DISTINCT Not Working To Eliminate Duplicate Column Names

Feb 28, 2008

In my employee table has the following fields empid, empFname, empLname, email, city

Say it has data like follows:

1, Lucy, Sam, l@some.com, city1

2. Sam, Wite, l@some.com, city2

3. Laura, Mac, l@some.com, city2

4. Stacy, Soo, s@no.com , city1

So in my case I want to show all the column but I want to eliminate multiple email addresses.  I tried Distinct but its not workin because here every column is not distinct.  So what should I use?

In my case I only want to show empID 1, 3, 4.  I want to show all the columns

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Eliminate Duplicate

Jul 29, 2003

Table A


Table B


Result Expected

JobNOCost Claim Shiptype
A150 100I
A1100 200II

Hi all,
i've given a table structure with data
and the expected result .
I want to establish it in SQL server (7.0)
If i establish the inner join i get 4 rows (2*2)
Please let me know how to get the result
Thanx in adv

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Eliminate Duplicate Record(s)?

Jun 22, 2007

Hey Again,

I've been making great progress but I've hit another road block which a newbie intern like myself can't surpass. What's worse is the fact that no one is in the office today! Maybe someone can point me in the right direction with this SQL:

,CONVERT(CHAR(8),r.[submitDate],10)AS submitDate
,CONVERT(CHAR(8),r.[dueDate],10)AS dueDate
,CONVERT(CHAR(8),r.[revisedDueDate],10) AS revisedDueDate
,u.lastName + ', ' + u.firstName AS submittedBy

FROMtblUserDepartment ud
INNER JOIN tblRequest rON ud.departmentID = r.departmentID
INNER JOIN tblDepartment dON r.departmentID = d.departmentID
INNER JOIN tblStatus sON r.reqStatus = s.statusID
INNER JOIN tblUser uON r.requserID = u.userID
LEFT JOIN tblRequestAssignee ra ON r.requestID = ra.requestID
WHEREud.userID= @userID

This works great except for one thing. In tblRequestAssignee, you have 1 primary assignee and can have several other assignees (that are not primary). This is denoted by a bit field "isPrimaryAssignee" in tblRequestAssignee. When I run the query, I see every request I want to but it duplicates requests with more than one assignee. What I'm trying to do is make only the primaryAssignee display if there is one. If there's not, then null is displayed (which is already happening).

Like I said, the query is mostly working right except for this duplicate record that displays when there's 2 assignees. Any help would once again be greatly appreciated.

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How I Do To Eliminate Duplicate Rows?

Apr 11, 2007

I need to eliminate the duplicated rows in sql server 2000, but the duplicate is only for some fields of the row. However, I need all the fields of the row. For example, I have the next structure:
Id_type, number_type, date, diagnosis, sex, age, city

After many analysis I get many rows where the tree first field are repeated, so I need to leave only one but with the all another fields. This is because I need only the first time when the diagnosis appear.

How I can do it??

Thank you very much.


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How To Eliminate Duplicate Data

Sep 20, 2006

I have a table with 68 columns. If all the columns hold the same value except for one which is a datetime column I want to delete all but one of the duplicate rows. Preferably the latest one but that is not important. Can someone show me how to accomplish this?

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How To Eliminate The Duplicate Records In A Table ?

Apr 3, 2008

Hi Guyz

say i have a table

10011 NULL NULL Classical NULL
10011 NULL NULL Classical NULL
10004 NULL NULL Classical NULL
10004 NULL NULL Classical NULL
10004 NULL NULL Classical NULL
10005 NULL NULL Classical NULL

i want to eliminate the duplicate records and atable should look like

10011 NULL NULL Classical NULL
10004 NULL NULL Classical NULL
10005 NULL NULL Classical NULL

do we have any simple sql to do it or something complex.
thanks in advance !

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Analysis :: How To Eliminate Duplicate Queries

May 1, 2015

We have rolap based cube .. when we run the report on that it is take more time than expected.I have run  the profiler and identified .. same query is duplicated and running multiple times. I have run the query  .. it took 10 seconds..how to eliminate duplicate queries .

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To Eliminate Duplicate Rows From The Result Of The Query

May 30, 2007

Working in Sql Server 2005,got 3 different table.Need to fetch the list of persons.A person can belong to different categories.When i am using inner join
on tables i am getting the duplicate rows because a perosn can belong to different categories.I want that there should be only onoe
row for the person and the different categories he belongs to can come up in single field as comma sepatated string
Now the results are like this:
firstname lastname adress category
abc           xyz          aaa       a
abc          xyz           aaa       b
abc          xyz           aaa        c
I want like below:
abc         xyz           aaa       a,b,c
I am thinking of using cursors in the stored procedure.Can you provide me the solution of this including the stored procedure..

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Integration Services :: Eliminate Duplicate Derived Columns

Apr 27, 2015

I have a lot of different data flows that need "Derived Column". There are maybe only 5 different such "Derived Column" but they appear many times. Is there a way to eliminate all that double work? It should be something that does not take me more time to do than just duplicating all the "Derived Columns".

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How To Eliminate Duplicate Rows In Data Flow Task ?

Nov 21, 2007

Dear all,

I built a package to transform data from flatfile into temp table. Then execute a stored procedure to tranform from the temp table into the real table. Since the real table have primary keys so it goes failed when there're duplicate rows from temp table. I let the temp table has no primary key. If I had to check the temp table for duplicate rows it would be using cursor through the data and the package will get slow. Is there task in SSIS to identify the duplicate data and eliminate it without using cursor ?
Thanks in advance,

Best regards,


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SQL Server 2014 :: Eliminate Duplicate Rows When Joining Multiple Tables

Jun 8, 2015

We have the below query which is pulling in Sales and Revenue information. Since the sale is recorded in just one month and the revenue is recorded each month, we need to have the results of this query to only list the Sales amount once, but still have all the other revenue amounts listed for each month. In this example, the sale is record in year 2014 and month 10, but there are revenues in every month as well for the rest of 2014 and the start of 2015 but we only want to the sales amount to appear once on this results set.


[Code] ....

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How To Eliminate The Commas From The End In Sql Query When The Column Value Is Null

Jun 26, 2007

I have three different columns as email1,email2 , email3.I am concatinating these columns into one i.e EMail like
select ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email1, N'') + ';' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email2, N'') + ';' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email3, N'') AS Email from tablename.
One eg of the output of the above query when email2,email3 are having null values in the table is :
means it is inserting semicoluns whenever there is a null value in the particular column. I want to remove this extra semicolumn whenever there is null value in the column.
Please let me know how can i do this

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How To Show Distinct Rows Of The Column Of The Dataset And Number Of Distinct Rows Of That Column

Mar 29, 2007

suppose i have aDataset with 11 rows. field1 with 5 rows of aaa, 6 rows of "bbb"

I want's some thing like

field1 rowcount
aaa 5
bbb 6

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Duplicate Names And DOB

Mar 6, 2008

I have a client table containing Client ID, DOB First Name and Last Name Etc. I would like to run a query to identify rows where the Last name is similar and the DOB is a match but to also include the client ID and name in the row. I have used the below query with the soundex function, but I would like to alter it to show the clientID and name.

Any help would be really appreciated.

SELECT DOB, soundex(Lastname) AS NameSoundex, count(*) as Duplicates


GROUP BY DOB, soundex(lastname)



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Determine Table Names And Column Names At Runtime?

Jan 22, 2004


I was wondering if anyone has an idea of how we could find the table names and column names of the tables in our Sql server database at runtime/dynamically given our connection string? Please let me know.


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Query Help, Get Count Of Names Having Distinct Letters

May 8, 2007

here is a query


select count(d) from (select distinct left(name,9) as d from bscs where region like 'n1' and name like 'Alc_%')

what i am trying to do is to get count of the names, having distinct letters in left 9 positions and some conditions too. How to do it?

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Selecting All Distinct Names With Most Recent Corresponding Status

May 25, 2014

I have a DB with the fields: Id, Date, Name, Status.

Now I want to select all distinct names with the most recent corresponding status.

With the SELECT DISTINCT Name, I get only one record per different name which is ok.

Now I want to add next to each different name, the most recent added status.

Can I combine those 2 in 1 query? I want to show them using PHP on a website.

Now I get a table with a row for each different name, but I can't add a second column where the most recent Status is showed for that name.

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Making Duplicate Records Distinct

Nov 25, 2014

I have some duplicate records in my table, I need to make those records so they are not duplicate. There is a small dateTime field in that table, I want to add seconds to each row of that field in sequential order so that the record becomes distinct so for e.g if I have this in the field

22-04-2014 10:00:00
22-04-2014 10:00:00
22-04-2014 10:00:00
22-04-2014 10:00:00

So I want to make it like this so that all the duplicate rows becomes distinct

22-04-2014 10:00:01
22-04-2014 10:00:02
22-04-2014 10:00:03
22-04-2014 10:00:04

I am not sure if it is possible, but if it is then how can I achieve this. There are around 20 columns in this table or if there is any other way to make these record distinct.

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Duplicate Names In Sysindexes Table

Mar 29, 2001

WHen researching an index name problem, I found duplicate index names in sysindexes, referencing the same table. I notice that one of the indexes has a status = 2097154 and a indid of 2 while the other has a status of 0 and a indid of 0. I believe these are duplicates. Anybody have an idea if these really are and what the status and indid fields mean?

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Power Pivot :: Can Create A New Table That Shows Only Distinct Names

May 5, 2015

My DB contains company names repeating themselves several times (in the same column).

Can I create a new table that shows only the distinct names, and use it to work with the data?

My intention is to allow my users to choose only from the options within the DB (mimic in a way the list validation option in excel)

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Query Returning Duplicate Field Names

Jul 20, 2005

I have a .NET program that can connect to either an Access 97 database or anSQL Server 7 database. In the database I have two tables which have a fieldcalled ID. When I run a query like "SELECT A.*, B.* FROM A, B", the queryreturns those fields as "A.ID" and "B.ID" when connected to Access 97, butas "ID" and "ID" in SQL Server 7. Is there anyway to get SQL Server toprepend the table name to the field name in a case like this and not returnduplicate field names like that without having to specify aliases for thefields?- Don

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.dbf File Import (duplicate Field Names)

Mar 27, 2006

I am importing a file creating by an application which exports the file into .dbf format.  Very unfortunately, this .dbf file can have fields with IDENTICAL column_names.  Utilizing ActiveX, I create an ado connection to the .dbf file using a visual foxpro drver.  However, and not unexpectantly, I can not do the 'select *' from the file if there are duplicate names.

Can anyone make recommendations here that might help?

Oh, this is SQL200 in case that impacts what you might advise!!!!

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DISTINCT Doesn't Seem To Be Working

Sep 28, 2006

Hi all, I am using SQLEXPRESS 2005 and can't figure out why my SQL query is not working.Select DISTINCT ads.clientid, ads.ad, ads.adid, ads.cost, ads.description, ads.bold, ads.info,
ads.contact, ads.coupon, ads.logo, ads.map, ads.webpage, ads.weburl, tclients.clientname,
tclients.clientphone, tclients.addNumber, tclients.addStreet, tclients.addsuite, tclients.addcity,
tclients.addstate, tclients.addzip from tclients, ads where tclients.clientid=ads.clientid
AND AdActive=1 ORDER BY COST DESC I expect only one row to be returned for each ads.clientid.  However, every single record that matches the query is being returned, which results in multiple records with the same clientid.This happens if it is ads.clientid or tclients.clientid. Martin

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Help With SQL Statement, Pulling Back Duplicate Rows On DISTINCT Keyword

Feb 28, 2008

Hello everyone, I'm working on a SQL statement that I "thought" worked fine until I noticed I was getting a duplicate row.  Below is the SQL statement from the stored procedure: SELECT DISTINCT number AS 'RteNum', leg_orig AS 'Origin',
leg_dest AS 'Dest', AcEquipment.EquipmentDesc AS 'EquipType',
SUBSTRING(trailer_option, 1, 1) AS 'TrailerOption',
leg_depart_time_local AS 'DeptTime',
leg_arrive_time_local AS 'ArrTime',
dev.fnConvertEffectiveDaysToDaysOfWeek(SUBSTRING(leg_effective_local, 2 ,7)) AS 'EffectiveDays',
TruckEditor.EffectiveDays as 'NewEffectiveDays'
FROM lhif_prod
JOIN AcEquipment ON AcEquipment.EquipmentType = lhif_prod.Equipment_Type
LEFT JOIN dev.TruckEditor ON TruckEditor.Origin = lhif_prod.leg_orig AND TruckEditor.Dest = lhif_prod.leg_dest
AND TruckEditor.RouteNum = lhif_prod.number AND TruckEditor.DeptDate = lhif_prod.leg_depart_date_local
WHERE leg_depart_date_local BETWEEN @DateStart AND @DateEnd
AND Type_Code = 'T' AND leg_orig = @LocID
ORDER BY RteNum, Dest, DeptTime  Here is what comes back from this query:ABE00     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    1855    1915    MTWT---    NULLABE01     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    1941    2001    MTWT---    NULLABE02     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    2045    2105    MTWTF--    NULLABE03     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    2059    2119    MTWTF--    NULLABE04     ABEA     ABER     CTV2.5          H    2245    2305    MTWTF--    NULLABE11     ABEA     ABER     WALKIN        H    2045    2100    MTWTF--    NULLABE11     ABEA     ABER     WALKIN        H    2045    2100    MTWTF--    MT-TF--ABE12     ABEA     ABER     WALKIN        H    2109    2124    MTWTF--    NULLEF038     ABEA     EWRHB    53BULK       H    0100    0245    -TWTFS-    NULLEF085     ABEA     EWRHA    CTV5           H    1955    2140    MTWT---    NULLEF106     ABEA     EWRHB    CTV5           H    1901    2046    -----S-    NULLEF140     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    0550    0610    M------    NULLEF166     ABEA     EWRRA    CTV5           H    2230    0010    MTWT---    NULLEF366     ABEA     EWRRA    CTV5           H    2230    0010    ----F--    NULLEF543     ABEA     EWRRA    CTV5           H    2200    2345    MTWTF--    NULL The 2 rows in bold are the issue right now.  There should only be 1 row (the 2nd one where the last column is not null).  I'm not sure why it returns both columns when I'm doing a join on there to add that last column.  Can anyone help me out with this?  I'm not very strong in SQL, so if I'm overlooking something, I'd appreciate any help you can provide.  Thanks. 

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Working With Dynamic File Names

Jul 28, 2006

I am working with an ftp task which is using a file connection to send a file to a remote server. This file is going to have a dynamic name (e.g. "Orders for 2006-07-29.txt"). How can I dynamically specify the file path/name for the file connection? You can't specify a varaible through the ui.

I would imagine that you can do this through a script task but I'm not sure how to reference the connection object. any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Msg 1013 Select Not Working -- Correlation Names?

Apr 7, 2006

I am trying to run a select query and getting the following error:
Server: Msg 1013, Level 15, State 1, Line 12
Tables or functions 'PatientVisit' and 'PatientVisit' have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them.

Not sure what I am doing wrong! Here is the query. Can anyone point me int the right direction?

SELECT Batch.Entry AS [Date Of Entry], PatientProfile.[Last] + ', ' + PatientProfile.[First] AS Name,
MedLists.Description AS [Adjustment Type], PatientVisit.TicketNumber, PatientVisitProcs.Code AS [Procedure Code],
TransactionDistributions.Amount AS [Adjustment Amount], PatientVisitProcs.DateOfServiceFrom,
ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(255), Transactions.Note), ' ') AS Notes,
DoctorFacility.DotID, DoctorFacility.ListName as DrName, PatientVisit.DoctorID as DrID
FROM PaymentMethod
INNER JOIN VisitTransactions ON PaymentMethod.PaymentMethodId = VisitTransactions.PaymentMethodId
INNER JOIN Transactions ON VisitTransactions.VisitTransactionsId = Transactions.VisitTransactionsId
INNER JOIN TransactionDistributions ON Transactions.TransactionsId = TransactionDistributions.TransactionsId
INNER JOIN Batch ON PaymentMethod.BatchId = Batch.BatchId
INNER JOIN PatientVisit ON VisitTransactions.PatientVisitid = PatientVisit.PatientVisitId
Inner Join PatientVisit ON DoctorFacility.DoctorFacilityID = PatientVisit.DoctorID
INNER JOIN PatientProfile ON PatientVisit.PatientProfileId = PatientProfile.PatientProfileId
INNER JOIN MedLists ON Transactions.ActionTypeMId = MedLists.MedListsId
INNER JOIN PatientVisitProcs ON TransactionDistributions.PatientVisitProcsId = PatientVisitProcs.PatientVisitProcsId

Any Idea on how to fix it up? Thanks

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Transact SQL :: Distinct By One Column By Selecting Multiple Column?

Jul 17, 2015

I have a SQL Query issue you can find in SQL Fiddle


My query was like this

For Insert
Insert into Employee values('aa', 'T', 'qqq')
Insert into Employee values('aa' , 'F' , 'qqq')
Insert into Employee values('bb', 'F' , 'eee')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'T' , 'rrr')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'pp' , 'aaa')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'Zz' , 'bab')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'ZZ' , 'bac')
For select
select col1,MAX(col2) as Col2,Max(Col3) as Col3
from Employee
group by Col1

I supposed to get last row as 

    cc  Zz  bab

Instead I am getting 

  cc  Zz  rrr 

which is wrong

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Table Column Names = Dataset Column Values?!

Apr 28, 2008

I need to create the following table in reporting services

PRODUCT April March Feb

2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007
chair 8 9 7 4 4 4
table 3 4 5 6 4 6

My problem is the month names are a column in the dataset, but I dont know how to get it to fill as column headers???

Thanks in advance!!!

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Error Number For Duplicate Column Value During An Insert For A Unique Column ?

Jul 27, 2007

I have a table in which a non-primary key column has a unique index on it.
If I am inserting a record into this table with a duplicate column value for the indexed column, then what will be the error number of the error in above scenario? OR How could I find this out?

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Counting Distinct Records Of Column 1 With A Certain Value In Column 2

Feb 6, 2008

Ok, so I need to count the Distinct records from column 1 in which there is not a true value in any of the records for that distinct column 1 number. Here is a short example of my records:dbo_dbWafer_Slicing



1/8/2008 9:54:00 AM    

1/8/2008 9:53:00 AM    

1/8/2008 9:53:00 AM    

1/8/2008 9:52:00 AM    

1/8/2008 9:50:00 AM    

1/4/2008 10:46:00 AM    

1/4/2008 10:46:00 AM    

1/4/2008 10:45:00 AM    

1/4/2008 10:45:00 AM    

1/4/2008 10:44:00 AM    

1/4/2008 10:44:00 AM    

1/4/2008 10:43:00 AM    

 So, how many Distinct SawRunNumbers had no passing wafers? In trying to do this I've come up with:"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SawRunNumber) AS BouleCount FROM dbWafer_Slicing WHERE (SawDate >= @MinDate) AND (SawDate <= @MaxDate) AND (Pass = 1) HAVING (COUNT(DISTINCT WaferID) > 0)" but that doenst work. It still counts records where pass = 0 for distinct SawRunNumbers even if one record within that SawRunNumber is passing. From the above sample data I should get a result of 1 not 2 or 3. Can I do this with this set of data? I'm using SQL Server 2005 EE.Thanks for your help. 

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Find Duplicate In Column Tied To Another Column

Apr 29, 2015

I have one table with two columns, GUID and PID and another table with three columns, GUID, LastName, and FirstName. For each unique PID, I need to find the PID's that have more than one GUID and then match that with their respective FirstName and LastName from the other table.




GUID LastName FirstName
GUID1 Mulder Fox
GUID2 Scully Dana
GUID3 Skinner Walter

So I'm looking for a result like:

PID1 GUID 1 Mulder Fox
----- GUID 2 Scully Dana

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Reporting Services :: Count Values In A Column Based Upon Distinct Values In Another Column In SharePoint List

Sep 7, 2015

We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.

Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.

Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.

A typical view of list can be:

Column A - Column B
red  - pen
red - pencil
red - highlighter
blue - marker
blue - pencil
green - pen
green - highlighter
red  - pen
blue - pencil
blue - highlighter
blue - pencil

We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:

                    red     blue   green
    pen            2       0      1
    marker       0       1      0
    pencil          1       3      0
    highlighter  1       1      1 

We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.

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Select Distinct Rows From Duplicate Rows....

Nov 28, 2007

Dear Gurus,I have table with following entriesTable name = CustomerName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 85Sanjeev 75Rajeev 80Rajeev 45Sandy 35Sandy 30Harry 15Harry 45I need a output as followName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 85Rajeev 80Sandy 30Harry 45ORName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 75Rajeev 45Sandy 35Harry 15i.e. only distinct Name should display with only one value of Weight.I tried with 'group by' on Name column but it shows me all rows.Could anyone help me for above.Thanking in Advance.RegardsSanjeevJoin Bytes!

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