Error While Calling Oracle Stored Procedure!

Mar 19, 2008

Hi pals,

I am facing problems while calling Oracle stored procedure which has no parameters.

I have used Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle.
I have taken one Execute SQL task and set the SQLStatement as
call procedurename

I also set the IsStoredProcedure property to True for Execute SQL task.

Is there any synatx problem?

I am getting an error saying

Error: 0xC002F210 at Call Sp, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "(call sp_procname)" failed with the following error: "ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword.

I removed the curly braces for the SQL statement and again ran the Package, i am getting the below error

Executing the query "call sp_procname" failed with the following error: "ORA-06576: not a valid function or procedure name

Can anyone help me out on this regard!
Thanks in advance

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Error While Calling Oracle Stored Procedure From SSIS !

Mar 19, 2008

Hi pals,

I am facing problems while calling Oracle stored procedure which has no parameters.

I have used Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle.
I have taken one Execute SQL task and set the SQLStatement as
call procedurename

I also set the IsStoredProcedure property to True for Execute SQL task.

Is there any synatx problem?

I am getting an error saying

Error: 0xC002F210 at Call Sp, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "(call sp_procname)" failed with the following error: "ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword.

I removed the curly braces for the SQL statement and again ran the Package, i am getting the below error

Executing the query "call sp_procname" failed with the following error: "ORA-06576: not a valid function or procedure name

Can anyone help me out on this regard!
Thanks in advance.

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Calling Oracle Stored Procedure In SSIS

May 30, 2008


I'm using Execute SQL Task to call an Oracle stored procedure. The following is the error that I get.

Error: 0xC002F210 at Validate and Transfer Actuals, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "{call RS2_RealProject_ETL.TransformLoadAction}

" failed with the following error: "ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:

PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'TRANSFORMLOADACTION'

ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:

PL/SQL: Statement ignored". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

SQL statement syntax: {call RS2_RealProject_ETL.TransformLoadAction}

Per my review of the Forums, I'm entering the SQL syntax correct that is as follow and also use parameter names in Oracle in ordinal method starting from 0.

I have three "input" and one "output" parameter for the stored procedure that they all are of type "NUMBER" in oracle and I've defined them in "Parameter Mapping" window of Excute SQL Task as "NUMERIC".

I'd appreciate your help.


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Reporting Services :: Calling Oracle Stored Procedure

May 2, 2006

I am trying to call oracle stored procedure from SRSS 2005. I am using the syntax  { Call s_test_rcur()} . I am getting following error.An error occurred while retrieving the parameters in the query.ORA-00911: invalid characterORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 68ORA-06512: at line 1

ORA-00911: invalid characterORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 68ORA-06512: at line 1 (System.Data.OracleClient)
Here is the Oracel stored proc.
PROCEDURE s_test_rcur (po_test_rc OUT rc_test, -- returns a record setpo_error OUT INTEGER)ISBEGIN g_err_level := 1;OPEN po_test_rc FORSELECT a.ssn_id,TO_CHAR (a.acad_yr) || TO_CHAR (a.acad_yr + 1) acad_yr,RPAD (NVL (last_name, ' '), 30, ' ') last_name,RPAD (NVL (first_name, ' '), 30, ' ') first_name,NVL (middle_initial, ' ') middle_initialfrom test_tableorder by last_name;po_error := 0;EXCEPTIONWHEN OTHERSTHENpo_error := -1;g_error_code := SQLCODE;g_error_msg :='Err level :' ||TO_CHAR (g_err_level) ||' ' ||SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 250);END;

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Integration Services :: Calling Oracle Stored Procedure With Output Parameters In OleDB Command Task?

Nov 7, 2015

I want to call "oracle" stored procedure with output parameter from SSIS ole db command task.

Actually I am able to successfully call the procedure but my Output value is not updating in the mapped column.

I used below PL/SQL query.

PARAM1 => ?,
PARAM2 => ?,
? := IS_VALID;

If I try to supply "OUTPUT" word I get error:

"ORA-06550: line 1, column 45:

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "OUTPUT" when expecting one of the following:   . ( ) , * @ % & = - + < / >"

how to receive output parameter value of oledb command while calling oracle stored procedures.

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Error When Calling Stored Procedure

Nov 12, 2006

I am trying to execute a store procedure from ASP/VB but it fails with the message:
Incorrect syntax near 'InitProject'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near 'InitProject'.Source Error:

Line 24: cmd.Parameters("@ProjectId").Value = 3
Line 25: cn.Open()
Line 26: cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Line 27: cn.Close()
Line 28: End Sub
Here is my code:
        'Execute the InitProject stored procedure        'Create the connection from the string in the web.config file        Dim cn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SMARTConnectionString").ConnectionString)        'I want to execute InitProject stored procedure        Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("InitProject", cn)        'With the parameter @ProjectId = 3        cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@ProjectId", Data.SqlDbType.Int))        cmd.Parameters("@ProjectId").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input        cmd.Parameters("@ProjectId").Value = 3        cn.Open()        'But this fails        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        cn.Close()
And my stored procedure is defined as:
[dbo].[InitProject] @ProjectId int -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure hereASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
    -- Insert statements for procedure hereinsert into MATERIAL ( PROJECT_ID, SECTION_ID, CATEGORY_ID, ROOM_ID, ITEM_ID )select @ProjectId, SECTION_ID, CATEGORY_ID, ROOM_ID, ITEM_ID from MATERIAL_TEMPLATEEND
 The store procedure works fine when I do
exec InitProject 3
in sql query.

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Error In Calling Stored Procedure

Apr 3, 2007

I want to call a stored procedure in ASP.Net 2.0. I've already made sure that the SP contains no error by the Query Analyzer.However, when I try to run this in the ASP.Net application, error occured.This error message is {"Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."} Calling the SP via a Class1 Public Function ExecuteStoredProcedure(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Para() As String, ByVal Value() As String)
2 If Para.Length <> Value.Length Then Exit Function
3 SqlCmd = New SqlCommand
4 SqlCmd.Connection = SqlConn
5 SqlCmd.CommandText = Name
6 SqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
7 For i As Integer = 0 To Para.Length - 1
8 'SqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(Para(i), Value(i))
9 Dim p As New SqlParameter(Para(i), SqlDbType.NVarChar)
10 p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
11 p.Value = Value(i)
12 SqlCmd.Parameters.Add(p)
13 Next
14 SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
15 End Function
 The Code behind file 1 Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
2 If txtFromDate.Text = "" OrElse txtToDate.Text = "" Then
3 trMsg.Visible = True
4 Exit Sub
5 End If
7 Dim ts As New Thread(AddressOf GenerateReport)
8 ts.Start()
10 MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
11 lblConfirmationMessage.Text = "Report generating in progress." & vbNewLine & "You can continue using other functions."
12 End Sub
14 Protected Sub GenerateReport()
15 Dim userName As String = CType(Session("User"), clsUser).UserName
16 Dim from As String = txtFromDate.Text
18 Dim conn As New clsConnector
19 conn.OpenConnection()
20 'conn.Insert("EXEC gen_report '" + txtReportName.Text + "','" + txtDescription.Text + "','" + userName + "','" + txtFromDate.Text + "','" + txtToDate.Text + "';")
21 conn.ExecuteStoredProcedure("gen_report", _
22 New String() {"@name", "@remark", "@by", "@fromdate", "@todate"}, _
23 New String() {txtReportName.Text, txtDescription.Text, userName, txtFromDate.Text, txtToDate.Text})
24 conn.CloseConnection()
25 End Sub

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Error (214) When Calling Stored Procedure From Job

Nov 2, 2000

I have some very simple SQL statements in stored procedures. How simple? Try this:
truncate table BI_Inv_LevelA
insert into BI_Inv_LevelA
select * from Input_Inv_LevelA

I can run the script fine in Query analyser both remotely and from the server console.
When I schedule the script to execute as a step in a job in SQL Server Agent, it falls over and returns the following error (in the step details of the job history):
Cannot convert parameter '@handle' to int data type expected by procedure. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 214). The step failed.

Every called SQL script returns an identical error, yet they all parse and run fine in the query analyser.
The syntax of the step is: sp_execute spInsert_Inv_LevelA
This is run as T-SQL on the target database as user dbo (or "(Self)" - the same error occurs either way).

Has anyone come across this before or have any clues? Technet and the MS site say nothing about it that I can find.



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ASP Error Calling Stored Procedure

Mar 8, 2007


I have an ASP program calling a stored procedure. Users enter their data, click submit, and the ASP program calls the SP which inserts the data into the SQL table. Initially it did this without checking for duplicate recs but now I have added code to block dup recs in the stored procedure. The SP is blocking the dups but when it returns to the ASP program I get the error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

There was no change of code in the ASP code but it is pointing to a line in that code.
Not sure what is causing this,

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CLR Stored Procedure Calling MS CRM Webservice Failing With Socket Error

Jun 18, 2007


I am developing an integration solution for MS CRM.

The basic idea is to have a CLR stored procedure that draws data from a SQL database, transforms the data, and then adds it to MS CRM via the webservice.

When executing the stored proc, it randomly fails (although at approximately the same time, everytime).

This is the error message:

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure add_CCU_information, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'add_CCU_information':
System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.HttpWebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at CRM_Integration.CRM_Service.CrmService.Execute(Request Request)
at StoredProcedures.add_CCU_information()

If someone could please give some advice, I would really appreciate it.


Du Toit

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Calling An Oracle Procedure Via A DTS

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a way to call an Oracle Procedure using the MS OLD DB Providerfor Oracle object in a SQL Server 2000 DTS package? If it can't be donethis way, is there another way to retrieve data from an Oracle databaseusing an Oracle procedure to a SQL Server table? Also, can parametersbe passed into Oracle from SQL Server via a procedure? Our Oracle DBAdoes NOT want to create views to enable SQL Server to access the data.Examples would be great if possible. Thanks.*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Calling A Stored Procedure From ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express: Working With SELECT Statements In The Stored Procedure-4 Errors?

Mar 3, 2008

Hi all,

I have 2 sets of sql code in my SQL Server Management Stidio Express (SSMSE):

(1) /////--spTopSixAnalytes.sql--///

USE ssmsExpressDB


CREATE Procedure [dbo].[spTopSixAnalytes]



SELECT Labtests.Result AS TopSixAnalytes, LabTests.Unit, LabTests.AnalyteName

FROM LabTests

ORDER BY LabTests.Result DESC


(2) /////--spTopSixAnalytesEXEC.sql--//////////////

USE ssmsExpressDB

EXEC spTopSixAnalytes

I executed them and got the following results in SSMSE:
TopSixAnalytes Unit AnalyteName
1 222.10 ug/Kg Acetone
2 220.30 ug/Kg Acetone
3 211.90 ug/Kg Acetone
4 140.30 ug/L Acetone
5 120.70 ug/L Acetone
6 90.70 ug/L Acetone
Now, I try to use this Stored Procedure in my ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express programming:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = ssmsExpressDB;")

Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdaptor("[spTopSixAnalytes]", sqlConnection)

sqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Command.Type = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'Pass the name of the DataSet through the overloaded contructor

'of the DataSet class.

Dim dataSet As DataSet ("ssmsExpressDB")




End Sub

End Class

I executed the above code and I got the following 4 errors:
Error #1: Type 'SqlConnection' is not defined (in Form1.vb)
Error #2: Type 'SqlDataAdapter' is not defined (in Form1.vb)
Error #3: Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers (in Form1.vb)
Error #4: 'DataSet' is not a type and cannot be used as an expression (in Form1)

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

More Information for you to know:
I have the "ssmsExpressDB" database in the Database Expolorer of VB 2005 Express. But I do not know how to get the SqlConnection and the SqlDataAdapter into the Form1. I do not know how to get the Fill Method implemented properly.
I try to learn "Working with SELECT Statement in a Stored Procedure" for printing the 6 rows that are selected - they are not parameterized.

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Calling Remote Procedure On Oracle Linked Servre

May 24, 2004

I have linked Oracle Server as a linked server on my SQL server.

Now i want to execute the stored procedure on oracle server which has one input parameter and one output parameter.

i am using the following sql statements in SQL Server Query analyzer to execute that procedure

declare @sal float
exec [GENEVA].testDB.dbo.EmployeeOutPrm
@sal output

but getting the following error:

Server: Msg 7212, Level 17, State 1, Line 3
Could not execute procedure 'EmployeeOutPrm' on remote server 'GENEVA'.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: One or more errors occurred during processing of command.]
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Syntax error in {call...} ODBC Escape.]


many thanks in advance

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Calling Oracle Procedure From SSIS 'Execute SQl Task' Is Not Working

Nov 6, 2007

Hi ,

Iam using 'Execute SQl task' which calls a stored procedure located in sql server database.The task's SQL source type is variable and the variable has the follwoing expression "EXEC PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT "+@[User::V_SP_Job_Date]after evaluation it is like EXEC PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT '01/NOV/2007'.It is working fine

Now the procedure is changed to Oracle.So I have changed it to "BEGIN PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT " + "("+ @[User::V_SP_Job_Date]+")"+"; END"+";" after evaluation it is like BEGIN PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT ('01/NOV/2007') END;.It is sucessfully executing from the task but no data is loaded into the tables which are used by the procedure internally.
Executing 'execute BEGIN PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT ('01/NOV/2007') END;' is perfectly alright from SQl developer or sql plus.

Please help me.. thanks in advance


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Calling A Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure (or Nested Stored Procedures)

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all - I'm trying to optimized my stored procedures to be a bit easier to maintain, and am sure this is possible, not am very unclear on the syntax to doing this correctly.  For example, I have a simple stored procedure that takes a string as a parameter, and returns its resolved index that corresponds to a record in my database. ie
exec dbo.DeriveStatusID 'Created'
returns an int value as 1
(performed by "SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName= 'Created') 
but I also have a second stored procedure that needs to make reference to this procedure first, in order to resolve an id - ie:
exec dbo.AddProduct_Insert 'widget1'
which currently performs:SET @statusID = (SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName='Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
I want to simply the insert to perform (in one sproc):
SET @statusID = EXEC deriveStatusID ('Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
This works fine if I call this stored procedure in code first, then pass it to the second stored procedure, but NOT if it is reference in the second stored procedure directly (I end up with an empty value for @statusID in this example).
My actual "Insert" stored procedures are far more complicated, but I am working towards lightening the business logic in my application ( it shouldn't have to pre-vet the data prior to executing a valid insert). 
Hopefully this makes some sense - it doesn't seem right to me that this is impossible, and am fairly sure I'm just missing some simple syntax - can anyone assist?

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Connect To Oracle Stored Procedure From SQL Server Stored Procedure...and Vice Versa.

Sep 19, 2006

I have a requirement to execute an Oracle procedure from within an SQL Server procedure and vice versa.

How do I do that? Articles, code samples, etc???

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(Could Not Find Stored Procedure ''.) When Calling A User Defined Procedure

Feb 4, 2008

Hi,I'm tring to call a stored procedure i'v made from a DNN module, via .net control.When I try to execute this sql statement: EXEC my_proc_name 'prm_1', 'prm_2', ... the system displays this error: Could not find stored procedure ''. (including the trailings [".] chars :)I've tried to run the EXEC statement from SqlServerManagement Studio, and seems to works fine, but sometimes it displays the same error. So i've added the dbname and dbowner as prefix to my procedure name in the exec statement and then in SqlSrv ManStudio ALWAYS works, but in dnn it NEVER worked... Why? I think it could be a db permission problem but i'm not able to fix this trouble, since i'm not a db specialist and i don't know which contraint could give this problem. Also i've set to the ASPNET user the execute permissions for my procedure... nothing changes :( Shoud someone could help me? Note that I'm using a SqlDataSource object running the statement with the select() method (and by setting the appropriate SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure ) and I'm using the 2005 sql server express Thank in advance,(/d    

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Calling Stored Procedure Fromanother Stored Procedure

Oct 10, 2006

Hi,I am getting error when I try to call a stored procedure from another. I would appreciate if someone could give some example.My first Stored Procedure has the following input output parameters:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.FixedCharges @InvoiceNo int,@InvoiceDate smalldatetime,@TotalOut decimal(8,2) outputAS .... I have tried using the following statement to call it from another stored procedure within the same SQLExpress database. It is giving me error near CALL.CALL FixedCharges (@InvoiceNo,@InvoiceDate,@TotalOut )Many thanks in advanceJames

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Calling A Stored Procedure Or Function From Another Stored Procedure

Mar 2, 2007

Hello people,

When I am trying to call a function I made from a stored procedure of my creation as well I am getting:

Running [dbo].[DeleteSetByTime].

Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.TTLValue", or the name is ambiguous.

No rows affected.

(0 row(s) returned)


Finished running [dbo].[DeleteSetByTime].

This is my function:






RETURN SELECT Settings.TTL FROM Settings WHERE Enabled='true'

This is my stored procedure:






SET @TTL = dbo.TTLValue()

DELETE FROM SetValues WHERE CreatedTime > dateadd(minute, @TTL, CreatedTime)


CreatedTime is a datetime column and TTL is an integer column.

I tried calling it by dbo.TTLValue(), dbo.MyDatabase.TTLValue(), [dbo].[MyDatabase].[TTLValue]() and TTLValue(). The last returned an error when saving it "'TTLValue' is not a recognized built-in function name". Can anybody tell me how to call this function from my stored procedure? Also, if anybody knows of a good book or site with tutorials on how to become a pro in T-SQL I will appreciate it.

Your help is much appreciated.

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Calling A Stored Procedure

Mar 23, 2007

Hi, i've had this query method:
34           public void AddDagVerslagCategorie(int logID, HistoriekDetail historiekDetail)35           {36               SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);37               string strSql = "Insert into LogDetail (LogID, CategorieID, Inhoud)";38               strSql += "values(@logID, @categorieID, @inhoud)";39               SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand(strSql, oConn);40               oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@logID", SqlDbType.Int)).Value = logID;41               oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@categorieID", SqlDbType.Int)).Value = historiekDetail.CategorieID;42               oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@inhoud", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)).Value = historiekDetail.Inhoud;43   44               try45               {46                   oConn.Open();47                   int rowsAffected = oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();48                   if (rowsAffected == 0) throw new ApplicationException("Fout toevoegen historiek detail");49                   oCmd.CommandText = "select @@IDENTITY";50                   oCmd.Parameters.Clear();51                   historiekDetail.HistoriekDetailID = (int)(decimal)oCmd.ExecuteScalar();52               }53               catch (Exception ex)54               {55                   throw new ApplicationException("Fout toevoegen historiek detail: " + ex.Message);56               }57               finally58               {59                   if (oConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) oConn.Close();60               }61           }
which i've converted to a stored procedure: 1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[insert_DagVerslagDetail]
2 -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
3 @dagverslagdetailID int,
4 @logID int,
5 @categorieID int,
6 @inhoud varchar(100)
7 AS
9 -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
10 -- interfering with SELECT statements.
12 SET @dagverslagdetailID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
14 -- Insert statements for procedure here
16 INSERT LogDetail (LogID, CategorieID, Inhoud)
17 VALUES(@logID, @categorieID, @inhoud)
19 END
Now i would like to call that stored procedure in my previous method, so i've changed it to this:
 1 public void AddDagVerslagCategorie(int logID, HistoriekDetail historiekDetail)
2 {
3 SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);
4 string strSql = "insert_DagVerslagDetail";
5 strSql += "values(@logID, @categorieID, @inhoud)";
6 SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand(strSql, oConn);
7 oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
8 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@logID", SqlDbType.Int)).Value = logID;
9 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@categorieID", SqlDbType.Int)).Value = historiekDetail.CategorieID;
10 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@inhoud", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)).Value = historiekDetail.Inhoud;
12 try
13 {
14 oConn.Open();
15 int rowsAffected = oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
16 if (rowsAffected == 0) throw new ApplicationException("Fout toevoegen historiek detail");
17 oCmd.CommandText = "select @@IDENTITY";
18 oCmd.Parameters.Clear();
19 historiekDetail.HistoriekDetailID = (int)(decimal)oCmd.ExecuteScalar();
20 }
21 catch (Exception ex)
22 {
23 throw new ApplicationException("Fout toevoegen historiek detail: " + ex.Message);
24 }
25 finally
26 {
27 if (oConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) oConn.Close();
28 }
29 }

Do i still need the lines 17                   oCmd.CommandText = "select @@IDENTITY";
                                 19                   historiekDetail.HistoriekDetailID = (int)(decimal)oCmd.ExecuteScalar();
Because i've declared the identity in my stored procedure

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Out Vs. Ref When Calling Stored Procedure

Apr 8, 2008

Hi, I have a stored procedure, and it is expecting an output. If I declared the passing varaible as ref, it compiles fine, but it is not returning any value. If I pass the varaible as out, and add the paramater
MyComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ReturnValue", returnValue));  it gives the following error. 
Compiler Error Message: CS0269: Use of unassigned out parameter 'quoteID'.
 And if I don't supply the previous statement, the following error occurs.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure 'CreateData' expects parameter '@ReturnValue', which was not supplied.
How Can I fix this? thanks.

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Calling A DTS Stored Procedure From ASP.NET

Dec 15, 2003

I have a stored procedure that calls a DTS package to grab a text file that has been uploaded to the server and merge it with a table on the database. The DTS package works woderfully in SQL, as does the the file upload. The problem arrises when I create a stored procedure to run the DTS package. I know that you have to shell out and do a command line on the SQL server (and I think that I got the syntax correct) but its calling the Stored Procedure in the ASP.NET app that is causing me hardship. Here is the code that I have so far:

Stored Procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE spSampleData AS exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /SZEUSsqlServer113 /NdtsPackage /UuserID /Ppassword'

VB to run DTS:

Dim myCommand As SqlCommand
myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
myCommand.CommandText = "spSampleData"

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but any help would be great.


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Calling Stored Procedure

Feb 6, 2004

I am trying to set up a call to a Stored Procedure to do an Insert. Here is my code snippet:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
Dim loConn as New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString"))
Dim cmdInsert as New SQLCommand("AdminUser_Insert", loConn)
cmdInsert.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim InsertForm As New SqlDataAdapter()
InsertForm.InsertCommand = cmdInsert

cmdInsert.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.bigint, 8, "Account_Number"))
cmdInsert.Parameters("@RETURN_VALUE").Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@UserID", SqlDbType.varchar, 50, "UserID"))
cmdInsert.Parameters("@UserID").Value = Request("UserID")
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.varchar, 32, "Password"))
cmdInsert.Parameters("@Password").Value = Request("Password")
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@First_Name", SqlDbType.varchar, 32, "First_Name"))
cmdInsert.Parameters("@First_Name").Value = Request("FirstName")
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Middle_Name", SqlDbType.varchar, 32, "Middle_Name"))
cmdInsert.Parameters("@Middle_Name").Value = Request("MiddleName")
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Last_Name", SqlDbType.varchar, 32, "Last_Name"))
cmdInsert.Parameters("@Last_Name").Value = Request("LastName")


I get the following error:

Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'CommandType' is not declared.

This error happens on the line: cmdInsert.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Any help would be appreciated,

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Calling DTS From Stored Procedure

May 22, 2000

Hello everybody,

How can I call DTS from stored procedure, any help pls.

PS: I appreciate if you please give me an example.

Thank you....

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Calling A Job From A Stored Procedure

Jan 19, 2001

I'm trying to call a job from a stored procedure.
To do so, I've found that sp_start_job is doing just that.
My problem is that the sp_start_job is not in my master
database stored procedures and I don't know how to add it.
I'm working with SQL Server 7 Enterprise without the SP.

Am I looking for the right thing ? (sp_start_job)
Where can I find it ?

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Calling Stored Procedure

Nov 3, 2005

Hey, I have a parent SP, and within that parent I want to call a a child what is the code to call that child procedure? or teh easiest way to make that happen?

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Calling A VB Exe From A Stored Procedure

Jan 30, 2004

Can someone tell me a straightforward way to call a VB app (that accepts command line arguments) from a stored procedure.

I have got it to work by using xp_cmdshell, but in practice, the security constraints here prevent using this. Our DBAs don't want to set the proxy account required for a non-sysadmin user to eexecute xp_cmdshell.

I know that writing an extended SP invoking a C++ dll would be the cleanest solution. However I don't have the knowledge to do that.

Any ideas?


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Calling A Stored Procedure From A Dll

Apr 7, 2004

When I call a stored procedure from a dll written in Builder C++, it gets blocked. But if I call the same SP from the main program, it works fine. but I need to call SP from the dll. What's the problem?

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Calling Stored Procedure From Another Sp

Apr 29, 2008


I am new to SQL and new to stored procedures!

What I am trying to do is call one stored procedure from another stored procedure. Very simple piece of code but can not get it to work correctly.....

This is the calling stored procedure: sp_TechRiskMandatory. It is calling a stored procedure called sp_Test.

What is happening is that it is executing the line before the "EXECUTE" command and never getting to this line.

If I put the "EXECUTE" command first it will execute this line and not get to the next.

My code is returning out of the stored procedure before finishing executing the remainder of the code....

CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_TechRisk_Mandatory]

@Conclusion varchar(100),
@TechRisk varchar(100)

If (@Conclusion = 'Application/Changed') and ((@TechRisk = " ") or (@TechRisk = "N/A"))

Select "AsxErrorMessage" = "Technical Risk must be specified"

Select "Looks Good" = " "

This is the code for the sp_Test:



Select "AsxErrorMessage" = "Test"


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Calling A Stored Procedure From

May 30, 2008

I know this thread is sql, and i'm asking a question but I cannot find a straight forward answer anywhere else. I am using visual studio 2008 designing a application where I created a stored procedure using sql management studio 2005. Here is the stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure2
@intPID char(10)
SELECT SUM(Financial.Fee) from dbo.Financial
AND [SPatient Number]=@intPID

It takes the sum of my Fee column in my financial table where the current date is equal to the column named Date in my Financial table and SPatient Number equals my variable intPID, which the value is defined for in my application (yes, i know that is a horrible name for a column but I cannot change it for it is not my project).

Now, to my knowledge this procedure works fine and should output a single value. However, like i said, i am using visual studio 2008 and therefore am using vs's more automated way of connecting to sql servers(and by that I mean configuring the server through visual studio rather than manually defining datasets, dataadapters, and connection strings through code) All of the tutorials I find use data adapters and are done by manually declaring sql connections and so forth. I like visual studios more automated method of doing sql tasks, and would like to know if there is a simple way to call a stored procedure using visual studio in such a fashion where I would write something like "exec dbo.StoredProcedure2 'intPID' "

Any help is much appreciated, thank you

edit: If i did not provide enough information please let me know, i'm using a strongly typed dataset

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Calling A Stored Procedure

Jun 10, 2008

I understand how to call a stored procedure using ordinal arguments, such as:

exec storedprocedure argument1 argument2

How do you do it while naming the arguments, and passing non-ordinal?


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Calling Stored Procedure In Another

Nov 19, 2014

I have three stored procedure already created ABC. Now I need to create another one and call other three in each situation. Like If Apple then use Sp_A, if Orange then use Sp_B, and if Mango then use sp_C.

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Calling BCP From A Stored Procedure

Mar 28, 2006

Hi all, I'm new to SQL Server and I'm trying to call BCP from a stored procedure with a parameter passed in as the path to which to export the datafile. This parameter is also the name of a network PC. However, I keep getting this error:
SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unable to open BCP host data-file

This is the stored procedure:
PROCEDURE DownloadLinkEvents
@localPath varchar(80)
declare @bcpCommand varchar(200)
set @bcpCommand = 'bcp <dbName> out ' + @localPath + '-c -t"|" -S<dbServer> -Usa -P<passowrd>'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand


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