Data Fetching... The Right Way.

Oct 12, 2007


I'm currently developing an application using C# and SQL Server Express, in which one of the functionalities is to allow the user to browse through the existing products, wether by browsing one by one (next, previous, first, last) or performing a search (by product name, id, etc.). I'm currently using the default DataSource and TableAdapter aproach, but I found out that when I execute the TableAdapter.Fill() method, all the data in the table is fetched... what with 10,000 records it takes a bit to perform, specially on slower connections.

So my doubt is, what would be the best aproach to solve this problem? I'm considering loading first position, and then when the user presses the next button I'd fetch second position, etc, this using ROW_NUMBER(). I could even cache every other 10 records or something like that. Since it is possible to know any records row number (as long as the records are ordered) it would even work when the user performs a search and goes directly into row number 5000 for instance.

Would this aproach be a good practice, because that's all I want, to do things the right way? Thank you for your time

EDIT: I've noticed that when creating a SqlDataReader there is the option to provide a CommandBehavior, but I'm not quite undestanding how this could be used, would some tweaking in this area do the job?

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Fetching Of Data

Apr 14, 2007


I would like to know that, I have three instances of the same database at three different servers and I am trying to fetch the data from the select query. "select * from table_name"

I would like to know, whether the order of rows fetched by this query will be different on different servers of sql server or the same order of rows will be fetched.

For me the output is coming different on each server database with he same query . Pls let me know, is there any default order by or it takes it randomly.


Gaurav Gupta

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Fetching Data From SQL Server

May 10, 2008

 I have a small Problem.
Lets say i have 6 rows in a table (two column month and MonthCost )naming jan,feb,mar,apr,may.jun and all of them have some data. but while displaying in Ui i need to show all the months from Jan to december and july to december with values as something, say 0
so the values displayed in gridview sholud be like this
Month MontCost 
Jan          1
Feb         1
Mar         1
Jul          0
Dec        0
. I tried it can be done using a temp table in db , but think of a scenaio where the i want to display for Number of times( 1 to 12 * 50). I don't want to  hit performance and i am uisng sql server 2000.
 Any hints or suggestions are welcomed.

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Error In Fetching Data

Mar 15, 2006

hello i'm using visual studio 2005 and 2 i have an error in the code that fetching data from databse in grid here is the code :Dim con As SqlConnection        con = New SqlConnection("Data Source=local;AttachDbFilename='D:New Folderhorushorus.mdf';Integrated Security=True")        Dim cmd As New String("SELECT TOP (10) serial, name, gender, dateofbirth FROM(dbo.students)ORDER BY RAND(CONVERT(varbinary(4), NEWID()))")        Dim cd As SqlDataAdapter        cd = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd, con)        Dim ds As New DataSet()        cd.Fill(ds, "students")        grid.DataSource = ds.Tables("students").DefaultView        grid.DataBind()that code is selecting random records from the database and showing it in grid the error is in the cd.fill(ds,"students") line so can any one help me in that problem.thanks       

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Fetching Data In A Datatable

Apr 21, 2006

hello, i'm using 2 with VB, i have a table in my db named 'exams' and i have 6 columns in this table one for question number and one for the question and 3 columns for 3 answers and a last column for the right answer, now in my page i want to show 7 questions and  each  question has 3 answers that i can choose between them i want the question appear in datatable and the answers in radiolist i have a little code for that but it shows an error it says "no row at position 1" so hope u guys can help : Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")        Dim a As New ArrayList(8)        Dim i As New Integer        i = 0        Dim d As New DataSet()        Dim cmd As New SqlDataAdapter("select top(7) question from exams", con)        cmd.Fill(d, "exams")        a.Add(d.Tables.Item(0, 1))        i = i + 1        Dim ta As New DataTable        ta.Rows(i).Item(0).text = d.Tables(0).Rows(0)(i)and by the way this code is for the questions i still dont have the code for the answers that will appear in a radiolist hope u can help .thanks

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I Am Getting Problem In Fetching Data Using C++

May 21, 2007

Hi All,

I am getting problem in fetching data from SQL using C++ program.
How to Fetch SQL Unicode characters?
I am using ODBC driver calls in C++ to fetch SQL data.
It is working fine with character data.
But for Unicode data it displays “????? instead of data.
Can anybody please help?


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Problem With Fetching Data

Mar 4, 2008

Hi i have 6 tables

id primary key
authorization string
count int
acc_id primary key
loc_id foreign key of location table
hsr string
id primary key
intaralata string
interalat string
id primary key
intaralata string
interalat string
id primary key
intaralata string
interalat string
id primary key
intaralata string
interalat string

now i need to fetch the field authorization from location table by the following conditins


can anyone help me out in this scenario. i need the sql query for fetching that fiels.

thanks in advanvce

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Problem In Fetching Data

Nov 21, 2007

Hi i am firing a query in SQL SERVER CE as given below

SELECT Ticker_Master.Ticker, Ticker_Master.Company_Name, Capital.DataSet_Date, Capital.Quick_Ratio, Dividend.Payout
FROM Ticker_Master INNER JOIN Capital ON Ticker_Master.Ticker = Capital.Ticker INNER JOIN Dividend ON Capital.Ticker = Dividend.Ticker AND Capital.DataSet_Date = Dividend.DataSet_Date AND Capital.Region = Dividend.Region
WHERE (Capital.Quick_Ratio = @PARAM1) AND (Capital.DataSet_Date BETWEEN @PARAM3 AND @PARAM4) AND (Capital.Region = @PARAM5) OR
(Capital.DataSet_Date BETWEEN @PARAM3 AND @PARAM4) AND (Capital.Region = @PARAM5) AND (Dividend.Payout = @PARAM2)

On execution is asks 4 the parameter values as follows :

After values are given on execution it throws error as
Duplicated parameter names are not allowed. [Parameter Name = @PARAM3]

Can anybody tell me what's wrong ?????????????????

thanx in advance

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Error While Fetching Data From DB2

Oct 30, 2007


I am getting an error while fetching data from IBM DB2:
I am using an OLE DB Connection provider - "IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider".

I am also setting the "Force Translate" value in "Data Link Properties" of the Connection to "37" because I am getting some BYTE_STREAM data which I need to translate.

I am using the OLE DB Source to extract data using a SQL Query. I can see the data correctly when I do a "Preview".

However, when I execute the task, I get the following error.
It will be great if someone can help me with this.

Error: 0xC0202009 at Customer Telephone, CUSTOMER_TELEPHONE Source [238]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E00.

Error: 0xC0047038 at Customer Telephone, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "CUSTOMER_TELEPHONE Source" (238) returned error code 0xC0202009. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Customer Telephone, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Error: 0xC0047039 at Customer Telephone, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Customer Telephone, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Thanks and Regards,

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Fetching Data From A Web Service

Apr 25, 2007

Hello All,

I have to fetch data in an ssis package from a set of web services. what is the best way of doing this?

The web services are session based, this means that multiple calls are needed to complete one operation. like one to log on, second onwards to execute calls, and the last one to log out.

(there is some cookie management also required to logon successfully into the web services).

Should we write a custom task which will fetch the data for us? Or just write a C# component which is invoked from SSIS?


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Avoiding Index While Fetching Data

Mar 7, 2001

Hi there,
I'm using a query to fetch data from a table where one of the criteria is IN(...) clause for the key column of the table.Now the data being retrieved is ordered by the key column of the table even though I haven't specified any order by clause.
I want to know if there a way in which the data being fetched is in the order of my IN(...) clause.


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Fetching Data From IBM DB2 To SQL Server 2005

Sep 26, 2007


I am trying to fetch data from IBM DB2 to SQL Server 2005.
The problem I am facing is when I create the OLE DB Connection (I am using the "IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider") and see the "Preview", I get "System.Byte[]" in a couple of columns for all the rows, instead of the actual data.
The datatype of the original field is "Byte Stream".
I have tried all options, but, failed. I believe there is something in the "Force Translate" property of the OLE DB Connection. Right now it is set to "65535". I am not sure if that needs to be changed.

I was earlier using a DTS package, where I used ODBC for connecting to the same database. In ODBC, there is a "Translation" tab where there is a check box labelled: "Convert binary text (CCSID 65535) to text".
When I check this box, I am able to see the data correctly.

But, now I have moved to SSIS and I am facing the same problem as I am not using the ODBC connection.

Please help.

Thanks and Regards,

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Fetching Case Sensitive Data From The Database

Apr 7, 2008

S/W Technologies : C#.Net 2005, ASP.Net 2005, SQL Server 2005
Greetings everyone,
       Heres my code for login verification, which is written in the login button click.
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select uid,pass from UserRegistration where uid='" + txtuname.Text + "' and pass='" + txtpass.Text + "'", con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows) {  <code......> }
     Now, my problem is, the SQL Server 2005 is fetching rows without checking case. For e.g. if I enter a password as "MYSTERY" or "mystery" which is stored as "Mystery" in the database. The datareader shows positive in HasRows property. So, Can someone suggest me how to fetch case sensitive data from SQL SERVER 2005. Thanks.

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Odd Issue With Bound Columns When Fetching Data.

Aug 9, 2007

I'm using ODBC 3.0 in code written in C.

I have an service that connects using a system DSN using the SQL Server 2000 driver. On my development system with SQL Server 2005 Express installed, the queries work fine. I prepare a statement and then bind the columns that will be in the result set. On my system, I get all the data as it should be but on a live system, I do not get the proper data for the last three rows. I don't get any error messages from the query or the column binding and there are also no extra information messages that I can retrieve.

The table is something like the following. The names are changed to protect the guilty.

ID CHAR( 15),
FNAME( 30 ),
LNAME( 40 ),

On my system, running the exact same binary code as the client machine, I get all of the data from all of the columns as it should be. The problem is when I run on a client's system, the CLIENT_NAME, CODE, and PHONE columns return null values even when there is data there. On my development system the SQL Server instance runs on the same machine. On the client's sytem I am connecting to a remote instance of SQL Server 2000 on another system on the network.

My quandry is what could be different between the two systems that is causing me the problems?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Data Fetching 80 Million Records?

Mar 24, 2015

i have table below

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DR_Test](
[source_item_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[source_line_no] [int] NULL,
[buyer_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[seller_member_id] [int] NULL,


the table contains more than 80 million records so when i fetch the data using buyer_id & timezone its taking lot of more than 1 hours or so....& where buyer_id is not to fetch the data fast or need to change the structure of the table

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SQL Server 2012 :: Fetching Large Data From Teradata?

Jun 9, 2015

I am fetching large amount of data from teradata to sql server using linked server. I am facing below query:

A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The semaphore timeout period has expired.)

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Problem While Fetching Data From Oracle Linked Server

Mar 5, 2007


I created a linked server as follows:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'OracleLinkedServer', 'Oracle', 'MSDAORA', 'fcstage'

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'OracleLinkedServer', false, 'SA', 'fc_stage', 'password'

Now I try firing a simple select statement




But I get the following error:

OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "OracleLinkedServer" returned message "ORA-01426: numeric overflow


Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "OracleLinkedServer".

This seems to be a generic error statement. Can anyone tell me where am I going wrong.


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Timeout Expired Error Occuring While Fetching The Data With SQL Server 2000

Sep 12, 2005

Hello,I have one application which is having written in & plain asp.I am having one button on asp page,when i will click on that button, then itwill execute one other asp page.And after the execution of that second asp page, I redirect it to someASPX page with some values.On the ASPX page, it will connect to the Database, and insert the values.Thus, sometime, the following error is occuring :"Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."Main thing is that i am testing it on my local machine, then also it is giving me this error ...Insert into statement is also not much complicated :just I inserted three values in one table.Is this occuring due to the mixer of asp & aspx??Plz give me some proper solution.I want it in efficient manner, because this application will be accessed by number of users at the same time.Plz help me.Thanks,Sandy

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Nested Fetching

May 21, 2008

Hi all!I'm trying to write a T-SQL statement that will allow me to do a maintenance for all user table for all databases on my server.This is what I got so far :DECLARE @cStatement varchar(255)DECLARE @dStatement varchar(255)DECLARE T_database CURSOR FOR SELECT '[' + CONVERT(varchar(64),name) + ']' FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE dbid>6SET nocount ONOPEN T_databaseFETCH NEXT FROM T_database INTO @dStatement WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)begin-- LOOP IMBRIQUÉ POUR PASSER AU TRAVERS DE CHAQUES ELEMENTS-- DE LA BASE DE DONNÉES ACTUELLE.EXEC ('DECLARE T_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ''UPDATE STATISTICS ['' + CONVERT(varchar(64),name) + '']'' FROM ' + @dStatement + '.dbo.sysobjects WHERE type = ''U''')OPEN T_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM T_curosr INTO @cStatementWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)beginPRINT(@cStatement)FETCH NEXT FROM T_cursor INTO @cStatementendDEALLOCATE T_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM T_database INTO @dStatement endDEALLOCATE T_databaseBut I get a sh**t load of errors :Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 15A cursor with the name 'T_curosr' does not exist.Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 15A cursor with the name 'T_curosr' does not exist.Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 15A cursor with the name 'T_curosr' does not exist.Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 15A cursor with the name 'T_curosr' does not exist.Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 15A cursor with the name 'T_curosr' does not exist.Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 15A cursor with the name 'T_curosr' does not exist.Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 15A cursor with the name 'T_curosr' does not exist.Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 15A cursor with the name 'T_curosr' does not exist.Please help!!! :beer:

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Fetching An Id To Use In Another Task

Jan 24, 2007

Hi there,

i have a task that has a ole-db destination. it inserts some data to a table. it's always 1 record that is gonna be inserted.after that the task is finished. however i want to use that same record in the followup-task. is there a way to retrieve the id of that specific record.

Please note that the id of the record is an int-identity from sql-server itself.

at the moment i'm fiddling with "remembering" the inserted data and hopefully it will be a 100%match in the next task, but i have a dark feeling it's not 100%.

is there a common way how to approach this?

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SQL_NO_DATA When Fetching

May 6, 2008

Hi all,

While I was testing our application installation on Vista, I ran across this problem:

When a program on Vista is executing a SPROC is a SQL Server on Vista (actually same machine), the SQLFetch(m_hstmt) returns a SQL_NO_DATA.

When the exact same program is executed on XP SP2 client against the same Vista based SQL Server, it correctly returns the rows.

The build of the program was done on a MDAC 2.8 XP SP2. When I tried to install 2.8 on Vista machine it seemed to have failed.

Using DSN vs. DSNless connection string made no difference. Nothing of intest in SQL Logs either.

Any clues?

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Fetching Continuous Dates

Jun 20, 2008


set dateformat dmycreate table tbl_sampemptable(employeeid int,StartDate datetime)
declare @employeeid intset @employeeid=1declare @startdate datetime,@enddate datetimewhile(@employeeid<=1000)begin set @startdate='01/05/2008' set @enddate='31/05/2008' while(@startdate<=@enddate) begin      if(@employeeid<>1 and @startdate<>'02/05/2008')      insert into tbl_sampemptable values (@employeeid,@startdate)             else if(@employeeid=1)      insert into tbl_sampemptable values (@employeeid,@startdate)z      set @startdate=dateadd(day,1,@startdate)
 endset @employeeid=@employeeid+1end
select * from tbl_sampemptabledrop table tbl_sampemptableset dateformat mdy
i have to select records depending on @count parameter to this table.Depending on this parameter value it should fetch sequential dates.For example
if @count=2then result should be like this,
EmployeeID                 FromDate                 ToDate
1                                 01/05/2008               02/05/2008 
1                                 03/05/2008               04/05/2008
2                                 03/05/2008               04/05/2008 //note that here 01/05/2008 is  not  selected
                                                                                     because 02/05/2008 is missing
2                                 05/05/2008               06/05/2008
3                                03/05/2008               04/05/2008 //note that here 01/05/2008 is  not  selected
                                                                                     because 02/05/2008 is missing
3                                05/05/2008               06/05/2008
if @count=3 then result should be like this,
EmployeeID                 FromDate                 ToDate
1                                 01/05/2008               03/05/2008 
1                                 04/05/2008               06/05/2008
2                                 03/05/2008               05/05/2008 //note that here 01/05/2008 is  not  selected
                                                                                     because 02/05/2008 is missing
2                                 06/05/2008               08/05/2008
3                                03/05/2008               05/05/2008 //note that here 01/05/2008 is  not  selected
                                                                                     because 02/05/2008 is missing
3                                06/05/2008               08/05/2008
. how can i do this.please help me.thanks in advance

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Fetching Record From Table

Sep 17, 2007

I am facing a peculier problem. I have 3 records in my table. when i am trying to fetch the top 2 its able to fetch the records. but when trying fro moire than 2 (say top 3 or just the *) it say time out. can any one help me out in this regard.

Below is the error that I get when tryong to open the record from SSMS

SQL Execution Error.

Executed SQL statement: SELECT Transaction_ID, tril_gid, WorkGroup_ID, CreatedBy, CreatedDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate, LCID FROM Symp_TransactionHeader
Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Error Message: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
OK Help

Rahul Jha

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Fetching Duplicate Rows

Jan 14, 2004


I have some duplicate rows in a table. I didnt define any primary key or unique key on the table.

I can get unique rows using DISTINCT, but i want to fetch only the duplicated rows and also i want to delete the duplicated rows.

How can i do it?

Please help me.....

Thanx in Advance

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Fetching Unique Pins...

Feb 14, 2006

Hi,I have a table which contains a bunch of prepaid PINs. What is thebest way to fetch a unique pin from the table in a high-trafficenvironment with lots of concurrent requests?For example, my PINs table might look like this and contain thousandsof records:ID PIN ACQUIRED_BYDATE_ACQUIRED....100 1864678198101 7862517189102 6356178381....10 users request a pin at the same time. What is the easiest/best wayto ensure that the 10 users will get 10 different unacquired pins?Thanks for any help...

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Fetching Information For All Views

May 21, 2008

I want to fetch definitions for all stored procedures & views in a database.
For stored procedures, I use sp_stored_procedures to retrieve all SPs & then use Procedure_Name column to fetch each SP's name followed by a call to OBJECT_DEFINITION to retrive its definition.

Now, I have found 'sp_views_rowset2' that returns all views. As I am not very sure about it, this is just for confirming that the task of 'sp_views_rowset2' is actually to return all views defined for the database!!!

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Fetching 50 Records At A Time

Oct 8, 2007

I get 5000 records on executing a query.
In the form, I would like to display 50 records at a time in the grid from this resulted query, so i create 100 link labels(dynamically created based on the no. of records resulted from the query) within a panel.

When clicked on link1, first 50 records should be displayed,on clicking link2 next 50 records(ie, 51 to 100) should be displayed and so on.
So , i wrote the query as---

select top(50)* from tblindividual where id not in (select top(intValue)id from tblindividual )

where intValue would be 50 for link2,100 for link3,150 for link4 and so on

If i want to fetch last 50 records of the query, intValue would be 4950.Here the "not in" list becomes very big(1,2,3,.......,4949,4950) and hence the query is becoming a bit slow...

Is there any other method(query) to get the same result??.. because i heard that using "not in" keyword would make query execution slow.

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SQL Query - Fetching Records

Oct 1, 2006

Have a table with following structure

ID DeviceName Status
1 Sony Good
2 Toshiba OK
3 Sony Bad
4 Tata OK

I need to return the following records

ID DeviceName Status
2 Toshiba OK
3 Sony Bad
4 Tata OK

If there are more than one record for the Device, then record with the latest ID should be returned.
If there is only one record for the Device, then that record should be returned.

Can this be achieved through a single query.
Any help is appreciated.


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Fetching Sungle Record From Join

Nov 1, 2007

Hello folks,
I have a table, say T1 and this has a child tabel named T2. The common column between the tables are say COL. Now the scenario is there are multiples of records in the T2 for each record in table T1.

Now when i make a join of both the tables, say INNER JOIN, it returns the number of records based on the child table. i.e. say for a record in T1 there are 3 records in T2. Then through the INNER JOIN i will be getting the 3 records. But need only one record from the join. Have tried with "SET ROWCOUNT 1". But as you all know that this will not work. Kind suggest me the way friends........:eek: :eek: :eek:

Rahul Jha

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Fetching Next Previous And Current Rows?

May 19, 2012

I am trying to create a stored procedure where i would like to fetch the next previous and current rows from a particular pagename which is stored in a table with sorting of dateadded

like my products table structure


my dummy records are like

1 13 'PCHDD' 'PCHDD' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-04 04:32:30.363'
2 30 'SDRAM' 'SD_Ram' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-06 04:32:30.363'
3 12 'Pen Drive' 'Pendrive' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-05 04:32:30.363'
4 3 'Note Book' 'NoteBook' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-08 04:32:30.363'
5 15 'VIO' 'VIO' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-06 04:32:30.363'
6 19 'PS2' 'PS_2' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-09 04:32:30.363'
7 31 'PS3' 'PS_3' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-02 04:32:30.363'
8 23 'WII' 'WII' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-10 04:32:30.363'
9 22 'Speakers' 'Speakers' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-16 04:32:30.363'
10 12 'Iphone' 'I_phone' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-15 04:32:30.363'

now if i query for a record like

i should get
Prv Detail I_pad row
11 23 'Ipad' 'I_pad' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-11 04:32:30.363'
Current Detail I_phone
10 12 'Iphone' 'I_phone' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-15 04:32:30.363'
Next Record Speakers
9 22 'Speakers' 'Speakers' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-16 04:32:30.363'

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Fetching A Record From The Database Within A Function.

Feb 25, 2008

Can I do something like this in RS -

I would like to call a function in a calculated field like
where the GetNHW() function would return a double value based on some conditions-
The code I would like to write in Code window-
Public Function GetNHW(ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal attDate As Date) As Double
Dim dsDTConfig As New DataSet
Dim NHW As Double
dsDTConfig = GetDS("tblEmployee_DailyTimingsConfig", "id=" & ID & " and '" & attDate & "' between configStartDate and configExpiryDate", False)
If dsDTConfig.Tables(0).Rows(0)("allowUnscheduledBreaks") = True Then
NHW = 0.01
ElseIf dsDTConfig.Tables(0).Rows(0)("allowUnscheduledBreaks") = False Then
NHW = 0.05
End If
Return NHW
End Function
What I am looking for is - I would want to get the record(dataset) within the function from the database
and based on the values got, I would check few conditions and calculate NHW.


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Rowset Does Not Support Fetching Backward.

Dec 29, 2007


I get the following error.
Err.Description - "Rowset does not support fetching backward."
Err. Number - -2147217884

Can somebody tell me the reason behind this error.

My Reasearch: I have got to know that I get this error in the line of code recordset.MoveLast in My code.

My Code environment: I have built an SQL Query string which calls the Strored procedure with one parameter (parameter tyoe is string type). I have attached the SP code below.

and SP contains the call for querying other database in the same server using OPENQUERY command.

and the VB code contains code as Recordset.MoveLast. (Error is generated here and Recordset.RecordCount is also -1)

SP code is:

Code Block
@sRMS_Status CHAR(12)

WHERE JOKE_ID = ''' + '''' + @sRMS_Status + '''' +
EXEC ( 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(lnk_joke__cat,' + @sSQL + ')' )

My Questions:
1). Is there any problem in SP as I am using OpenQuery? I queries the SP and concluded that it generates result properly.

2). Is there any problem with the Recordset.MoveLast line? I am using adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly as parameters to my Recordset.Open command along with other parameters.

Let me know the corrective steps to be taken to get rid of this error.

Thanks in Advance for your valuable time
Ranjan Jain

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Fetching Jobs Last Run Status Using Bat File?

Aug 12, 2015

I wrote a bat file to start a sql job using dos command

osql -S “[SQL SERVER NAME]” -E -Q”exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job ‘[SQL JOB NAME]'”


now this bat file only start the job, does not wait for it completion or send us the success or failure message.Now i want to check the value of LastRunStatus for this job using BAT file?? Is is possible to fetch the LastRunStatus of sql job using bat file.However i have achieved the same using vbscript that starts a job using vbscript start method and then looping through al the jobs at server and displaying the LastRunStatus. However i wanted to achieve this uisng bat file only.

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