Duplication In The Primary Key Column

Sep 21, 2006

I have a set of excel files that i need to export to sql2005 using ssis. Now the issue is that i have no idea about he data ie it may have duplication in the primary key column. If i export it as it is to sql server, it will cause me problems. Is there any way i can filter out the rows which have duplication in the primary key column?

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Fix Legacy Data - Missing Primary Key + Duplication Record + Large Table

Nov 17, 2005

We have a large table which is very old and not much ppl take care about, recently there is a performance problem from the report need to query to this table. Eventally we find that this table have primary key missing and there is duplicate data which make "alter table add primary key" don't work

Besides the data size of this table require unacceptable time to execute something like "insert into new_table_with_pk from select distinct * from old table"

Do you have any recommendation of fixing this? As the application run on oracle , sybase and sql server, is that cross database approace will work?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Cannot Define Primary Key Constraint On Nullable Column But Column Not Null

Sep 30, 2014

We have a database where many tables have a field that has to be lengthened. In some cases this is a primary key or part of a primary key. The table in question is:-

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] Script Date: 09/25/2014 14:05:09 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd](

[Code] ....

The script I am using is

DECLARE@Column varchar(100)--The name of the column to change
DECLARE@size varchar(5)--The new size of the column
DECLARE @TSQL varchar(255)--Contains the code to be executed
DECLARE @Object varchar(50)--Holds the name of the table
DECLARE @dropc varchar(255)-- Drop constraint script

[Code] ....

When I the the script I get the error message Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

Looking at the strings I build

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] Alter Column [Patient System Number] varchar(10)
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] ADD CONSTRAINT PK_DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([Patient System Number] ASC,[Episode Number] ASC,[CensusDate] ASC)

They all seem fine except the last one which returns the error

Msg 8111, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd'.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

None of the fields I try to create the key on are nullable.

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Differnce Between A Column That S A Primary Key And A Column That S A Key/index With Isunique=true

Sep 13, 2007


Please, What s the differnce between a column that s a primary key and a column that s a "key/index with Isunique=true"?

Thanks a lot.

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Dec 9, 2004

How can I achieve the following...
I have a Membership No. field which comes from a bookings table, so multiple membership no. do exist. What I want to achieve is a list of membership No.s with no duplication. Sorry to be so dumb, but we all have to start somewhere.

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Duplication Error

Nov 14, 2007

i have taple translatio witch have theses coloumn
in this table we assign  a certain company with a certain typeID  to a certain translator .
so next time when the translator log he goes to the company that he assigned to it when he log to the company page,
there is another company page n arabic that is transalted by the translators , in the arabic page there is a button when you can send this company to transaltion.
but a duplicate have been happen made because user send the same documnet to the translation table so many time so translator transalte the same company profile more than one time witch is not good.
we handle the duplicate of the send to translation button put still there is duplicate record in the database  witch is more taht 3000 record
how ican to remove thsi record from the DB without make ant other erroe

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Report Job Duplication

Feb 20, 2008


I have created a job to run a reporting services job which then named it in the job scheduler 354EEF12-404F-46BD-B54F-708B5027837F. I then renamed the job to Rpt ETL log.

However it I was surpised to see two emails come with reference to this report. It seems to have created another one with the long job names.

Is there any way to stop this as I would really like to name to schduled rpt jobs without it duplicating.

Many Thanks


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Prevent Duplication On UPDATE

Apr 15, 2007

I noticed a spelling mistake in the data in a column of several tables, I used the following syntax to alter the spelling:
UPDATE [dbo].[Prod_Cat]     SET  [ProdName]=N'merseyside'    WHERE ProdName = 'mmserseyside'
The above code correctly updated the spelling error, but it also inserted a new row with the corrected data. 
So I found myself with two Identical rows containing the corrected information. I had to manually delete the extra row. Because if I had put in a DELETE statement, I would have then lost both rows.
What do I need to do to prevent this happening next time.  As I find that I need to update the names of some products, but I don't want to duplicate them.

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Track Duplication Of Records

May 20, 2002


I have a table which consists of 27,000 of records. Among these records, there is one record which
is a duplication of another record.

Is there any way to track this record from the same table by the SQL statement ?

I have been advised to use the following statement but it does not help:

Select count(*) As Duplicate, columnname from tablename group by columnname

Scrolling 27,000 lines of records with bare eyes is very painful.

Any help is appreciated.


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How To Avoid PrimaryKey Duplication?

Aug 19, 2007

Hi, I having a problem with my query...

I want to copy data from 4 different database to 1 database... but if the destination database have already the same Primary Key the copying stops/terminated and not copying others that is not yet in the destination...

I don't have knowledge in T-SQL like IF...ELSE
my database is SQL Server 2000 but i'm using SQL 2005 Express Management for the query...

What i'm doing is like this:

Use osa (Destination Database)

DELETE FROM tblFaculty (*I'll delete first the datas to avoid duplication)

INSERT INTO tblFaculty (FacultyID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Rank, DeptCode)
(SELECT FacultyID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Rank, DeptCode FROM cislucena.dbo.tMasFaculty)

INSERT INTO tblFaculty (FacultyID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Rank, DeptCode)
(SELECT FacultyID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Rank, DeptCode FROM amapn.dbo.tMasFaculty)

INSERT INTO tblFaculty (FacultyID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Rank, DeptCode)
(SELECT FacultyID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Rank, DeptCode FROM abe.dbo.tMasFaculty)

INSERT INTO tblFaculty (FacultyID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Rank, DeptCode)
(SELECT FacultyID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Rank, DeptCode FROM aclc.dbo.tMasFaculty)

My problem is if the facultyID (PrimaryKey) which i'm copying is already on the destination which is osa, the copying stops/terminated regardless whether there is more to copy. On the 4 source database, there might data that other database also has. That's why the copying is terminated. All i want to do is to check first each FacultyID if it is already on the destination before copying it to avoid error or duplication of Primary Key so it won't terminate the copying.

How is this possible sir? Anyone care to help? Thanks in advance! More Power!

Best Regards

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De-Duplication Performance Issue

May 5, 2008

Hi All,

Scenario: De-duplication logic should pick one record from source and check with all the destination records and insert if not duplicate. Else raise error. There are average 8 to 10 lookup check for each logic path. Key fields used for de-duplication check are FirstName, LastName, DOB, Gender, SSN.

· Since picking row by row and processing the performance is constrained.
· Since 8-10 comparison is done using lookup performance downstream. (Lookup is used without caching, if cashing is used the package is failing after sometimes as if memory is failing. Can we handle this memory problem?)

Please give some suggestion to improve the performance. Current performance is around 2500 records per hour, but there are 8 lac records in total to process.

I am looking for guidance on this issue. If someone can guide me on how to do it better it would help me a lot.

S Suresh

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Single Field Duplication Problem

Apr 1, 2004

I have a table with many fields but there is a single field that I do not want duplicates. If I index this specific field preventing duplicates, the entire record does not append. (The field in question is not keyed).


Bill Howard

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Error Catching On Data Duplication In A Sql2005 Db

Apr 15, 2007

Hello, everyone.  I am having problems catching a data duplication issue.  I hope I can get an answer in this forum.  If not, I would appreciate it if someone can direct me to the right forum.
I am working on a vs2005 app which is connected to a sql2005 db.  Precisely, I am working on a registration form.  Users go to the registration page, enter the data, ie. name, address, email, etc. and submit to register to the site.
The INSERT query works like a charm.  The only problem is that I am trying to reject registrations for which an email address was used.  I put a constraint on the email field in the table and now if I try to register using an e-mail address that already exists in the database I get a violation error (only visible on the local machine) on the sql's email field, which is expected.
How can I catch that there is already an email address in the database and stop the execution of the code and possibly show a message to the user to use a different address?
 Thank you for all your help.

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Insert Statement Results In Data Duplication Using MDAC 2.8

Mar 7, 2008

I am using Remote Data service to Query an Sql Server Database using MDAC. The Os in which server is loaded in Window 2003 and the MDAC 2.8 version is installed. Now I create a table X with identity column. Then when I try to insert records in that table using Insert into X select * from Y statement. The statement gets executed by when i check the X table I find that the duplicate records are present with different identity no's.

Even when i truncate and retry the same thing occurs.

What could be the reason for the same??


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Get Primary Key Column

May 29, 2005

Hello, this SQL query gets all columns of a table:

SELECT syscolumns.name AS [Fields in Items Database], syscolumns.type,
syscolumns.length, syscolumns.isnullable FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN
syscolumns ON sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id WHERE sysobjects.name =
'IssueTracker_IssueAttachments' ORDER BY syscolumns.colid

I would like to know, is there a way to get a column saying who is the
primary key in the table ? I am reading columns for tables and
processing them, but I would like to know who is the primary key, is
that possible ?


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Primary Key Vs Identity Column

Jan 22, 2007

What is the different between Primary key and Identity Column? and when should I them?
(Im just a beginner with databases...)

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How To Drop Primary Key By Specifying Column Only?

Apr 24, 2007

I checked column from xsd file which created from DataBase.
And before installing my application I will check any column in destination base whether have complete column or not.
And if there is any column which is not wanted column(not same as xsd structure)
I will delete it by creating sql command as follow "ALTER TABLE tableName DROP COLUMN column1, column2, ......"
and Execute it by program initialization.
I need delete it by run-time
However some column may be Primary Key with any reason
That's why I can't delete them by simple command
I expect to delete them by specific column instead of specific constraint name which is not sure name.
Please advise me....

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SQL Set Primary Key On Existing Column

Nov 28, 2007

Hi everyone,How do I set a primary key on an existing column using SQL statements? I have column persID of type int in table employees. How do I correctly apply the ALTER command to change persID type to INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL?  Thanks in advance   

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Primary Key VS Identity Column

Apr 5, 2000

Can anyone explain the Difference between Primary Key and Identity Column in MSSQL Server 6.5. Please give me any example if possible.
Thanks for Help!!!!

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Can A Column Act As Both Primary Key And Foreign Key?

Sep 11, 2011

Can a column act as both primary key and foreign key, if so what is script.

And can a table have more than one primary keys/foreign keys, if so what is the script.

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Rename Primary Key Column?

Jul 22, 2014

will there be any issues if i rename a primary key column name,which is already beging referenced as a foreign key by other tables.

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One Primary Key To Two Column In Same Table

Feb 9, 2015

I have a table name Dispatch with the following column
ID,Date, Name, Pickup, Going

I have a next table called Move with the following column
ID, MoveName

I link Move table with Dispatch table via relationship.
ID_Pickup, ID_Going

upon running query no data is shown unless i remove one of the column form the query either pickup or going ...

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Select Primary Key Column

Feb 22, 2007

Is there a query that can return teh name of the primary key column of a table ?

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Ghost Primary Key Column

Jun 25, 2006

Hello,I have a table 'customers', with 2 records:SELECT * FROM customers;customerID | customerName------------------+-------------------------myFriend | myFriend's Nametest | testing user(2 rows)but when I'm asking about customerID column, I get the answer:SELECT customerID FROM customers;ERROR: column "customerid" does not existWhat happens? I'm using PostgreSQL 8.1.3

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Column Name In A Primary Key Constraint

Jul 20, 2005

Hi allWould there be a easy way to find the column name(s) which constitutea Primary constraint for a table through navigating the systemcatalogs.I found that the PK Constraint object in syscontraints is showing thecolid = 0.TIANorman

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How To Knw Which Column Is Primary Key In A Table

May 1, 2006

hi all

my question is which query shud i use in sql server 2000 to get which column or columns are primary keys of table

i dont want to use any stored procedures only sql query

sp_primary_keys_rowset is one of d stored proc in sql server 2005 but i couldn't understand which query they are using

i only want to use sql query

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Determin Name Of Primary Column

Aug 6, 2006

given the name of any table how can i programmatically get the name of the primary key column?

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Reporting Services :: Vertical Axis Data Labels Repetition / Duplication

Sep 15, 2015

When I tried to create a bar chart using SSRS 2012, the vertical axis values are repeating for smaller data sets values. It's only happening when the data labels are below 5, when the data is above 5 this chart represents data fine.

I tried specifying the custom intervals and this option all together eliminated the  bar for value 1, instead it only showed the value 1 as text on the chart.

I tried changing the data interval type as number and the data type is of Integer, these are counts which I am showing in the chart.

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Designating An Identity Column When You Already Have Primary Key

Jan 13, 2007

Hello --
Following normal practice, I have an autoincrementing identity column designated as primary key in my table.  I have two other columns that should also contain unique values per record, but the Identity option is greyed out (in Management Studio) for all columns other than the primary key.
 I'm enforcing this programmatically (in my C# code) at this point, but I'd like to back that up with a constraint in the database itself.
Any help is appreciated.

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Getting Primary Key Column Names For All Tables

Sep 9, 1999

I have a situation in which i have to get the last value stored in the Primary Key for all the tables. Based on this value i have to update another table which stores the Table names and the last Key value for the table. The values in this table are not correct therefore i have to update it now. I was trying to write a cursor for this but the only problem is i can't get to know how to get the column name on which the primary key is defined for all the tables, thru code.

I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this.

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Problems With Computing A Primary Key Column

Sep 13, 2006

hi !

Just started playing around with SQL 2000 and I createda sample table called 'actor' which has 4 columns

1. actorID
(formula= LEFT(NEWID(), 3)+ LEFT([actorFirst], 2) +
LEFT([actorLast], 2) + RIGHT(NEWID(), 3))
2. actorFirst
varchar(20) NOT NULL
3. actorLast
varchar(20) NOT NULL
4. actorName
(formula = [actorFirst] + ' ' + [actorLast]

Now my problem is that I want to set a primary key constraint on actorID but it doesn't let me because it the NULL check mark is automatically checked and I cannot check it off ... and I can't set a primary key on something which is allowed to be NULL....

I don't understand why 'actorName' column which is also calculated doesn't have that default NULL checked and locked ....

What am I doing wrong ? Please help ....

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Creating Primary Key On Nullable Column

Feb 29, 2008


I am trying to recreate a primary key that I dropped in a table....

I'm using a statement like




But apparently the "store" column was created without a "not null" and it let it create the PK during the table creation but now it won't let me add the PK with that nullable column..

Does anyone know how to get it to use that column to create a primary key after the initial table creation?

Here is the error i get

Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table

Thanks a lot

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Identity Column Primary Key Vs Custom Key

May 22, 2008

We are developing a batabase which is meant for financial domain,so it will import data from different source system..
and data from our data base will be further passed to other applications.

In contex of our system integration with other data sources ,whether is it a good idea to have a auto integer primary key a or to implement some logic to generate primary key?

Can some one guide us to some pratical data base design case studies?or some best practices.?

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