Dec 18, 2007

Hi All,
I am woriking with a package wherein i need to export data from SS TABLE to excel sheet, however the no of cells exceed the 65536 which is the limit in excel, i tried using the pivot option in data flow transformation, however i am unable to do this, how do i go about doing this. Can someone tell me the correct procedure plzzzzz.


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Power Pivot :: Auto Refresh Excel Table (Not Pivot Table) Using Data Source

Jul 8, 2015

Is it possible to generate automatic refresh of excel 2013 table which displays some table of a power pivot model on file open?? I dont want to use pivottable (which supports this ...)

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Power Pivot :: Force Measure To Be Visible For All Rows In Pivot Table Even When There Is No Data?

Oct 13, 2015

Can I force the following measure to be visible for all rows in a pivot table?

Sales Special Visibility:=IF(
        VALUES(dimSalesCompanies[SalesCompany]) = "Sales"

FYI, I also have other measures as well in the pivot table that I don't want to affect.

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Power Pivot :: Pivot Table Loses Text Wrapping For Text Data Upon Refresh

Apr 29, 2015

I have a pivot table that connects to our data warehouse via a PowerPivot connection.  The data contains a bunch of comment fields that are each between 250 and 500 characters.  I've set the columns in this pivot table to have the 'Wrap Text' set to true so that the user experience is better, and they can view these comment fields more clearly.

However, whenever I refresh the data, the text wrapping un-sets itself.  Interestingly, the 'Wrap Text' setting is still enabled, but I have to go and click it, then click it again to actually wrap the text.  This is very burdensome on the user, and degrading the experience.

Any way to make this text wrapping stick so that I don't have to re-set it every time I refresh the data?

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Exporting Data - Unable To Append All Data To The Table

Jun 28, 2012

I have a sql server 2008 backend with an Access 2007 frontend database. Each time I export a query I get the following error:

Microsoft Access was unable to append all the data to the table.

The contents of fields in 0 record(s) were deleted, and 1 record(s) were lost due to key violations.

*If data was deleted, the data you pasted or imported doesn't match the field data types or the FieldSize property in the destination table.
*If records were lost, either the records you pasted contain primary key values that already exist in the destination table, or they violate referential integrity rules for a relationship defined between tables. Do you want to proceed anyway?

I don't know what if anything is actually missing because of the amount of data is more thant 6000 records. It seems everything exported but I would have to comb through the data to be sure.

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Exporting Sql Table Data To Csv Format

Apr 4, 2006

I am trying to export an table data to csv format. The problem here is the table columns are dynamic. The DTS exports only the columns available during the DTS design time and it ignores if any new columns are added after the design. I need solution for this asap.

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Exporting Structure && Data To Access Table

Mar 11, 2004

Hello E'body

I have an application with MSAccess as front end and SQLServer as backend. have quite a bit of tables. i wanted to write a stored procedure which exports a SQL Server table (both Structure & Data) to a new Access MDB file. i know with the use of DTS its possible but i need to code it down. i need to perform this at runtime. so can anybody help.
Its urgent.



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Exporting Data From Excel Sheet To Db Table

Oct 9, 2007

i have to export the data from excel sheet to database table. for that i created linked server in sql 2000. after creating i get the SQLOLEDB error when i expand the linked server in enterprise manager.Can anyone help me in solving this issue.

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Exporting Excel Data To An Existing SQL Table

Nov 21, 2007


I would like to create a stored procedure that opens a data connection for an excel file that I have saved. I would then like to export the excel data into an existing SQL table. Can anyone tell me the best way to go about this?


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Exporting XML Data As A Table In SQL Server Express

Aug 16, 2007

Hi there!

This is a part of the XML file that I have:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes" ?>

- <NewDataSet>

- <xschema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urnchemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">

- <xs:element name="NewDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">

- <xs:element name="HdrStateProv">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xsequence>

<xs:element name="stateProvID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="stateProvNme" type="xstring" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="CountryID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />

- <HdrStateProv>




As you can see it just has all the 50 states and I have a datatable called HdrStateProv with three fields, stateProvID, stateProvNme, CountryID in my SQL Server Express. How would I import(map) this data there? I tried the sqlbulkimport KB article but does that not seem to work. Thanks for your time!

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Exporting Databse Table Data In SQL Server 6.5 Into Text Files

Mar 11, 1999


I have to export the table data from my databse into text files as I nedd to put it in Informix database using a sheel script. Is there a way by which I can do this.

Is there any other way by which I can put the data from SQL Server to Informix.

Any takers,

Thanking you in advance.

Bye for now,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Exporting Data From MDS Entity To Database Table

Jul 30, 2014

How to export data from MDS 2012 entity to SQL 2012 user database table ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Pivot Data In Table?

Jun 24, 2015

MyTable has the following data (Just a sample)

parent | NAme | Checked | contactmethod|Check2 | Other
974198 | Employment | true | Face to Face | true | null
974224 | Other | true | Face to Face | true | skills
974224 | Other | true | Contact | true | skills

I'd like to pivot on "parent"

In a perfect world I'd like to see output like

974198 | Employment | true | Face to Face | true | null

974224 | Other | true | Face to Face, Collateral Contact | true | skills

If there are more than one name or contactmethod for the same parent then they would be strung along with commas

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Exporting Data From SQL Table To Excel File - How To Delete Rows Before Inserting New

Feb 5, 2007


Question pls. I have an MS SQL local package where it exports data from SQL table to Excel file. My question is, how can erase all the records in my excel file before i export the new data from SQL table?

What i want is to delete the rows in the destination file before inserting new records.

Thanks a lot.

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Dynamic PIVOT Table As Data Source View

May 29, 2008

I would like to use a dynamic pivot table in my data source view. It seems that a named query can be only one sql statement. So, I cannot use my multi-statement procedure that creates a dynamic pivot table output.

What is the best course of action here? I could hard-code my pivot table query. I could maintain a redundant table in the pivot format. Do I have any good options?



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SSMS Express: Using PIVOT Operator To Create Pivot Table - Error Messages 156 &&amp; 207

May 19, 2006

Hi all,

In MyDatabase, I have a TABLE dbo.LabData created by the following SQLQuery.sql:
USE MyDatabase
CREATE TABLE dbo.LabResults
SampleName varchar(25) NOT NULL,
AnalyteName varchar(25) NOT NULL,
Concentration decimal(6.2) NULL)
--Inserting data into a table
INSERT dbo.LabResults (SampleID, SampleName, AnalyteName, Concentration)
VALUES (1, 'MW2', 'Acetone', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (2, 'MW2', 'Dichloroethene', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (3, 'MW2', 'Trichloroethene', 20.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (4, 'MW2', 'Chloroform', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (5, 'MW2', 'Methylene Chloride', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (6, 'MW6S', 'Acetone', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (7, 'MW6S', 'Dichloroethene', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (8, 'MW6S', 'Trichloroethene', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (9, 'MW6S', 'Chloroform', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (10, 'MW6S', 'Methylene Chloride', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (11, 'MW7', 'Acetone', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (12, 'MW7', 'Dichloroethene', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (13, 'MW7', 'Trichloroethene', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (14, 'MW7', 'Chloroform', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (15, 'MW7', 'Methylene Chloride', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (16, 'TripBlank', 'Acetone', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (17, 'TripBlank', 'Dichloroethene', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (18, 'TripBlank', 'Trichloroethene', 1.00)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (19, 'TripBlank', 'Chloroform', 0.76)
INSERT €¦ ) VALUES (20, 'TripBlank', 'Methylene Chloride', 0.51)

A desired Pivot Table is like:

MW2 MW6S MW7 TripBlank

Acetone 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Dichloroethene 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Trichloroethene 20.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Chloroform 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.76

Methylene Chloride 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.51


I write the following SQLQuery.sql code for creating a Pivot Table from the Table dbo.LabData by using the PIVOT operator:

USE MyDatabase


USE TABLE dbo.LabData


SELECT AnalyteName, [1] AS MW2, AS MW6S, [11] AS MW7, [16] AS TripBlank


(SELECT SampleName, AnalyteName, Concentration

FROM dbo.LabData) p



SUM (Concentration)

FOR AnalyteName IN ([1], , [11], [16])

) AS pvt

ORDER BY SampleName



I executed the above-mentioned code and I got the following error messages:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TABLE'.

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid column name 'AnalyteName'.

I do not know what is wrong in the code statements of my SQLQuery.sql. Please help and advise me how to make it right and work for me.

Thanks in advance,

Scott Chang

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Power Pivot :: ALL DAX Function Not Overriding Filter On Pivot Table

Oct 14, 2015

I have a simple pivot table (screenshot below) that has two variables on it: one for entry year and another for 6 month time intervals. I have very simple DAX functions that count rows to determine the population N (denominator), the number of records in the time intervals (numerator) and the simple percent of those two numbers.

The problem that I am having is that the function for the population N is not overriding the time interval on the pivot table when I use an ALL function to do so. I use ALL in other very simple pivot tables to do the same thing and it works fine.

The formula for all three are below, but the one that is the issue is the population N formula. Why ALL would not work, any other way to override the time period variable on the pivot table.

Population N (denominator):
Records in time interval (numerator):

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Power Pivot :: How To Apply Min Formula Under New Measure Within A Pivot Table

Aug 17, 2015

How can I apply "Min" formula under a "new measure" (calculated field) within a pivot table under Power pivot 2010?Can see that neither does it allow me to apply "min" formula directly "formula box" nor could find any other option.Intent formula: "=Min(1,sum(a:b))" this isn't allowed so all I can do is "=sum(a:b)".

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Power Pivot :: Displaying Cumulating Numbers In A Pivot Table When There Is No Value

Mar 11, 2015

I have simple pivot table (below screenshot with info redacted) that displays a population number ("N" below), this is the denominator, a cumulative numerator number (below "#") and a simple cumulative percent that just divides the numerator by the denominator. It cumulates from top to bottom. The numerator and percent are cumulative using the below functions. There are two problems with the numerator and percent:

1. When there is not a number for the numerator, there is no value displayed for both the numerator and the percent..There should be a zero displayed for both values.
2. When there has been a prior number for the numerator and percent (for a prior month interval) but there is no number for the numerator in the current month interval, the prior month number and percent are not displayed in the current month interval--see the 3rd yellow line, this should display "3" and "16.7%" from the second yellow line.Here is the formula for the numerator:

=CALCULATE(count(s1Perm1[entity_id]),FILTER(ALL(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory]),s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory] <= MAX(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory])))
Here is the formula for the percent:
=(CALCULATE(countrows(s1Perm1),FILTER(ALL(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory]),s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory] <= MAX(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory]))))/(CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(s1Perm1),ALL(s1Perm1[Exit],s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory])))

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Bulk Copy Command Or Exporting Data Table Wise From Database To CSV Files

Dec 10, 2013

I am using Bulk Copy command for Exporting data table wise from database to csv files and it was working fine. Since last 3-4 days when exporting for some tables data in csv file is coming junk.

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Power Pivot :: One Slicer To Control Two Pivot Tables That Have Different Source Data And Common Key

Jul 8, 2015

I have two data tables:

1) Production data with column headers: Key, Facility, Line, Time, Output
2) Costs data with column headers: Key, Site, Cost Center, Time, Cost

The tables have a common key named obviously as Key. The data looks like this:


I would like to have two pivot tables which I can filter with ONE slicer based on the column Key. The first pivot table shows row labels Facility, Line and column labels Time. Value field is Output. The second pivot table shows row labels Site, Cost Center, and column lables Time. Value field is Cost.How can I do this with Power Pivot? I tried by linking both tables above to a table with unique Keys in PowerPivot and then creating a PivotTable where I would have used the Key from the Keys table.

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Reporting Services :: Pivot A Table Of Data With Multiple Columns?

Nov 20, 2015

Running SQL Server 2005, trying to develop an SSRS report to basically pivot a table of data with multiple columns.

Here's the basic source table:

Day    Cases   Referrals    Vends
1         291          0             0
2         293          1             0
3         293          1             1

And I want to display it as:

Day             1       2       3
Cases         291   293   293
Referrals       0        1      1
Vends           0        0      1

I thought I could use a matrix for this but I can't seem to get it worked out. Is this even possible?

The Day number is meant to represent the day of the month and the user would input a start and ending date parameter.

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Excel Data Pivot/unpivot To Sql Server 2005 Table

Sep 25, 2007

The following is a SAMPLE data from an excel spreadsheet. This SAMPLE data has many other fields as date. Here I have only used two date columns i.e. 28 Dec 2006 and 29 Dec 2006
This data needs to be exported into sql server 2005 table which has the fields below where I have placed the data into a table.
How can this be done please?


Ref Sector Name 28 Dec 2006 29 Dec 2006
1 Sovereign RUSSIA 05 null 173.21
2 Sovereign RUSSIA 07 102.99 102.22
3 Sovereign RUSSIA 10 114.33 104.63
4 Sovereign RUSSIA 18 115.50 145.50

sql server table

create table tblData
DataID int,
Ref int,
Sector varchar(20),
Name varchar(20),
Date datetime,
value decimal(6,2)

DataID Ref Sector Name Date value
1 1 Sovereign RUSSIA 05 28 Dec 2006 null
2 1 Sovereign RUSSIA 05 29 Dec 2006 173.21
3 2 Sovereign RUSSIA 07 28 Dec 2006 102.99
4 2 Sovereign RUSSIA 07 29 Dec 2006 102.22
5 3 Sovereign RUSSIA 10 28 Dec 2006 114.33
6 3 Sovereign RUSSIA 10 29 Dec 2006 104.63
7 4 Sovereign RUSSIA 18 28 Dec 2006 115.50
8 4 Sovereign RUSSIA 18 29 Dec 2006 145.50

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Power Pivot :: Measures Not Reflected In Pivot Table

Sep 18, 2015

I have data in my Powerpivot window which was generated by a sql query. This data includes a field named 'Cost' and every row shows a value for 'Cost' greater than zero. The problem is that when I display this data in the pivot table all entries for Cost display as $0. At first I thought that maybe Cost was set to a bogus data type (such as 'text) but it is set to ''Decimal Number' so that's not the problem. 

What is happening and how do I fix it so that my pivot table reflects the values for 'Cost'?

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Power Pivot :: Difference Between Two Pivot Table Sums?

Nov 23, 2015

I have a data table that contains budget and actual data by month.  I use the data to create a pivot that shows actual results next to budgeted results.  I need a column that shows that variance between those columns.  I think my issue is that the "Type" field contains actual and Budget.  I sum on "Type".  I can't seem to create a sum since those items are in the same field or am I missing something?

Table design


Output Design

125 AvgOfRate

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Power Pivot :: Slicer And Pivot Table Value Order

Oct 9, 2015

How to get a list of values to actually display in correct order in either a slicer or when on an axis on a pivot table?

I currently have the below list and have tried to add a preceding numeric (ex. "1. <=0") or preceding blank space, neither of which is visually great. Is there another way?

<= 0
1 - 6
7 - 12
13 - 18
19 - 24
25 - 30
31 - 36
37 - 42
43 - 48
49 - 54
55 - 60
61 - 66
67 - 72
73 - 78
79 - 84
85 - 90
91 - 96
97 - 102
> 102

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Power Pivot :: Printing From Pivot Table With Slicers

Apr 13, 2015

I am using excel 2010 and creating pivot table from Power Pivot.  I created a pivot table with department slicers.  All is good, the problem I am having is whilst in an unfiltered position (ALL) of the slicers (departments) I get 200 pages, now when I  click on a given department with say 10 pages, I still get the same 200 pages with the first 10 pages showing the data from the clicked department and 190 blank pages.

All I want is to get a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) of what is on the screen as my print, but I am getting extra blank pages right after the data.  How do I resolve this.

Below are the steps I go thru to print 

1. Select slicers in unfiltered position (ALL)
2. Select entire pivot table
3. Select Page layout  and select print area.
4.  Save
5. Click on Print Preview to preview the print
6. Click on a given department in the slicer and repeat item 5, but this gives me blank pages after the data.

Do I need any other step? 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Pivot Table - How To Get Right Count In First Data Mining Replacing Zeros

Mar 24, 2014

I run this code:

[100] as stato1, [101] as stato2, [102] as stato3

[Code] ...

That extracts only zeros (columns "stato1", "stato2", "stato3"):

SDB_BE Vita Antiriciclaggio0 00
SDB_BE Vita Assistenza clienti000
SDB_BE Vita Emissione000
SDB_BE Vita Gestione Rendite000
SDB_BE Vita Liquidazioni000

[Code] ....

Unlike the "SourceTable":

FROM TicketInevasiPerGruppoEStato

CASE_ID_ Stato Gruppo_Assegnatario
HD0000003736734 AssegnatoSDB_GBS Variazione
HD0000003736739 AssegnatoSDB_GBS Variazione
HD0000003736743 AssegnatoSDB_GBS Variazione
HD0000003736783 AssegnatoSDB_GBS Variazione
HD0000003736806 SospesoSDB_BE Vita Selezione

[Code] ....

How can I get the right count in the first data mining replacing the zeros (columns "stato1", "stato2", "stato3")?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Pivot Query - Convert Data From Original Table To Reporting View

Apr 8, 2014

I want to convert the data from Original Table to Reporting View like below, I have tried but not get success yet.

Original Table:
Id || Id1 || Id2 || MasterId || Obs ||Dec || Act || Status || InstanceId
1 || 138 || 60 || 1 || Obs1 ||Dec1 || Act1 || 0|| 14
2 || 138 || 60 || 2 || Obs2 ||Dec2 || Act2 || 1|| 14
3 || 138 || 60 || 3 || Obs3 ||Dec3 || Act3 || 1|| 14
4 || 138 || 60 || 4 || Obs4 ||Dec4 || Act4 || 0|| 14
5 || 138 || 60 || 5 || Obs5 ||Dec5 || Act5 || 1|| 14

View For Reporting:

Row Header:
Id1 || Id2 || MasterId1 || Obs1 ||Desc1 ||Act1 ||StatusId1||MasterId ||Obs2 ||Desc2 ||Act2 ||StatusId2 ||MasterId3||Obs3 ||Desc3 ||Act3 ||StatusId3||MasterId4||Obs4||Desc4 ||Act4 ||StatusId4 ||MasterId5||Obs5 ||Desc5 ||Act5 ||StatusId5||InstanceId

Row Values:
138 || 60 || 1 || Obs1 ||Desc1 ||Act1 ||0 ||2 ||Obs2 ||Desc2||Act2 ||1 ||3 ||Obs3||Desc3 ||Act3 ||2 ||4||Obs4||Desc4 ||Act4 ||0 ||5 ||Obs5 ||Desc5 ||Act5 ||1 ||14

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Export Wizard Disturb The Order Of Data While Exporting Data To Acess 2003 From SQL Server 2005

Feb 24, 2007

I am using the following query to export data from sql server to ms access in export data wizard:
SELECT * FROM myView where myID = 123
Order by varcharColumnName1,varcharColumnName2 ,intColumnName3
This query will fetch about 7, 00,000 records.
SQL server 2005 shows the correct order, but Data in access table shows Incorrect data.
Please give me the solutions.

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Power Pivot :: Temp Table Or Table Variable In Query (not Stored Procedure)?

Jul 19, 2012

I don't know if it's a local issue but I can't use temp table or table variable in a PP query (so not in a stored procedure).

Environment: W7 enterprise desktop 32 + Office 2012 32 + PowerPivot 2012 32

Simple example:
    declare @tTable(col1 int)
    insert into @tTable(col1) values (1)
    select * from @tTable

Works perfectly in SQL Server Management Studio and the database connection is OK to as I may generate PP table using complex (or simple) queries without difficulty.

But when trying to get this same result in a PP table I get an error, idem when replacing table variable by a temporary table.

Message: OLE DB or ODBC error. .... The current operation was cancelled because another operation the the transaction failed.

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Power Pivot :: Measure Results Limited By Fact Table Dates Instead Of Date Table

Sep 17, 2015

I cannot create a measure that returns results for dates that do not exist in the fact table despite the fact that the components included in the measure contain valid results for these same dates.Creature a measure that counts the number of days where the "stock qty" is below the "avg monthly sales qty for the last 12 months" (rolling measure).Here is the DAX code I have tried for the measure (note that filter explicitly refers to the date table (called Calendar) and not the fact table):

COUNTROWS ( VALUES ( Calendar[DateKey] ) ),
[Stock qty] < [Avg Monthly Sales Qty L12M@SKU]

Below you can see the sub measures (circled in red) are giving results for all days in the calendar.Highlighted in yellow are dates for which the StkOutCnt measure is not returning a result. Having investigated these blank dates, I am pretty confident that they are dates for which there are no transactions in the fact table (weekends, public holidays etc...).why I am getting an "inner join" with my fact table dates despite the fact that this is not requested anywhere in the dax code and that the two sub measures are behaving normally?

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Exporting Data From A Merge Join From One Data Flow To Another

Mar 1, 2006


Does anyone know if it is possible to point data that underwent the "merge join" transformation (in one data flow) to the following data flow? I don't want to recreate all that merging, sorting and calling the same sources again in the following data flow if the data that I am using exists in the previous data flow. The merged data is simply too big to export to an excel file, so does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

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