Few Subreports Not Rendering After Adding Script Code

Oct 8, 2007

Hi All,
I have a report which has a few subreports in it. Earlier I had drop downs for Begin and End dates (these are the parameters), which I populated from date column of the table the report is generated from. The report along with the subreports was rendering correctly.

Now, the requirement is that, instead of drop downs, it should be a text box and it should have a default value. For that I added a bit of VB Script code to have a default values to be populated to the text boxes for Begin and End dates. NOW, the problem has surfaced that almost none of the reports are getting rendered.

What could be the problem? Below is the code I have added. It is basically to have

the begin date as "now -1 at 00:00:00.000" and the end date as "now - 1at 23:59:59.999". The values are properly getting into the boxes.

Code Block
Public Function GetMyStartDateFromCustomCode() As String
Dim ReturnValueStartDateFixed As String
ReturnValueStartDateFixed = Replace(FormatDateTime(DateAdd("d", -1, DateTime.Today), 2), "/", "-")
ReturnValueStartDateFixed = Month(ReturnValueStartDateFixed).ToString().PadLeft(2, "0") & "-" & Day(ReturnValueStartDateFixed).ToString().PadLeft(2, "0") & "-" & Year(ReturnValueStartDateFixed)
Return ReturnValueStartDateFixed & " " & "00:00:00.000"

End Function

Public Function GetMyEndDateFromCustomCode() As String
Dim ReturnValueEndDateFixed As String
ReturnValueEndDateFixed = Replace(FormatDateTime(DateAdd("d", -1, DateTime.Today), 2), "/", "-")
ReturnValueEndDateFixed = Month(ReturnValueEndDateFixed).ToString().PadLeft(2, "0") & "-" & Day(ReturnValueEndDateFixed).ToString().PadLeft(2, "0") & "-" & Year(ReturnValueEndDateFixed)
Return ReturnValueEndDateFixed & " " & "23:59:59.999"
End Function

Please let me know if the issue is not clear. Thanks a lot.


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Adding Subreports To Master Report At Runtime

Mar 12, 2007

Hi guys,

Is it possible at runtime to decide what subreports you want in your master report. Is this possible in RS?. Many Thanks in advance.

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Adding Landscape And Portrait Subreports Into A Single Report

Sep 27, 2006

The goal is to produce a single PDF consisting of a number of subreports. Some are landscape, others are portrait. The subreports may also be run as independent reports. The master report defaults to the width of the widest subreport, which is landscape. This causes all portrait subreports to spill over. Your suggestions / comments are appreciated.


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Rendering HTML Code Stored In A SQL Database

Oct 8, 2007

I've got a simple gridview and detailsview set up so the details view shows the selected item in gridview. But one of the fields contains HTML code and it's being displayed instead of rendered. There must be some easy way to use a panel or some other control and tell it dynamically what HTML to render, right?
I saw one other post where someone suggested using a third party html editor like fckeditor but that just seems ugly and I really don't care to spend the time installing and configuring someone else's control for such a simple thing.
Maybe I can assign the field to a variable and then response.write it? But then I can't change it dynamically based on my gridview selection...
Any ideas?

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Reporting Services :: Adding Drill Through Parameters Increasing Rendering Time On Report Server

Nov 2, 2015

I have a report which takes around 5 seconds when run in BIDS but takes around 20 seconds when deployed on report server.Execution log says TimeDataRetrieval is around 3-4 seconds and  rendering time is around 15-17 secs.From this report I am passing 8 parameters to a  drill through report and there are 36 text boxes where I have defined these parameters for drill through action.All these parameters are populated in main dataset.When I deployed the same report without any drill through action and parameter, it takes 5 seconds.So I am suspecting that because of drill through parameters report is taking more rendering time on server.I am using 2008R2 and IE11.

Is it expected behavior that due to so many parameters for drill through action, report will take more rendering time?If yes, then why is it not taking same time in BIDS?

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Either Rendering Tiff Images In SRS Report Viewer Or Converting Tiff To Jpg Or Gif And Then Rendering

Jun 19, 2007

First of all, this is not in reference to using SRS (SQL Reporting Services) to render a report and then use one of the extensions to render the complete report as a pdf, tiff, excel etc. We have an opportunity to render a list of claims and then embed the supporting docs for each of the claims within the report. We don't have an issue referencing jpg and gif images via URLs and then rendering them within the report after the grid information. We do have an issue rendering tiff images within the report.

You can insert an image object into SRS at design time and have it render and you can convert a complete report to a tiff image but I cannot find a way to be able to render a tiff image when running the report. All you get is the red "x".

My question is has anyone encountered the same issue and, if so, what did you do to resolve the issue?

Thank you,


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Dec 27, 2007


I have a subreport to which I am passing values. Now my requirement is only if there are records to be displayed the

report should be displayed or else the report should not be displayed. Is there anyway I can do this. I know

that there are expression for the visibilty tab in sub reports properties. But how do I set it up.



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(SubReports) Is It Possible To...

Feb 21, 2007

Here's my dilema. Our organization has two db servers. One is Oracle and the other is SQL Server. Oracle contains our HR information on all employees and SQL Server contains information on various projects that we are undertaking. The HR system (Oracle) contains Employee ID's, Names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. SQL Server has information about the varous projects and Employee ID's of who is assigned to those projects. I have a report that has two data sources (one to each server) and two datasets (each populated from the two datasources). I would like to have a single table that displays the project and the name of the person who's assigned to that project. This would be achieved by linking the tables on similar information, which is the Employee ID. I've received responses in various news groups etc. saying this can be done by using subreports and query parameters but it's never explained how to go about it. Kind of like, I can tell you what you use to fly to the moon, but I can't tell you how to actually go about building the rocket that gets you there. :)

Is the functionality that I'm looking for possible in SSRS 2005??



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Subreports Problem

Jun 4, 2007


I have a strange problem.

I have developed a report with 2 subreports in the main report.

I am talking about a visual studio environment.

when i test the report and run it local the report works fine. I see my report (multiple pages) with on each page

my subreports included.

When i deploy the report to my reportserver, all goes well and i don't get any error.

When i access the report on my reportserver and i run it, all goes well.

But, on my second and third page of my report, the subreports don't show (Error: Subreport could not be shown).

Does anybody has a explanation for this ?



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Subreports Programatically

Dec 27, 2007


I have a main report and sub report. The subreport has some fields like SYS, LOC, MSG etc.

But the report should display the values filtered basis on system. i.e. I must have a sub report

for SYS1 , SYS2 , SYS3 and so on. I can create a sub report for each system. But I want to create only subreport and

call them from the main report. How do I do this?



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SubReports Not Working

May 25, 2007

I have a main report and I plan to use a drop-down box to select one of four different sub-reports, at a time, based on the selection. These subreports are all based on their different data-sets, due to too complicated conditions which could not be accomodated in a single SQL select. In addition, there are about 9 different filters which are common to all the four sub-reports. These data filters are in drop-down boxes and get populated through their own datasets. I have created and tested the subreports.

My problem is bringing these subreports together in the main report and making them visible based on their selection or otherwise in the main report. Can I use the same parameter I am using to select the subreports, in the drop-down box in the main report, to be passed down to the subreports ? HOW (could someone provide sample code of the lif or IIF statements) ? How does the main report know which dataset to switch to ? And how do I make visible or invisible the individual reports ?

Any help, suggestions and code samples explaining things would be appreciated.

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Dynamic Subreports

Jul 10, 2007

Hi all!

I need to create a report with a number of subreports. The problem is that those subreports might be different for each datarow.

Is it possible to set the report name for the subreport in some dynamic manner, e.g. extract it from the data?

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Nested Subreports

Jun 18, 2007


I have a report (A) that has a list where a subreport (B) is displayed. This subreport includes nested sub-reports (C) which have other nested subreports (D) (globally there are 3 levels of subreports). When I try to preview report A in Visual Studio I get the "Object not set to an instance of an object" but when I try to preview report B everything is ok. I have RS SP1 installed and I have already tried to include a dummy query in the subreports so that they always have a result....

Does any one had a similar error?

Thank you in advance


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Trying Subreports - Does Not Work

Feb 12, 2007

Hello colleagues,

I have the following issue:

I am trying to create a report with subreport this way:

1) create report

2) create subreport. Set parameter @AccountName in the SQL query (...WHERE account.name = @AccountName) and in the parameters collection - AccountName, data type string

3) place the subreport into the report and set parameters AcountID = =Fields!name.Value, so that the WHERE clause in the subreport should filter the content according to the field Fields!name.Value.

So far, I suppose this should work. Nevertheless, I get this result in Visual Studio .net:

An error occurred while executing the subreport €˜subreppp€™: An error has occurred during report processing.

Cannot read the next data row for the data set DatasetXYZ.

When I publish the reports into our CRM, I get the main report but the subreports shows: "#Error: The subreport could not be shown".

What can I do to make this work properly?

Any help would be VERY appreciated as I have already wasted several hours with this issue.

Thank you a lot!


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Master And SubReports

Feb 15, 2007

Hi All,

I am new to Rs2005. I have 4 seperate reports, r1, r2, r3, r4,.....etc. I want these reports to be called in sequence in a Master report. I want to make all 4 reports 1 big report. Can this be done, and if so can somebody please point me in the correct direction. Many Thanks in advance.



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SSRS SubReports

Aug 21, 2007


1. Can we acess Datasets from main report to sub report in SSRS 2005?

2. While i preview the report main report and navigate to the sub report the "Back to Parent Report" icon is displayed in the toolbar of the sub report but when i deployed and viewed in Internet explorer it cannot see the "Back to Parent Report" icon. Whether i have do any settings while deployment?

Any help would be appreciated


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Dynamic Subreports... Is It Possible?

Feb 6, 2007

Is it possible to set up a subreport so that I can determine which report it displays based on parameters?  From what I've seen, the report that a subreport displays must be hardcoded...  Anyone got any workarounds?

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Subreports And Stored Procedures

Nov 30, 2004

Hi everybody,
I've got a quick question.....hopefully :)
I have two reports based on two different stored procedures, they both need the user to enter a begining and end date as parameters.
I would like to have one main report and add my two other reports as subreports.
The problem I have by doing that is it asks for the parameters for the first subreport and then for the second and these parameters are the same for each subreport.

Could someone tell me how to have the parameters asked only once ?

Thank you all any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Page Break And Subreports

Aug 21, 2007

I have a main report that calls subreports. When a subreport has enough data such that it will not fit into the remaining area of the current page the renderer inserts a page break leaving alot of ugly white space. Is there any way to sop this behaviour? This seems like a very basic thing.

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Interactive Dashboard With Subreports

Sep 14, 2007

I am trying to create a dashboard that is split into the five main focus areas of Customer, Finance, Management, People and Innovation. Each focus area has a main report and a series of subreports (within a panel). I use the €˜Jump to report:€™ property at the domain level €“ which works well.

My problems arise when dealing with the subreports. For example, in the €˜People€™ focus area €“ the panel contains 4 subreports covering; contractor vs. fte trends, gender balance trends, compliance trends and investment trends.

Ideally I would like to have four €˜tabs€™ which when clicked would show the relevant subreport. I know this can be done via a full report refresh, but it looks clumsy and is more complex and costly to maintain.

I am happy for any method that might change the €˜Subreport€™ property dynamically or set the visibility of the objects. I want to avoid using the toggle capability as this could result in two or more subreports conflicting and being visible at the same time.

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Can SubReports Be From SubProjects In The Same Solution

Jun 8, 2007

We have a bunch of small single pupose reports (individual charts, tables, etc.) that we used as subreports across several larger reports. I want to sperate the subreports into their own folder on the Reporting Server and I tried to tdo this by creating a solution with subprojects and specifying different publishing folders. That seems to be going well, but when I want to add a subreport from one project to a report in another project Visual Studio doesn't seem to like this at all. It won't let me drag them to the layout surface.

Shoudl this work? Is there something different I need to be doing since I'm working with multiple projects now?



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Subreports Are Not Exported Into Excel

Feb 4, 2008


i was created report with 6 sub reports for muliple columns driil down as based on client requirements, and also iam using one subreport with in the all 6 sub reports,when run the report i got the correct data. my report output having total 11 fields. with in the 6 fields iam using the 6 sub reports, with in the 6 sub reports iam calling the another sub report.

while exportin my report into excel sub reports are not shown, in the place of sub reports i got the error that is "
subreports within a table or matrix cells are ignored"

my client must need report output in excel format, so how to solve this problem. in my analysis excel is not support sub report feature, is there any diffrent method or is there or any third party control is there

please give me solution how to solve this probelm.

Thanks in advance

jacks v

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Parameters To Subreports Within A Matrix

Jun 18, 2007

We have a recurring project status report that uses a matrix (each matrix group is for an individual project). The name of the project renders fine and displays in the group, but when we try to pass this same value as a parameter to a subreport (a graph) which we also want to display in the matrix the subreport is only renderd for the last instance of the matrix group (i.e. 4 of 4 has it but 1-3 show a blank field in the matrix).

I assume this has something to do with using parameters within the matrix control, but didn't find any posts about that.

I should add another way we've tried to do this is with a list instead of a matrix and it also fails in the same way (doesn't render all of the subreports).

Thanks for the help,


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Using RunningValue In Charts With Subreports

Jul 3, 2007

I am creating some earned value reports that display project budget, actual cost to date, projected cost, and earned value. I have all of the data stored by month so I am using the Running Value function to display the data on a graph such that at any given point on the graph, it is showing total dollars as of that date. This works great for a single project or a summation of projects.

I also want the ability to create a batch set of reports for a series of projects, basically they input a list of project numbers, and a new graph is generated for each one. To do this, I created a "batch report" that has a subreport in a table's group with project id being the grouped on field, it passes that project id to the subreport as input.

I get exactly what I want - a new report for each project, but the problem is, running value on the graphs is not working across the projects. It's fine for the first project, but all subsequent projects are getting messed up. For instance, one project with a max budget of 200K is showing with a max budget of 400K, actuals are getting nulled out, etc. It's as if for some reason, the RunningValue isn't getting reset across the subreport....

An example of my value field on one of the lines (not copy and pasted so forgive any syntax errors - I'm not on my development box):

Code Snippet= Iif(MAX(Fields!actual_de.Value + Fields!actual_work.Value) >0, RunningValue(Fields!actual_de.Value + Fields!actual_work.Value, Sum, FakeSeries), Nothing)

(The point of the max is so that the graph stops on months without actuals - that is months that haven't occured yet)

My FakeSeries is just on projectID and is just for the purpose of resetting the Running Value (or so I thought).

Does anyone have any input or advice on how to get this working? Why is RunningValue getting messed up across subreports? If I only give the batch report one project ID, the data is great. (I know it's the running value because if I take out running value and just graph the SUM - all the values are correct). If anyone has an alternate way of doing this sort of batch report I'm all ears as well!

Thanks much!

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BackgroundColor For Table Row With Subreports

Apr 23, 2008

One of the columns within a table on my parent page contains data that increases the height of the row, (a 'comments' field). Unfortunately a subreport within that table does not expand to fill the entire height of the cell it is in because of the expanded row height, therefore leaving "white space" below it. Some rows have a different background color depending on a certain fields' value but in the column where the subreport is, I can't set the background color in the properties window because that attribute has been removed.

Everything with my report works correctly but I just can't seem to get that white space to change to the correct color.

I've tried the following so far with no luck:

1. Setting the background color of the table row. This option is not available within the properties dialog box. I assume because the row has a subreport nested in it. (Can I set the background color somewhere else?)

2. I passed the row color variable as a parameter to the subreport but obviously that only colors the subreport and not the whitespace underneath it within the table row.

My report looks goofy with a whole row one color except for the whitespace under my subreport in each row so if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.


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Subreports Or Data Regions? Other?

Dec 11, 2007

I'm looking for advice on how to approach a reporting task I've been given. The report needs to be grouped by one of the fields in a view. The view contains patient data. Within each group, the report has to show the results when the view is processed for patients under 18 and another set of results when processed for patients 18 or older. Should I create a subreport for each age group? How would I show both age group sections under the same group? I've heard that subreports are resource-intensive. Is there a better way? Data regions? How would that work?


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Render Lag With Subreports In List

Feb 19, 2008

Hi everyone,

For a project I'm working on right now we issue a bunch of 2-4 page PDF reports (a main page and a subreport) for every entity within a retail hierarchy. Our client would like to have some of those reports rolled up into a single file so that starting in the second level of the hierarchy there is one file for each member and all its ascendants/descendants. In order to do this, I'm putting the existing report into a list on a new template (as a subreport) and creating a dataset for the list to pass the parameters into the subreport. I initially had to do this for 1000+ stores and realized that it was going to take a LONG time (the main page report can take as long as a minute to run as it's kicking off stored procs that retrieve a ton of data from a cube), so I stopped it and restricted my list's dataset to 3 rows to create a 3-report rollup for testing. When I previewed the report, it showed up after a minute or so and it looked fine - everything was where I expected it to be, pages were breaking properly, etc. However, when I tried to export that into PDF it hung forever. I cut the dataset back to 2 records and had the same problem, so then I cut it back to 1 record and it exported just as quickly as it always does. Does anyone have any information on why this is happening and what I can do to get around it? It's going to be a pretty critical component of this project for us.

Thanks in advance,

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Subreports Within Table/matrix Cells Are Ignored.

Apr 25, 2007

I have Report with subReport,

in the designer its looked well, but when I export the report to excell format

I get this error,

is it poosible export report with sub report to excell?


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Interactive Sort Does Not Work With SubReports

Nov 19, 2007

Hello All,

I have a subreport that has interactive sort on one of the columns in a table. The interactive sort works well when i run the subreport. But when i run the parent report that contains the subreport then the interactive sorting does not work.

Has anyone come across this issue, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot!


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Only Last CRI Output Image In Subreports Is Shown

Dec 2, 2006

I've implemented quite a number of CRI ( Custom Report Item ).

If I dropped it on a matrix so that I can have multiple CRI output images rendered it works well.

However, I'm trying it out on a table in which I've included a subreport. The subreport is a report that uses the CRI for one record.

I'm seeing only the last output image, the rest of the CRI output image are not shown, instead a red x image is show.

Anyone have any idea why this happens and how I can resolve the problem?

Using the matrix is not an acceptable workaround for me.

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Display Subreports With In A Main Report

Apr 12, 2007

Hello All,

I have 4 subreports that I need to display in the main report. I can pull a sub-report with in the main report howevere the subreport doesn't display any data. It just gives me a blank template like:

Customer name Customer # Address 1 Address2 city

The subreport itself is not empty when I open it otherwise it shows me a list of all the customers however, no data when I call it as a part of main report.

Can anyone suggest me on this one?



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Percentage Format Problem With Subreports

Sep 11, 2007


I have a container Report with some SubReports. I need the percentage fields with just 1 decimal.

Inside the SubReports I have fields with percentages and I have all of them with Format: P1

If I run the subreport, I see the percentage fields correctly.

But when I run the container Report some/several are with 2 decimals.

Thanks for help

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Report Services Multiple Subreports

Sep 6, 2007

I can add a single subreport to a report using the code

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

AddHandler ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SubreportProcessing, AddressOf SetSubDataSource


End Sub

Public Sub SetSubDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SubreportProcessingEventArgs)

e.DataSources.Add(New ReportDataSource("DataSet1_tblReportExport", ObjectDataSource1))

End Sub

but i cant add anymore as when i try i get the error

Error: subreport cannot be shown.

Anyone knownhow i add another subreport?

Thanks a lot for your time

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