Elimenating Duplicate Keys With Unique Row.

Jan 25, 2000

I have a large table that consists of the columns zip, state, city, county. The primary
key "zip" has duplicates but the rows are unique.
How do I filter out only the duplicate zips. So in effect I only have one row per unique key.
Randy Garland

if you just want a list of all rows with duplicate zipcodes then ...

SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE zip IN ( SELECT zip FROM TableName


Duncan, I tried this but it does not return one row per key.
Randy Garland

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Elimenating Partly Duplicate Data

Jun 25, 2000

Hi, I am new to SQL 7.0 and I have a large database but with some duplicate

For example, in a table tblA we have columns as:
userid, lname, fname, street, state... etc,

The problem is: The same user sometimes use different styles for his/her street and state (suppose he/she always use same userid, lname and fname),
such as,

street State
7531 Plum Drive Maryland
7531 Plum Dr. MD

So a same user can produce a lot of duplicate user infomation. Can anybody
help to elimenate this kind of duplicate data?



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Update Rows To Resolve Issues About Duplicate Keys On Create Unique Index

May 7, 2008

Hi there ...here comes a tricky one.

I have a database table which needs to make the Index "ParentREF, UniqueName" unique - but this fails because duplicate keys are found. Thus I now need to cleanup these duplicate rows - but I cannot just delete the duplicates, because they might have rows in detail tables.
This means that all duplicate rows needs an update on the "UniqueName" value - but not the first (valid) one!

I can find those rows by

SELECT OID, UniqueName, ParentREF, CreatedUTC, ModifiedUTC FROM dbo.CmsContent AS table0
SELECT OID, UniqueName, ParentREF FROM dbo.CmsContent AS table1
WHERE table0.ParentREF = table1.ParentREF
AND table0.UniqueName = table1.UniqueName
AND table0.OID != table1.OID
ORDER BY ParentREF, UniqueName, ModifiedUTC desc

...but I struggle to make the required SQL (SP?) to update the "invalid" rows.
Note: the "valid" row is the one with the newest ModifiedUTC value - this row must kept unchanged!

ATM the preferred (cause easiest) way is to rename the invalid rows with
UniqueName = OID
because if I use any other name I risk to create another double entry.

Thanks in advance to whoever can help me

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Unique Keys

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I plan to create a table with 3 unique keys.Combination of three fields has to be unique for each row in a table thatare vendor ID (char 8), vendor name (char 40), and vendor office (5).Will it be okay to have a unique key which has a long character such asvendor name?How should I index those three fields? Those fields will be searched manytimes.RCW

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Adding Unique Keys

Aug 22, 2006

Would anyone please instruct how to prevent the duplicate record bysetting the unique keys on the ms sql server? i've been checking theduplicate record as front-end and i found out if there is an internetdelay or some other reasons, it has a chance to store the duplicateddata into the database. so i realized it has to be done on the back-endside.for example, if i have three columns (office code, office id, officesection) as a unique key, how can i setup this? thanks in advance.

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Define Unique Keys

Oct 17, 2007

I have a primary key (column name is emp_id) in employee table. Also,I would like to make a combination of other two columns is unique.(combination of officecode field and claimno field must be unique).how can I implement this uniquess in ms sql 2000? thank you.

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Constraint Expression For Unique Keys

Jun 28, 2006

if i have a table which defines a rule as "combination of two fieldmust be unique", how can I write this in a constraint expressionsection?i started learning more about ms sql side to handle all the necessaryrules in back-end instead of front-end.also any good learning links, references, or book recommandations?thanks

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Maintaining Unique Keys When Offline

Aug 7, 2007

If you have a "Orders" table that is being sync'd to subscribers that are ocassionaly offline, and the subscribers add rows to their local Orders table. When they go online to sync with the published "Orders" table, how do you handle keeping the "OrderId" field unique?

Both salespeople sync the following data down:
OrderId Desc
1 Order 1
2 Test Order

Both salespeople go offline and add orders
Salesperson 1 adds:
OrderId Desc
3 Joes Order

Salesperson 2 adds:
OrderId Desc
3 Kathys Order

Now, when they go back online, they both will sync their orders up to the main database and they both have the OrderId of 3.

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Oct 9, 2007

How do I go about protecting rows from deletion in this scenerio?
Rule 1 The Administrator Users Account may not be deleted
Rule 2 All Groups have Administrator as a member, and the Administrator cannot be removed.
Rule 3 All Groups have the Administrators Group as a member, and the Administrators Group cannot be removed.

Four tables:

Users Table (
UID bigint Identity seeded with 1234 Primary key
UserID varchar(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE

INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record needs to be protected from deletion)
UID = 1234

INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record and others can be deleted)
UID = 1235
UserID='Test User 1'

Groups Table (
GID bigint Identity seeded with 1234 Primary key
GroupName varchar(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE

INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record needs to be protected from deletion)
GID = 1234

INSERT SECOND RECORD (this record and others can be deleted)
GID = 1235
UserID='Test Group 1'

Group_Members Table (
GID bigint NOT NULL //points to the group's ID and can't be unique
UID bigint NOT NULL //points to the members UserID and can't be unique
INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record needs to be protected from deletion because UID points to the Administrator)
GID = 1234
UID = 1234

INSERT SECOND RECORD (this record and others can be deleted because UID does not point to the Administrator.)
GID = 1234
UID = 1235

Group_Group_Members Table (
GID bigint NOT NULL //points to the group's ID and can't be unique
GGID bigint NOT NULL //points to the group members GID and can't be unique
INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record needs to be protected from deletion because GGID points to the Administrators Group.)
GID = 1234
GGID = 1234

INSERT SECOND RECORD (this record and others can be deleted because GGID does not point to the Administrators Group.)
GID = 1234
GGID = 1235

I have tried using foriegn keys, constraints an every thing else, but I hit a brick wall because FK requires the ke to be primary (btw is UNIQUE).
Any help would be appreciated.

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BCP And Duplicate Primary Keys

Sep 10, 1998

Hi All,
I`m using BCP to import ASCII data text into a table that already has many records. BCP failed because of `Duplicate primary key`.
Now, is there any way using BCP to know precisely which record whose primary key caused that `violation of inserting duplicate key`.
I already used the option -O to output error to a `error.log`, but it doesn`t help much, because that error log contains the same error message mentioned above without telling me exactly which record so that I can pull that `duplicate record` out of my import data file.
TIA and you have a great day.
David Nguyen.

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Duplicate Keys And Conversion

Jan 29, 2007

I am new .. very grateful for some advice. How do I eliminate duplicate ref keys Or should I have cache mode PARTIAL?

[Data Conversion [4910]] Error: Data conversion failed while converting column "salesperson_id" (88) to column "Copy of salesperson_id" (4929). The conversion returned status value 6 and status text "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".
[Lookup [3882]] Warning: The Lookup transformation encountered duplicate reference key values when caching reference data. The Lookup transformation found duplicate key values when caching metadata in PreExecute. This error occurs in Full Cache mode only. Either remove the duplicate key values, or change the cache mode to PARTIAL or NO_CACHE.

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Problem With Duplicate Keys

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,There is a program which performs some scripted actions via ODBC on tablesin some database on mssql 2000. Sometimes that program tries to insertrecord with key that is already present in the database. The error comes upand the program stops.Is there any way to globally configure the database or the whole mssqlserver to ignore such attempts and let the script continue without any errorwhen the script tries to insert duplicate-key records?Thank you for any suggestions.Pawel Banys

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Duplicate Foreign Keys.

Oct 30, 2006

Hi all,

SQL server allows to create as many as foreign key constraints on a same table for a same column.

Will this affect the design or performance in anyway ?

Naming the constraint would be a good way to avoid this.But in case if someone has already created, How do I remove the existing duplicate keys ?

For Example , I have 2 tables Author and Book. I could execute the below query n times and create as many as foreign keys I want.

REFERENCES Authors (AuthorID)


Thanks is advance,


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Unique Colm Indexes And Primary Keys

Jan 25, 2006

I have a deal table, each of these investments must be unique. I created a int pk : idDeal. Does that make sense or should i just use the deal colm being it has a unique constraint,
Reguarding indexes, should i make the auto # colm my pk and make that the clustered index? and put another index on the Deal Colmn? Any suggestions welcomed

Thank you

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Importing Data With Duplicate Keys

Feb 12, 2007

I'm trying to merge two Access databases into one SQL server database. I have 3 tables that are all related with primary and foreign keys.

When I try to import my second set of 3 tables I get errors about the keys already existing in the database. Is there any way to force SQL server to assign new keys while preserving my existing relationships? Thanks!

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Finding Duplicate Foreign Keys

May 29, 2007


i tried the following query and able to get the list of foreign keys with column names as well as referred tables and referenced column

select parent_column_id as 'child Column',object_name(constraint_object_id)as 'FK Name',object_name(parent_object_id) as 'parent table',name,object_name(referenced_object_id)as 'referenced table',referenced_column_id
from sys.foreign_key_columns inner join sys.columns on (parent_column_id = column_id and parent_object_id=object_id)
Order by object_name(parent_object_id) asc

but i am not able to get the fks created more than once on same column refering to same pk

Thanks in Advance

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Finding Duplicate Entries (with Different Keys)

Feb 8, 2007

Yet another simple query that is eluding me. I need to find records in a table that have the same first name and last name. Because the table has a primaty key, these people were entered twice or they share the same first and last name.

How could you query this:

ID fname lname
10001 Bill Jones
10002 Joe Smith
10003 Sue Jenkins
10004 John Sanders
10005 Joe Smith
10006 Harrold Simpson
10007 Sue Jenkins
10008 Sam Worden

and get a result set of this:

ID fname lname
10002 Joe Smith
10005 Joe Smith
10003 Sue Jenkins
10007 Sue Jenkins

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Ignore Duplicate Primary Keys

Mar 27, 2008

I have one table that stores log messages generated by a web service. I have a second table where I want to store just the distinct messages from the first table. This second table has two columns one for the message and the second for the checksum of the message. The checksum column is the primary key for the table.

My query for populating the second table looks like:
INSERT INTO TransactionMessages ( message, messageHash )
SELECT DISTINCT message, CHECKSUM( message )
WHERE logDate BETWEEN '2008-03-26 00:00:00' AND '2008-03-26 23:59:59'
SELECT * FROM TransactionMessages
WHERE messageHash = CHECKSUM( Log.message ) )

I run this query once per day to insert the new messages from the day before. It fails when a day has two messages that have the same checksum. In this case I would like to ignore the second message and let the query proceed. I tried creating an instead of insert trigger that only inserted unique primary keys. The trigger looks like:

SELECT TM.messageHash
FROM TransactionMessages TM, inserted I
WHERE TM.messageHash = I.messageHash
) )
INSERT INTO TransactionMessages ( messageHash, message )
SELECT messageHash, message FROM inserted

That didn't work. I think the issue is that all the rows get committed to the table at the end of the whole query. That means the trigger cannot match the duplicate primary key because the initial row has not been inserted yet.

Does anyone know the best way to do this?

Thanks for your help,

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Table With Duplicate Entry With Primary Keys

Jun 6, 2004

We have a SQL Server 6.5 table, with composite Primary Key, having the Duplicate Entry for the Key. I wonder how it got entered there? Now when we are trying to import this table to SQL2K, it's failing with Duplicate row error. Any Help?

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Duplicate Primary Keys In Input File

Aug 9, 2006

'm trying to import a text file but the primary key column contains duplicatres (tunrs out to be the nature of the legacy data). How can I kick out all duplicates except, say, for a single primary key value?



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Duplicate Key But Unique Rows.

Jan 25, 2000

I have a large table that consists of the columns zip, state, city, county. The primary key "zip" has duplicates but the rows are unique.
How do I filter out only the duplicate zips.
Randy Garland

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Search Query - Analysis On Duplicate Records Based Off Of Several Match Keys

Jun 7, 2014

I'm trying to do some analysis on duplicate records based off of several match keys. I have a data set of approximately 30,000 people and the goal is to determine how many duplicate matches are in the system.

How would I write an SQL statement that looks for the following pieces of information. (I'm not using one person as an example; I need to do an analysis on the entire data set)

First name (exact match)
Last name (exact match)
Address line 1 (exact match)
Postal code/zip (exact match)

First Initial (exact match)
Last name (exact match)
DOB exact match
Postal code/zip (exact match)

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Renaming Duplicate Row Data To Be Unique?

Sep 22, 2004

I just converted an old non-relational database into something that MS SQL likes. The old primary keys were broken up into two columns, one being useful. The column I need to use has some rows with the same values in them.

I am looking for some way in a SQL script to look for the duplicate rows and add "_X" to the data where X is a value incremented by 1 for each duplicate row found.

For example, 3 duplicate rows with "5443aa" would return "5443aa", "5443aa_1","5443aa_2".

Any ideas?


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Check For Duplicate Records No Unique ID

Mar 17, 2014

Using SSE 2012 64-bit...How can I check all fields for duplicate records?I tried OVER PARTITION..But that is returning an error message

USE db
ORDER BY ID --Not unique) AS RowNumber

The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator

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Duplicate Data For Unique Fields With Different Name?

Oct 25, 2013

I'm designing an app for stock keeping. In my DB, I have a field called "ItemSerialNo" and I made it unique(but not the table's primary key). On my front end, I have a text box for Item Serial No and a combo box loaded with the item brands and also a save button. I know that if I try to save a serial no already existing in my DB, the app won't allow me because of the unique property of the field named "ItemSerialNo". But I want to be able to save a serial no already existing in my DB but with a different brand name.

For example, I want to be able to save information like:

1. ITEM SERIAL NO = 12345
2. ITEM SERIAL NO = 12345

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Delete Duplicate Rows With No Unique Columns

Apr 3, 2000

I have 4 rows which are exactly the same. I want to delete one row but i do not have any unique identifing columns. How should i delete that row ?

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Unique Index Returns Duplicate Rows

Oct 25, 2004

We are running the following query, which has a unique index on Table_2 (col1 and sys1), and Column col1 from Table_1 is unique.

select top 100 s.*, x.col1
from Table_1 s
left outer join Table_2 x
on x.col1 = s.col1 and x.sys1 = 'SYSTEM0'

Unfortunately this query returns duplicate rows. And every time the result is different

But once we dbcc dbreindex the unique index on Table_2, the result will not have any dups.

Any ideas?



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Integration Services :: Duplicate Key Row With Unique Index

Oct 2, 2015

I have a look up table with old data, which i need to truncate and load with the new set of data, however when loading I'm getting the following error

[OLE DB Destination [32]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred.
Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0"  Hresult: 0x80004005 
Description: "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.CaseType' with unique index 'idx_CaseType'. The duplicate key value is (49, AH).".

I know , what it means that since CaseType column has a unique index we cannot insert duplicate key, but in real world the scenarios are different , the record in question is as follows: so what is the workaround in this kind of scenario other than making it Non-unique Index?

CaseTypeID CountyID CaseCategory CaseTypeCode CaseTypeName
21 49 Probate AH Probate
48 49 Civil AH Adoption History

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SP Causes The Error Violation Of UNIQUE KEY Constraint Cannot Insert Duplicate Key

Dec 23, 2007

The following SP causes the error "Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'AlumniID'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object [table name].
The statement has been terminated." AlumniID is the table's PK and is set to autoincrement. I'd appreciate any help or suggestions.

1 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_CreateUser
3 @UserID uniqueidentifier,
4 @UserName nvarchar(128),
5 @Email nvarchar(50),
6 @FirstName nvarchar(25),
7 @LastName nvarchar(50),
8 @Teacher nvarchar(25),
9 @GradYr int
11 AS
13 --DECLARE @UserID uniqueidentifier
14 --SELECT @UserID = NULL
15 --SELECT @UserID = UserID FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE LOWER(@UserName) = LoweredUserName-- AND @ApplicationId = ApplicationId
16 INSERT INTO [table]
17 (UserID,UserName,Email,FirstName,LastName,Teacher,GradYr)
18 VALUES (@UserID,@UserName,@Email,@FirstName,@LastName,@Teacher,@GradYr 

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Unique Constraint Does Not Permit Duplicate NULL Values

Oct 2, 2000

After adding a Unique constraint to a database I cannot add more than one record with a null value for the constrained field. I've tried both adding the constraint to an empty table as well as a table with multiple null values already in the subject field; both efforts have failed.

According to BOL SQL-7 allows Unique Constraints on fields with Null values. Am I missing a step? I do need to allow nulls in the field yet ensure that when there is a non-null value it is unique.

The SQL statement I've used is: ALTER TABLE tbl_MasterUIC ADD CONSTRAINT uniquesamplenbr UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (samplenbr)

Thanks for any and all suggestions

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Power Pivot :: How To Flag Unique And Duplicate Records (DAX)

Oct 26, 2015

I am trying to find duplicate records based on a set of criteria, and flag one of those records as unique and the other duplicate ones as dup.

I found this suggestion:

  COUNTROWS( Table1 ); 
  FILTER( Table1;  [Column1] = EARLIER( [Column1] ) && [Column2]
= EARLIER( [Column2]
) ) 
  ) > 1;

However, this method flags all duplicates as dup. how I can get to the enclosed results for one particular student?The dup check column shows the desired results. The criterion is any record with the same STUDENT_ID, PROG_DESC, FISCAL_YEAR will be considered as duplicates, but should at least have one record out of that group of duplicates flagged as 1.

Dup Check
815581 Undergraduate


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Transact SQL :: How To Compare Duplicate Rows Within A Unique Process

Nov 9, 2015

We write to a log file each time a job runs. We give each job a unique batchid. I want to compare the run times of each step/record between two batch ids: '20150101888' and '20150101777'. Column Mins in the number of minutes each step ran. I am having trouble comparing the rows that have generic process and stepname – Trans Switch in this example. A new process within a batchid starts with a 'XX', 'Load'.

So I want to compare CA's Trans to CA's Tran Switch and ER's Trans Switch to ER's, etc. There can be multiple Trans Switch per process. There should be the same number between each batch, but no guarantees that  something might change. Also, Trans Switch is not the record right after the new process (CA, ER) in production.

I have just made a very simplified example.

Want to compare 20150101888 to 20150101777 and end up with this result set. Notice that the duplicate process/step within a process has the process (CA and ER in this example) and a sequential number added to it: 'CA Trans 1'. Need this to pull out the largest time differences.

Time difference, process, step, mins1, mins2, batchid1, batchid2
-6, CA, Load, 17, 23, 20150101888, 20150101777
0, CA Trans 1, Switch, 8, 8, 20150101888, 20150101777
-6, CA Trans 2, Switch, 9, 15, 20150101888, 20150101777
-4, ER, Load, 7, 11, 20150101888, 20150101777
-4, ER Trans 1, Switch, 7, 11, 20150101888, 20150101777


[Code] ....

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SP Causes The Error Violation Of UNIQUE KEY Constraint Cannot Insert Duplicate Key

Mar 14, 2008

I have a table with 0 records. When I try to insert records using a SP, it gives the following error.
Violation of UNIQUE KEY Constraint 'constraint name'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Objectname'.
How do I resolve this.

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