Deadlocks Workaround?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,

I have read about deadlocks here on Google and I was surprised to read
that an update and a select on the same table could get into a
deadlock because of the table's index. The update and the select
access the index in opposite orders, thereby causing the deadlock.
This sounds to me as a bug in SQL Server!

My question is: Could you avoid this by reading the table with a
'select * from X(updlock)' before updating it? I mean: Would this
result in the update transaction setting a lock on the index rows
before accessing the data rows?

Merry Christmas!
/Fredrik Möller

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8114 Workaround

Dec 14, 2004

The very simplified version of my problem is that these


Select DISTINCT Convert(Numeric,KWID)

should work, but don't because KWID is a varchar and somewhere in there is something that won't convert.

I get this error:
Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

I would love to find out which rows are causing the error, but more importantly I would like to have a Null value where the conversion doesn't work and the numeric values where it does work.

I have already deleted all obvious non-numeric characters, but I believe there are some line terminators being read as carriage returns in this table. :confused:

Any workaround or way to determine which rows have KWID that cannot be converted to numeric would be most appreciated.


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How Can I Workaround This Problem?

Nov 8, 2006

Hello everbody,

this query:


WHERE (DD_CATEGORIES & 2147483648) > 0

bring the error message:

Invalid operator for data type.

The value 2147483648 is hex 0x80000000 for bitwise

joining defined.

I try to cast it to decimal, but it does not work.

Have anybody an idea?

Thanks for answers!

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Need Workaround For DATEPART(wk, ...) Function !

Aug 6, 2001

The function "DATEPART(wk, [valid_date])" appears to have the following bug:

DATEPART(wk, date) returns week 53 for the following dates (checked years 2000, 2001, 2002):
year 2000: 12-24-2000 through 12-30-2000 inclusive
year 2001: 12-30-2000 through 12-31-2001 inclusive
year 2002: 12-29-2002 through 12-31-2002 inclusive

DATEPART(wk, date) returns week 54 for the following dates:
year 2000: 12-31-2000

SQL2000 SP1.

Are there any known workarounds/fixes/patches for this (other than just hand-coding the function?)


David Schneider
Engineering Manager
iScribe, Inc.

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Whileprintingrecords Equivalent Or Workaround?

Apr 10, 2008

I'm converting crystal reports to SSRS reports right now and came across this function that I'm not familiar with.
It's a formula field in crystal that has this formula:

NumberVar RTCurrent;
NumberVar RT31to60;
NumberVar RT61to90;
NumberVar RT91to120;
NumberVar RTOver120;
if {@AgedDays} < 31 then RTCurrent := RTCurrent + {@BalanceDue} else
if ({@AgedDays} > 30 and {@AgedDays} < 61) then RT31to60 := RT31to60 + {@BalanceDue} else
if ({@AgedDays} > 60 and {@AgedDays} < 91) then RT61to90 := RT61to90 + {@BalanceDue} else
if ({@AgedDays} > 90 and {@AgedDays} < 121) then RT91to120 := RT91to120 + {@BalanceDue} else
if {@AgedDays} > 120 then RTOver120 := RTOver120 + {@BalanceDue}

@Aged days is just an integer, but that shouldn't matter for this thread.

Is there just a While loop equivalent for this in SSRS?

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Apr 10, 2008

At some point in time, when I release my code from developemnt to production, somebody will onvoke the SQL Script containg my certificates and symettric keys based on my master key. Unfortunately this seems a bit of a weekness as my SQL SCRIPT contains the CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD stement which has the password itself in clear. (script gets invoked from a command line in a batch script which is all under documeny mangement control). Obviously I would not like my password to be be in clear anywhere - i.e. not in document control nor viewable from whoever invokes the script. What is best pracrice to adopt on this? - encrypt the script file?


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UDF Taking Too Long To Run Workaround ?

Apr 28, 2006

I have written a UDF into which I pass a table name, field name, value of the field, whether alpha characters are valid, whether numerics are valid, and a string of alphanumerics that are valid. I return back a string with all invalid characters removed. Unfortunately when I use this on names and addresses in an 12000 row table, it takes forever to run. Can anyone think of an easy way to do this which isn't so labour intensive. Please see code below.

NB CHAR(32) is space, CHAR(45) is -,CHAR(39) is '

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.UDF_RemoveInvalidCharacters
( @sTableName varchar(50),-- e.g. 'Contact'
@sFieldname varchar(50),-- e.g. 'Lastname'
@sFieldValue varchar(500),-- e.g. 'Jeremi@h O''Grady84'
@sAlphaValid char(1),-- e.g. 'Y'
@sNumericValid char(1),--e.g. 'N'
@sAlphanumericsValid varchar(500))--'CHAR(32):CHAR(45):CHAR(39)'
RETURNS varchar(500)
DECLARE @sReturnValue varchar(500),
@nTableID int,
@nFieldLength int,
@nCurrentPos int,
@sTestChar char(1),
@sValid char(1),
@nAlphanumericPos int,
@sAlphanumericTest varchar(8),
@sTempTestChar varchar(8),
@sAlphasFound char(1),
@sNumericsFound char(1),
@sAlphanumericsFound char(1)

--Get ID of table that the field is on
SELECT @nTableID = [id]
WHERE [name] = @sTableName

--Get the length of the field
SELECT @nFieldLength = sc.length
WHERE = @nTableID
AND = @nTableID
AND = @sFieldName

--Initialise values
SET @sReturnValue = ''
SET @nCurrentPos = 1
SET @sValid = 'N'
SET @sAlphasFound = 'N'
SET @sNumericsFound = 'N'
SET @sAlphanumericsFound = 'N'

--Test each character to ensure it is valid before adding it to the return string, a string consisting solely of alphanumeric characters would be wrong
WHILE @nFieldLength >= @nCurrentPos
SET @sTestChar = substring(@sFieldValue,@nCurrentPos,1)
IF @sAlphaValid = 'Y' --alphas are valid
IF UPPER(@sTestChar) in ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z')
SET @sValid = 'Y'
SET @sAlphasFound = 'Y'

IF @sNumericValid = 'Y' AND @sValid <> 'Y'--numerics are valid
IF @sTestChar in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')
SET @sValid = 'Y'
SET @sNumericsFound = 'Y'
SET @nAlphanumericPos = 1
WHILE LEN(@sAlphanumericsValid) > @nAlphanumericPos AND @sValid <> 'Y' --alphanumerics that are valid
IF CHARINDEX(':',SUBSTRING(@sAlphanumericsValid,@nAlphanumericPos,LEN(@sAlphanumericsValid))) > 0
SET @sAlphanumericTest = SUBSTRING(@sAlphanumericsValid,@nAlphanumericPos,CHARINDEX(':',SUBSTRING(@sAlphanumericsValid,@nAlphanumericPos,LEN(@sAlphanumericsValid)))-1)
SET @sAlphanumericTest = SUBSTRING(@sAlphanumericsValid,@nAlphanumericPos,(LEN(@sAlphanumericsValid)-@nAlphanumericPos)+1)
SET @sTempTestChar = 'CHAR(' + RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(ASCII(@sTestChar)))) + ')'
IF @sTempTestChar = @sAlphanumericTest AND (@sAlphasFound = 'Y' OR @sNumericsFound = 'Y') --alphanumerics are only valid once we have alpha or numerics
SET @sValid = 'Y'
SET @sAlphanumericsFound = 'Y'
SET @nAlphanumericPos = @nAlphanumericPos + LEN(@sAlphanumericTest) + 1
IF @sValid = 'Y'
SELECT @sReturnValue = @sReturnValue + @sTestChar
SET @nCurrentPos = @nCurrentPos + 1
SELECT @sValid = 'N'
IF @sAlphanumericsFound = 'Y' AND @sNumericsFound = 'N' AND @sAlphasFound = 'N' --alphanumerics on their own are not valid
SELECT @sReturnValue = ''
RETURN @sReturnValue --in the example I would get Jeremih O'Grady

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Workaround For Precendence Constraint

Apr 30, 2007


Any insights to this issue would be great.

Following is my problem statement. I have write around 20Batch programs and in each batch i have atleast 7-8 data validations. If any of the data validation fails then i have to perform a log operation and exit.

Now I have each of my data validation as a Script Task (Control Flow) which inturn would call my SP and set the "Status" variable accordingly

I have written a "OnVariableValueChanged" Event with Raise Change Event for "Status" variable set to "True" Now in this event i check if Status = False, if it is false then i perform the log operation and throw a new DTSException to abort the control flow execution. The event gets fired but it continues to process the next control step(but i wanted it stop there). I could have acheived this by setting a precendence constraint (Status = True) for all of my control flow task but i feel the other approach to be very elegant.

Any suggestions to make this work??

Thanks & Regards

Arvind T N

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Workaround For No Aggregates In A Grouping

Jun 21, 2007

I am trying to group on the number of distict field values. Basically:

=Ceiling(CountDistinct(Fields!ClientID.Value, Nothing)/10)

So for every 10 different clients, I get a group. I get an error with the above function saying aggregates are not allowed in a grouping expression. I tried creating a text box with the running value:


The value of the text box is correct, but I can't reference that text box in the grouping function. It says the textbox is undefined.

Any suggestions for a workaraound?


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Slow Database Connection...workaround

Feb 12, 2008

I have a portal site that has many iframes loading various pages. One of the iframes requires data from a database that has a slow connection and right now there is nothing we can do about the slow connection and is something we have to live with.
What seems to be happening though is that even though each page is loading seperatly in an iframe, when the page loads with the slow connection, it seems to hold up processing on the server for the other frames until the connection has been established with the server. It can be something like 10 seconds. I am guessing trying to establish the connection is holding up the worker process on IIS???
So I am trying to find a workaround bearing in mind there is nothing we can do about the slow connection for the time being? Does anyone have any suggestions? One I am thinking of is forcing this frame to load last so at least the other frames are not being held up. Another is maybe to use a seperate thread, but does anyone have any idea on this?
Thanks in advance 

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Full Text Search Workaround?

Nov 7, 2004

Me and a friend are setting up a .net project on a shared hosting server.....the thing is, they dont seem to allow the use of full text search.....when i connect to the server on Enterprise Manager, the option for "Create new catalog" is disabled.

we need to give users the ability to search by keywords........what's a good workaround for this without using FTS?

any advice?



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Report Footer - Need Viable Workaround

Oct 18, 2007

After digging for some time now into the "guts" of SSRS, I am wondering if anyone out there has any ideas which might help me at this point.

I am trying to write an Invoice report.

Each report can have 1 to n invoices on it.
Each invoice can have 1 to n line items (spanning several pages for the larger ones)
Each page must have a fixed header and footer with account and payment information on it (the page header and page footer work OK for this).

And here is the problem. Each invoice must also include 1 to n images at the end of the report. 2 on a page and take up an entire 8.5 by 11 inch page. (spanning many pages when many line items exist)

Since the report already has a page header and footer with the report detail stuffed in a table in the middle of the page (report body), I am stuck.

I have read several posts which talk about having a can-grow container with a subreport in the existing footer, but I can't even come close to getting this to work. My footer would have to take up the entire page and having nothing but a subreport in it.

I can not provide a link to the images in the report, as each report must print in its entirety without user involvement (no drilling down).

I am thinking that my report is too complex for SSRS at this time. I would love to be proven wrong by someone on this forum.

Thanks for any and all replies.


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Workaround For Cross Database Queries

Feb 6, 2007

Hi all,

Could you please suggest workaround for systems that have cross database queries and want to use mirroring.


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Workaround For Integer Limitation In Dateadd?

Nov 19, 2007

it looks like anything larger than max value for an integer in dateadd's 2nd parameter creates an overflow exception. This pretty much forces us to work no more finitely than minutes in our app. Without a stored proc or ss2008, is there a workaround in sql?

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Workaround To Connect To SQL Server When Ports Blocked?

Jan 11, 2006

My SQL Server is a shared account at a client just deployed my .NET application on and they have all there ports blocked and my app cannot connect to the SQL Server. Using "Network Library =dbmssocn" in the connection string did not help and GoDaddy will not help.  MY QUESTION IS: how can I get my .NET app to connect to the SQL Server? web service? This is the first time I have run into this problem. There seems like there has to be some way. THANKS IN ADVANCE!

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Workaround Divide By Zero Error Encountered Message

Jan 7, 2004

Hey all,

When i exec an sp it runs a sum, sometimes it is possible that there is a 0 value, it then returns an error Divide by zero error encountered
How can i work around this error

My sp code is

CREATE proc CP_avgloss_rings
@mID varchar(10),
@startdate datetime,
@enddate datetime
select ((sum(vtp)-(sum(moneyout)))/100) / ((sum(playtime))/ 3600) as avgloss
from dbo.rings
machineID = @mID
and convert(varchar,njdate,121)
between convert(varchar,@startdate,121)
and convert(varchar,@enddate,121)

Maybe someone can help me
Cheers Wimmo

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Insert, Update Issue - Stored Procedure Workaround

Apr 30, 2006

any stored procedure guru's around ?

I'm going nuts around here.
ok basically I've create a multilangual website using global en local
resources for the static parts and a DB for the dynamic part.
I'm using the PROFILE option in 2.0 to store the language preference of visitors. It's working perfectly.

but Now I have some problems trying to get the right inserts.

basically I have designed my db based on this article:

more specifically:

ok now let's take the example of Categorie, Categorie_Local, and Culture

I basically want to create an insert that will let me insert categories into my database with the 2 language:

in categorie I have ID's 1 & 2
in culture I have:
ID: 1
culture: en-US
ID 2
culture: fr-Be

now the insert should create into Categorie_Local:

cat_id culture_id name
1 1 a category
1 2 une categorie

and so on...

I think this thing is only do-able with a stored procedure because:

1. when creating a new categorie, a new ID has to be entered into Categorie table
2. into the Categorie_local I need 2 rows inserted with the 2 values for 2 different cultures...

any idea on how to do this right ?
I'm a newbie with ms sql and stored procedures :s

help would be very very appreciated!
thanks a lot

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Ambiguous Complex Type Definition With XML Source. Workaround?

Jan 19, 2006


This could well be down to my _limited_ knowledge of XSD.

I have a document and SXD supplied by 3rd party.

Both documents are valid, according to XMLSpy.

When I give the document and xsd to SSIS XML Source it complains about ambiguous complex types.

In the XML doc there is an element called Allowance that has child elements.

There is also a group which references many other elements including Allowance.

When I remove the group, SSIS stops complaining about allowance.

Would the problem stem from SSIS creating an output called Allowance ('cause of it's children), getting to the group and again, 'cause allowance has children, try create another output called Allowance.

Is my understanding of this correct? Is there a work around for a situation like this?

The only thing I can come up with is deleting the group....

Possible to alias an element? Could alias the Group > Allowance g_Allowance.



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Need Workaround For 4000-character Limit On CLR Sproc Parameters

May 11, 2007

I've written a managed (C#) stored procedure with the following signature:

public static void Sproc(string startDate, string endDate, string idList)...

Sometimes when I call this sproc, my comma-separated list of IDs exceeds 4000 characters. How can I get around this problem?

I guess I need something equivalent to NVarchar(MAX), but for CLR sprocs instead of TSQL.

Any thoughts?

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Understanding 'Assembly Blah Was Not Found In The SQL Catalog' And Workaround

Nov 27, 2006

This is the message I get trying to load the assembly into my database:
€˜Create failed for SqlAssembly €˜Microsoft.Adapter.SAP.SAPProvider€™
Assembly €˜microsoft.oba.metadata.metadataaccess, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=€¦ €˜ was not found in the SQL catalog. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 6503)
I heard one opinion that said that it appears that SQL the CLR Hosted Environment tries to load the whole assembly dependency graph and doesn't find the dependent assembly in its catalog. That is consistent with the restriction of the CLR Hosted Environment not supporting managed code dynamically generated ( )
My questions are: what is microsoft.oba.metadata.metadataaccess and how can I preload it in SQL Server? Assuming the assembly lives somewhere in the server, is there a way to refer to it inside SQL Server without loading it? How is the SAP provider related to Office Business Applications Services (that's the only acronym I could find relating Microsoft with OBA)?

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Boolean Data Type Not Available (workaround For Checkbox.checked Storing?)

Sep 2, 2006

I have a page for inventory price entry that I have used for a while. Now I need to add a checkbox for whether or not the price includes shipping. I added the checkbox to the form and had it posting 'True' or 'False' to the database as nchar(10) data type. When the gridview pulls up the data, I have the Item Template like this, so it shows a disabled checkbox either checked or not: <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" Checked='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("Shipping")) %>' Enabled="False" /> This works fine for displaying the values, but I copied the checkbox to the Edit Item Template, but did not disabled this one. At first, I didn't change the databindings, leaving it Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("Shipping")), which allowed me to go into Edit mode, change the checkbox, then click update. At which point it would return to it's original state (meaning Update wasn't actually updating). However if I change the databindings, then the page won't display. I checked the SQL statement, and sure enough, it has theUpdateCommand="UPDATE [PartsTable] ... SET [Shipping] = @Shipping... WHERE [PartID] = @original_PartIDAfter fiddling with the sql statement, now I get Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. I think that means that the checkbox is sending a null value to the database.Any insight as to how to get this to work is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Continuous Priniting - PDF (MSFT Workaround: Make Sure That Your Report Does Not Use The Subreport Control.)

Nov 6, 2007

I have a report that has one subreport. I am finding that if the entire content of the subreport will not fit within the space remaining on the page that it will not start displaying data from that subreport until the next page of the report, leaving a blank section in the report. I would like it to display as much as possible on the first page and then continue on subsequent pages.

Is there a way?

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SQL 2005 SP2 Error 29506 Workaround Doesn't Work - Data On LUNs

May 13, 2008

I have had the same Error 29506 that a lot of people are having when installing SP2 for SQL 2005. I've tried the install with myself (a Domain Admin), local Administrator, cascaded full rights down the entire file system structure and still not luck. One thing I'm wondering if it is hanging me up is that all of my databases and logs are not on C:. They are on LUNS on a NetApp SAN (Data is on M: and Logs is on L:). Even the system databases (Master, Model, etc.) are on the LUNs. The error logs referenced permissions to the data directory under the default installation path on C:. Anyone else have this problem? Got a fix? I really don't want to migrate all of my data back to the local machine, apply the patch, them migrate back. Surely this SP should be able to read the data location from the SQL engine. And surely others have their databases on SANs.... I'm at a loss.


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Mar 17, 2005

Our system is reasonably complex with a lot of non-trivial stored procedures. As the load on our DB increased we're now getting more and more deadlocks (10 per day or so from about a million stored proc executions).

We try to avoid transactions where we can, and we do attempt to optimse stored procs to steer clear of deadlock conditions, but with the sheer number of stored procedures we can't possibly avoid all deadlock conditions.

One solution I'm considering is to re-run stored procs that failed because of a deadlock. In the .net code we'll run the stored proc, check for a deadlock error and if one happened, wait 100ms and try again.

What do you guys think?

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Aug 13, 2002


we have a production inviremont that is running for about 10 months. Since a couple of weeks we are having problems with "Deadlocks".

This cant be due to an increase in data size on the tables that are having the issues because these are cleaned in the same transaction that populates them.

These tables are used to store temporary data that the production system needs to calculate the correct price for any given order. This transaction takes between 0.5 to 1 second to commit.

We are running on a dual processor machine with 1 Gb of RAM with SQL Server 7 - sp 3, Windows NT 4 sp 6, Microsoft Transaction Server.

In all our queries and stored procedures we use the optimizer hints (nolock) for select statements and (rowlock) for updates or deletes.

Any help and/or suggestions would be appriciated.

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Dec 17, 1998

Is there any way to totally avoid deadlocks. In some critical applications
we have removed transactions entirely, counting on other means to maintain
database consistency. We still get deadlocks in this area. These are mainly
inserts, and the only thing I can think is that updates to the indexes are
causing multiple page locks which result in deadlocks. Is this true?

Will deadlocks be eliminated in 7.0 with row level locking for this situation?
Or will index page splits still cause a possibility of deadlock contention?


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Mar 5, 2001

Hi ,

I have a problem with a SP in 6.5. When i try to run a Stored Proc which is a simple select statement dumped into a temp table in a particular database, I lock other users who are tring to log into other databases some in tempdb database. When i try to kill the process the rollback takes almost 45 mins or so..till then no one can log on to the server.

The SP works fine when no one is logged into the Great Plains server. One more thing i observed is that, the SP when run results on a deadlock only when the owner is a user. If the owner is DBO it works fine.

Can anybody throw some light on this.

Thanks in Advance

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Jul 10, 2002

I am getting the following dead lock error message writtent to the Error Log.

How do i interpret this...?

2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Node:1
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 KEY: 6:1531868524:1 (1e0040209980) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Grant List::
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Owner:0x26429de0 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:2 Life:02000000 SPID:62 ECID:0
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 SPID: 62 ECID: 0 Statement Type: INSERT Line #: 67
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Input Buf: RPC Event: sp_Save;1
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Requested By:
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: Range-S-S SPID:58 ECID:0 Ec:(0x29f534f8) Value:0x2649f0c0 Cost:(0/0)
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Node:2
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 KEY: 6:1695345104:1 (ffffffffffff) CleanCnt:1 Mode: Range-S-U Flags: 0x0
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Grant List::
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Owner:0x26450f20 Mode: Range-S-U Flg:0x0 Ref:1 Life:02000000 SPID:58 ECID:0
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 SPID: 58 ECID: 0 Statement Type: INSERT Line #: 250
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Input Buf: RPC Event: sp_IPAQManagerFetchFilterDetail;1
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Requested By:
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: Range-Insert-Null SPID:62 ECID:0 Ec:(0x3bb5f4f8) Value:0x2649e040 Cost:(0/2340)
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Victim Resource Owner:
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: Range-S-S SPID:58 ECID:0 Ec:(0x29f534f8) Value:0x2649f0c0 Cost:(0/0)

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Too Many Deadlocks

Oct 27, 2004


I've got a deadlock problem. The log below has been generated. The problem is that during one day, I have more than 300 deadlocks like it. Before, the were not so many deadlocks.
During past year, the number of users has grow (from 100 before to 500 or 700 now)

*** Deadlock Detected ***
- Requested by: SPID 360 ECID 0 Mode "S"
- Held by: SPID 113 ECID 0 Mode "S"
Index: aaaaa_PK
Table: TABLE_1
Database: MYDB
== Lock: KEY: 22:325576198:1 (ff009ae5078d)
- Requested by: SPID 113 ECID 0 Mode "S"
- Held by: SPID 374 ECID 0 Mode "X"
Index: aaaaa_PK
Table: TABLE_1
Database: MYDB
== Lock: KEY: 22:325576198:1 (ff009ae5078d)
- Requested by: SPID 374 ECID 0 Mode "IX"
- Held by: SPID 360 ECID 0 Mode "S"
Table: TABLE_2
Database: MYDB
== Lock: PAG: 22:1:2428
== Deadlock Lock participant information:
Input Buf: S E L E C T the_rest_of_the_query
SPID: 360 ECID: 0 Statement Type: UNKNOWN TOKEN Line #: 1
Input Buf: s p _ e x e c u t e 8
Input Buf: s p _ c u r s o r 8À B 8 8f ç @ Table I
Input Buf: S E L E C T the_rest_of_the_query
SPID: 360 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT Line #: 1
== Session participant information:
== Deadlock Detected at:
==> Process 360 chosen as deadlock victim

I have done :
- rebuild indexes on all tables (fillfactor 90)
- analysed memory activity

Could a lack of memory be at the origin of the problem ? Which counters in perfmon are significant for memory lack ?

Could the index fill factor could be at the origin of the problem ? At time, it is at 90 percent.

Config : Winnt4 Server, MS-SQL 7 SP4 , 2 GB of RAM , 2 x Xeon 700

Thanks for any help.

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Deadlocks (I Think)

Feb 16, 2004

Hi folks,

I have an application built on top of a questionable DB design which requires overcomplicated selects. The application is experiencing deadlocks regularly, in some cases with only one concurrent user.

I set the trace flag 1204 but am not seeing anything in the Error.log and I initiated a trace in profiler which does not seem to show any deadlock.
Despite having recreated the problem which show my browser hanging indefinitely. When I run the following queries:

SELECT spid, waittime, lastwaittype, waitresource
FROM master..sysprocesses
WHERE waittime > 10000
AND spid > 50

SELECT spid, cmd, status, loginame, open_tran, datediff(s, last_batch, getdate ()) AS [WaitTime(s)]
FROM master..sysprocesses p
WHERE open_tran > 0
AND spid > 50
AND datediff (s, last_batch, getdate ()) > 30
ANd EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master..syslockinfo l
WHERE req_spid = p.spid AND rsc_type <> 2)

I get:

55860978LCK_M_XPAG: 13:1:2573

54AWAITING COMMANDsleeping sa 11499
55UPDATE sleeping sa 21499

respectively. Any help would be welcome.

Thanks in advance,

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Sep 16, 2007


We have a SQL 2005 transaction database server that suddenly started to issue deadlock errors last week on most of the databases on that server and a lot of timeout errors. Before that, that database server performed very well and timeouts were minimal to zero. I am not sure what changed for it to have these performance problems.

The only major change we did was to convert several varchar columns to nvarchar in several tables (as part of internationalization initiatives). We did not modify the procs from varchar to nvarchar though but would be doing that phase by phase.

There is also one proc in which we used the snapshot isolation level of sql server 2005. These are only 2 major changes done within the past 2 weeks. Would these be the cause for these deadlocks and timeouts on our web-based application?

Any ideas?


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Jul 23, 2005

Hi EverybodyI am new to sqlserver 2000.I know basics of locks.but i dont know how toresolve deadlock issues.I am cofusing by reading articles with 90%information and remaining 10% missing.Can any one help me which is the goodsite to learn and resolve deadlocks.Note: I create deadlock. when i try to trace deadlock using dbcc traceon(1205,3604,-1).In error log showing nothing about the deadlock.showing created traceon.........Any help would be appreciated.--Message posted via

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Deadlocks, Why?

Jan 13, 2006

We have a problem with a table giving us deadlock issues and we can'tfigure out why.It's a table we write to fairly often perhaps 50 times a minute. Andalso do a select of 200 rows at a time from 4 servers every 5 minutes or so.We are only keeping 48 hours worth of rows in the table which averagesat 30000 a day on a busy day.This table has 1 PK and 2 FKs plus one TEXT column which does notparticipate in the WHERE clause.We are using binded variables.We have applied the latest patch to SQL2003 server running onWindows2003. The patch is supposed to resolve deadlock issues.Anyone have any advice on how to alleviate this problem.Thanks

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