Flat File Data Source With Variable Number Of Delimited Columns

Feb 26, 2007

I am writing a package that will process delimited flat files that will come in one of a few different versions. Within each flat file, the number of delimited columns will be the same, but each version of the file has a different number of columns. I have tried configuring the flat file data source to expect the version with the largest number of columns, but it will then throw away rows that have less than this number of columns (warning: There is a partial row at the end of the file).

Is it possible to use a single flat file data source that will work with all of the different width files?

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Integration Services :: Load Data From Flat Files Having Variable Number Of Columns

Jun 23, 2015

I want to load flat files into a single table. But the flat files can have variable number of columns upto a maximum of 10 columns. The table in my database has 10 columns in it. So in case if I load a flat file having 6 columns then rest of the columns in the table will have nulls. I don't want to use script task for this  as I am not good in writing C#code.

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Does The RetainNulls Option Do Anything If The Flat File Source Isn't Delimited?

Apr 26, 2008

I have a flat file source that is "ragged right," which is where you specify that positions 1 through 8 is a date or 9 through 20 is a string, etc.

I'm wondering if the Retain Nulls option does anything at all for ragged right files. The only way to indentify a missing value in this file format is with spaces, and SSIS doesn't equate spaces to a null using either fast or standard parsing, which means it is impossible to have nulls in a ragged right file.

I was looking to import a date column using fast parse where sometimes the date isn't specified, so you get an occasional " " as an entry. From what I can tell by experimentation, you cannot import directly into a date field using any method in SSIS if your source file is ragged right and some dates are blank, because empty strings cannot be inserted into date fields.

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Problem Reading Tab Delimited Flat File Source With Missing Tabs

Aug 3, 2005

I have a tab delimited flat file with say 60 columns. All columns can have null values. The file contains a blank tab for nulls.

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Variable Flat File Source

Mar 7, 2007

I am trying to make a SSIS package that will loop trough all files in a directory and load information from them.

I can do this with Raw File Sources since they allow me to use a variable name as the file path, but I cant seem to do the same with Flat File Sources. Is there a way to change the connection to a Flat File Source on each iteration of a loop? Actually, if this is possible with all types of file sources (like excel files) I would love to know about it too.

I was thinking about renaming the file through a script task but that does not seem like the most elegant solution so decided to see if some one here knows of a more proper way before I go that direction.

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SQL 2012 :: Find Out Number Of Columns In Flat File Before Process That Particular File

Apr 14, 2014

I need find out the number of columns in flat file before i process that particular file.I have file name in @filename variable and file path is @filepath variable.But do not not that how i will check the column name in before i will process that file.

@filePath = C:DatabaseSourceFilesCAHCVSSourceFiles
And i am using for each loop container to read the file one by one and put the file name in @filename variable.and my file name like



Now what i have to do is i need to make sure that ID,Name,City,County,Phone is there in flat file.if it is not there then i have to send mail to client saying that file is not valid.I need to also calculate the size of flat file.

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Flat File And Uneven Number Of Columns

Jan 20, 2006

Please leave feedback for Microsoft regarding this problem at https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=126493

Ok I'm sure it just me, SSIS has been great so far....but how can you import a straight CSV file with and uneven column count.

For example: (assume CR LF row delimiter)


"Normally" I'd expect this

| Col1 |
| Col2 |
| Col3 |
| Col4 |
| Col5 |




Ok but what we get is the row delimiter is ignored in preference for the column delimiter and the row delimiter gets sucked into the column and the next row starts to get layed down.

So we get

| Col1 |
| Col2 |
| Col3 |
| Col4 |
| Col5 |



I'm I not seeing a tick box somewhere that says "over here if you want to terminate a row on the row delimiter even if all columns aren't full and we'll pad NULLs in rest of the row columns which you can fix in the flow transformations"

I'm sure it's there.....help!

(By the way SSIS team, great job on the package love using it)

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OLE DB Source To Flat File Destintation Using Fixed Width Columns - Determining Source Column Width

Feb 13, 2007


I am trying to create a program that transfers tables to flat files.
At this point in time, I have suceeded in created one that creates delimited files.

However, I am now trying to create fixed-width files as you can do with the SSIS designer, but programatically.

Is there a way to programatically determine the width of a column from the source table? I can not seem to find any kind of function or member that stores this information or allows me to retrieve it.

I know what I need to change in order to set a width for a column, but I just don't know how to find the width without just asking the user to provide one.

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How To Pass Filename As A Dynamic Variable To Flat File Source In SSIS ?

Sep 3, 2007


I am migrating one of my DTS package to SSIS.

My task is to read the filename from a database table and transfer the flat file data in to a table.
In SSIS,I am able to fetch the file name using a Data Reader Source; but how to pass this fileName parameter to Flat File Source ?

In DTS I have used ActiveX script to pass filename variable as flatfilecon.Source.
Any help ?


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Flat File Source Exceeded Maximum Number Of Errors Warning: 0x80019002

Dec 28, 2007

Warning: 0x80019002 at STAGING: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (14) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

i got this error in my ssis package, where i'm trying to export flat file data into oledb destination,

can anyone help me to fix this issue!!!

What i've done?
1. Data Flow Task

a. po.txt flat file Source
b. Derived column
c. Oledb destination

a. pend.txt Flat file Source
b. Derived column
c. Oledb destination

a. invoice.txt Flat file Source
b. Derived column
c. Oledb destination

i did three flows in a single data flow task; among that one flow is running (po.txt flow) the rest are returned with Red Box filled error, and i capture the error and pasted there!!

the full error message is...... what i got in my output window is follows

i need some guidence to solve this issue, please let me know if you know about this stuff.

Information: 0x40016041 at STAGING: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "staging.dtsConfig".

Warning: 0x80012014 at STAGING: The configuration file "staging.dtsConfig" cannot be found. Check the directory and file name.

Warning: 0x80012059 at STAGING: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed.

SSIS package "STAGING.dtsx" starting.

Information: 0x4004300A at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Warning: 0x80047076 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Description" (3223) on output "Flat File Source Output" (3161) and component "Invoice Raised Flat File Source" (3160) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Project Number" (3080) on output "Flat File Source Output" (3063) and component "Pending Files Flat File Source" (3062) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Information: 0x4004300A at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Warning: 0x80047076 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Description" (3223) on output "Flat File Source Output" (3161) and component "Invoice Raised Flat File Source" (3160) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Project Number" (3080) on output "Flat File Source Output" (3063) and component "Pending Files Flat File Source" (3062) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Information: 0x40043006 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043007 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x402090DC at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, PO Pending Flat File Source [2344]: The processing of file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filespo_pending.txt" has started.

Information: 0x402090DC at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Pending Files Flat File Source [3062]: The processing of file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filespending bills.txt" has started.

Information: 0x402090DC at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Invoice Raised Flat File Source [3160]: The processing of file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filesinvoices_raised.txt" has started.

Information: 0x4004300C at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.

Error: 0xC02020A1 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Invoice Raised Flat File Source [3160]: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Description" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".

Error: 0xC02020A1 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Pending Files Flat File Source [3062]: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Event Description" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".

Information: 0x402090DE at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, PO Pending Flat File Source [2344]: The total number of data rows processed for file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filespo_pending.txt" is 76.

Error: 0xC020902A at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Pending Files Flat File Source [3062]: The "output column "Event Description" (3095)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "Event Description" (3095)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

Error: 0xC020902A at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Invoice Raised Flat File Source [3160]: The "output column "Description" (3223)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "Description" (3223)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

Error: 0xC0202092 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Pending Files Flat File Source [3062]: An error occurred while processing file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filespending bills.txt" on data row 10.

Error: 0xC0202092 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Invoice Raised Flat File Source [3160]: An error occurred while processing file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filesinvoices_raised.txt" on data row 5.

Error: 0xC0047038 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "Pending Files Flat File Source" (3062) returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Error: 0xC0047038 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "Invoice Raised Flat File Source" (3160) returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread2" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.

Error: 0xC0047039 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.

Error: 0xC0047039 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread2" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread2" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Information: 0x402090DF at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, PO_PENDING_STG OLE DB Destination [587]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.

Information: 0x402090E0 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, PO_PENDING_STG OLE DB Destination [587]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.

Information: 0x40043008 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x402090DF at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, INVOICE_STG OLE DB Destination [247]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.

Information: 0x402090E0 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, INVOICE_STG OLE DB Destination [247]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.

Information: 0x402090DF at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [933]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.

Information: 0x402090E0 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [933]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.

Information: 0x402090DD at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, PO Pending Flat File Source [2344]: The processing of file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filespo_pending.txt" has ended.

Information: 0x402090DD at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Pending Files Flat File Source [3062]: The processing of file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filespending bills.txt" has ended.

Information: 0x402090DD at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, Invoice Raised Flat File Source [3160]: The processing of file "C:Documents and Settingse402076Desktopitss flat filesinvoices_raised.txt" has ended.

Information: 0x40043009 at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300B at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "PO_PENDING_STG OLE DB Destination" (587)" wrote 75 rows.

Information: 0x4004300B at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (933)" wrote 0 rows.

Information: 0x4004300B at Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "INVOICE_STG OLE DB Destination" (247)" wrote 0 rows.

Task failed: Staging Table Loading Data Flow Task

Warning: 0x80019002 at STAGING: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (14) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "STAGING.dtsx" finished: Failure.

The program '[2532] STAGING.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

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Integration Services :: Flat File Connection Manager With Variable Columns

May 28, 2009

I have a requirement wherein I have to setup the flat file connection manager to accept columns on fly. Meaning I want to retrieve list of columns/column count from the database when the package is run and set the connection manager with those many columns.

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Flat File Source - If An Error Occurs, Continue Parsing The Remaining Columns In The Row Before Failing

Jan 14, 2008

Hello everyone,

I have a package that extracts data from a Flat File. If any errors or truncation occur during the extraction of the input data, the package should fail. All fields that have erroneous values should be reported in the log file.

My Solution:
- I have created a Data Flow Task that contains a Flat File Source Adapter and a dummy destination.

- I have left the default "Error Output" configuration of the Flat File Source adapter, namely if a truncation or an error occur for a certain column, then the reaction is "Fail Component".

This configuration gives me only the first erroneous column in the row being processed.

Is it possible to make the Flat File Source adapter continue parsing the current row before it fails? This way, I would be able to get all the erroneous columns in the row in one shot.

Thanks in advance...

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Flat File Data Source

Aug 29, 2006

Is there away to use wild card in the file name for the flat file data source?

Like //servername/directory/*.txt

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Data Warehousing :: How To Skip PIPE (comes As Data) In PIPE Delimited Flat File

May 13, 2015

I have a problem with a PIPE "|" delimited flat file. I have a column "Description" in which we get a string in which we have PIPE "|" as data. How we can skip this and load it as a data into the column Description.

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Redirect Bad Data From Flat File Source

Apr 17, 2008

Hi, all,

I have this SSIS data flow ( Flat file to sql server) that I want to add a step to redirect any "bad" data instead of fail out.

I had the red arrow hocked up to a sql new table to dump the bad data, but the flow still failed.

Here is the first error, and I knew what was wrong. A description field in that line has pipe(|) character in it, which also happen to be the column delimiter in this case.

[Flat File Source [1]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column 22" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".

I knew if I fixed the data, every thing will be fine, but I just want to use this redirect feature of SSIS. Is there a place where I can turn off validation, or do something to make it work?


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How Do I Run SQL Commands On A Flat File Data Source?

Jan 2, 2008

I am attempting to pull in data from a flat file data source that contains dates in the following format "01012007 10:22" which translates to Month Day Year and Military Time. I want to turn this into a DateTime format so that I can insert it into the proper column. I have a SQL statement which will do this (see bellow), but I can't figgure out how to run the statement on the data before it reaches its destination.

Can anyone help?

The code is:

Code Block
cast(convert(varchar(16),(substring( REPORT_RUN_DATE,1,2 ) + '/' + substring( REPORT_RUN_DATE,3,2 ) + '/' + substring( REPORT_RUN_DATE,5,10 )),1) as datetime) AS REPORT_RUN_DATE

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Data Not Flowing Out Of Flat File Source

May 5, 2006

my package has a flat file source that should be extracting data from a text file passing the data to the next component in the data flow. the package validates fine, but the data isn't flowing. however, i see the data in the source component. i added a data viewer between the source and the next component to see if any data flowed and saw no data. can someone suggest how i should go about trying to debug this? thanks.

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Row Count In Flat File Data Source Using SSIS

Jan 29, 2008


I am trying to impliment a SSIS package where data source is a Flat file(.csv) file and destination is a sql server database.

The problem is my data source a flat file which consists of thousands of rows which are manually entered, so there is always a chance that in some rows they may miss a column value while entering data which results in an error.

Example: My flat file has headers like Sln, Name, Age, Designation. While entering data they may miss age and type it as 1,aaa,Consultant,,

Using SSIS package i want to track all row number in the flat file where data is entered wrongly so that i can correct only that row instead of checking all rows each time when my SSIS package throughs an error. I want to get all the row numbers in a sql server database which are wrongly entered.

Any suggestions are sincerly apriciated.

Thanks in advance


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Flat File Source Not Option For Importing Data

Feb 8, 2006

I was getting the product error associated with the full version of SSIS not installed so I ran the installation again and selected the Integration Services check box.

Now when attempting to import data into a database, the drop down list doesn't have a flat file option.

How do I import data from a txt, csv file?



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Merge Data From Oledb Source And Flat File

Feb 26, 2008

Hi All,
In one of my SSIS Interface I have to Merge data from a Oledb source and a Flat file source.But after I read from the flat file I have do a basic validation of the file for the length of header,detail and trailer records and then process further.The above Validation I am doing within Script Component.If the validation fails the flow should pass out of the DataFlowTask without Initailsing the Oledb source.

But the problem is i am not able to connect anything to the Oledb source,i.e Oledb source is not taking any incoming Pointers.
Earlier I had done the same Validation in Control Flow Task,but then the interface was reading the same file twice,once in the Control Flow Task and then again in the DataFlowTask.Which i should avoid now.

I hope many of you could have come across such a problem.
Any help on this will be appreciated.

Srikanth Katte

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Is It Possible To Read Flat File Data From A Variable?

Nov 6, 2006


I'm relatively new to SSIS and I've been tinkering with the XML and Flat File sources.

I noticed that in the XML source it is possible to tell SSIS to read the XML data from a variable. I didn't see a similar option for the Flat File source.

Does anyone know if it is possible to read flat file data from a variable when using the Flat File source?



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Load Data From Flat File Source Into OleDB Destination By Changing Data Types In SSIS

Apr 16, 2014

I have an source file and i have to load it into the data base by changing datatype of the columns in ssis

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Potential Loss Of Data Error On Flat File Source

Nov 19, 2007

I'm getting a very strange potential loss of data error on my flat file source in the data flow. The flat file is fixed width and the column in question is defined as numeric [DT_NUMERIC]. The transform runs great if this column IS NOT A ZERO. As soon as a zero value is found, I get the error. It errors on the flat file source, so I haven't been able to use a data viewer to see what's going on.

Please Help!?

Scott Mescall

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Flat File Name As SSIS Data Source Input Parameter

Feb 29, 2008

Each day I receive a file with a different name. For example, the name is filename_mmddyyyy.txt where filename_ stays constant and mmddyyyy is the date of the file. The file is always in the same format.

I want to build an SSIS where I pass it this file name. I can write a script to generate the correct file name. How do I build the SSIS so it can accept the input parameter and find the correct file to process?


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Flat File Source-The Value Could Not Be Converted Because Of A Potential Loss Of Data

Aug 7, 2007

I have a flat file source with ragged right format. It has three columns.

My package fails when the last column has null values.
It says "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data".

So tried lot changing row delimiter and column delimiter but to no avail.

So any idea on this is well appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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How To Redirect The Error Of A Source Flat File To The Destination Flat File?

Nov 10, 2006

Hi all,

I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.

Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.

i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.

Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?


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Why Cant I Set The Precision For Decimal Data Type In SSIS Flat File Source?

Mar 2, 2007

I have a CSV Flat File Source with a Decimal column - but DataPrecision property is grayed out - why?

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Flat File Data Flow Source Returning Limited Rows

Jan 14, 2008

I'm having an issue with the Flat File Data Flow Source returning only a limited set of the rows that are in the flat file. Basically, I connect to the flat file fine, it goes to retrieve the data (tab delimited file) and only returns 190 of 392 rows. Is there a limitation on the # of rows this data flow source can retrieve or something? I've look all through the settings and properties of the task as well as the connection manager and nothing is obvious as to what is causing this. Hopefully someone ou tthere has run into this before and can help me retrieve all rows. Thanks in advance!


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Flat File Connection Manager Is Miising In Data Source List

Jul 30, 2007

I want to use Import/Export wizard. In "Choose a data Source" screen, I can't see "Flat File" in "Data Source" List. Please help me how to insatall (or find) flat file connection manager


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SSIS Randomly Empties Out Column Data While Using Flat File Source

Jan 12, 2007

I'm having a problem using the Flat File Source while using the underlying .Net classes to execute SSIS Packages. The issue is that for some reason when I load a flat file it Empty's out columns randomly. Its happening in the Flat File Source Task. By random I mean that most of the times all the data gets loaded but sometimes it doesnt and it empty's out column data. Interestingly enough this is random and even the emptying out of columns isnt a complete empty, its more like a 90% emtpying. Now you'll ask that is the file different everytime and the answer is NO. Its the same file everytime. If I run the same file everytime for 10 times it would empty out various columns maybe 1 of those times. This doesnt seem to be a problem while working with dtexec or the Package Executor utility. Need Help!!

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Using ForEach And Pass Filename To Flat File Source In Data Flow Task

Mar 11, 2008

How do i use the foreach loop container and pass each file found according to a specified pattern to a Flat File Source in a Data Flow Task Object so i can operate on each file found in the foreach loop object instead of having to specify a static file name


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Integration Services :: SSIS OLEDB Data Source - Flat File Generation

Apr 20, 2015

I am working to archive some old data from a data warehouse using SQL server and SSIS.  The data will be read and denormalized, then shipped out to a delimited text file.

The rowcount of the incoming data is significant, call it 10M+ rows per unit of work (one text file).

There are development advantages of using a stored proc for the data source - mainly ease of changing the denormalization logic as required.  Wondering if there are performance advantages of an embeded query for the data source instead?

It was mentioned by one developer that when using a stored procedure, the output stream from the proc and subsequent SSIS steps cannot start until the full procedure processing is complete; i.e. the proc churns out its' result set in one big chunk. 

He hinted that an embedded query does not have this same effect, but I am not sure that is accurate.

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Bulk Insert Vs. Data Flow Task (different Row Results Using Flat File Source)

Nov 2, 2006

I'm importing a large csv file two different ways - one with Bulk Import Task and the other way with the Data Flow Task (flat file source -> OLE DB destination).

With the Bulk Import Task I'm putting all the csv rows in one column. With the Data Flow Task I'm mapping each csv value to it's own column in the SQL table.

I used two different flat file sources and got the following:

Flat file 1: Bulk Import Task = 12,649,499 rows; Data Flow Task = 4,215,817 rows
Flat file 2: Bulk Import Task = 3,403,254 rows; Data Flow Task = 1,134,359 rows

Anyone have any guess as to why this is happening?

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