select @numrows = (select count(*) from trigstat with (nolock) )
if @numrows > 0

save transaction trans_td_thmld2 <-- REASON FOR ERROR?

/* delete all children in "thmstat" */
delete thmstat
from thmstat t2, deleted t1
where t2.hdmcode = t1.hdmcode

/* delete all children in "thmldlk1" */
delete thmldlk1
from thmldlk1 t2, deleted t1
where t2.hdmlmldcode = t1.hdmcode

/* errors handling */
raiserror @errno @errmsg
rollback transaction trans_td_thmld2

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Apr 16, 2008

I'm trying to capture 'what' is deleting records from my tables.

I know what the data is but how do I know which user did it or which stored procedure caused it?

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SQL Trigger Delete

May 13, 2008

Trying to create a trigger on a table that will delete any records in it that do not exist in another table.

Inserting into OrderRebateHistory Table.
if ordtype, ord_no, and line_seq_no do not exist in oelinhst then delete from OrderRebateHistory or do not insert.

Right now my code will insert the record. Then when another record gets inserted the previous record is deleted.

CREATE TRIGGER [DeletefromOrderRebateHistory] ON [dbo].[OrderRebateHistory]

DELETE OrderRebateHistory
FROM OrderRebateHistory inner join oelinhst_sql on oelinhst_sql.ord_type = OrderRebateHistory.ord_type and
oelinhst_sql.ord_no = OrderRebateHistory.ord_no and oelinhst_sql.line_seq_no = OrderRebateHistory.line_seq_no
where oelinhst_sql.ord_type <>OrderRebateHistory.ord_type and oelinhst_sql.ord_no <> OrderRebateHistory.ord_no
and oelinhst_sql.line_seq_no <> OrderRebateHistory.line_seq_no

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Trigger After Delete - I Would Need A Trigger Before Delete

Jul 17, 2007

hello,I googled around some time but I found no solution for this issue(SS2000).I have a table tblB which has to be filled whenever in another tabletblA records are inserted, updated or deleted.So I created one trigger which works fine for inserts and updates andfills my tblB. tblB is filled with other fields which I get from aview vwC.The issue is about this view. When in tblA a record is deleted, thecorresponding record in vwC does not exist and I can't fill tblB. Itried around with INSTEAD OF -Trigger and got error message becausetblA has RI cascades so this is not possible. A temp table could bethe right way? Can you show me an example?thanks--candide_sh

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Trigger After Delete - I Need A Trigger Before Delete

Jul 18, 2007

hello,I googled around some time but I found no solution for this issue(SS2000).I have a table tblB which has to be filled whenever in table tblArecords are inserted, updated or deleted.So I created one trigger which works fine for inserts and updates andfills my tblB. tblB is filled with other fields which I get from aview vwC. This view vwC is based on a key field used in tblA.The issue is about this view. When in tblA a record is deleted, thecorresponding record in vwC does not exist and I can't fill tblB. Itried around with INSTEAD OF -Trigger and got error message becausetblA has RI cascades so this is not possible. A temp table could bethe right way? Can you show me an example?thanks--candide_sh

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Delete Trigger

Aug 15, 2006

Hi how can i use delete trigger?

For example i've a two table like emp and emp_personal and now what i want to do is

i want to delete one row from emp table so how is it possible to delete automatically that emp's details from second table(emp_personal) ?


emp emp_personal

emp_id emp_name emp_basic emp_id emp_address

101 Nagu 32,000 101 India

102 Vijay 35,000 102 South Africa

103 Ritesh 30,000 103 U.S

I want to delete employee who hav emp_id of 102 from emp table , so how can i delete automatically that employee details from second table i.e. emp_personal ?

Is it possible with triggers?

Thanx - Nagu

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Update Trigger Behaviour W/o A Trigger.

May 30, 2008

I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this question.
I run an update statement like "Update mytable set status='S' " on the SQL 2005 management Studio.
When I run "select * from mytable" for a few seconds all status = "S". After a few seconds all status turn to "H".
This is a behaviour when you have an update trigger for the table. But I don't see any triggers under this table.
What else would cause the database automatically change my update?
Could there be any other place I should look for an update trigger on this table?

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Trigger To Update A Table On Insert Or Update

Feb 15, 2008


I've to write an trigger for the following action

When a entry is done in the table Adoscat79 having in the index field Statut_tiers the valeur 1 and a date in data_cloture for a customer xyz

all the entries in the same table where the no_tiers is the same as the one entered (many entriers) should have those both field updated

statut_tiers to 1
and date_cloture to the same date as entered

the same action has to be done when an update is done and the valeur is set to 1 for the statut_tiers and a date entered in the field date_clture

thank you for your help
I've never done a trigger before

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Trigger On Delete Statement

Sep 26, 2007

Hi! I am deleting some records from the database and at the same time inserting them into a new table. I am doing all this with sql querries. How can that be done with triggers. Basically on the delete, i'd like to insert the affected records. Thanks!

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Why Does The DELETE Trigger Not Work ?

Dec 1, 2004

I have the following delete trigger but it doesn't work.

ALTER TRIGGER Users_DeleteUsers
ON dbo.Users
DELETE FROM InstantForum_Members WHERE MemberID IN (SELECT ForumMemberId from Deleted)
DELETE FROM InstantKB_Users WHERE UserID IN (SELECT KBMemberId from Deleted)

But when I delete a user from Users table, I get an error in this trigger saying no commit or rollback given in trigger.

Can someone tell me why this trigger will fail ?

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Conditional Delete Trigger

Feb 15, 2005

On the database that I am maintaining we are having some data integrity issues between our Logon table and another sub table that stores the LogonId.

The best solution would be to put in a foreign key, but that is going to require a lot of work and a lot of code changes for the entire system. This is what we plan to do, but this is not a quick fix. We need something that can be implemented quickly.

The easiest and quickest fix is to check this sub table to see if the LogonId is in the sub table and the row is marked as Active or Working. If it is then we will abort the deletion and raise an error. Otherwise the delete should happen normally.

Is aborting the deletion as simple as :

Delete From deleted
Where LogonId = @myId

Or am I missing something?

Thanks for the help,

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Problem Of Instead Of Delete Trigger

Mar 26, 2008

How Can I check that , data in the table which i have to delete is related to the other table,

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Trigger For Delete Problem

Feb 18, 2004

I have two tables:
table A with key name, version
table B with key id and foreing key,A.version.

The realtion A to B is 1:n

I use following trigger to keep data integrity (when record in A deleted, all records with corresponding foreing key should be deleted from table B):

DECLARE @n int , @ver int
SELECT @n = name , @ver = version
FROM deleted

This trigger works fine, except the case that it doesn't fire when last record deleted from A.
why does it happens? how can I fix it?

Thank you

p.s. i'm using sql server 2000

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Delete Trigger On Same Table

May 8, 2008

I have 4 colums in a table
Project, Sections,Tasks,Subtasks
Each subtask will haven a row.

I need to write a trigger when I delete a task it needs to delete all the subtasks relating to it. When I delete a section it needs to delete all the tasks and subasks relating to it. similarly for project.
This trigger for task-subtask works.
CREATE TRIGGER "[Deletetasktrigger]" ON [Tbl] FOR DELETE AS
/* * CASCADE DELETES TO '[Tbl B]' */
DELETE [tbl] FROM deleted, [Tbl] WHERE deleted.[task] = [Tbl].[task]
THis works fine. But when I do it for sections I get this error.

"Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32)" ..

Help Please!!!!!!

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Trigger On Delete - What Am I Doing Wrong???

Oct 31, 2005

i have the following trigger ...anytime the user table is inserted or updated it writes to the UserProfileLog...which is what I want...but I also want it to write into UserProfileLog when the record from Users is deleted

here is my trigger...what am I doing wrong???

CREATE trigger trg_UserProfiles
on dbo.Users
for insert, update, delete
insert into UserProfileLog(UserID, UserAccess, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserName, UserEmail, UserStreet, UserCity, UserState, UserZip, UserHomePhone, UserWorkPhone, UserCellPhone, UserPager, EditedBy)
select UserID, UserAccess, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserName, UserEmail, UserStreet, UserCity, UserState, UserZip, UserHomePhone, UserWorkPhone, UserCellPhone, UserPager, EditedBy
from inserted

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