Equivalent Rights To SA In SQL Server 6.5......

Apr 21, 1999

In sql server 6.5, standard security......

Will i assign the SA rights to some one/login...?


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I Need To Give DBA Full Admin Rights To SQL 2005 Without OS Windows Rights, Can Anyone Help Please!!

Jul 12, 2007

The DBA at our location is demanding local admin (windows) right's to the box so he can function. Right now when he logs in i have given him right's to the inetpub directory, sql directory, i have set him as a sysadmin on sql2005 and gone into the http:\localhost
eports and set him up as a system manager and under site priveledges set him as a sys admin. When he tries to login and configure the report server he gets the following error:

Title-Reporting services configuration manager

Error-There was an error refreshing the UI. bla bla bla

A WMI error has occurred and no additional error information is availiable

Title-Reporting services configuration manager

Error-There was an error while switching panels. The most likely cause is an error retrieving WMI properties. bla bla bla

A WMI error has occurred and no additional error information is availiable

then when he's in sql server 2005 surface area configuation

Title-Surface Area Configuration

Error-Access denied (system.management)

Is there any documentation or anythign anyone can tell me that i can do to give this DBA full access to configure and admin the SQL portion of his system without giving him admin rights to the OS???

Please help!!

Thanks for any time anyone has taken to review this thread!!

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SQL Server Access Rights

Aug 4, 2004

I am having trouble openning a connection to a sql server database that resides on another machine. When the web server and SQL server run on the same machine, everything works fine. When the web server and sql server are located on different machines, I get an access rights error when i try to open the connection. I suspect that this involves trust levels, but all the tweaking I have done has not resolved this issue. Any help would be much appreciated!

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MS SQL Server - User Rights

Jul 23, 2005

Does anyone know if it possible to make a specific table invisible to auser when they are in Enterprise Manager?

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Rights Issues With Linked Server

Apr 4, 2006

I have a web server and database server which are not on a domain. Theweb server has an app that is running on under the IUSR account andthere is a corresponding IUSR account on the database server. The webapp connects to the SQL server with the windows authentication andeverything works fine.I also have a stored proc which does a file search using a linkedserver to an index server on the very same web server. For now assumethat cannot change, the files must be on the web server (TRA is themachine name). When attempting to execute the following query from thedatabase server, doing a RunAs on the SQL 2005 Management studio as theIUSR account from the database server, everything works fine:SELECTQ.*FROMOPENQUERY(FTIndexPM, 'SELECT path, characterization, rank, hitcountFROM TRA.CatalogTest..SCOPE(''DEEP TRAVERSAL OF "C:ProgramFilesdir1FilesProject757DocMgmt"'') WHERE CONTAINS(''"test"'') > 0OR FileName LIKE ''%test%'' ORDER BY rank DESC') AS QThe IUSR_TRA account is an administrator on both the database and webserver for debugging reasons until we figure this out, but clearly itshouldn't be a rights issue if both users are administrators on bothmachines.Now for the tricky, part. When the same query as above is executed fromthe web server, it fails with the the below error:OLE DB provider "MSIDXS" for linked server "FTIndexPM" returned message"Invalid catalog name 'CatalogTest'. SQLSTATE=42000 ".Using SQL Profiler, I have verified that both queries are actuallyrunning under the IUSR_TRA account. Any ideas why the exact same queryrunning under the exact same NT login would behave differently whenexecuted from a web app as opposed to through a clinet request from aweb app?

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SQL Server Express - User Rights On PC?

Jan 18, 2007

What rights do users require to be able to use SQL Server Express?? I receive errors when the user doesn't have full admin rights. Our users cannot have admin rights all the time on their PCs. Errors below:

"Create failed for Database 'TestDatabase'. (microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo) Additional information: An exception occurred while executing a Tranact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Exress.ConnectionInfor) Create Database permission denied in database 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 262)"

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SQL Server Equivalent

Jul 9, 2004

I have 2 SQL statements in Visual Basic(with sybase as backend)
1) "set option DBA.MAX_STATEMENT_COUNT = 1069999900"
2) "set option DBA.MAX_CURSOR_COUNT = 1069999900"

And when I migrated the DB from Sybase to SQL server and try to run the vb code it is giving me error in that SQL statement as MS SQL server might not be recognising the above two statements. Is there an equivalent of this in SQL server.

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Database Restore Rights - Sql Server 2005

Oct 30, 2007

Is there a way to grant rights to a user to be able to restore a specific database on a server, without being able to muck around with other databases on the server?

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Should A Sysadmin Have Local Admin Rights On Server?

Apr 27, 2006


The company I work for outsources all its non-development IT. So all windows servers are administered by an outside company. Lately we have purchased SQL Server 2005, along with a dedicated Windows Server 2003 server. I am the sole administrator of this SQL Server, and so have sysadmin rights. However because the outside company is responsible for all windows servers, they are very reluctant to grant me local administrator rights on the server. This has been causing problems, partly because I have to go through them for many simple requests (such as moving database files, or changing SQL Server configuration files), and partly because certain functionality doesn't seem to work for non-administrators (such as the use of Database Mail and full access to Reporting Services).

I want to challenge the decision and gain local admin rights to the server. Would anyone have further reasons why a sysadmin should also have local admin rights? Is this common practice, or are sysadmins often denied admin access to the server?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks, Matt

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Do DBAs Need OS Administrator Rights To Manage SQL Server

Mar 28, 2008

Do DBAs need OS Administrator rights to Manage SQL Server? I suspect the answer is no, but, the DBAs tell me that they cannot do their jobs without OS admin rights.

Can someone point me to documentation detailing what OS level rights are needed by SQL Server DBAs?

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Autonumber Equivalent In SQL Server?

Jul 13, 2004


So far, I have only used Access which has an autonumber data type so that in some of my tables the id is automatically generated.
I guess this is a simple question but is there an equivalent data type in sql server?

Thanks in advance.

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Equivalent Of Val() Function In SQL Server?

Mar 8, 2005

what is the equivalent of val() function in SQL server?
and cstr() function

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SQL Server Equivalent Of Character Set

Apr 30, 2007

Hello MSSQL professionals,

Please tell me the equavalent of the below MySQL query in SQL Server.

create table temp1(variable1 varchar(24) character set latin1 not null default '')
Immediate help will be highly appreciated

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What Is The SQL Server Equivalent To DESCRIBE

Nov 3, 2005

In ORACLE, I can use DESCRIBE PS_JOB to see the columns for that record. What is the SQL-Server equivalent?



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Equivalent Query To Another Server

Jun 11, 2007

Hello all,
I'm making a query for this application that is not in the same server where the database is located.

This query I can easily get results when making the query within the server:

USE ADW_Publish;
SELECT distinct b.Subject
FROM dbo.F_Class_Exam a
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.D_Course_Catalog b
ON a.Course_ID = b.Course_ID
WHERE a.Term = '$536870994$' AND a.Class_Exam_Type = 'FIN' AND b.Term = '$536870994$'
ORDER BY b.Subject

Here are the details:
Servername: SERVER01

What would an equivalent query be if I apply this to an external application (located outside the server?)

I've gotten some hints to use:
FROM OPENDATASOURCE('MSDASQL', 'DataSource=DataSourceName;UserID=User;Password=SomePassword').DBName.dbo.TableName

But I dont know how to apply the query above to use that..

Any thoughts? Or are there other ways of doing it?


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DLookup Equivalent In SQL Server

Jul 23, 2005

I am migrating a student database from Access to SQL Server. In AccessI have a query that displays grade information (grades are calculatedon a 12-point scale). In the query I average the students' scores andstore it in a column called Avg. I look up and display the equivalentgrade letter using Access' DLookup function from a table calledGradeTable_tbl. Here is how it's built in Access:Grade: DLookUp("[grade_letter]","GradeTable_tbl","[grade_num]= " &Int([Avg]))Here is the structure of the GradeTable_tbl:grade_num grade_letter0 F1 F2 D-3 D......10 B+11 A-12 AHow would I do the same thing in SQL Server? I want my output to besomething like:Student Score1 Score2 Score3 Avg GradeBob 12 10 8 10 B+Nancy 12 11 11 11 A-etc...I appreciate your feedback!-Paul------"You never know enough to know you don't know"

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Instr() Equivalent In SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to convert a complex function from Oracle to SQL Serverand have come across Oracle's Instr() function. I see SQL Server hasCHARINDEX() which is similar, however it does not provide some keyfunctionality I need. Here is an example of the Oracle code:if Instr( sTg , cDelim, 1, 3 ) > 0 thensd := SubStr( sTg, Instr( sTg , cDelim, 1, 1 ) + 1, Instr( sTg,cDelim, 1, 2 ) - Instr( sTg , cDelim, 1, 1 ) - 1)end if;Has anybody converted anything similar to this within SQL Server? Anyhelp is GREATLY appreciated!Thanks.

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MS-SQL Server Equivalent To Oracle 9i?

Jul 20, 2005

All,Oracle 9i provides a "USING" clause option for inner joins, thatallows me to say:SELECT * FROM TBL1 JOIN TBL2 USING KeyColumnassuming KeyColumn is in both TBL1 and TBL2. This is HIGHLY desirablefor our software make use of, but we also support SQL Server. Thereis no USING option available, andSELECT * FROM TBL1 JOIN TBL2 ON TBL1.KeyColumn = TBL2.KeyColumncauses an ambiguous column error on KeyColumn.Is there any equivalent to this Oracle functionality on SQL Server?KingGreg

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Problems With Rights In MS SQL Server Management Studio Express

Mar 3, 2007

Hi all!


I'm a beginner in SQL server admin and have just set up SQL Server 2005 in a Vista environment. So far so good! What I've got a problem with now is to get rights set up properly in the MS SQL Server Management Studio Express sw. If I try to add another database or add a new login and such, the results is all the time insufficent priviledges.

CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 262) for instance.

SQL is SP2, all else is up to date too

Really would appreciate som help on this


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What Is DT_UI8 Equivalent Data Type In SQL Server 2005 For Integration Server

Aug 13, 2007

I'm trying to build a integration service package importing data from XML files and directs this data to different MS SQL server 2005 Database tables.
Can someone suggest me what is equivalent(mapping) data type of DT_UI8 in Sql server 2005 for Integration Services.

Or how to consume DT_UI8 fields in SQL server 2005.

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Equivalent Of MS Access Captions In SQL Server?

May 22, 2007

 I've been looking for the equivalent of the MS Access 2003 field caption property in SQL but it appears as though there isn't one.
(The caption property gives a friendly name on form labels rather than the field name)
How would I do this in SQL so I don't have to overtype all the column names?  Could it be with Views?
Any pointers appreciated - I'm moving & learning from Access to SQL

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Equivalent Of ORDER BY [field] IN (…) In SQL Server

May 19, 2005

I have small question regarding ORDER BY clause.
I wanted some value of the fields should come first before other values….Something like:
| code     | name                                   |
| UK       | United Kingdom                         |
| US       | United States                          |
| AF       | Afghanistan                            |
| AL       | Albania                                |
| DZ       | Algeria                                |
| AS       | American Samoa                         |
I want to display country UK and US code first and then rest of the countries using SQL statement. I know in MySQL, I can use ORDER BY code IN (...)
SELECT * FROM countries ORDER by code IN ('UK', 'US') desc
But not sure how can I do same thing in SQL Server. Is there any equivalent of ORDER BY [field] IN (…) clause in SQL Server???
Though I can create a new field something like sequence and use it to display these countries but I can not do that…
Please advice.
Firoz Ansari

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What Is The SQL Server Equivalent Of Oracle's ROWNUM

Jan 15, 2001

Is there an equivalent to Oracle's ROWNUM in SQL Server. ROWNUM, when added to a select statement as a column - the query would return an automatic counter, numbering each row returned.

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Oracle MINUS Equivalent In Sql Server

Apr 22, 2003

Is there something equivalent to the MINUS in ORacle ?
Or a workaround ?

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Ranking Equivalent In Sql Server 2000??

Sep 7, 2005

There are three columns I need to query and rank, then group and total. I'm using MS SQL server 2000 and it doesn’t have a ranking function like the newer SQL server and oracle has. Does anyone have a clever way to create or simulate a ranking function? Thanks so much!
Jake :confused:

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Can Any One Tell Me What Is The PL/SQL Connect By Operator Equivalent In SQL Server

Jan 9, 2002

I'm trying to get a tree structure from a table. Ex : Security table.
How can I accomplish that task in SQL Server?? I will do it using Level and connect by operators in Oracle to accomplish the task.
Your reply in this regard is highly appreciated.

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Is There A SQL Server Equivalent For Oracle Synonyms?

Jul 9, 2004

I have a SQL Server database which has one user (UserA) which owns some tables. I've added an additional user (UserB) to the database such that it has access to the tables owned by UserA. What is happening is that when I log on as UserB I have to fully qualify table names and fields in my SQL statements when I deal with tables owned by UserA. Is there a way make the tables accessible without specifying the owner? In Oracle you could create a public synonym for the table eg. <table_name>. Wherever that synonym is referenced the DBMS would know thats its refering to UserA.<table_name>. Is such functionality available in SQL Server? Thanks.

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Oracle's ROWNUM Equivalent In SQL Server

Sep 2, 2004


Can any one tell me is there anything in SQL Server thats equivalent
to Oracle's ROWNUM.

Note that the Identity Property or TOP n will not solve my problem.

I want to asign a sequence no. to each row when its being fetched.

For example if in the emp table there are 2000 rows and I write
the following query in Oracle ,

SELECT rownum , empno, empname FROM emp Where rownum < =3

I get the result like this


I know I can limit the output rows in SQL Server by using TOP n. But
I also want to generate a sequence no. The identity property of SQL Server
will not be usefull here because my actaul WHERE clause will be more
complex like WHERE resigndate = '01-jan-2004'


Asim Naveed


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Row Triggers Equivalent In Sql Server 2000

Jan 19, 2007

Hello Guys!i have been working with oracle with quite a time. No i migrated to sqlserver 2000 and i want to create a trigger on a table.the trigger function has to update the Modification field to getdate()whenever a row is being updated.i tried lots of thingsif anyone can help i would appreciate a lot!Regards

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Jul 20, 2005

I am having trouble creating an INSTEAD OF trigger in SQL Server toreplicate a BEFORE UPDATE trigger from ORACLE.Here is a sample of the ORACLE BEFORE UPDATE trigger:CREATE TRIGGER myTRIGGER ON MYTABLEbegin:new.DT := SYSDATE;if :new.NM is NULL then:new.NM := USER;end if;end myTRIGGER;It seems as though I have to jump through hoops in SQL Server AND Icannot come up with correct results.Here is a snippet from SQL SERVER (this is what I figured I needed todo after reading various articles,questions):CREATE TRIGGER myTRIGGER on THETABLEINSTEAD OF UPDATEASSELECT * INTO #MYTABLE FROM INSERTEDUPDATE #MYTABLE SET DT = GETDATE()UPDATE #MYTABLE SET NM = USER WHERE NM IS NULLUPDATE THETABLESETDT = (SELECT DT FROM #MYTABLE),NM = (SELECT NM FROM #MYTABLE)WHERE THETABLE.ID = (SELECT ID FROM #MYTABLE)Can anyone please shed some light on this? Thanks in advance.

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Installing SQL Server Native Client Requires Administrator Rights

Jun 26, 2007

Hi All,
We're deploying an app. using a MSSQL Server 2005 (Std. Ed.).
In order to install an ODBC driver for the DB, we've made the installation of Sqlncli.msi part of the package.
It will not run - unless user has Admin priv.s on the klient PC targeted.
Does any one have any experience w. other ways of installing the sql native client (like MDAC) - og just an idea about circumventing the Admin rights problem?


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Creating SSIS Package SQL Server Agent Job Without Sysadmin Rights

Mar 12, 2008


I have a problem i receive the following error message when i try to add an new step into a SQL Server Agent job :

Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)
Additional information:
An exception occured while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3930)

This error pops up right after i change the type of the step to "SQL Server Intergration Services Package"

I have made the following configurations:

The user group (windows group) that the user belongs has the following roles in msdb :


i have made a proxy to sql server agent which has the following subsystems :

"SQL Server Integration Services Provider" the proxy is tied to the same login which has those SQLagent and dts roles in msdb database.

Im using windows authentication and the user that logs into the sql server is in the same group that i have set all of the rights.

Ps. Clearly im missing some role or right somewhere because as soon as i give the group sysadmin role then all the users in that group can create SSIS steps in the agent.

Ps. Ps. I have been living under the impression that i dont have to give sysadmin rights to people that create ssis packages and schedule then with the agent.

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Equivalent Of LIMIT Of MySQL In SQL Server 2005?

Aug 1, 2007

hey all,
i want to know Equivalent of "LIMIT" of MySQL in SQL Server 2005?
in mysql we can direclty get data using LIMIT clause.
my question is how to do this in sql server 2005?

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