Flat File Data Types - Defined From Table?

Jul 3, 2007

This question is around how we can get the data types and lengths populated into the flat file source columns.

In Connection Manager, you have your flat file defined. You can choose "Suggest Types...", and the minimum lengths and correct data types will be returned from within the data in the flat file.

Is there some way to automate this data type definition, but coming from the other direction (coming from the destination table that we are loading)?

For example, you have mapped the columns that will be loaded. Can you then reverse engineer the data types and lengths for the columns in the flat file from the destination table?


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Unable To Edit Pre-defined Flat File Connection Manager Properties In The Flat File Destination Editor

Aug 24, 2007


I am testing SSIS and have created a Flat File Destination. I defined the Flat File Connection as New for the first time and it worked fine. Now, I would like to go back and modify the Flat File Connection in the Flat File Destination Editor, but it allows only to create a New connection rather allowing me to edit the existing one. For testing, I can go back and create a new connection, but if my connection had 50-100 columns then it would be an issue to re-create it from scratch.

Did someone else faced this issue?


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Flat File-connection: Tuning Of The Data Types

May 25, 2007

Hello everybody.

I have a problem with "Flat file"-connection, which I cannot understand at the present. Here is the issue: I've got an ASCII-file containing 233898 lines. I try to read this file in two different packages using two different connections. In the first connection I used default data type - DT_STR of length 50, in the second one I used "Propose types..." feature (with 2000 samples) to detect types which are better matching the reality. And, when I try to load my data, the first connection reads exactly 233898 lines from the file, the second one 203898. Somehow it skips 30000 lines unloaded.

I tried to observe the error output for the second connection - everything goes smoothly and problemless. But somehow those 30000 lines are missed.

Has anybody experienced such a situation? Is the issue known?

Thanks in advance,


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Load Data From Flat File Source Into OleDB Destination By Changing Data Types In SSIS

Apr 16, 2014

I have an source file and i have to load it into the data base by changing datatype of the columns in ssis

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Table Of User Defined Types

Apr 13, 2006


I have a question about creating a user defined type: I'd like to create a table of employee objects which include objects of the type employee_t. I used this structure before in Oracle 9i and would like to know how it can be done with MS SQL Server 2000 or 2005, preferably with Enteprise Manager/Management Studio. Below is an example.

name VARCHAR(10)
jobDesc VARCHAR(15)

CREATE TABLE Employee of employee_t



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Can We've User Defined Data Types???

Nov 14, 2006

Hi there

Can we have user defined data types in SSIS???

Thanks and Regards

Rahul Kumar

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Table Variable And User Defined Types

Oct 30, 2003

This is part of the codes of a stored procedure:

-- Create tables variables
PRNum udt_PRNum

However, it cannot be compiled coz of this error:
Error 2715: Column or parameter #1: Cannot find data type udt_PRNum.

This user-defined data type is created in a user database only.

I tried to created the user-defined type into BOTH tempdb and master but same error.

How can i resolove it?
Or it is impossible to use user-defined datatype for table variable?

In the past,
i use this method:
PRNum udt_PRNum

and cerate udt_PRNum in tempdb only could solve it.

But now i want to use table variable.
It seems NOT work for my situation.

Any idea?

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Changing User Defined Data Types

Aug 24, 2000

Is there a way to change the physical mapping of a user defined data type to the physical SQL Server datatype. It seems that once you create them, it is just about impossible to change it.

Andrew Abrams

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How To Identify User Defined Data Types

Jul 23, 2005

How can you tell which datatypes in a given database are user defined(with a query, not by looking in Enterprise Manager)? This is for SQLServer 2000.

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User Defined Data Types Problem

Jul 8, 2006

Hi all,I defined unsigned_int in my database, which uses unsigned_int_rangerule. The unsigned_int_range rule is defined as follows:@unsigned_int >=0 and @unsigned_int <=4294967295(4294967295 = 0xFFFFFFFF)The storage size is 4 bytes.One of the tables in the database contains a field that is of typeunsigned_int.When I try to add a new record into the table (ex: using the EnterpriseManager), it always fails in the unsigned_int field if I enter a valuegreater than 2147483647 (which is 0x7FFFFFFF) all the way to 4294967295(0xFFFFFFFF). The Enterprise Manager shows the following message:"The value you entered is not consistent with the data type orlength of the column, or over grid buffer limit."What is wrong here? The 4-byte storage should be good for any valuefrom 0 to 4294967295.Any help is appreciated.Thanks,Ken

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User Defined Data Types - Manipulate

Mar 4, 2008

I have somw tables like Product, Sales, Customer.

I used UDTs like ProductCode = nvarchar(30)
CustomerCode= nvarchar(15)
How can I modify my UDTs ?Is there any quick way for that ?



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Import From Flat File Having 2 Types Of Records

Feb 6, 2008

I have a flat file that contains 2 types of records - Dev and production. The Dev will be noted with an D and the Production with a P. These records are different - The dev records are in a different order and contain different info then the Production. I need to use SSIS to import the data into 2 different SQL Tables. How to do this?
Can any one help me
Thanks in advance

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User Defined Data Types And Stored Procedures

Mar 13, 2001

I have defined a user defined data type. When I try to create a stored procedure specifying the column and user define data tpye I receive message

Server: Msg 2715, Level 16, State 3, Procedure spStoredproc, Line 0
Column or parameter #1: Cannot find data type udtcol1.
Server: Msg 2715, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spStoredproc, Line 0
Column or parameter #2: Cannot find data type udtcol2.
Server: Msg 2715, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spStoredproc, Line 0
Column or parameter #3: Cannot find data type udtcol3

Can you have user defined data types in stored procedures.

Store Procedure creation text

@col1 udtcol1,
@col2 udtcol2,
@col3 udtcol3
INSERT INTO tblTempEmployee
(col1 , col2 , Col3)
VALUES (@col1 , @col2, @col3)


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Change Owner Of User Defined Data Types?

Jan 11, 2006

Hello is there a way to change the owner of a user defined data type in sql2000? If so help is appreciated

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Change Ownership For User Defined Data Types

May 10, 2006


Does anybody know an easy way to change User Defined Data Types ownership to “dbo”, without dropping dependent objects?

I know that there is a st. proc sp_changeobject owner, but it does not deal with this particular db objects. Is there a similar st.procedure or script that would do the same operation?

Thank you

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Changing Ownership Of User Defined Data Types?

May 14, 2008

We have a database that originally had all objects owned by a vendor id. We are in the process of changing the ownership to 'dbo' and wish to remove the vendor id but have found there are a few user defined datatypes that are also owned by this vendor id. How can I change the ownership of them to 'dbo'? They are currently being used in some of the tables. I tried the sp_changeobjectowner but that doesn't work for these.

thanks for any advice!

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Transact SQL :: Getting NULL For User Defined Data Types

Nov 27, 2015

I have a table RequestUtility with 3 columns Vendor, name, system. I want to call this table from BizTalk so that I send multiple vendors and will get corresponding Vendor, name and system for that. As I need to send multiple vendors at the same time I have created a User-Defined Table type VendorNames with a single column Names. and have written a SP :

 -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
 @vendorN VendorNames ReadOnly
 -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
 -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    -- Select statements for procedure here
 SELECT * from dbo.RequestUtility where Vendor IN (SELECT Names from @vendorN)

This is working fine when the value for vendor is present in the table. But if the value is not present it is not returning any thing. But, my requirement is that for example vendor is Dummy which is not present in the table so it should return

Vendor   Name  System
Dummy  NULL   NULL

But currently it is not returning anything.

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Source Data Types In Excel Defined Incorrectly

Apr 9, 2008

I'm trying to import some data from an Excel 2007 file into a SQL table. I created the Source Connection Manager and an OLE DB Source Data Flow Component which uses it. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't use the Excel Source because of the version of Excel the file is saved in.) The outgoing Data Flow Path thinks some of the fields being imported should be of type float, when in fact they have alpha characters in them.

The fields in the database are defined as varchars.

A Data Conversion Transform doesn't seem right because I need the data to come out of the source as string data (which it actually is in the Excel file). Even if I convert it to string on the way to the destination, I would still be missing the original alpha characters.

How/Where do I change it (Source Connect Manager, OLE DB Source Data Flow Component, something else) to correctly identify the field's type?


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Transact SQL :: Change Structure Of User Defined Table Types

Nov 4, 2015

Change structure of a User Defined Table Types

([idConteudo] [int]
NULL)      to     
 ([idConteudo] [BigInt]

Or really should drop and create again?

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[tbProjeto] AS TABLE(
[dsConteudo] [varchar](64) NOT NULL,
[idConteudo] [int] NULL,
[dtConteudo] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate())

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SQL 2012 :: Nested Tables And User Defined Data Types?

Jun 5, 2015

I have a requirement of creating nested tables in SQL server. how to create them. Just to give a background I am trying to move the RDBMS from oracle to SQL server.

Structure of tables is as follows. I have table 'Employees' with address as one of the column. I have one more table with columns Street, Town, Dist, State. When I query the table 'Employees' I should see the attribute name and values of all the columns in address table in address column.

Employees: with columns: ID, FirstName, LastName, dept, gender, dob, address

Address (Nested table): with columns : Street, Town, Dist, State

This was done in oracle using Nested tables and user defined data types. what is alternative for this in SQL server. How can I achive this requirement in SQL server.

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SSIS - Handling Different Types Of Record In Same Flat File Source

May 10, 2006


I've just started looking at SSIS and have encountered what should hopefully be a simple problem to solve. I have a pipe-separated source file that looks like this (I've added Line numbers for simplicity):

Ln 01: HDR|FEED_CODE|31-MAR-2006
Ln 02: Tom|100|Jones|ZZ1 1ZZ|USA
Ln 03: Tom|200|Singer|
Ln 04: Tom|305||Red|Porche ||Lanzarote |Apple|Carrot| | |
Ln 05: Dick|100|Van Dyke|ZZ1 1ZZ|USA
Ln 06: Dick|200|Actor|
Ln 07: Dick|305||Blue|Ford||California |Tomato | |||Beef
Ln 08: Harry|100|Houdini|ZZ1 1ZZ|GBR
Ln 09: Harry|200|Escapologist|
Ln 10: Harryk|305| |Green ||Triumph |Poland|Banana|Sprout| | |
Ln 11: TRL|9

In addition to a header and footer records, this file contains three record types for each person.

Record types are identified by the second column.

Each record type has a different number of columns:

Type 100 has 5 columns
Type 200 has 4 columns
Type 305 has 12 columns

The Row delimiter for all records is the {CR}{LF} character

I've set up a flat file input source and specified {CR}{LF} as the row delimiter for both header and data rows and the "|" character as the field delimiter.

It appears that SSIS is assuming that because the first data row has 5 columns, then everything must fit that format too. So the {CR}{LF} character that separates lines 02 and 03 is interpreted as text rather than a separation character and all remaining | field separators after 305 are interpreted as text containing in the fifth column. SSIS is also complaining that the last row is incomplete.

A bit like this (I've used tildes to indicate column separation):

Tom~100~Jones~ZZ1 1ZZ~USA
Tom~200~Singer~{CR}{LF}Tom~305||Red|Porche ||Lanzarote |Apple|Carrot| | |

I've seen one other reference to this behaviour but the response seemed to be SSIS doesn't know which columns are missing. In this scenario, we don't have missing columns, rather, we have different types of record in a single file. in DTS I would effectively parse the file once for each record type thus:

if cStr(DTSSource("Col002")) = "100" then

DTSDestination("in_Name") = trim(DTSSource("Col001"))

Main = DTSTransformStat_OK
Main = DTSTransformStat_SkipInsert
end if

...not the most efficient solution I know but the load only runs once a month so this was an acceptable workaround.

DTS was never this fussy but I'm sure this is user error rather than an SSIS limitiion. Can someone please put me straight?

Many thanks,


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Creating Hierarchical Flat File From Multiple Record Types

May 1, 2008

I'm using SSIS to import seven flat files (each containing a different record type) into a staging database. This part was easy.

Now I need to export the records from all seven tables into a single flat file structured in a nested hierarchy using common keys. (This format is required by the vendor for loading data into a new system).

I could use some ideas on the data transformations needed to combine all seven record types into an hierarchical record set which can then be written to my Flat File Destination. I'm currently looking at an article on SLQIS.com ("Handling Different Row Types In The Same File") which seems close to what I need, but they are importing (ref: www.sqlis.com/54.aspx ). I'm not sure if I should just reverse this for export or use something different. Any comments are appreciated.

Diagram of Record Hierarchy

typeA (parent key, ...)

typeB1 (parent key, childSet key, date, ...)

typeB2 (parent key, childSet key, ...)

typeC (parent key, childSet key, ...)
typeD (parent key, childSet key, ...)
typeE1 (parent key, childSet key, date, ...)

typeE2 (parent key, childSet key, ...)

The record types B1 through E2 form a complete set. Each set has it's own unique child-set key. There may be one or more sets for each typeA record (although it's possible that typeE records don't exist in the most recent set).

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Generate Script For View Dependencies Of User Defined Table Types?

Aug 25, 2014

T-SQL script for the following request ?

Generate script for view dependencies of user defined table types ?

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Exported Flat File Data Will Not Import To Same Table Without Extensive Data-type Manipulation

Jul 13, 2007

I'm moving data between identical tables and have to use a flat file as an intermediary. I thought: "No problem, SSIS can do a quick export to a file, then move the file to another server, then use SSIS to import the data to the new server."

Seems simple, right?

I'm hitting all sorts of surprising data conversion errors. I used the export wizard to create the export package. This works fine. However using the same flat file definition, the import package fails -- even when I have no destination. That is I have just one data flow task that contains only one control: the Flat File source. When I run the package the flat file definition fails with data type conversion and truncation errors. One of the obvious errors is for boolean types. The SQL field is a bit, SSIS defined the column as DT_BOOL, the output of the data are literal text values "TRUE" and "FALSE". So SSIS converts a sql datatype of bit to "TRUE" and "FALSE" on export, but can't make the reverse conversion on import?

Does anyone else find this surprising? I would expect that what SSIS exports, it can import given all the same table and flat file definitions. Is SSIS the wrong tool to do such simple bulk copies? I'd like to avoid using BCP because this process will need to run automatically within SQL Agent so we can leverage all the error tracking and system monitoring.

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Pulling Data From Flat File To A Table

Nov 2, 2007

I need to do some advanced formatting in the text file, because the data in the text file is bit complex. I have some knowledge of using BCP, BULK INSERT and bit about FORMAT FILES but I want to do some advanced formatting(using IF condition and all) to pull the data from text file.
Can anyone please tell me how can I perform bit advanced formatting using BULK INSERT?


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How To Redirect The Flat File's Data Into Another Table ?

Aug 28, 2007

If the system not able to convert the data from one data type(string,int) to another data type then i need to move the reocord into my error_table.

How to redirect the bad data into another table, while extracting the flat file data ?

Bad Data means if the system not able to convert the data from one data type to another data type.

Say €œX2R322€? data can€™t convert as DATE data type but "070899" can be converted as DATE data type.

Thank you very much.

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Bulk Insert - Flat File Data Into Table

Mar 12, 2015

I am running a set of SQL statements on a SQL server, to insert flat file data into a SQL table. The flat file is already FTP'ed to the SQL server. I seem to be getting an error, which is possibly pointing to a permissions issue

The statements:

BULK INSERT [Jedox_prod].[dbo].[B_BP_Customer]
FROM 'c:jedox_dailyjdcom4401.txt'

The error is :
Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot bulk load because the file "c:jedox_dailyjdcom4401.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 1815)

If it is permissions issue, how do I overcome this?

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Update Server Table Based On Flat File Data

Feb 13, 2014

I have a table dbo.Sales that contains all sales records. There is a column in that table called ItemNumber that I'd like to match with ItemNumber in a flat file and update the ItemCost based on the ItemCost column in the flat file.

So while there will be many sales records for each ItemNumber, I need to loop through and update the ItemCost in that sales record based on the corresponding ItemCost in the flat file. Does this make sense? I really need this for court and I can't figure out how to do it. I took a SQL course about 7 years ago but have forgotten everything.

Database Name: BTData
Database Table: dbo.Sales
Database Columns: ItemNumber (match on this), ItemCost (update this)

FlatFile Name: InventoryCosts.txt
FlatFile Columns: ItemNumber, ItemCost

There will be many sales records for each ItemNumber in the database table. I need to update each one with correct cost based on the item number and cost mapping from flat file.

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How To Validate Flat File Data Against Not Null Columns Of A Table?

Nov 27, 2007

Hi all,

I am facing a problem on validating the data from a flat file while inserting the data into the destination table of sql server 2005 database. In my package, i have to validate the input data whether the values are coming as null or not, before inserting into the destination database. The flat file may not contain data for all NOT NULL columns. I have to find out that row(s) and reject the record. If the rows are coming as Null for the Not Null columns, the OLEDB Destination throws OLEDB exception for the constraint.

To resolve this, i have an script component in data flow, to check whether the input data is coming as null. I have added the output column of boolean type to the script component, it will be assigned to TRUE when there is null for the Not Null column in the script.

And in the follwing conditional split, i am checking the flag for TRUE to reject the record.

Is there any other way to handle this validation?


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Converting Flat File To SQL2005 Table (Flat File From H***)

Feb 11, 2008

First, a couple of important bits of information. Until last week, I had never touched SISS, and therefore, I know very little about it. I just never had the need to use it...until now. I was able to convert my first 3 flat files to SQL2005 tables by right clicking on "SISS Package" and choosing "SISS Import and Export Wizard". That is the extent of my knowledge! So please, please, please be patient with me and be as descriptive as possible.

I thought I could attach some sample files to this post, but it doesn't look like I can. I'll just paste the information below in two separate code boxes. The first code box is the flat file specifications and the second one is a sample single line flat file similar to what I'm dealing with (the real flat file is over 2 gigs).

My questions are below the sample files.

Code Snippet
Record Length 400

Positions Length FieldName

Record Type 01
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "01")
3,12 L=10 Site Name
13,19 L=7 Account Number
20,29 L=10 Sub Account
30,35 L=6 Balance
36,37 L=1 Active
37,41 L=5 Filler
Record Type 02
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "02")
3,4 L=2 State
5,30 L=26 Address
31,41 L=11 Filler
Record Type 03
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "03")
3,6 L=4 Coder
7,20 L=14 Locator ID
21,22 L=2 Age
23,41 L=19 Filler
Record Type 04
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "04")
3,9 L=7 Process
10,19 L=10 Client
20,26 L=6 DOB
26,41 L=16 Filler
Record Type 05
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "05")
3,16 L=14 Guarantor
17,22 L=6 Guar Account
23,23 L=1 Active Guar
**There can be multiple 05 records, one for each Guarantor on the account**

and the single line flat file...

Code Snippet
01Site1 12345 0000098765 Y 02NY1155 12th Street 03ELL 0522071678 29 04TestingSmith,Paul071678 05Smith, Jane 445978N 05Smith, Julie 445989N 05Smith, Jenny 445915N 01Site2 12346 0000098766 N 02MN615 Woodland Ct 04InfoJones,Chris 012001 01Site3 12347 0000098767 Y 02IN89 Jade Street 03OWB 6429051282 25 04Screen New,Katie 879500

As you can see, each entry could have any number of records and multiples of some of the record types, with one exception, every entry must have a "01" record and can only have one "01" record. Oh, and each record has a length of 400.

I need to get this information into a SQL 2005 database so I can create a front end for accessing the data. Originally, I wanted one line for each account and have null values listed for entries that don't have a specific record. Now that I've looked at the data again, that doesn't look like a good idea. I think a better way to do it would be to create 5 different tables, one for each record type. However, records 2 through 5 don't have anything I can make a primary key. So here are my questions...

Is it possible to make 5 tables from this one file, one table for each of the record types?

If so, can I copy the Account number in record 01, position 13-19 in each of the subsequent record types (that way I could link the tables as needed)?

Can this be done using the SISS Import and Export Wizard to create the package? If not, I'm going to need some very basic step by step instructions on how to create the package.

Is SISS the best way to do this conversion or is there another program that would be better to use?
I know this is a huge question and I appreciate the help of anyone who boldly decides to help me! Thank you in advance and I welcome anyone's suggestions!

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Copy Raw Data From A Flat File To A Database Table, BUT Do Not Insert Duplicates

Aug 2, 2007


I'm new to SQL Server 2005 SSIS. I'm trying to do something very simple, but I cannot figure it out, PLEASE HELP!

I have a flat file, which I read and then insert the data in a database table, that works fine. The problem is that I don't want to insert duplicate records. For example; if I run the package again, it will appent to the table. What I need to do is that if the package runs again, check if the record already exist, based one two columns, date and hour, and do not insert the record.

Thank you,


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Flat File -&&> Table: Error Using I/E Wiz, Date..could Not Be Converted..potential Loss Of Data

Jul 16, 2007

The following error is encountered when importing a delimited flat file with date of fomat "dd.mm.yyyy"

Error: 0xC02020A1 at Data Flow Task, Source - DCDtest_xpt [1]: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "value date" returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".

This was when I manually built the package.

I get the same error when using the Import/Export wizard

I am even using the "suggest types" button and have tried sampling the default number of rows (?200) and also 2000.

The type it suggests is DT_DATE.

But reading the BOL, this would appear to be the wrong type:

http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141036.aspx (obviously the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing)

seems to indicate that


is the correct value

(I cannot believe that they have different datatypes in SSIS than in SQL. I can't believe for a minute this is for all the hundreds of thousands of Oracle users who obviously switched to SSIS when they saw what a high quality product it is.)

I tried other DT_... values but no dice.

Can anyone help?

I always thought that Classic ASP was the worst product I've ever worked with from the Microsoft stable, but I was wrong.

I am fed up of having to post on this board (no wonder it is so 'popular')

Talking to peers, reading books, googling nearly always enables me to figure out a problem with any application I have ever used, but SSIS breaks the mould in sheer crapness and the weirdnes and unfathomability of its cryptic errors,.

Rant over (for today)

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Integration Services :: Validating Data Loaded From Flat File Into Table Points

Oct 16, 2015

In my SSIS package I have flat files as a source, I have to load numbers of flat files into SQL target table. I am using For each loop container for that. I am doing it correctly. My aim is to validate the source data from all angle before writing it into target sql table. I am using below points to validate the source data , if I found any bad data I am redirecting those data to error output.

To Checking

1. To check whether data type of column.
2. To check whether buisinesskey column null.

Is there any thing which I am missing to validate source data.

Screen shot for reference

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