Download/ Uninstall Problem: Error Indicating Corrupt File

Oct 13, 2007

I hope someone can help me here. Here is some background.

As I was attempting to download SQL Express, the download dialog box timed out. When I x-ed out of the download, Windows XP Professional 2002 threw up an error message indicating that the dialog box was non-responsive, and I elected to close it.

I downloaded SQL again successfully, and installed with no errors. I then attempted to create a new db through Visual Web Developer. Instead of creating a database, Visual Studio returned an error saying that I did not allow for new database objects, and that I should change my permission settings. I could not figure out how to do this, so I uninstalled SQL Express.

After re-starting, I got the following message: €œYour SQL Server Installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (could not open SQLEVN70.RLL). Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this option.€?

I uninstalled MS SQL again from the Add/Delete Programs on my Control Panel. On re-start, I received the same error again. On my Programs list, MS SQL is not present, there are several MS SQL files in the path C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server.

So I located the Visual Studio uninstall tool and attempted to run it. I received the same error: €œYour SQL Server Installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (could not open SQLEVN70.RLL). Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this option.€?

Any ideas on how to uninstall the files in my program files so I can load a clean copy of SQL?

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Troubleshooting A Corrupt Uninstall Of SQL Server

Apr 6, 2006

Hi --

I am a new user of SQL Server, Enterprise Manager, and Reporting Services (all three are installed on my comptuer) and have a problem. Please bear with me, I am very new at this and don't know all the correct terminology!

Someone in our IT group "discovered" that I had two "instances" of SQL on my machine. The way he came to this was that I was trying to use the "." to connect to my local machine in Query Analyzer and it wasn't pulling the databases I had saved to my computer, it was looking in another folder LOCALDB (a subset of my computer's name). He was unsure how to move all of my databases on my comptuer to that LOCALDB folder so he uninstalled the "LOCALDB" entry from the Add/Remove Programs screen to fix this. He said "No to All" when it prompted him to remove shared entries.

Consequently, when I load Enterprise Manager now, I get the "Snap-In failed to initialize" message. I also do not have any SQL Server options in my Start Menu Anymore. Query Analyzer still exists, though, I had saved a shortcut to my taskbar and I can still launch it from there. He is saying all I need is to re-install the "Client Tools" folder from the CD and that will fix the problem. I am skeptical, since it appears to be a larger issue (SQL isn't in my Start Menu anymore!).

I am sure that my SQL install is probably completely corrupt. I would like to return to full functionality of SQL Server, Enterprise Manager, and MRS as soon as possible. Can anyone begin to advise me on how to do so?

I really do appreciate your help in advance.

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ERROR: The Cabinet File '' Required For This Installation Is Corrupt And Cannot Be Used

Apr 15, 2006

As the title indicates, I'm having this error during installation. It occurs when I try to install
the "Management Studio" part of the program. I've tried a bunch of things like
copying to hard drive and installing, but to no avail. To isolate the problem, i've even tried removing Reporting services, since at the time of failure it seems to be trying to install/configure the Microsoft.Reporting Services dll.

Additionally, I have SQL Express installed (installed it separately, not as part of the SQL 2005 DVD), VS 2005, .NET Framework 2.0, SQL Management Studio Express CTP. Could the Management Studio Express be causing a problem?

Please note:
Although the error is about missing / corrupt, I have searched the entire dvd for the said file, but there is no file called on the dvd. Am I missing something?

Any solution would be greatly appreciated.


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Uninstall On New Machine Causes Resource File Error

Dec 4, 2006

OK heres the deal, I just purchased a new dell and uninstalled the sql server. Now i am getting- Execution cannot continue as the language dependent resource fil could not be loaded. Any ideas where i could download it or where to get some answers??? My laptop is only 3months old what the fudge!!!!!!!!!!!

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Corrupt File Error While Installing Sql Server 2005 Develooper Edition

Apr 9, 2007

I was successfully able to installing sql server 2005 developer edition all peices except the "Workstation Component, Book Online, Development Tool", the last item in the installation list. It gave errror for bad file. Although this developer edition came directly of the box this error came up in many attempts. Upon "Ignore" it gives error 2350.

I am able to run sql server's all the services and able to access it via VS.Net server browser. I can create and change tables etc. but there is no "Management Studio" installed. There is no icon for it either on the desktop or in the Start->SQL Server 2005 menu.

Is it possible to get and copy file or entire client component from somewhere else? --Freed download or something? I searched for file but it was not in the CD. It could be inside some other file or cmpressed.

Any suggestion.

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Corrupt Of Csv File

Feb 4, 2008

I have a SSIS package that reads a SQL database and generates a flat file(.csv ) in some other system. This flat file is being read by another software tool to do further processing. The package is scheduled as SSIS job.I deployed in the production around 1 month back and it was working fine. Around 1 week back, there was a job failure for the SSIS package. The error log suggested that the problem is with some buffer management and temp file usage in the system where the csv file is generated. The error was rectified by giving appropriate permissions to the folder and temp area to the user that is running the SSIS job on the sql server. After that, the job has run successfully and the csv file is also generated. The format of the csv file seems to be correct. But however, the third party software tool is not being able to read the file treating it as invalid file.

I have no access to the production environment. Can anyone suggest is to do anything with the SSIS package and how can the issue be resolved?

Any help would be highly appreciable.

Many Thanks

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File Is Corrupt When Extract The File (Sp1 Or SP2)

Feb 25, 2008

I keep having the file is corrupt when extracting. I download it many times from MSDN without luck. I just reimage my system with minimum. Please help.

Windows Vista Ultimate 64-Bit
Visual Studio 2008
SQL Server 2005.

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How To Recover Data From A Corrupt Mdf File

Aug 3, 2002

Hi All,
By mistake i delete database from sql server. Due to which the the mdf and ldf file of the datbase are removed from my system. Then i used file recover utility and retrived my mdf and ldf files.But now i am not able to attach those files into databse. These mdf and ldf files has been corrupted. Now how can i recover my data from those mdf and ldf files.Please answer me if you have any solution on this problem.

Satish Rotella

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Installing SQL Express : File Is Corrupt !!!

Oct 20, 2006

On my computer, XP SP2, VB 2005 Express and VisualWeb 2005 Express are installed.

SQL 2005 Server express was also automatically installed in the same time.

I want to complete this SQL SERVER EXPRESS Installation, by downloading complements;

No problem to install SQL Server Management Studio

but problem occurs :

I downloaded SQLEXPR_ADV_FRN.EXE (Version :

When I want to install it, I have a first box Extracting Files with :

Extracting Files : setupsqlrun_rs.msi
To Directory ; i:8eefbf891116a71dbc7190cceb05b9

(I don€™t know why it wants to install in this partition !!!!)

Then an error box :
Extraction Failed
File is corrupt

I had same issue when I tried to install SQLEXPR_TOOLKIT_FRN.EXE

Can anyone explain me how to resolve these issues ?



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'.bcp File Is Corrupt' With Dynamic Snapshots

Aug 14, 2006

I have merge replication set up between sql mobile and sql 2005 (just recently upgraded from sql 2000). My publication has around 40 published tables, about half of them are filtered. The other day I noticed that the initial replication to get the entire database was downloading the same tables multiple times. The last test was each table was downloaded 10 times. So I did some research which brought me to the following fix, which was to implement dynamic snapshots.

However, when I try to replicate, it generates a dynamic snapshot, but it fails with the following error€¦

An error occurred while reading the .bcp data file for the 'MSmerge_rowtrack' article. If the .bcp file is corrupt, you must regenerate the snapshot before initializing the Subscriber. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199428)

I haven€™t changed the snapshot locations, and if I don€™t use dynamic snapshots it works fine. I€™ve tweaked the permissions (in development) to the point where everyone has full permission on the IIS share, and snapshot folder with no luck.

I would appreciate any advice. Thank you!

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Tools To Repair Corrupt Data File

Aug 19, 2005


Some of the data files on our database got corrupted. Is there any tool to get just the data out of the data files and dump somewhere. We can manually rebuild the database using the schema scripts and loading the data. Appreciate any help. Any suggestions are welcome too.


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Corrupt Or Tampered With SQL Server File SQLEVN70.RLL

Mar 4, 2008

In doing a System Restore an error occurred in my SQL 2005. I've researched the thing, and am prepared to uninstall and reinstall SQL Server 2005, however, even tho I am administrator it will not uninstall. It will not reinstall over the previous install that's in place.

When I go through Control Panel to Add and Remove, when I click uninstall SQL Server 2005 it merely flashes a new window for a second and then does nothing. It will not start an uninstall action.

I don't know what to do short of a full XP Pro re-install.

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Sql Query Indicating 15 Days Over Due

Jul 10, 2006

hi. i'm trying to develop a report for a library to display a list of overdue books. i want it to display a list of books which are 15+ days over due. i thought i would use the DATEADD function, but it doesn't seem like it's working.

I have this in my where clause:



Is this right? I think I'm supposed to have more books showing up. Thanks for any help!

Sand Man

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Repairing Corrupt MSDB File In SQL Server 2000.

Jun 13, 2001


I am having problems with my SQL server Agent.

1) When I try to create a New Job/Alert/Operator, I get an error message:

Error 207: Invalid Column Name "category_id"
Invalid Column Name "netsend_address"
Invalid Column Name "last_netsend_date"
Invalid Column Name "last_netsend_time"

.....All these are referring to columns in System Tables of the system Database MSDB.

2)In another SQL Server...say "A", in it's SQL Server Agent, using the Multi-Server Administration, I set up the SQL Server Agent of "A" as the Master (MSX) server, and set up a Target(TSX) server pointing to the Server "B" that has problems in SQL Agent....referred in 1) above. When I try to "Detach the MSX Server" from server B, i get a message Error 207: Invalid Column Name "netsend_address", and cannot detach..........This is again referrring to a System Table.

It appears that the problem is with the MSDB database being corrupt. Is there a way I can Repair a Corrupt MSDB without Re-installing SQL Server 2000 and without a Backup.

Any help greatly appreciate.



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BCP Batch File Produces Sporatic Corrupt Data

Aug 16, 2006

Matt writes "Greetings! Warning, I'm a rookie. I wrote a stored procedure to pull data in order to do a nightly export/import from one system to another. I have a batch file that looks like this:

bcp "exec WinSNAP_retrieveStudents '0607'" queryout c:WinSNAPData06.txt -c -U user -P password

Sometimes, the file works and I get perfectly formed data, with everything just as I've requested (mostly basic demographic information: names, addresses, etc.).

But, other times the output file contains nothing but garbage characters, like this:


The file size looks right, but it contains nothing but characters like this from beginning to end. I can find no pattern as to why/when good data gets pulled versus the corrupt data. I can run the batch file one minute and get good data, and run it the next minute and it's all corrupt. We have the batch file scheduled late at night when no users are online, and I get the same results -- one day it works, the next it doesn't.

Forgive me if this is a well-documented issue -- my searches so far haven't turned up a thing!

Thanks much for any advice you can provide!!

Matt Smith
DeSoto County School District
Arcadia, FL"

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How Download File From Database?

Oct 15, 2004

How can I download a file that is previously uploaded to database?
Of course its kind is Byte.

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How To Download A File From SQL Server In My Web APP

Nov 24, 2004

Hello people,

Do you know how can do for downloading a file stored in a database?. I'm using a table with a FILE field for storing the file.

I know i have to create a special aspx page for downloading, that receives parameters to locate the proper record in the table and then retrieve the file in memory to start downloading.

I have done this with file located at specific folders but not a database's field.

Another thing... the file may be big.

Dou you have any idea about retrieving from sql and sending the file back to the final user?

I really appreciate your support.


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URL File Download From SSIS

May 28, 2013

have a URL that I get from a partner by calling another URL and feeding it some query parameters. That call returns to me a URL which is what I need to then go get the file I'm downloading. I have no problem getting that URL into a variable in my SSIS package. URL....there are several key-value pairs after that question mark which denote the login information, the report ID that it's picking up, etc.

If I manually take that URL and dump it into IE and hit enter, I get the standard "Open/Save/Cancel" prompt. If I open it, I see the XML that should be in my file in the browser. If I save it, I get the standard save dialoge box so that I can save the xml file.How do I do this in SSIS? I can create a file connection for where I want this XML file to be saved, but I don't see an option in the XML task to simply save the file from a URL.

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SQL Scheduled Maintenance Indicating Failure When Successful?

Apr 20, 1999

I am performing the following scheduled database checks every night on all SQL databases after the backup:

SQLMAINT.EXE -D DBSpscb -CkDB -CkAl -CkTxtAl -CkCat -UpdSts -Rpt S:LOGSSQLDAT~1(Check)DBSpscb.rpt

I check over 60 databases but this one fails every night with no history message at all, yet the log indicates that it was successful:

SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 0 (Success)

If I manually run the scheduled task again, the log is identical and it indicates as successful in SQL Enterprise Manager.

Any clues as to what is going wrong would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks & Regards,

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Indicating The NULL Value In Report Expression Syntax

Sep 12, 2007


I would like to know how I can indicate a NULL value in a report expression in SSRS / Report Designer.

I am trying to code :

IIF(Value_A = 0, <NULL>, Value_A)

It may look weird but I am trying to return NULL values when Value_A is 0 (zero), in the sample scenario above.

I have tried using the keyword "NULL", but it is highlighted as a syntax error, and suggested to use System.DBNull. I tried it and then it says that components of the System collection cannot be used in an expression, so I am left drawing blanks.



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Going From Byte() To File Open Of Download

Mar 1, 2007

Hello, I'm having users upload documents to my db and storing them as an Image datatype, I can do that without an issue.  I'm also able to find that record and return it as a byte().  Now, what's the best practice/scheme to return it to the browser, even FF, and have it prompt the user with the Open or Download thing Dialogue we all know and love.
Thanks in advance.

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Upload (or Download) A File Into (or From) A MS SQL Server DB

Feb 6, 2006

I would like to design a content-management feature on a website, in particularbe able to upload a binary file and to store it into a MS Sql Server able to download it afterwards. The sizes of the files are very limited (less than 100Kb) so I do not need any special feature to handle the upload/download.Does anyone know how to achieve such feature?Thanks in advance,Joannes

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Where To Download A Thesaurus File

Jan 30, 2012

I remembered that the Thesaurus that comes with SQL Server is essentially empty.Is there a Thesaurus that can be downloaded for US English so I won't have to sit there with Roget's doing data entry for a few weeks?

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Table Corrupt Error

Aug 7, 2000

Hi Everybody,Can any one tell me how to solve the error 8908(Table Corrupt error). Iam getting this problem every 6 weeks or so. Chain linkage mismatch problem.Help in this regard is highly appreciated.Thanks in advance.

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Error 601 - Corrupt Database??

Sep 10, 1999

I am getting an error every so often on my databases,
I get the following error,
DEscriptor for system table 8 in database not found in hash table,
the databses are unusalble until I stop SQL & shut down

I checked the books on line and it says to stop SQL and shut down,
I have done this and it solves the problem temporaily,

Is there any way that I can permanently fix this,

If anyobne has any ideas I'd appreciate it,

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Error Message -- Is Db Going Corrupt?

Aug 6, 1999

Although backups and integrity checks show that there is nothing wrong with one of my databases, when I did a "dbcc checkalloc" to one of my databases, amidst all of the information (it was successful as well) was the following message:

Msg 2540, Level 16, State 1
Allocation Discrepancy: Page is allocated but not linked; check the following pages and ids: allocation pg#=40960 extent id=41208 logical pg#=41208 object id on extent=8 (object name = syslogs) indid on extent=0

How do I fix this?


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Download The SQL Servere Date To Excel File Using

Feb 13, 2007

Hi EveryOne
I would like to download the SQL server databse to excel file using ASP.Net
I need to download the one table to excel file. If anyone knows please help me.
With Regards
Nibu Abraham 

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Download File That Is Stored In Sql Server Database

Feb 20, 2007

Hi, I have tried to implement file download option. I can download file which is stored in any folder. Code is...        string filepath = Request.Params["file"].ToString();        string filename = Path.GetFileName(filepath);        Response.Clear();        Response.ContentType = "image/gif";        Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename);        Response.Flush();        Response.WriteFile(filepath);This code is working fine. But now I am facing a problem. Files (not the path) are stored in database table. User can download file from the database. How can I do this? The file may be a .txt, .doc, .xls, .jpg or .gif.

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How Do You Upload And Download Images And File From Database?

Mar 7, 2008


how do i upload and download images and files from database row?is there anyway i can upload images so that uploaded images ares saved in a listbox and at the same time in the IMAGES folderin the solution explorer as well so that i can later select an image fromlistbox and download it when needed? i m using c#,vwd2005 express,sql express.



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DTS Problem With AS400 Flat File Download

Dec 30, 2003

I'm having trouble importing a text file that was ftped down from an AS400 fixed length flat file. The text file appears to be formated correctly when I open it (1 record per line fixed format) but when I try to import it ASCII delimited it doesn't appear to be in that format and I'm not familiar at all with the AS/400 file formatting. This seems to only be a problem when the last field in the file is variable length. If the last field is a char 1 field it imports OK. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong with the import? I'm I going about this all wrong? Is there an easier way to get data into SQL Server from this AS400 flat file?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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How To Download The Result Of SQL In Stored Procedure To A File On PC?

Oct 1, 2007

I have written a stored procedure to upload a file to a table.
I am quering this table and want to download the result to a file.Can someone please help me to do this ?


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Integration Services :: Download Only Incremental FILE Using FTP

Aug 7, 2015

i want to download incremental file from a folder. already existing file information stored in database. we are using SQL server 2008R2 standard edition.

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SQL Server 2005 Trial - Which File To Download?

Jun 21, 2006

Hi all,

I am extracting SQL server 2005 trial edition to my flash memory hard drive.

Hence suppose I should download one of the following three files:

"Self-extracting executables:

X86 Executable
X64 Executable
IA64 Executable "

But which one should I choose? based on what criteria ?

(This point seems clear to everyone but myself, even after I went through all the docs on the download site)


Jack (an absolute beginner)

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